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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. On 9/5/2021 at 1:25 PM, Pudgy said:

    I believe it was Linus, of the comic strip "Peanuts", running for Class President, who in his school auditorium got up on the stage, and behind the podium yelled out how if he was elected President by the student body, he would "... tear down their altars and the false idols from the high places!", to which Charlie Brown commented that the school Principal 's face had just turned white.

    Of course Linus was in expectation of the Great Pumpkin, who would rise from the pumpkin patch, and bring toys to all the good little boys and girls.

    You know .... it it's not one thing ..... it's another.

    ...it's always somethin'.

    Pudgy, what are you hiding ?  You hide behind all this rubbish you write and it seems you are afraid to actually be human. 

    So, are you JTR Jnr, or are you just another of Tom's silly games ??? 

    Either way you act very immature and make pointless comments. But no wait, of course they are not pointless. They have a purpose. Their purpose is in line with the GB's purpose. That is, to take people away from TRUTH. You try to sidetrack just as the GB does. You pretend to be a dog, whilst the GB pretend to be the F&DS. 

  2. 14 hours ago, xero said:

    I do get that some people hold the organization responsible for whatever was going on w/CSA or other stuff and they leave their local congregation because they feel that the local congregation should have risen up against the main organization. 

    I never expected my local congregation to do anything. I just did what I felt was right for me to do. 

    I must admit that I thought a lot of others earthwide would also have left the JW Org at the time. Maybe they did and i never found out. 

  3. https://news.sky.com/story/there-was-no-reprimand-nothing-changed-survivors-criticise-jehovahs-witness-elders-for-failing-to-act-over-child-sexual-abuse-claims-12396672

    This is not just going to go away. It has to be dealt with. Hopefully the GB will be brought to account.

    BUT I keep coming back with the question 'What has happened to the 25 year CSA / Pedophile database in the USA ?

    And then what happened to the CSA situation in Canada ? 

    Here in England it seems a lot of news from the USA is blocked, 'for legal reasons'. 



  4. On 9/1/2021 at 4:40 AM, xero said:

    If you know anything, you know that no one gets DF'ed for doing anything. They get DF'ed for their attitude about what they're doing. If you don't cop an attitude, you generally don't get DF'ed.

    I have to agree that this does make sense. Though I would think there are cases where people have a right to have an attitude if they've been incorrectly dealt with.  I must admit that the Elders, in more than one congregation, were 'on my back' about some things, but I was never D/fed. 

    On 9/1/2021 at 4:40 AM, xero said:

    The "weeding" is what people do to themselves when they leave permanently. Are they leaving to a better, more correct group of Christians, or just a group who'll tolerate all manner of bad behavior?

    Please be balanced enough to accept that some of us leave because of the immorality within the JW Org. I make it clear that I left because of the CSA earthwide in the Org, and because of the dishonest way it was being dealt with.  I felt that the Org was not a safe place to invite families into. I have since found other reasons not to return, but i have not gone looking for an alternative 'Christian' way, nor have I turned my back on God or Christ. Please think again on those last few words of your sentence above. Who was that tolerated pedophile Elders and M/s in congregations of JWs ? 

    On 9/1/2021 at 4:40 AM, xero said:

    Do I believe every recent interpretation or other older interpretations which have come down the pike?

    This is now an important issue to me. I could not hand out Watchtower magazines or books from the GB / Org if I did not agree with the things written inside them. 


    On 9/1/2021 at 4:40 AM, xero said:

    And I don't teach any of those things as facts, but as interpretations.

    I'd love to see that in a Bible study. Telling a student to read a paragraph from the book, and then saying, 'well actually you don't have to believe that because it's only what the GB write. it might not be true' :) 

  5. On 9/1/2021 at 4:00 AM, BroRando said:

    Today, we are in the time of the Judgement of the Living.

    I can understand this to be so. 


    On 9/1/2021 at 4:00 AM, BroRando said:

    Who are the Living that are being Judged now since 1914 began?

    Here you are back to 1914 which we have to agree to differ on. But, who do You think is doing the judging ? And what do you think they are judged on ?  Your leaders once taught that a person had to be a 'baptised JW' to be 'saved'. 

