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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Extend it to lawyers that they also must “do the right thing”

    Wow, yes please. Then the GB's lawyers might have to tell the truth, but then i doubt it. 

    And maye it still boils down to the fact that if an Elder does not believe a victim, OR pretends not to believe a victim or victims parents, then nothing gets done internally or outwardly.  What a BIG loophole that is. 

    10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    and will not until any so much as a hint of CSA allegation is immediately forwarded by elders to the police—effectively making them an arm of the state. It is not for elders to make any judgment as to credibility or severity. Send any allegation to police. 

    If the law was that ALL allegations had to be forwarded to the police then it would simply be obeying the Superior Authorities.  

    Now if Elders, Circuit Overseers, et al, were not doing the jobs of the Anointed, then maybe the jobs would be done properly. If the True Anointed were in those positions the jobs would indeed be done better.  Because, regarding the Anointed, to whom more is given, more will be expected in return. 

  2. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    10 hours ago, Anna said:

    [to 4Jah]: And bad people will do what they want, and of course they will do it in secret, and when chalenged they will deny and deny. How would you handle that?

    Not to worry. We can expect a True Anointed to come along any minute and fix it.  (Tom's words)

    Acts 5 : 1-4 

    However, a man named An·a·niʹas, together with his wife Sap·phiʹra, sold some property.  But he secretly held back some of the price, with his wife’s knowledge, and he brought just a part of it and deposited it at the feet of the apostles.  But Peter said: “An·a·niʹas, why has Satan emboldened you to lie to the holy spirit and secretly hold back some of the price of the field?

    Here is the answer. So think on it. How did Peter know the truth of the matter ?

    You of little faith. You have stopped believing in God's Holy Spirit and it's power.

    With a True Anointed, God can use them. God can send His Holy Spirit which will know truth from lies. But you people only think in a physical way. You have stopped believing in God's powers. If God wants a truly clean Organisation, HE will have one. 



  3. 10 hours ago, Anna said:

    So you are barking up the wrong tree when you are trying to find fault with the JW organization

    Yes I laughed at your comment. The, i was going to say naivety, but no, it's not, it's deliberately misleading hogwash. 

    I still have not gotten any answers about the 25 year pedophile database that the GB have hidden away, that they refuse to hand over to the courts. 

    I still cannot find any follow up info about the GB being arrested / taken to court in connection with th CSA. Up until February last year it seemed promising, but then the virus struck and it all went quiet. 

    I still haven't gotten answers to the reason why the American HQ only has 25 years worth of information, when the Org started in America, BUT, Australia had 50 years worth of information. 

    Now if Australia had info' concerning over 1,000 Pedophiles over the 50 years, um, America must have much more info. BUT it seems America is pretending it only has 25 years worth of Information regarding Pedophiles in America. I wonder what they did with the other 25 years worth then ????? 

    The Elders didn't 'screw up', they were told not to report. And there seems to be proof that they were also told to distroy evedence too. 

    ALL the proof has been 'up here in lights', and JWI would be able to find it all it seems, as he can track people's comments from way back. For my part i cannot be bothered. I've proved things to myself for the sake of my conscince, so the rest of you can keep your heads in the sand and keep denying everything.  But whilst you do of course, things will get worse. 

  4. 8 hours ago, xero said:

    I've always felt that IF I have a question, then it is MY responsibility to go about finding the answers. Not everyone has the same questions, therefore not everyone else has the same responsibilities.

    Now that causes many problems.  Um, let me think here. Now do YOU find the answer for yourself, or, do you just go to a Watchtower interpretation ?  Are you Anointed ? Do you think Almighty God will give the true answers to you ? 

    What if a congregation of 100 people all do their own 'research' to answer a question of scripture ? Do you think they will all come up with the same answer ?  Um, now that might be causing a division in the congregation.  

    And we have this silly idea in the JW Org. Everyone should do 'personal study' BUT, everyone should believe the GB's interpretation of scripture. If you decide the GB are wrong, you'd better not mention it in a KH. It's so funny but sad too. 



  5. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    for abuse that happened to occur among the families of the rank and file

    You keep using this lie Tom so I suppose you might just believe it. 

    Elders and Ministerial Servants of the JW Org have been convicted of Child Sexual Abuse, some of those Elders even abusing their own children. Court cases have shown that some Elders abused young children whilst they took those young children on the door to door ministry.  

    The Elders are equal to church Clergy.  You know that for fact because the Elders use it in court rooms to avoid giving evedence against each other.  

    Please stop making yourself look foolish in this way. Pretending that it is only rank and file congregants. Also remember that Elders have withheld information from Police and courts, which surely is not a Christain thing to do. 

