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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. @James Thomas Rook Jr. quote " The question that needs to be asked is this ....  how can people be dumber than rocks? "

    I would have thought that the question that needs to be asked is - ---  

    How can anyone that has a bible trained conscience be part of this immoral, dishonest, and basically clueless CCJW Organisation ? 

    As for Arauna, she seems to want to delve into sexual immorality. Whereas in scripture it just says this :-

    Acts 15 v 28 & 29

     For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29  to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality.i If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”

    Unless Arauna can show us where in scripture it breaks it down into specific acts. 

    A Bible based conscience will know right from wrong. 

    I think the GB were just perverted in their thoughts and suggestions. 

    However I think James has made it quite clear that the GB does take over people's consciences and people's thinking ability. The conscience is like a muscle in your body. If the muscle is not used it weakens and becomes useless. So it is with your conscience, if it is not used regularly it stops working. This seems to be what happens with Elders and may congregants. They follow the GB's 'rules of men', they become 'robots', they lose their conscience because they no longer need it, because they just follow rules without questioning them.  

    Arauna made a point about having independent thoughts but basically keeping those thoughts to ones self. 

    James mentioned somewhere about people not being BRAVE enough to question the GB's interpretations.

    IMO, the idea of personal study through prayer is to gain truth and spiritual wisdom. Why then would a person want to suppress spiritual wisdom and truth gained through prayer and personal study ? Especially when wrong could be made right in an important way. 



  2. 4 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Bad argument!   Their consciences are refined so they can love their enemies and not take political sides!  So they can cross all political and racial barriers! 

    Their consciences were stolen because they had to obey the Leaders of the Org due to misuse of the Superior Authorities scripture. This has been admitted by many JWs, even on here. 

    And if you could just be honest for once, you would admit it is true. 

  3. Quote @TrueTomHarley " but they will not perform civilian work that is clearly designed to support war efforts."

    This choice was taken from JWs in WW2 because the Leaders of the JWs took away people's conscience by misusing the Romans  scripture regarding Superior Authorities. 

    Many of the younger generation now, who have no religion, will not go to war. Punks, a subculture, are anti-war. Hippies were also anti-war. It is not just a JW thing. 

    Quote "Nobody is known for taking the ‘good news of the Kingdom’ to each and every person like Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially before ‘the end will come.’ "

    Perhaps also, nobody is known for telling as many lies about how to serve God,and the 'Good News'.

    Perhaps the JWs are best known for false predictions of Armageddon. Or maybe CSA.

    JWs can be known for scaremongering, but In those cases i think it is just that some JWs are a bit too keen to get a message across. Some even use this Covid-19 virus as an excuse.  



  4. Thought they might have dropped off a food parcel to them though. There's a scripture about telling other to keep warm and well fed, but not offering any provisions to help. 

    Here in UK that drive through would not have been allowed as it would have been seen as unnecessary travel and the vehicles would have been turned back. But some of our children, who are not JWs, do go shopping for us and leave it on our front doorstep. 

    One thing I've noticed is that people do not have to be 'Christians' to be helping others at this time. Reminds me of a scripture about 'those without Law, doing the things of the Law'. Showing love and giving help seems to be an 'inbuilt' thing to many. It's how God created us I suppose. 

  5. 10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    You have a habit of getting your attributions mixed up, and your analysis is too simplistic, as well as mixed up.

    Details are important.

    Matthew 11 v 25 & 26. 

    At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. 26  Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved. 

    I am willing to be a young child for the sake of truth. I think you and others here deliberately try to complicate matters, to try to make yourselves look more intelligent. 

    But if you wish to enlarge on your above comment, I'm willing to read it :) . 

    However my points still stand and are still true.  


  6. Yes I read two different reports on this and she sounds a bit crazy. Either that or her husband is crazy. 

    She seems to say that the CCJW are pretending that this Covid-19 is the beginning of Armageddon. 

    I'm wondering if her husband is using the virus as an excuse to have more control over her and the children. Although I have read other reports about JWs using the virus as 'talking point', suggesting it is Armageddon related.

    This lady however says she is going to sue the CCJW for all the money they have put in as contributions. 

    I do think it is possible that a few JWs are misusing the virus to spread fear, and a member of the GB wasn't too wise with his words concerning the virus, but overall I don't think the CCJW / W/t are using this virus as an Armageddon scare mongering thing.

    We all know that world conditions are getting worse and it is what we expect. And we all know that each day brings us closer to God's Judgement time. We cannot expect things to get nicer. But it has to be a love for God that draws a person to HIM, not a fear of death.  

  7. @James Thomas Rook Jr.  What i find funny is that you are still sitting on the fence, or playing both sides. 

    I would suggest JWI is doing the same.  

    You say, "That's the way the REAL world works" 

    I say, God's true organisation would be NO PART OF THAT WORLD.

