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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. I'd like to ask @JW Insider 's view on the 'public edition', No 2 2020 Watchtower of 'What Is God's Kingdom' 

    Page 8 bottom left corner. mentions the 'so called' Signs of the times' Luke 21 v 10 & 11. But fails to mention the previous verse that say :- Verse 9.

    "Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.”

    And Matthew 24 v 8 says,  All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. 

    So are the GB / Writing dept' still playing an old record here ?  

    And I notice on page 10 and 11 that the GB are holding on tightly to their doctrine of 1914.  Is this a good thing ? 

    It is this type of thing that i mention when i say about taking the GB's message to the world, not God's. 

    Any opinions on this please but would like JWI's opinion as I think he has made his feelings known on these things before.  

    ( I'm being told about my 'tags' not being done properly so I haven't added any )

  2. Um, oh dear. SM has a way of breaking down a line of thought or meaning of a comment by separating each line and giving an answer on each individual line. My comment above SM's, although separate lines to give more 'feeling to it', is only one thought or meaning. Therefore the understanding of it as a comment is different to SM's idea of all being individual meanings. 

  3. Just to add that what other HUMANS think of me is of little consequence.

    We can expect to suffer insults and possibly worse, as we are Christians seeking truth from God through Christ.

    Jesus was, counted amongst thieves, called a drunkard, called a glutton, and suffered death by torture.

    Do you not think then that any follower of Christ should expect less ?

    My Faith keeps me strong and I ask ONLY God's forgiveness through Christ.  I do not fear 'man'.



  4. When I switched on my computer today i had around 20 comments up there. So I haven't yet read them all.

    However, I would ask people to go back to the VERY TOP of the page, and to look at my very first comment, which started this topic. 

    SM is making so many claims against me that I have to laugh at him or I would become annoyed. 

    My first comment was a question as to why the GB / CCJW used over rather than on. 

    SM, IT WAS A QUESTION. It was not a statement. Are you non English speaking ? Do you have to translate every thing I write ? Because you seem to have the wrong idea of everything I say. 

    For instance, you pretend that I do not know that the Kingdom is in heaven.  Show me then where i have stated that the Kingdom is not in heaven. Give proof of your accusation. 

    @Witness  Offered an explanation of the Bride of Christ being able to 'work' between heaven and earth.

    Now we do know that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit, but he took on human form many times to appear to his disciples. Even showing his hands to Thomas that had doubted. 

    So, this shows the possibility of spirit / human transfer. Angels also have appeared in human form. 

    Why would the GB / CCJW want to show the Body of Christ as only being in heaven ?

    Because they want to promote the human Elders as being Princes here on Earth. By doing so they can give more 'power' to the Elders and ignore the Anointed ones. 

    Wicked slave beating their fellow slaves. 

    I do hope that people will begin to understand that i often write QUESTIONS.  Those questions are not statements. SM does not seem to be able to understand this fact. 


  5. Probably a subject not worth answering on.

    Those with spiritual wisdom know the Almighty God is greater than Jesus Christ. 

    Jesus said so many times that : "the Father is greater than I am"  and such as : "I do nothing of my own initiative but only that of the Father"  And Jesus said he was sent forth by God. 

    As  for the Holy Spirit, we know it is God's 'active force', not a spirit being. 

    If Jesus was God then who resurrected him when he was killed ?

    And who was it that spoke from heaven saying "This is my Son whom I approve " 

    (Sorry quotes are not perfect but close enough to give meaning). 

  6. It looks or sounds as if JWs are surprised by world 'trends' in protests and violence. Surely this is just all part of Satan's system. Yes of course i noticed JWI's sarcasm.  But i laugh at the deep investigating and the guessing, by some, about the next US election. 

    My son has just informed me of more protests in London from BLM and it's opposition.  He also told me about the trouble in Seattle........  Then I read somewhere about China sending troops into India, but I don't deeply investigate these things as i just see it as the continuing story of the Devil's way of pulling people away from God....  

    Maybe if it was 'on my doorstep' then maybe I'd investigate it more, concerning the safety of my family, but not getting mentally or emotionally involved. Perhaps I just live a too quiet a life and don't find the need to get involved. 

  7. @Space Merchant  I seriously try not to get involved in 'worldly affairs'.  Protests are just tools of the devil. Not long ago we had Extinction Rebellion. Now we have Black Lives Matter.  The protesters are looking to 'men' for answers and those that obey the governments of the world are also looking to 'men' for answers. But we know better. We look to God through Christ for the answers. The prayer that Jesus gave as an example, says it all. 

    Now this isn't the place for this next paragraph and once again I will get told about it, but I'm just answering SM on his last paragraph. 