  6. On 2/25/2021 at 5:01 PM, César Chávez said:

    How can the UK Parliament make significant changes if the problem comes from within? The same problem Australia has. You seem to dismiss the corruption that is found with these panels and governments. If they shield their own, what then? The ARC did the same thing when it tried and failed to "HIDE" certain crimes from government run institutions, by government employee's. 

    Whilst I agree that governments / panels are not to be fully trusted and are part of Satan's world and commit as much sin as the rest of the world. There are a couple of things to consider. 

    1. Almighty God allows those governments to be there and HE has had it put in scripture that people should obey those 'Superior Authorities'.  So, as it does not disobey God then those Superior Authorities should be obeyed. 

    2. It does no good at all to be concerned with their sins. If they are finding real problems in any religion, then those religions should admit the problems are there and be totally honest about dealing with them. That includes paying compensation if the law of the land demands it. 

    The ARC didn't 'pick on' the JW Org. The JW Org was just one religion investigated.  Most other religions and other organisations joined the scheme to pay compensation. The JW Org did not. 

  7. On 2/24/2021 at 3:06 PM, JW Insider said:

    When you become wise enough to know that God & Christ are not part of the Watchtower / CCJW, then you will have spiritual wisdom.

    What this means is that God and Christ are not 'owned' by the Watchtower / CCJW. 

    Unfortunately the Org teaches that if a person leaves the Org then that person has left God and Christ.

    I was making the TRUE point that God and Christ are not part of the Watchtower / CCJW.  God and Christ are far superior to a man made Organisation. 

    On 2/24/2021 at 3:06 PM, JW Insider said:

    in basic agreement with Witness

    @Witness has her own viewpoint and i have my own viewpoint. We may have the same view on a few matters, but that is purely coincidental. I do not spend my time agreeing with her. 

    On 2/24/2021 at 3:06 PM, JW Insider said:

    you appear to expect a separate "perfect" organization run by True Anointed, which is not related to the CCJW,

    I have on many occasions said this " Either the JW Org will be cleansed, or another Organisation will be built up"

    But please remember that i have to be careful what i can say here, due to the reason John Butler was d/fed from this forum.  I will just say that I do not believe the GB are of the True Anointed and i expect the True Anointed to leads God's willing servants.  We've had this discussion about the word 'perfect' many times before. The scripture at Matthew 5 v 48

    You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    It is the True Anointed that must be 'perfect' by God's standards, through Christ, so as to lead God's servants.  Zechariah 8 v 23 

    “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.”’”

    That JEW is the True Anointed, and they will lead God's willing servants. 

    On 2/24/2021 at 3:06 PM, JW Insider said:

    The JW Org is not recognisable as being high  above the others, it is not recognised for pure worship, it is seen as being just as filthy as all the others and seen as telling just as many lies too.

    This is true in the case of CSA. I believe that the Australian Royal Commision first looked at CSA regarding the Catholic Church, but if had to include other religions so as not to seem 'prejudiced'. Hence the JW Org / W/t was examined too. and the current IICSA investigation is of many religions, including the JW Org / W/t.  So we see the JW Org is not recognisable above the other religions. 

    On 2/24/2021 at 3:06 PM, JW Insider said:

    But there will be an Organisation that stands tall above all others. A pure and truthful organisation run by true Anointed. It will suffer persecution because it will be so pure and good and because it will serve God through Jesus Christ properly. It will give true direction and not have to keep changing its mind. 

    Now I do not know if this pure Organisation will be a restored / cleansed JW Org (maybe with a change of name), or if it will be a 'New Organisation', but if it is the JW Org restored, it would need time to gain the confidence of true Christians. The True Anointed would have to prove that they are worthy of being 'followed' as per the JEW scripture. The Watchtower magazine would have to be completely revised or removed. All the books would need replacing, or maybe no books at all, as in truth all that is needed is God's word.   But all of this will come about by God's Holy Spirit.  

    After all, in the 'last days', all religion will be banned it seems. So no books, no magazines, no KH, no assemblies, maybe all meeting in 'underground' places at different times each week. And, this is where it would be good to have the True Anointed Servants, in many different countries. Each country is different in many different ways. And at the time of the end, each country may be dealing with things differently. However, Holy Spirit can so very easily be directed to True Anointed ones in each country.  ALL things are possible with Almighty God, through Jesus Christ. 

  8. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    This is why I don't think of Babylon the Great as a specific religion or group of false religions, but as a world of materialism and false ideologies of all kinds: the "world and its desire." This can definitely include all false religion (the general JW doctrine) but now that "location" is not the issue for pure worship, the idea of Babylon, Rome and Jerusalem must be spiritual concepts in Revelation:

    So then this could easily include the JW Org. materialism and false ideologies. 

