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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. But then from America we get this 


    In mid-March, her Kingdom Hall meetings went virtual. Members logged into Zoom to share Bible Scriptures. Francis settled on one that she thought would resonate as she knocked on doors in her neighbourhood across the county, which had by then registered a handful of COVID-19 cases.

    At the doorstep, Francis would start her pitch by asking people if they could make one thing in the world go away, what would it be? If the answer had to do with the pandemic, she would recite a couple of verses from the book of Luke:

    “There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.”

    All the signs were clear, she would announce. Armageddon was near. Her message finally seemed to be resonating with people.

  2. Gibraltar Chronicle

    Coronavirus is not the end of the world’By Manolo

    20th April 2020

    By Manolo Gatt

    Jehovah’s Witnesses all around the world have reacted quickly to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Since the initial stages of this, now pandemic, rigorous measures have been taken including the suspension of all public religious activity including large assemblies as well as local meetings usually held in Kingdom Halls.

    Locally, working very closely with the Civilian Contingencies Committee, we have implemented all recommended measures as and when required including the suspension of our main activity of going from house to house and public witnessing with our recognisable trolleys.

    However, we have been using other means at our disposal such as video conferencing to continue to “meet together”, thus encouraging one another whilst also continuing, to the extent possible, to receive much needed spiritual instruction and comfort.

    We of course continue in our determination to fully collaborate with the health authorities, which we thank for their invaluable work, as we endure these challenging times.

    Please note that our website, JW.org, is open to everyone, where you can find encouraging and up building information for all age groups, including Bible-based movies which are very practical for our days.

    In the meantime, our younger members are helping out as volunteers and are offering themselves to help their neighbours and the elderly going to supermarkets, pharmacies and taking them to the hospital to the doctor when they have an appointment.

    We also very much take into consideration the needs of the deaf and the blind by providing them with programmes transmitted by video conference to their own homes in sign language by a team of translators and also Braille publications for those who need them.

    Finally, although some people may say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are saying that the coronavirus is a sign of the end of the world, the fact is that we would never make such an affirmation.

    What then? According to the Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition), Jesus, responding to a question asked by his inquisitive disciples: “Tell us […] what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” Jesus answered, and we are quoting only in part: “There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (epidemics)” (Luke 21:7, 11).

    So it would be wrong to say that the Coronavirus is the sign of the end of the world. The truth is that epidemics and diseases have plagued and continue to plague the human race. As we all know humanity has been plagued in recent times, like “the Spanish flu” (1918-1919), that killed more than 40 million persons, the ‘simple flu’, that every year causes the death of between 250,000 and 500,000. Or aids that has infected more than 76 million persons and caused the death of 35 million with deceases related to this ailment. Only in 2016 1.8 million died because of Aids.

    Therefore, what can certainly be said is that we are living in the time Jesus foretold when he answered his disciples question.

    However, anyone that aims to take advantage of such a tremendous situation as the one we are experiencing today, so sad and tragic with its many deaths and economic instability, to frighten or intimidate the people that are our neighbours, does a great disservice to the real message of hope that the Bible highlights and Jesus taught us to pray for, saying: “Let your Kingdom come”.

    That hope is the promise of a better world that everyone can aspire to where God Himself “will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things shall pass away.” And they will pass away. The Kingdom of God will accomplish this. (Matthew 6:9; Apocalypse 21:4; RSV Catholic Edition).

    That is why Jesus wanted everyone to know about this, so he told his disciples that: “this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

    This is the true essence of real Christianity.

    Manolo Gatt is the Overseer Public Relations in the Gibraltar Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Nice to have a balanced viewpoint


    However, we have been using other means at our disposal such as video conferencing to continue to “meet together”, thus encouraging one another whilst also continuing, to the extent possible, to receive much needed spiritual instruction and comfort.

    We of course continue in our determination to fully collaborate with the health authorities, which we thank for their invaluable work, as we endure these challenging times.