    It seems that the Elders do a lot of 'judging' and disfellowshipping, which is spiritually killing people in their eyes.

    On 9/1/2021 at 4:00 AM, BroRando said:

    AS the last days that began in 1914 come to their conclusion. The Living will have already been Judged and the wicked will find themselves on the outside of God's Kingdom. "Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and those who are sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices lying.(Rev 22:15)

    The bits now in RED can easily refer to your GB, their helpers, their Lawyers, the Pedophiles, and any JW that supports them. The 'murderer' part is as explained above. Spiritually killing people either deliberately or by being stumbling blocks. 

    On 9/1/2021 at 4:00 AM, BroRando said:

    Those on the outside do not accept the message of God's Kingdom and snarl at the good news about Jesus Christ.

    Those on the outside of what ?  This is the important point.  Now you need to think deeply here. 

    Are you saying that everyone on the outside of the JW Org  is now on the outside of 'God's Kingdom' ? 

    There are many people that are not JWs that still believe in God's Kingdom and still offer a message of hope to people regarding the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  So you must decide exactly what YOU believe.  Do You believe that a person has to be a baptised JW to be 'inside' God's Kingdom ? 

    On 9/1/2021 at 4:00 AM, BroRando said:

    Those who reject the Good News to the Full have been abandoned

    That makes sense. If a person will not even listen and if they deliberately oppose the Good News, then they are opposing God and Christ. 

    On 9/1/2021 at 4:00 AM, BroRando said:

    The end of what? Wicked People that are listed in (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

    Unfortunately much listed in those verses can be applied to the GB / helpers / W/t writers / GB's Lawyers / Elders and some boots on the ground JWs. 

    It is good that we will all be judged by God through Jesus Christ and his angels.  If it were left to 'men' to judge us then there would be no hope at all. 

  6. Wow, more dates, to pretend you actually know something.

    I'm waiting for the day you tell us that you are inspired of God's Holy Spirit. 

    21 hours ago, BroRando said:

    The weeds are Apostate Christians whom stopped associating with Christ's Brothers.

    The problem here is that the International Bible Students split in fractions, and Rutherford took over part of it and made the Organisation.  Now it seems that even Russell wasn't inspired by God. Some JWs on this forum say Russell wasn't even of the Anointed.

    So, where do you draw the line as to who are and who are not Christ's brothers ?  Or are you just a salesman for the GB's multi Org businesses ? 

  7. On 8/31/2021 at 1:52 PM, xero said:

    "taking down" = weeding - Jesus said that wasn't your job.

    And that is why I'm PATIENTLY WAITING FOR TRUTH. 

    BUT, in the meantime, I will continue to follow my Christian conscience and give warning about the lies, hypocrisy and immorality in the Watchtower / JW Org. And I will continue to show the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the GB in their dealings with CSA and the Pedophiles in the Org. In my opinion it is the Christian way to warn others of danger, both spiritual and physical. 

    I've been told by many on here that the GB cannot be weeded out anyway. That is rubbish of course, because God and Christ can remove anyone they want to. When it happens, then we shall find truth. 

    There are so many true Anointed ones that God through Christ can use to replace the GB. 

    The scripture that you quoted from Matthew would be referring to people inside the Org. BUT what I'm referring to is the ones that have put themselves in the place of the Master, namely your GB. 

    The strange thing is, the Elders / Circuit Overseers are constantly weeding / disfellowshipping people. Did Jesus tell them it was their job :) ??? 

    On 8/31/2021 at 1:52 PM, xero said:

    He said, ‘No, for fear that while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them.

    Are the Elders deliberately uprooting the wheat ? 

  8. 13 hours ago, xero said:

    You just don't want to be the intentional instrument to take down anyone or any group whom you see doing God's will,

    Are you a politician ? You act like one. Sly persuasive words. 

    Now how about the idea of 'taking down' anyone whom you see working against God's will ?

    Such as the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org that are deliberately insulting God and Christ. 

    Remember the Nation of Israel.  Remember Jerusalem. Remember it's destruction. 