  9. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    But this view of yours is a fairly unique view among ex-JWs (and the JW acquaintance of mine who is now an ex-elder). It's one of those things that probably made/makes no sense to "John Butler" and "4Jah2me" even though those accounts have often sided with your critiques, but have also been very vocal about not believing that "true anointed" are to be found among JWs.

    Um, hold on a minute JWI. You are wrong here and I've even said so on this forum. I have said that the GB, in my opinion, are not of the True Anointed. But as for others ............. 

    At one time Tom was being sarcastic about my idea of a True Anointed, and he was saying where would they come from.

    In reply I mentioned the large quantity of Partakers of the emblems in the Org.  I've never said they are not in there and I partly agree with @Witness  that the ones of the Anointed that are in the Org are being held back.

    Add to this if you will that I've also made mention about the GB / Watchtower putting into in a magazine that the anointed should not gather together and that the GB said it would be working against the Holy Spirit... Why would i make mention of such if i didn't think that some Anointed ones were actually in the JW Org. 

    What becomes more interesting is, that you and @xero believe that it is not of the utmost importance to be a JW. It will not 'get you saved'. Now building on this idea then, maybe it is not so important to be a JW in order to be of the True Anointed remnant.  What I'm suggesting is that some of the True Anointed are in the Org, and some are not.  If @Witness is a True Anointed (and it's not my place to judge) then this would comfirm what I'm saying. 


  10. Wow I just thought I'd pop over here to this forum for a few minutes and wow. 

    CC aka Billy the Kid is busy threatening John Butler again. Tom is needing upvotes to couteract my downvotes.

    Poor Arauna is being spoken to rather badly by CC. Srecko is the only one here making any sense. 

    For my part, i know that the Watchtower / GB / JW Org are dishonest and alter the meaning of scripture to suit their own need. But as i know it as fact, then i don't need to prove it to others. 

    Have a good day y'all. 

  11. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2021/0217/Biden-Warnock-and-the-resurgence-of-the-liberal-Christian

    I was interested in this article as the JW teaching is that there will be a complete removal / banning of religion earthwide.


    When Mat Schmalz was coming of age in western Massachusetts decades ago, he took a year to volunteer for a Roman Catholic order in rural Oklahoma, helping to minister to some of the region’s poorer and more isolated communities.

    It was the first time he spent a significant amount of time away from the rhythms of his Catholic upbringing, and at first he felt a bit unmoored. But then it almost came as a surprise as he grew particularly close to a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses, or when he started forming deep friendships with evangelical Protestants, including those from charismatic and Pentecostal traditions. 

    “I mean, in one sense it was liberating,” says Mr. Schmalz, now a professor of religious studies at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, which he calls “the heart of the Catholic left.” 


    “It does seem to me that there has been this resurgence of people who interpret their Christian beliefs as a call to action on behalf of the most vulnerable,” says Margaret McGuinness, professor of religion and theology at La Salle University in Philadelphia. “And then, all of a sudden, here comes President Joe Biden, who wears his Catholic faith on his sleeve – and I mean that in a good way, in a way that a lot of people are noticing.”

    Only the second Roman Catholic to hold the nation’s highest office, President Biden has been one of the most pious and faithfully observant Christians in decades, many observers say, peppering his speeches with more than the kind of general religious references politicians often make. He’s quoted theologians such as St. Augustine and St. Francis of Assisi, and Catholic hymns like “On Eagle’s Wings,” a favorite among many liberal Catholics.


    Over the past few years, however, a number of high-profile Democrats – including current New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker; Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg; and Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush, a pastor from St. Louis – have made their faith a centerpiece of their liberal policy positions as churches on the left become more politically active.  

    But the historic election of the Rev. Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate in January only underscores how much Black Protestants have taken the lead in reviving the liberal traditions of Christianity. As the first African American senator from Georgia, Senator Warnock has maintained his role as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the former congregation of Martin Luther King Jr.

    This is a very long article so only partly uploaded here, but my point was that if all religion is going to be removed, then it does not look to be happening yet. This article mixes religion with politics of course, but the religious side still seems 'strong'. 

  12. https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/life/us-house-of-representatives-set-to-vote-on-the-equality-act-next-week/

    Look for the funny paragraph in here.

    This is a major step forward in the fight for LGBTQ+ protections and rights.

    It has been reported that Rep. David Cicilline reintroduced the Equality Act in the House of Representatives this past Thursday, with the bill being voted on next week.

    The Equality Act, which aims to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination in fields such as housing or employment has passed its vote in the House of Representatives.

    Back in 2019, the bill passed by 236-173 vote, with most Democrats voting in favour, alongside eight Republicans. Seven Democrats abstained from voting, with 173 no votes coming from the Republican party.