    Please note that our website, JW.org, is open to everyone, where you can find encouraging and up building information for all age groups, including Bible-based movies which are very practical for our days.

    In the meantime, our younger members are helping out as volunteers and are offering themselves to help their neighbours and the elderly going to supermarkets, pharmacies and taking them to the hospital to the doctor when they have an appointment.

    We also very much take into consideration the needs of the deaf and the blind by providing them with programmes transmitted by video conference to their own homes in sign language by a team of translators and also Braille publications for those who need them.

    Finally, although some people may say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are saying that the coronavirus is a sign of the end of the world, the fact is that we would never make such an affirmation.

    What then? According to the Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition), Jesus, responding to a question asked by his inquisitive disciples: “Tell us […] what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” Jesus answered, and we are quoting only in part: “There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (epidemics)” (Luke 21:7, 11).

    So it would be wrong to say that the Coronavirus is the sign of the end of the world. The truth is that epidemics and diseases have plagued and continue to plague the human race. As we all know humanity has been plagued in recent times, like “the Spanish flu” (1918-1919), that killed more than 40 million persons, the ‘simple flu’, that every year causes the death of between 250,000 and 500,000. Or aids that has infected more than 76 million persons and caused the death of 35 million with deceases related to this ailment. Only in 2016 1.8 million died because of Aids.

    Therefore, what can certainly be said is that we are living in the time Jesus foretold when he answered his disciples question.

    However, anyone that aims to take advantage of such a tremendous situation as the one we are experiencing today, so sad and tragic with its many deaths and economic instability, to frighten or intimidate the people that are our neighbours, does a great disservice to the real message of hope that the Bible highlights and Jesus taught us to pray for, saying: “Let your Kingdom come”.

    That hope is the promise of a better world that everyone can aspire to where God Himself “will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things shall pass away.” And they will pass away. The Kingdom of God will accomplish this. (Matthew 6:9; Apocalypse 21:4; RSV Catholic Edition).

    That is why Jesus wanted everyone to know about this, so he told his disciples that: “this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

    This is the true essence of real Christianity.

    Manolo Gatt is the Overseer Public Relations in the Gibraltar Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses

  3. Well done James. Mine was coffee and a bowl of cereal. Then I too celebrated being alive by breaking the 'lock down', and at 8.30 am, going for a three hour walk in the woodland. Justified it by continuing my walk via the Chemist to pick up medication. 

    As for jam and cream scones, yum yum. But then I'm in England.  

    As for Arauna's 'celebration' / 'ceremony' um, some folks definitely seem to need physical things to cling to. 

  4. I find it soooooo funny when you JWs go on about how corrupt the 'world' is, when anyone with Bible knowledge knows that the 'whole world is in the power of the wicked one'. Do you really expect honesty and love and mercy and justice from 'worldly' governments ?

    BUT I think you are just using it as a smoke screen to try to hide the corruption within the CCJW / Watchtower Soc.

    Your GB's Lawyers cannot even by honest. Your GB cannot show love, mercy or justice to CSA Victims or others. Your GB give orders to those in line, right down to the Elders, to d/fed anyone that 'gets out of line' with GB think. And of course the shunning follows. Shunning by brain dead congregants that have lost the will to think for themselves. Your whole organisation x 2 and its leaders are totally corrupt.  

    But no, you just carry on thinking about how corrupt the 'world' is, whilst worshipping your GB and its Orgs. 

  5. 16 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    While I can quote "Plato" on this one, I will allow scripture to speak for me, as it has spoken for the Watchtower. Proverbs 18:2. This is the authority God has given responsible men to keep the body of Christ clean. ! Timothy 5:20, 2 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 28:18, Romans 13:1, John 19:11

    God has not given any authority to the GB or the rest of the Leaders of the CCJW. Even the GB admit to NOT BEING inspired by God's Holy Spirit, and they admit that they 'err', or deliberately do wrong. 

