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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Would that discussion include that 'new book' mentioned on this forum about The Sealing of the 144,000.
  2. It's all about being politically correct. I prefer not to compare people or things. I don't compare myself to others. If I'm going to compare myself it will be to Bible standards. Xero seems to be pointing people toward being competitive, which i don't think is good. I think Jesus told the disciples not to do it.
  3. I think you are a fake. Probably another AKA of someone else on here. Quote "Here, let me help you. I'll spoon feed you." How smug is that ? Defo' not of the True Anointed ones.
  4. Once again this becomes a comedy forum. Is someone actually paying for this web space. I've no idea how forums are 'paid for'. Maybe by the advertisements ? It is a shame how xero has to keep showing his inner self to the world, and it is a shame how CC = Billy the kid has to keep spewing acid. I thank you Tom for making it all so amusing... I'm only on here this morning as it's raining outside and i need to think of things to do. Have a nice day everyone. Oh, I note there is a new topic about a 'new book' = new light
  5. So @Brother Rando are you actually one of Jehovah's Witnesses ? Are you one of the Anointed ? If you are a JW, is your 'new book' working with the Governing Body of the Watchtower / CCJW ? I won't download it as it may contain a virus and there seem to be enough of those in the word right now. The words of God tell us not to put trust in 'men'. And it seems that you are just another man. But, I keep saying that a True Anointed will appear. However I don't think you are one of them. On the one hand you admit that we are NOT supposed to know the 'day or the hour', but then you tell us that you know the year. 2034 is it ? So, if you have this 'secret information' why doesn't the GB have it ? They pretend to be the F&DS don't they.
  6. Discrimination has seemed to run through the Org from it's very beginning. Even Russell said that 'non white' people were of lower intelligence. And do you believe that this xero is really a JW ? You know for sure that I am not... Does xero show any true Christian qualities ? As for me I try to state facts, although i do tend to 'think aloud' too
  7. The Bible doesn't use the phrase 'Governing Body' either. Or 'Jehovah's Witnesses' The 'name' for God seems to be YHWH. And it is you that goes on and on about the True Anointed When you know full well that they already exist. When the GB are no longer ruling a dozen or so Orgs / Societies, then the True Anointed will be revealed to mankind. Would Jesus choose such a man ? Yes i know that Jesus reads 'hearts', but if Matthew was as you suggest.
  8. And what therefore of a God ( so the GB pretend) that would kill you for not being a baptised JW ?
  9. Xero takes scripture totally out of context of course. Matthew 6 : 5 & 6. 5 “Also, when you pray, do not act like the hypocrites, for they like to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the main streets to be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your private room and, after shutting your door, pray to your Father who is in secret. Then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you. Jesus was saying do not pray on display to get rewards from men. Jesus was not saying, do not pray together in unity. Remember that Jesus said to the anointed, 'when two or more of you are gathered in my name, i am among you'. So Jesus wanted them to gather together to pray. Matthew 18 : 20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.”
  10. This one is a laugh..... The GB are obviously led by the Devil, and prove it by telling the Anointed not to gather together and to threaten the True Anointed that they would be ' working against the Holy Spirit' if they did gather together. When Jesus told them they should gather together and to ask for things in His name. The GB, led by their hearts, are frightened that the True Anointed will prove spiritually strong, so the GB listen to the Devil and do his work.
  11. And here we have it ! This is Xero at her best. All this writing about 'conscience' was nothing but a smoke screen. It was all hiding his hate for his imagined Opposers. She/he now tries to pretend that imagined Opposers are all of low intelligence. This makes Xero feel superior. Xero seems to have an inferiority complex. Just a quote here from Xero Yes indeed. Moral pervert = GB / Watchtower / JW org. Child Sexual Abuse court cases. GB lawyers. Misused intelligence with no moral standing and no spirituality.
  12. This just seems to sum up the thinking of Xero. It links to the ideas from the GB about people being mentally ill too. I wonder if fishermen in Jerusalem had a fantastically high IQ ? Maybe a Tax Collector did. A physician yes.
