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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. @John Houston This is just one case and there are thousands more Earthwide in the Org. Each case involves Victims. Each case also involves the Victims family and others. Each case is a stumbling block to congregants and to outsiders that might have been interested in having a Bible Study. Each case therefore brings shame on Almighty God and Jesus Christ. Multiply that by thousands and it is a very large stumbling block to the whole earth. The GB / CCJW / Watchtower are saying that we are living in the last 'hour' of the last day, of this wicked system of things. Therefore it would seem strange to me that God or Christ would allow such a massive stumbling block to interfere with people gaining 'truth' for everlasting life. On the one hand you have the GB sending out the threat that 'If you are not a baptised JW you will not get saved'. And on the other hand you have the GB trying to hide all this pedophilia and fornication within the Org, but as the scriptures say, 'Things done in darkness will be brought out into the light'. I do not believe that the GB have the approval of God or Christ because the GB use Victims as collateral damage. So many cases have been proven to be true, and so many big undisclosed 'pay outs' have been made by the GB's Lawyers that it gives enough evidence to show the lack of spirituality within the ranks of the CCJW Leaders and Elders.
  2. @BillyTheKid46 @BillyTheKid47 @César Chávez @AllenSmith et al, What rubbish you do write. But do tell us what 'both sides of the coin' are. There is only one Almighty God and only one way to serve Him, through Jesus Christ. So do tell us what 'other side' there is.
  3. @Arauna How easy it is for you to compare JWs to the wicked people of Satan's world. However I think God and Christ have made Scriptures to use to compare your CCJW org to. Compare to God's high standards, not to Satan's low standards. @TrueTomHarley Keeps telling me how 'wonderful' the Elders are, but if this report is true then we can see their sins quite clearly. Yes we all make mistakes but are you saying one must be 'super-human' not to rape or not to hide rape in the Org. As for Almighty God judging me, I thought 'All authority' had been given to Christ, so he will judge. As for my 'attitude' of wanting God and Christ to have a clean, loving, merciful Organisation, then I hope I am judged on that.
  4. C.C that is so lame. . Try harder than that. It doesn't matter what happened AFTER 1975. What matters is that the Leaders of the CCJW were WRONG. So the CCJW is built on a very flawed foundation with many mistakes and false promises. THAT IS NOT GOD'S FAULT, NOR IS IT CHRIST'S FAULT. It is the fault of MEN. The MEN that have led your religion.
  5. How wonderfully loving and merciful those Elders were if this is true ????????? SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in a case alleging male leaders of a Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation in Roy forced a 15-year-old girl to listen to a recording of a man raping her in 2008. https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/11/9/21557200/utah-supreme-court-case-woman-says-church-made-her-listen-to-audio-of-her-rape-jehovahs-witnesses “The allegation here is a mental and emotional equivalent of waterboarding,” Justice Deno Himonas said. “I’ve been a judge for a long time and a lawyer for a long time. I’ve never seen, in court, anything like this that’s alleged.” The woman sued the four elders, the Roy church and the religion’s national organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in Oden’s 2nd District Court in 2016. She alleges she cried, shook visibly and pleaded for them to stop as they played the recording intermittently over the course of at least four hours in 2008. Their goal was to extract a confession that she had voluntarily engaged in sex outside of marriage, her attorneys contend. She alleges she was 14 years old when the man, a fellow Jehovah’s Witness, 18, bullied her increasingly and began sexually assaulting her in December 2007. She alleges he raped her several times and provided her congregation’s leaders a recording of one instance. And they didn't immediately report him to the Police for rape or underage sex ????? This religion which is built on God's word and Christ's instructions, with high moral standards ???????
  6. @Srecko Sostar That is fabulous. Very well explained. I think that JWs forget the teachings of the 60's. Remember the teachings ; Each Creative Day = 7000 years. 6 Creative Days = 42000 years. We were living in the last day and it would consist of 6000 years + 1000 years of Christ's rule That would equal 49,000 years, then it would be handed back to God and be a Millenium of some sort. So that teaching was saying that at the end of the 6,000 years, Christ's rule would begin. That year was 1975.
