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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It’s not uncommon for children to be completely neglected emotionally and physically. They fall into depression, anxiety, and suicide as the reassuring world Srecko promises them falls apart

    I wish I could copy and paste something i have on file. Something that @JW Insider uploaded a long time ago. About a young man at Bethel that got himself into a bit of trouble, was d/fed, and then JUMPED IN FROM OF A TRAIN. SUICIDE.  So it happens inside the Org and outside. I know of an Elder that commited suicide by running his car engine and inhaling the  exaust fumes whilst drinking alcohol. 


  2. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You’re almost as ridiculous as 4Jah, attempting to pawn off your dislike of Jehovah as human altruism.

    11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Mr Harley, I have no dislike for Almighty God or Jesus Christ. But you are here going back to ye olde Watchtower / JW teachings of the Org being God. That does show how you have been brainwashed tom. Almighty God and Jesus Christ are no part of the Watchtower or JW Org. Therefore i can dislike the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Org, without disliking God and Christ. 

  3. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Why do you ask me a question and then answer it yourself? You are such a shrill bonehead.

    Um let's see now.

    13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    This is followed by a completely strange wording that invites the recipient of the letter to go to JWORG

    Tom's words here Do you think so? I would submit that the entire letter is strange, and all of it might trigger outrage from an intolerant person.


    14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    So the letter is all “strange”

    Um, me thinks Tom is the pot calling the kettle black. he also answers his own questions. 

  4. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Suppose you are a “traditionalist” who thinks the role of children is to have fun and play games.

    And you don't think children should have fun and play games ?  You don't think children should be allowed to live a 'childhood' ?  Of course not, because your Leaders tell you that children must be kept away from the real world.  You don't want children to build up their own spiritual immune system....  

    You want children to be dictated to by parents, that are dictated to by Elders, that are dictated to by , , , the GB / Leaders of the W/t / JW Org.  

    You seem to want this idea that JW parents make their children sit down and copy, 50 copies of a dictated letter. Then those JW parents can happily fill in those lovely little 'ministry forms' for all their children, reporting all the hours their little ones have 'happily' spent doing the GB's will. And you call this serving God. 

    And that is all apart from the legality, even from the Org's viewpoint, of posting letters through people's doors, during a serious virus problem.  I do know for sure that the instructions from the Leaders of the Org, is NOT to put things through people's doors, but to post letters through the postal system.  I don't think the article makes it clear as to how the letters were received. 


  5. https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/people/edinburgh-residents-targeted-with-handwritten-letters-from-child-members-of-jehovahs-witnesses-brand-the-move-sick-3153697

    Residents in Leith who received handwritten letters through their door from Jehovah’s Witnesses members as young as ten-years-old have branded the move ‘sick’.

    It has emerged that residents in Leith and other areas of the city have been targeted by the group – notorious for door-stepping – by letters written in multiple languages.

    The man, who had also received a leaflet from the group, who claim to be the ‘one true faith’, said in his comments the move was “sick”. He added: “This is indoctrination of a 10-year-old child. The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a dangerous cult.”

    full article available on link above. 

    Well I suppose the children have to get their hours in or they will counted as 'inactive' publishers. The Org needs to keep it's number up somehow. 


    Letter from ten-year-old to Edinburgh resident

    BUT if the letters are hand written and then put through doors, they could pass on the Virus, so this might be illegal,  

  6. 10 hours ago, Anna said:

    If someone wants to ask what does the GB say on the matter, then as long as what they have to say is based on the Bible, then that’s OK too. If we have a Bible, it is up to us to verify if what they say is based on it.

    This is where a True Anointed in needed. Because your GB have placed themselves above all others by stating that Only They are the F&DS. Therefore the GB will say everyone else is wrong in their interpretation of God's word. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Anna said:

    If an individual feels that he is inferior spiritually to someone else and wants someone else’s “spiritual opinion and guidance” then that is up to them.

