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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Quote @TrueTomHarley He doesn’t ‘vote.’ He laughs—like a hyena.

    Because you give me so much to laugh at Tom. And so does James at times. 

    This whole forum is quite funny really. especially when people use such silly names and multi AKA's.. 

    No need to watch television, it's all on here........... :) Y'all 


  2. Well it seems as if a certain lady on here has been misled then, which is a shame as I'm sure she means well.  

    And it seems that Yahweh is correct. 

    Christian love to all and I hope you are keeping 'safe'. 

    A question though to @JW Insider and to others that believe that Yahweh is correct.  Do you think the CCJW  & Watchtower Soc' should change the name they use for God ?   

  3. Quote @Arauna " Even if it is right in front of your face you will not see it because your entire personality (from what I see in your writing) is consumed by hate for the GB and JWs....... to the extent that you are even putting your family at risk on the altar to your hate.  "

    Firstly I am not consumed by hate for anyone. It's seems strange to me that it is always the JWs on here that tell other people that the other people hate this or that. 

    Unfortunately it is a teaching of CCJW that people 'outside the org' are full of hate and are horrible people. 

    Very sad really as JWs in general know this is not true, but they get brainwashed into believing it. 

    As for my family, my wife has her own personality and FREE WILL. My 25 year old son is now a grown Man, and he also has his own personality and FREE WILL.  Unlike JWs I do not control my wife, or her thoughts and actions. 

    My feelings about the GB are simple, they are not fit for purpose. If they are part of the Slave class then they must be that 'evil slave', the ones that beat their fellow slaves. I've given scripture and reasons for saying this previously.  

    And as for JWs, I'm not in contact with many now. My feelings are that JWs generally, here in the UK,  do not think for themselves. And when I've asked an elder for his opinion of certain scriptures, he actually says he will have to go and check up on the 'teaching'. So i feel pity for JWs not hate. But of course they will all be judged for their actions when the 'Day' arrives. 

    I'm still searching for truth but I know I won't find any here :). But here is good for practice, for research, for bringing scripture back to mind. And i do love the differences of opinions. Especially when someone says they are a JW but then says how their opinions differ from the CCJW. 

    I haven't quite got the sense of the GB / CCJW advising JWs to do personal Bible study, but then telling those same JWs, not to have different opinion to the GB / Org. 

    As you will already know, my opinion is that the Greek Scriptures are for the Slave Class / Anointed to understand properly, not the Domestics / Earthly Class. 

    A revelation* by Jesus Christ, which God gave him,a to show his slavesb the things that must shortly take place.


  4. I know of a family that have seven children. So when they go into field ministry that will be NINE report slips per month.  I would suggest that, but cannot prove, some of those seven children will be in field service against their own will. 

    But A. this is totally off topic, and B. it has all been discussed on here before. 

    I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial however you did it. As for numbers is it really important ? 

    I always thought quality was more important than quantity :) 

  5. Firstly I suppose we should get it straight that it wasn't the GB that decided on the name anyway. 

    https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclopædia_Britannica/Jehovah     Quote :- 

    The form Jehovah was used in the 16th century by many authors, both Catholic and Protestant....

     It appeared in the English Bible in Tyndale's translation of the Pentateuch (1530)

    But this is my last take on the subject as it's getting pointless just disagreeing on it....

    Contrary to what some believe, Jehovah is not the Divine Name revealed to Israel. The name Jehovah is a product of mixing different words and different alphabets of different languages. Due to a fear of accidentally taking God’s name in vain (Leviticus 24:16), the Jews basically quit saying it out loud altogether. Instead, when reading Scripture aloud, the Jews substituted the tetragrammaton YHWH with the word Adonai (“Lord”). Even in the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament), the translators substituted Kurios (“Lord”) for the Divine Name. Eventually, the vowels from Adonai (“Lord”) or Elohim (“God”) found their way in between the consonants of YHWH, thus forming YaHWeH. But this interpolation of vowels does not mean that was how God’s name was originally pronounced. In fact, we aren’t entirely sure if YHWH should have two syllables or three.