    Having a form of Godly devotion,,, 2 Timothy 3 : 5

    Berean Study Bible
    having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these! 

    Giving false promises, false dates for Armageddon, has caused stumbling, it wasn't 'doing God's will' 

    And CSA, well I've no need to explain. The blood guilt lies on the hands of the W/t leaders. 


  9. 13 hours ago, xero said:

    n the mean-time instead of spending time filling in the gaps of bible-knowlege or figuring out how to get possession of their own vessel in sanctification and honor people spend their time spraying anti-JW graffiti on whatever surface they can find.

    Or, if you are the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org, then you spend your time playing with numbers and dates to pretend you know more than other people do. 

  10. I have just been commenting on a Facebook topic and I made a point of stating that one reason people have lost faith in God is because the JWs have been working against God by their making false predictions for Armageddon. 

    Can you imagine how many people will have been turned away from God by the stumbling blocks of the Watchtower / JW org ???????? The guilt that the Watchtower / JW Org and GB must carry for all their lies and false prophecies. 

  11. On 8/25/2021 at 1:24 AM, Melinda Mills said:

    "Apparently, a religious minority is a convenient target for slanders and distorted facts, as the Jews themselves know from their bitter experience.”


    Using this as an excuse for CSA and hiding Pedophiles doesn't work. You can pretend it's 'slander and distorted facts' if it gives you a better conscience, BUT the truth is out there for all to see. 

    And this is so funny. 

    On 8/25/2021 at 10:09 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    This Bro Kaplan makes a pretty good spokesman: "We are not afraid to be different, but we are not out to provoke. Those who know us, including serious institutions in democracies, know that we are not a group of crazies with apocalyptic visions.”

    No ? Really ? Then why the long list of failed dates for Armageddon ?  

  12. On 8/28/2021 at 11:39 AM, Pudgy said:

    Without specific proof of something better, your very best observations, reasoning, and logic is nothing more than light entertainment.

    No more.

    I suppose that's why some people are terrotists. They haven't found anything better. So they just go on killing people. 

    The Watchtower / JW Org does the same but in a sly way. They kill people spiritually and d/fed people and tell families not to talk to them. Hence some people commit suicide, but the JW's don't care. 

    They still allow CSA and still hide the Pedophiles in the Org. And then they tell all the JWs that it's all lies, whilst at the same time paying out thousands in hush money.  Are they still hiding that Pedophile Database in America ? 

    On 8/28/2021 at 7:22 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    So then what you are saying is that it is your purpose in life to piss on something without offering anything better—to take away but not give. Isn’t that sort of a pathetic occupation for a grown man?

    The pathetic one is you and any other JW that sticks with the Org because you are frightend to serve God through Christ.  

    One point being that by staying in that Org you are agreeing to teach Lies to other people. You know that a so called Bible study is 75% reading from a GB written book, and 15% chatting, leaving only 10% real BIBLE study.  And even that is from the Watchtower 'inspired' Bible.  

    I can understand that you and other JWs don't want to see how much damage your Watchtower/JW org/GB, have done and are still doing to people. 

    Those core teachings from the scriptures which you harp on about have been known by the Bible Students for over a hundred years and more. So, all the Org has done is to put lies on top of it all. False predictions, man made rules, and harshness. And as @Witness mentions, the treading down of the Anointed by the Elders, which is one of the rules from the GB. 

    I actually think it is very sad that JWs continue to deliberately sin, just becasue they don't know a 'better way' to live. 


  13. On 8/26/2021 at 1:42 AM, Pudgy said:

    Your assumptions about what God SHOULD DO is as bad as anyone else’s, including myself. 

    But it is based on scripture.

    1.  'Ten men clinging to the robe of a JEW'  and


    2.   Acts 2:17
    New International Version
    17 “‘In the last days, God says,
        I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
    Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
        your young men will see visions,
        your old men will dream dreams.

    Sorry did this in a hurry as I''m off out. Bye. 


  14. On 8/25/2021 at 7:42 AM, Pudgy said:

    Get more than 200 people together, in ANY religious group, and watch “the way things SHOULD be” go to hell in a hand basket.