    This is so funny............. The GB have demoted the Anointed ones. The GB have said ONLY THEY are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. The GB have placed themselves above all other people on this Earth by saying only they are God's mouthpiece. 

    And then Anna says "If an individual feels that he is inferior spiritually to someone else"

    The GB have made everyone spiritually inferior. THE GB expects all JWs to obey them. 


  8. 11 hours ago, xero said:

    I wonder why people bother answering some of these opposers when A. They are often atheists who have no business even referencing morality as there is no such thing  as morality w/o God B. They support abortion as well C. They hate the nuclear family D. They actually promote abuse of children w/transgender ideology

    - Quite frankly they are full of it.


    What a very sad and un-Christian outlook and judgement of people.  Your true colours xero. And you say you are an Elder. You must run a very sad congregation.

    The Jews had God but they were immoral. The JW Org pretends to have God's approval, but the Org is immoral. 

    Now as you and others think the scriptures are for everyone. Take a few lessons from this.

    Matthew 5 from verse 44

    However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, 45  so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. 46  For if you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? 47  And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing? 48  You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    1, Love your enemies, and those who persecute you;

    2, Jesus was making it clear here that people do love their own families. 

    So, if you 'are' a Christian then think on scripture before being so unkind to others. 


  9. 10 hours ago, Anna said:

    If you are so concerned about it why don't you do some proper research instead of just inventing theories of your own. I think I know what your reply will be; You can't be bothered to do research.

    This was a very childish / emotional comment from you Anna. 

    I often said, and I will repeat, the one thing I've learnt in life is that I do not know the true 'truth' about anything. 

    It is impossible to know true facts of a situation without actually being in the exact location at the time of the action.

    ( I love the song "In the air tonight" by Phil Collins. The words, "I was there and I saw what you did. Saw it with my own two eyes") 

    That is the only way of knowing truth. And you will know that I did three months 'research' about the JW Org, before I resigned from it. 

    I am not frightened of doing research, but most of it is pointless, because it comes from one side (defense) or the other side (attack), so is never neutral or 100% true. 

    The only worthwhile 'research' is God's written word, but I don't pretend to understand much of it as it was written for the Anointed not for me.  Yes it contains some basic instruction for all, but mainly for the Anointed to understand. 

  10. 11 hours ago, xero said:

    Opposers want to argue that the WTBS has full responsibility over individual conscience and its application. That's garbage as are the motives of those who suggest the same. These would Satanically deny humans free will and the consequent responsibility.

    How true this is. It reminds me of the misuse of the Romans scripture regarding the Superior Authorities. 

    But xero is showing his true colours once again. Garbage ?  The GB does deny free will to anyone that becomes a member of it's Org. They even demand baptism into the Org, not to God, Christ and Holy Spirit, as Jesus instructed.

    The GB even decide what type of clothing people should wear. And oh dear, remember the Beard problem ? 

  11. 18 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The Aussie authorities then say they MUST come aboard, on pain of losing the tax status that is afforded every other charity. At that point, it becomes an operational cost. They still don’t think it is justified, but it becomes a cost of operating in Australia.

    There are times in life when it is all about money. One of those times is when someone is trying to take it from you and you alone. 

    So if you are not being sarcastic here, then we can actually agree on something.

    Your GB care more about money than they do about serving God properly. The GB care more about money than they do about people. If fact it seems that the GB care only about money, power and their 'five minutes of fame'. 

    If that is who you want to trust and rely on, then I think you will end up very disappointed. But it's your life. 


  12. 20 hours ago, Anna said:

    The problem is you know just enough to get confused. You do not have all the facts nor knowledge,

    And you know all the truthful details ???? So tell me why Australia had over 50 years records of Child Sexual Abuse and America GB Lawyers are saying they have 25 years Database. Whereas the Org / Watchtower started in America so should easily have more on record that Australia. Unless the GB are saying that Australia is more perverted than America. :) 

  13. 19 hours ago, Anna said:

    As regards the ministry, that is a grey area because the ministry can be considered "church activity" this is especially the case when someone who is not the parent, assigns the child to work with someone else (Candace Conti).