    Any number of vowel sounds can be inserted within YHWH, and Jewish scholars are as uncertain of the real pronunciation as Christian scholars are. Jehovah is actually a much later (probably 16th-century) variant. The word Jehovah comes from a three-syllable version of YHWH, YeHoWeH. The Y was replaced with a J (although Hebrew does not even have a J sound) and the W with a V, plus the extra vowel in the middle, resulting in JeHoVaH. These vowels are the abbreviated forms of the imperfect tense, the participial form, and the perfect tense of the Hebrew being verb (English is)—thus the meaning of Jehovah could be understood as “He who will be, is, and has been.”

    So, what is God’s Name, and what does it mean? The most likely choice for how the tetragrammaton was pronounced is “YAH-way,” “YAH-weh,” or something similar. The name Yahweh refers to God’s self-existence. Yahweh is linked to how God described Himself in Exodus 3:14, “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you.”’” God’s name is a reflection of His being. God is the only self-existent or self-sufficient Being. Only God has life in and of Himself. That is the essential meaning of the tetragrammaton, YHWH.

    I would think that even when the Org found out it was wrong, they just couldn't go back on what they had been teaching for so long.  It was such a main teaching that it would have broken them to tell the truth. 


  6. 1 minute ago, Arauna said:

    You do not believe Jehovahs spirit works on the GB ..... then please explain why the GB  used the correct pronunciation all along - because the newest information proves in more  than 1000 Hebrew manuscripts with its point system -  that jehovah is the correct pronunciation. 

    The GB have admitted to not being inspired of God's Holy spirit, So why should I think they are ? 

    And there was NO letter J in the Hebrew alphabet at that time. 


    Was the letter J in the Bible?
    The letter “J” wasn't invented until the 1500's, so there was no official Jesus, John, Jacob, Jonah, Joseph, Jude, etc… in the bible. ..


    The first letter in the name Yeshua ("Jesus") is the yod. Yod represents the "Y" sound in Hebrew. Many names in the Bible that begin with yod are mispronounced by English speakers because the yod in these names was transliterated in English Bibles with the letter "J" rather than "Y". This came about because in early English the letter "J" was pronounced the way we pronounce "Y" today. All proper names in the Old Testament were transliterated into English according to their Hebrew pronunciation, but when English pronunciation shifted to what we know today, these transliterations were not altered. Thus, such Hebrew place names as ye-ru-sha-LA-yim, ye-ri-HO, and yar-DEN have become known to us as Jerusalem, Jericho, and Jordan; and Hebrew personal names such as yo-NA, yi-SHAI, and ye-SHU-a have become known to us as Jonah, Jesse, and Jesus.

    So it seems very clear that God's name could NOT have been Jehovah Because the letter J did not exist in the Hebrew writings. The tetragrammaton  was YHWH 

  7. 7 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I do not find this to be a joke simply because I object to be controlled by anyone!....... and the implication that we are babies and cannot think for ourselves . ..... well it is a blatant lie..... albeit in a joke.

    I don't  think it was meant that way Arauna. @Anna asked a genuine question about the very young children being included in the count and @James Thomas Rook Jr. being his normal self made a joke about two or three year olds being included. 

    It wasn't to suggest that adult JWs are children or babies. It was actually talking about real babies. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Arauna said:

    The bible translators knew the name. Jehovah appears about 5 times in the original King James version.  In south Africa all the native translations had the name in it more than 6000 times but the same company (which printed the Afrikaans bible) took the name completely out of it in 1933. 

    Yea, JWs did stick to using this pronunciation: Jehovah! .... ..just amazing how the Spirit of Jehovah works!  It will be right in front of your eyes and you will not acknowledge  it...... 


    This information below is directly from the Watchtower Online Library. 

    The Codex Leningrad B 19⁠A, of the 11th century C.E., vowel points the Tetragrammaton to read Yehwahʹ, Yehwihʹ, and Yeho·wahʹ. Ginsburg’s edition of the Masoretic text vowel points the divine name to read Yeho·wahʹ. (Ge 3:14, ftn) Hebrew scholars generally favor “Yahweh” as the most likely pronunciation. They point out that the abbreviated form of the name is Yah (Jah in the Latinized form), as at Psalm 89:8 and in the expression Ha·lelu-Yahʹ (meaning “Praise Jah, you people!”). (Ps 104:35;150:1, 6) Also, the forms Yehohʹ, Yoh, Yah, and Yaʹhu, found in the Hebrew spelling of the names Jehoshaphat, Joshaphat, Shephatiah, and others, can all be derived from Yahweh. Greek transliterations of the name by early Christian writers point in a somewhat similar direction with spellings such as I·a·beʹ and I·a·ou·eʹ, which, as pronounced in Greek, resemble Yahweh. Still, there is by no means unanimity among scholars on the subject, some favoring yet other pronunciations, such as “Yahuwa,” “Yahuah,” or “Yehuah.”