    They used to pretend that Elders were appointed by Holy Spirit, but now they admit that Elders are NOT appointed by Holy spirit. 

    The GB have back tracked on many things. They constantly change the 'teachings' through the Watchtower. 

    The GB also deliberately 'forget' that the 'Body of Christ' are 'FELLOW SLAVES', and the GB use the Elders to control those FELLOW SLAVES. Those FELLOW SLAVES are told not to meet together and not to have Bible study together.

    AND, disgustingly, the GB accuse their FELLOW SLAVES of 'working against the Holy Spirit'. 

    You of course serve your GB and are therefore blinded by their trickery and falsehood. Go careful, blind guides is what they are and you will all fall into the pit. You will have no excuse when Judgement arrives. 


  6. @Arauna writes  so in future it will be harder and harder for JWs to control our own bodies and that of our childrenThey will treat us as property if the state...... to do with as they please.

    Do you not realise that your GB control you and your children ? And your GB treat you as THEIR property. 

    If only JWs didn't just listen to their Leaders. If only they used their own Bible based conscience. 

    If only JWs understood scripture. BUT NO. JWs are ruled over by the GB and the others top dogs. 

    JWs won't even try to save the lives of their own children. I think that could amount to murder. 

    The GB and it's MOB of rulers will have a lot of Blood to answer for when their judgement arrives. 

    I refer again to Matthew 12 v 9 through 12. where Jesus said it was LAWFUL to do a FINE THING ON THE SABBATH. 

    If you had a good Bible trained conscience you would understand what that means. 

    How much more valuable is a man/woman/child than an animal ? 

  7. @Arauna Keeps going on about 'the slave'She means the GB of course

    But the scriptures say at Matthew 24 v 45 - 51

     “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?z 46  Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so!a 47  Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.48  “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’b 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50  the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know,c 51  and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.
    Note there is more that one 'slave' and in fact more than one 'type' of slave.
    Arauna along with her Leaders the GB, don't want to think about the others, for obvious reasons.
    Arauna start to think about the FELLOW SLAVES. They are more than equal to your GB. 
  8. 2 hours ago, Anna said:

    I think you've answered your own question. It's not logical that this would be secret IF JW.org would like us to follow that direction. It may not be official yet. But, in saying that, JWs know that we do not accept plasma, so nothing new there, however what might have to be clarified is whether this serum is a fraction of the plasma, in which case that would be a conscience matter....

    However the GB / leaders of CCJW may not want it in the public eye. 

    I know this life is not the 'most' important, but it seems crazy to let yourself die especially when compared to Matthew 12 v 9 through 12, when a Jew would break the Mosaic Law to save an animal. 

    Yeshua / Jesus made it very clear in that scripture 'how much more valuable is a man / person than a sheep / animal'. 

    Each to their own Bible trained conscience, unless you are a JW, then it's do as you are told by your Leaders.


  9. @Witness & @Srecko Sostar  you have both got me thinking on this now. 

    It is very interesting and it will get me re-reading the Greek Scriptures once again but from a different viewpoint. 

    However the NWT is what I've been using and now I'm thinking I need a different translation of God's Word. 

    The NWT does alter words to suit there own agenda, so a comparison would be nice, but in hard copy. 

    I know lots are available to read online but It would be great to get away from this screen and maybe read in the garden. 



  10. 6 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    Don’t believe everything that is written. A doctor knows the deference between the word plasma with that of an antibody serum, just because a product has a clinical name like plasma on it.

    Therefore, no knew light to be seen by a none doctor. 😀😀😀

     Are you saying the leaked memo is fake ? 

    You do understand that the need for leaked information is because the GB / Leaders of JW Org are too secretive. If an Earthwide CCJW statement was given concerning such serious things the leaked memos would not be necessary. I'm sure all JWs Earthwide would like to know immediately the direction from their Leaders. It does concern their lives and the lives of their loved ones after all.

