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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. So when Hitler persecuted the Jews does that mean that the Jews had the true religion and it was the devil causing the persecution of true religion ? I don't think so. But you are right, I don't have real knowledge about the troubles in Russia. Not being a JW I suppose Russia doesn't play on my mind. But the persecution is wicked and should of course stop. But I don't think it is a 'sign of the end', whereas you might.
  2. JWs only proclaim the GB and the Watchtower. To stand with a cart / trolly which offers GB / Watchtower literature is hardly proclaiming the Kingdom. It proclaims the GB as the F&DS and proclaims lies about when Armageddon will arrive. It still, after all these years, proclaims 1914. It's like an old record stuck in the same old groove. The people in Russia doing the persecuting must have some political power, so my answer isn't debunked at all. My answer makes sense to sensible people.
  3. And that is why I didn't make it a topic, because I knew a bitter and twisted pretend Christian would come on the scene talking rubbish. You @César Chávez aka Billy the Kid, have fullfilled that role of the bitter and twisted pretend Christian. You are totally off topic deliberately, because you know i talk truth in this topic, and you are trying to sideline the topic due to your jealousy of the True Anointed remnant.
  4. I think we all need to remember that Jesus was never speaking to the people of the nations. Matthew 15 v 24 to 28 inc'. He (Jesus) answered: “I was not sent to anyone except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But the woman came and did obeisance to him, saying: “Lord, help me!” 26 In answer he (Jesus) said: “It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs.” 27 She said: “Yes, Lord, but really the little dogs do eat of the crumbs falling from the table of their masters. 28 Then Jesus replied to her: “O woman, great is your faith; let it happen to you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour on. Physical Israel was God's chosen people, and it was to those that Jesus spoke. When physical Israel rejected and murdered Jesus, then on his resurrection, Jesus was speaking to spiritual Israel. Jesus refered to the Samaritains as 'dogs'. How then would he view the nations at that time ? If we read verse 3 of chapter 5 in Matthew we find “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need,a since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them." Jesus was speaking to physical Israel that could have had the Kingdom of the Heavens. And in verse 5 “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth." Jesus was still speaking to physical Israel. Jesus himself has never gone to the nations. He went to physical Israel and now Spiritual Israel. I think the earthly class are now the 'little dogs' that feed from the crumbs of the table.
  5. It does make sense actually, if you look at it from a governments viewpoint. If you have a large group of peaple in your country that do not support that governement then that government will be watchful. BUT add to that, if you have a large group of people in a country that will not fight to defend that country that could cause the government a problem. THEN add to that, that the large group of people not only will not fight to defend the country BUT they are telling everyone else not to fight to defend that country. WE know that war is wrong, WE know that killing is wrong, but 'worldly governments' are not interested in God's viewpont. Countries such as Russia want to appear strong. To appear strong they need massive Armed Forces. But Russia has this 'group of people' that don't want Russia to appear strong, because this 'group of people' won't join the Armed Forces and continue to tell others not to join the Armed Forcess. In simple words, Jehovah's Witnesses are a threat to Russia's strength. Those people in Russia that 'specialize in violence' are the ones the Russian government will be happy to have, because such people will fight for the country. Of course all persecusion is wrong, but seen from the side of the authorites running a country, it's possible to understand their perspective. I do laugh at your misuse of scripture about the devil coming down .
  6. Oh, I do try not to be arguementitive. Earlier i had an hour long conversation on the phone with an Elder, discusing many issues, so I'm now tired. Please, just for one moment stop this "But we have grown away from this teaching" Just be you. Don't be a representative of the Watchtower..... I agree it seems wrong to limit the message and value of the scriptures to only a few, but it is those 'few' that will be given full understanding. Meanwhile those scriptures will be misused by many including the GB / helpers / Watchtower. Jesus said 'I have other sheep who are not of this fold'. I believe that not all of Christ's followers in the 1st century were of the Anointed. But I believe the words of the Apostle Paul were only meant for the Anointed ones. I think the True Anointed remnant are far more important to God and Christ, than the rest of us are, right now. The complete 144,000 are needed to make that complete 'body of christ', whereas the number of the earthly class does not matter. And I think God through Christ, will use the remnant to the full. So I would have thought that anyone wanting to serve God properly would have the proper respect for that remnant and would support them fully, not tell them they shouldn't meet together. The Anointed remnant should be taking the lead as the spiritual JEW, and the earthly class should be following as the 10 men. Therefore I believe that Almighty God will give Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, to the True Anointed, and i believe those True Anointed will teach truth to the earthly ones. I think this will happen in good time, before Armageddon.