    It seems YAH is Hebrew and JAH is Latin. 

    Consider a few examples of proper names found in the Bible that include a shortened form of God’s name. Jonathan, which appears as Yoh·na·thanʹ or Yehoh·na·thanʹ in the Hebrew Bible, means “Yaho or Yahowah has given,” says Professor Buchanan. The prophet Elijah’s name is ʼE·li·yahʹ or ʼE·li·yaʹhu in Hebrew. According to Professor Buchanan, the name means: “My God is Yahoo or Yahoo-wah.” Similarly, the Hebrew name for Jehoshaphat is Yehoh-sha·phatʹ, meaning “Yaho has judged.”

    All this is from the  CCJW / Watchtower Soc' and it all points to Yahweh. 

    So what is in front or Your eyes you don't believe.  

  9. 18 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Like the pharisees saw the miracles of Jesus but refused to acknowledge them, you are doing the same. There is ample proof about the name of Jehovah....but your fruits are poisonous, everyone who eats them will die.

    @JW Insider   Says "We should still remember that Watchtower publications have admitted for decades that we chose to continue to use the common pronunciation, Jehovah, even though we considered Yahweh to be a more accurate pronunciation. "

    @Arauna  You are then in fact arguing with your GB and the CCJW / Watchtower.  Your choice. 

    Quote @JW Insider  "Wrong" would be if it could not be easily understood who we were referring to.

    The name Jehovah wasn't known by many before the JWs existed.  And even today not many of the world's population know it as God's name. They know it as the name of the people that knock on the doors. 

    It would have been just as easy to use Yahweh from the beginning of the Org. AND, if the Org had been inspired then GOD would have given it HIS real name, if HE wanted it to have such a name.

    You people don't seem to know what you are saying. You really are not spiritual. 


  10. I'll go with this them

    Quote @JW Insider We should still remember that Watchtower publications have admitted for decades that we chose to continue to use the common pronunciation, Jehovah, even though we considered Yahweh to be a more accurate pronunciation. 

    As many have said before the GB / CCJW / W/t do it for convenience, not for truth. 

    Why would a true Christian want to use the wrong name ?


  11. 8 hours ago, Anna said:

    Sure, and why not? Luke 21:28

    I like the scripture, thank you. 

    It wasn't so much the keep calm bit, but the 'final part of the final last days, that I found funny.

    Do you really think we will all be sat at our computers in our warm and comfortable homes in the 'Final part of the Final Last Days' ? And do you think the broadcasts will still be happening ? 

    Of course God's true servants, Slaves and Domestics, should 'stand tall' in a spiritual sense, but I don't think they will be quite as comfortable as a lot of them are now. Lets be realistic, things are going to get rough and very wicked.


  12. Wow heavy vibes. I'm now using the name Yahweh when I pray to God and it seems to work better for me in my prayers. And I always thought the tetragrammaton was YHWH so it seems fitting. 

    If hovah is an insult then it is understandable that JWs use it, as they are not inspired to do otherwise. 

  13. Well I suppose it's nice to have some lighthearted jokes from @TrueTomHarley 

    Thanks Tom. 

    But in paragraphs one and two the GB / writing dept' admit that the JEW is the full amount of the Anointed remnant. 

    And that scripture in Zechariah says the 10 men of the earthly class want to go with that JEW class of people, because they know that God is with that JEW class.

    So that puts the JEW class as having God's blessing and guidance. ' God is with your people'.

    But still the GB / Writing dept' pretend that Anointed 'JEWs' should not contact each other to up build one another. The GB even go as far as saying that the Anointed "would be working against the Holy Spirit"

    How disgusting are the GB / Writing Dept to even suggest such things. And this to me proves that the GB / Writing dept are the evil slave that beats his 'fellow slaves'. For the GB to judge their Fellow Slaves as working against the Holy Spirit, that is a very serious charge to make. 

