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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Billy Rambo you are such a fake . But Jesus will judge you and Jesus will judge me. I would think that He is not happy with either of us.
  2. This brings us back to 'What is an Apostate' ? apostate /əˈpɒsteɪt/ a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle. abandoning a religious or political belief or principle. "an apostate Roman Catholic" So I am an apostate of the Watchtower / JW Org. Why would people who dislike JW's despise a person that left the JW Org ? And as you already know an Apostate Roman Catholic could become a JW. So being an apostate of a specific religion does not mean that a person is turning away from Almighty God or Jesus Christ. People that don't like JW's may well be Ex-JWs, so they themselves would be apostate to the JW religion Oh dear, the plot thickens. Coffee time .
  3. Rambo you are so full of hate and deciet. You cannot be a JW, you must be the counterfeit. And if you were a true servant of Almight God you would not have the attitude that you have either. So it seems you do not love God, and it seems you are not a JW. You are a counterfeit on two counts. In fact on three counts because you use many AKA's to try to confuse people. Add that to your counterfeit dates and false predictions. You are a complete FRAUD. Have a wonderful day.
  4. NWT. Psalm 90 : 10 The span of our life is 70 years, Or 80 if one is especially strong. But they are filled with trouble and sorrow; They quickly pass by, and away we fly. I like this scripture. I'm 72, so maybe I'm just a little bit strong .
  5. Your so called proof has now been dispoven. Why join Billy the Kid aka Rambo ? I thought you were genuine, but he definitely isn't
  6. Oh dear I really am glad I live in England. Well live in a nice quiet part of it. I think 27 people died at sea yesterday, trying to get to England. It's very sad if true, but I don't get involved in the right or wrong of it. Hopefully they will get a resurrection in the 'new world'. That, to me, is what matters concerning them. One of my points being that we cannot expect the 'world' to be a fair, nice, peaceful, loving, kind place anymore. I trust no one until I have reason to trust them. Even then I trust them only a little. However, rightly ot wrongly, I did expect the JW Org (as it's supposed to be no part of this world, and the one true religion) to be those things that i didn't expect the world to be. I like this, it's direct and honest. I've got the old age bit and death is creeping up slowly. But knowing truth, death is not frightening. We used to get stopped and searched, late at night in the 1970's. There were all night cafe's that we would frequent and we would walk around town just for something to do at probably 2am. The local Police were quite polite and nice about it though. However I don't think the English Police are as nice now. Times change and this old systen just gets worse.
  7. Wow you guys really are 'part of this world'. It's probably because you are mostly Amarican though Seriously. Tom said he was 'arguing' with some one over that court case ??? Did i quote you right tom ? were you really arguing about a worldly court case ? There must have been similar things happening when Jesus was on Earth, but i don't think He would get involved.
  8. I am a very 'simple' man of very basic upbringing. I only know English. Having gone through a bad time in my senior school years I just want to leave school and get a basic job. I have remained what i call working class, doing basic jobs and not needing to improve my educaton level. So I will probably continue to be 'not sure' of how YHWH should be written or pronounced. You see Arauna, if I do differently then what am i doing ? I am trusting 'men'. I agree. But in the model prayer, Jesus did not use a personal name for God. The Watchtower (1982) The Model Prayer The Model Prayer “You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. Give us today our bread for this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.’” I agree Jesus said "let your name be santified" but that brings me back to YHWH.
  9. In the whole of that comment you have done exacly what i said you do. You have grouped me with others. You have slandered my name by comparing me with others and calling me names. BUT you still think you are right, and you still think you are wise FOOL ! That is what you are. Look at the silly names you call me. But i am an individual, and always will be. THAT is what you and others dont like about me. I AM NOT PART OF A GROUP, I am not 'left or right'. Look at this rubbish you write SM. All comparisons, all accusations. All lies. FOOL! What are you talking about here ? Social media has become part of real life. It's no different than using a telephone. Yes I still have a landline / home phone. It sit on my desk. Yes I'm old school. I used Facebook today to contact the 'Council', that is the government department that own the house i live in. I used Facebook to contact my Bank a couple of days ago. I use Facebook because businesses use it. I use Facebook because my family use it. Facebook is a tool to use sensibly. You are a fool if you do not know that. Sorry SM but Facebook has become part of real life, just like using a telephone.
  10. So it seems that SM is against even watching world events on MSM. He is against being able to quickly see countries that have floods, volcanos, eathquakes, wars, et al. Perhaps SM wants to control people's minds. Perhaps he think he is the only one that has true information. For everyone that mentions any world news, it seesm SM know more or better. SM is a Truther. Is it only them that know truth ? I don't think so SM. I'm not interested in 'left' or 'right' wing. I'm not interested in what people want to call other people or compare other people to. It just seems so childish that you have to A, group people together, B, compare people to villians. Can you not just see each person as an individual ? Each of us here. Do you need to compare us to others ? I am an individual. I have no interest in politics. I am not right or left wing. I do not support any type of wordly government. But i know you will continue to compare me to others, because it seems that is all you can do.
