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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 5 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    indeed the world has only a negitive view on what is good ,,,hitlers henchmen welcomed the jews with the same one word

    enjoy....this is another twisted example of their hopes ,vain hopes

    In the same line of thinking, the GB / Watchtower / JW Org only has a negitive view of everyone outside the Org. Your children are not allowed to play with people from the 'world', the same are told not to go to after school activities with people forn the 'world', young adults are told not to go into higher educaton with people of the 'world'.  Adult JWs are told not to mix with people in the 'world' anymore than they have to. The whole JW Org is geared up to distrust people of this world. The ministry is done out of duty to the Org. There is no love of neighbour. 

    And the negitivity shows in your attitude Mr Carroll. As for Hitler, i wouldn't know I've never studied such things. 

    And by the way the topic is not hopes, it is a success story. The success of proving that the GB and Co lied about and tried to keep secret the problem of CSA in the JW Org. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Can you condense that 21 years into two paragraphs? It’s like looking at a 5 gallon jar of toenail clippings.

    If it's toooooooooooo much for you doggy then go hide in the  closet with tom. 

  3. https://watchtowerdocuments.org/barbara-andersons-diary/

    Barbara is truly a heroic individual to those of us who feel strongly about the abuses of Watchtower and seeing them brought to the light. Twenty years ago today, Barbara appeared on Dateline and launched the exposé uncovering the hidden documents the Watchtower was hiding regarding child sexual abuse. In doing so, Barbara sacrificed much – including the relationship with her only son. Below, is a never-before-published diary spanning the years from 2001-2022, when she aired her story on dateline. We want to thank Barbara for her legendary contributions in research and her continued focus on truth, justice, and taking a stand for what is right.



    January 2001 Bill Bowen and I decided that we wanted news coverage about the Watchtower’s cover-up of child sexual abuse. We agreed that I would not go public right away.

    1-5-01 Friday. Bowen began to tell his story first to a Paducah, KY, newspaper editor. The paper carried his accusations that JWs leaders were covering up child sexual abuse. He appeared on local TV twice and never mentioned my name. After this, former JW Richard Rawe in Washington State, contacted the Louisville, KY, Courier Journal explaining to their Religion Editor, Peter Smith, JWs problems with child sexual abuse pointing to Bowen’s story in Paducah, KY. Smith expressed interest in doing an article.

    1-6-01 Saturday. Spoke to “Pinky” and Barbara Pandelos of NJ about their accusations that Watchtower covered up their child’s sexual abuse. They were interested in going public. (I’m losing my voice.)

    The whole article should be found on the link added. I'm only half way through reaading it as it came to me in an email this morning.

    Enjoy ! 

  4. 12 hours ago, Thinking said:

    Our elders are now very very kind ….I’m sure there may be still some of the old kind

    In all the congregations I've been in here in Southern England UK, I've noticed that the kind elders are dominated by the unkind ones. One congregation in Bristol seemed to be run by one Elder, his son and one other. The other Elders just seemed to give up on trying. In that congregation one Elder commited suicide by runnig a pipe from his car exhaust into his lounge and then sitting there drinking alcohol until he died. Soon after his wife married the son of the other prominent Elder.  Do i have proof, no, but local papers repoted the death so i supose it would be on record somehwere. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Thinking said:

    We had some one asked to be disfellowshipped …the elders didn’t want to but she was insistent…..so they did…but it seems now the elders are loathed to disfellowship anyone,,,they really try hard to get the person to take a break….

    Does seem very strange when a person can, as i did, just resigned from the JW org. It would seem that a person is being asked to be 'punished' by the Edlers for some reason....  Does it not go against 'company policy' though for Elders to not disfellowship a non repentant sinner. 

  6. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    “It is why I quickly become livid with those intensely critical yet offering nothing positive themselves. Patiently Sitting on my Hands even makes a virtue out of doing nothing. It infuriates me.

    Well it's nice to know you think about me when you are in your closet. i actually have spent a lot of today reading from the book of Matthew. The more times i read it the more I notice different things, but there is no point in starting new topics as none of you have spiritual thoughts to offer. Hence my new topics tend to be about physical things going on regarding the Org. 

    As for offering nothing possitive, what you actually mean is 'not offering anything that You agree with'.  However i never read anything spiritual from you. Maybe you keep it in the closet :) like Micheal Jackson. 


  7. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It’s called “conducting yourself in the house of God, which is the congregation of the living God”

    I'd like you to explain that a little deeper.  The true congregation of God is the true Anointed. And if you think that your Closed Club is the 'house of God' then you are indeed insulting YHWH. 

