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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Didn't know you believed such things Tom, but so be it. Is that 'New Light' from your bosses. And as for you saying ' derogatory' things about me. Well I think you say those things about every non JW, hence I said 'I for one, laugh at you', Because I think others laugh at you too. Have a good day.
  2. That's because you are a 'wind up mercant' Mr Tom. But I for one, just laugh at you. As for James, he seemed honest in most things. So not a true JW. However he did boast about having a houseful of guns and he did seem to think that war was ok in God's eyes. And with his latest 'problem' too, it does not look easy for him. I too hope that he makes it into the New World, one way or the other. I don't see any on here as wicked and I hope all make it through one way or the other. Compared to many out there and the carnage that is going on earthwide, we on here are quite reasonable in our ways. Even the apostles had a few harsh words in their time.
  3. BUT it didn't use the word Jehovah did it ? Moses never actually said or wrote the word Jehovah did he ? I would think in honesty that no one really knows the true translation and just maybe we are not supposed to know The word 'Jehovah' is ONLY an English translation of YHWH. And I for one don't even know why YHWH was changed to JHVH What i do find interesting is when Jesus was teaching the disciples / Apostles how to pray, Jesus said this : Like 11 v 2. So he said to them: “Whenever you pray, say: ‘Father, let your name be sanctified.a Let your Kingdom come. Matthew 6 v 9 “You must pray, then, this way:i“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your namej be sanctified. Jesus did not use a personal name for God here, he only used a title / description, and Jesus was talking to those who are of the Anointed. Now tell me, who was the first person to actually use this name 'Jehovah', and were they ofthe Anointed. Were they inspired of God's Holy Spirit, and how do you know that ? For instance is this true ? 16th century The Hebrew vowel points of Adonai were added to the Tetragrammaton by the Masoretes, and the resulting form was transliterated around the 12th century as Yehowah. The derived forms Iehouah and Jehovah first appeared in the 16th century.
  4. What does it mean to be an extremist? noun. a person who goes to extremes, especially in political matters. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices. Does extremist always mean nasty and violent ? I think the CCJW org is extreme. Surely it is meant to be ? In fact I think it is not extreme enough. Didn't the disciples / apostles say, 'We must serve God as ruler rather than men'. Surely it was extreme then and still extrem now ? If someone called me an extremist I would take it as a compliment, being no part of this wicked world surely is extreme.
  5. A bit different to WW2 when the leaders of the CCJW told congregants that they had to go to prison. Because of the lies told by the Leaders of the JW org / CCJW concerning the Superior Authorities scripture, congregants obeyed their Leaders rather than being allowed to have their own conscience. They served time in prison when they could have done farming work or other things. All because of the lies of the Organisation's Leaders. But now it seems that congregants can use their conscience and do something useful too.
  6. It just shows that JWs are puppets. The GB and their helpers write the Watchtowers, even though none of them are inspired by God's Holy Spirit. And the 'boots on the ground' JWs just deliver the GB's message around the world. That is not serving God it is serving the GB. To quote @Anna "We have already been given our magazines and envelopes with pre-printed addresses, and a template of the letter. ..." Just like I said, not serving God at all, just serving the GB. Being ruled over by 8 men who are mainly American. I do hope that God intervenes soon.
  7. Well dear Tom, people do get deleted from here and that's for sure. And the reasons seem as false as the reasons JW Elders use when they want to get rid of someone from a congregation. Hence some on here think that this site is run by JW Elders. The site has all the traits of it. I don't despair, I keep thinking of Colossians 3 v 13. Although it's meant for the anointed it's still a good thought. The thing is there should be no need to delete anyone because you JWs have your 'Private room' to hide in, so this could easily be a 'playground' for us 'others'.
  8. And that magazine is STILL pushing the year 1914. I have paper copy and have read it cover to cover I notice on page 4 it says God has set up a Kingdom, ..... I do wonder who exactly this 'Kingdom' consists of right now. I didn't think any of the Anointed were being resurrected until the 'final day', when those still on earth were 'taken up'. And on page 8 it still pushes the 'signs of the times'. But Luke 21 v 9 says Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.” Funny how the GB always leave this bit out. However on page 13 it does say something interesting about Teach people what they need to do in order to live forever. John 17 v 3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. But note the Bible does not say be part of one specific religion. To be Christian is to serve God through Christ.
