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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. @Emma Rose You cannot serve two masters. You either serve God through Christ, or, you serve the GB through the CCJW. Blinding yourself from all the false doctrines of the GB, and blinding yourself to the Child Sexual Abuse in the CCJW will not help you serve God. Do you really think God and Christ can be involved in the CCJW when it is so immoral ? Let your Christian conscience guide you with prayer.
  2. Um idolatry. Worshipping the GB by believing every word they say or write, and by believing they are the F&DS. Idolatry. Worshipping the CCJW organisation by believing and teaching others that one 'has to be a baptised JW to be saved' Idolatry. Believing books and magazines written by the GB and their helpers, instead of believing God's written word. Indeed JWs are guilty of idolatry and have been since the Bible Student era. JWs have believed so many lies and false predictions and still do.
  3. Some big money there then. Ex-CCJW property ? Um, and they have no money to pay compensation to Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
  4. @Arauna If you are referring to the One World Religion, this was big news years ago but seemed to die out. I don't keep up with such things but at one time it was top news so couldn't be missed. I think it was about Jews, Muslims and 'Christians' all becoming one religion, is that right ?
  5. You jump from one subject / topic to another bringing in all sorts of points from all different directions, but you say nothing of any use to any true servant of God. It is me that says your GB are not of the True Anointed. Maybe they once were, but they have given their hearts to the devil by exalting themselves above all other Anointed ones and pretending they are the F&DS... They make false predictions and make up rules and tell deliberate lies. They use dishonest Lawyers in courts to tell lies on their behalf. Evil dwells in the hearts of your GB and they have proven it by their words and actions.
  6. Quote @César Chávez You blame Jesus for setting a standard of going to the Synagogue or temple for prayer and teaching. Oh yes, that Temple was soooo important that GOD had it destroyed in 70 C E by the Romans. I don't actually remember the Apostles building physical Temples. Do you know why ? Simple answer. BECAUSE THE ANOINTED ARE THE TEMPLE. NOT A PHYSICAL BUILDING. So now you have a problem because you are saying that 'a building' is important, BUT GOD did not defend that Temple made of stone. GOD replaced that Temple with a spiritual Temple, that is the True Anointed Ones, the Brothers of Christ.
  7. Today I am 71 years old. And today I gave thanks and praise to Almighty God through Jesus Christ for either keeping me alive or allowing me to live this long. I gave praise for life itself and for the wonderful creation (which many people call nature) around me. My wife bought me a card and put up a couple of balloons and made me an apple cake. No visitors, no fuss, but just praise to God and a little bit of fun. It felt wonderful not to be under inspection from those Elders of the CCJW. Not to have to OBEY the man made rules of the Governing Body. Not to worry about some other JW grassing me up to the Elders for 'celebrating' the age i have reached. I really do not miss all that misery of conforming to GB rules and Elders dominating me. If I ever return to the CCJW it will be because the True Anointed have taken control of the earthly part of the Org, under the leadership of Christ, and balance has been obtained. I have faith in God through Christ, that things will change in a very large way within the CCJW. And if God allows me to live longer then hopefully I will see those changes. Warmest Christian Love to all, JW or not.
  8. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/18786930.clitheroe-man-38-jailed-sickening-child-rape-assault-offences/ A CHILD rapist who bribed young girls with treats in a sickening bid to stop them from speaking out about his abuse has faced justice in court. Tobias Neilson, 38, was last week jailed for more than ten years for historical abuse of three girls, one of whom was just five when he began his reign of terror upon her. Preston Crown Court heard how Clitheroe man Neilson was 13 when he started kissing, groping and touching his victims, with his sustained offending carrying on into his early 20s. The comic-con fanatic, who is from a strict family of Jehovah’s Witnesses, met all of the young girls through events and celebrations within his community. Neilson, of Salthill Drive, Clitheroe, was awarded full credit owing to his earlier guilty pleas to counts of rape of a child, sexual and indecent assault of a child, attempting to make a child look at indecent images and communicating with a child under 16 when the communication was sexual. Jailing him for 10 years and 10 months, Judge Lunt said: “You are not a man who comes before the court saying yes, I was young and immature, and that you had tragedy in your own life. You have not lost your interest in young girls, it is still there.