    In paragraph 8 it says that the bible 'does not tell us that we can make any HUMAN our leader' 

    But the GB say that ONLY they, those 8 men, are the F&DS. So they are making themselves your leaders. 

    TTH says " Should they come to feel they need one more member, surely it will be someone with a long-time record of faithful service and not just one ‘right off the boat.’ "

    And look at paragraph 10 " ... we will never follow others, even those who are anointed or well known or those who have served Jehovah for a long time" 

    But it's not about adding to those already there is it ? If you put a clean white cloth into a dirty puddle the clean white cloth becomes dirty like the rest of the puddle. 

    But paragraph 15 is the joke, oh if only it was a joke.  The GB decided to take the F&DS 'title' away from the  rest of the Anointed. That is the simple truth. Thereby making the GB the 'evil slave' that beats his 'fellow slaves'.   

    The scripture in Revelation 5 v 9 &10, proves that Jesus 'bought people out of every part of the earth, to make them Anointed ones. 

    And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10  and you made them to be a kingdomp and priests to our God,q and they are to rule as kingsr over the earth.”

    But the GB et al, cannot accept this. And because the congregants serve the GB, then the congregants will not accept it either. 



  14. My wife and i sat and watched this Special Talk on Sunday 5th April 2020

    In honesty I thought it was a bit weak, but I suppose it was for 'people of the world', or was it to convince the congregants ?

    However the stupidity of starting the talk with the idea of comparing to other religions and their morality. 

    Come on, even some of you have said CSA is everywhere, in all religions. And divorce, and fornication. 

    The CCJW is not seen as the clean religion standing out above other religions anymore. It is rather naive to think that the public find the CCJW cleaner or with higher moral standards. Or was it aimed at JWs ? Who really was he trying to convince? 

    And the second failure was the 'picture of the GB etc'. The speaker makes the point that Jesus is the leader, which of course is good. But then he shows this picture of the GB and others as if the picture is from God. He was using scripture, great, but then this picture, as if it came from the same source. 

    Anyone that was convinced by it must be very naive or lack intelligence. And the excuse cannot be that God and Christ use the less intellectual, because the Bible tells us to make sure of all things. The speaker did not use any scripture in relation to the picture, but tried to convince people that just because it was in that picture it must be true. How totally uninspired is that ?  A picture of Christ above the GB, above others in the CCJW. with no scriptural backing. 

    And then he went on to ask 'How would you show how you accept Christ's leadership ? ' He follows this by quoting Matthew 16 v 24, to disown oneself and follow Christ. 

    But that in no way proves that the CCJW are the way to go. It says to follow Jesus Christ. 

    One last point, he mentions the Great Crowd 'described in Revelation' but once again NO scripture. 

    A very poor talk with very little basis and even less scripture. It really showed a lack of God's Holy Spirit. 

  15. Quote @Anna You do know that the wine and bread symbolize Jesus' blood and flesh, that they are not really his blood and flesh, right?

    To a point, yes. But to the true Anointed they are the real thing. Otherwise there would be no point to it at all. 

    New Living Translation   John 6 v 53
    So Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you.

    It's not just a ritual, it has true spiritual meaning to the true Anointed. It puts them in UNION with Christ. If they remain true and faithful they will not get a second testing, they will automatically get eternal life. 

    Quote "Would you have the anointed and the great crowd segregated?"

    In God's eyes they already are. John 10 v 16

    English Standard Version
    And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.

    One flock but two separate folds. 

    Quote I think you forgot this scripture: John 3:16.            John 3 v 9&10

     In answer Nic·o·deʹmus said to him: “How can these things be?” 10  Jesus replied: “Are you a teacher of Israel and yet do not know these things?

    So Jesus was talking to Nicodemus, no to us. John 3 v 16

    “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.

    Because they will not be tested ever again. BUT the Domestics / Earthly Class will be tested when the devil is released at the end of the Thousand years. 

    Quote @Arauna We were set free from everlasting death when Jesus (the passover lamb) was slaughtered.

    Is this true ? Or maybe it just opened a door of opportunity to serve God properly with life in view.  The final testing will remove death forever. But that is 1,000 years + away. 



