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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is odd that so many here will deride scholars for their view on evolution—and will lap up whatever they have to say on every other point.

    Hello Tom, I hope you are well.

    It is odd that you over generalise on things. But I'm sure you will show us all proof of your above statement. 

    Have a good day. 


  2. Quote @JW Insider We want to give a double portion of "honor" to those who take the lead in teaching, and we appreciate the teaching:

    And we need not get wrapped up in the idea that salvation is coming through the GB

    Sorry JWI I can't agree with you on this for many reasons. Whilst I do know  that the CCJW do have foundation doctrines built on God's word, that does not excuse all the incorrect teachings and other problems. 

    And the teaching is there about 'a person must be a baptised JW to be saved'.  And I really do not agree with the baptism questions. Whatever happened to baptising in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ? 

    So, whilst they may have a few things right, they also have a lot of things wrong, and in my opinion it is deliberately wrong. 

    I know it is seen as me just picking holes but :-

    Quote : If we can appreciate this, we can enjoy the blessings Jehovah offers to any who gather together in his name, who try to do what is right.

    The GB have basically told the Anointed NOT to gather together in His name. And i think they wrote that it would be working against the Holy Spirit to do so. 

    I hope you understand why i cannot support them. It all seems so contradictory to me. 


  3. Whilst reading / researching something completely different I was hit by this 'information' or not. 

    As it's nice to find the truth about things i was wondering if anyone knows about these people.

    Q,Anon /  QAnon Qanon.  (hashtag) WWG1WGA  = Where We Go 1 We Go All  

    This seemed to start off as one person on 4 chan (whatever that is) and has now developed into a group of people. Now on 8 chan ? 

    Their belief is that there is a : Worldwide Satanic Secret Sex Trafficking Ring  

    @Space Merchant  Do you know more about this ?  Does anyone have info' ? 


  4. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    I wonder how many people on here really believe that they are in the right organization.... they seem to be just tagging along.... for incase.... I do not think the comment above strengthened the brother and I happen to agree with him ... because I have tasted the goodness of Jehovah while associating with his people in this time. I had association with his people on line and all my spiritual food still delivered on time. We even do field service together online. OH, yee who make scholarly dogma and critical thinking your god...….a compulsion to show the opposite to be true ... just to make a critical point. Here is my silly "unscholarly" argument: My government, republic of Georgie, also had very little Covid deaths - we are now partially opened and can travel overseas to EU etc... but we may have to go into quarantine when getting back... so no-one is leaving except government officials. The GB gave instructions to quarantine self when many governments were still allowing their people to travel and move around. They did not only have concern for our lives but were discreet - not like other churches here in Georgia that said it is their right to have the bread and wine and all congregants will share the same glass as it is their tradition. They literally believe that God will protect them just like many Muslims did.... so in my thinking …. GB did a good job. Some of our Russian sisters here left in time for home before the borders closed...…their places of work closed shortly after in any case and they would have been stuck. Many of detractors here will of course find reasons to call GB all kinds of wicked names... but yes, give GB credit where it is due. It seems they are cautious...… .

    @Arauna   No one is saying that the GB cannot get anything right, BUT what is being said is IT IS NOT PROOF OF GOD'S HELP. 

    So for a GB helper or anyone to say it PROVES that God is with the GB, is just stupidity and will be seen by many as such.

    The GB and it's Org agrees with God's word in the Bible on some things, so they get some things right, but it still does not PROVE that God is with them. 

    @Srecko Sostar comment was sarcasm i think :) 


  5. https://www.islandpacket.com/news/local/article244025777.html

    Theresa Ortiz, a grandmother, is active in her faith as a Jehovah’s Witness.

    She has been missing for 6 days. 

    Carlos Ortiz waited for news about his missing wife Monday — five days after she disappeared and her car was found in the parking lot of Burke’s Beach.

    Theresa Ortiz, 67, a North Carolina native who moved to Hilton Head Island in 2002, took a walk on the beach a few times a week.

  6. @Arauna    So Witness has disciples on here does she ?. Um, is that New Light ! 

    @Anna The only thing that can be done is revoke membership. Which is what is being done. What's your argument with that?

    My disagreement with it is that IT ISN'T BEING DONE. Elders especially get away with many things, especially CSA. 

    I would have thought you would have seen enough proof through court cases and reports to KNOW how Elders have hidden information, Destroyed information, committed sex abuse on young children, hidden paedophiles in the congregations, not informed the congregation when a paedophile is in their midst, not cooperated with the police or authorities by refusing to hand over documents. Misusing the two witness rule. Misusing the Clergy privilege. Actually telling lies in courtrooms. Having lawyers that deliberately tell lies in court rooms. Having a GB that refuses to apologise to CSA victims on behalf of the ORG. The list is endless. But if you can live with the GB and the ORG being like that then your Christian conscience has long since disappeared. You are just having your ears tickled and that seems to be enough for you. 