  11. 10 hours ago, Julie Bayley said:

    I knew this elder very well years ago Absolutely shocked to read this

    @Julie Bayley maybe the reason you are shocked is because these things are kept hidden by the Elders in the congregations. I hope you are aware that this type of thing is happening Earthwide in the JW Org.

    If you are not aware then I suggest you do a Google search for Jehovah's Witnesses Child Sexual Abuse.

    You will be horrified at what you find out. 

  12. But TTH says 'No one can disfellowship the GB'. And it has been proven that their Lawyers are dishonest.

    Therefore any changes will have to be 'authorised' from much 'higher up'. 

    May the God of Heaven and Earth show mercy to HIS true followers and bring in justice, truth and guidance soon.  I think cases such as this, and there are many more of them,  prove the need for a True Anointed to guide and protect Almighty God's people. 

    As for the GB / CCJW maybe this applies :- Revelation 2. v 4 & 5

     Nevertheless, I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first. “‘Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first. If you do not, I will come to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

    English Standard Version
    But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. 

    But I fear that all those with 'power and authority' within CCJW will not listen, not even to God through Christ.



  13. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/jehovahs-witnesses-refused-reveal-details-18007120 

    Paedophile ELDER.  Article dated 12 April 2020

    Clifford Whiteley, 73, jailed for offences but court told church had refused to reveal details of what he told them


    A Jehovah's Witnesses group refused to help police after a paedophile elder had confessed to them, a court heard.

    Clifford Whiteley, 73, had admitted the child abuse to a West Midlands branch of the church after carrying out the attack more than ten years ago.

    But a court heard the group allegedly refused to reveal details of that confession to police - citing data protection reasons.

    After being arrested by police Whiteley initially denied his crimes, before saying: "My life is over now. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot lie. God will judge me."

    Whiteley, of Ball Fields, Great Bridge, Tipton, was jailed for nine years at Birmingham Crown Court.

    The Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts, better known as Birmingham Crown Court

    He had previously pleaded guilty to sexual assault of a child and three other serious sexual offences.

    Passing sentence, Judge Paul Farrer QC told him: "You used your religion to convince your victim she was complicit in your wrongdoing and, in that way, sought to silence her and, sadly, you succeeded for many years."

    The court heard the victim had been brought up in the Jehovah's Witnesses while the defendant was an elder in a congregation in the West Midlands.

    Kathryn Orchard, prosecuting, said the victim had tried to "blot out" the offences.

    But after she revealed what had happened to her there was a meeting with church figures where Whiteley denied the allegations.

    Miss Orchard said the Jehovah's Witnesses also launched its own investigation and the defendant had confessed.

    But it was claimed when police later quizzed about the details of what Whiteley said, the group refused to reveal them.

    Miss Orchard said the defendant had also not answered police questions.

    The judge said the victim suffered severe psychological harm and that it was enduring.

    Sharon Bailey, defending, said Whiteley had a number of health issues which would become more acute in time.

    She said he had not been responsible for the Jehovah's Witnesses refusing to disclose his confession - a decision allegedly taken for data protection reasons.

    So it continues. No cooperation with the police. Using Clergy-Penitent Privilege / 'Data Protection' as an excuse.  

    It isn't going to change until Yahweh, through Yeshua / Jesus, judges the CCJW and it's Leaders.



  14. Copied as found. Don't know how true this is. 


    APRIL 10, 2020

    On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a statement regarding an experimental treatment for COVID-19. It involved “convalescent plasma” collected from people who have recovered from the disease. The FDA said that, while the treatment had not been approved (since experimental data was virtually non-existent), there were a few places where scientists or doctors could use it, including in patients with “serious or immediately life-threatening COVID-19 infections.” The thinking is that there are antibodies present in the plasma of recovered patients that could help current patients fight the virus.

    Okay. Fine.

