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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. @JW Insider quote

    The disgusting thing, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, was first related to the time when Antiochus IV put Zeus in the temple, and was therefore also related even more horrifically to the final destruction of Jerusalem's temple when the "god" Rome encroached, especially from 66 to 70 CE.

    And of course, we know that the Temple of God is now the individuals making up the true Congregation of Christ's body:

    So now the question has to be, what is the disgusting thing standing in the place of the true Congregation of Christ's body ? 

    Because the True Anointed  / Body of Christ are the modern day Temple. 

    You people are looking outside the Org when you should be looking inside. 

    Could it be that the GB are trying to pretend that the CCJW is the Temple ?  And by doing so they get congregants to look at how the Org is being persecuted. But maybe congregants should be looking inside the Org at how the 'Temple' is being persecuted by the GB. Maybe the GB are the disgusting thing standing where they should not be.

    I think @Anna 's point is interesting too :

    I think it was Russell (or was it Rutherford) who interpreted earthquakes not to be literal but to mean the turmoil of mankind.

    Now what if all of that scripture was not literal, and what if it refers to inside the Org not outside.

    There is turmoil in the CCJW, especially with CSA,  and the food shortages could mean lack of spiritual food of the truthful kind. 

    The Bible is mainly concerned with God's people. Firstly the Nation of Israel, then the early Christians. So as a continuation it would seem practical that it is still about Gods people. The main point at this time being the 'Temple' with Christ as it's Head. 

    Maybe relating more scripture to inside the CCJW rather than outside might be a good idea. And maybe giving more attention to the True Anointed who ARE the Body of Christ and therefore are more important than the earthly class, would be a good idea too. Not to worship them but to show them the respect they deserve and to listen to them and consider their viewpoint. If only we knew who they are. 



  2. @JW Insider Quote  In general, the GB now teaches that many more of the verses and teachings in the Greek Scriptures that we once only applied to the Anointed can now have just as much meaning for the "other sheep."

    Just because your GB says it is so, does that indeed make it so ? 

    Or is it because the GB are jealous of the True Anointed and don't want the True Anointed getting the attention they deserve. The GB have exalted themselves above all, claiming that only they are the F&DS. So they now apply scriptures to the earthly class to pretend that the earthly class are equal to the True Anointed. 

    John 15:4-10) Jesus was talking to the True Anointed Ones.

    Quote : The sanctification is through the ransom, and the ransom is for all:    

    Maybe, but not yet. 

    Revelation 5 v 9 & 10 

    And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue* and people and nation, 10  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God,q and they are to rule as kingsr over the earth.”

    This only refers to the True Anointed.  

    I think you shoot yourself down with this one here. Quote 

    No one is actually a special, righteous, anointed person who is a "TRUE anointed" who will be above their brothers as a kind of "leader" to follow.     

    So tell me about your GB, who say only they are the F&DS. They have exalted themselves above all the True Anointed Ones. They tell the anointed not to gather together for prayer or Bible study, but those 8 men are constantly together 'Leading' the CCJW & W/t. 

    BUT a True Anointed will be appointed to lead as the scripture about the Ten men clinging to the robe of a 'Jew' tells us. Zechariah 8 v 23 

     “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.”’”

    So people will have to know who these True Anointed really are. 

    You quoted this scripture 

    (2 Corinthians 5:16-19) . . .So from now on we know no man from a fleshly viewpoint. Even if we once knew Christ according to the flesh, we certainly no longer know him in that way. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; look! new things have come into existence.

    That must refer to the True Anointed Ones. Because we do not know the earthly class as a 'new creation'. We know the earthly class as fleshly ones. 

    Conversation with you is good, and I thank you. We will of course continue to differ.  I do not completely condemn the CCJW, but I do feel it needs vast changes and deep cleansing. I do honestly feel that the GB need replacing by a True Anointed body of Servants. I wish no physical harm on the GB or their helpers, but I do deeply despair on the way things are right now within the CCJW and W/t. 


  3. @JW Insider  I totally disagree with you reasoning and beliefs here. 

