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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Rambo sounds more immature or mentally ill, each day. I do wonder what meds he's taking.
  2. But unfortunately your Leaders do not act as slaves of God through Christ. You know this to be true. The Child Sexual Abuse. The lies told in courtrooms by the GB's Lawyers. The false prophecies from your Leaders past and present. You GB pretending to be the F&DS. Your GB exalting themselves above the Anointed, and then telling the Anointed not to meet together, not to pray together and not to study God's word together. And your GB put in writing in the Watchtower magazine, that if the Anointed were to meet together to do those things, then your GB say the Anointed would be working against the Holy Spirit. And the Leaders of your organisation have brainwashed all JW into believing that 'only JWs will be saved' and that 'only JWs can be Christians'. Your Leaders and many of the Elders are causses for stumbling, that does not being praise to Almighty God. Look at the pictures they have put on the front of Watchtower magazines over the years, to frighten people into the Org. And JWs do not preach. JWs distribute the words of your GB. Standing at a cart / trolly handing out thingswritten by your GB, is NOT preaching God;s words, it is handing out the words of men. JWs have long been instructed NOT to give their own opinion on anything, but to always refer to 'the literature'. And when a 'Bible study' takes place, it is not from the Bible, it is from a GB written book. I was a JW for many years, I know the proceedure. I am no longer a JW because I left the Org, yes I left the Org, I was not d/fed. I left because of the way Victims of CSA are mistreated. They are treated as collateral damage. Your GB does not care about them and your Elders have no conscience. Most JWs have no idea what is going on behind the scenes of the Org. I keep refering to something Jesus said about 'first cleaning the inside of the bowl or dish, so that the whole thing would become clean'. But your Leaders only whitewash the outside of the JW Org to pretend it is clean. Yes, Jesus is coming with the Angels, to judge us all. But He will judge in righteousness, whereas the Watchtower / JW Org / GB / Elders, do not do so.
  3. There has been enough real honest proof on this forum, to prove the things I've written above are true Although you hate what i write, you could at least be honest enough to admit that what i write is true. Otherwise you are guilty of the deliberate sin of lying. Maybe you have led a peaceful and happy life then, because my life was controlled when I was put into a Children's Home and sexually abused, beaten up, and emotionally abused. Oh yes I DO know what controll is.
  4. Maybe you should re-read my comment above, about the JWs actions against God and Christ. The Jews were once God's chosen people, but they sinned against God and killed His Son, Jesus Christ. If ever the JW Org was God's chosen Org, then it has since sinned against God and 'killed' Christ anew. The JW Org is immoral and it's Leaders have innocent blood on their hands. Do you really think God and Christ will allow this ?
  5. It seems as if Truthers, or at least one Truther, should be called a Snooper definition of snoopers by The Free Dictionary https://www.thefreedictionary.com › snoopers To pry into the private affairs of others, especially by prowling about. I didn't know @Space Merchant was so bored that he spent his time snooping on people's internet activity. Maybe I have to confess that i have around five Facebook pages. One is directed at Leaving the JW Org. I may even have a Youtube account but i would think it is inactive. I do see FB as a 'platform' of sorts and it is very useful to use to 'Preach the Good News of the Kingdom' whilst remaining outside of the JW domination. It's nice to be able to tell people that we ARE in the Last Days, without having to put silly dates or years on it. It's nice to be albe to show people that a Christian can be balanced.
  6. Many religions have 'spread the word of God' throughout this Earth. I cannot say that any of them have done it properly. The JWs have spread Watchtower lies and given false dates and false promises. How can you pretend that it is 'true worship' ? They lied about the 'Superior Authorities' mentioned in Romans. They lied about "Millions now living will never die", because they all died. So many false dates for Armageddon just to frighten people into the Org. They contiue to lie about the GB being the F&DS, and continue to tell the Anointed 'not to meet together for prayer or Bible Study. That is directly against the instruction from Jesus Christ. They continue to baptise people into the Org and do not obey the instruction about baptism. BUT YOU are frightened of the truth about your Org and it's Leaders, because you worship those 8 men who have power and control over you.
  7. Telling the truth about your GB, their lawyers, and the lies told in the Watchtower magazines, has nothing to do with hate or OCD. Your words were :- When I read Revelation, I see doom and gloom for those not offering up pure worship to Jehovah and SURVIVAL for those who do worship in Spirit and truth,, You were talking about PURE worship. You yourself know that the GB, the Watchtower and JW Org are NOT PURE. THat is not hate Arauna, it's truth.
  8. Here in England I used the Data Protection Act to get printed documents concerning ME, that of my Medical Records from my GP, and that of my personal information concerning my time (in the 1960's) in a Children's Home that was government run. I wanted more information concerning the employees and management of the Children's Home, and I was told to use the Freedom Of Information Act, to gain more information. However I was told that this extra information would not be mailed to me, and that I would have to visit an office and read through a large amount of files to be able to gain the information. Even then I would not be allowed to take photos or take notes on the files I read.
