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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Of course! 4Jah has made fine spiritual progress. Patch up that world! Tell Trump and Biden to get over their spat. Tell Putin to stop being mean. Tell Xi that Urgyers are people, too! Tell ISIS that we must make love, not war.

    Yes. Fix the world! That’s the answer! Why did nobody ever think of this before?

    “Tell me why you JWs always thing the world is getting worse?” someone asked me. “What is it that view does for you?”

    ”It helps me to explain why the Doomsday Clock is 30 seconds before midnight and not 10:30 AM,” I replied.

    Unfortunately this comment of Mr Harley's shows that he has a serious problem in his life, and that problem is not me.

    17 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    This whole JW thing about the whole world being wicked, is wrong. The idea that everyone who is not a JW is part of a wicked world, is wrong.  The idea that JWs can be neutrel but no one else can, is wrong.  I'm sure there are many people that are not JWs but are good honest people with good moral standards. 

    Here is what i said. Plain for everyone to see. All that Tom mentions is the world Leaders, not the ordinary people living their daily lives.  And i never even mentioned trying to 'patch up the world' as Tom suggests.

    As for the Doomsday clock, it belongs to Men, not GOD. Only GOD knows the day and the hour, but Men still pretend to know. 


  2. 21 hours ago, xero said:

    produces progressively predictable response patterns as these have chosen themselves as their own root.

    It that like the Leaders of the Watchtower repeating  predictable response patterns  about the 'last part of the last day' and the 'oh so close to the end'  and the 'you must be a JW to be saved'. Is that because they have chosen themselves as their own root.  

    Yes, seems to make sense now. 

  3. What is funny @César Chávez  is that you talk about " living a Christian life was too hard and not what you expected, because you lost certain human freedoms, especially those practiced in today's world of debauchery? "

    But when some one turns that full circle and mentions that the JW org is full of immorality, you don't like it. 

    This whole JW thing about the whole world being wicked, is wrong. The idea that everyone who is not a JW is part of a wicked world, is wrong.  The idea that JWs can be neutrel but no one else can, is wrong.  I'm sure there are many people that are not JWs but are good honest people with good moral standards. 

    I think this scripture is very important. Romans 2 from v 14

    For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15  They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. 16  This will take place in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.

    This is talking about people in the 'world' that you and others accuse of being so wicked. But by being pure of heart they prove they have God's law written in their hearts. And that has nothing to de with being a JW. 

  4. I would just like to say I forgive you all for your nastiness toward me.  It is unfortunate that you people calling yourselves  Christians should act in this way, but .........

    With all the going on we all know that God's 'name' in English is YHWH.  The funny thing is, this is one of the first things I learnt as a young man studying the Bible with JWs. 

    We are of course a long way off topic. Something i was constantly being told off for. But I accept that JWs will always side track when they don't like a topic. Have a good day.

    Matthew 6 : 14 & 15

    “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; 15  whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Anna said:


    I think those who are serious about not pronouncing God's name in English should also stick to pronouncing Jesus's name as Yeshua. After all he is God's son, the second most important person in the universe. And it would probably be best if they used a Hebrew accent too.


    Are you saying that Yahweh is not English, or Yehowah.  Who's to say what is English ?  After all it is YHWH. 

    Surely by changing the letters you are changing the true meaning ?  Can you honestly say that the meaning is not changed. And how would you honestly know without the gift of Holy Spirit.  Just because some scholar says this or that. Wheras if that scholar said something else you would say they are not guided by God. 

  6. 8 hours ago, xero said:

    You can jaw on as you like, but you're still squirreling around doing your best to avoid God's name - Jehovah.

    You are so funny. You NEED to be told what name to use by MEN. A name that was invented by MEN.  A name that was invented without the guidance of Holy Spirit. But you put your faith in MEN.  I hope that God through Christ will forgive you. 

  7. 8 hours ago, xero said:

    At the risk of beating the drum. I'm always suspicious when people avoid using "Jehovah". The argument about not knowing the exact pronunciation would then apply to Jehoshaphat, Jehoram or pretty much any name in the Hebrew scriptures, but for some reason the punctiliousness is applied only to "Jehovah". The reason is that God's name tastes bad in their mouths.

    The reason is that GOD'S TRUE name IS NOT KNOWN. Whereas you choose to follow men who tell you what name you must use. And Almighty God's name is far more important than any other name because it has a far more important meaning. But when the True Anointed are revealed by God through Christ, then maybe they will, through the power of Holy Spirit, tell us God's true name. But then maybe those of the Earthly class will not be told.  You see xero, the True Anointed are far more important than the Earthly class in God's eyes, so you just need to relax and be humble and wait for God through Christ to give guidance. 

  8. 18 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    the primary lawyer who takes on cases against the WTS (Zalkin) has a backlog of over 100 cases in the US


    18 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    they will hardly take on cases that only involve rank and file because it is harder to prove "agency" to the WTS which is considered the source of the money. They only want MS and elders.

    So, JWI is almost saying here that Zalkin has over 100 CSA cases against Elders and Minsterial Servants. 

