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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. I was wondering which has the most physical security ? 

    It seems to me that people can and did just 'walk into' the Congress building, but, I think Warwick has security gates and 'guards'.   

    I wondered also if Warwick has a stash of 'arms & ammo' as I remember a couple of 'brothers' having a 'house full' of firearms and almost bragging about it.  I did hear rumour that Warwick has bunkers too. And I would think they have a large amout of food storage. 

    Um, add all this up with the fact that the GB have said that JW's must obey instruction, even if they do not understand it. 

    Now all that may sound OTT, but, i was also wondering what laws the USA has on what level of security a 'religion' is allowed to have.  If i remember rightly, some years ago, a religion in America had a building full of guns and fought with the police. The Waco Siege. 

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege#:~:text=Total%3A 82 killed&text=The Waco siege%2C also known,28 and April 19%2C 1993.

    I would think that since then the US goverment would have put in place some kind of restrictions to prevent that happening again. So I'm wondering just how secure Warwick is, and how secure it is allowed to be by law. 

  2. The Apostle Paul wrote letters to Timothy.   Below is a scripture from one of those letters.

    Berean Literal Bible     2 Timothy 3 : 16
    "Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness," 

    In place of the words God-breathed  the GB / Watchtower use the word inspired.

    However, the only scriptures available at that time were the Hebrew writings, because the Greek writing would not all have been written or gathered together.  So it would seem that Paul is referring to the Hebrew scriptures. 

    1. So it would seem that some people here do not believe that the Hebrew scriptures are 'God-breathed'. 

    2. It strengthens my faith and belief that the Scriptures are only meant for the True Anointed ones. 

    3. It shows the lack of faith in others.

    Some people try so hard to give reasons / excuses for their lack of faith.  Those same people and others try to put physical meaning and explanation into spiritual things.  Why do they bother ?  Why do they waste their own time ?  You either have faith and believe God's word, or you don't.  If you don't then why not just go off and enjoy the life you have.  Reading God's word purely for the purpose of saying that you don't believe it, that just shows you lack faith, it does not pove God wrong. 

    Maybe think on this. If you do not believe that God could flood the whole Earth, then you may not believe that God will Cleanse the whole Earth.  Ye of little faith. 

  3. 21 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    How does this information do any good? The problem belongs to the people and the city. Why bring this nonsense to this forum. lol! 😄

    Well I thought it would be a refreshing change from all the children here arguing about dates and years of no importance.  And it is JW related and adds more proof to the selling off of Kingdom halls.  Have a good day 

  4. https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/plan-transform-torquay-jehovahs-witnesses-4862265

    Another Kingdom Hall sold off. 

    Neighbours are objecting to plans to convert a former religious hall into three homes in a narrow Torquay street. Larkmead Homes has applied for planning permission to demolish part of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses for the scheme in St James Place, off Babbacombe Down Road. Neighbours have submitted objections, including opposition to the design and position of new windows from the proposed development facing their homes. Planning officers are recommending approval with conditions at a meeting of Torbay Council’s planning committee on Monday, January 11.


  5. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    They circle the wagons when ideas are substantially challenged no less than anyone else. They are as prone to resist new thinking as is anyone else. They are too proud of the structure they have built, and have built it too rigid to consider fundamentally challenging ideas.

    I presume you are talking about your GB and Watchtower / JW Org here. 

  6. 12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    they have no faith in HS

    I think it resonates through the whole JW Organisation too.  Even JWs on here seem to have no faith in God's Holy Spirit and it's capabilities.  I suppose that is why the GB / Org win over so many people by materialism.  JWs seem to need men, books, magazines and buildings to look up to.  No faith needed there.  But that makes it so easy for the GB to push their own agenda forward. It is such a shame as the Org could serve God if it had the right leadership, the True Anointed remnant. 

  7. God says to the True Anointed, probably through the Apostle Paul, at  Hebrews 10 : 24 & 25

    "And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, 25  not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near."

    But the Governing body says 

    7 Anointed Christians do not feel that they should spend time only with other anointed ones, as if they were members of an exclusive club. They do not search out other anointed ones, hoping to discuss their anointing with them or to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) The congregation would not be united if anointed ones did those things. They would be working against the holy spirit, which helps God’s people to have peace and unity.—

    Who should the True Anointed listen to, God or the GB ? 


  8. But, as much as we talk on here and else where, nothing much seems to be happening.

    Will it be a cleansing of the Watchtower / JW Org, or will it be the formation of a new 'organisation', before Judgement time ?   

