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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 12 hours ago, xero said:

    Always good to "not think more of yourself than is necessary to think".

    If the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org had of thought that way then they would never have made false predictions and never have seen themselves as prophets. 

    It was a pleasure dissecting you long comment because I have shown the falsehood that you try to display as truth. 


  2. 12 hours ago, xero said:

    Sometimes it's right to be wrong or even let yourself be wronged to keep the peace. (

    This one sentence says two different things. It twists the actual meaning of the sentence. 

    Second section " even let yourself be wronged to keep the peace. " Yes I'm sure we all 'let things just go by' to keep the peace. 

    However first section Sometimes it's right to be wrong. Now that is something completely different.  It can never be right to deliberately be wrong. That is just trying to make an excuse for the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW org. Saying they are right to get things wrong. Complete hogwash of course. 

  3. 12 hours ago, xero said:

    So take me. I absolutely know that God exists. I absolutely know that the Bible is the word of God. I absolutely know God is NOT a trinity, that there is no immortal soul, that hell is NOT a place of eternal torment. I know that fornication is wrong, along with homosexuality, murder and a number of other things. If I go to some church or synagogue or mosque or whatever and these people are teaching these lies and even doing a lot of these immoral things, then I'm willfully placing myself is a bad situation and I deserve whatever beatings come my way, even annihilation. (never mind that the only thing that's lawful for me is for me to be dead as I'm a sinner and have absolutely no right to life).

    Very well said xero.  So by going to a Kingdom Hall and more importantly doing the door to door pedaling of the Watchtower magazine you are "willfully placing yourself is a bad situation and you deserve whatever beatings come your way, even annihilation". 

    I'm glad you realise those things, so you will have no excuse come Judgement time. 

  4. 11 hours ago, xero said:
    12 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    You're not the first idiot to wish me dead. You have to get in line for that. But, as it goes, you continue to show your true colors. Being a "witness" is NOT one of them. Stick to book writing. Your useless as a Christian, but very good at being an insane, degenerate. 

    But, as long as you keep your comments focused on me on desiring people dead, and not the Watchtower or the GB, I don't have a problem with that. So, keep your focus on me, or you will inherit many problems. Remember JTR?


    14 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    By the way, thanks for letting me know, how you think the killing of 8 PEOPLE is funny by your emoji. That confirms what you were thinking of, when you threatened the GB.

    I WISH TO SHOW HERE THAT CESAR CHAVEZ HAS A DISTURBING WAY OF THINKING ABOUT 'WANTING PEOPLE DEAD'. CESAR CHAVEZ IS BILLY THE KID. When he used that name he made it clear he has a love of GUNS, yes real guns. He mentioned that he has a collection of them. He says he is a JW serving God ??? I do wonder who he is really serving. 

    The top comment of his wasn't aimed at me, the lower one was.

    Even TTH says about CC :- 

    13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Sigh...I’m afraid our boy is not really happy unless he is fighting.

    So when you are considering comments about John Butler or 4jah2me, please also consider where those comments are coming from. Thank you. 

  5. 3 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    This will also make you understand, your falsehood is "preventing" others from knowing the true God.

    @Witness has clearly shown, as have many others, that the GB / Watchtower / JW Org  have for many years cried 'Wolf'

    How is crying Wolf helping anyone to know the true GOD ?   Crying wolf in the case of the GB & Co has meant that those humans have decided that ‘My master is delaying '    (Matthew 24 : 48)

    The GB now "starts to beat his fellow slaves "  (Matthew 24 :49

    I do think that an organisation is necessary, but it has to be an honest, clean organisation, led by True Anointed ones. And more importantly it has to be led by God through Christ and with Holy Spirit. 

    A true organisation would be recognised by it's WORKS. True worship of God through Christ and true honest teachings. And free of immorality. It would be an 'open' organisation that wasn't afraid to give details of how it was run. And all immorality would be made known to the congregations, and immoral ones would be removed unless truly repentant. By being truly open and all things made known, then others could take the necessary precautions to avoid immoral ones. That would allow congregants to know the big difference of sin or minor weakness. All this would be possible through holy spirit if the organisation was truly God's organisation through Christ. 

    There would be no more crying 'Wolf' because the True anointed would wait for true instructions from Christ through Holy Spirit. Remember the words of Jesus to the Anointed 

    John 14 : 13 & 14

     "Also, whatever you ask in my name, I will do this, so that the Father may be glorified in connection with the Son. 14  If you ask anything in my name, I will do it."

