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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Oh dear SM you are still whinging like an old woman. The big difference between the two is :- The Jehovah's Witnesses say they are the 'one true religion' and they pretend that people need to be in that religion to be 'saved'. So, JWs deliberately go out and canvass to bring whole families into their religion. They use fear mongering to frighten people into the religion. And they pretend that the JW Org is a safe place to be. Unfortunately the JW Org is like a whitewashed grave. It looks nice and clean from the outside, but it's unclean the inside. People are tricked into joining the JW Org, and therefore are in danger both spiritually and physically. I don't see anyone going door to door telling people to join Facebook, or pretending that FB is a true religion. Parents should control their children's internet action. Adults should be wise enough to know how to use the internet properly. And i would guess that even you use social media including Facebook. But we will never know because you hide behind that 'mask'. We can only agree that yes, CSA is everywhere earthwide. But unfortunately You are such a control freak that You seem to tell me that i cannot have my own opinons and cannot have my own Christian conscience. I am not angry with you, I just do not understand your attitude.
  2. ???????????????? Here you go dragging in things totally off topic. You are blind to the difference between the JW Org and Facebook..... But probably because YOU go looking for abuse, I don't go looking for it because i use FB as a tool. I find it strange that YOU go looking for such things on FB. Why do you go looking for it ? It never 'pops up' on my FB pages. I see my family and friends and Classic cars, vintage photos, motor scooters, men's fashion through the ages, BUT NEVER any 'abuse'. So it seems YOU must go looking for it to find so much. Why do need to go looking for child and animal abuse on Facebook SM ?
  3. I think the GB have a big shock coming. But if there is another ten years left then we might just have to wait a while for Jesus Christ to take action against the GB and Co.
  4. @Space Merchant you seem to have a follower, @Equivocation. But both of you deliberately avoid the true issue. When you both stop your fingers typing rubbish and when you both sit and think, then you might just get a little understanding of the true issue. But I won't hold my breath as I can see that you both don't want to understand truth, and there is none so blind as those who do not want to see. SM, i see you one again misquote me deliberately by splitting up my sentences in to tiny pieces. This is quite funny because it follows the GB / Watchtower in it's ways of misquoting people. Back to topic. As for animals, dogs are not allowed to roam free here in the UK. Any dog that is allowed to roam free anywhere near a road would be in danger.
  5. Once again it is you that is comparing the JW faith, to Facebook. Do you honestly think there is a comparison ? Comparing CSA in what is supposed to be 'the one true religion', with CSA in social media which is 'part of the world'. My Christian conscience does not tell me I should leave Facebook. That is why i do not leave Facebook. I could leave Facebook, but I do not have reason to leave it. I did have good reason for leaving the JW Org. I know you will tell others that I'm 'dancing around again', but others can read this and make their own decision. But you don't say that to JWs about the Watchtower / JW Org do you ? CSA is in the 'religion' that they encourage other families to become part of, but you don't criticize them for it. Now that is hypocrisy. Have a good day SM.
  6. ????? You are so funny SM. I use Facebook and you say I'm 'absorbed into big tech'. The internet and social media can be compared to the sea on a calm day. Now I'm just on the surface in a boat. I'm not going underwater looking for murky stuff. I stay safe because i do not seek out immoral things. Yes if you go deep underwater you will meet up with sharks, and yes sharks sometimes come to the surface, but I'm old enough and wise enough to know not to get involved with the 'sharks'. What you mean is, that I do not answer questions the way You want me to answer them. Some of your questions are 'set up' so that they cannot be answered directly. When I do answer your questions you then tell everyone that i'm 'dancing around'. Why do you need to tell everyone else ? Why do you need to insult me in your comments to other people ? On here I say what I think and feel. Surely that is what this forum is for. I don't go mixing with people out in the 'world' so the situation never arises. SM, it seems we will never agree on things. Christian love to you. Have a good day.
  7. I did not lie. If that was the case, there would not be a reason to mention the 3 people in those threads. YOU LIED. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Bringing other people into it makes no difference. Anna's opinion is just that, it's her opinion. YOU HAVE NOT PRODUCED ANY PROOF OF THE THINGS YOU SAID. You are squirming. Call in everyone on this forum if you like. It will not prove you right in this case. YOU LIED. 8 pm UK time. I've had enough of you for one day. I'll check back tomorrow to see your reply.
  8. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near you SM. I think you are a dangerous person, maybe violent. I think you have 'issues'.
  9. So all can do is bluff, because you are a liar. You pull stuff from the past BUT you cannot pull stuff that is not there You lied, deliberately lied about me. YOU DO NOT HAVE PROOF BECAUSE I DID NOT SAY THE THINGS YOU PRETEND I SAID. LIAR. Truther, ha ! A long way from truth SM. But it's you that makes the comparison.
