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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. I am wondering if anyone would have a suggestion of a good / different Bible translation please ?

    I use the New World Translation and also the old King James in paper format and I'm wondering if there is any other that is straight forward and reasonable in it's correctness.

    I don't like reading the Bible online although it is convenient. It just doesn't feel right to me. 

    I do think it is good to compare translations though. Any thoughts ?


  2. Billy the Kid. CC. Quote "Once again, show me where Jesus obligated the apostles to receive higher education to gain spiritual knowledge?"

    Totally different situation in 1st century. And Jesus supplied much for the Apostles. 

    When people advise against higher education it kind of reminds me of the scripture about saying 'keep warm and be well fed' but doing nothing to help in that respect. 

    Here in England most industry has gone. Most jobs are either retail or office. Then there are the high tech jobs. For many jobs qualifications are needed. The responsibility of the family head is to supply not only spiritual food but physical food. We know the 'bits of paper' are quite useless but many employers require them or you won't even get an interview. 

    By the way the Apostle Paul was basically saying there is a time for using education and a time for just being spiritual. 

    As for your idea of disloyalty to God. You seem to be getting your GB mixed up with the real GOD. 

  3. Quote TTH. He is the worst enemy of blacks because they will take the hit for his misdeeds

    It doesn't seem to be about black people, it seems to be about all working class / lower class Americans. Have you taken sides with the Police on this issue then ?

    'We are no part of the world' remember.  Jesus wasn't interested in politics or protests of His time. We all know that only God through Christ will remove this 'world' and solve the Earth's problems. However it is a shame that so many people Earthwide are suffering in so many ways. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    A laughing emoji! 

    I already had to send myself back to Bible 101 on account of this fellow. I fear that upon graduation, I will have to take the course all over again. He is both hateful and stupid. I can deal with one or the other, but the combination......

    And how am I both hateful and stupid My Harley ?  Is it because I find you very funny. Is it because i do not take your comments seriously ?  I wouldn't have thought it would bother you in the slightest. 

  5. Mr Harley seems to be saying that the GB hide the CSA accusations so as not to tarnish the reputation of the CCJW.  Some of us have been saying that for years now. Has Mr Harley finally woken up ?

    The point being Mr Harley that the GB and it's Lawyers are still hiding that 23 year Database of CSA accusations, and therefore those paedophiles are still lose in the communities.  As a side note I still cannot understand how Australia Bethel had CSA reports going back 50 years, but America Bethel only has then going back 23 years. 

    But hey it wasn't me that started mentioning CSA this time, Tom. 

  6. @JW Insider Quote.  I can't see why anyone would complain that a group of elders could be seen to be qualified for such a position of overseeing multiple congregations in the same way that some committees of elders qualify for a position to oversee a single congregation.

    Please explain or enlarge upon your use of the word 'overseeing' here. 

    Quote, " The ones who excel at teaching, and speaking, and decision-making will naturally take the lead for such a useful position. "

    No mention of excelling in spirituality then ? You talk as if it's running a worldly business. 

    Quote, " And you are right, that taking the lead in spearheading a more efficient world-wide preaching, teaching, and disciple-making work can make use of skills that only a few would qualify for."

    Only a few Americans it seems.. It also seems that other Anointed from around the Earth may not be given the chance. Since the rest of the Anointed are seen as less important now. 

    Quote " So, the idea that a committee of elders can qualify for such work as the GB have taken on, shows that they are desirous of a fine work "

    Or that they want the power over others and the human glory for themselves. Television stars as they are now. 

    Quote " Hebrews 13:7) 7 Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith. "

    Any religion that uses the bible could quote this scripture. It is only of good use if used to mean God's true servants. In the 1st century Christian congregations, before apostates spoilt true worship, that scripture had real meaning. 

    And then you finish up with  " we find that we should be able, as you said, to identify WHO really is a faithful person taking the lead "   

    But can we ?  We know who is taking the lead, but you said 'who really is a faithful person, taking the lead'.....

    I find it kind of funny, just my British sense of humour, that you JWI, sometimes write as a true thoughtful person, but other times write as a JW. 