  9. There is no scriptural backing for those links. It is all guesswork, and very old guesswork too. Your leaders once again pretending that they know 'things'. BUT remember Acts 2, the outpouring of Holy Spirit. At that time devout Jews from every nation under heaven were staying in Jerusalem.e 6 So when this sound occurred, a crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7 Indeed, they were utterly amazed and said: “See here, all these who are speaking are Gal·i·leʹans,f are they not? 8 How is it, then, that each one of us is hearing his own native language? 9 Parʹthi·ans, Medes,g and Eʹlam·ites,h the inhabitants of Mes·o·po·taʹmi·a, Ju·deʹa and Cap·pa·doʹci·a, Ponʹtus and the province of Asia,i 10 Phrygʹi·a and Pam·phylʹi·a, Egypt and the regions of Libʹy·a near Cy·reʹne, sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,j 11 Creʹtans, and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our languages about the magnificent things of God.” Everyone there understood in their own language, but it wasn't one language. The earthly class will not be 'pure' until after their final testing, so why would they be given a pure language whist not being pure / righteous ?
  10. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/2020/10/22/child-abuse-institutional-care/ The Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to sign up to the national redress scheme, opting instead to handle historic sex abuse claims in-house – but alleged victims say they are still being ignored by the church. Although the deadline for institutions to sign up has been extended until December, the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the only national organisation to declare they will not be joining. Ms Kaput says she has not received a response from the church. “We spent all this money on the royal commission, it took such a long time, we got the results, now there’s nothing,” she said. Where is the Love, the Mercy, the Christian conscience ? The CCJW and it's GB don't have any. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Same subject, different report. National Redress Scheme: Scott Morrison names and shames groups refusing to sign up https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/national-redress-scheme-scott-morrison-names-and-shames-groups-refusing-to-sign-up/news-story/f519cf23a9d8422a1882095d07f3143f The Prime Minister has revealed the government is finalising sanctions it will slap on groups “blatantly” refusing to sign up to a national scheme. Four institutions including the Jehovah’s Witnesses could be stripped of their charitable status after failing to sign up to the National Redress Scheme. Scott Morrison on Thursday revealed the government was finalising sanctions it will slap on the organisations. The Prime Minister named and shamed the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kenja Communication, Lakes Entrance Pony Club and Fairbridge Restored Limited for “blatantly” refusing to join the scheme. And this is ONLY Australia. The GB and their helpers have a lot to answer for. But don't tell Emma Rose, she doesn't believe any of it actually happened.
  11. Quote @Anna Emma, there aren't many people on this forum that actually comment or even read anything. It's just a handful. There are two sides, the ex-JWs, and the JWs like Tom, JWI, me and a few others. This is not a forum where interested ones (people who want Bible studies) hang out. The JWs who are here have their various reasons for being here...... So if you are looking to find someone who has genuine questions, well, as far as I know, there are non here at the moment. @Emma Rose I think Anna's viewpoint here is very narrow minded. I hope you find differently. It is true that some of us are no longer JWs and that is by choice, but it does not mean we do not have genuine questions or serious opinions. Discussions can unfortunately get silly with name calling etc, and topics can and do go 'off topic', but generally everyone is cool. And as I've just returned after a short break, I did read every comment that I'd missed. Some had deep meaning, some just taking up space. But everything, every word, about Almighty God and Jesus Christ, is worth taking time to read and consider. Much better to spend time here than to watch rubbish on the television.
  12. @Emma Rose When I started studying with JWs, way on back in the 1960's, they said God's name was YHWH. Then they said it translated into Jehovah. Um, YHWH = Yahweh or at best Yehowah. As has been discussed many times on here the letter J did not exist. If you and others are prepared to just believe all you are told by your GB through the Watchtower magazine, that is your choice. Have the GB changed God's name to JHVH and if so when ? None of us 'earthly folk' know the truth because we are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. And the GB have admitted to not being inspired too. Whilst I can fell your sincerity coming through, and that is not sarcasm, I do not pretend to know truth from lies, about God's true name. I now only use the words 'Heavenly Father' or 'Almighty God' in my prayers.