    Cicilline discussed the importance of the bill,  stating: “In 2021, every American should be treated with respect and dignity.”

    He continued: “Yet, in most states, LGBTQ people can be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love. It is past time for that to change.”

    On top of being reintroduced in the House, Democratic senators Jeff Merkley, Cory Booker and Tammy Baldwin have also announced that they will be reintroducing the bill to the Senate.


    Since it’s initial introduction back in 2015, the Equality Act has seen support from many organizations and groups.

    In 2019 it was revealed that most major religious groups in the country support the measures in the Equality Act. 53% of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 70% of Mormons, 68% of non-white Catholics, 65% of African American Protestants, 60% of Muslims and 59% of Orthodox Christians support the bill.

    Supporting, is an action. It is not neutral. It is partaking. It is being part of that 'world'.  Supporting the LGDTQ+

    In honesty though I cannot believe that 53% of JWs 'support' the LGDTQ+... And where did they get this figure from ? 

    I thought the article was funny though, but i don't believe those figures. 




  13. 18 hours ago, xero said:

    I don't see the point

    We do not know who reads this forum. Are there lots of people that just come here quietly and read it ?

    So any information given here could well be read by others that are seeking 'truth' of all types.  After all, it was online that i first found out the truth about the CSA in JW Org. So putting links on this forum could be helpful to others that may never even comment here. 

    It also helps to find out if any JWs are willing to admit to the faults in their Organistion. For instance, @JW Insider has always seemed balanced in his views. 

    This forum has helped me with a Facebook page that I run too. Keep the information coming folks. It all helps. 

  14. On 2/21/2021 at 11:30 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    “Villains” I like for its Old West flavor.

    Well maybe even Jesus was called a villian. A scripture says he 'was counted among theives'.

    And even the Apostles must have been counted as villians, being locked in prisons, given beatings, etc.  

    So in this sense, by serving God, being counted as a villian, I would call it an honour. 

  15. On 2/21/2021 at 12:28 PM, TrueTomHarley said:
    On 2/21/2021 at 12:09 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    who dies and who not dies at Armageddon.  

    Please re-read my remark:”

    If things are as JWs say they are, then they are providing a nice friendly heads-up and ought to be thanked on that account. 

    If they are not as JWs say they are, then no harm is done to anyone. JWs are left with egg on their face and they are willing to take that risk.

    Not true.  The death threat from JWs is wicked and sinful. It has no place in a true Christian's heart. 

    Yes it seems true that those who are completely 'opposed' to God will die at Armageddon. But that has nothing to do with being in or out of the JW Org right now.   

    And the threat of Armageddon coming sooooo soon, "we are in the last part of the last day"  (the Org says),  is just an empty threat.  It would really be good if JWs just said, "There is a Judgment time coming but we don't know when"  Even going on about 'the signs of the times' is overdone. That scripture says 'but the end is not yet' 

  16. 22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Exactly. People almost never change. In all the time I have been here, I have seen only one possibly do that,


    22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    that a writer needs more than a muse. He needs a villain. Here there are villains galore.


    22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    with persons in good standing with Jehovah and his earthly organization

    Well done Tom. Spoken as a perfect JW.

    People almost never change. You say.  Um, I think people change all the time. but you have made your decision about people so maybe you will not see the changes. 

    Here there are villains galore. Spoken as a true Elder tom. You want to see vilians so you see vilians. And you have judged them as such. 

    persons in good standing with Jehovah, And Almighty God has made you to judge such importent matters ? 

    22 hours ago, xero said:

    I think some of the "complainers" may just be working out their own demons,

    A typical example of a JW blaming the people that have been victims of abuse, in many forms, abused by the JW Org / Watchtower and it's leaders and Elders.  However 'complainers' is a new word here, well done.  It's usually apostates or haters, or as tom says, vilians.  It's nice to have a new word, it brightens it up a bit. 


  17. On 2/20/2021 at 12:26 PM, Arauna said:
    On 2/19/2021 at 6:55 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    fostered mistrust of secular authority

    Looks like you trust the beast - ready to get the mark of the beast - are you?

    Perhaps re-read scripture about secular authority. It is there because, at this time, Almighty God wants it to be there. And Almighty God wants us to use it and in most ways be obedient to it.  The scriptures are quite plain, simple and drect, regarding such things. 

  18. 14 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    Well, look at the media source first. Then attach that with the actual laws that are in place in that country just like many European countries do with DATA PROTECTION the Watchtower adheres to. Another frivolous challenge!

    Media sorce matters not. It seems as if the Norwegian Data Protection Authority  is acting upon information received.  So it seems there must be problems. 

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