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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. https://torrentfreak.com/watch-tower-ups-pressure-on-youtube-facebook-to-hand-over-infringers-details-210523/ After filing a lawsuit against the creator of the 'DubTown' Lego stop motion series, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the supervising body and publisher for the Jehovah’s Witness religious group, has yet more alleged infringers in its sights. In addition to targeting more YouTube users, Watch Tower is attempting to find out the identities of people posting its songs to Facebook. As the owner of various copyright-protected works, including many registered at the US Copyright Office, the group is allowed to send DMCA takedown notices to have content removed from online platforms. As the law requires, platforms like YouTube comply with these requests but it appears that is just not enough for Watch Tower. As reported last weekend, an individual who created a series of stop-motion Lego animations is currently being sued by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. ‘Kevin McFree’ was first targeted in 2018 via a DMCA subpoena but with that legal process stalled, Watch Tower filed a full-blown copyright infringement lawsuit. McFree (not his/her real name) is currently proceeding as a John Doe, since the earlier DMCA subpoena failed to uncover the animator’s real identity after Watch Tower met resistance from McFree’s lawyer. However, DMCA subpoenas – which do not necessarily require oversight from a judge – can prove a useful tool in obtaining people’s real names and addresses. While this is a problem for alleged copyright infringers in any matter (such as those that involve copyright trolls), in Watch Tower related cases there is a chance that once identified, people who are current members (or have family members still in the church) could face much broader social consequences. As a result, staying anonymous carries additional importance. Watch Tower Files a New Wave of DMCA Subpoenas Watch Tower is no stranger to filing for DMCA subpoenas to compel YouTube to hand over the details of alleged infringers, and these can sometimes get quite messy. This week, however, Watch Tower appears to be increasing the pressure significantly. In a wave of DMCA subpoenas targeting YouTube and also Facebook, the religious group is hoping to find out the real identities of people who uploaded Jehovah’s Witness content to the platforms. At least as far as the evidence provided reveals, none are serial infringers or mass uploaders. In all cases, Watch Tower appears to have identified either a single upload on YouTube or Facebook, which were previously tackled by sending DMCA notices to the relevant platforms, targeting the specific content, which was removed. Demands for All Subscriber Information In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts. Since the content has already been subjected to takedown requests, preventing ongoing infringement doesn’t appear to be a key issue. However, since Watch Tower wants to personally identify the people in question, it is possible that it will seek to communicate with them directly. What shape those conversations will take is unknown but there could be additional consequences if the group can link the alleged infringers or their family members directly to the church. And of course, as the lawsuit against Kevin McFree shows, there is also the possibility of a full-blown copyright infringement lawsuit, which at least carries the potential for up to $150,000 in statutory damages, if guilt is proven. Either way, if the people can be identified there is no good outcome. The DMCA subpoena applications and supporting documents can be found below: 1. YouTube (Subpoena 1) (1,2) 2. YouTube (Subpoena 2) (1,2) 3. Facebook (Subpoena 1) (1,2) 4. Facebook (Subpoena 2) (1,2) Matthew 5 : 38 through 45 “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39 However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. 40 And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41 and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.43 “You heard that it was said: ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. And the GB and their lawyers continue to disobey Christ, because the GB love money and power more than they love God.
  2. Another ten years maybe ? Too much to happen and the True Anointed remnant have to be actively serving God properly through Christ and guiding the 'earthly class' in the right direction. Now that has to happen before all religion is completely banned earthwide. So we need some true guidance asap. It is not goingto come through the GB of the W/t. The A/V studio will be fitting for the GB and their helpers, because all they do is play act and pretend to serve God.
  3. Well at least JTR made this forum more interesting. Although Bro Rambo's topics are interesting in a strange way. Have a good day everyone.
  4. You are so funny Arauna. Every time you say 'I will not respond' but then you do. Have a nice day.
  5. You webpage looks very dark with the black background, to the point of looking evil. You call it JW Forum but is it GB approved ? The Devil works in many ways, even pretending to work against himself. I think you are from your father the Devil.
  6. But isn't the GB / W/t teaching that one 'has to be a baptised JW to be saved' ? This is a serious question Tom ? So will you give us your personal opinion ? What do YOU teach others ? Is it only God's 'real' enemies, those in direct opposition, that will be killed, or, is it all non JWs that will be killed ? The fact that JWs on this forum call us non JWs 'enemies of God' or 'apostates', seems to answer the question quite well but it would be nice to know how JWs really feel. But then it would also be nice to know who on here are genuine JWs
  7. Wow more name calling from a 'non-judgmental' 'peace loving' JW. A JW that likes to presume that I hate people. A JW that is obsessed with OCD. And it seems all JWs are brainwashed into calling non JWs apostates and trolls. However, I only hate what Almighty God and Jesus Christ hate. But unfortunately the words and actions of the GB of W/t, CCJW, JW Org, are proven to be things that both God and Christ would hate.