    I use the term 'organisation' in the losest way, but there needs to be a 'coming together' of the True Anointed remnant. That coming together need not be in a physical way though.  Earthwide communication is now so easy that people do not need to gather in person. Besides which, God could communicate through Christ directly if He so wishes... But when and how ?  Are the True Anointed waiting for a 'signal' from God through Christ ?  If indeed there are thousands of True Anointed still living, then they would be a 'great army' of servants of God and Christ.  With the guidance and power of Holy Spirit, nothing could stop them completing any task that is asked of them. 


  9. And now we can see why the Governing Body are frightened and why they tell the Anointed not to gather together or not to contact each other.  Um, 21,182 Anointed.  They could have there own Global Assembly  :) . 

    Another thought crossed my mind. The GB say that we are living in the last part of the last day and yet there are 21 thousand Anointed left on Earth ?  Well maybe only 10,000 True anointed. But ... 

    Matthew 24 :22 says  "In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."

    This scripture shows some serious reduction in population. Surely this would include a serious reduction in the quantity of Anointed ones ?  As I've mentioned before, if only half of that figure is real that still means there are over 10,000 True Anointed remnant here on Earth. 

    So, what will greatly reduce the population ?   And, how long will it take to greatly reduce the population ? 

    And how many of the True Anointed will be left here on Earth at the beginning of the Judgement / Armageddon ? 

  10. 21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Memorial Partakers aka Anointed

    And only 8 are allowed to be the GB / F&DS ?   

    @TrueTomHarley  wonders where we mght find the True Anointed Remnant, to help Christ lead those people here on earth to God.   Tom there seems to be 21,182 to choose from. Well less 8 of course. 

    Just imagine that only half of those are True Anointed. That is, only half would serve God properly in the Last Days. 

    That is still over 10,000 people around the Earth that God through Christ could use.  There's the answer Tom and others that mock me. 

    Thank you @Srecko Sostar  for this good information.  


  11. Well the Watchtower / JW Org should fit well in there.   

    Hiding Paedophiles in the congregations of the JWs. 

    Withholding a 25 year database of Child Sexual Abuse in America.

    Refusing to join the compensation scheme for CSA in Australia. 

    Telling deliberate lies in court rooms.

    Pretending not to have a Clergy class, but then usig Clergy Penitent privilege. 

    Stop looking outside of your Watchtower / Org.  Look inside and see the truth of it all. 

  12. I know that @Arauna and possibly others have some deep knowledge of 'things going on in the world'.  @Space Merchant is another that seems to have such knowledge.

    The UN, Agenda this and that ???  It all means nothing to me.  And I do not bother to dig, for I will not know truth from lies about such things. 

    The Virus, the Vaccine, the Lockdown..  Should God's servants accept the vaccine ?   If it becomes law, and God's word tells us to be obedient to the Superior Authorites, then who will accept the vaccine ?  Would not accepting it be disobeying God ?   The lockdown, once again being obediant to those who are, for this short while, allowed to have power over us. 

    The Judgement / Armageddon. Do people here expect it to happen very soon, or are there too many scriptures to be fulfilled first ?   What preperations are you making for these 'last days' if you think it is so ?  I think there is a scripture about money being worthless, so are you people reducing your material wealth and possesions ? 

    I am intending to reduce my material posssesions greatly this year. By doing so I was thinking to hold onto cash, but it may be that cash will be of no use. What then ? Stockpile food ? 

    Are any of you giving these things daily thought ?  You may reply that you rely on God, but does God actually want you to do nothing and to just rely on Him ?  Men are the head of their household. Parents have responsibility over their children.  Older children, even grown ups, have a responsibility to care for their older parents / relatives.  It can be a worry.

    My wife and i had a 'teabreak' at 4pm UK time. Just a cup of tea, a mince pie and a little chat. I was asking her for her thoughts on this coming year and if she has worriess. She keeps herself busy and doesn't show concern, but she said she is worried about the future and that's why she keeps busy, to take her mind off things. 

    This topic may seem to have little meaning, but it is about what we think and do on a daily basis. Bible study and prayer of course.  But what preperations we make for the immediate future whilst we wait on God, through Christ, to decide on the 'day and the hour'.  Are there physical things we can do to help us and others to survive the storm until we are judged ? 


  13. @Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  

    The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 

    I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 

    My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 

  14. It's very true, but JWs deliberately blind themselves to it all.  Unfortunately JWs have made it their way of life to serve the GB through the Watchtower / JW Org / CCJW.  They even baptise their new recruits into the JW organisation.  Then the new ones are encouraged to cut off all ties with their outside friends. The GB demand complete dependability on them and the Org. They demand trust in 'men' not in God through Christ.  

  15. Yep, I'm 71 and and at age around 20 (50 year ago) the Org was teaching me about the 7,000 year creative days and about the 6,000 years of human life, then it would be / should have been, Armageddon / Jesus' 1,000 year reign.  That would have then been 49,000 years and then i think the Org was also mentioning a Millenium ??? 