  9. @TrueTomHarley talks more rubbish again. To quote him All are dings, dents, scratches, and pothole damage acquired by driving the cramped and narrow road over the decades. All could have been avoided by leaving the car parked and doing nothing. None are the core teachings of JWs, the combination of such teachings that are found nowhere else. Lets us examine this statement of his. Um, not exactly is it ? What it is, is false teachings. Including 1914, in my opinion. The idea of Armageddon threatened many times. The 1960's false teachings about Armageddon and 1975 'Stay alive 'till 75'. The teaching about 'One must be a baptised JW to be saved'. The wrongful use of words for baptism. The misuse of 'power' to disfellowship for no honest reason. And most importantly the GB exalting themselves to the position of the Faithful and Discreet Salve and in so doing 'beating up their fellow slaves'. No as for core teachings, I would say that The teaching about 'One must be a baptised JW to be saved'. is a core teaching of JWs... And I would say that the GB exalting themselves to the position of the Faithful and Discreet Salve is a core teaching of JWs.. Next quote The Name, the ransom, no trinity, no hell, earthly paradise, God’s kingdom as government, the preaching work, earthly resurrection, the reason God allows suffering explained—all core teachings that have been firmly in place for over a century. The Name. That name was in use a long time before JWs existed, and that was why they chose it, because it was already known. I think they actually admitted that Yahweh was the true name but they chose Jehovah as it was well known and could be easily related to. the ransom, no trinity, no hell, and I think these things were believed by others before JWs. Now as for this bit all core teachings that have been firmly in place for over a century. So one might ask, what has the leadership of the CCJW been up to since 100 years ago. And the true answer is, they have been busy making money and misusing people, and spouting lies and false predictions. Oh and Child Sexual Abuse of course. BUT the Leaders / GB of the CCJW have not served Almighty God. How do we know this ? Because they have not been inspired of God's Holy Spirit and therefore they have not been able to pass on true information from God through Christ. The misuse of the Romans scripture 'Superior Authorities' was one of the biggest sins because it was used to give power to the leaders of the JW organisation at that time, showing lack of spiritual guidance and greed on behalf of those 'leaders'. Back to our dear old Tom and i quote, an overriding desire to malign your spiritual betters. 'spiritual betters' Tom ? Aimed at Witness I know but who exactly are those 'spiritual betters' ? Are you in fact placing your GB above all others ? Um, isn't that worshipping them ? Or is it referring to the True Anointed as a whole, you know, the ones I often mention ? I'll leave everyone with a question. I'll quote Tom again here All could have been avoided by leaving the car parked and doing nothing. So, which do you think God and Christ would prefer. Do you think they prefer the leaders of the CCJW to make things up as they want to and in so doing give false information, OR, do you think God and Christ would prefer that the leaders of the CCJW be humble and wait on God through Christ to give true information to feed the flock. Please remember that at least half of the preaching work that has been done earthwide by JWs has been false information or even lies. They could have simply given praise to God through Christ but instead they pushed forward their own agenda.
  10. I've noticed two things above. 1. Tom uses many words to say almost nothing. 2. Tom is back to his old game of lumping everyone together. I know he is having a dig at Witness but, Quote " And these are your soul-mates. " Can Tom not just deal with one individual ?
  11. Tom seems way off topic as usual but then he is a writer and he loves to just burble on. @JW Insider is quite funny here. But @Srecko Sostar has it in one. The GB are getting desperate it seems and need to be 'part of the world' to continue. What is happening to JWs in Russia and a few other places is horrible, but it is not just JWs that are suffering in this world. If only the GB would repent or better still stand down completely, then maybe God, through Christ, would help the CCJW move forward. JWI, maybe the GB are the devil and can be right once in a while but still need to be gone.
  12. Quote @JW Insider The United States Supreme Court and other government agencies put up a sign that says "In God We Trust." Does that make them any more or less Satanic in our eyes? Doesn't God's word say that these government departments stand in place because God wants them to remain there for now ? Doesn't God say these things are for a protection at this time ? So who are we to call them Satanic ? Isn't the Supreme Court part of the Superior Authorities which should be obeyed ?
  13. I still dance around my kitchen to M J and to that song. Still got it on audio tape. The video was actually funny, as are many things the GB and Org don't like.
  14. I had to laugh at this comment from @TrueTomHarley The JW organization puts emphasis on caring for ones spiritually, so that in applying Bible principles they will correspond to the man who has learned how to fish. How untrue this is. The JW organisation / CCJW is run by those 8 men, the GB, who call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave. They do not 'teach a man to fish' because that would actually make the GB redundant. No, the GB act as the permanent Fishermen, supplying the 'fish' to the whole congregation. In fact they tell the congregation that no one can obtain this 'fish' without being a baptised JW. The man who has learnt to fish is then independent, but the GB does not want people to be independent.. In truth people that are of spiritual mind and conscience, and have Bible principles in their hearts, do not need the GB or the CCJW. Such one can serve God independently. Of course organisation is good, but relying on AN organisation is not so good.
  15. Such a contrast to Jesus, who never had a place to lay His head, and the disciples / Apostles too. So much materialism now, so much money, but no truth.
  16. Mr Harley seems to be increasing in his name calling and his accusations of people hating the Org. This reminds me so much of Arauna, they seem to run on the same lines. For my part I send warmest Christian love to all, from a very wet and windy England. Keep safe.