  8. So I did a little bit of digging as to this name above. Among their corporations, the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses cares for matters specific to Jehovah's Witnesses special full-time servants. In a particular branch, traveling overseers, special pioneers, and branch staff are considered members of the Order of Special Full-time Servants and the Bethel Family.[16] Globally, their order is the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses.[17] Male and female members of such religious orders typically make a formal vow of poverty and are granted certain status and exemptions by many governments. While Jehovah's Witnesses do not consider members of their religious orders to be a clergy separate from other Witnesses, who are also ordained ministers, they do recognize that a government may consider them such for administrative purposes. ---------------------------------------------------- The Order of Special Full-Time Servants appears to be a religious order of Jehovah's Witnesses. What is a religious order in the context of Witness theology? Is it theologically meaningful at all? To what purpose do people join this order? When do they leave? (Do they leave?) How does the whole thing work? yb95 pp. 5-6 Jehovah’s Witnesses—1995 Yearbook Report *** Among the full-time workers were 15,145 members of the global Bethel family. They help to provide literature, supervision, and other beneficial services in support of the worldwide work of Bible education. Of these, 5,082 serve at the world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, and at nearby facilities. All of them are members of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants, a religious order that is devoted exclusively to the ministry. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately a lot of info' / web pages are blocked from UK viewers. So it was difficult to get any real details. Yes I did try JW Org site, but no results came up. But once again I didn't see the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses connected to the W&BTS ???
  9. https://rcbizjournal.com/2021/05/18/ramapo-now-accepting-public-comment-on-proposed-jehovahs-witnesses-hq-in-sloatsburg/ A DEIS Hearing Will Be Held May 26; Public Comments Period Ends June 21 The Town of Ramapo will be accepting public comment on the proposed new World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses Audio/Video Production Center now that the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) is complete. There is a DEIS hearing on May 26 and public comments will be accepted until June 21. The 1.7 million square-foot project, known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is slated for 155 Sterling Mine Road in largely Sloatsburg and partly in Tuxedo in Orange County. Of the 249 acres, 242 are located in Ramapo; the balance is in Tuxedo. The Tuxedo portion of land will be used for secondary driveway access. The religious order, known as the Worldwide Order of Special Full Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses, is hoping to build an A/V production center with audio and video production studios and facilities to support operations of the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The facilities include offices, maintenance and set production workshops, and a central chilled/hot water plant with geothermal heat recovery system. Accommodations for resident staff include 645 residential units (545 one-bedroom and 100 studio units), dining/assembly spaces, recreation/wellness/fitness facilities, and a clinic. ( Is this a new title for some of the JWs ? And if so why ? I have said before they have many different Orgs. ) The religious order purchased the land in 2009 for $11.5 million. The proposed live/work facility is integral to the religious missionary and educational work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Occupants will be members of the Order, all of whom are adults without minor children who live under a vow of obedience and poverty, or adult religious volunteers, who will be assisting on a short-term basis. So, whos wording is this ? I've only copied and pasted it. I did note is says Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses, not servants of GOD. So is this no part of the Watchtower Society either then ?
  10. Oh dear, well it's a bit different to being called an apostate, I'm now being called a troll. You do let your emotions over rule your common sense, but then the truth always hurts JWs. Split personalities it seems. Serve the GB by preaching what you are told to preach, but then not believe what you are preaching. I think @JW Insider has given examples of this in the past.
  11. Sorry for all the smiley faces, but this is all so funny about the names and AKA's. It's sad that some on here have lost family members and close friends in death. The hope of the resurrection is real of course but the loss is still heavy on the heart. You’re joking! She’d rather be dead forever? This is a good point from both sides. My wife and I love to be together, but apart from everyone else. We just like our time together, just the two of us. We never did like meetings, too may people, too much noise. We are not ones for going to mass gatherings. Attending assemblies, especially when the five children were young, was horrid. So maybe we wouldn't enjoy the 'paradise' so much . Unless we were given a small plot of land away from 'the madding crowd'. But then some folks on here tell me I won't get the chance anyway..................