  11. You are a fool SM, but unfortunately you seem to be misguiding a younger fool too. There is a massive difference between JW Org, and, Facebook. Yes they both have CSA. Yes they both try to hide the CSA. But Facebook is just a tool, just like a telephone. It is a means of communication. Would you ban all telephones ? Pedophiles probably comunicate by mobile / cell phone. But unfortunately you are so proud, so head strong that you need to be right. So if you think you are right, be happy with that. But you are still a fool. I will continue to use Facebook for it's good points. Whereas I don't know any good points about JW org. It is still quite funny that you say you are not a JW. You seem to love them so much. How can you love an organisation that promotes CSA by hiding Pedophiles in it ?
  12. Billy rambo. I think you are more inteligent than you are showing here. You are burbling again Billy. A lot of what you write is serious stuff, but this is just dribble. I'll just quote you here. You wrote these words. Are you now denying them ?
  13. Most people on here are trying to serve Almight God through Jesus Christ, in the best way they can. My hope is that Jesus, who now has 'all authority', will read the hearts of everyone here, and He will give guidance to those He feels deserve it. My fight is against all forms of wickedness, not only the Watchtower/JW Org. So I hope that Jesus Christ will read my heart, and because of that I am prepared to take whatever consequences come my way.
  14. You are right. I do need a better direction. I need to spend less time online and more time reading the Scriptures and in prayer.
  15. You are taking nonsesse because all those scriptures you have quoted were written long before that fake name was invented. Anyone could put a false name in place of YHWH, and that is just what the Watchtower / JW Org has done. You use a false name to insult Almighty God.
  16. And there you have it. You have admitted that it is Yahweh not Jehovah. Although even Yahweh might not be correct, but at least it uses the correct letters.
  17. But Jesus' real name is Yeshua. So no J. Jesus (IPA: /ˈdʒiːzəs/) is a masculine given name derived from the name IESVS in Classical Latin, Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew and Aramaic name Yeshua or Y'shua (Hebrew: ישוע‎). As its roots lie in the name Yeshua/Y'shua,
  18. To twist it like that and use those words! . One of the longest serving Elders in my ex-congregation, phoned my wife and told her, that I had been disfellowshipped. I was sat right next to my wife at the time. But my wife and a couple of 'brothers' know the truth about it all. I am now in the process of requesting all my records from my ex-congregation. I'm using the Data Protecion Act, which is the legal way to do it here in England. I have received an email from another Elder to tell me that my request is being delt with and that I should 'hear from them shortly'. It would be nice to read what they have put on my records, and even nicer to have proof that i was not d/fed. However if i receive information from them that says I was d/fed I would consider that to be slander. By the way, I would imagine that every JW or ex-JW has broken many bible principles. We are all imperfect.
  19. Wow 2055 another 'date'. What happened to 2034 ? Oh yes it's still in there somewhere. but you've just said The Watchtower (society) and JW Org / CCJW are only human organizations. Wake up Billy, you are just part of a human organsation. An org that will not exist at Armageddon. Russia has given an example of what it can do to the Watchtower / JW Org. Do you not think that the American government will desroy Warwick and Ramapo at some time ????? You need a building to give you faith ? No billy it goes much deeper than that. You use this scripture but so could any other so called Christian religion. Because the sexual immorality inside JW Org has been proven and is still being proven. And serving the GB and the Watchtower Soc' / JW Org proves idolatry of JWs. And as for lying, so much proof has been given in courtrooms about Elders lying. And it seems clear that the GB continue to lie about the CSA database. Yes they will. But they will not be JWs at that time. Billy, Every word you have written in your comment above can be used against you and against the JW Org.
  20. I agree with you on this. If videos are aimed at me then the commenter has wasted their time as I don't watch the videos. If a person cannot be bothered to put their thoughts into their own words then why should I bother to take note of a video. CSA = yes... Butler = yes. warp your judgement = possibly but not mine Empathy, concern, love, worry, for others, yes. But to me that is the Christian way. Expectations of something better from an Organisation that says it is the only true way of serving God. Just watching MSN news online is depressingly upsetting. So many countries, so many promlems, so much suffering and death. Yes it proves that we need God / Christ to interviene soon. American ? I'll have to look into this one. It means nothing to an Englishman. You are entitled to your opinion that the GB are 'being used in extraodinary ways'. But the question is then, who is the GB being used by ? Quote "but I don't look at them as being in control because I don't believe they are."... So who authorises the 'Shepherding the Flock' book then ? That is the rule book from the GB. Who writes the rules for baptism, the many many questions ? Who decides what is a disfellowshipping offence and what is just a reproval ? Who gives appoval for the ministry slips / reports ? Who decided that the Kingdom Halls no longer belong to the congregations ? Who decided that all money be certralised and that Kingdom Hall Congregations would not keep their own money ? And who is deciding not to release the full database of CSA accusations to the ' Superior Authorites ? The GB has total control. That is why they are called the Governing Body, because they govern / rule over the whole congregation earthwide.
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