  17. Quote @JW Insider But I also talked personally with one of the lawyers involved and it was my assessment that the spirit of Jesus' words here were not taken to heart: That scripture at Matthew 5 v 40 - 46, is lovely. But i think the GB / Lawyers / helpers et al, do not consider it often enough in many circumstances.
  18. Quote @Anna Are we willing to admit mistakes and not try to justify or gloss over them? Why would we even want to justify mistakes? Wouldn't it be like saying we do not sin? Mistakes. Something done accidentally. The 'glossing over' is pretending that things are mistakes when they were actually deliberate. Deliberate sin is surely worse than mistakes. This is how the GB and their helpers are so wicked, because their sins are deliberate. The 'beating up' of the True Anointed is deliberate sin by the GB, and by Elders of congregations that uphold GB rules. Tom says he doesn't mind being ruled over by the Elders. In fact Tom said he places the Elders above himself. Oh dear, well that just proves the point really.. Well I'm sure that the truth will come out and the True Anointed will be placed in their proper position when God through Christ is ready to do so. That is where my faith is, in God through Christ, not in the CCJW or GB through the Elders. Spiritual not physical.
  19. Still on your own personal cloud @TrueTomHarley I have put enough examples up on this site to prove my point over and over again. You can live your life in denial that is your choice, it probably eases your conscience. JWI was talking about sex education from another viewpoint, but you had to drag up CSA whilst having a dig at someone else... And you probably do not realise how much you repeat yourself as well. Have a good weekend.
  20. Quoted from TTH : Outside of Jehovah’s Witnesses, few even know what anointed is. This is actually an interesting point, but how would he know this ? How many people of different religious beliefs has he questioned about it ? I'm sure there have been discussions about those serving God properly between the time of the original anointed ones / disciples /Apostles, and the time of the Bible Students. Those people that 'kept the Bible alive' during that time, and even people that keep the Bible alive now. And it seems that Russell and co didn't get much right at all and Rutherford wasn't any better. And the leaders of the CCJW through the ages haven't really shown much spiritual advancement have they ? The GB being the worst so far it seems. So there could be a lot of Anointed ones all around this Earth that the GB and JWs no nothing about, as it seems that JWs only believe those inside the CCJW. The more I read on here, the more I realise how much JWs depend on the GB / Watchtower / CCJW for everything relating to Almighty God. It's unfortunate that those sources are so unreliable at this time.
  21. Please NOTE, it is Tom that has brought up the subject of CSA once again. Off topic of course, but I'll comment on it anyway. TTH going on about moral sense as if the CCJW / GB has any. Tom's on a cloud, in his own world. Tom, it has been and probably still is the Elders and Ministerial Servants that have been abusing children in the CCJW. There has been enough proof from court cases and admissions of guilt around the world, to prove this point. Step down from your cloud and get into this real JW world. Oh and are your GB still hiding that 20 + year database in the USA ? I do wonder why ?
  22. @César Chávez I want to examine this paragraph of your : Here itself, it can be seen as those that think the Watchtower plays a role in every person, personal life. They don't. Jesus didn't, the apostles didn't, those sent by Jesus didn't. The "act" of the apostles just like Jesus commandments were to make a spiritual guideline in order for each individual to cleanse themselves from their old ways and return to God with a clean and fresh attitude that would lead to their own personal salvation. That is in essence what the Watchtower is about. The key word here is "choice", it hasn't changed since Jesus made it known. Well it does in the lives of JWs. How? Because JWs believe what the GB tell them to believe, and the GB's method of communication to the congregants is the Watchtower. So the Watchtower, which is studied every week, does play a very big role in every JWs life. The GB tells the congregants that 'only the GB', are the F&DS. The GB tells congregants that the rest of the Anointed should not congregate together, the GB saying that if the Anointed did congregate together it would be working against the Holy spirit. These messages are sent via the Watchtower magazine, so they do play a big role in congregants lives. So the big difference. Jesus and the Apostles didn't 'control' people's lives. The GB should think about this. Spiritual guidelines. Yes. And for their own personal salvation, yes. Not salvation by the CCJW organisation. Not baptism into the CCJW organisation. "That is in essence what the Watchtower is about." NO it isn't. The Watchtower is one means of control that the Governing Body uses. The only choice is to be in or our of the CCJW. But if in, a person has to obey GB man made rules. I still cannot understand why you use the word Watchtower as if it is people. It isn't. It is a business side of the religion and it is a magazine. It is the Governing Body that controls that business and magazine. So maybe you should "Reflect on your own words." And you also, Have a good day.
  23. If the article is true then JWs were being dishonest. No matter if Tom wishes to write his life story and if Anna supports Tom's stupidity. That, as we know, is the way JWs live. Supporting each others lies and stupidity. CSA / Pedophilia in the JW org is such a good example of that. The fact that 'Heather' made it known about how JWs were misusing the government's good will, does not mean Heather has a problem, it means Heather was honest. JWs seem to have a problem with honesty.
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