    Quote "for those who have given their all in Jehovah’s service". I think you mean 'for those that have given their all in the GB / JW Org service, which does not serve YHWH in a pure way.


  8. 4 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Well the "propaganda" that you hate is here.  Soon the flour and oil will be so expensive you will not be able to afford it.  Then you will think of the words of "propaganda" from the GB that you hate to much.  I do feel sorry for you because I do not wish what is coming even on the worst of the enemies of Jehovah.  But his has been predicted and now it is here!

    Yes we know the Scriptures, but they are from GOD, not from your GB. You pretend that your GB are the only ones that know anythig about scripture.  If you want to believe that your GB are the F&DS and that they are the ones to guide YOU then so be it.  

    Of course i know Armageddon is coming and the world conditions are getting much worse. But i do not trust your GB or the helpers, or the Watchtower magazine, to guide me.  However i do believe that Yeshua will provide guidance for those he wishes to know truth. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    Membership is counted on Report slips put in, and parents put in Report slips for children of 5 years old upward, or possibly younger.  Some families have 5 children, so including two adults that is 7 report slips per family.  That is how the numbers are made up. Adults leave the Org so they now have to count all the children to pretend that numbers haven't decreased. 

    there is no evidence provided in the post.nothing to back up the post ,,more false claims by the ignorant

    My Carroll you are a funny man, sad but funny. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    your twisted mind is a sad case of what those without  the backing of jehovah dispays ,highly entertaining ,carry on with your twisted reasoning for that purpose as it has no other value

    Denying the truth about the MEN and Org you worship and serve will not save you at Armageddon. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    This propaganda was prophesied. Propaganda definition: propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. I may add that people may soon end up hurting themselves or even their loved ones when they are zealously following instructions via the propaganda.

    From Russell onward it was 50% propaganga. Rutherford created more propaganda and the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org have continued it. And yes it damaged many live in the  process. All the lies about Armageddon in the the 1960's and early 70's which caused people to lose their homes and jobs, to do a 'preaching work' which was lies. Then more propaganda about Armageddon happening before the year 2000.  @Anna has mentioned the propaganda although not calling it as such. ......  Yes we know the world belongs to the Devil, but it seems the same with the Org and it's leaders right now. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    jehovahs view is always a positive outlook on life ,your idea is to promote a negitive view which harmonizes well with those who oppose jehovah..you are known by your works or posts in this case

    The Watchtower / JW org is also known by it's works of, Child Sexual Abuse, hiding Pedophiles in congregations, using Clergy Penetant but then pretending not to be priests, lying about Armageddon, making up rules to control the congregation, Shunning innocent people, et al.

    So indeed, the Watchtower / JW org must be in opposition to YHWH and to Yeshua. 

  13. Why confused @Pudgy ?    Membership is counted on Report slips put in, and parents put in Report slips for children of 5 years old upward, or possibly younger.  Some families have 5 children, so including two adults that is 7 report slips per family.  That is how the numbers are made up. Adults leave the Org so they now have to count all the children to pretend that numbers haven't decreased. 

    And Children of 5 or 6 are being baptised into the JW org now. Even though they say they 'don't do child baptism'. 

  14. I'm so far behind the times i'd never even heard of this.  And no i am not a member. 




    ‘Say Sorry’ exposes and holds accountable the Watch Tower Society and those leaders within the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization that disregard and violate the laws of the land, or that cause religious harm to sections of the community.

    Accountability and change has been achieved by the Say Sorry Team through a range of activities including: awareness, education, campaigns, public speaking, conferences, submissions to parliamentary inquiries, assisting with the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission, working with governmental and statutory authorities, advising law enforcement agencies, lobbying, legal action, and prosecutions.

    For the past 12 years the team behind ‘Say Sorry’ have provided up-to-date factual and unique content to international law enforcement agencies, government departments, politicians, inquiries, royal commissions, law firms, and the media. We also provide non-legal advice for investigations, civil lawsuits, and prosecutions involving the Watch Tower Society and the Church of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The ‘Say Sorry’ website was re-launched on 26 July 2018 to highlight our current work and to provide an information and news platform for those concerned about the activities of the Watch Tower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The sole owner and administrator of the website is Steven Unthank.


    ‘Say Sorry’ exposes and holds accountable the Watch Tower Society and those leaders within the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization that disregard and violate the laws of the land, or that cause religious harm to sections of the community.