  9. This is quite funny because I think @Witness has been saying that Armageddon in spiritual, for a long time. We've all known this scripture for many years. You are not bringing anything new to the table here. Doesn't this contradict the idea of 'hiding in your inner rooms' ? Isaiah 26:20 Berean Study BibleGo, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed. And it also doesn't fit in with " then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them," .. If the wicked lived to see God's servants living passed 70 / 80 years, then the wicked would not have beed 'suddenly destroyed'. Rambo, I don't know what 'extra' knowledge you think you have, but half of it does not make sense because it contradicts itself. Jesus Christ has ALL authority, and only He will guide those He choses to guide. I think you, Rambo, are a blind guide.
  10. https://www.castanet.net/news/Vernon/346544/Judge-orders-stay-of-Jehovah-s-Witnesses-constitutional-claim-on-privacy-of-records Who gets to decide the constitutionality of privately held church records is at the centre of a court and privacy commission battle being waged by the Jehovah's Witnesses and two former members. A B.C. Supreme Court judge has ordered a stay of proceedings in a case in which the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada sought to challenge British Columbia's privacy laws, saying the matter is best decided by the privacy commission. The church had refused to turn over personal records sought by former Jehovah's Witnesses Gregory Westgarde and Gabriel-Liberty Wall. Justice Janet Winteringham gave her decision in Vancouver on Monday. It involves former members of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Coldstream and Grand Forks who wanted their personal records turned over to them after they left the church. The congregations refused the requests, claiming the records were confidential and that compelling production violated their constitutional rights. Church elders John Vabuolas and Paul Sidhu have proceedings underway before B.C.’s privacy commissioner on the matter, and Winteringham wrote in her decision that the court challenge versus B.C.'s attorney general be stayed pending the outcome of the privacy inquiries. Vabuolas is an elder in the Grand Forks congregation, where Gabriel-Liberty Wall requested disclosure of his personal information in March 2020. Wall was baptized in February 2012, moved to the Grand Forks congregation in 2014, and formally resigned from the church in 2017. Sidhu is an elder in the Coldstream congregation, where Gregory Westgarde requested his records in October 2020. About August 2009, Westgarde "made known to the elders he no longer wished to be known as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses." Sidhu described Westgarde’s departure from the church as "unequivocal," despite a trio of elders offering spiritual guidance. "Based on our internal canon law, a brief summary of this decision, our efforts, and (Mr. Westgarde’s) response was placed in a confidential file under lock and key," Sidhu wrote in a deposition. According to the litigants, "As a part of their spiritual duties, elders may create records about their congregants, particularly as it relates to their religious standing as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The plaintiffs allege B.C.’s privacy legislation does not recognize or respect the confidentiality of these records created in relation to the elders’ spiritual duties and as such violates their constitutional rights." The Watchtower sought to stay the privacy inquiries and let the court decide the matter, but the judge disagreed, staying the civil suit against the attorney general's ministry, pending the outcome of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner hearings. The elders maintained that PIPA "violates their constitutional rights of religious freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of association because the legislation fails to protect confidential religious communications and records." It seems to be all about power and control, but I would have thought a person should be entitled to have their records as why would the Elders still need them anyway ? Yes I know it's all about diferent laws in different places. Perhaps I should ask for my personal information here in UK, and see what result i get
  11. Don't tell me that you are taken in by the 'Bro' pretence as well. Well we all have our own opinions don't we ? Maybe you are taken in by all his 'burning' ideas as well I think Rambo is already confussed with not knowing what scriptures he believes and what they really means. He's still taking about hellfire and burning, poor man. Then he mixes it up with a bundle of different dates and guesses, and you fall for it all ?
  12. So much contradiction in your words it proves you are not a JW. Using the 'Bro' to pretend you are a Brother, is soooo funy, but @Arauna has fallen for it. You never even mentioned Gehenna, the Second Death. And to mention eternity is also funny, as I will be dead and the dead are conscious of nothing at all. Most of what you write contradics the Watchtower / GB teachings and you mention hell fire more than once when relating to me. It proves you are not a JW and proves you are fake. But have fun because you have your followers on here. You seem to be succeeding in your mission to put down the JW Org on this forum....
  13. Oh dear Billy the Kid, you do give yourself away with your immaturity. I was a baptised JW for tooooo many years, and i left that immoral Org because of all the Child Sexual Abuse and adultery, and the lies being taught. It's soooooooooo funny how you go from pretending to know truth, then start with your doom and gloom and hellfire rubbish.
  14. Your comment, as always, is balanced and true. So of course some JWs don't like it But one of the upsetting things is, as you sort of said yourself, those with a little 'knowledge' then go beyond the things written. Why oh Why couldn't the GB or previous Leaders of the Watchtower, over the many years, just give praise to God through Christ and tell the truth by saying "There is so much we do not know". Why did they need to pretend they knew 'so much' and then end up making themselves look so foolish. AND making ALL JWs look foolish because ALL JWs had been teaching those false teachings. Where was the sense in it all ? BUT more importantly where was the praise to God through Christ in the telling of lies ?