  7. Good try CC. But you still get the CCJW / Watchtower mixed up with God. And God will not love you for it. 

    By there works you will know them. And we do. We know the CCJW / Watchtower hide paedophiles in their organisations. We know that they misuse scripture which is an insult to God and Christ. We know that the GB are not the F&DS because they do not speak or write truth. So, we have got out of this immoral organisation. Hence we can pray to God with a clean conscience.  How could a JW in the Org, that knows all the immorality within the CCJW,  pray to God with a clean conscience ? 

  8. https://www.albaniandailynews.com/index.php?idm=43922&mod=2

    Albania news. Mother and daughter commit suicide and other daughter seriously ill in hospital. 

    Neighbours say that they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Organisation deny they were 'members'.  Strange. Why would neighbours say so ? Would they just make it up for fun ? 


    Prosecutors to Investigate Religious Sects Following Starvation Suicide Pact


    Following the macabre discovery of a woman and her two adult daughters who are believed to have self-sacrificed for religious reasons, the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation into religious sects.

    One daughter is believed to have been mummified for around 15 months, the mother had died recently, and the other daughter was taken to the hospital in a coma.

    Authorities believe that they starved themselves.

    The media reported that the three were Jehovah’s Witnesses, a sect of Christianity that believes in resurrection after death.

    Journalist Klodiana Lala reported the latest update for News24.

  9. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Baptised JWs are identified by the name..... so it does not make sense that they will call on a different name... now would it?

    How funny you are. You know exactly what I'm saying.  There is a difference between calling on God's name, and, having to be a JW to gain salvation. You have decided then that a person cannot call on God's name if they are not a JW ?  Have you decided that or are you just following the GB ? 


  10. Quote @Arauna  you do not even accept the name.... 

    So tell me why the Org has always said the Tetragrammaton is YHWH ?  If it is now seen as YHVH = Yehovah 

    Which has been changed to Jehovah. Why did the Org that is supposed to be so well guided not find out this information years ago ?

    So once again the Leaders of the Org stumbled people. The name has serious meaning so has to be correct. 

    Seems very strange that a  Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon, who is  active in interfaith dialogue, speaking at synagogues and churches around the world, finds the answers, where JW Leaders didn't. But Gordon isn't a JW and yet knows more than the JW Leaders. 

    As for the GB being anointed, I have my doubts. But if they were then I think they have lost their battle against the Devil. Acting as the evil slave they have been beating their fellow slaves. 

    Um, thinking on your comment "A blanket statement that none of them have the spirit of God when they were anointed by spirit.... funny.....

    So then ALL Anointed must have the Holy Spirit, and at one time All Anointed were the Faithful and Discreet Slave class. BUT your GB decided that the rest of the Anointed were no longer the F&DS. BUT everyone of them has the Holy Spirit according to your way of thinking, because they are ALL Anointed by Holy Spirit. 

    Your sarcasm about 'having deep insight' doesn't bother me, because we all have to make judgements. You decided to be a JW not a Catholic or Hindu. You made judgements. The CCJW has constantly made judgements of other religions and of the world. The GB makes judgement about Higher Education (and so does My Harley).  So I make judgements of the GB and the false teachings and the CSA. 

  11. @Anna  Quote "they will just obey regardless. That's a bit scary." 

    I think you have got it in one. :)  That is the stupid sheepness of many JW sheep. 

    They are blinkered. They do not look outside the box. 

    But i will admit that for many years of my life I was one of them. 

    Moses could easily be seen to have God's guidance. The GB cannot be seen to have God's guidance simply because they do not have God's guidance.  

    Moses was chosen by God. The GB were not chosen by God. By their works you will know them.

    How can any JW sheep condemn a Catholic for believing in the Trinity. it is what they are taught from birth. A JW that just follows blindly is as bad as a Catholic that just follows blindly. They both have their faith in Men. 


  12. Quote @Arauna But as you know those who call on his name will be saved.... or have you forgotten those scriptures... there are several of them.

    Unfortunately your GB / Org seems to have a different opinion. The GB / Org seem to be saying that 'those that are Baptised JWs are the ones to be saved.  So which is it ? 

  13. @Arauna Did I use the word dictator? 

    Quote However,  it turns out that those who think they know how to run things are usually little dictators and love control...…

    Quote : but I have seen no good suggestions from you lot for improvements - just hate. 

