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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Oh dear the GB have certainly brainwashed many JWs.  And even an outsider, who's words i don't even bother to read, jumps on the bandwagon.

    The Apostle PAUL, was completely separate from those 'superfine apostles' and it was PAUL that was chosen to write all those letters to the congregations. 

    Acts 15 is the ONLY case that anyone can use as an excuse to pretend that everyone was controlled by a single body of men. Paul certainly wasn't controlled by them.......... 

    BUT you all miss the point. GOVERNING BODY. It proves they want control. To Govern. And they use the Elders as Policemen to enforce the GB Rules. Rules and traditions of men. And to disfellowship people that they do not like, not sinners as such, just people they do not want, including victims of CSA. 

    I think those Apostles in the 1st century said " The Holy Spirit and we, will add NO FURTHER BURDEN TO YOU" 

    Whereas the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org continue to produce rules and burdens. 

    A complete opposite to what Jesus recommended.   Jesus told the apostles not to be like the nations, not to rule it over others.  But your GB make sure that every JW knows that they are the GOVERNING BODY, and that the Elders MUST BE OBEYED too.  

  2.  Next he said to Thomas: “Put your finger here, and see my hands,

    When Jesus said HANDS he meant hands. 

    And do you think Thomas didn't know how Jesus was killed ?

    Thomas said HANDS which is plural and NAILS  which is plural.  Not ONE nail through the wrists. 

    The Watchtower were /are just looking for ways to pretend to be different and trying to pretend they are clever. 

    But instead the Watchtower tell lies and deceive people. I'm sure there is a scripture about false prophets producing signs and wonders. Each and every lie the GB / Org tell is just more blasphemy, and they will pay the price. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I have never seen the word "true anointed" in the bible.  You are going to wait a looooooong time!

    I've never seen the words 'Governing Body' in the scriptures either.  

    But you know why I use the term 'True Anointed', because your Bosses / GB say that a lot of 'anointed ones' are mentally ill. So I am only talking about a True Anointed remnant, not so called 'mentally ill' people.  But of course Jesus Christ has the authority and know his real Brothers. 

  4. On 7/29/2021 at 1:59 PM, Witness said:


    🙂  The Bible can give us various descriptive terms of the same thing.  Example - a food store can also be called a market, a supermarket, grocery, mercantile or Walmart.  They are generally the same, but also give their own personal meaning to it.  

    Hence we need a TRUE ANOINTED that ARE Inspired of God's Holy Spirit, to be that spiritual JEW that will lead us 'little dogs' to God through Christ. BUT this needs to happen Earth wide now, before the coming Judgement. Because I believe that Armageddon is going to be a real 'physical' happening, and I believe this Earth will be cleansed.. 

  5. I sent a letter to the London Bethel concerning this and they basically told me to mind my own business and not to bother them. A horrible reply from so called 'brothers' in London.

    The reason I sent the letter was concerning that Watchtower picture ( on the right ) which is totally wrong. 

    John 20 :  NWT.

    24  But Thomas, one of the Twelve, who was called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. 25  So the other disciples were telling him: “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them: “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, I will never believe it.” 26  Well, eight days later his disciples were again indoors, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and he stood in their midst and said: “May you have peace.” 27  Next he said to Thomas: “Put your finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side, and stop doubting but believe.”

    It seems that Watchtower writers / artists and the GB, DO NOT KNOW HANDS FROM WRISTS, AND DO NOT KNOW PLURAL FROM SINGULAR. 

    And when I wrote to London Bethel they did not want to know either. 

  6. 13 hours ago, Anna said:

    Just like when the anointed die faithful, when they are resurrected they receive the crown of life. 

    Yes, another wonderful point to debate. Does the W/t teach, that those dead anointed ones, have already been resurrected to heaven ?  Does the scriptures teach, that they (the dead anointed) are all resurrected at the same time as the remaining ones are lifted from the earth to heaven ? 

  7. 15 hours ago, Arauna said:

    You assume the role of supreme judge and executioner.  I may believe you if you can identify any other religion which can take our place.  The test?   Which religion preaches the Name of Jehovah and carries the name of Jehovah.... Please answer this question without hypocracy!   

    As I do not believe that name to be God's true name, then it has no relevance to me. 

    Even you chop and change between Jehovah and Yehovah, so it seems you yourself are not sure. 

    But :-  Matthew 7 : 21 - 23

    “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.

    Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23  And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’

    So it seems from this scripture that the 'prophesying' and 'works' are not what count in God's or Christ's viewpoint.  The Watchtower / JW Org is unclean and unloving. 

    I remember hearing a story about a sister that was immoral, committing adultery, but she thought that spending more time in the ministry would 'make up for it'.  That's how I see the JW Org, covering over their sins by pretending to serve God.