  7. @Arauna  Firstly.  Quote :-

    So the man who says the GB are dictators now wishes to interpret this word as a single person

    Are you getting @Srecko Sostar mixed up with me ? (note this is a question) It's me that calls the GB dictators. Do they not dictate to the congregants ? Make rules and give orders.

    Secondly. Quote:-

    now wishes to interpret this word as a single person who will be giving all his fellow slaves food at proper time.

    Srecko asked it as a question, not a statement. So the idea of 'now wishes to interpret' is false. Please do not become like Mr Harley, who twists things to his own advantage. 

    Thirdly. :-

    Since many of our teachings have changed...... why hang onto the past? 

    'By their works you will know them'.  Works, references. Do you trust people that you do not know and that you know nothing about ? Surely if a family was thinking about joining the CCJW it would be wise for them to do some research into the background of this religion. Therefore the past would be relevant. 

    Fourthly. Quote :-

    We have enough detractors or hate-OCDs to keep referring to our past....

    I notice that you cannot keep away from those three letters. 

    Fifth. Quote :-

    For this one needs a central dispensary which is efficient and quick!  

    The last information I had was that the magazines are printed in Germany. (If my info is correct) So not exactly central to where the information comes from.

    Sixth. Quote :- 

    Jehovah used a nation in time of Israel. He used congregations under direction of apostles and elders in time of the first spread of christianity and now has a world-wide nation kept together by the same teachings.

    Please note that the Apostle Paul was NOT one of those in Jerusalem, not one of the 12. BUT God used PAUL to write the letters to the congregations. Jesus guided Paul directly, not through any organisation. 

    And, I'm not saying that an organisation is wrong, but it has to be run properly. 

    Have a good day. Sorry this is so long. 

  8. @Arauna  I know nothing about the pyramids but :-

    One doesn't need to go back 150 years to find fault in the CCJW teachings.

    In the 1960's / 70's they were teaching the 6 x 7000 year creative days, and the end of 6000 years of God's rest day. 

    Now they admit to not knowing how long a Creative day was. 

    And @JW Insider  you bring up the same old same old :-

    Is there a a religion that teaches straightforward doctrines that set us apart from the world in general? And sets us apart as dedicated to God?

    Read above, there is one proof that the CCJW does not teach straight forward doctrines. The doctrines keep changing.  (1975, blood issue, Superior authorities, to name but a few) 

    Does it focus on high moral standards so that I can generally expect the persons I associate with to have the same moral outlook as I do?

    This one goes without saying. Why even pretend that the morality of the CCJW is any better than the rest of the world ?  (The excuse on this forum is that CSA happens everywhere, so then what makes the CCJW moral standards any higher ? I've also been hearing about more divorces in the CCJW here in UK. )

    This why I laugh at comments on here. So much pretence. 

  9. @TrueTomHarley  quote :-

    "The fat lady may not be singing just yet, but she is seriously clearing her throat. We can’t wait too much longer for the ‘true anointed’ to manifest itself out of nowhere."


    Reports are emerging of an announcement at the 128th Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses now considers itself to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class of Matthew 24:45 in its entirety.

    Previously it was understood that the Governing Body were merely humble “representatives” of the “Slave Class”, which comprised the 12,000 or more anointed remnant of Christians with a heavenly calling still on earth. Despite claiming to be “representatives” of this group of people, suspicions were raised in the minds of many thinking Witnesses after reading articles such as the Questions From Readers of the August 15th 2011 Watchtower, where it was admitted that the Governing Body has no actual communication with memorial partakers (the “anointed”) and even feels that some of these ones may be mentally imbalanced. (see w11 8/15 p. 22)

    Just to show people that the GB made themselves the F&DS in 2012 /2013 

    So it is possible that the present GB could be removed, and a new 'body of servants' replace them. Armageddon is not coming tomorrow. Any sensible thinking person will know that. @Arauna has made suggestions as to worldly actions by governments, but this will take time. Plus, I honestly think that there will be a massive ingathering before Armageddon. God does not wish for any to die, but for all to gain 'life'. 

    My Harley loves words because he is a writer of books. Hence he makes comments to mislead people. Take this as example :-

    " We can’t wait too much longer for the ‘true anointed’ to manifest itself out of nowhere."

