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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. A lot of false religion in Country music. Songs about going to heaven, churchy stuff, and silly stuff like 'Ghost Riders in the Sky'. My dad liked Marty Robbins songs but I've been told that is more Western than Country. Bur hey, two 'sisters' I knew liked Meatloaf 'Bat Out of Hell' and an Elder I knew liked Queen 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. I suppose it's all ok-ish if you just like the basic sound and not the actual words.
  2. So funny tom. The money is being used to build Ramapo fairyland and to pay for expences at Warwick. One thing that always struck me as funny was that the Watchtower Leaders / GB were always saying that JWs should just have very basic jobs and lead a 'simple lifestyle' BUT then the Watchtower mags would say that JWs should always have a nice modern car and nice modern clothes, because they represent the JW Org. Now they also tell JWs to drive more miles to get to the KH every week and even more miles to get to an assembly / convention. BUT don't go looking for higher wages or a better job. It just shows two things, 1, that the GB want complete control over JWs, 2, that the GB are completely out of touch with the real life outside the Org.
  3. Yes, but it is really underground bunkers for the GB & Co because they think thy can hide for YHWH and Yeshua when the true judgement comes. Ramapo will have secret tunnels to Warwick just like the tunnels in the old buildings, and there have been some, um, stories about those old tunnels. Now as for the money to build those underground bunkers, that is why they are selling lots of Kingdom Halls, but dear old Tom thinks they are selling K H for good purposes. A thought : If Armageddon is sooooo close, and if the GB et al, think that the Watchtower / JW Org will be 'closed down' by Satan's wicked governments/ rulers, then why are the GB et al, wasting good money building massive projects which will be seized by Satan's world very soon ? I think that is known as 'putting all your eggs in one basket'. Whereas if the True Anointed had H/Qs in many different countries and the money was in those different countries, it could be used in a much more useful way in serving YHWH. However those of us with common sense know that the GB are not at all interested in serving YHWH or Yeshua at all. Do you really think YHWH and / or Yeshua want this huge Ramapo movie project ? Seriously ?
  4. If you really think like that you would put the scriptures in 'the light of the period'. For instance the Blood issue. If you put that in the 'light of the period' the disciples would have known that people of that period actually drank blood. They would not have known about blood transfusions. It would not have been common knowledge. So, that scripture would have refered to drinking blood. If you think that the Leaders / writers of the Watchtower were guided by Holy Spirit from their beginnig then those writers should have got things right from the very beginning of their writing the Watchtower. You seem to contradict yourself in so many ways.
  5. Matthew 24 : 22 English Standard Version"And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short." Well I think this shows that YHWH and Yeshua think the Anointed are IMPORTANT. So if you, xero, want to think otheriwise it may be to your own detriment.
  6. Well i did actually find this funny. But it does show that you read other people's commets too. Your one sentance here was well put together. Thankyou.
  7. Sorry Arauna but this brings us back to the Superior Authorities scripture in Romans for one thing. It also brings us back to the number of times the Watchtower / Bible Students / JW Org have made predictions which have not come true. I find it strange that some on here criticise @Witness for her words but you are happy to allow for your own Leaders to have told lies / make deliberate mistakes / misuse scripture. I do not see any balance there.
  8. The Ethiopian Eunuch. Acts 8 36 And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”[b] 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. Ah but Philip was just about to baptise him and then he thought, "Hey i haven't asked him fifty questions yet and i haven't judged him to say if I think it's ok for him to be baptised" This is a joke of course. But we know who decides the 'readiness' in the JW Org, and it isn't God or Christ. The Elders, once again exert their 'power' over people. As an off shoot from this, i do wonder if just anybody could baptise anyone else. For instance, if a person was not part of a 'religion' but was a Christian, could they baptise others to become Christians ? What gives the Elders 'authority' to baptise others ?
  9. Tom, the answer seems to be that you do not try to reason on the things @Witness says because you have decided that you wil not agree with anything she says. So be it ,it's your choice, but you make it so obvious of whom you will reason with and who you will not. It seems a bit 'blind' to me as I tend to read and think on every comment i can, allbeit in a hurry some days. Yes I know I disagree with most, but only after fully reading the comments. On a daily basis I don't think on if I will survive Armageddon or not, I don't find it important. God's plans for the Heavens and this Earth through Christ are important. It's about perspective I suppose. My hope, which seems different to others, is that I will die naturally long before Armageddon happens. I'm 72 and in honesty i don't want to see 90. I don't want dementia, i don't want someone having to feed me or bath me. So hopefully i will die, then Yeshua will decide if I should live again. But there are people that i have not forgiven and cannot forgive, hence i think i will not be forgiven. The scripture about a man who was forgiven his debt but would not forgive some one else who owed him money always sticks in my mind when this topic comes up, so it's nice when the topic does not come up. But of course if we are both there 'on the other side' we will willingly rejoice together and probably laugh at all weve said about each other.
  10. I've never even heard of it. I'm in England maybe that makes a difference. Most of you are in the USA so a lot of the stuff some of you write really does go over my head. Films, television programmes, books et al. I seriously do keep myself seperate from the 'world' so i don't bother with many things. My wife and i find happiness in God's creations and we tend to keep away from much comercialism........
  11. I genuinely thought that this was one of your 'funny' comments. I do not see any reference to the originality of that 'article'. I also do not see any quotation marks to show it is a quotation. "On a related note, from America’s greatest religious news source:" That to me seems similar to your advertising Pudgy coin or dogfood or whatever you write about. There is no sign of any original source for this, hence i presumed it was your own 'work'. But at the end of the day, IT WAS YOU THAT PUT IT UP THERE.
  12. Well back in the 1960's / 70's the JW answers were a lot different to their answers today. 7,000 year creative days. 6,000 years of humans on earth, then Armageddon and the 1,000 years of Christ's reign. Simple wasn't it ? BUT WRONG. How many times have the JW answers changed ? So maybe in 10 years time all the JW answers wil be different again.
  13. Do you see this continuing flow of insults from JWs ? It never stops. Those 'supposed to be' Christians, proving false to their own beliefs.
  14. It seems that RUSSELL didn't think your way. He said an organisation WASN'T NECESSARY. Being organised is necessary, but that does not mean being ruled over by men. Each person shoud in fact work out their own salvation w/fear and trembling, but that does not mean submitting to men.
  15. (JWs seem to just live to insult people but so be it anna. If you think that is the Christian way, then you are lost already.) That Watchtower is talking about the JW Org / JW Religion as being God's spiritual arrangement for protection. Everyone here knows that much. It is not talking about serving God through Christ. Notice the word 'INSIDE'. Quite obviously proves the point.
  16. Tell little tommy @TrueTomHarley that I clicked so that i could answer you. I took the words directly from YOUR COMMENT as you will see if you bother to look at it. There was nothing FALSE about it.
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