  7. @TrueTomHarley Quote I know where he is coming from, though. It is initially shocking to see ones taunting the Most High, all the more so when they purposefully make themselves obtuse about how God works with and through humans. The fact that they have nothing to offer that is better doesn’t phase them in the slightest, as they do nothing but condemn the GB, their spiritual betters. 1, ones taunting the Most High Who is taunting God ? Just because some of us do not believe your GB are serving God, that is not taunting God. It is in fact in Defence of God and Christ. 'No one comes to the Father except through the Son'. 2. they purposefully make themselves obtuse about how God works with and through humans. I think you GB has done that. It is your GB that is 'beating it's fellow slaves'. Your GB that have exalted themselves above all others. Your GB that tells the Anointed 'NOT TO gather together'. 3, have nothing to offer that is better . I have made suggestions as to what will possibly happen, when God and Christ decide the time is right. I have made suggestions as to how the GB could improve the CCJW. I pray regularly to God through Christ, that God will 'wake up' the True Anointed remnant to lead those that are willing to serve God properly. 4. as they do nothing but condemn the GB, their spiritual betters. If in your heart you feel your GB are so good, so be it. It does not mean that others who wish to serve God propelry, think the same way as you do. Whilst I know I could not 'do the job', I also know that I am not Anointed. My opinion is that as the Scriptures were written under insipration from God's Holy Spirit, then it needs inspiration of God's Holy Spirit to understand the Scriptures fully and to lead God's people. Only the True Anointed ones can do that. Unfortunately Derek and other JWs do not wish to know truth from God through Christ, they only wish to know the words of the GB and it's Watchtower teachings. Only time will tell the outcome. As for me, I wish no harm to anyone here. I think everyone here is genuine in their thoughts and words and only God and Christ can read hearts.
  8. It is funny Tom, well written and funny. I read too much MSN news, most of it is horrible, so your little piece was well needed humour.
  9. Um, you sound very agitated Derek. I would humbly suggest prayer to God through Christ. We are all sinners but we all still have a chance to serve God properly, because as the scripture says, 'the end is not yet'.
  10. Wow, the JWs join forces to worship their GB and their CCJW org. They hang on every word of their masters the GB. So be it. @Emma Rose I have never said I am of the Anointed. I have said I am not Anointed. I have also said I probably will not survive Armageddon. However I did leave the CCJW because of the Child Sexual Abuse problem Earthwide in that Org and I do make a point of warning others of the dangers that are in the CCJW. If Christ judges me as wrong and as wicked then I will die at Armageddon. But what I do, I do with a good Christaiin conscience. @derek1956 I hope you are happy with the silly things you post. @Anna You are very level headed in all this. You can see both sides as usual. Thank you for your input. @TrueTomHarley I hope you are well. I love your input. You are funny whether intentional or not. Appologies to anyone I've missed. I think one of Witnesses' points is that with the Leaders of the CCJW getting things wrong many times over a long period of time, how can anyone trust the Leaders now ? The GB admit to not being inspired so all they do is guess, and 'err'. Of course they will get some things right. If you make 100 guesses, 10 of them could easily be right. New members on here may not know of the serious Child Sexual Abuse / Pedophilia problem Earthwide in the CCJW. I would suggest you do your own research. Australia, Canada, America, The Netherlands, the UK. Just to name a few. Any JW denying this is deliberately blinding themselves. I left the CCJW for the reason above. I could not encourage people into such an organsation. Each of you is entitled to your own opinion of me. However I wish Warmest Christian Love to you all.
  11. I read rumours (and have seen video) that Biden likes putting his hands on children. If he gets in I do wonder if Pedophilia will be made legal. The GB of CCJW would be happy with that as they wouldn't have to hand ove that database. Most other things have been made 'legal' in this world, homosexuality, fornocation etc... Pedophilia is probably next on the list.
  12. But wasn't there a Watchtower magazine in 1967 saying that the world was in the 'final part of the final day' or something like that. I saw a picture of that mag on here not long back. And wasn't there a slogan saying 'Stay alive 'till 75'. And I do know for sure that JWs sold their houses and went into full time ministry, and they must have had some reason for doing that. Oh it would be lovely to have coppies of all old Watchtowers dating back to the 1950's. But some JWs are like the Egyptians, that used to wipe out all traces of failure and mistakes. Some JWs just cannot face true facts.