  13. I suppose one has to ask, was it made deliberately or did it happen accidently ? Was it made as a weapon ? Was it made to reduce earth's population ? Man made, then it was from the Devil indirectly. Was it animal disease ? And then why are there animal diseases ? E. R. goes on about "It is a sign of the last days". Sorry Emma that is a different topic. But please remember the scripture that says 'but the end is not yet'
  14. Oh wow. I don't know how long I've been away but so much 'rubbish' is being talked here i can see I haven't missed anything sensible. Surely if you are going to have such a topic as "Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise", you need to talk about what reasons JWs have to think only JWs will survive. You need to talk about the 'teaching' that "You have to be a baptised JW to survive Armageddon". You need to talk about Luke 17 v 1&2 Stumbling blocks. such as the GB exalting themselves above all others, and the Child Sexual Abuse problem in the Org earthwide. You have to talk about those people, including me, that left the CCJW because WE do have a Christian Bible trained conscience, and we saw the wickedness and immorality inside the CCJW and knew it was not the place to be. Emma Rose says she knows nothing of these things, but others such as Anna and JWI do know of many problems inside the Org and can therefore have a balanced viewpoint. What I'm saying is, its not just the ones that haven't been reached with God's word. It is the ones that have been used as Collateral Damage Earthwide and deliberately kicked aside by the GB and the Elders and then deliberately shunned by ALL JWs. How much guilt will be on 'your heads' what Armageddon arrives ?
  15. The only ministry JWs teach are the 'words of men', uninspired men. The ministry is just a delivery service for the books and Watchtower magazines written and guided by your GB. Yes I do know, Yes I've had first hand experience of it. "Do not give your own opinion" Always research what the GB / Org says is right. And as for anointed brothers "helping the congregation to shepherd the flock as elders." Yes 'Shepherd the flock' from a rule book written by MEN. Once again the GB is in full control. If you cannot understand how the True Anointed have been and still are being beaten by the Evil slave (GB) then you have a very serious problem with your spiritual understanding of God's requirements. But God has patience, and He will act when He is ready, or maybe He will leave it to Christ to act, as Christ as been giver 'all authority'. I'm just sitting on the sidelines waiting for something big to happen in the CCJW, or waiting for 'New True Light'
  16. @Emma Rose I thought I'd return to this that you wrote. Quote Kind David had an illicit affair with a married woman and then sent her husband to the front line in order for him to be killed, he also numbered the people when he shouldn't have. Jehovah did not depart from using King David to carry out His will. Jehovah is also aware of the effects of sin and if His people are repentant, He forgives them, Now, did everyone in the Nation of Israel think King David was doing right when he committed those sins ? I would think that any person of that Nation that had a good relationship with God, would of hated the things King David was doing. The problem for those people was that they were 'of that Nation'. They had no choice but to remain 'of that Nation'. So there is no comparison between those people of the Nation of Israel (born into and belonging to that nation) with JWs that voluntarily remain part of the CCJW. JWs still worship their GB and find no fault in them, even though the GB continue to sin. Your GB do not seem to be repentant. If they were they would stand down and let the True Anointed lead the CCJW. How can God forgive the GB when the GB have exalted themselves above all others, and the GB tread down the True Anointed Ones. The only thing the GB have done, after many years of lying, is to now admit that they are not Inspired of God's Holy Spirit. So your GB now admit that anything they say or write is just the words of 'men'. Please remember that, you are following the 'words of men'.
  17. @Emma Rose and @TrueTomHarley are now a comedy duo it seems Well done ! Dear Emma seems naive but it could just be a ploy. And Tom, well he is as he is. He cannot find true answers to anything so he makes, what he thinks, are jokes. He is funny some times though and bit of humour is good. The scripture Emma semi-quotes from Colossians 3 v 13 is spoken to the Anointed / Chosen Ones as can be seen in verse 12. And in my opinion the whole of the Greek Scriptures are written for those True Anointed Ones. However I actually have that scripture on a piece of paper hanging above my computer monitor, hence i knew what it was immediately. It does help in certain not too serious circumstances, but should not be used to cover over serious sins. Now Emma says "They're very hurt and angry." Lets note here that she is like Tom, and she lumps everyone together with that word 'they' / they are. It seems to be a problem with JWs, maybe because they are all one big congregation, that they cannot cope with individuals. Emma, every one of us is different and many of those that leave the CCJW have not 'lost their way'. If you personally do not mind being part of a Pedophile protecting and Pedophile hiding Organisation, that is of course your own choice. And if you are prepared to turn your back on the Victims of Child Sexual Abuse just to please the GB and you Elders, that is also your choice. I for one left the CCJW because my Christian based conscience would not allow me to continue to be part of such an immoral organisation and I could no longer encourage families to gather together in such a dangerous place as a Kingdom Hall or to gather with JWs that could possibly cause harm to children. Once the abuse has happened there is no turning the clock back. The damage is done permanently. But the CSA / Pedophilia problem is just one of many problems in the CCJW.