    The problem is that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are reacting to this statement by saying it would violate the religion’s rules to accept this treatment.

    JWs have famously refused blood transfusions since 1945 even when they’re needed to save their own lives.

    The religion’s leaders are now saying plasma is included in that ban. The watchdog site JWsurvey obtained a “leaked memo from a Jehovah’s Witness Circuit Overseer” sent to local leaders:

    The new directive from a Jehovah’s Witness representatives says:

    “The Blood Issue: There’s talk about the FDA allowing doctors to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients with “convalescent plasma therapy”. It would be wise to advise the publishers that, it’s understood that this is giving the patient the whole plasma of the person who has developed the antibodies which would be unacceptable for a Jehovah’s Witness.”

    “However if the antibodies were extracted from the plasma (fractions/immunoglobulins) and then given to the patient, it would be a conscience matter for a Jehovah’s Witness. Some doctors may view plasma as a fraction. Therefore the publisher may need to explain their personal decision not to accept any of the blood’s 4 main components, one of them being plasma.

    Do you think ALMIGHTY GOD really means this ? 

  15. You females are still deliberately bypassing the point. 

    YOUR own Org, said YAHWEH was more likely to be correct. But they don't want to use what is more likely to be correct. So I agree with your Org that Yahweh is more likely to be correct. 

    You see, the difference between your outlook and mine is this, You conform to your GB and it's Org and therefore you are given CCJW answers even before you ask questions.

    It's a bit like scientists being paid to do research, but the one paying tells the scientists what result they MUST find. So it is in the CCJW, you are allowed to do research, but you MUST come up with the answers that the GB tell you to. 

    Whereas I am now in the position of having an open mind and being able to consider all possibilities. I am not restricted to obeying men, not threatened with being shunned or d/fed.  

    JW Insider seems to sit on the fence between those two choices, but you ladies seem to just follow the CCJW where ever it leads you. Srecko is a great 'breath of fresh air and life' here, because he has his totally independent viewpoint. 

    One thing that is becoming abundantly clearer to me is the fact that the CCJW / W/t Soc' is American. So it seems that JWs, American or not, are very influenced by this American attitude of having to be right. Even if in the 'small print' they admit to being wrong, they still have to push this idea of being right. 

    That point has been made so clear by the GB, with the Child Sexual Abuse problems. And it spreads from that into other things. The attitude of JWs on here, being so self righteous and insulting. 

    Each of us should use the name for God that we honestly feel is right. If any of you are only using the name you are told to use, then IMO, it shows a lack of personal relationship with God. 

    Please remember, i have no hate for any of you, I may feel disappointment but i will have to deal with that, I wish you all well. 


  16. Not that this relates, or even that anyone will believe it but :- 

    Whilst trying to do some research i read an experience online, about a lady householder that was called on by two female JWs. The topic of God's name came up and the householder said that God's name is Yahweh. To cut this shot, the outcome was that the two female JWs accused the householder of not being interested in making God's name known, just because the householder would not accept the name Jehovah as being God's name. 

    So, it does show how it affects situations / conversations. The householder may never speak to JWs again. 


  17. Quote @JW Insider  " I get the feeling you are only interested in the opinions that make it seem like the WTS is wrong, "

    BUT, the CCJW / W/t Soc' have said that Yahweh is most probably right, but that they want to stick with the name Jehovah. 

      On 4/10/2020 at 11:36 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    A question though to @JW Insider and to others that believe that Yahweh is correct.

    Quote from your comment.  " I don't know that Yahweh is correct. I only agree with the Watchtower publications that say Yahweh is more likely than Yehowah based on Hebrew pronunciation patterns for that particular sequence of consonants. "

    So how am i "only interested in the opinions that make it seem like the WTS is wrong, "

    If the W/t are saying that Yahweh is more likely correct, then I'm agreeing with them.