    Now compare this as I've quoted from above :-

    Previously it was understood that the Governing Body were merely humble “representatives” of the “Slave Class”, which comprised the 12,000 or more anointed remnant of Christians with a heavenly calling still on earth.

    That was written in 2012. But there are probably still a large number of Anointed here on earth. So, they would not have to 'manifest themselves out of nowhere', because they are already here. Some of those may not even be JWs. 


  10. @John Houston Quote 'Those 8 men lead, guide us on a path none here could, nor anyone one else could,...'

    Do you think you have proof of this ?  

    And quote " the merchandise has not been damaged beyond repair."

    Some of it has actually. Many have been stumbled, some have committed suicide, many have turned away from God because of mistreated by the CCJW.  

    Do you believe that collateral damage is ok then ?  Do you just think in numbers, not people ? 


  11. @Srecko Sostar   Yes it all becomes blurred. Recommendations, Rules, Guidance, Doctrines. 

    It does not eave much room for a Christian conscience. And then the GB or others at the'top' change the 'rules', guidance, doctrines. 

    The beard thing is one. The Blood issue is another. 

    There is a rule ( here in UK ) that a brother cannot go on the platform without wearing a shirt and neck tie and a jacket. One elder I would see on the platform had a big electric fan working all the time he was on the platform. But, when he was on the door to door ministry he would wear an open neck shirt and no jacket. It seems he has since been moved to a different congregation.

    I personally do not like to see people being 'Westernised' but in most countries now the brothers wear shirts and ties. In my opinion it makes the CCJW look like an 'American religion', whereas it is supposed to be God's 'earthly' organisation ruled over by Christ.  

    My opinion about 'doctrine' is that it should be the 'spiritual things'. Truth taught from God's written word. Therefore things believed and lived by.

    Rules are more a basic requirement and scripture should not be used. For instance, if the Org say that brothers have to wear a suit and tie to meetings, that is a rule. It has no scriptural backing. Scripture should not be used as an excuse to enforce man made rules. 

    But i think there should be a rule book available for a Bible Study person to read before baptism.

    Congregants actually know very little about the rules of the CCJW, and the baptism is 'into' the Organisation, like signing a contract. 

    Srecko I agree with what you say about doctrine in JW org. It has been brought down to a low level and  as you say, it is changed when they feel like changing it. 

  12. That, among other things, make me believe how organization is not precondition for following Jesus.

    I don't see problem with "organization/organizing" as way for accomplish some task.

    @Srecko Sostar In my opinion, The Organisation of CCJW is not a precondition for serving God through Jesus. But as you say organisation is good for accomplishing tasks. So there has to be a balance. 

    Do we really need to believe and accept how earthly organization is really only and best what God have, to be able to gather people who will follow Jesus? 

    As you mentioned, the Nation of Israel was the first way that God organised humans. But I think it's purpose was to bring Jesus to 'earth' through that line (King David). 

    The 1st century Christians were organised by Jesus. Sent out in two's etc and the forming of congregations. But God / Jesus used the Apostle Paul to write the letters to those congregations, not the 12 Apostles. So in my opinion there was NO 1st century GB. 

    However it would make sense to have some form of organised Organisation to preach the 'Good News' earthwide. As you said, to accomplish some task. But it needs to be organised into sections / departments. Spiritual things need to be separate from material things. And the spiritual things must have the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, otherwise we end up with the situation we have with the GB, false prophecy. 

    Hence i believe there will be a true Anointed group of people earthwide to lead God's people. I don't think they need to be all gathered in one building or in one country. We have this wonderful internet system we are using, and the Anointed could use it to communicate this way around the Earth.  Each of the Anointed would understand situations in their own country. So it might be possible for each Anointed to apply different 'rules or restrictions' relating to their own country. (The men having a beard thing, might be a silly example, but in some countries it might have been offensive, in other countries it was no problem, so each Anointed in their own country would have known if it was a serious problem or not). Some things do not affect one's service to God through Christ, they are a matter of conscience. Those things should be left to conscience and no rules made. The preaching work could be organised by the Anointed in their own country. I don't think they need so much literature / books as they print. Surely a good Christian should only need the Bible. ( The Apostles only had the Hebrew writings ). I think it could all be so much simpler. Meetings could be purely to give praise to God, not to study the ideas of men through a magazine. I also think that a true organisation would be more loving and show mercy, not only to it's members, but also to those in need local to them. Although Jesus had two main purposes to fulfil, to teach the Jews and try to bring them back to God, and, to give his life on behalf of others, He also spent a while being kind and helpful to others. 

