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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. To be honest, from my viewpoint, this is all tongue in cheek. It helps me to laugh at some of the accusations that are flung at me by certain ones...... I do however find that I am 'condemned to death' by those I've mentioned. It seems to be a patern.
  2. @JW Insider Thank you for this fantastic comment above. Very constructive and very informative. I like this bit :- The issues that come into play are about how many non-Christians were expected to be saved through Armageddon. Russell had given his opinion that only a very few would be "slaughtered" and that the vast majority of mankind living would accept the government that came to the fore after Armageddon (and Rutherford had not yet adjusted this view). In fact, as late as 1928, Rutherford could claim that he had not changed "a jot or tittle" from Russell's "Studies in the Scriptures." Russell must have thought that Armageddon would not be as destructive as some magazines had shown, and that the ones slaughterd would have been on an individual basis, to allow the majority to survive. I am actually of that opinion myself. I like the scripture where Jesus says Berean Literal BibleAnd Jesus said to him, "Do not forbid it; for whoever is not against us is for us." (Luke 9 : 50) To me this has a deeper meaning. I think this is a very sad change of thought, and I don't believe it to be true. I think this also is sad. And once again i do not believe it to be true to what will actually happen. We know that 'the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one', but it doesn't mean that all people in that 'world' are deliberately wicked. From a Christian loving viewpoint it seems that Russell, and even Rutherford at first, had a very merciful and loving heart. But as the JW Org has 'progessed' it seems to have become a very hardened heart throughout. Would you be kind enough to tell me the 'official standpoint' / teaching / doctrine of the Watchtower/GB/Org, as to who will survive Armageddon and what Armageddon will consit of. Or where would i find the answer ? Thank you once again for your time and patience on this topic.
  3. This is the most loving and sensible comment I have read from you. However, you did note that he repented of his sins, and I would think he was not of the Anointed at the time of his sins. Now, the colateral damage caused by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Wtnesses, that GB proclaiming to be of the Anointed. Is there such forgiveness of sins for Anointed ones ? That is not for me to judge. But the GB seem to continue to 'sin' against the Anointed ones and continue to say that only the GB are the F&DS. Perhaps if they were to step down and repent for their sins, they may be forgiven, that's not for me to judge.
  4. what 'Truth' is that then ? You cannot mean the JW Org. I was just thinking that most of the aggression on this forum seems to come from those people who say they are JWs. As for puppies, they consume meat, they poop everywhere and they need constant care. When I go walking I wear these large 'cans' (blue headphones) attached to an MP3, and I listen to music. People look at me and laugh. An old man wearing 'cans'. Then I look at all the people carrying little red bags. Bags of poo which they have to clean up when their little doggy has pood in a public place. My 'cans' provide pleasure and need no attention. I laugh at all these people trying to pick up all the poo. And this is because it's big business. People here in England sell puppies for hundreds of pounds.
  5. But the TRUE 'Church' is the ANOINTED. I'm sure you already know that Aruana. The Temple of Living Stones with Jesus Christ as the Corner Stone. The church isn't a building and it isn't a religion.
  6. I am happy that my questions have provided food for thought. It is rather a shame that they have brought some comments from people who appear to be spiritualy unwell (Rando) and from people that just wish to divert conversation. I would love you to widen out on this part of your comment Anna. I don't actually know the very latest teaching on this. I was taught that a person must be a baptised JW to be 'in the Ark' of the Organisation, but I don't know if that is still taught so strictly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On another note : I was quite surprised to find that Mr Rando is in the JW ONLY club. Someone must think that Rando is really a JW ???
  7. Thank you @JW Insider for this link and the other one. https://watchtowerdocuments.org/documents/1920_Millions_Now_Living_Will_Never_Die.pdf Page 94 HOW TO LIVE FOREVER The church systems would have the people believe that only those who become church members can be saved. The Bible never taught any such doctrine. The Lord never organized the nominal systems, and the true church is but a little flock, who shall inherit the kingdom of heaven, and the others of the world do not inherit it. To the church Jesus said: 'Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom'. (Luke 12 : 32) Jesus died not only for those who will constitute the members of the church, but for all. St. John plainly stated: 'He is the propitiation [satisfaction] for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole worldv.-1 John 2: 2. I think this proves one point that i was making. And here we seem to have an answer Page 97 Then it shall come to pass that every one who will keep the saying of the Lord shall never see death. This promise would not have been made by Jesus if he did not intend to carry it into full force and effect in due time. Again he said: 'Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die". (John 11 : 26) Do we believe the Master's statement? If so, when the time comes for the world to know, then they who believe and, of course, render themselves in obedience to the terms have the absolute and positive statement of Jesus that they shall never die. Based upon the argument heretofore set forth, then, that the old order of things, the old world, is ending and is therefore passing away, and that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction, it is reasonable to conclude that millions of people now on the earth will be still on the earth in 1925. Then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine Word, we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die.
  8. It's nice to read your words here. But how did you relate that to the point that the IBSA under Rutherford didn't consist of 'millions' of people ? I would have thought that he meant it literally too, as he was offering this 'information' to the public, and the public would not be thinking in a spiritual way. You haven't missed it but unfortunately I think @JW Insider is reluctant to answer my questions directly. Unless JWI enjoys the power of knowing things we don't know. An original copy of The Harp is available on ebay UK for less than 20 GBP. I'm tempted to buy it
  9. An organisation of persons, lower case 'o', not an Organisation such as a registered company. But I know you are just trying to appear clever. And You know that RUSSELL didn't want an Organisation. Hence all congregations ruled themselves, not ruled over by Leaders of an Organisation. But Rutherford changed all that, and that rulership by men continues unfortunately.
  10. That's a bit of a contradiction as you managed to answer @Srecko Sostar when he had agreed with my earlier comments. It seem to point out that you do not wish to converse with me in a Christian manner. That's your choice. However, IBSA = International Bible Students ASSOCIATION. That was not an Organisation. Another point (which may interest @Space Merchant ) in connection with the IBSA. It seems that it still exists, but as a Real Estate dealership. IBSA London Properties is part of IBSA (International Bible Students Association) a registered charity acting on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain and Ireland. For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses please follow this link.
  11. I am seriously looking for TRUTH. Yes I do feel lost in the wilderness. 

