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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 22 hours ago, xero said:

    How about we talk about the whole of Islam or the rest of the planet and all their actively terrible things being done? (China's concentration camps)

    The world news media does have other topic areas I believe, but this section of the forum is the JW section. 

    If you go to the top you will see that it says Jehovah's Witnesses Open Club.  Hence there is no point trying to discuss Islam or others on this part of the WNM. 

    Whilst I agree with you and others that there is much wickedness in the whole world, it does no good in trying to solve the 'worlds' problems. We know that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.  In comparason, the 'boots on the ground' JWs, that is the ordinay congregants, are generally 'good' people. 

    Some of you think I want to destroy the JW org.  What I actually want is for God, through Christ, to have a clean Organisation that people can trust, so that many more people can come to know God properly before the Judgement comes. Will it the JW Org or will be a new Org ? Only time will tell. 


  2. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You feel that secular authority must always be trusted, then.

    Well when it comes to CSA it seems the secular authorities are doing a better job than the Elder police in the congregations.

    11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    ou feel that no child except those raised in Christian households have ever rebelled against parents, then

    This was answered already by my words  Different people react in different ways. 

    But the article wasn't only about JWs, it was other religions too. 

  3. You people are soooooooooooooo funny :) 

    Elders love twisting words as usual. 

    11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You are sticking up for nonmarital sex, homosexuality, and abortion, I see.

    The article is about data protection tom. 


    12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    According to the agency, the complaints relate to the processing of data held by judiciary committees, which act as the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ internal court system.

    Data Tom understand now  

  4. https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2021/19-february/news/uk/iicsa-survivors-speak-of-influence-of-religion

    BEING raised in a highly religious community is seen by victims and survivors of child sexual abuse as one factor affecting their experience. This emerged today in a new report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA).

    The Inquiry is building on information that it hears through its investigations, research, and through its Truth Project (News, 29 January). This latest consultation took the list of the nine “protected characteristics” identified in the Equality Act 2010, which protects people from discrimination in the UK.

    Some described feeling isolated and unable to associate with anyone beyond their religious community. One described a culture of “insularity” in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and how it fostered mistrust of secular authority. Another said that coming from a Christian background had led her “to rebel against my parents, leading me into the arms of a sexual predator”.

    Link to full article above. Different people react in different ways. 

  5. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/privacy-and-data-security/jehovahs-witnesses-facing-norway-data-regulators-privacy-audit

    The Norwegian Data Protection Authority says it will act on complaints made against the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ processing of members’ personal information.

    Acting on “several complaints and tips,” the agency said it has sent a series of questions to the Norwegian branch of the global church.

    According to the agency, the complaints relate to the processing of data held by judiciary committees, which act as the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ internal court system. Such committees can decide to take action against members who are found to have disobeyed the church’s protocols, which outlaw practices like nonmarital sex, homosexuality, and abortion, the agency said....

    The article would not allow me further access, so this is all I have. 


  6. Man who sexually exploited girl (13) jailed for 18 months



    A man who sexually exploited a 13-year-old girl has been jailed for 18 months.   The man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, was 29 when he met the girl through their mutual association with a local Jehovah’s Witness congregation.  Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that over a period of time in 2016 he and the girl exchanged messages on Viber, including sexually explicit images of the child. The man, now aged 34 and with an address in Dublin, pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a child on dates in late 2016. He also admitted possession of sexually explicit images of the child, contrary to the Child Pornography and Trafficking Act, 1998.

    The offending came to light when the girl’s older sister spotted the messages and semi-naked images on a shared computer device and alerted their mother........... He said that anything other than kissing or hugging in advance of getting married was not permitted and could lead to excommunication. He said that after his arrest and interview, his client went to “church elders” and self-reported his actions and was excommunicated for a period.

    was excommunicated for a period.  This means he is not d/fed now I suppose, so is back in the congregation. Parents beware, look after your children in the congregations of JW org. 



  7. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You know, now that you mention it, I do recall that when the assigned reader read that paragraph....

    “It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God?’ At the same time, however, we firmly believe that the explanations set forth herein harmonize with the Bible in its entirely”

    ....he was taken out back and shot. I thought even then it was an overreaction. 

    Yes, I think you’re on to something, 4Jah. March on.

    Such a shame that you only quote PART of the 'paragraph', just the bit that suits your purpose. But it was not an inclusive 'paragraph' anyway, not one with a question as all the others were.  

    Oh how you show your worship of your GB.  All Elders together then, bow down and worship the 8 men of your GB. There now, see how happy it makes you. 


  8. On 2/18/2021 at 10:14 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    What do you mean they never even mentioned page 9, you idiot? It was studied paragraph by paragraph.

    So tell me which paragraph their confession was written in. Give me page number and paragraph number

    No, it was written in amongst other sentances over a picture. That is not a studied paragraph or certainly wasn't brought out in the group i was in. 