    The whole reason we have a bible trained conscience is to be able to tell the difference between truth and lies, and good and bad, from God's viewpoint.   

    And to 'stop keeping company with' those people that promote / allow such things as you have mentioned. 

    In that scripture you quoted i noticed these words who care for you in the Lord  but the GB and the hierarchy don't. And that reflects in the Elders that just follow the rules from the leaders. 

    I quote you again " because NO ONE had the bravery to stand up and say THIS IS NONSENSE?

    What does that tell you James ? Because it tells me that it is a dictatorship, ruled over by using fear of d/fed and shunning,  and it tells me that, as I've mentioned, the Elders just do as they are told by the dictators taking the lead.

    And the dictators are the wicked slave that beat their fellow slaves. 

    And to back up my point I'll try to quote 'the Writer' TTH, "No one can disfellowship the GB". 

  8. Quote @James Thomas Rook Jr.   The point of the above is that there are good reasons why I keep my own counsel on the matter of keeping and bearing arms, and being ready to defend the innocent at all times, and not pay too much attention to those in authority that have a long record of being seriously creepy ... and wrong.

    I suppose this translates as :-

    The way to remain in the CCJW is not to be a JW. In other words ignore what the ones at the top say and ignore those 'taking the lead in the congregation'........ So funny James. 


  9. It would be nice to have everyone's sensible viewpoint on this. 

    We've had lots of topics on it and lots of disagreements too, but sensible dialogue would be good.

    For my thinking it would seem strange for God to bring the 'final part of the final last days' whilst the CCJW is getting a 'bashing' Earthwide in the courts and media because of Child Sexual Abuse.  This abuse is so well known about that it must put many people off from enquiring of the CCJW. Also, many people have been mistreated in that way and it has stumbled them. 

    Many of these cases are of course from times past and hopefully those ones that have been stumbled from the past will either continue looking for truth from Almighty God, or, will die from old age and then get a resurrection in the 'new world'.

    One poor point from the JWs viewpoint is to say that this is happening 'everywhere'. All that does is say that the CCJW is no better than any other 'Christian' organisation.

    I have said that IMO Armageddon will be another 9 years away or more (One year has gone already) and that a True Anointed will appear long before that end time. Some have ridiculed me on this, but just look how quickly a Virus can overwhelm the world. So things can happen so fast and then of course anything is possible with God's guidance. 

    With this year being lost it seems, I would imagine it would slow down the quantity  of newcomers to the CCJW. And if people are still leaving or being d/fed then the 'numbers' will be going downwards. I though there was supposed to be a great influx toward the end of this'system'. 

    So if God is to use this CCJW, things need to happen soon. All these CSA problems need to be totally removed. 


  10. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/jehovahs-witnesses-sue-faithleaks-owners-over-convention-videos

    Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos

    An entity owned by the Jehovah’s Witnesses sued the owners of the religious whistleblower site FaithLeaks on Thursday for allegedly infringing copyrights by posting the group’s materials publicly on the internet.

    The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania says the Truth & Transparency Foundation illegally reproduced 74 of its in-house videos on the FaithLeaks site.

  11. So it seems @Arauna  is saying that God IS an organisation.  Oh dear. Well it shows where her worship is doesn't it.  

    And we still didn't get an answer on the point of this 'brother' who was disfellowshipped but he remained faithful and steadfast. Whereas TTH seems to think that when a person leaves the CCJW they disown God.  Such contradictions from JWs. 

  12. 20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Thanks, but your post contained a lot more heavy lifting than I could offer. I hope your own experience is taken to heart by those who see things only in very stark 'black and white' terms. I hope that @4Jah2me reads it with an open mind and sees answers to his own questions and issues.

    I read it and thought it was 'rubbish'.  If James wishes to serve the GB and it's Org that's his choice.

    3.) QUESTION: "Will you support Jehovah and his Organization?"

    ANSWER::" I always have. " ( correctly implying that I always will.)

    Firstly I don't agree that the CCJW is God's Org, neither do I agree that Jehovah is God's real name.

    So I could not even want to go back to it. It would be hypocrisy. 

    However, either James or Tom said something about when a person leaves the CCJW they basically also stop believing God's written word. This is nonsense. Unfortunately it seems that 99% of JWs are misinformed about many people that leave the CCJW.  A lot of us, as James made clear, are leaving MEN, not leaving GOD or Christ. Just think on that for a moment. Stop being so 'up there' just because your GB are 'up there' in their own minds. 

    This stupid idea that the CCJW is the Ark. This stupid idea that one 'has to be a baptised JW to be saved'.  This idea that we are in 'the final part of the final last days' 

    The overlapping generations. The CSA problems Earthwide.

    The wording and purpose of the baptism questions is wrong.  

    The Bible Studies which are actually a book study from GB invented propaganda. The books that will later be rejected by the GB themselves because of pretend 'new light'. 