    My belief is that the Greek Scriptures were written for the True Anointed Ones. Many of the scriptures you have quoted would seem to back up my reasoning. 

    (Ephesians 1:1) . . .Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through God’s will, to the holy ones who are in Ephʹe·sus and are faithful in union with Christ Jesus:

    Only the True Anointed are in union with Christ Jesus. 

    Quote : It is just as important for persons of the great crowd to consider themselves "sons of the Kingdom." We are all God's children, and therefore Christ's brothers. 

    I think you are teaching a new teaching here, or in fact a teaching which comes from your GB, and it is a false teaching.  Only the True Anointed are Sons and Heirs of the Kingdom. But you, just like your GB seem to be minimising the importance of the True Anointed Ones. The GB and it's Org has a lot to answer for, be careful you are not dragged under with it.  

  4. @JW Insider  The GB do not want to give compensation to victims of CSA and do not want to apologise for it either.. So how can you expect the GB to want to feed the poor and needy. 

    The GB / Leaders of CCJW would not even allow for minibuses to pick up older folk to take to meetings, even though they are closing Kingdom Halls and congregants have to travel further (pre-virus times). 

    There are a couple of scriptures you've mentioned that refer to the 'Holy Ones' or 'brother's of Christ',  and those and other scriptures make it clear that people need to know exactly who the Anointed are.  But the GB say that people do not need to know who the Anointed are. 

    As an individual a person, JW or not, could show Christian qualities by helping others (including those outside the Org), similar to the 'Good Samaritan', but as an Organisation I don't think it would meet with the approval of the GB. 

    The thing is though, other 'Christian' organisations have been giving food and aid to the poor for many years. But they have been criticised for it, for being too humanitarian and not spiritual. 

  5. @Arauna  I am only one person, but there must be hundreds earthwide, no maybe thousands, that have been stumbled by the leaders of the Watchtower and the CCJW, and by Elders of congregations.  As for my 'attitudes', you only read what  i write, you don't know what's in my heart.  

    The Elders judge others. The GB make the rules to judge by. Congregants judge others when they chose to shun people. All of that is destructive, but it's just seen as collateral damage to keep the CCJW looking clean..  

    The wickedness in the CCJW needs destroying, but, if God chooses then the CCJW may become clean enough for Him to use. It is the closest thing to doing God's will. All authority has been given to Jesus Christ so maybe it is Christ that will cleanse the Org. 

    Yes there are many that go back. I even had a lady on one of my Facebook pages tell me that she thinks the Org is clean and honest and she and her husband want to go back. It seems they are d/fed for ten years but not allowed back yet for some reason....  I suggested that she prayed to God through Christ and not rely on ordinary men. 

    I really don't think that you want to understand how much people's lives are being ruined by the GB and the Elders of congregations. I think that you and many other JWs are 'sitting pretty' in comfort in your congregations and you do not want any one to rock the boat. Please have some thought for those that are suffering because of the rules made up by your GB and carried out by the Elders. Jesus showed so much mercy and love and understanding to others. Those are the things lacking in the Org. 



  6. 6 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Most ex-JWs get on with their lives .....but there are a few that develop problems....because they cannot go on to pursue their own life and desires.  They are the ones who display revenge symptoms or hate-OCD.

    In what ways do 'most ex-JWs get on with their lives' ?   Because most JWs on here say that ex-JWs just become part of the world. 

    Yes, there is a big problem when one comes out of an immoral, non spiritual, Organisation such as the CCJW.  There is no 'religion' at this time that serves God properly.  So yes that causes a problem for anyone that truly wants to serve God properly, as that person has to 'go it alone' physically.  Obviously a person can pray to God through Christ but they do not have human support. 

    You also say that 'they cannot go on to pursue their own life and desires.'.  This is just guesswork by you.  You have no idea what ex-JWs want to do. You and Tom are so alike, you make it all up as you write. You don't really think about what you are writing.  Every ex-JW is an individual. Some have committed serious sin and do not want to repent. Some have committed serious sin and DO want to repent but are being judged by the Elders as not suitable. AND, some never committed serious sin but were falsely accused and removed from the CCJW by wicked Elders. 