  16. @Anna quote

    Also, I don't know if anyone has listened to the memorial talk, the brother says that Jehovah's Witnesses would risk their lives to be at the memorial. In view of all the above, isn't that statement a little far fetched?

    Any thoughts?

    It's quite sad how people drift away from the original point of a topic. So getting back on topic. You've mentioned here the extremes of a JW brother. It does show lack of spiritual guidance.

    The Wine and Bread represent the Blood And Flesh of Jesus Christ. but it seems the JW Org don't actually want to think on those things. Is it to gory for you all ? 

    The Anointed drink the blood and eat the flesh of Christ and are then in Union with Him.

    And as Revelation 5 verses 9 and 10 make it clear it was for the Anointed. 

     And they sing a new song,m saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for Godn out of every tribe and tongue* and people and nation,o 10  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

    The GB and it's Org pretend it is for all mankind but this scripture shows it was for the Anointed.

    ( It also shows that the Anointed are from all over the Earth. )

    Therefore only the Anointed remnant need to be involved in the Memorial.  

    Anna, it seems as if you have noticed that already, by your original comment.

    However, I quote you :-

    I like how our website puts it: "The purpose of the Lord’s Evening Meal is to remember Jesus, showing our gratitude for his sacrifice in our behalf. 

    Then they use this scripture. 

    1 Corinithians 11 v 24

     and after giving thanks, he broke it and said: “This means my body, which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 

    In who's behalf ? Who was Jesus talking to ? It wasn't to the Domestics / Earthly Class.

    Jesus was talking ONLY to the Anointed.  

    Unfortunately this would not sit well with most JWs. And the GB need the donations / money. So the GB pretend it includes everyone. 

    IF, the true Anointed were given true recognition, then the Domestics / Earthly Class could help those Anointed directly. Matthew 25 v 40.

     In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ 

    Humans have too much pride, they think they are important. The Memorial is for the Anointed. 


  17. The lack of spirituality here is very sad.

    JTR Jr talks about money. Arauna talks about adultery. 

    Whereas the Bible talks about spiritual matters. 

     Matthew 24 v 48 - 49  48  “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves ... 

    This isn't talking about physically beating someone, this is about one part of the slave class spiritually bullying or putting down their Fellow Slaves. 

    And as I mentioned :- @TrueTomHarley  Still says that no one can disfellowship the GB.

    So this 'evil slave' can spiritually bully their fellow slaves, and no HUMAN in the CCJW or W/t can stop them. The clue lies in the word HUMAN. 

  18. https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/jesus-sacrifice-ransom/

    How Is Jesus’ Sacrifice “a Ransom for Many”?

    1. Payment. The Bible says that Christians were “bought with a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23) That price is the blood of Jesus, with which he “bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.”Revelation 5:8, 9

    Can we please take a look at this little quote from a JW Org page. Link is above for reference. 

    It looks all good doesn't it ? But is it in fact deceiving ? It's the bit that I've highlighted in RED. 

    It's a part quote from a scripture, AND, it is where I say that JW Org misuses scripture. 

    Lets look at the Revelation scripture Ch 5 v 8, 9  BUT also include verse 10. 

    When he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 eldersk fell down before the Lamb, and each one had a harp and golden bowls that were full of incense. (The incense means the prayers of the holy ones.)l And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10  and you made them to be a kingdomp and priests to our God,q and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

    In the top sentence ( marked as 1. Payment ) the GB / Writing department of CCJW / Watchtower make it look as if the Revelation scripture referenced is talking about ALL Christians. BUT, if we look at verse 10, we can see that it is talking only about the Anointed. How ? Because it says those ones are to rule as kings over the earth.” 

    So, Jesus was slaughtered and with his blood he bought Anointed Ones from every tribe and tongue and people and nation,

    Do people fully understand this ?

    These ones eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ.  John 6 v 53 - 56.

     So Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. 54  Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day; 55  for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. 56  Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him.

    When Anointed ones are resurrected to heavenly life they have no further testing, because they have eaten the flesh and drank the blood of Christ and they are in union with Him. 

    Whereas, the Earthly class do not eat and drink those things, so the ransom has not yet paid the price for them. Therefore the Earthly Class will get a testing at the end of the Thousand Years. Only on passing that test will the ransom of Christ pay the price for them and then they will 'come to life'. 