    So an organisation yes, but one run totally different to the way the CCJW is run now.... . 


  13. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. I even promised the elders that I wouldn’t.

    But on and on he goes, slapping down @Arauna’s every remark as brainwashed and crazy. And then she posts something that she herself characterizes as just guessing, and he is all ears, wanting her direction so he can weather out the certain coming storm.

    I don’t understand some people. I really don’t.

    Mr Harley you are a joke. You are a writer of course, so you love having a wild imagination. And you also love being heard, even when you have nothing worthwhile to contribute. So be it, if it makes you happy, but it also makes you look so immature. 

    Now concerning @Arauna I am not a fan of her OCD comments that is true. But, when she (or anyone) writes something sensible then it will get the thumbs up from me. As for me, I am not wanting Arauna's 'direction', I simply ask her a question so that she could enlarge on what she had already written. This seems to have cause Mr Harley a problem, Perhaps he wants attention from someone. 

    @TrueTomHarley I am not interested whether you understand me or not. In fact I don't expect you to understand me, as I think spiritual thoughts not worldly ones. Whereas you are only here for material for your books it seems. The storm that is coming will affect all those living in those days, but not yet, Tom not yet. 9 years. :) 


  14. Revelation 13 v 16 through 18

     It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18  This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666.

    @Arauna  I think what you have written is very sensible and plausible. How long do you think it would take for all this to happen ?  I was taught that Babylon the Great, the 'world empire of false religion' has to be destroyed before Armageddon. And I would presume that conditions the whole Earth over would need to be bad. However the scriptures talk about it being 'just as in the days of Noah', eating and drinking etc.....  

    Something which i mentioned to my wife, and that someone else later mentioned to me, is that, here in the UK at least, there is talk about getting rid of 'real money', just using electronic transfer. This idea makes me feel uneasy as it gives 'them' more control. A government could just freeze a persons bank accounts and basically remove all identity of a person's existence. 

    But my question to you Aurana is how long do you think this will all take ? Because God's servants need to increase in their faith and strength, and 'God's organisation' would need to be more united. 

  15. When the true Anointed appear then yes. Either God through Christ will clean out the CCJW, or God through Christ will form a new 'religion'. I hate the word religion, but it's what people use. But the true Inspired Anointed must appear first. 

    In my opinion God cannot use the CCJW as it is. The Child Sexual Abuse problem is still not properly sorted out. The Shunning policy is totally wrong. This threat of being in the 'Final part of the Final days' is horrible and suggests that Christ is delaying his arrival..  The lie that one has to be a baptised JW to be 'saved' at Armageddon is wrong.  The GB setting themselves up as the F&DS and saying that all the other Anointed are NOT, is just those 8 men exalting themselves. Luke 14 v 11.

    So if God and/or Christ is wanting to use the CCJW, the Org will need a good clean out first. 

    For my part I do hope that the CCJW is cleaned out and turned to pure worship. But the GB would have to be replaced to do that. They could maybe step down and repent, I don't know.. That is between them and God or Christ.. 

  16. Poor old Tom. You see @Arauna that Tom is still criticising people. You say it's me with OCD. Please have a word with your friend Tom about it. 

    My point was not about a book as Tom suggests, but about higher education being of help to a person that writes a book and has it published. Keep up @TrueTomHarley And you've written 6 paragraphs to say nothing of importance. Do you ever think spiritually ? Or is it only material things on your mind.

    @ComfortMyPeople  Quote "It seems that the prophecy indicates that there would be TWO groups of worshipers: the PEOPLE, the MANY on one side, and THOSE HAVING INSIGHT on the other. And this second group would help to obtain knowledge to the first one."