    Now, that was a foundation teaching of the Watchtower back then.  A doctrine of importance to all JWs, and those W/t leaders were thought of as having God's Holy Spirit. 


  16. 9 hours ago, Anna said:

    You think a guided tour is a form of worship? How so?

    I noticed you missed out the first bit. To call it a House of God and to do guided tours, is a form of worship.

    The GB expect JWs and possibly others to marval at it. That 'wonderful' construction.  

    It really is making it into an idol..   They are really just buildings, built to do a job, but the GB are making them into someting like a temple. Like i have said, Bethel, House of God.  

  17. 8 hours ago, Arauna said:

    YOU and Witness are the jealous ones - we work alongside the true anointed remnant

    Your superiors the GB say differently. Telling the anointed not to make themselves known to others.  

    But let us look at scripture here. 

    Matthew 25 : 40

     In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

    But verse 45 & 46

     Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46  These will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.” 

    Now lets see what your GB say 

    The Anointed should not meet together. The Anointed should not study the Bible together. OR (so the GB say) the Anointed will be working against the Holy Spirit.

    Now that seems the total opposite to what Christ says. 



  18. 8 hours ago, Arauna said:

    In your mind yea! LOL.  You really show your logic and lie openly now.  Do not even go to the language line ......  even that is wrong! 

    You quoted a scripture where God says "Where, then, is the house that you could build for me"

    And I showed that the GB / Watchtower / JW Org call their HQs, Bethel, meaning House of God.

    So where is the lie ? 

    I also showed that they do Bethel tours. This is not only in America but in UK too.  Once again where is the lie?

    To call it a House of God and to do guided tours, is a form of worship. You cany deny it if you wish. 

  19. 10 hours ago, Arauna said:

    No you have it wrong - we are serving at the foot of the throne!  on earth.  the earthly part of the courtyard is here on earth as a nation separate and in unity serving Jehovah.  Those who are not in peace and unity or have ulterior motives - those people leave!

    Is 66:1 " This is what Jehovah says: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool.+Where, then, is the house that you could build for me,+And where is my resting-place?”

    Um, don't the GB / Watchtower call their HQs Bethels ? 

    Bethel (Ugaritic: bt il, meaning "House of El" or "House of God", Hebrew: בֵּית אֵל‎ ḇêṯ'êl, also transliterated Beth El, Beth-El, Beit El; Greek: Βαιθηλ; Latin: Bethel) is the name of a place (a toponym) often used in the Hebrew Bible. It is first mentioned in Genesis 12:8 as being near where Abram pitched his tent.

    And Warwick Bethel is worshipped by JWs. 


    Bethel Tours - JW.org

    Get Warwick Bethel tour information, plan visits to Patterson and Wallkill too. Find out about branch offices in Australia, Canada, London (Chelmsford), and more.
    Oh how JWs need to worship men and material possesions. 
  20. 14 hours ago, Anna said:

    What he didn't realize was that no one would announce that he voluntarily left, but that the announcement could make it look like he was disfellowshipped because he did something bad.

    I've only just seen this comment. Anna you are wrong. I new exactly what would happen. Hence i told a few brothers what would happen and the reasons i was leaving, before i emailed the Elders to tell them i was resigning from the Org.  

    14 hours ago, Anna said:

    I think we both know that he would have been "better off" had he not written any letters

    It was emails, but no matter.  But, don't you understand that it was not about me being better off.  My Christin conscience would not let me remain in the Org. 

    14 hours ago, Anna said:

    But he wanted to let the elders know how bad the org is, and this is why he no longer wants any part of it.

    Yes I wanted to let the Elders know, but i also wanted the Elders to know that thousands of other people know too.  

    As for not wanting any part of it. I have not closed that door.  I wait on Almighty God so that i will know if God chooses to forgive that Org and to cleanse it, or if God chooses to squash that Org and replace it. 

  21. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Yes, I know you are just dying to try to sway them. This fine forum may be as close as you will get.

    I have no intention of trying to sway the Elders. They know the truth about the Watchtower / GB / Org, and they have made their decision to aid and abet the immorality and wickedness within. 

    And this fine forum isn't my only means of cummunication with JWs or Ex JWs and others. 

    And by the way, I'm not upset. You JWs seem to need to tell me how I'm feeling :). What I do feel is an obligation to tell others what i know. 

  22. 9 hours ago, Arauna said:

    There are not always good reasons for leaving Jehovah

    Once again Arauna gets her mind mxed up.   Firstly she tries in a sly way to bame me for the sins of others.

    Secondly she pretends that the Watchtower's / GB's rules, are God's laws.

    Then her highlight, she pretends that leaving the Watchtower / JW Org is the same as leaving God and Christ.  Of course she is misguided on all of it.  


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