    You see, JESUS will provide TRUTH to the TRUE ANOINTED ones. So when there is a true organisation, then there will be true teachings and true servants of Almighty God'

    The Earthly class must 'go with' the spiritual Jew, that is the True Anointed. 


  6. 10 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There are so many AKA’s here, how do you know I am not him?

    Um very possible. Both ex Elders. Both dislike truth :)  But you Tom are funny in a good way, whereas Xero is a bit bitter and sounds dangerous. 

    JTR Jr had me a bit worried and BTK when they both talked about how many guns they have and they seemed to be bragging about it. But I'd hate to think of Xero with a gun, he just seems so bitter. 

  7. 11 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    This is why, that idiot John Butler aka Jah4me is on a dangerous path once again. Regardless if it's construed as a "fantasy" which I don't think it was, or is with his latest remarks. If a person thinks it, it's because they "feel" it. Therefore, the owner again can become liable for the words of this idiot, by insinuating the Watchtower GB and the JWorg condones sexual child abuse. All these instances have been recorded.

    There is so much in this paragraph that needs deep consideration. 

    This is why, that idiot John Butler aka Jah4me is on a dangerous path once again.  JB was never on a dangerous path at all. 

    Regardless if it's construed as a "fantasy"   If you people wish to believe that God's miracles are a fantasy then it seems you are completely lost. 

     If a person thinks it, it's because they "feel" it.  Thinks what exactly ? 

    by insinuating the Watchtower GB and the JW org condones sexual child abuse. 


    The Charity Commission has accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of resisting a child protection inquiry

    The Charity Commission has also claimed that the church nationally was frustrating attempts to investigate its child protection procedures.

    Who is insinuating ????? 

    All these instances have been recorded.   Yes they have, by governments and working groups against CSA Earthwide.

    And soon the 'mighty' Org will fall, and then God will be worshipped through Christ properly.



  8. 14 hours ago, xero said:

    2  Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are,+ if you judge; for when you judge another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge practice the same things. - Ro. 2:2

    And you o Xero have been judging ex-JWs since you joined here, or since you have been using this AKA. 

  9. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/jehovahs-witness-congregation-blamed-for-rape-8v7m70jcp

    The Charity Commission has accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of resisting a child protection inquiry


    A Jehovah’s Witness congregation was responsible for the rape of a young woman because of the power male “elders” wielded over “sheep-like” members, the Court of Appeal ruled.

    The victim had complained about Mark Sewell’s kissing and innuendo but was urged to show “compassion” by his father, who, like Sewell, was an elder at the church in south Wales.

    The Charity Commission has also claimed that the church nationally was frustrating attempts to investigate its child protection procedures.

    The victim of Sewell’s rape, known as Mrs B, did not report the attack to the church authorities until she discovered that he was sexually abusing a girl whose father was also an elder. A “judicial committee” of elders from another congregation questioned Mrs B ..........

    Why Respect Authority? - JW.ORG


    Christians obey the instruction found at Romans 13:1-7. (Read.) We respect “the superior authorities” and obey the laws of the country or community where we live. These laws may affect our family, business, or possessions. For example, we pay taxes and provide information that the government requires.

    The Charity Commission has accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of resisting a child protection inquiry

    You decide who is telling the truth here :) 

  10. https://www.brusselstimes.com/news/belgium-all-news/160238/jehovahs-witnesses-given-e12000-fine-for-incitement-to-hatred-against-ex-members-ghent-correctional-court-unia-shunning-policy/

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belgium must pay a €12,000 fine for the systematic and “disturbing” exclusion of ex-members who have left the organisation, the Ghent correctional court ruled on Tuesday.

    The court ruled that the non-profit association behind Jehovah’s Witnesses is guilty of inciting discrimination and hatred or violence against former members, reports the Belga news agency.

    “The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ shunning policy cuts to the very core of relationships, and the victims suffer both physical and psychological consequences,” one of the lawyers of the civil parties said during the trial last month.

    He claimed that once the members had left the group, they were disowned and completely isolated socially, by order of the organisation.

    The Ghent public prosecutor’s office summoned the Jehovah’s Witnesses for four charges: incitement to discrimination on the basis of religious belief against a person, and against a group, as well as incitement to hatred or violence against a person, and against a group.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses state that ex-members should be shunned like the plague,” said lawyer Pieter-Bram Lagae, who assists the ex-witness who started the case.

    “He used to sit on the Jehovah’s Judicial Committee and help decide on exclusions, until he realised it was going too far,” Lagae said. “We act, for example, for a man whose wife is still a member, and he is ignored in his own home. Or a woman who has never seen her father since the exclusion.”