  8. Even though the things being said here may be true, I still laugh at JWs (and those of other religions) that think JWs are 'safe' in their Org.  Spouting about Babylon the Great and wicked world organisations, when the Watchtower / JW Org is so full of lies and immorality. That is hypocrisy. 

    It is also quite interesting to see how certain people like to pigeonhole others. Another member here has now started to do this i see. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Anna said:

    but to me it seems to fit better that it came into existence at the harvest time,

    But didn't the harvest start whilst Jesus was on Earth. 

    Matthew 9 : 37 - 38

    Berean Study Bible
    Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

    Berean Study Bible
    Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”

    Could there be two harvests ? One for the Anointed, and one for the 'little dogs' / earthly class. 

    Jesus said, recorded at John 10 : 16

    Berean Study Bible
    I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them in as well, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.


  10. 14 hours ago, Anna said:

    ) the one Jesus asked us to pray for

    Did Jesus ask 'us' to pray for it, or did Jesus ask his Apostles (and maybe the rest of the Anointed) to pray for it ? 

    15 hours ago, Anna said:

    There is no denying that the scriptures say that all things were subjected to Jesus as King when he returned to heaven.

    Jesus told His disciples/apostles that ALL authority HAD been given to Him after His resurrection. That was before He returned to heaven.

    Matthew 28 : 18 & 19

    Berean Study Bible
    Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

    Berean Study Bible
    Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

    Don't JWs believe these things ? 





  11. 13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    It can be said that - The Kingdom of God is in their midst because the chosen King of God’s Kingdom, Jesus, is right there in front of them, hence the following verse:

    Matthew 21:5 - Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt,1 the foal of a beast of burden.’ ”

    This seems to prove exactly what I was saying, that Jesus WAS King whilst HE was on Earth.  

    You seem to be saying that Jesus could say those things because He would be King in the future. 

    We must therefore agree to differ on this matter.

    As for reading the scripture in context, of course I did. And I fully understand whom He was talking to and why.  Maybe next time I should quote a whole chapter should I ? 

    I took the meme at the bottom of your comment as a personal insult so I will not bother to converse with you again. I thought you were above such things.  You choosing to insult me with the actions of a 'man of colour' because you are such, is leaning toward racism in my opinion. 


  12. 20 hours ago, Anna said:

    You did want to know what WT had to say about the topic. 

    Oh yes, my apologies...   Thank you for your reply. I read it through three times to grasp it all.

    Your comment makes a lot of sense, but I'm not convinced about 1914.

    Thank you.


  13. 20 hours ago, BroRando said:

    You seem to lack the urgency that 2034 is only 13 years away.  In the essence of time... it is here...

    I was suggesting, on this forum last year, that Armageddon would be around ten years from now. So no I don't  'lack the urgency' but i don't put an exact year on it either.  

    It just seems strange to me that JWs believe that God through Christ, would want to use an immoral, dishonest Organisation to gather right hearted people together to 'survive' Armageddon.  In my opinion Christ will 'raise up' / bring together the True Anointed remnant, and fill them with Holy Spirit, so that they will oversee an Association of willing servants of God through Christ. Truth needs to be taught to people soon to give everyone the chance to serve God before the coming destruction. I do not think the Watchtower / JW Org is seriously interested in teaching truth. 

  14. A question or two.

    The Anointed are 'a temple' 'the temple'  each one is an individual temple' ???

    1 Corinthians 6:19

    Berean Literal Bible
    Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you have from God? And you are not your own,

    1 Peter 2 : 9

    Berean Study Bible
    But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

    Revelation 1 : 5b - 6

    To him who loves us and who set us free from our sins by means of his own blood—  and he made us to be a kingdom, priests to his God and Father—yes, to him be the glory and the might forever. Amen.

    The original 'Temple' was of course a physical building. But what it the spiritual Temple ?

    Is this 'new' Temple the same as the Kingdom ?  Or is each individual Anointed one a separate Temple ?

    Is there 144,000 temples that make up the Kingdom, or is it one Temple ? 


  15. 16 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Would it not be wise to go for facts instead of feelings? Facts usually outweigh a personal exegesis on some things.

    Everybody's 'facts' are different. Hence you are not a JW.  If, as it seems, no one is inspired of God's Holy Spirit right now, then it would seem that no one knows true facts.. Even on this forum everyone's facts are different. 

    And even amongst the JWs on here they disagree on facts. 

    But if you want scriptural fact, then it seems Jesus said, recorded at Luke 17 : 21

    Berean Literal Bible
    nor will they say, 'Behold here,' or 'There.' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." 

    So, how can you say that the Kingdom did not exist whilst Jesus walked this Earth, when Jesus said it did. 