  10. So how do you relate these two comments of yours ? Yes I left the JW Org because of the CSA, but now how will you give evidence that I said I would leave ANYTHING if it contained CSA. I have never said if anything has CSA, it is a reason to leave right away, So now, show me your proof that i did say it . Oh so EVERYONE uses social media. So then why are you telling me to leave it ? You think I don't know why ? Give me proof that I said those words. You twist words just as the GB / Watchtower / JW Org and JWs twists words. You misquote and tell lies just as they do. So now give me proof that i said i would leave something if it had CSA. Maybe you are a secret JW . There must be some reason you love them so much. It is so funny to read your words. You are the one dodging around, trying to hide the JW Org's pedophilia / CSA and other immorality. I wonder why you are trying to do that ? You see, I'm not telling anyone to TRUST social media, but JWs and their GB ARE telling people to TRUST the JW Org. That is one big difference. I'm not defending Facebook, I'm just using it. I presume you've already spied on my 5 FB pages. You seem to know so much about me . Have a good day SM, you and I know we will all be judged at Armageddon.
  11. It depends how you use it. If you use it as a means of communication then it is real. Like I've said people are now selling things and giving things away on Facebook. Someone listed a qty of paving slabs on FB and I contacted them and then collected 60 free paving slabs. The man wouldn't take any money for them. You can't get much more 'real' than that.
  12. @Srecko Sostar that comment is perfect. And as you say, translations do differ and possibly contradict each other. That is why I feel that only inspired Anointed ones could translate the Bible properly and could teach true meaning from the Bible... The GB admit to not being inspired.
  13. What a fake you are, and what disrespect you show to Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
  14. The only one I use is Facebook, and to me it is real. I have received so much advice for working on some of my classic vehicles. Advice and encouragement, and in turn I am able to do the same for others. Also Facebook is now being used for the buying and selling of items. There are local FB pages for our area which has helped me to buy things and I've even been given items that other people do not want. In turn I can do this for other people too. The local auctions all have a FB page and other local FB pages give details about traffic conditions etc. It is a good tool for many uses. I do not get involved in the 'politics' behind the scenes, therefore I have no reason to leave it.
  15. I forgive you for bullying me. I forgive you for your rudeness and your aim to domineer me. I forgive you for trying to discredit me. I continue to forgive you because Jesus said this is what we should do, forgive. However I will continue to give my opinion on things no matter how much you disapprove. The more your insult me, the more I know I'm doing what's right. The scriptures make it clear that we must suffer for our faith. Your defense of the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Org is rather disturbing considering how immoral they are and the lies they tell. You obviously feel that they are 'doing good' so maybe you are deliberately turning a blind eye to their sins. Do you really think I'm naive ? You are trying to put pressure on me to leave social media as you are aware that I can use social media for the benefit of others and myself. I use social media to warn people of the dangers of the JW Org. Perhaps you should advise ALL JWs and ALL Christians not to use any social media. They would probably tell you to mind your own business. I know that may English JWs use Facebook including Elders.
  16. I'm surprised you are into video games SM. I think video games are much worse than Facebook. I would never waste my time on such a 'pretend' life style. Fantasy worlds, voilence, crime, immorality, et al. My 27 year old son, that still lives at home with us, plays these horrible games. Unfortunately he has other problem and these games seem to help him, but it's all a pretend lifestyle. Facebook is 'real', it's talking with real people about real things.
  17. I do love using Facebook. It is very useful in a constructive way. I'm sorry that you cannot see that. I DO NOT work for Facebook, I USE it as a tool, a means of communication. I DO NOT advise people to go searching Facebook for immoral purposes. I do NOT advise people to use any social media for immoral purposes. My use of social media would not encourage anyone to go looking for anything immoral. So what is your porblem ? Would you stop using trains or buses because pedophiles might be using the same one ? Would you stop using shops because pedophiles might be using the same shops ? I left the JW Org becaue I WAS working for them. I WAS a baptised servant of the GB and their Watchtower / JW Org. I WAS encouraging people into that place which could be unsafe for children and young adults. I WAS serving the GB by distributing their literiture. You seem to have quite a problem with social media. In fact you seem just like the GB pretending that the whole world is wicked. The whole world is unrighteous but not every person is wicked. The simple point is, that the JW Org is still dangerous because they have not changed the way they think or act. I don't care what they have put in writing because they admit that they tell lies, They call it 'spiritual warfare'. They are pretending to be the 'one true religion', 'having a form of godly devotion' but proving false to it. That is what makes them so dangerous in a physical way and a spiritual way. Tell me now, is Facebook pretending to be the 'one true religion' ? Is Facebook pretending to serve God properly ? NO. So there is no comparison between the JW Org and Facebook. They are totally different types of organisations.
  18. The letter writing has been frightening many people in England. Some people think they are being 'singled out' or 'picked on' and it makes them worry who is doing such a thing. There has been newspaper articles reporting how people are being upset by it all. However, it does prove that people are reading the letters. It's mainly older folk that cannot make proper sense of it all. But if it gets some people thinking about God, Christ and the Bible, then it has to be good.