    Still others, CHOOSE TO LEAVE the CCJW of their own choice, because they saw the lies and wickedness within the CCJW.  Those ones can see the Wickedness of the GB and other leaders of the W/t and CCJW.  

    So, whereas you and Tom love to group all ex-JWs as one, the truth is all ex-JWs are totally different. 

    And it is strange the things you see as 'revenge'. Victims of CSA asking for recognition and compensation, you see as revenge.  Victims of wrongful disfellowshipping asking for recognition.  People shunned and hated for no true reason, wanting to be reunited with their families. People looking for honest truth, you see as seeking revenge.  You have a very unkind spirit guiding you. No true love, no mercy, no honesty. May God and Christ have mercy on you when your judgement arrives. 

  7. 23 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    Interesting. In both Arabic and Hebrew the words for religion are “din” and “dat”, which both mean “law”.

    Religious leaders are basically judges.

    By the way, the word “dat” is the origin of the word “data”.

    Well the GB and Elders act as judges that's for sure, but they will suffer for it later. 

  8. Quote : "The Jehovah's Witnesses stood before the Ghent criminal court on Tuesday .......... "

    This is a bit vague just calling them the Jehovah's Witnesses. It would need to be the Leaders of the CCJW in Belgium. The 'top men' in their BetheI I presume.  

    However it needs to go deeper than that. It needs to be the GB on trial as they make the rules. 

    I hope those ex JWs are successful in their court cases and i hope the CCJW is heavily fined... Why ?

    Simply because if the GB wish to rule over people by making stupid rules, then the GB and it's Org need to be punished for it. Wasn't Israel punished for King David's sins ?

    I'm not against people being disfellowshipped, but it should be done openly and honestly. And if a person is reproved it should also be done openly and honestly.  Please remember that the Apostle Paul, the Apostle used by God through Christ, to write all those letters to all those congregations, was open and honest. Remember how Paul made it clear about a 'man having sex with his father's wife'. Remember that those letters were passed around the different congregations. Nothing was hidden because they were True Anointed ones, that could handle truth.

    But it is not so with the GB and the CCJW....  For instance, if a person chooses to leave the CCJW, it is announced that 'X is no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses'... And if a person is disfellowshipped from the CCJW it is announced that 'X is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses'.  To 'blind' JWs this is all ok, but to sensible people it isn't. 

    If a person chooses to leave the CCJW it does not mean they have committed serious sin, therefor there is no reason why JWs cannot continue to talk to them.. Therefore it should be told to the congregation that the person has chosen to leave the CCJW. 

    Whereas if a person is disfellowshipped from the CCJW, it should mean that they have committed serious sin and that they do not want to repent.  This should be made known to the congregation as instructed in scripture. 

    The scripture at Matthew 18 v 17 

    International Standard Version
    If, however, he ignores them, tell it to the congregation. If he also ignores the congregation, regard him as an unbeliever and a tax collector.

    So the details of the sin should be made known to the congregation. This serves many uses. One important issue it serves is to stop any false reasons being used to disfellowship some one.  As it is at the moment it is all done in secret. Elders that don't like a person can easily get that person disfellowshipped for false reasons, just by using the excuse 'causing a division in the congregation'.  So it need to be completely open and honest. 

    And what is really needed is a proper rule book, not for the Elders, but for every JW.  Why ? Because the GB have gone beyond scripture, just as the Pharisees did.  The GB have made up rules to keep all JWs under control and in fear of being d/fed. The Elders have to act as Policemen and some of them enjoy this power. So if there are set rules then there needs to be a rule book that every JW can refer to for reference. But oh no, the Shepherding book is secret. JWs are not allowed to see it. Plus the GB keeps changing the rules all the time. 

    So yes, the GB, the Elders and the CCJW should be taken to court for committing crimes against congregants and others. Because many people earthwide that were once in the CCJW have been treated as collateral damage. And as we can easily see many people earthwide are seriously emotionally  hurt and it hasn't kept that organisation clean in any way. 