    I said what I think will happen. God through Christ will clean out the CCJW. The GB will either stand down or be removed. The True Anointed will run the CCJW.  That true Anointed will receive God's Holy Spirit, to guide them. 

    Unfortunately you have to blind yourself by telling yourself lies. You keep telling yourself that I or Witness or Srecko want control. BUT I've told you many times, it is God through Christ that will have control. I am not Anointed. At the moment I do not want to be of the Anointed. But i do want either the CCJW made clean, or, a New way of serving God through Christ.  Something has to happen to the Org before Armageddon gets here. 

    Quote Do you pray constantly?  Do not expect from others which you do not do yourself.

    Answer :  I do not pretend to be the F&DS. I do not lead an Organisation, in fact i do not lead anyone. I do not make up a 'message' to take to people from my own imagination. I have not put myself in an exalted position like the GB has, making itself responsible for millions of people lives. . 

    So, my prayers are not constant but they are regular. Giving praise to God and asking forgiveness of my sins. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Old info..... so why do they use the name Jehovah's witnesses and not Yahweh witnesses?

    They started with the name Jehovah because it was a name already known to some people. They continue with it as it would cost millions to change it, and it would show them up as being wrong for so long.. It would mean new Bibles and all new literature. New Org web site. And in honesty they don't care as they are not serving God properly anyway. 

  15. Oh dear Arauna. If it was only JWs that were being persecuted earth wide then you would have a point, but lots of religions are being persecuted earth wide. I used to look around at the last congregation I was in, and think to myself, would they last out, would they stay faithful if persecution came. Many of them used the congregation as a social club, it was such an easy lifestyle here in England. None of them conscious of CSA problems, so none of them worrying about abuse on the doors. But I think you are looking forward to persecution the way you write it.  

  16. Quote @Arauna  However,  it turns out that those who think they know how to run things are usually little dictators and love control...…. it is not about love for other humans at all. it shows in the attitude.... 

    You describe your GB very well here. AND you are using that word Dictators. The word you tell me that I don't understand. You are also comparing people to Hitler, which i have been condemned for. Thank you.

    Quote Arauna Only Jesus had the holy spirit with him constantly because he was perfect and also prayed constantly for it.  Humans do not do this due to imperfection..... 

    Humans do not do what ? Do not pray constantly. Are you admitting that your GB does not pray constantly ? And your Writing Department does not pray constantly ? Um, well that shows a lack of spirituality doesn't it. 

    As for teaching the name Jehovah, well, I still believe it is Yahweh that is closest to God's true name. And the Org was giving final day warnings back in 1967 as was proved by a Watchtower magazine shown on here. It's just a scare tactic as no one knows the day or the hour. In fact no one knows the year. And the teaching is not about the Kingdom, the teaching is that a person MUST BE a baptised JW to be saved. It is to bring money into the CCJW. It is no better than any other false religion right now. But unfortunately you are too close to it to actually see the truth of it.


  17. One other thing i find funny is when people on here try hard to relate the GB to Bible characters. 

    The Bible characters were inspired by God's Holy Spirit. the GB are neither inspired or guided by God's Holy Spirit. 

    Yes the GB 'know the scriptures' but so does the Pope and many other people. 

    List of Christian theologians


    21st century[edit]

    You see, quite a lot of people know the Bible / Scriptures.

    TTH says " They (the GB) want to do the biblically supported role of herding sheep. They don’t want to be overbearing, but at the same time they don’t want to be so loose and vague that they find themselves herding cats.

    Tom, many of us know what the GB are herding, and it isn't nice. 

  18. I want to relate something here which my wife and I found interesting. I have just been sat at our kitchen table with my wife and our son. My son went out yesterday and met up with a friend and they were talking about families and household situations. Who is speaking to whom and who isn't etc. My son happened to mention that I am an ex JW and therefore many people will not talk to me. He didn't mention anything else. His friend then mentioned this BOOK and mentioned the ARC and CSA. His friend knew all the abreviations and what they meant. Now I found that interesting because my son is not really interested in it, only in as much as it involves our close family.  But his friend watches videos and reads news articles all about the situation and knew a lot about it. His friend is not a JW and not an ex JW, he just has an interest in things going on in the world. Now Arauna does this as do many JWs. They keep on the watch. And this young man seems to be doing likewise.  BUT, if a JW should knock at his door, i do wonder what his reaction will be. It brought out to me, that people 'in the world' are aware of the 'problems' in the CCJW, and those 'problems' will of course cause a stumbling block to many. Yes JWs may go from door to door preaching, but do those same JWs realise how much information the public already has. A, it will cause people not to listen to the 'message' and B, it could cause abuse towards the JWs knocking on doors. 

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