  12. It's quite funny to read here JWs are disagreeing with each other over many things. Well those who say they are JWs anyway. They even disagree with each other over the history of their own religion. Carry on folks it's good for a laugh.
  13. Not true. The GB / Leaders of the multi Orgs are changing the meanings of Jesus' words. Because by changing so called 'understanding' they are changing what is being preached or taught. Hence they destroy old books and and replace with different teachings. I think they even try to pretend now that all JWs are part of the 'body of Christ'.
  14. So what does this tell us ? It tells us that the GB are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. It tells us that a lot of people are influenced by the GB's false teachings. And it tells us that significant changes in teachings and direction are constantly happening in the JW Org. Did Jesus change his teachings ? Should we change the teachings of Jesus ? And you don't think a True Anointed are needed to give inspired direction ?
  15. No ? Oh, then you must just enjoy calling me names. So who is the apostate mentioned here ? Me or the reporter ? The word 'apostate' gets thrown around so much that it has lost it's meaning. But I suppose you and others will go back to arguing about that year 1914 and about when Armageddon will arrive. And I WILL continue to be Patiently waiting for Truth. Whereas JWs would prefer to continue to preach the GB's lies.
  16. @TrueTomHarley you are good for a laugh. And you certainly hate me, which I find amusing. Keep it up old chap
  17. But @Pudgy , you talk about other people's insecurity, yet you find the need to pretend you are a dog . Oh dear...
  18. The words of Jesus recorded at Matthew 24 v 22 "In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short". I think this scripture is interesting in many ways. Firstly it shows the importance of the Chosen Ones to God and Christ. So should those Chosen Ones not be important to all true Christians ? Secondly, does this not wipe out any reason for looking at dates or times ? A certain person quite new to this forum, or maybe just an AKA, seems to think he/she knows the exact year of Armageddon. But of what use would it be of knowing, when this scripture says "those days will be cut short" ? Surely God or Christ will assess the situation as time passes. But the main point here is that God and/or Christ will act on behalf of the Chosen Ones. Berean Literal BibleAnd unless those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but because of the elect, those days will be shortened.
  19. IN ASSOCIATION WITH CHRIST JESUS, just in case you missed that. It doesn't say in association with the Watchtower or JW Org. But once again that scripture is for the True Anointed ones. It is the 'body of Christ' that is 'in association with' Christ Jesus. You do know that God intends to shorten the 'last days' of Armageddon on account of those True Anointed ones, don't you ? Matthew 24 : 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."
  20. It was posted just as 'something different'. It gets boring reading people arguing over dates and insulting each other, and when a person acts like a dog well ................ So it was just something a bit different. And as for " Coroner A coroner is a government or judicial official who is empowered to conduct or order an inquest into the manner or cause of death, and to investigate or confirm the identity of an unknown person who has been found dead within the coroner's jurisdiction. Is it the Coroner's job to state if opportunities existed and/or were missed ? I wouldn't think so. How can a person examining a dead body, know if opportunities existed to prevent the murder ? But you need to pick up on it Tom, as you need every straw to grasp don't you ?
  21. https://www.ebay.com/b/Antiquarian-Collectible-Books-Jehovah-Witness-Watchtower/29223/bn_55470279
  22. Very poor excuses Billy. Quite funny when old JW books are for sale on ebay and elsewhere.
  23. There will be 'persecution' of the GB, the Watchtower, the CCJW and JW Org, but it will not be because they serve God properly. And they have destroyed the evidence of witnesses of CSA, evidence given to Elders behind closed doors. THAT is what would give the GB et al away. But can you not understand one reason for the 'turn against Christianity' (and all other religions), when ALL so called religions are trying to hide pedophiles in their organisations and all religions are telling lies.
  24. https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/cheltenham-news/victim-tewkesbury-child-abuser-eunice-5396766 A victim of Tewkesbury child abuser Eunice Spry is to tell his story on national TV. He was taken away from his parents, who could not look after him at the age of three. He was placed in the care of Eunice Spry, a pillar of the Jehovah's Witness community, at her Gloucestershire home. Life was idyllic at first, with Spry playing the ‘strict but loving’ parent. But a few months later, the abuse began. For more than 13 years Spry systematically tortured Christopher and some of her other foster children. Cheltenham-born Christopher Spry is to appear in the Survivors series, presented by former Coronation Street actress Denise Welch, on the Crime + Investigation channel. It explores what it means to live with the trauma of enduring and surviving horrific crimes and the incredible effort and courage required to rebuild a life in the aftermath. Christopher’s story will be told in the last of the series’ six episodes, at 9pm on May 24.
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