  9. More fun. I've just purchased this lovely old Ford Model AA lorry. It's British, right hand drive, manufactured in Dagenham, England.

    Previous owner lost his storage space and was in panic, so I offered him a 'reasonable price' which, with his wife's persuasion, he accepted. :)   I love old vehicles, they are so honest. No complications, no nonsense. They just do their job, whether it's to use or just to look pretty.  



    truck n minx 002.JPG

  10. America this america that. Basically it is ONLY AMERICANS that are worried about what America is doing or suffering. 

    TTH is still being his same old same old.  Playing that same old record about 2020. But it's all about politics and money. 

    No one seems to mention Vietnam or Falklands wars and the protests and riots they caused. No one is mentioning all the 'natural disasters' EARTHWIDE. 

    No, it's just about how America is right now. Poor Anna can't get any flour. And poor TTH just needs to be insulting as it makes him feel important, the way Americans need to feel.  

    Now if you examine yourselves, you Americans, you might just see why a Body of Anointed Servants needs to be from all around this EARTH. The reason is because Americans love themselves too much and think they are important. Tom has shown that so clearly in his comment above. 

    BUT, life goes on. Wars, protests, drugs, alcohol abuse, killings / murder, rape, CSA, dishonest politicians earthwide, et al. 

    But it is no worse now, it's just that news travels around the earth faster. Which also means that fake news does the same. 

    Stop worrying about the virus Tom. If it kills you, you get a resurrection.  And did it appear out of nowhere? Or was it man made to deliberately lower the Earth's population ? It matters not to me. 

    You people seem to be in panic mode. What will you be like when the real testing comes ? :)

    Or is it that you think you are safe in the Org and you want the doors shut NOW. 



  11. I see a lot of wishful thinking / writing from TTH and others. TTH is, as ever, insulting me. He just cannot stop doing it.  I wonder why ? But truth is that 2020 is not much different to any other year. And truth is that no one knows when the 'end' is going to be. However if you guys wish to still put your faith in those 8 men, that's your choice. If you love to hear that 'we are in the final minute of the final hour of the final day, if that tickles your ears so much, then keep listening to it. 

    As for TTH burbling on about being no part of the world. Covid-19 wasn't needed to make a person 'no part of this world'. Being no part of the world is an attitude, a way of living, not a physical removing oneself from the 'world'.  If a person needed covid to become no part of the world, then that person didn't have much of a Christian conscience. 

    Some of you folks seem so deep in politics and worldly affairs though. Not just as observers either, because the emotions are clearly seen in your comments. 

  12. Now reading what @JW Insider has just written, I would say that the 1967 'prediction' was a con, a lie, a deliberate fraud.

    But this bit is funny JWI, Quote :

    But it's completely forgivable, of course, because they weren't claiming they knew for sure, it's just what they were very sure of, 

    Actually it is not forgivable in any way at all.   Those Leaders pretended to be inspired by God's Holy Spirit. Those Leader expected to be believed and obeyed by ALL JWs of that time. 

    Those Leaders were / are a stumbling block. Luke 17 v 1&2

    As for poor old Tom, well he just loves to misquote me. Keep it up Tom. quote :

     ‘Only five years more till the true-anointed appears and brings the end!’ and now sings “Que sera, sera’ no last of the last for me!”

    I have said it would need a True Anointed to run God's true Organisation through Christ. It would be very sad if the CCJW had to wait another 5 years for that true Anointed to be put in place.  We know (through JWI's friend in Bethel) that the CCJW is in financial trouble. We also know that the CCJW is in spiritual trouble. We also know how bad the CSA problem still is.... SO, if it had to wait another 5 Years for the True Anointed, i don't think there would actually be a CCJW at all. 

    Also I never said the True Anointed would bring the end. Only God through Christ will bring the end of this wicked system.  There will of course be a final last day, but NO ONE knows when. 


  13. From your previous comment @JW Insider 

     If the last days could be said to start on October 4, 1914, then the final part of the last days could have started on October 5, 1914.