    But, when Jerusalem was about to be destroyed (70C.E) didn't some return 'home' there, only to perish when the Romans slaughtered them. They returned to Jerusalem because they lost their faith in Almighty God and in the words of Jesus. And therefore they died through lack of faith.

    I do not lack faith in Almighty God or in Jesus Christ. But I do lack immediate direction. However, at this moment in time, I would not return to the Jehovah's Witnesses Org.  In my opinion that Org will be either made clean or destroyed. Either way, right now I would not want to be part of it. 

    I also do not pay any attention to those on here that condemn me to death or tell me that I have no hope left.  

    My faith is not in earthling man. My faith in Almighty God through Jesus Christ. 

  12. It's strange that you answer @Srecko Sostar in this way, but you would not answer me. This does bring up another question though. The IBSA was an association, not an Organisation. If I'm right then they didn't have Leaders as such because each congregation 'ruled over itself'. So there was no 'church' structure as such. In fact I think Russell was against there being an Organisation. Now that obviously changed later when Rutherford took over. So now, this brings the question, Who was 'qualified' to baptise others at the time of Rutherford. In the 1st century the disciples / apostles were firstly chosen by Jesus, then later they were Anointed. It also brings up the question as to who is, in God's viewpoint, qualified to baptise people now.
  13. Like i keep saying Mr Rando is just an AKA for another trouble maker here. He also seems, like others here, to be very sexist. There seems to be a few people on here that dispute ladies being part of the Anointed.
  14. Thank you very much for your time and patience and understanding. It is something JWs appear to lack here. I didn't answer 'Rambo' because he is someone else, an AKA, and just looking for trouble. I do not believe he/she is a JW. Quoting you here : This teaching of only IBSA's or the JW's surviving through the G.T. (red highlight mine) The IBSA was an Association, whereas the JW's is an Organisation. I do not believe that the IBSA was a 'closed shop'. And, as you pointed out, there wasn't even 1 million members yet. I do believe that Rutherford was talking about those humans that were physically living at that time, never dying. So, my feeling is that Rutherford (when he took over from Russell) may have felt that many people that were not associated with the IBSA, would be judged as 'worthy' of 'saving' through Armageddon. But then Rutherford 'branched off' and formed an Organisation, Jehovah's Witnesses. Now back in the 1960's when i first started studying with JW's, I was told that the 'Org' was the 'new Ark'. I was taught that anyone in the Org/Ark was 'safe', but all those outside the Org/Ark would die. Obviously the idea being based on Noah and his family being counted as righteous and therefore keptsafe in that Ark. So I think that somewhere between the IBSA / Rutherford, and the 1960's, the line of thought changed from 'Millions' being saved, to, 'only JWs being saved'. However, I think there is a swing back to the idea, that many humans outside the JW Org, will be counted as worthy of 'saving'. I really thought that @JW Insider would have given me a sensible answer as he has vast knowledge of JW doctrine / teachings. However it seems, Et tu brute, JWI. Thank you once again ABLJ.
  15. Fake man or woman that you are, you must be getting quite close to blasphemy. It seems that you and Tom are almost accusing Jesus of telling lies. Your misuse of scripture is certainly not Christian behavior, so not worthy of note.
  16. You JWs on here love to paint me all black and evil. So be it, but I find it funny You obvously didn't want to understand my questions. I even said But this is the main point This is a very important issue. Because this makes a big difference in what the Watchtower / Org teaches. THIS is what JWs are frightened of. Frightened of TRUTH. Keep kicking me down because it strengthens my faith in Almighty God through Christ.
  17. If I'm right what RUSSELL had built up was an Association of Bible Students possibly earthwide ? So, what Rutherford had taken over was this Association of Bible Students. But Rutherford broke away from that and formed an Organisation naming it Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931. Now, this creates a question. Who were the Millions now living that would never die ? This was 1918. Pre-JW. International Bible Student era. So exactly who did Rutherford expect to 'never die' ? (At this point it matter not that his prediction failed. More to the point of who he expected to live on). And when Rutherford's breakaway 'group' were named Jehovah's Witnesses, did his idea change from 'Millions' now living will never die, to, Only JWs now living will never die ? There must have come a time when the quantity of people expected to continue living decreased rapidly. Because Rutherford's JWs would have been far less than the original International Bible Students Association.
  18. Ezra is concerning the Nation of Israel. Are you a Jew and still living under Law ? The Timothy scripture applies to your GB and Elders, but was written for the Anointed. Like I say, you are a fake, but quite a funny one
  19. Like I say, Losers trying to take it off topic. It really does prove that you are frightened of my questions.
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