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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Rambo / Billy the Kid / and whatever other AKA's, you are sooooo funny. You see rambo you have let yourself down again by all this dribble. You write serious stuff then you write dribble. YHWH remember rambo. That is what we have, YHWH. We do not have a J in it or a V in it. YHWH. YHWH is Almighty God's name. Because that name is so important, then those letters are also so important. Changing the letters changes the name rambo. That is the insult to Almighty God. You believe the name Jehovah only because other MEN have told you to believe it.
  2. This makes no sense, but then that is the JW way of things. I was a baptised JW for many years. Many years of ministry which I enjoyed at the time. And they must have been sure I was a JW when they used me to say a prayer at a special meeting concerning a brother that had been murdered in our local Kingdom Hall. So yes I was definitely a JW and I'm not ashamed of those years. However it seems to be you JWs that are showing your bitter, cold hearted side now.
  3. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/resign/ Yes. A person can resign from our organization in two ways: By formal request. Either orally or in writing, a person can state his decision that he no longer wants to be known as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. By action. A person can take an action that places him outside our worldwide brotherhood. (1 Peter 5:9) For example, he might join another religion and make known his intention to remain part of it.—1 John 2:19. But be careful because Elders will still pretend you were disfellowshipped What if a person no longer preaches or attends your meetings? Do you view that person as having resigned? No, we do not. Resigning, or disassociating oneself, is different from becoming weak in faith. Often, those who for a time slow down or stop in their worship have not abandoned their faith but are suffering from discouragement. Rather than shunning such ones, we try to give them consolation and support. (1 Thessalonians 5:14; Jude 22) If the person wants help, congregation elders take the lead in providing spiritual assistance.—Galatians 6:1; 1 Peter 5:1-3. However, the elders are not authorized to coerce or pressure someone to remain as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Each person makes his own choice regarding religion. (Joshua 24:15) We believe that those who worship God must do so willingly, from the heart.—Psalm 110:3; Matthew 22:37.
  4. https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/san-diego-news/man-wanted-for-multiple-sexual-assaults-of-a-child-in-san-diego-county-found-dead-in-south-carolina SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — The body of a man wanted by San Diego authorities on multiple counts of sexual assault on a child was found in South Carolina. According to U.S. Marshals, the decomposing body of Frederick Cecil McLean was discovered on November 6 by a neighbor in Seneca, South Carolina. Authorities said McLean was one of America’s 15 most wanted fugitives. He had been on the run for more than 16 years. U.S. Marshals said he had been molesting young females for about 25 years with at least eight victims. He was a Jehovah's Witness and would target people met at church. Authorities said McLean was one of America’s 15 most wanted fugitives. He had been on the run for more than 16 years. Full article available on link at top. It's like @Witness said we don't keep reminding ourselves, but it's all over the news constantly. JW organisation is like a white washed grave, full of disgusting things. If he had been on the run that long, then CSA was obvioulsy being dealt with by the Law. So why didn't someone give details of his location to the Police.
  5. Keep trying xero. You might even be funny one day. But oh dear, what it takes to hide you conscience xero. But of course Jesus Christ examines hearts. So it's between Him and you. And wow now you've got a second in command well done tom.
  6. Yes I did a little bit of reading about the Bahai. The Baha’i world view Baha’is are strongly encouraged to promulgate their own religion and seek to alert the wider world to the imperative needs for global unity. As the Baha’i community has expanded, establishing itself globally, the Baha’is have increasingly become more socially engaged, working (often with sympathetic others) to establish programmes for education, literacy training, the empowerment of women and minority groups, and health and community development. They also support the work of the United Nations, seeing its purposes and activities as broadly overlapping with their own. As such, the Baha’i message is not for the Baha’is alone.
  7. I've just spent maybe an hour bearing witness about God's Kingdom and about Almighty God and Jesus Christ, but I find that many people have been stumbled by the Watchtower / JW Org making false predictions concerning Armageddon. It must be difficult for many people in the world, because we do live in a dishonest world. It also seems funny to me that some folks out there are still preaching 'hellfire'. It's not funny of course, but I suppose I have a wrong sense of humour. How many of you have also found the false JW predictions to have been a stumbling block when trying to teach truth to others ?
  8. His comment was very 'abstract' and open ended. Though for an 'Elder' it wasn't very wise. And when he draws a scripture from Isiah and pretends it relates to him, that is not funny, it is an insult to God and Christ. But you and he seem to be of the same bad heart, so you will not feel guilty being his 'second'.
  9. But this is ONLY for servants of Almighty God. NOT for servants of the GB of the Watchtower / JW Org. Enjoy misusing scripture whilst you can. Here's one that concerns you. Matthew 7 : 21 Berean Study BibleNot everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many pretend servants of God will be in for a very big shock.
  10. Now you are being judgemental No Mr Tom, it will have an explanation because my FB page is well known for it's JW Org, CSA content. I will explain that it is the viewpointof a JW Elder concerning CSA victims.