    The ministry using magazines which misquote scientists, doctors et al. and misuse scripture. 

    What is there to like about the present day CCJW ? What is there to remain in that org for ? The whole foundation of the CCJW has gone. The love and the mercy are lost.

    I have proven to myself that i can still love God through Christ by not being a JW. In fact I am stronger now as an individual because i am not using the congregation as a crutch. I can think clearer now by not having to worry about what i think or say. And my conscience is clear because I'm not part of an organisation that causes harm to others. (Even James here recognises the harm caused to others) I could no longer do ministry with the intention of bringing people into such an immoral organisation that does not teach truth but hides wicked ones within. 

    Just one last point. Some of you make excuses for your GB and your Elders, saying that they are just human and can 'err'.  Well the disciples / Apostles were also just human and could just as easily 'err'. Should we then discard the Bible ? Well the way you tell it, it was written by uneducated stroppy men. BUT, we know they had God's Holy Spirit. That's how they managed to give us the scriptures. However that is what is missing in the CCJW, the Holy Spirit. The GB do not have it nor do they get guided by it. So then going down the ranks the Elders also do not receive it either. And nothing can be done properly, on God's behalf, without Holy Spirit. 

    That is what I see and that is the main reason I am not a JW. 

  13.  On 4/27/2020 at 6:47 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Are you thus saying that a disfellowshipped person can continue to serve God properly ?

    It depends on whether the human decision was based on God's standards. Job, Jesus, Jeremiah...were all pariahs at one time, but not in Jehovah's eyes. Humans are limited, not miraculously inspired, imperfect, and can be easily fooled - especially when they want to be - when it is the path of least resistance. Other times there is simply little you have the authority to do anything about. But you know that already right?

    So @b4ucuhear  You make a statement then you don't answer the question directly and you scurry away to hide.

    And I quote you again : " opposers who don't even agree amongst themselves "

    You have joined the JWs that want to 'lump people together' for your own convenience.

    Be sensible and just think for a moment.  There may be hundreds of people that have reasons to dislike the GB and or the CCJW. The reasons would not all be the same. Their own beliefs and thoughts will not all be the same. THEY ARE NOT ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE, THEY ARE INDIVIDUALS. 

    Just because you and others, including the CCJW leaders, want to lump these people into one group and call them opposers / apostates, it does not rightly follow that they are one group in their thinking or actions. 

    All JWs are supposed to believe the same things, follow their leaders, be obedient to those taking the lead. BUT opposers, as you love to call them, do not have leaders, they are individuals. Unfortunately JWs cannot handle that, because JWs are brainwashed into the tribal thing. JWs think that everyone has to belong to a group or tribe. And i know the next thing JWs will say, it is that 'opposers' are led by Satan. Wrong. 

  14. (Matthew 23:2, 3) . . .“The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, . . .

    Was that a defence of them ? Because Jesus follows up with :-

     but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.a  They bind up heavy loads and put them on the shoulders of men,b but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger

    13 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut up the Kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in.

    I think your GB have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. But whereas the Pharisees were in rightful possession of that place, your GB are not. 

    Getting back to Paul that you quoted. You wrote.   Paul said not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us. 

    The scripture at 2 Thessalonians v 1 & 2 says :-

     However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you  not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

    So Paul warned that some would be talking about our being gathered together to him, and about  the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. 

    The Governing Body of CCJW talk about both. They have spoken about when they will be 'taken up to heaven' and they continually talk about 'the final part of the final last days'. 

    As I've already said, the Apostle Paul was warning against your GB. But all JWs continue to follow the GB through the CCJW.

    It honestly makes no sense to me because I believe that most JWs (boots on the ground not ones in positions of authority) are good honest people that are searching for truth. 

    But then maybe Catholics and Protestants church goers are basically good honest people too and searching for truth. 

    The GB / CCJW just tells different lies. The proof being that Paul warned against it. 

  15. Yes indeed God does not protect anyone physically unless HE has a special purpose for keeping an individual alive. 

    I knew of a young JW man on his way home from an assembly, on his motorbike. He swerved to avoid a child in the road, came off the motorbike and died of his injuries. 

    However it was always made clear that God does not give us a 'guardian angel' to watch over us. And as you say there is the hope of the resurrection. 

  16. @Witness  Much of what you say makes sense. I'm not saying that I'm fully convinced, though I think I am referred to by others as 'one of your disciples' :).  

    However, you seem to refer to the past and the present, but not the future. 

    I agree that the Anointed should be 'leading' the way, not be hidden, but how will this happen in your opinion ? If the Anointed are too meek and easily overruled then how will they rise up to serve God properly ? Have they in fact dishonoured God, and will they need replacing ? 