  19. SM you are rather strange in your way of thinking. I don't have any problem with UK social media. In fact I don't have any problem with worldwide social media. I am not the judge of this world. As for animals, a person wouldn't eat meat, drink milk, or use other things, if they seriously researched everything. BUT, none of us can be totally separate from this world. I judged the Watchtower / JW Org because I was part of it. I had to judge it to make my personal decisions. There were two main points that i judged it on. Firstly, I was inviting families into the Org, and I now judge the Org as immoral and possibly a dangerous place for children to be... Secondly, i was handing out literature which contained things that I didn't believe, so I was acting as a puppet for the Org and distributing false information. Now as for social media, I don't go searching for rude or immoral things, so I don't know what 'hidden' things you mean. However it would seem that you have full knowledge of all the 'hidden' information there ???? I can use social media and still have a clear conscience, as I use it in a constructive way not a destructive way.
  20. https://www.theoaklandpress.com/2021/10/25/russia-declares-groups-linked-to-church-of-scientology-as-undesirable/ Russia has designated two California-based organizations linked to the Church of Scientology as “undesirable,” a move that could formally ban the group. The Prosecutor General’s Office in September said the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises International and the Church of Spiritual Technology “pose a threat to the security of the Russian Federation.” The issue will now be taken up by the Ministry of Justice, which, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, could outlaw the groups under laws governing “undesirable” foreign nongovernmental organizations. Russian authorities in recent years have gone after the Church of Scientology, ordering the closure of the group’s Moscow branch, according to news reports. The Justice Ministry has also declared some of the group’s literature extremist, Reuters reported. The government has barred more than 30 groups under a 2015 law that made membership in “undesirable” organizations a criminal offense, the Associated Press reported. In 2017, Russia ruled the religious group Jehovah’s Witnesses as “extremist” and has since sentenced 14 adherents to six or more years of prison. Scientology was established in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction author, and the Church of Scientology has been acknowledged as a religion in the United States since 1993. Scientology is known for its celebrity followers, such as actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta. The church has claimed it has 8 million members worldwide, with about a third of those in the U.S., but many critics have suggested there are between 25,000 and 55,000 active Scientologists.
  21. https://www.chronline.com/stories/sexual-abuse-lawsuit-filed-against-pierce-county-jehovahs-witnesses-congregation,275875 A survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a member of a Jehovah's Witnesses congregation in Pierce County recently sued the organization. Moriah Hughes, 24, filed her lawsuit last month in Pierce County Superior Court against the Milton Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. It says her abuser was a "baptized publisher," that he used his position to perpetrate the abuse, and that the church had information about similar allegations made against him by another congregation. He was later charged and sentenced in King County Superior Court for abusing Hughes and another girl. "... the Milton Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses knew or should have known that he posed a threat of foreseeable harm to Moriah Hughes, but it failed to take reasonable steps to protect Moriah Hughes from that harm," the lawsuit said. It also names other organizations as part of the church's hierarchy: the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. "I wanted to bring awareness to the fact that this is a reality," Hughes told The News Tribune last week. "And even though it is a heartbreaking reality in the organization, we will never be able to ensure this type of thing doesn't happen again and to other people unless we bring that awareness forward." Elihu Rodriguez abused Hughes from 2012 to 2014 when he was an adult and she was between the ages of 14 and 16. "Rodriguez abused plaintiff on multiple occasions, including during and after church events such as field service, Bible study and congregation social gatherings," the lawsuit said. "Before Rodriguez abused plaintiff, defendant congregation received a letter from another congregation indicating that he had engaged in similar sexually abusive acts with four girls at that congregation prior to coming to defendant congregation." This is of much more concern than ill treating a dog. Unless you are a JW of course.
  22. @TrueTomHarley and your point is ? JWs here in the UK are not getting tortured or locked in prison. That doesn't mean JWs here in the UK are not concerned about JWs in Russia or elsewhere. So, on that same principle, JWs in any country should be concerned about Child Sexual Abuse in the whole of the Watchtower / JW Org Earth wide. Are you therefore suggesting that JWs in one country should show no interest in the JW activity in another country ? And I note that the good old GB and Co, sued the Belgium Ministry of Justice ( outcome to follow ) On June 18, 2021, the Belgian Jehovah’s Witnesses sued the Belgian Ministry of Justice, considering it responsible for the CIAOSN, for defamation. A hearing on the defamation claim is scheduled for May 5, 2022. Whereas Jesus wasn't concerned about being 'counted amongst lawless ones' Luke 22 : 37 For I tell you that what is written must be accomplished in me, namely, ‘He was counted with lawless ones.’ For this is being fulfilled concerning me.” The GB and it's many Orgs act in complete opposition to Jesus Christ. And my point still stands as true :- How can you be concerned about a dog, but not concerned about Child Sexual Abuse in the JW Org ?
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