    Since we are now 38,696 days from October 4, 1914, we could divide that period into two parts, if we wished:

    When this phrase was used in 1967, we were 53 years from October 1914. We are now another 53 years from 1967. We will soon know if we were even in the latter half of the last days, as the Watchtower defines them.

    So I said "And i note that you are back with 1914."

    Then you said  "I'm not sure how you could have "noted" this. I think you just thought it because you weren't reading carefully, or I wasn't writing carefully. If you read the previous 40 pages of this topic, a few of my opinions about 1914 should be clear enough." 

    I don't know if you've had a bad day, bit it sure looks like you were going on about 1914 to me. I've said it before and I say it again. You seem to sit in the fence. 


  14. @JW Insider  I think you used a lot of words to say nothing. 

    You and i both know that the GB and the Watchtower deliberately mislead people into thinking that Armageddon is so so close. And they pretend to have 'special knowledge' of when it will be. By calling themselves the F&DS they expect all JWs to believe everything they say and write. 

    We all know we are in the 'last days' BUT no one knows if we are in the 'final part' of those last days. 

    Just look at this rubbish ! 

    ” In fact, in this year 1967 we are actually living in the final part of that time! This can be compared to, not just the last day of a week, but, rather, the last part of that last day

    Lies and hypocrisy. And we now know that 1967 was not the final part of the last days.  But they do it again now. More lies and hypocrisy. 

    And i note that you are back with 1914.  Whereas one of your topics seems very anti-1914.  And we know that Jesus said in 33 C.E. that all authority had been given to him THEN. And we have reason to doubt that the Apostles or others were yet resurrected, and if they have not been then there would be no one to be part of that Kingdom yet. 

    Everything has to work together. That is why most topics here overlap. Everything is interlinked. 

    But if you wish to continue believing your GB and Watchtower writers, that is your choice. 

  15. @Arauna There is no such thing as normal, there never has been. What there has been is a comfort zone for some people, and when those people loose their comfort zone then suddenly it is not 'normal'. 

    1914-1918 World War,  1939-1945 World War,  was that normal to you ?  

    "The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. Lasting from February 1918 to April 1920, it infected 500 million people–about a third of the world's population at the time–in four successive waves" 

    Was that normal to you ? But the 'world' recovered from all those.

    In those wars millions of people were conscripted. TOLD WHAT TO DO or face prison. Today people are being told what to do or face fines or possibly prison. The 'world' goes on. 

    In today's lifestyle we can sit in front of our computer and see what is going on earthwide. Some news is true, some lies, and as you and JWI and others have proven, each one believes what suits their purpose. So for me the 'world' just continues to get worse and will continue to do so. It is no shock, it is Bible prediction. BUT, Jesus said 'the end is not yet', and we know it is not our place to know when it is going to happen....  Hence anyone saying we are in the 'final part' of the last days IS just scare mongering. 

    As for Outahere, well, not worth a reply.  

    For something to have a final part, it must have had a beginning and a middle part.  So what happened to the middle part ? :) According to Outahere it didn't exist, it's always been the final part :) 


  16. 9 hours ago, Anna said:

    Because the final part of the days means that God's Kingdom will fix things here on earth soon, and obviously that's a good thing, and something to look forward to.

    That depends on what you believe I suppose.  But you and @Outta Here seem to miss the point. We are in the Last days, yes, BUT, we do not know if we are in the Final part of the Last days. 

    Using the expression 'final part' is just scare mongering, to get more people into the CCJW because they need more money right now. 

  17. Keeping on the watch is good, but frightening people with all this "last hour of the last day of the last week of the time of the end" is not good. You cannot frighten people into serving God properly


    Also what he said at Matthew 24:36-42

    36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 

    So why do the GB etc, pretend to know ? And why do they put so much emphasis on the "final part of the last days" when they really have no idea how much longer is left ? 

    World conditions have been continuously getting worse and will continue to get worse. We have no idea just how bad they will be in the very last day. 

  18. @JW Insider  Are you feeling ok ?  Are you under strain or depression ? I hope you are ok.