    Ye of little faith.

    You miss the whole point of HOLY SPIRIT being poured out onto the TRUE ANOINTED ones. 

    You, and others, seem to think that God and Christ do not realise the seriousness of the 'times' or that they don't care. You and others only seem to think in a 'physical' way. 

    Your comment in fact, says, God cannot be served properly. Or is it that you cannot serve God properly ? 

    It would seem sensible to me that God, through Christ, would prove in some way, who is the Spiritual JEW that us 'little dogs' should 'go with'.  

    The GB / Watchtower / JW org has proven that they cannot be trusted in many ways. Do you honestly think God and Christ will allow that to continue. To allow millions of people to be stumbled at this time when we are moving closer to the Judgement Day.  

    When Christ uses his authority to change things here on Earth, those in the Org will be in for a very big shock. 

  15. 13 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Ok …. What specifically WOULD YOU DO?

    I've made my viewpoint very clear before.  I am 'Patiently waiting for Truth'.  Tom finds this very funny.

    Yes I could easily still be a JW. I could have just lingered in the background. I could have pretended that CSA was a lie.

    I could have pretended that all the false predictons didn't happen.  In other words i could have been a coward. 

    Why would I want to support / contribute to / preach on behalf of, an immoral, dishonest, self-centered group of 8 men, who pretend to be the F&DS' ?

    I am waiting for God, through Christ, to 'awaken' spiritually, the true Anointed remnant. When that happens, I don't know if it will be by cleaning out the W/t - JW Org, or, by forming a new association. I believe that there are true Anointed ones in many countries around the Earth.  I think that a 'new association' guided by 'Anointed Servants' could be organised globally. It does not need all of them in one place. 

    I did have a thought that just as John the Baptiser made the way clear before Jesus came, then maybe JW Org has made the way clear before the True Anointed appear. 

    Remember too that the Watchtower was around before the JW Org was formed, and most of those 

    13 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    core Bible truths

    were known long before the JW Org was formed.  Although Russell wasn't a JW, he did most of the ground work. 

    But I haven't stopped having Bible discussions and will talk to anyone that will discuss it sensibly.  I also try my best to encourage my family to think about 'spiritual things'.  In online discussions about world events I will try to introduce Bible prophecy. What i don't do is pretend i know the when and how of God's plans. 

    So back to your question as to, What would i do ?

    I would and do accept that I am NOT Anointed, therefore I do not expect God or Christ to work through me. 

    Therefore I pray, read my BSB Bible, and i wait to find out who the 'Spiritual JEW'  are.  

    Sometimes we just have to have patience and wait on God through Christ. 

    The alternative of course is to try to 'run on ahead' without spiritual guidance, and we have seen the bad results clearly in the Watchtower / JW Org. 

  16. 19 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    With all the colossal persistent and never ending screw-ups, arrogances and missteps that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society engages in daily remember this, in reality, and for now…… And I cringe as I write this…… they are the best bet the human race has.

    and that, in your eyes, gives them reasons to act like dishonest dictators. Well if you are happy with that, I'm not.

    NOR will I go preaching LIES just because you say it's the best we've got.  

    Nor would i invite families into that immoral spider's web. you are welcome to it if it makes you happy.

  17. On 8/24/2021 at 7:10 AM, BroRando said:

    Deuteronomy 12:23

    Just be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the life, and you must not eat the life with the flesh.


    John 6:53

    So Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.

    John 6:54

    Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day;


    Scripture 1 = Nation of Israel

    Scripture 2 & 3 = Anointed, Spiritual Israel

    Please remember that on their resurrection or their 'lifting up' from this Earth, the true Anointed are guaranteed everlasting life.

    Those of the 'little dogs' / Earthly class are not guaranteed everlasting life until they pass their final test at the end of the Thousand years of Christ's reign, it seems ????????? 

    Now if you wish to apply the scriptures from John to include those 'little dogs' of Earthly hope, then the little dogs would need to partake of the emblems. 

    I personally think that the eating of Christ's flesh and the drinking of Christ's blood, by the True Anointed, relates to their being the Body of Christ. so they become ONE FLESH, ONE BLOOD. 