    As for Yeshua, yes it would be showing more respect to 'Jesus'. But imo, not so important as God's real name.

    The main point being that the CCJW / W/t,  'pretend' that they have been 'given' God's name by God Himself. This idea that God has taken out a people for His name, becomes ridiculous if the name they use is wrong, it just shows they were not and are not inspired of God. And when the GB / CCJW /W/t admit that Yahweh is more likely correct, but stick to what it then seems even they believe to be incorrect, it makes no sense. 

    A people for HIS name but using the wrong name. 

    If the Org / W/t  hadn't put in writing that they believe Yahweh is more correct. then no one would have known. But to admit to actually knowing that Yahweh is more correct, but still saying they have God's name is hypocrisy.. 

  18. On 4/10/2020 at 6:19 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    I noticed that. I didn’t think it was possible to upvote twice. Wait till Allen and his friends discover that little trick.

    Can you post laughing emojis repeatedly? Wait till 4Jah discovers that. He will post so many to a post that he will fall off the top of his doghouse and clunk his head, like Snoopy used to.

    So nice that you should think of me Untrue Tom H. 

  19. Oh dear the debate continues. 

    So does it seems that people are now agreeing on the Y instead of the J 

    And what about the W instead of V. 

    And does it seem that the last H is not sounded. 

    So that would bring us to YHWH = Spoken as Yahwee (h) 

    Reminds me a bit of PARIS which is actually pronounced Pahree or Paghee

    A French native would pronounce “Pahree” or rather “Paghee” -the French r (Paris) is a raspy note, pronounced at the back of the throat; it is the sound that we make while gargling.7 Nov 201

    BUT it is still written PARIS. 

    So with Almighty God's true name i'll stick with YHWH = YAHWEH = pronounced as Yahwee 

    After all, I answer to God through Christ, not to men. 

    The only other choice I would have is to trust humans to make me decisions for me. 

    Hope you all have a pleasant Sunday. 

  20. 3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    When you speak Hebrew or Arabic or some other semitic language - then I speak to you again...... you seem to think you are expert at  the difference between a "letter" and its "phonetical" pronunciation.

    So yes have a good laugh - at yourself for not realizing that you do not know the difference. 

    I think @JW Insider has proven you wrong.

    And the Watchtower writers, that you so much believe in, also say you are wrong.

    But you are entitled to your own opinion of course. Have a good day. 

  21. So Victims of CSA suddenly become 'opposition groups' do they ? 

    Or is it only the lawyers / solicitors / helpers of Victims of CSA that become 'opposition groups' ?

    Do enlarge on this please. 

  22. And TTH wonders why i laugh so much.

    @JW Insider spent a large contribution proving that YAHWEH was correct, then spends another one trying to justify the CCJW's use of Jehovah.

    Facts are facts. The tetragrammaton is YHWH. No J and No V.  

    JWI even admits that, "I only agree with the Watchtower publications that say Yahweh is more likely"

    However JWI also says "Changing it to Yahweh could just be seen as pretentious at this point." 

    You don't think it could be seen as 'New Light' then ? 

    I see it as pretentious that the CCJW use a name that isn't correct and then tell everyone, that will listen, that it is Almighty God's real name and that is why the CCJW use it. They pretend they were inspired to use it, whilst at the same time, in the small print, they admit it's wrong. Hypocrisy. 

    And what makes it more sad is that people will follow the GB and the CCJW no matter what they say. A good example being the 'Overlapping Generations'. 

    Do they actually get anything right ? 

     1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    There are people who say Yeshua today, and it seems pretentious to me, even though it's a more accurate pronunciation.

    So JWs don't want to pronounce anything accurately then ? 

    What is the point of having this knowledge about anything, if you are too frightened to use it properly ? 

    And the opposite end of the scale is the GB, the doesn't have knowledge but pretends to. 

    I think the GB / W/t / CCJW is too busy trying to tickle ears, to bring the $ / £ in. 


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