    But it is rather strange that they say "Does not interpretation belong to God".  Yet they say they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave, through whom 'God talks'. So what exactly are they trying to say ?  Were they saying that God was withholding the information ? 

    There they were studying God's word, whilst writing this Revelation book, and thinking they are the 'true slave', yet not having confidence in God to supply them with holy spirit to get the information right or true. To the point that they feel it necessary to put in a disclaimer. Who were they not trusting, God, Christ, or themselves ? 


  9. On 2/18/2021 at 9:43 AM, xero said:

    , but I think this cult-within-a-cult

    I think you need to explain this part of your comment too.

    Are you saying that the Watchtower / JW Org is a cult, and that the Anointed are the cult within it ? 

    Or are you saying that the Anointed are a cult and that the True Anointed are a cult within it ? 

    I think you need to examine you heart condition toward God and Christ. 


  10. 23 hours ago, xero said:

    The onus is on you to suggest this scripture is for some special class of self-appointed (or otherwise people),

    I can see the jealousy in your words. There is no onus on me to prove anything, as it comes directly from scripture. So you have a choice, you believe God's word or you don't. 

    It's kind of strange of you to suggest that the Anointed are self appointed. Whereas the GB appoint themselves as the Faithful and Discreet slave. I see hypocrisy there. 

    On 2/18/2021 at 9:43 AM, xero said:

    It strikes me that you're really into the idea that magical-crown-wearing people exist and somehow should be given preference for their declarations that they have magical-crowns.

    Well I'll just quote from a Watchtower here then. 


    “We Want to Go With You”


    1, 2. (a) What did Jehovah say would happen in our time? (b) What questions will be answered in this article? (See opening picture.)

    SPEAKING of the time in which we are living, Jehovah foretold: “In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: ‘We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.’” (Zech. 8:23) Like the figurative ten men, those who have an earthly hope have taken “firm hold of the robe of a Jew.” They are proud to associate with the spirit-anointed “Israel of God,” knowing that Jehovah is blessing his anointed ones.—Gal. 6:16.

     So it seems that even your GB / Watchtower believe the same as me.  The difference being though that i don't believe your GB is the JEW that people need to follow. 

    You (and others) seem to have a problem with believing in and helping those that are Truly Anointed, but go careful as you may recall the words of Jesus saying (recorded at Matthew 25 ) 

     When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked and clothe you? 39  When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40  In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

    Then they too will answer with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45  Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46  These will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”

    Your jealousy could loose you your life. 


  11. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Don’t quite buy this portion or that? It’s not an issue. It is then “state of the art” interpretation, but nobody says it must be spot on in all aspects.


    11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    From page 9: “It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible.

    Oh no, BUT the Rev' book was studied three times, and they never even mentioned the page 9 bit, which was carefully hidden amongst other writing, which was placed on top of a picture and written smaller than the 'normal' writing. Yes I'm looking at it as I type this. 

  12. 11 hours ago, xero said:

    So you agree w/me that people should NOT forsake the gathering of themselves together or isolate themselves?

    You seem to be 'almost' quoting from Hebrews here so lets look at Hebrews. 

    HEBREWS 3 : 1 

     Consequently, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest whom we acknowledge—Jesus.

    Take note of this verse. It proves that the writing known as Hebrews, was written to the Anointed.

    HEBREWS 10 24 &25

    And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, 25  not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.

    So this is a message to the Anointed ones, the remnant.  Instructing them to meet together

    Now read this quote from your GB.  paragraph 8 The Watchtower—Study Edition  |  January 2016

    “We Want to Go With You”


    8 In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity.

    So, work it out for yourself who is wrong. The Apostle Paul through holy spirit says to the Anointed, not to forsake meeting together. BUT your GB says that the Anointed do not, or should not, meet together. Your GB even threaten that it would be working against the Holy Spirit. 

    But please remember that scripture is written to and for the Anointed remnant. 


  13. 19 hours ago, xero said:

    and in knowing this we can see when people imagine themselves to be wiser than they actually are

    YES INDEED.  And therefore why were JWs made to study the Revelation book THREE TIMES. 

    Repetition for emphasis, and then for the book to be removed and discarded. 

    So who were these people that were imagining themselves to be wiser than they were / are ? 

    The GB / Watchtower / JW Org. 



  14. 21 hours ago, xero said:

    I find the first parts, easy, but then other parts leave me confused. I've been reading others interpretations and these haven't been helpful either. This is what's led me to wonder if some things which we imagine have already occurred are yet to occur also whether some things which are thought to be symbolic may actually be literal. In the other interpretation there are preterists, who say it's all completed. (doesn't make sense to me).

    But the GB don't understand it and cannot interpret it either. So who do You think should understand it ?