    This brings us back to the 'Ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew' 

    New International Version  Zechariah 8:23 
    This is what the LORD Almighty says: "In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, 'Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.'"

    And to : Act 2 v 17

    'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

     But this means that "THOSE HAVING INSIGHT" MUST be inspired by God's Holy Spirit. 

    Quote These words", which should be understood with the help of "those having insight", refer to such profound thoughts of Daniel's prophecy that even the prophet himself was unable to understand (Daniel 12:8  "I heard, but I did not understand

    This proves that 'those having insight' will require the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit to understand. 

    The Governing Body of CCJW have admitted to NOT being inspired. Yet they say they are of the Anointed. And they say that they are the faithful and discreet slave. 

    The Leaders of the Bible Students and the CCJW have made many mistakes and probably deliberately told lies. Now even if we put 'everything' down to mistakes, why would God / Christ allow that to happen in Their chosen organisation ?  And that is without taking into account the immorality in the CCJW. The lack of love and mercy. The stumbling of many congregants. 

    Unfortunately the CCJW being American it 'allows for' a lot of collateral damage. Where as Jesus spoke of the fine shepherd that would leave his 99 sheep to go and find the lost one.  


    Thus, this last world stewardship seems very necessary, since unifying an international crowd with similar behavior, with similar beliefs, that have a united message, would be impossible without such leadership. And Daniel adds a smaller group that oversees that teaching.

    Lets look at this. Yes, a true Anointed class that are inspired of God's Holy Spirit, is necessary. 

    The behavior of this 'united crowd' need not be exactly the same at this time. The Earth is a big place. The 'beard' thing is a great example of this.

    The beliefs of course must be the same, but by choice, not forced. And those beliefs must come from a true Anointed who are inspired by God through Christ.

    The message must be a true one, and not keep changing. If something is not known, then it should be told as not known. It should not be guessed at. 

    And of course the true Anointed ones would be a much smaller group. 

    In my opinion it was the 'Anointed ones' that Jesus died for. Rev 5 v 9 & 10

    And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

  17. https://sputniknews.com/uk/202005221079386943-uk-ministry-of-justice-has-open-mind-on-raising-minimum-age-to-18-to-stop-child-marriages/

    I thought this article was interesting, particularly as @Arauna seems to say that the world and all it's governments are totally immoral and that all schools and colleges teach immorality etc .........

    Here in the UK a politician is trying to have the legal age of marraige raised from 16 to 18, to stop child marraiges. 

    Conservative MP Pauline Latham is seeking to pass a bill which would “revoke parental…consent which permits the marriage…of a child and to criminalise child marriage…under the age of 18.”

    I just thought it gives a bit of balance to the usual JW cry of 'the world is wicked' 'all non JWs are wicked' etc....  I do like a bit of balance. 

    The article is dated 22nd May and I have no idea of the outcome, but it's nice to read about a politician that is trying to do something positive to held young people. 

  18. JWs just look for ways to 'defend' those 8 men that they worship. 

    So, JWs belittle anyone that speaks against the GB. JWs have no balance on this matter. It is all praise the GB, curse the 'enemy'.  However in reality even the JWs know how wrong the GB have been and still are on lots of things. 

    I do accept that they are only men and that they are imperfect. And that they are neither inspired or guided by Holy Spirit. They have proved all of those things. So what gives them the right to rule ? What gives them the right to call themselves the F&DS ? 

    I laugh at Tom, when he talks about 'independent elders', because there is no such thing. The independent ones have been disfellowshipped. 

    I think many JWs will be shocked when God/Christ cleans out the CCJW and the true Anointed take over, or start a new organisation. 

  19. This is all so funny. A man writes a book which you all know will ruffle feathers in the CCJW and give some people outside the joy of reading it. It frightens you. For one reason you know that a lot of what he has written is true. So, what do you all do ? You look for ways to criticise him. 

    But Tom has to go further of course, he looks for ways to criticise almost everyone. 

    Maybe some of you should do an in depth observation of each member of the GB. You seem happy to find fault with everyone that has different views to you. But you JWs just love to worship your GB. 

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