  16. 13 hours ago, Kick_Faceinator said:

    The man of lawlessness sits in the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses because the organization holds every single temple member right now.

    I agree with what you say that the Anointed are God's temple. The scriptures make that very clear to those that want to understand it. 

    But why do people believe that the JW Org holds every member of the anointed remnant ? 

    And what do you think will be the way out ? Will the JW Org be cleansed or will a new Association be formed ? 

    We certainly need a True Anointed remnant to lead us to truth through Christ, before the 'end comes'. 

    It might be nice to think we can do it on our own as individuals, but I really think we need to be part of an association. 

  17. 22 hours ago, BroRando said:

    "For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.


    22 hours ago, BroRando said:

    “My spirit will not tolerate man indefinitely, because he is only flesh. Accordingly, his days will amount to 120 years.

    Um, I think this might be what @Arauna calls 'lumping scriptures together'.

    And I think Mr Rambo is clutching at straws here. He's still stuck fast to 1914 and the 120 years = 2034. 

    22 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Attack on 'Jehovah’s' people

    This seems to have already happened to JWs in Russia and a few other places.  

  18. https://realscreen.com/2021/07/16/vice-tvs-vice-versa-doc-on-jehovahs-witnesses-set-to-premiere-this-month/

    Cable network Vice TV announced a new documentary special on Jehovah’s Witnesses that’s set to air later this month on July 28.

    Vice Versa: Crusaders examines the global religious organization, its carefully curated message of faith and its nearly unblemished public veneer, and investigates alleged corruption within the organization and its work to shame, silence and ostracize others.

    Kaufman is himself a former third-generation Jehovah’s Witness who faced shunning from his family after starting a four-year investigation into the religion’s handling of allegations of child sexual abuse within its congregations.

    “After witnessing firsthand the cycle of abuse that runs deep within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I could not rest until the dark truth of this organization was brought to light,” Kaufman said in a Vice news release. “Vice Versa: Crusaders exposes those who use their immense power and influence to maintain control in the name of God.”

    The documentary includes revealing interviews with whistleblowers, former members and one current witness, as well as access to leaked documents.

  19. 13 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    The one point I take some exception too, @Patiently waiting for Truth, is that you have made more of the specific timing as if it is the most important thing to get out of this. And you may have "summoned" my take on this because you know that I will agree that it indicates the Kingdom did not start in 1914.

    Thank you for your time and patience, and for your opinion.

    The points of, when Jesus became King and about, when the Kingdom first started, are important to me. And the point about 1914, in my opinion, should be important to everyone that is searching for truth.  

    But please compare that with the JW viewpoint about the Cross or the Stake. 

    Also compare it with certain people on this forum that 'brag' about JWs 'knowledge' concerning, the trinity, immortality of the soul, hell fire   etc...  The Watchtower / Org enjoys making known such things, but maybe not so happy when their own teachings are questioned. 

    Whilst I do admit that the Watchtower / Org has made things clearer to those that may have believed in the mainstream church teachings, have the same W/t / Org replaced untruth with, untruth ? 

    As the Watchtower / GB / Org keep pushing 1914 as one of their 'Core beliefs' or main doctrines, then it is obviously a foundation stone on which the JW Org is standing. If this foundation stone were to crumble, would the JW Org fall ?

    I have personally got to the point where I care not if the W/t / JW Org stands or falls, because it is not important. What is important is TRUTH.  ALL people on earth right now deserve to be taught truth. Truth about God and Christ, and about 'the things which are about to take place'. 

    That truth has to be based on a firm truthful foundation.  

    Once again thank you for your input. 

  20. https://welovetrump.com/2021/07/02/churches-are-being-burned-down-in-canada/#:~:text= St. Jean Baptiste Parish and the Kateri,on church run residential graves all throughout Canada.

    Not JW related, but related to abuse and death of many children it would seem.  Hopefully all of those children will rise again in the Resurrection once this Earth has been made clean. 


    In the last nine days there has been a total of eight churches that have been burned down in Canada. All eight of the churches were settled on the First Nation’s reserve in Western Canada and authorities have declared that the fires were caused by “suspicious activity”. St. Jean Baptiste Parish and the Kateri Tekakwitha Church were the latest churches to be burned down and were completely destroyed due to the fact the churches were made of wood.

    The fires come after unmarked graves have been discovered on church run residential graves all throughout Canada.

    In recent weeks, the country has been rocked by the discovery of nearly a thousand unmarked graves at the sites of church-run residential schools where Indigenous children were forcibly converted to Christianity and stripped of their original names, customs and language.

    10 churches in Calagary alone either set on fire or vandalized. Some Catholic and some not.

    There have been a series of church fires since the discovery of 215 unmarked graves near a former residential school in Kamloops in B.C. and another site where 751 unmarked graves were flagged on the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan.

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