    Accountability and change has been achieved by the Say Sorry Team through a range of activities including: awareness, education, campaigns, public speaking, conferences, submissions to parliamentary inquiries, assisting with the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission, working with governmental and statutory authorities, advising law enforcement agencies, lobbying, legal action, and prosecutions.

    For the past 12 years the team behind ‘Say Sorry’ have provided up-to-date factual and unique content to international law enforcement agencies, government departments, politicians, inquiries, royal commissions, law firms, and the media. We also provide non-legal advice for investigations, civil lawsuits, and prosecutions involving the Watch Tower Society and the Church of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The ‘Say Sorry’ website was re-launched on 26 July 2018 to highlight our current work and to provide an information and news platform for those concerned about the activities of the Watch Tower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The sole owner and administrator of the website is Steven Unthank.

    The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse stated in its Final Report, published in December 2017, that the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia had a reported 1,800 child sexual abuse victim files[1] within a membership of 68,000. By contrast, the Catholic Church in Australia had a reported 4,444 child sexual abuse victim files[2] within a membership of 5.3 million.

    The British Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse stated in its Truth Project Thematic report (May 2019) on page 25 that “out of the sample of 1,697 participants, 133 reported that sexual abuse took place within a religious institution. In these cases, Church of England (28%) and Catholic institutions (25%) were most commonly cited, with Jehovah’s Witnesses (11%) the third most frequent.”[3]

    It is also our hope that one day the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses will “say sorry” by acknowledge their errors and by adopting a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and in a socially responsible manner.


    Say Sorry wins long running courtroom battle against a ‘prolific’ and ‘unrelenting’ stalker

    This was the heading of an email i received from Watchtower Documents ths morning. 

    I have not reaserched this organisation and as such I am not promoting it, just putting it up here as information. 

  15. 5 hours ago, Witness said:

    Your are right, and it happens in steps.  First the GB goes, and then the "mountainlike organization".  (Rev 17:17; 8:8; Zech 4:6-7; Rev 14:6-12)


    I would love to agree with you but.............. 

    I still keep coming back to these two things. 

    1. Ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew (spiritual Jew obviously)  We will go with you as we know God is with you.

    2. Berean Study Bible
    ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My menservants and maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    Acts 2 : 17 & 18 

    Hence i believe some type or Organised Activity (not necessarily an Organisation) has to take place before Armageddon.

    I am not like the protestors that want to destoy everything but replace with nothing. I know there is a need to be organised. BUT of course there needs to be 'signs' that the organising comes from God through Christ. 


  16. 12 hours ago, Anna said:

    @Patiently waiting for Truth 

    We have already discussed on here quite a number of times that not everyone will get the chance to react favorably to the preaching work. This is talking about those who know what they should be doing and don't do it. 

    There is nothing wrong or sinister about supporting "Christ's brothers". Supporting one another is a good thing in the Christian congregation, wouldn't you agree? 

    Your comment has no relevance to mine. 

    1. The preaching work should be directly from God's Scriptures, not preaching the 'good news' of the GB / JW org.

    2. Baptism should be "In the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit" NOT batism into the JW Org.

    3. supporting Christ's Brothers would mean knowing who they are BUT they are told to keep quiet and not make themselves known. Only the GB members are known (possibly) anointed ones. So that Pure worship quote is slying saying 'support the GB' but pretending to say support the Anointed. 

    To wrap that all up neatly, that Pure w book is saying 'Teach what the GB tells you to teach, Get baptised into the organsation, and be a slave to the GB. 

  17. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is not at all ‘obvious.’ It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

    okay, make that the 2nd stupidest. No one is shunned for lack of participation in the ministry.

    How wrong you are blind man. You see your GB, Elders and Org in a way that you wish to see them, but not in true light. 

    I will now add @Arauna to this comment. But of course you are a lady not a man. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Anna said:

    Pure worship book: "Before the destruction comes, individuals need to be “sighing and groaning”—deeply grieved  at heart—over the wickedness of this world. And rather than hide their feelings, they must demonstrate by words and actions their devotion to pure worship. How can they do so? They need to react favorably to the preaching work that is being done today, to continue putting on a Christlike personality, to get baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah, and to support Christ’s brothers loyally."  It doesn't say "And you must listen to instructions to go and hide in an attic/basement/forest and get vaccinated" Or whatever the case may be....

    Very domineering indeed. Because the so called, 'preaching work' is actually just handing out the Governing Body's written words, not God's. The baptism is getting baptised into the JW org. AND, the only one's of Christ's brothers we get to know about is the Governing Body who call themsleves the F&DS. 

    So it all very slyly comes together as, be a slave of the GB and it's org. 

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