  15. I DO NOT reject that Jesus is now the Ruler of God's Kingdom. But I do not push any years, such as 1914, 2034 et al. And I DO believe that Satan and his wicked angels/demons HAVE been cast down to Earth. Because I DO believe we are living in The Last Days. But this last sentence of yours here, shows how immature you really are.
  16. And Jesus said to his disciples, recorded at, Matthew 28 : 18 & 19 Berean Study BibleThen Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, The GB, Watchtower and JWs do not believe this and do not do as JESUS instructed.
  17. Those not offering up pure worship to Almighty God must include the GB and their Lawyers then. And also include all those that serve the GB of the Watchtower / JW Org. That service includes teaching others the GB's lies and mistakes, and putting dates on the things unknown........ Those that worship in Spirit and truth must be the True Anointed ones. They are the only ones Anointed in Holy Spirit. The best the rest of us can do is try to serve God properly through Jesus Christ. The good news is beautiful and very encouraging, but that is scripture, it is not GB teachings nor Watchtower lies.
  18. You are so funny. You use this 'hate-OCD' thing to hide behind, when someone tells you truth that you can't handle. Maybe you would have said Jesus had the same problem when he comdemned the Pharisees. Maybe you should go and put your head back in that sand and hide yourself from real truth. Sorry Arauna but there is nothing sensible to say to you when you start on your 'hate -ocd' stupidity.
  19. Really ? I think you are having a laugh. Jesus did not say, "Pretend you know the year" and Jesus did not say "Give people false hopes". But you already know the lies that the Watchtower / JW org, have told. And it seems you are happy to live with it.
  20. Rando is pushing 1914, the 120 years of Noah, and 2034, and other dates too. So how can you say that he isn't ? Even Space Merchant says Rando has mentioned it all before. Recognising 'world conditions' is totally different to putting dates on things. I'm not saying that we are not in those 'Last days', but I'm not pretending I know more than any one else either. Putting dates on things can be a stumbling block and you know what happens to people that cause stumbling.
  21. Well if it keeps you happy. But it looks so physical to me. It looks like you, Rando, and possibly other JWs need something physical to cling to. We all want Almighty God to work through Jesus Christ, and to 'get the job done', but it takes as long as it takes. To push for a date or time, I think it smells of saying "The master is delaying". And we know what the wicked slave does then. However Mr Rando seems a strange one. What he 'teaches' is not in line with the JW Org, but he directs people to the Org. I do wonder if he is deliberately trying to turn people away from the Org, but 'acting as an angel of light'. What he now teaches is directly opposite to the horror pictures that have appeard on the cover of Watchtower magazines. The pictures of Armageddon that have been used to frighten people, but Rando frightens people in a different way. Whichever is used it's all scaremongering. God needs to be served by people that love Him, not people that serve through fear.
  22. Misuse of scripture. Clinging to ye olde 1914 theory again. Should read Birth pangs. Guesswork and bluffing. Not true. Jesus was given His authority whist still on Earth, unless you wish to call Him a liar ? Isn't this an Egyption saying ? Um, very interesting. Then stay away from Jehovha's Witnesses. They can't even keep thier own Organisation clean, and they do not have the guidance of God's Holy Spirit. Rando, you are a man of doom and gloom and you work for the Devil. It's true that Armageddon is coming 'like a theif in the night' and we do not know when. It's true that we should all try to seve God through Christ. But what you do is all speculation and false prophecy. You will of course be judged for your wicked works.
  23. No one except Jesus has been resurrected yet. All of the dead anointed ones are still in the grave. The first will be last and the last will be first. They will all be taken up to heaven together. Those True Anointed still living will be 'lifted up' and those in the grave will be raised up, and they will all ascend together.
  24. Ex JWs are 'cut off' from communication with JWs and JW children. I know of two men, JWs, one is an Elder. I have reason to suspect them of being capable of CSA. You see I must chose my words carefully here. I will of course be accused of just being anti-JW. The local congregation quite often has 'dressing up' parties and the Elder wears costumes that other JWs find shocking. That Elder made a comment to a Sister about her two daughters which the Sister was shocked to hear. She told my wife and I about it. This was before i left the 'Org'. The other man came to the local congregation and it seems that no one knows anything about his past. (If the Elders do know then they are keeping it secret) He has made himself 'very friendly' to one of my step daughters and her four young children, mainly the three girls. He gets the girls to sit on his knee. My wife tells me of these things as my step daughter is still a JW and I'm not allowed to visit her and her family. So I cannot converse with those children that maybe at risk. On one occasion, it seems, one of the girls was sitting on this man's lap and someone else entered the room, so the child got off his lap and went over to the other person. This man seemed to get very upset and moved seats to be closer to the girl. The whole family have remarked on this but no one has told the Body of Elders about this man's behavior.... My step daughter still allows this man to spend time with her children. As an ex-JW I am an outcast from them. If I make any accusations I will not be listened to or I will be accused of hating JWs.
  25. For the first time, today i saw a stand at an outdoor market, for 'Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse'. This is a biker organisation. Now this is here in sleepy Devon England. As much as I want to see children protected, this biker organisaton sets alarms ringing for me.
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