  13. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/yorkshire-ripper-peter-sutcliffe-thinks-22976938 A bit of funny news here. The notorious murderer, who killed 13 women and attempted to kill seven more, has reportedly said he thinks he would go to heaven after his religious conversion meant he "found god" several years ago Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe reportedly thinks he will go to heaven if he dies after he tested positive for coronavirus. The notorious serial killer, who has found God as Jehovah’s Witnesses, was in hospital with suspected heart problems, but returned to HMP Frankland on Tuesday after five nights away. Astonishingly, Sutcliffe, who killed 13 women and attempted to kill seven more, has reportedly said he thinks he would go to heaven after his religious conversion meant he "found god" several years ago. The source said Sutcliffe believed all Jehovah’s Witnesses are guaranteed a place in heaven regardless of their past. n recent years, he has suffered diabetes and an angina attack and is almost completely blind. Sutcliffe is currently serving a whole life order, after being convicted in 1981 of the murder spree which gripped the North of England with fear. In 1997, he was attacked by a fellow inmate, which damaged his eyesight. Either bad reporting, or he is a complete nut case, or, he wasn't taught by a genuine JW, but it's quite funny.
  14. Um, not quite. Actually an ex-JW got kicked out because of false accusations from a so called JW. Something about 'death threats' and bringing in the FBI So are you Billy The Kid, or some Allen person. Of course it matters not. Who ever you are you tell as many lies as most other JWs, but that is part of the GB teachings.
  15. @Arauna You sound very miserable and full of hate. If your standards allow for Paedophilia in your Organisation, and if your standards allow for lies and deciet to be used to teach the congregation, then that is your choice. I think it is your GB that is turning it's back on God and Christ. My standards are to try to follow God's word and Christ's principles. It is not me that has raised myself up above all other humans. It is not me that has declared myself to be the Faithful and Discreat Slave. It is not me that is beating the 'other slaves' of God and Christ. It is not me that says you must serve God through MY organisation or you will die. Your GB have decieded what is acceptable to them. They have 'removed' Christ from their way of pretending to serve God. Even in baptism they have removed the right way to baptise. It should be, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. But you may have forgotton that, just as your GB has removed it.
  16. But surely if a person is 'no part of the world' they cannot work for a government department.
  17. Reading the news could make a person ill right now. I've joked with Tom how Armageddon could be ten years away yet, but looking at world conditions it could easily happen today or tomorrow. What I find so disturbing is the 99.9% dishonesty everywhere. All politicians / governments. All religions. Even most ordinary people cannot be fully trusted. It is very sad that not one religion can be trusted to give honest answers to honest questions. It is not God's fault of course. Even when God had His own Nation, those people turned their backs on Him at times. And now it seems as if all religions have also turned their backs on God and Christ. My hope is that God will 'raise up' a True Anointed remnant, to lead His people to truth and light, through Jesus Christ. Ahh, but I hope it happens very soon. The world is certainly becoming a 'darker' place for everyone.
  18. I quote @Arauna One cannot compare this to JWs. We allow people to choose their religion - but we cannot condone those who are traitors to Jehovah. We do not mix with those... but we do not stop them from practicing their new choices. Reading this actually made me feel sick. How dare you think you have the right to condemn people. You are so full of hate from the teachings of your GB. It is your GB that instills this type of belief into JWs. The CCJW does not own Almighty God or Jesus Christ. Will you never understand until it is too late for you ? Your GB are the ones that have turned their backs on God and Christ. But you just love having your ears tickled by your GB and the Org. It is sad. Your GB are stumbling blocks to so many people. Your GB continue to tell lies and to 'err', but JWs continue to serve them. Your GB continue to cover up the Child Sexual Abuse and continue to hide the pedophiles in the CCJW. Your GB will not appologise to victims of CSA and refuse to pay compensation to them. And you have the stupidity to say it is others that are 'traitors to Jehovah'.
  19. It seems more like the CCJW being annihalated but then they are part of the world right now.
  20. @Srecko Sostar I find that kind of funny. But I expect the GB are happy getting money from anyone right now. I hope they use it to pay compensation to victims of CSA.
  21. West Lakeland Township officials are considering purchasing the former Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall building and turning it into its town hall. The 2,300-square-foot building is at the southwest corner of the intersection of Stagecoach Trail and 10th Street North. It is listed for sale for $360,000; Petersen Properties has the listing. The town board currently meets at Oak-Land Middle School in Lake Elmo and rents office space at the Joshua Taylor building in Lake Elmo. Township supervisor Gary Horning said buying the building makes sense. He said West Lakeland officials sometimes have difficulty securing the school for its monthly town board meetings. He also is concerned that the price of renting office space — currently $700 a month — could increase when the Joshua Taylor building is remodeled. The Kingdom Hall is in a good location, and there is easy access in and out of the building, he said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another Kingdom Hall up for sale. I wonder why ?
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