    “This is just the start,” former Jehovah’s Witnesses member Patrick Haeck told Het Nieuwsblad. “We are going to the European Court. This has to stop everywhere.”



  11. I think this is proof enough that John Butler DID NOT threaten the life of anyone. 

    Therefore John Butler WAS removed because of BillyTheKid46 complaints. 

    John Butler was clearly referring to an action that would be either by Angels or by God's Holy Spirit. 

    The Librarian obviously knew this so it seems that JB was removed WITHOUT WARNING, just to please BTK.

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    Personally, I believe that the words from John Butler did not constitute a specific imminent threat, but they still reveal something dangerous. Even if it only reveals a "fantasy" that God by some miracle will "one day soon" find a way to kill a specific group of people,

    All JB meant was that God is capable of doing anything God wishes to do. 

    If believing that God CAN do miracles is a 'fantasy' in your eyes, then you have lost faith in God And Christ. 

    And if you believe that God will continue to allow the stumbling of people that want to serve HIM, then I do believe you are in for a shock. 

  12. I was on a Facebook page earlier today and had the chance to give people information as to why world conditions are so bad and what was to happen in the future. A lady responded to me and agreed with my comment. Then she gave information about her 15 year old daughter that wants to become 'a man'. This lady is so distraught because no one will listen to her. The girl's school, the NHS, everyone, is saying let the girl make her own choice. This child is 15 years old. Her mum wants to do what is right. Everyone else just wants to follow the ways of the world and encourage this young girl to have a sex change. 

    My biggest disappointment here is that I could not direct this lady to the JW Org, because the Org is so immoral itself. Instead of concentrating on doing God's will, the GB has taken two lines of action. One is to pretend it knows so much, when in truth it knows so little. The other is to 'reign down fire' on anyone that has left the Org or dares to speak against the Org. The GB and their helpers, that could have helped people find the right road, are guilty of stumbling people searching for God. Because of their pigheaded, run ahead, selfish actions, the GB & Co have turned the Watchtower / JW Org into something that can no longer be trusted, and into a laughing stock of false predictions. In fact the GB & Co are blood guilty. 

  13. @César Chávez  Never answers questions directly, but slyly moves sideways to avoid the issues. This is typical JW practice, although i do not think CC is actually a JW at all.

    16 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    When do you suppose Jesus, you blaspheming idiot; think that Jesus "incited" others to damage, hurt and or kill others like you are doing?

    I'm not actually sure what this is all about. CC unfortunately acts like a child in a tantrum throwing his toys out of the pram. 

    I've no idea who i am 'supposed to be' inciting to damage, hurt or kill others.  Whereas the GB / Leaders of JW Org do incite the Elders to 'spiritually kill' congregants.  And to the point of giving orders 'not to contact people that have left the org, or have been de/fed', the GB & Co are guilty of the loss of life of those that commit suicide because of their 'orders'. 

  14. 14 hours ago, xero said:

    As an aside, people who are offended or disgusted by the behavior of other people are often putting themselves in the judgment seat.

    If a person didn't judge in some way then they would not know right from wrong.  For instance if a person didn't judge they could simply become a Catholic, maybe because their parents were or a friend is.  And be honest the GB / JW Org has judged the Catholic church and other religions many times. Some JWs on here regularly judge other religions when making comparison to JW Org.  

    And being disgusted by Pedophilia seems right in my eyes, as I'm sure it is in the eyes of God and Christ. 

  15. On 3/14/2021 at 1:20 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    in the place of known safety.

    Is there one ?  Certainly not a JW Kingdom Hall where pedophiles frequent. 


    On 3/14/2021 at 1:20 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Maybe God will prove to be a soft touch

    The scriptures say that God takes NO pleasure in the death of anybody. Whereas the GB and it's many companies seem to take pleasure in threatening ex congregants in any way they can.  And try to blackmail other people into joining those companies / orgs.


  16. 17 hours ago, xero said:

    But opposers are ultimately cowards and lazy as it's easy to complain and point out real or imagined deficiencies, but these either can't or won't do anything to do better.

    I can feel the HATE coming from you through your words.  The whole of that comment is sick. 

    I did something better. I left the JW Org because of all the immorality and CSA they were trying to hide, and then I did, and still do, my own Bible studying and prayer to God through Christ. And I warn people about the dangers of the JW Org. However i also give people information about Almighty God and Christ, and about the coming judgement of every individual on Earth.  And I suggest to people that once they have the information that it would be good for them to read God's written word. I also make it known that once a person has the true knowledge, then it is their own responsibility to start to serve God as best they can.  

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