    Thank you JWI, you have just proved a point, which @TrueTomHarley  constantly denies.  Tom says it is rank and file that commit CSA. JWI is proving it is Elders and MS. Zalkin is a top lawyer. He would only take cases he can prove. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Anna said:

    It was written that way, but it sure wasn't pronounced like that. It was pronounced in old Hebrew with pertinent syllables. We speak English. Each language pronounces names differently. Jehovah understands all languages of the world, including his name in that language. 

    You keep playing the same old record. But your old record does not give any proof of how Almighty God wants His name pronounced in any language. Only with Holy Spirit can God's true name be known, but you JWs no longer believe in God using His Holy Spirit. You rely on Men's words to teach you. 

  10. Oh dear @TrueTomHarley and @xero , two bullying elders or ex-elders, showing their true colours as the bullys they are. 

    When i was a JW I was humble enough to use the name for God that i was TOLD to use.  But now i am not under that pressure from the Elders or others. Therefore I call God, Almighty God or Heavenly Father, becaue I personally do not know the true pronunciation of God's name.  From my standpoint I am again being humble as i do not want to insult Almighty God. It is only you bullies that wish to insult me. It shows your lack of love, that love which Jesus spoke of, even to love your enemies.  

    You are showing the true colours of Elders in the JW Org, and I thank you for doing so. You show your domineering attitude and your judgement of others. 

  11. 19 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    But if your anecdotal example is about someone jumping in front of a train

    A young brother that commited adultry (possibly with the wife of an elder) if i remember corrrectly. 

    You said the young man needed help but instead was completely shunned and turned out of Bethel. He then commited suicide, and i think you said he jumped in front of a train. 

  12. 22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Call us old-fashioned, Xero, but we belong to the club that thinks if you put your name 7000 times in your book, it means you want it there, and may not be too thrilled with those who obscure it or even take it out.

    God indeed had YHWH put into HIS word. But HE did not have the name Jehovah put anywhere. 

  13. 22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Yes. Of course. He will be merging “Almighty God” with Jesus Chrst presently, if he hasn’t already, and it may not be long after that he sends “Almighty God” to the ash heap entirely to worship Jesus.

    Oh dear Tom. You moan at CC for his insults, but here you are no different. 

    Why would i use the term ALMIGHTY GOD, if i did not know the God was ALMIGHTY ?  

    Jesus has been given 'all authority' but he is still in subjection to the ONE that gave Jesus the authority. 

  14. On 3/6/2021 at 10:56 AM, xero said:

    I'm always suspicious when people avoid using "Jehovah". The argument about not knowing the exact pronunciation would then apply to Jehoshaphat, Jehoram or pretty much any name in the Hebrew scriptures, but for some reason the punctiliousness is applied only to "Jehovah".

    Almighty God's true name YHWH has a very serious meaning and therefore should not be misrepresented by man's interpretation. The Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit so they do not know the true pronuctiation of God's name in any language.  You know yourself that the letter J didn't even exist. So the closest you could get is Yehowah for YHWH.  Or Yahweh of course. But your Org relies on the words of Men. Men who are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. 

  15. On 3/6/2021 at 10:53 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Does the first party have a name?

    I think the clue is in the AL as in ALMIGHTY GOD. 

    The name JWs use is a man made name, and is not God's real name. YHWH does not spell Jehovah.  But you can insult Almighty God by using it if you wish.  It's strange that your Leaders will believe MEN when it suits them.  

    Only under inspiration of Holy Spirit will God's true name be known. And your Leaders do not have that inspiration. 

  16. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    13 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    You don't want children to build up their own spiritual immune system....  

    TOM SAYS  :   Here you go in exactly the opposite direction as you draw on the pandemic.

    13 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    And that is all apart from the legality, even from the Org's viewpoint, of posting letters through people's doors, during a serious virus problem. 

    Someone please explain to Tom that,    One is spiritual, the other is physical. 

  17. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You would think that receiving a child-like letter from a child would be a small price to pay for knowing that child is raised in an environment that will spare him those calamities, even if it presents some unique circumstances of its own. So much hatred does the world have for meaningful religion that there are few Witnesses not familiar with the scenario of someone having cleaned up their act, quit their smoking, drinking, thieving, carousing, and generally odious ways, saved their marriage,  only to find that people, sometimes even family, prefer them as they were.

    A child raies in that environment is probably dictated to by their parents and told to do those things. That is what the article is saying. We've even read on here about a GB member saying with hold things from children unless they do such and such, including baptism. 

    Meaningful religion ? Forcing children to serve MEN. Forcing children to do ministry even if they do not believe, what they have to tell others.  Having read reports online, which yes i do believe, about teenagers that left home as soon as they were able, because they had been overly controlled by their parents. Especially if dad was an Elder. Because Elders have to prove a point by displaying their children as 'perfect little JW's'. 

    Not to mention those that have done the complete opposite. Adultry in congregations is well known. Elders running off with the lady they study with.  Child Sexual Abuse. to name but a few. 

    Stop living in a dream world tom, see the truth of the Watchtower / JW Org. 


  18. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    if you can hold families together, as Witnesses do to a far greater extent than the overall world,

    This is obviously untrue. JWs kick their children out if the children disobey the parents or  GB / JW org.  Those parents demand their children get baptised into the JW org, then when a child goes 'astray' that child is thrown out on the streets without anyone to turn to. Then you wonder why that child will turn to the 'world' to stay alive. 

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