    Quote SM " I ask these things because most people who speak on CSA just shout it, but yield no sort of solution whatsoever, "

    As for CSA, I do not try to look for answers in the 'world', and I do not get involved in trying to find solutions for the Devil's system of things. My concern with CSA is only in the CCJW. That religion is quite different to most because each congregation acts like a 'family unit'. Because of that people spend more time together in the Kingdom Halls, on the ministry, in congregants private homes and at social gatherings.. It can give a false sense of friendship and trust. This has been proven by the amount of CSA in the CCJW Earth wide.  

  8. SM is actually worse than TTH for writing books. I just could not be bothered to read it all. I glanced over bits. There is nothing spiritual there to be learnt. I did notice SM accuse me of something to do with picking quotes from Biblehub to suit myself. But in fact i had picked the two different examples 'on' and 'above'. SM I cannot be bothered with your domineering attitude. YOU think YOU are right. That's good enough for YOU.  As for me I know that i don't need to rely on your opinions. 


  9. Call me whatever name you are pleased to use. What it does is detract from the things I say and i know that is you objective.  SM expects me to accept all his folly. That is why i have said he is trying to be superior. He seems to think he is 'correcting' me. :)  I do find him amusing. 

    Most topics run completely off topic here, but you can blame whom ever you wish. What ever gives you pleasure. 

    The point is, if a person speaks truth about CSA or anything else then it matters not who that person is. What matters is what they have said...... I am finding, and I expected it of course as it's a JW ploy, that JWs when they know something is true, will try to discredit the writer...  Seems to have happened concerning 'My Beloved Religion ...' 

    However JWI seems to like a diversion from topic so maybe he has liked this fiasco. 

  10. Yes, when one leaves the CCJW and they announce from the platform that ..... is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses then all the congregation shuns the one that left. I've no idea why do you ?  They do not ask if the person actually left of their own accord. 

    But of course the one that left cannot inform the JWs of the congregation why they left because the GB rules have made it impossible for the leaver to talk to anyone in the Org. Very sneaky plan by the GB.   The GB try to keep their secrets inside the Org in this way. But hence ex JWs  go online and give the details on blogs or FB pages to warn others of the dangers of the CCJW.  

    And we have people such as JWI that stay in the Org, but also give important information to others inside or outside the Org. He really does bring balance to it all ,and he makes up for people like Tom and Arauna that are unfortunately drawn to the Org like a moth to a light, for their own detriment.  The light they are drawn to is not true light...........

  11. JB probably spoke up on CSA because JWs denied it. And it is involved in so many things.

    The preaching work, Kingdom Hall meetings, Assemblies, Elders going to people's private homes to take private Bible studies with young children, Elders taking young children out on the ministry. 

    Then you have reasons for not wanting to invite families to the KH or to assemblies becasuse such places may not be 'safe'. 

    Then, the GB's rules on reporting, and the Elders hiding or destroying information. 

    The list is endless. Even ongoing court cases now.

    And I thought there was talk / rumour of the GB being 'arrested' or demanded to appear in count in USA somewhere. 

    Sorry @JW Insider but you brought the subject up.

    Tom even brought the subject up, asking if R. J. Furuli had written about it in his book. . 

  12. That is what I was thinking, even speculating granted the recent discussion with him, for Butler tends to add things out of nowhere into a discussion

    This is sooooo funny. This is a topic about BLM and Anna starts talking about wanting Armageddon to come, then TTH and JWI start going on about the Beatles and songs. (A British group that I never liked) 

    But it is Butler that adds things out of nowhere to a discussion is it ?

    Even SM added some comment which started 'Unrelated, but ...'

    Hypocrites. But I can handle it all. 

  13. Is SM saying that God's word alone is not enough ? 

    But ONLY God's word was inspired by Holy Spirit. Anything else is putting trust in men. 

    Unfortunately we don't seem to have a true Bible translation because none of them seem to be inspired by God's Holy Spirit. 

    For SM Bible Hub Revelation 5 v 10

    New International Version
    You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."

    New Living Translation
    And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth.”

    English Standard Version
    and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”

    Berean Study Bible
    You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign upon the earth.”

    Aramaic Bible in Plain English
    “And you have made them a Kingdom, Priests and Kings to our God, and they shall reign over The Earth.”

    Um, which do we believe ?  

     If I'm living ON THE EARTH that is different to if I'm living OVER THE EARTH. (in heaven)

    But it seems to me that SM is saying that everyone seeking to serve God needs to study Strong's. 

    I do not agree with that. 

  14. @Space Merchant What I'm saying is simple. That it appears that you are not seeking to serve God, but seeking to studying 'religions'. Hence your time seems to be spent trying to prove points. but you don't succeed. You only succeed in your own mind. You convince yourself that you are right, but it does not mean that you are. 

    And back to the Revelation scripture. ABOVE means totally different to ON. 

    So if the CCJW say the 144,000 are above the earth, then the CCJW are not saying the 144,000 are on the earth. 