  7. Well well, go to top of page and read title of topic. @Arauna quotes scripture that was written for the Anointed ones and tries very hard to apply it to millions of JWs that are dominated by 8 men. Why are JWs so jealous of the True Anointed remnant ? Don't JWs know that those of the True Anointed are chosen by God through Christ ? Don't JWs know that those True Anointed wil rule over the Earthly Class of people ? But, the True Anointed will not be like the GB. The True Anointed will obey God through Christ and will be meek and kind and loving. You try to deny that the Christian Greek Scriptures were written for the True Anointed but those scriptures prove otherwise. Romans 8 v 16 & 17. The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 If, then, we are children, we are also heirs—heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ—provided we suffer together so that we may also be glorified together. Are the earthly class heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ ? NO.
  8. I think some of us were drawn into something that was a lie. It's that simple. Sorry @Witness but I think you should have checked it out properly before starting this topic. Not much point in trying to make something out of it that isn't really there. It was clickbait lies. We are all keen to see something happen but it seems this is nothing.
  9. Hello John. I presume your comment was aimed at me. So firstly I'll quote you here Who is the "Head", The obvious answer is that JESUS is the head. The True Anointed are the 'body of Christ' Is this attitude going to heaven with you? Are you going to be this way after gaining access to your crown in heaven? Answer: As far as i am aware i am not going to heaven. I have never said I'm Anointed and I've never had that longing. So where you get that idea from I do not know. BUT, now think on this, I am not promoting myself. I am stating that the True Anointed are more important than the earthly class at this time. However your GB do promote themselves, calling themselves the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave' and saying only they, those 8 men, are to be believed and followed. Remember that up to 2012 ALL Anointed were considered to be the F&DS, BUT the GB decided to announce in 2013 that ONLY THEY were the F&DS. The GB thereby exalted themselves above their Anointed Brothers. A time will come soon when the scripture at Luke 14 v 11 will take place. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Even though I am not so humble, I do not exalt myself. My concern is for the True Anointed remnant that are not yet doing the job, here on Earth, that they were Anointed for. As for the 'slave class', I don't think the scripture was meant to be taken literally. It was a Question, not a statement. But your GB are happy to apply it to themselves, yet they refuse to believe the same scripture about the evil slave.
  10. Um, sorry but this seems like a contradiction. 1. you say it's 'pure evil', then 2. you say they are 'breaking down the lies and deception of jw.org.' If anyone is bringing lies out into the open then that is good not evil. And at least it wasn't a false Armageddon call like the Watchtower / GB / CCJW keep making.
  11. It said nothing that makes any sense. Click bate. 10.15pm here in England, goodnight.
  12. Where did the original information come from ? I'm in England so don't know if I'll be 'allowed' to view it. some things are blocked from UK viewing.
  13. At least I'm looking for honest truth about God's word and HIS purpose, and I'm not wasting my time on 'this world' and all it's rumours and dishonesty.
  14. The scriptures were written for the True Anointed but the GB / Watchtower / CCJW pretend that the earthly class are just as important as the Anointed. It's funny that JWs are encouraged to 'read' the Bible BUT not really 'study' the Bible. If a JW were to really study their Bible they wound know how wrong the GB / Watchtower are. They are told to read it, BUT not to disagree with the GB's interpretation of it. The GB pretend that the earthly class are just as important so that Elders that are not of the Anointed can rule over the whole congregation including some that are of the Anointed. It's all a farce, a smokescreen to confuse JWs and their bible studies. The GB pretend to be the only ones that are the F&DS and therefore the only ones that are entitled to give an interpretation of God's word. They refuse to recognise the the other Anointed ones by keeping them down amongst the earthly class. But a time will come soon when the True Anointed are raised up to power by God's Holy Spirit and then we will be taught truth from God's word.