  11. 41 countries ban religion-related groups; Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baha’is among the most commonly targeted https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/11/15/41-countries-ban-religion-related-groups-jehovahs-witnesses-bahais-among-the-most-commonly-targeted/ Government restrictions on religion take many forms around the world. Particularly restrictive governments often limit religious expression by banning certain groups – including entire faiths, social movements or political organizations that have ties to religion. In fact, 41 countries – or around a fifth (21%) of those evaluated – banned at least one religion-related group in 2019, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of laws and policies in effect in 198 countries in 2019, the most recent year for which comprehensive data is available. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Baha’is were among the most frequently banned groups. The Middle East-North Africa region had the highest share of countries (55%, or 11 out of 20 countries in the region) with bans on religion-related groups in 2019. Asia and the Pacific – the largest region in the study, with 50 nations – had the greatest number of countries with bans (17 out of 50 countries, or 34% of the region). Sub-Saharan Africa had eight countries with bans (representing about 17% of the 48 states in the region), Europe had three (or about 7% of the region’s 45 countries) and the Americas had two nations with such bans in place (representing about 6% of the region’s 35 countries). This analysis is based on the Center’s most recent restrictions on religion report, which examines the extent to which governments and societies impinge on religious groups and practices. Data is collected from a wide range of sources, including the U.S. Department of State’s International Religious Freedom reports. For the purposes of this analysis, the term “banned” refers to official prohibitions that prevent a group from legally operating in a country. Bible prediction coming true it seems, as world conditions continue to worsen.
  12. And you say that you are an Elder in one of the Jehovah's Witnesses congregation, is that true ? I've never said Almighty God has 'screwed up'. But the leaders of the Watchtower and JW Org / CCJW et al, have certainly screwed up for the last 90 years. Having members with your attitude certainly shows how JW Elders feel about other people. Thank you. That comment of yours will look lovely on my 'beware of JW' Facebook page. It all helps to prove my point, that the Org cannot be trusted.
  13. You don't 'see it' because you don't want to see it. SM was comparing the JW Org to Facebook. That is comparing a religion to social media. The big difference is that I was actively promoting the JW Org. I am not promoting Facebook, i am just using it. If you cannot see the difference then it's because you do not want to see it.
  14. Having suffered CSA myself, I have empathy for those who are victims of same. In this case above I was just making practical application of Watchtower theory and quoting from the same article as Tom. However, because you do not seem to have any empathy or sympathy for others, you find pleasure in twisting things as it seems to give you a 'kick' of some sort. Enjoy your twisted thinking.
  15. I was making practical application of Watchtower theory, which of course people like you hate.
  16. Fabulous comment. But lots of people just believe what they are told or what they read, because it comes from a 'scientist'.
  17. Following on from your quote. This is the next paragraph. "Today, too, the matter of sharing in the sins of others needs to be given due consideration before any man is chosen to serve as an overseer. We should never forget that the congregation is God’s, purchased with the blood of his Son. Therefore, if there be any mistreatment of the flock, the men responsible as well as those who shared in choosing unqualified persons will have an accountability with the Most High, who purchased the flock at great cost to himself. So men having any share in the making of appointments need to be very conscientious in letting themselves be guided by God’s Word and his spirit." Wow. Now this needs some deep thinking about. Maybe they should also have accountability to the Law of the land. The sharing in the sins. Elders covering up for other Elders. You see the big differences between the 1st Century true Christians and the modern day 'pretend' Christians. But you still try to compare them. @Anna can see the difference. So, when the excuse is used concerning CSA, that the Elders were not qualified to deal with such matters. Then it would follow that whom ever elected those unqualified Elders would also be responsible for the mistreatment of victims of CSA. You see that takes the idea from just being theory to being real life issues..
  18. Unfortunately many young children have become 'cannon fodder' in the JW Org, and so have many adults. ERROR ? No, deliberate sin. Deliberate crime by people in 'power', in the Watchtower Soc and JW Org.
  19. The simple answer is that the JW Org is not guided by or watched over by Almighty God or Jesus Christ. Many men in many congregations would not have been given appointments of 'power' over others, if God and/or Christ had any part of it. I will hold back from mentioning a serious problem in the Org, which obviously proves my point. My own brother is an Elder in a congregation and he admits that many Elders are not fit for purpose, and that they were never fit for purpose. One very big problem here in the UK seems to be, the lack of voluteers to take on responsibilty. Hence my brother, who is now 80 years old, has to keep doing his 'duty'. He is losing his memory, suffers with anxiety and sleeplessness, but he has to keep on serving the Org, because no one wants to do the job he does. (I think the virus problem has actually been good for him, with KH closed, he can relax a bit ). So, in my opinion, men that are appointed to positions of 'responsibiity' in the Org would be men that want a bit of 'power' and would be friends of other elders. A sort of 'boys club' where only certain types of men would want to be part of it. Once again there seems to be proof of that, which has given the Org a bad reputation. The one thing that has been made clear ( Luke 8 : 17) is that Nothing in the Watchtower / JW Org is inspired of God's Holy Spirit. The GB finally admitted that they are NOT INSPIRED, and they call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave. So if the GB are not inspired, but they take the lead, then it would follow that the rest of the Watchtower / JW Org is not inspired. Isabella, you need to know that you cannot trust 'men'. That is, you cannot trust Elders or Ministerial Servants. Remember that you want to serve God through Christ. You do not want to serve men. You cannot even trust the GB. Many JWs do not trust the GB. Even JWs on this forum do not believe everything that the GB writes or says. It is your choice to remain in the JW Org or to leave it. But even if you remain in it, do not trust it.
  20. Zechariah 8:23 Berean Study BibleThis is what the LORD of Hosts says: “In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue will tightly grasp the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ ” Acts 2:17 &18 Berean Study Bible‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My menservants and maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.' And that is why I am Patiently waiting for Truth. Have a good day.
  21. Because SM and the Truthers have some special 'media' which is not main stream and they keep it secret amongst themselves
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