    But they translate it as both. 

    I will push Strong's to one side because I DO NOT THINK God requires us to dig deep into the original Hebrew and Greek. Many people do not have that mindset. So they believe the things they are taught by others. 

    I have said before that i believe God will provide a true Anointed to teach truth before the Judgement comes. All I am doing is pointing out a discrepancy made by the CCJW. You can believe whatever you wish. 

    Ecclesiastes 12 v 12

    As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh. 

  15. Ok so SM defends the CCJW. So be it. 

    Having quickly looked at Wiki regarding Strong's, I do not see any mention of God's Holy Spirit being involved. 

    As I've said many times, if the Scriptures were written under the inspiration of God's Holy spirit, then it needs God's Holy spirit to understand them. 

    If I am right (and SM will prob's disagree) then SM is a man that studies Religions, plural. He seems to be a Theologist. 

    As there can be only one true way of serving God then would God supply Holy Spirit to help a person study Theology ? 

    Being a Truther, is that what God wants ?  If it is then many of us have no chance. Why ? Because many of us are of a basic education and many things are deliberately made so complicated as to confuse many.

    The old old story. If you cannot satisfy them with science, then baffle them with bulls--t. And it works. The Leaders of the CCJW have proved that it works, over and over again. 

    I make no apologies to Space Merchant because I think he is sitting on the fence. That's his choice but I don't have to sit there with him :) 

    @Srecko Sostar gave us a quote here :-


    " quote 2: We have always used the Bible as the sole authority for our beliefs, so we have adjusted our beliefs as our understanding of the Scriptures has been clarified. *

    Such changes are in harmony with the Bible principle stated at Proverbs 4:18: “The path of the righteous is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.” Just as the rising sun reveals details of a landscape ..... "

     But the problem here is this. A sensible person would not go stumbling around in the dark before the 'sun reveals details of a landscape ..' The Leaders of the CCJW / Watchtower have obviously been up too early and have stumbled themselves and many others. The blind leading the blind and both fall into the pit. 

    Simply put. Why were they in so much of a hurry to run ahead of God and Christ ?  Because it has been shown that they did not wait on true spiritual guidance to lead them ..........................

  16. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    It looks like someone (perhaps TTH or admin?) moved some of the comments from the original thread to here, probably because that was a general forum, and this is a JW discussion forum. If that was the reason, I'll move the rest of the JW/religion related comments over to here.

    Seems like a lot of you 'Elders' have control over this forum.  What with the control and your own 'secret' 'forum' for insiders only, us 'outsiders' must be the 'minority' Um, new protest, 'Outsiders Matter'. 

  17. Oh dear. I don't think SM actually wants to understand what I'm saying. 

    What I'm saying is the CCJW / Watchtower are using both 'on the earth' and 'over the earth' in written translations. 

    BUT they are teaching only 'over the earth'. Because it lines up with what they want to teach. 

    If they are writing both and only teaching one, then they are withholding the other viewpoint. 

    Could that be classed as deception ? Because if they are writing both, then they must believe both to be true. 

    If a scripture has more than one possible explanation, shouldn't all explanations be given ? 

    SM says both are right. So why then does the CCJW only teach one of them ? 

    Do they actually forget that they have written the Interlinear Translation, or do they forget that people still use it ? 

    Is it possible that the Anointed will be here on Earth, if only 'part time', to teach 'new scrolls' that are to be opened ? 

  18. @Space Merchant   It's kind of simple really. If you believe that the CCJW / JW Org have got it all right and true, you would be one of them. 

    If you believe that you have to be a JW to survive Armageddon (as they believe and teach) you would be one of them. 

    But you obviously believe that the type of Unitarianism you are part of is true and right. Therefore you seem to be saying that the JWs have not got it all right.  Or do you want one foot in each camp ?  What i call sitting on the fence. 

  19. The 'teaching' in the JW religion (1960's & 70's) used to be that the Elders would be Princes here on the Earth in the 'new 'world'. So they taught that the 144,000 would be up in heaven and the Elders would be in charge here on Earth.  It seemed not to be mentioned from then onward but I think the Elders do 'fancy themselves' as princes though. :) 

    I am not going to get into debate with SM about Strong's etc. My point was the CCJW / JW Org / Watchtower, printed quite plainly in their Interlinear Translation that it says 'on the earth', but then they print in the NWT 'over the earth' 

    So they have written both themselves. Only one can be right. If the true translation from the GREEK is 'on the earth' then that is what is should be in the NWT.  The question is, Is anyone actually being guided by God's Holy Spirit to write TRUTH ?   Is Strong's guided by Holy Spirit ? 


  20. 21 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I am curios as to why you do not wish to associate yourself with the jw's, but would rather stick with the unitarian way? You can message your answer if you'd like.

    I have asked him before and not got a direct answer. 

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