    The Bride of Christ and Christ Himself, become one.  Mark 10 : 6 through 9 

    However, from the beginning of creation, ‘He made them male and female.  For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother,  and the two will be one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh.  Therefore, what God has yoked together, let no man put apart.”

    One flesh, one blood, Christ and His Bride. 

  18. On 8/23/2021 at 7:15 AM, BroRando said:

    Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians who accepted the 'Blood of Christ' for salvation. The truth never changes and a true Christian should also be mindful of Satan's Challenge to Jehovah about skin in behalf of skin. Therefore, accepting *Blood* from another source or even themselves could be rendered a denial of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

    John 6:54

    Berean Study Bible
    Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.

    Jesus was talking to His disciples. Those disciples were to become Anointed ones.  Those words are ONLY for the ANOINTED ONES 


    Hebrews 10:26

    Berean Study Bible
    If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains,

    But take note to whom the Hebrew scriptures were written. 

    Hebrews 3 : 1 

    Consequently, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest whom we acknowledge—Jesus.


    Take note of Revelation 5 : 9 & 10 

     And they sing a new song, saying: “You (Jesus) are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

    This is the Anointed, the Bride of Christ. This is NOT the 'little dogs' that will live here on Earth. 


    Acts 15 : 28 & 29

    Berean Study Bible
    It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond these essential requirements: You must abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals, and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell.

    However lets consider this chapter of Acts. Who was the instruction given to ?

    Acts 15 : 19 & 20

     Therefore, my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God, 20  but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.

    Those from the nations. Two points here.

    Point 1. Acts 15 : 23

    They wrote this and sent it through them: “The apostles and the elders, your brothers, to those brothers in Antioch, Syria, and Ci·liʹcia who are from the nations: Greetings! 

    The Apostles called them brothers. So do we then presume these 'Brothers' from the nations, are also of the Anointed ?  I think we do. 

    So was this instruction for the Anointed ones only ?

    Point 2. Let us be perfectly honest here. Would those ones have access to Blood transfusions ?  Some here have said the Egyptians practiced such things, but that is not the point. My question is, would these people have had knowledge or access to Blood transfusions ?

    The point being, What would those 'Brothers of the Nations' have understood by the instruction being given ?  What blood would they think of when they thought of abstaining from blood ?


    Can we also consider another point here. 

    Matthew 12 : 9 - 12

    After departing from that place, he went into their synagogue, 10  and look! there was a man with a withered hand! So they asked him, “Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath?” so that they might accuse him.11  He said to them: “If you have one sheep and that sheep falls into a pit on the Sabbath, is there a man among you who will not grab hold of it and lift it out? 12  How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do a fine thing on the Sabbath.”

    What was Jesus saying here ? He was saying that saving a human life was more important than the Law. 

    Pikuach Nefesh (Hebrewפקוח נפש‎ 'watching over a soul')

     is the principle in Jewish law that the preservation of human life overrides virtually any other religious rule. When the life of a specific person is in danger, almost any negative commandment of the Torah becomes inapplicable.[1]


    It would seem as if those people that condemn Blood Transfusions among the 'little dogs' would also condemn Jesus Christ for healing the man on the Sabbath

    Which one of you has the right to be the conscience of another ???? 

  19. 15 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Many today are slowly returning to dust in the same manner as Adam and Eve.  Hope this helps. Just accept it and try to live a quiet and peaceful life. There's no turning back. However, by looking at your responses to Jehovah's Word, I SEE that you are weeping and gnashing your teeth as you seemingly  being tormented.  lol....  

    Inherited death doesn't bring everlasting harm... the second death does!  The time you have left...(barring an unseen occurrence) is all that you have... you have passed the point of no return awhile back... 

    Drink... Eat... for tomorrow... etc. etc. etc.

    @admin @The Librarian  @JW Insider  This is a threat. it is most distasteful and unnecessary. When he says it to me I just laugh it off, but to others it could cause depression or worse. 

    It also proves that Rambo here is a fake.  If he were a true JW he would not even suggest these things. 


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