  15. The Christian Greek Scriptures prove that they were written for the Anointed. The scriptural quotes I've given prove it. Unfortunately the GB are trying to pretend two opposite things, 1. that all servants of God are equal, BUT, 2. that the GB are above all others. Your dishonest GB are trying to lower the Anointed's importance, but to raise their own importance. Um, is one of them really leaving ? Is he getting a conscience or frightened of the CSA problem ? When the True Anointed appear then the GB will quickly disappear.
  16. Is this for real ???????????? If that is a video it's not playing. Updates with proof please.
  17. Um, is this an American viewpoint I wonder ? As a 71 year old immature Englishman I am nothing like the things you mention at all. Video games, you must be joking. I would not waste my time or money on such rubbish. Facebook & Ebay guilty, but not pointless video games. Fixing things. I don't go beyond my ability, but i do tend to go for practicality rather than looks. The relationship. No problems there, I'll listen and talk about how we both feel and why. And I tend to tell my wife and my son if I'm feeling emotionally or physically unwell. We live in a wicked world and we need the ones close to us to understand us. Shopping, no probs'. I lived on my own from age 18 and had to learn to shop for my own food and pay my own bills. Quote Our consuming need to own the biggest and most expensive version of just about everything. Sorry but that IS an American thing. Just look at the American classic cars, and refrigerators. Us English are far more practical. Wow, Americanism at it's finest y'all.
  18. This subject has most probably been here before, but it tends to cross my mind regularly. It would be nice to approach it from the scriptural viewpoint, not the Watchtower viewpoint. Luke 17 v 20 & 21. On being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming, he answered them: “The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness; 21 nor will people say, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For look! the Kingdom of God is in your midst.” Now this was Jesus' words before he was put to death. But after His resurrection he told his disciples (Matthew 28 v 18 ) Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. So whilst Jesus was here on earth He stated that the Kingdom of God was there amongst the people (meaning himself) and that ALL authority has been given to HIM. Now, is it enough to know both of those things ? That Jesus is the Kingdom (or King of that Kingdom), and that HE had all authority since 33 C.E. Lets now consider the disciples / apostles. 2 Thessalonians 2 v 1 However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christa and our being gathered together to him, What exactly does this mean ? the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ Is that the presence of Jesus at Armageddon ? our being gathered together to him When ? When Jesus appears at Armageddon / When Jesus takes the anointed remnant from the earth ? 1 Thessalonians 4 v 13 through 18. Moreover, brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who are sleeping in death, so that you may not sorrow as the rest do who have no hope. 14 For if we have faith that Jesus died and rose again, so too God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in death through Jesus. 15 For this is what we tell you by Jehovah’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death; 16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. 17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord. 18 So keep comforting one another with these words. This bit seems a little complicated. we the living who survive. will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death. the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call WHEN ? Is this at Armageddon. 17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Is all of that going to happen in the one instance ? Note it says 'together with them', as if the 'dead' Anointed and the 'living' Anointed (obviously all as spirit beings), will all meet together in clouds / the air. Now if this is so, then the only part of the Kingdom in heaven right now is Jesus Christ. If the 'dead Anointed' are still in the grave and the 'living Anointed' (remnant) are still here on earth.......................... Jesus, whilst here on Earth, spoke of himself as being the Kingdom in their midst. AND, Jesus in 33 C.E. said he had been given ALL authority. So it would seem from those scriptures that the Kingdom existed from at least 33 C.E. but possibly only consisted of Jesus Christ. The questions now follows of course, What does the Watchtower say happened in 1914 ? And, Where does the Watchtower say that the 1st Century anointed are right now ?
  19. Can you suggest an alternative study bible to the NWT please. Don't know if i should make this a topic but it might just cause more disagreements which are a waste of time and space. I want a large paper copy so that I'm not looking at this computer screen all day. 