    It is not a grey area at all. The ministry is part of the JW 'church activity'. This is easily proven by what is happening right now. Letter writing instead of door to door work. This is instruction by your Leaders as is all ministry. NO grey area at all.

    Now, what you say about children being the responsibility of the parents. This is where I say that ALL Pedophiles in ALL congregations should be made known to Everyone in the Congregation,(and outside really). Any proven act of abuse reported to Elders should be made known, naming the abuser but not naming the child. But it has been proven that Pedophiles have been hidden in congregations Earthwide, especially Elder pedophiles. So the congregation parents are not to blame for that. Remember that the KH is 'advertised' / spoken of, as being a safe place for families. JWs constantly invite 'new studies' to the KH, telling them what a wonderful and friendly place the KH is. From there JWs invite people into their own homes and on to ministry. It's a 'snowball' effect. More activities, more mixing with others. Therefore everyone should have ALL needed information about dangerous congregants including Elders.

    Anna, just turn off the JW think for one moment, and look for truth about it all. Look into your heart not into the GB eyes. You know what has gone on in the JW Org. And there is no proof that it has stopped. Why ? Because the Elders still have control over the congregations. and we know what happens if people question the Elders, or if a person complains about being mistreated.  D/fed for causing a division in the congregation. Loss of all contact with everyone in the Org. 


  14. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I was walking along the dockside when I felt a brushing at my pocket. I clamped my hand down instantly upon another that was trying to lift my wallet!

    ”What hypocrisy!” the fellow bellowed. It’s all about money money money with you, isn’t it?!!!”

    Conscience-stricken, I handed over my wallet to him.


    not even funny tom. You and your GB / Org are sick. Spiritually sick. But at least the GB / Lawyers / Watchtower / JW Org et al, are showing their true colours for all the world to see.  I hope it helps many more people leave the JW org / congregations. 

  15. 8 hours ago, xero said:

    I'm sure he's a fine fellow, but it's still dull material under discussion. There are times when you knock on a door and then out pops a minister who wants to talk to you about how awesome the trinity is and you look down at your watch and say "Yeah....Not today." :)

    Yes, well then you know how some of us here feel about your comments don't you. :) 

  16. 8 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    we abhor the sexual abuse of children and will not protect any perpetrator

    of such repugnant acts from the consequences of his gross sin. (

    This is so hypocritical. It would be funny BUT it is very serious.

    BUT the GB and their Lawyers still refuse to hand over the Pedophile Database in America. 

    And here in UK the Bethel did not want to hand over information, but were taken to court and had to hand it over. 

    And the GB Lawyers have been seen on video whilst in court, Telling Lies. 

    And Elders claim Clergy Penitent Privilege so as not to give evidence against other Elders in court, but then the Org pretends that Elders are not Clergy.  So how can Elders claim that privilege if they are not clergy ? Hypocrites. 

  17. 8 hours ago, xero said:

    As long as two or more are gathered in Jesus name he said "I'm in their midst".

    You do realise that Jesus was talking to, and about, the Anointed ones. 

    But that your GB tell those anointed ones NOT TO GATHER TOGETHER. 

    Matthew 13 v 30

     Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest season, I will tell the reapers: First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; then gather the wheat into my storehouse.’”

    Maybe we are in that Harvest season right now. 

    And that scripture isn't talking about our own heart, but then you know that. You are just trying to deceive people. And you say you are an Elder ?? Um.....

  18. :) :) :) you are all so funny, and y'all give me a great reason to laugh at y'all. 

    But laughing at your GB for their U TURN in Australia is much better. 

    As for proper Christian behaviour, none of us here have it. 

    But dear old C.C. is actually Billy the Kid, which could also be the person Allen that I've had no dealings with. 

    And good olde Tom must have at least ten AKA's 

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