  18. 11 pm here in England. time for bed. Warmest Christian Love to all. I don't mind being declined entry to the elite club, I still send you all love. x
  19. i have no objections to God or Christ. No one should have. But i do object to 8 men who pretend they are the F&DS and deliberately mislead millions of people and stumble many more. I am surprised you are not American. You don't seemed bothered by the large amount of Victims of Child Sexual Abuse within the CCJW. And you don't seem bothered that the GB refuse to pay compensation to those Victims. You also don't seem bothered about the GB's lawyers telling lies in court rooms, which has been proven. But then if you don't look into these things you will never believe them. Hence I say you deliberately blind yourself. Jesus taught the complete opposite of the things the GB do.
  20. Look I'm sure you well know that the name Jehovah was in use a very long time before the Bible Students decided to use the name. And they actually thought that Yahweh was correct, and stated so in one of their books, but chose Jehovah as it was well known at the time. However, just by calling an org by that name does not make it clean and acceptable to God or Christ.
  21. @Emma Rose you are kidding me . I'm sorry you are so deliberately blind. It's not for me to know how much God and Christ will forgive, but deliberate blindness and deliberate sin would seem to be pushing it a bit, putting God to the test. I'm laughing so much at your reply to me that i can see it's pointless talking to you. I am wondering if you are American because you seem to believe in 'Collateral Damage' being ok just like most Americans do. Unfortunately it would seem that Americans are raised on that idea and the CCJW uses it to the full.
  22. Quote @Emma Rose I won't stand/sit by while they make baseless accusations against Jehovah or His people I don't think anyone here makes accusations against God or Christ. As for 'His people' I don't think I've found them yet. All I've found is people that serve a 'religion', an organisation, or men.
  23. I wouldn't listen to @TrueTomHarley. He is just a writer looking for a new story. He baits people to get more to write about. He is quite funny but not at all Spiritual. One of Tom's biggest problems is that he lumps everyone together because he is frightened of individuals. I quote him They are doing considerably more than chafing. They are going after Jehovah’s organization with a machete. They are not to be talked out of it. I have not seen one of them budge one iota In all the time I’ve been around Please note @Emma Rose that Tom keeps using the word 'they'. Whereas the truth is WE are all individuals. So we do things differently and for different reasons. And I think many of us LEFT the Org of our own free will. I say that because JWs like to pretend we were all disfellowshipped. I am personally still a Christian and still searching for the truth from God's viewpoint not man's. God's viewpoint is in the Bible and does not need dozens of books and magazines which only give man's viewpoint as they are not inspired by God's Holy Spirit. I am not looking to wipe out the CCJW completely, if that is the Org God through Christ intends to use, but that Org will need cleansing and the GB will need replacing by True Anointed Ones. It might be easier or better for God through Christ to set up a completely new Org. Tom I hope you are well, you seem on form.
  24. That is blinding yourself by making excuses for your conscience. God and Christ could not use such an immoral Org. Immoral and dishonest. Lacking mercy and love. Making up 'traditions of men' to rule over the congregation. What God has in truth is the Remnant of the True Anointed Ones on earth. But your GB act as the Evil slave from the Matthew scripture, and that Evil slave 'beats up' their fellow slaves (the True Anointed ones). Your GB have put it in writing in the Watchtower magazine that those Anointed Ones should not meet together for prayer or Bible study, and if they do meet together your GB say they are 'working against the Holy spirit'. I do hope you read all your Watchtower magazines and that you have read these things. If your conscience thinks these things are good then you have a problem. Do you even look at the Biblical scripture for baptism ? To baptise in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then have you considered the JW baptism ? It baptises people into the Organisation. You GB have created a stumbling block to all people. The CCJW is known as a Pedophile organisation Earthwide. So the GB have worked for the devil in bringing shame on God and Christ.
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