    1. JW Insider

      JW Insider

      I like the Catholic "New Jerusalem Bible" for the variety of footnotes. You might need a magnifying glass, however. I did.

    2. JW Insider

      JW Insider

      I also enjoy reading the translations have 4 and sometimes 8 translations on the same page. I have two of these, one of each variety.

      This is not so different from going to Biblehub or blueletterbible online. As you are reading and might be wondering about the words chosen, you can instantly click to see the passage in several additional translations, and if you are inclined, you can also click on the Strongs/Thayers/Gesenius style definitions, or read a commentary on that whole chapter.

    3. Patiently waiting for Truth

      Patiently waiting for Truth

      Thank you. I do tend to use Biblehub for individual scriptures but no idea how to get 4 translation up together. One scripture that always plays on my mind is Matthew 24 v 8. 

      All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.

      All these are the beginning of birth pains.

      The difference seems important to me but I'm not sure why yet. I tend to think of the birth pangs as being the  birth of the Kingdom.  Thanks again. 

  20. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/churches-fears-for-conversion-bill-are-unfounded-20201215-p56no3.html I think this article puts a bit of balance on things. The Victorian government’s bill to ban LGBTQ+ conversion practices has raised confusion and disquiet in some religious communities about potential threats to their religious freedoms. These fears are quickly assuaged by a plain reading of the bill and the statement of compatibility with the Charter of Human Rights. The Victorian bill carefully weighs the protection of religious freedom against the protection of the rights of LGBTQ+ people and is the product of significant consultation. It does not ban prayer, preaching or pastoral support about gender and sexuality in general. But it does prevent these spiritual practices being misused in attempts to change or suppress a person’s sexuality or gender identity and thereby causing them harm. It has been found to be consistent with Victorian human rights law and does not constitute an overreach. Placing limits on religious practices, as proposed in this bill, is not new. Both Australian law and international human rights law provide guidance on when it is appropriate to place limitations on religious practices. There are numerous examples where we do this already in Australian law. Jehovah’s Witnesses hold religious objections to blood transfusions, but Australian law overrides the practice of that belief in circumstances where a blood transfusion is necessary to save the life of a child. Several religious communities have traditions of female genital cutting. Yet Australian law overrides that religious practice, making it both illegal to perform in Australia or to remove someone overseas for the practice. And more recently, several Australian jurisdictions have followed the recommendations of the child abuse royal commission to limit the seal of confession in order to protect children from sexual abuse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So. we know from scripture that the Superior Authorities are placed or are allowed to be in their position by Almighty God. And we can see some good here that this government is trying to stop female genital cutting and to protect children from sexual abuse. The position concerning blood transfusions is a difficult one. A secular government has to make secular decisions completely separate from religious bias. So at this moment in time it does not look as if they are trying to wipe out Christianity, as some people pretend they are.
  21. https://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2622 Shia Muslim, Jehovah's Witness, and Protestant religious communities have all had recent applications to exist refused. In many cases the excuse used has been refusals by local authorities to provide documents as part of the complex, time-consuming and expensive application process. In some cases registration applications have led to reprisals, such as police demands that Protestant Christians renounce their faith. Just as in 2019 and in previous years, Jehovah's Witness communities have been refused registration in 2020 in Tashkent and Fergana. The excuse the regime has used is the refusal of local authorities to supply a letter confirming the communities' existence as part of the complex, time-consuming and expensive application procedure. Officials have refused to explain to Forum 18 why they did this (see below).
  22. I'll just repeat what I've written above. GB are a totally different thing because they call themselves God's spokesman. The GB calls themselves and allow themselves to be called the Faithful and Discreet Slave. And the GB tell the True Anointed not to gather together. The GB tell the True Anointed that they would be working against God's Holy Spirit if they did gather together. Hence the GB deserve to be judged by anyone that is wanting to serve God properly. Because the GB have put themselves in the place of Jesus Christ. But to those that are happy serving and worshipping the GB they will never see truth.
  23. @John Houston It's a pity you cannot talk straight, but you talk in riddles. Elders do conspire to hide truth. Elders commit sins and other Elders keep it hidden. Even to the point of Child Sexual Abuse and adultery. And when victims complain, or parents of victims complain, they get d/fed. Yes the whole organisation can be seen to be corrupt, because anyone that hides sin or anyone that supports those that hide sin is just as guilty. How wrong you are. My love and loyalty are toward God and Christ, it is only they that have to be served. I care not if the Watchtower / JW org survive or fall. But if Almighty God through Jesus Christ wants to use the Watchtower / Org so be it, but I'm sure they will fully cleanse it first. That will mean your GB will be gone and an honest Anointed body of servants would be truly guided by God's Holy Spirit. I do like that you disagree with your GB on one point. Your GB say that a person has to be a 'baptised JW to be saved' You say
  24. https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/watchtower-study-october-2020/Jehovah-Is-Directing-His-Organization/ 1. And you need to keep building your confidence that Jehovah is using his organization today. 2 Today, Jehovah directs his organization in a way that reflects his personality, purpose, and standards. Let us consider three of Jehovah’s attributes that are reflected in his organization. 7. As far back as July 1881, this magazine could say: “We were not called, nor anointed to receive honor and amass wealth but to spend and be spent, and to preach the good news. Something went wrong there then. The Watchtower has amassed wealth and real estate. 11 In the first century. The governing body in Jerusalem worked unitedly to maintain order and peace among God’s people. (Acts 2:42) For example, when the issue of circumcision came to a head about 49 C.E., the governing body, under the direction of holy spirit, considered the matter. There was NO governing body in the 1st century. And the circumcision account seems to be the only account the GB can find to talk about. The Apostle Paul was no part of the Twelve in Jerusalem, and it was Paul that wrote under inspiration of Holy Spirit, to all the Congregations. It would seem that Paul had as much authority as the Twelve. 15 By means of “the faithful and discreet slave,” Here we see this lie again. The Bible, God's word, does not give any mention as to who the F&DS is, but the GB exalt themselves to that position. 17 Soon, the only organization left on earth will be the one led by God’s spirit. So zealously work with Jehovah’s organization. Then as Satan’s world comes to its end, you will not be fearful. Instead, you will confidently stand among those who are loyally serving with Jehovah’s organization. This whole article promotes the GB and the Organisation. It does not give any direction to serve God through JESUS CHRIST. The only time Jesus is mentioned is in connection with the disciples. How do you serve Almighty God ?
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