  13. Eating the meat would have been a personal choice. But the writing of, what we now call scripture, WAS inspired of God's Holy Spirit. So the writing declaring, that it was OK to eat that meat, was not from Paul, but from Almighty God.
  14. And this is why people say, and this proves the point, that congregants ARE controlled / ruled over by the GB / WTS. This really proves that JWs serve and put their faith in the GB and the W/t / JW org. And it's good to see that you recognise that THREAT of disfellowshipping hanging over the congregation.
  15. (I need something lighthearted after the stress of CC) So Prince Philip has died at the ripe old age of 99. A good innings i would say. An Elder I know continues to say that the dead will 'all' get a resurrection. (Yes we know of certain ones that we presume won't) I was just 'thinking aloud' that when Prince Philip is resurrected they will say to him, "There is good news and bad news" "The good news is that you have been resurrected into this wonderful new world" "The bad news is that you are no longer a prince". Continuing this thought pattern. If everyone is resurrected with their 'old' memory, then they will have to make big adjustments in their lives. Thinking of people that would have had powerful positions, or maybe had servants. I never really delved into the thoughts of everyone being equal, but I've heard that the Elders believe they will be princes. Of course there will be the need of things being 'organised' after Armageddon. But will it go back to having men ruling over the people ? Even if it did it would not be the earthly rulers we have now. So they would have to show great humility. Maybe it will be easier for people that have had a more lowly position in this world to adjust to the 'new world'. (I do hope we won't get CC or others, telling some here, that they won't be in the 'new world'. Christ has the authority to judge all.)
  16. But the funny thing was, i wasn't sugesting CC was you Tom. I was suggesting CC was xero. I am now thinking that CC is not good with English.
  17. Ah CC so you are xero. Ok fine. That is why you are so upset with my 'thinking aloud'. I note here that you say I make accusation. That in itself is an accusation aimed at me. As for me, I only use one name or one aka on this forum. One is enough. I'll put the kettle on then to make tea for the Police you pretend to be sending.
  18. I love it. You say things like this but you still answer my comments. As for xero, he can make his own choices. I think he/she is just another AKA anyway. Is it you Billy ? Is it Tom ? Do I actually care ? Could I actually be taken to court for thinking aloud about an AKA who does not reveal their real identity ? It's all too funny ........ Your laws in America are different to ours here in England. Come to think of it aren't the laws in America different in every State ? CC just wants me d/fed from this forum, the same as he did to John Butler. You call it insinuation, I call it thinking aloud. To 'wonder' is not the same as to accuse.
  19. Do you know how stupid you look ? . "File a complaint, directly to the UK" ??????? The UK is a collection of countries. I 'wonder' to whom you will direct this 'complaint'. You are so funny. My words are chosen very carefully. I never write if I'm upset, I keep a level head. I have never written a direct threat and never made a direct accusation to anyone on this forum. It is only your wild imagination that leads you to complian about me. But if it keeps you happy. What was it Xero said about people living in their mother's basement and making up stories... It must happen a lot in the USA.
  20. But Xero can get away with it when he writes that hs is 'just thinking aloud'
  21. Billy this is exactly what you did to John Butler. You deliberately twisted what was written to suit your own twisted mind. I wrote "Xero gets more childish by each comment. His low inteligence level would have been just right for an elder. I wonder if he commited CSA ? He must have been removed for a reason." wonder = ask oneself, think about, meditate on, reflect on, Hence it is NOT an accusation. I was just thinking aloud . And yes i know you put accusation in inverted commas. But in fact you are slyly 'accusing' me of accusing him. So the slander in on you. The word commited is past tense meaning 'having done' or 'having acted in such a way''. Being past tense it is not 'intent'. Intent = 'intention or purpose' or 'determined to do'. That is future tense. I do know that your aim is to get me removed from this forum too but the rest of that sentance is just as important as the words you choose to harp on about, so on this one you loose. (yes I have saved this whole conversation for future use)
  22. Xero gets more childish by each comment. His low inteligence level would have been just right for an elder. I wonder if he commited CSA ? He must have been removed for a reason.
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