    You above comment sounds too serious to be a joke, but it reads like a joke. Quote 

    How could all the Bethel be in lockdown (earthwide) without something really big about to happen? 

    He says that brothers in the legal department (some still sharing space there) are saying that KH's up for sale just aren't selling, and that big checks go out daily for "you know what," but with a lot less contributions coming in already. 

    Almighty God has punished His chosen people many times before now. IF, the CCJW is God's chosen Org, then maybe God is punishing it for many reasons. Maybe God is starting to clean out the CCJW. 

    Quote ;

    And of course, I'm all for it. Whenever it is Jehovah's time, he will move things in his own way

    Yes indeed God will move things on in His own way. But maybe it will not be the way that most JWs want. 

    Maybe it will be a big test of faith in God through Christ, not through the GB or the CCJW. And maybe many will be removed and many others may rejoin when the Org is clean. 

    Something big in October eh ? :)  I won't hold my breath. 

  19. Don't wet yourself Tom. Like a baby in a pram jumping up and down there. 

    The Librarian thought it was important enough to make a topic of, and it seems the GB / CCJW / 'Helpers', thought it was important enough to change. 

    But note that Tom mentions worldly men, not guided by Holy Spirit, good examples as the GB et al are not guided by Holy Spirit either. 

    I wonder when they will work on that picture of Jesus with ONE nail through His Wrists, on the stake.  There was certainly no spiritual guidance with that picture. 


    12 Like Abraham, we are awaiting the city having real foundations. We are not waiting for it to be built, however. God’s Kingdom was established in 1914 and has already taken complete control of heaven. 

    There it is again. So it is being mentioned in current Watchtowers. This is the study edition for September 28th through November 1st 2020.

    Add to this paragraph 17

    World events clearly show that we are in the final part of the last days of this system of things. 

    Whereas the true scripture says at Matthew 24 from verse 4 through verse 8 

     Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.  You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains. 

    Why can't the GB and the CCJW / Watchtower just stick to facts ? Why do they need to hype it up ?

    It is because they are trying to get more people in to the Org under false pretences, to get more money from people in donations. To give the GB more power over more people. It is so sad, so dishonest and so much against God and Christ. 



  21. "And on another occasion around the same time, 1974ish, an old sarcastic, worldly friend said to me that he looked forward to meeting me in 1976 so he could laugh in my face over another failed prediction. My response? "I sincerely hope you will"

    Date arguments to me are basically... Quixotic."

    Yes, but the more failed predictions from any organisation would make any person have less trust in that organisation and it's leaders. So false predictions become stumbling blocks. 

  22. https://k2radio.com/casper-jehovahs-witnesses-ministerial-servant-accused-of-sex-abuse/

    Michael Allen Mayer is facing two counts of third-degree sexual abuse of a minor. If convicted, he could face up to 15 years behind bars.

    Documents filed in Natrona County District Court state that he was a ministerial servant for a Casper-area Jehovah's Witness congregation at the time of the alleged offense. According to the Jehovah's Witness website, ministerial servants assist the church's elders. They often take leadership roles within the church.

    A Casper police detective called Mayer, who allegedly said, "I wound up having sexual relations with, uh, a friend of ours," the affidavit states. "But the one I had sex with was 15."

    Court documents state the girl told a forensic investigator that she and Mayer had sex on multiple occasions, including at his place of employment.

    The girl further told investigators that she viewed Mayer as a father figure and mentor, court documents state.

    But JWs say that Elders and Ministerial Servants are not like that.  Well the court will examine evidence and it seems that the man has admitted it already, so let the Superior Authorities do their job. 

    But this bit is good to read :

    According to an affidavit of probable cause, a Casper police officer took a sex offense report via telephone on August 18. The caller reportedly told police that he had a meeting at the Jehovah's Witnesses church Kingdom's Hall on August 17. During that meeting, it was disclosed that Mayer had sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old girl, court documents state.

    I presume that this was an Elder reporting it.  Whomever reported it did the right thing.  This should happen every time. 


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