    My feeling is that a True Anointed will rise up and that the present leaders will need to be 'removed from office' if the CCJW is to be used by God through Christ. The changes in the 'Org' will have to be dramatic to make it 'clean' and holy for God's purpose. But how and when ? 

  17. This virus is a terrible thing for everyone and should not be used by any religion or any government as a 'tool' to bring fear or dishonour to anyone else. I have no idea if it is a tool of Satan to cause havoc and to turn people against God and against each other. Or is it just because the standards of people have dropped so low that they are careless regarding hygiene or was it misuse of animals ? It is certainly causing a rise in racism and distrust. 

    I wish you and your family well, and hope that your friends recover from this virus. Many many people earthwide that are not JWs, some even not religious, are caring for friends, relatives, and strangers, many doctors and nurses are daily risking their own lives. Many of those are 'without Law' but they continue to do the things 'of the Law'.

    Romans 2  from v 14.

     They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by* their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. 16  This will take place in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind,r according to the good news I declare.

    May you have peace. 

  18. 8 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Yeah I'm breaking my new years resolution, but what the heck. I hope you all are healthy and corona free.

    You made a N Y resolution ? My family and I are well and on lock down here in England. I'm 70 so the lock down is having little effect on me. I was never one for pubs or clubs and we can still venture out to exercise and do food shopping..  I hope you and your family are also well and happy. Stay safe.

  19. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    People should be defended wherever possible. The motives can be quite pure and still mistakes are made. In fact, I would say that there are specific good motives that make certain kinds of mistakes even more likely. I'm pretty sure that's why we have extra warnings in the Bible about not being misled when it comes to speculation about the end-time events. Paul said not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us. Obviously, the end-time events get us all excited, and these are the most likely times and events that persons would be speculating upon.

    Um, just like Jesus defended the Pharisees ? Offspring of vipers, whitewashed graves, hypocrites etc....

    A TRUE F&DS would not make mistakes. Why ? Because they would be waiting on God through Christ, for true guidance. They would simply say 'We do not know yet' or 'God has not given us that information yet'. That would be being humble. 

    A TRUE F&DS wound not 'be speculating upon' anything. 

    Are JWs so weak of faith that they need this ? Quote  'the end-time events get us all excited' 

    So the GB and it's Writing department has to feed you with lies / false words / speculation / false prophecy, just to keep you all in the flock. What was it one of them said ? We are in the final part of the final last days.

    So you seem to be saying that the Apostle Paul was warning you against your own Governing Body. 

    And then the GB say 'God and Christ trust us, so you should trust us'.

    Look, I'm not even on 'deep thinking mode here', but the hypocrisy is so openly obvious. 

    If God, through His written word, has to warn you against your own leaders, then there is a deep problem with you leaders. 

    I keep thinking about the fact that Moses didn't enter the promised land. Why ? 


  20. 8 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Maybe someone smarter than me could put together a power point presentation on how this topic evolved from a discussion about a ludicrus power point presentation on a attempt to disprove God, evolving to a discussion about the insane theory of the overlapping generations, to the validity of the governing bodies words, value and worth..

    Well most topics now seem to go totally off topic, but the link between the two diagrams is, that neither designers (of the diagrams) are inspired of God, and neither designers have a clue as to their subject matter, and both just make it up as they go along. Thereby creating the point about the latter's value and worth. 

  21. Thank you for 'shooting down' your GB and showing how unreasonable they are.

    I think it is out of fear of being disfellowshipped or worse, that JWs of any rank do not speak plainly about such rubbish, directly to the GB. But then it is probably not possible for a 'brave person' to even get close enough to tell them to their face. 

    Respect is one thing, worship is another. But it's probably more like fear. 

    You all think your organisation has God's name, but you all sit back and let the GB make a mockery of it. 

    And now you will of course jump to their defence. But time and time again you bring out all the Bible Students / CCJW lies / mistakes / false claims. And yet you think poeple should trust this GB and its Org. 

    As for TTH, well he's a writer and writers love fairy tales. 

  22. @b4ucuhear  It was you that mentioned a group of Elders ganging up on an innocent one. 

    And it has been proven that elders have ganged up on victims of CSA. 

    And as I said Elders have to obey their superiors. 

    You mentioned Satan testing Job, so it must be Satan has got a good foot in the door of the CCJW. 

    You mentioned a man that " yet he faithfully continued on and never saw justice in his lifetime." But you said he was disfellowshipped.  Am I understanding that correctly. 

    Are you thus saying that a disfellowshipped person can continue to serve God properly ?


  23. It is so lovely to read all you JWs disagreeing with each other over the stupid Generation chart and overlapping generations. 

    But does it make you opposers if you are still in the org ? Or does one have to leave the org to be an opposer ? 

    Whichever, it is just one more proof that the GB do not have God's blessing or Holy Spirit. 

    The blind leading the blind. Or maybe overlapping blind all falling into the pit.

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