    For my part I'm waiting on a True Anointed that God, through Christ, will guide with Holy Spirit to understand it and to give instruction from it. After all it was written by Holy Spirit, so it's sort of like in code. And it needs the Holy Spirit to decipher the code. 

    I'm hoping to buy the Berean Study Bible next month when it is released. but I'm not expecting to understand it much better :) .. 

  15. On 2/17/2021 at 10:39 AM, xero said:

    So you agree that it's absolutely wrong for people to go to a church/kingdom hall/synagogue/mosque to worship. Instead they should go it alone?

    11am UK time. I put on my computer and i have 16 notifications from this forum. Oh dear, and this rubbish is the first comment I read. (If I miss anyone's comments, sorry but 16 comments are a bit much right now).

    Elder, I can see you are both dishonest and a wind up merchant just looking for trouble. Either that or you just don't like English people. Whichever, maybe you should remember that the only 'authority' you have is over your own congregation.

    But i suppose I will waste a couple of minutes answering you, because the weather isn't good enough for me to go work on one of my vehicles.  Right :- 

    Nowhere have I said what other ordinary people should or should not do. I personally do not care if people go to a 'church' of their choice to meet together and worship in their own way. And like i say Elder, you are just following your GB and tribe in twisting words. 

    What i said was, that no organinisation is serving GOD PROPERLY at this time. But if people wish to continue with their religious gatherings, that it their choice. Who am i to tell them not to.

    Now, YOU SAID So you agree that it's absolutely wrong.. Tell me then, who would I be agreeing with ?  You must be suggesting that others are saying those things. To 'agree' with someting, there has to be another person saying it.

    However, I do not agree with you idea here. And it does seem to be YOUR IDEA as i don't see the idea coming from anyone else.

    BUT, I'll repeat one thing. Your GB tells the Anointed NOT TO GATHER TOGETHER, to the point that your GB say the Anointed would be WORKING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT if they did gather together for worship or Bible study. 

    So you think on that, maybe that is where you are getting your idea from.

    I do think that genuine Christians should communicate with other genuine Christians, but probably not in person right now, as many countries are in 'lock down' due to covid-19.

  16. https://www.wesa.fm/post/after-state-blunder-pa-abuse-victims-ask-who-hell-are-we-supposed-trust#stream/0

    The news that Pennsylvania had screwed up the process for putting a constitutional amendment before voters that would allow victims of decades-old sexual abuse to sue hit Jay Sefton hard.

    When the Pennsylvania Department of State failed to advertise the proposed constitutional amendment that had been passed by the legislature, it halted a march toward justice for thousands of victims abused in the commonwealth. The constitutional amendment process takes two years, and unless an emergency provision passes by mid-April, it would be 2023 before victims would be given a window to sue over decades-old sexual abuse claims.

    You can read the whole article by clicking on the link at top but I'll just add this bit here

    In addition to the Catholic Church, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Boy Scouts of America have each come under fire and scrutiny for allegations that they did nothing to root out child abusers within their ranks. They represent additional thousands of potential plaintiffs in Pennsylvania, according to advocates.

    “It doesn’t make sense,” said Rozzi. “It really makes you want to find out what really happened over there and did maybe a powerful institution have a role in making sure this didn’t happen.

    Um, I've been saying that for a while now. 

  17. https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/february/jordan-christians-evangelicals-courts-archbishop-atallah.html

    I thought this was strangely interesting 


    Long-simmering suspicions between Orthodox and evangelical Christians have blown up recently over the refusal of the Jordanian government to allow evangelical churches full legal standing under the country’s religiously divided judicial system.

    In Jordan, the legal system is divided into civil courts, where commercial and criminal cases are heard, and separate religious courts that settle matters of marriage, divorce, and child custody according to canon law for the majority-Muslim population and for the 11 recognized Christian communities.

    But now this bit 

    While United Pentecostal and Jehovah’s Witnesses members are allowed their own ecclesiastical courts, legal matters for members of nearly 60 other Protestant churches are heard in civil court, or, for minor matters, work through the court of the Anglican Church, one of the 11 approved denominations.

    But on February 5, in response to Atallah’s letter, Judge Mohammad Al Ghazo, who heads Jordan’s Judicial Council, issued a memo disqualifying any Christian without an approved ecclesiastical court from using the civilian courts. Cases would instead be referred to the Council of Church Leaders, a government advisory body.

    But ho

  18. 9 hours ago, xero said:

    Just wait 'till you hit Chapter 11 if you're confused.

    I have read Revelation many times. We 'studied' that Revelation book at least three times in the 'ye olde book study' of a Tuesday evening. But i think that book has been d/fed now :).

    I'm now trying to read the Greek Scriptures, word for word, not rushing through. I don't expect to understand much because I'm not Anointed, but reading scripture is relaxing and does help me to reason on life and living. 

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