    I feel these are not my words, but God's. I have never thought of myself as inspired but if i can be of use to God through Christ, then may that take place according to God's will. 


  19. @Arauna says there is no hierarchy in the CCJW. 

    @TrueTomHarley says NO ONE can disfellowship the Governing Body.

    Can you see the contradiction here. 

    @Arauna  says the GB are the 'slave'  BUT :-

    From 1927 until 2012, this faithful and discreet slave was interpreted as all anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses. (see Jehovah’s Witnesses – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, p.626) 

    BUT :-

    Since July 15 2013, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been told – and now believe – that the “Faithful & Discreet slave” is their governing body only. Confirmation of this fact is found in  The Watchtower July 15 2013 page 21, paragraph 10:

    This relates to Matthew 24 v 48 - 49  48  “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’b 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves ... 

    The reason that the (GB) evil slave says that " My Master is delaying " is because the ( GB ) evil slave have been concerned about the exact time of Armageddon. They have been predicting the 'time of the end' over and over again. They are now embarrassed about their false prediction and have had to admit to NOT being inspired of Holy spirit. This of course makes them more worried about their position and escalates the beating of their Fellow Slaves. 

    BUT @TrueTomHarley  Still says that no one can disfellowship the GB. 

    This shows that the GB have exalted themselves above the rest of the Slave Anointed ones and shows proof of the hierarchy in the CCJW. 


  20. I also find verse 1 of chapter 1 of Revelation interesting too.

     A revelation* by Jesus Christ, which God gave him,a to show his slavesb the things that must shortly take place. And he sent his angel and presented it in signs through him to his slave John,

    As is shown in the Matthew 24 scripture (at top of page), the Slaves are the Anointed.

    Now we can also see in the Revelation that it was written to show HIS SLAVES the things that must shortly take place. Surely this proves that it was written for the Anointed to understand not for the Earthly class to fully understand. 

  21. 6 minutes ago, Kosonen said:

    But how will you recognize them if the WT organization is no more? I mean how will you know which anointed to listen to? Those anointed will probably be separated from each other because of severe persecution.

    And Jesus said that many will be stumbled. That means that many will lose their faith. So how will you be able to pick an anointed that will help you spiritually?

    Many years ago I worked for the Post Office in a big sorting office, doing late and night shifts. The money just rolled in. However it ruined my marriage at that time, ( which unfortunately was too late to save ). When i told everyone there that I was leaving to find a better job, they all laughed at me and said there are no better jobs. They seemed to almost worship the Post office and the money they were earning and could not see outside of that 'box'. 

    It seems that you also are inside a 'box'. The W/t and the CCJW are not essential for serving God. What / who is essential is Jesus Christ. However, if God so chooses, He may still use a selection of people from those organisations. At this time (Covid-19) many people are 'working from home'. And since the invention of the internet, communication earthwide is so much easier. It is not necessary to have the Anointed all in one place. With God's guidance and Holy Spirit all things are possible. Have more faith. 

    I agree, many will be stumbled. But many have already been stumbled by the GB and the CCJW. The GB have made up rules and have exalted themselves to a position whereby many JWs say 'the GB cannot be disfellowshipped. 

    Many congregants have been stumbled by the GB's rules, and hidden directions, concerning Child Sexual Abuse. Many more have been stumbled by the GB's false prophecies and constantly looking for signs. Many have been stumbled by the harsh rules and dishonest Elders in congregations.  Many have indeed lost faith, but only if they had put their faith in MEN. Many people have left the CCJW because they know in their hearts that the GB and the CCJW / W/t are not serving God properly. 

    Yahweh, Almighty God, notices these ones that have left the CCJW or want to leave for the right reasons, and HE keeps them in mind. HE will only act when HE is ready of course. Then HE will guide honest hearted peoples to here :-

    Zechariah 8 v 23

    “This is what Yahweh of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.”’”

    Remember Cornelius in Acts 10 v 30 and 31 :-

    Then Cornelius said: “Four days ago counting from this hour, I was praying in my house at the ninth hour; just then a man in bright clothing stood in front of me 31  and said: ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been favorably heard, and your gifts of mercy have been remembered before God.

    You asked me "So how will you be able to pick an anointed that will help you spiritually?

    @Kosonen  I won't pick an Anointed, Almighty God through Jesus Christ, will guide me to them. 


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