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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 1 hour ago, Kosonen said:

    @4Jah2me What would proper spiritual direction be for you? I hope it would not be that they have to teach exactly what is according to your understanding. If true anointed taught you something you don't agree with, what would you do? Would you anyway always stick to your personal understanding of the Holy Scriptures?


    I can see from your comment that you have preconceived ideas, and that you think you know me.  

    My understanding of scripture is very limited. But maybe Yahweh gave me direction in my new topic. 

  2. I was reading Mathew 24 v 45 onward in an effort to reply to Arauna concerning the Anointed and the Watchtower January 2020 Study Article 5

      “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46  Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! 47  Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.48  “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying, 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50  the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51  and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.

    Now lets look at this :-  The Master, Jesus Christ, appoints a Slave over his Domestics. The master does not appoint a Slave over other Slaves.

    That Slave would be happy if the Master comes and finds that Slave feeding the Domestics properly.  

    But if that evil Slave starts beating his FELLOW SLAVES, the Master of that Slave will punish him. 

    NOTE that it mentions that evil slave beating HIS FELLOW SLAVES. 

    It does not say the evil Slave will be beating the Domestics.

    Now if we go back to the Study Article 5 (January 2020 W/t) paragraph 1,  the scripture in Zechariah 8 v 23, we note that the JEW is the complete Anointed remnant.  Not just a small number of them. The paragraph itself says "The Jew here represents those whom God has anointed by holy spirit". So the GB / Writing Department here show that  they recognise that the JEW is the complete number of Anointed remnant. 

    That JEW, complete number of Anointed remnant, are also the Faithful and Discreet Slave. 

      From 1927 until 2012, this faithful and discreet slave was interpreted as all anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses. (see Jehovah’s Witnesses – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, p.626) 

    The Domestics are those of the Earthly Class, and they do not get beaten by the evil slave. 

    The evil slave beats his Fellow Slaves, FELLOW ANOINTED ONES. 

    The Evil Slave are the GB, that started to beat their Fellow Slaves in 2013, shown below :-

    Since July 15 2013, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been told – and now believe – that the “Faithful & Discreet slave” is their governing body only. Confirmation of this fact is found in  The Watchtower July 15 2013 page 21, paragraph 10:

    This relates to Matthew 24 v 48 - 49  48  “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’b 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves

    The reason that the (GB) evil slave says that " My Master is delaying " is because the ( GB ) evil slave have been concerned about the exact time of Armageddon. They have so many failed predictions that they know the congregation has lost faith in them and no longer trust them. This of course makes them more worried about their position and escalates the beating of their Fellow Slaves. 

    But now look at verses 50 and 51 of Matthew 24. 


    the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51  and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.

    This clearly shows that a time is coming soon when Jesus Christ will remove the evil slave and punish them. 

    When that happens a true SLAVE (Anointed ones) will arise to lead God's true Domestics (earthly class).

  3. @Arauna   Well even your GB / Writing department seem to realise that the Anointed are the JEW in the scripture in Zechariah 8. 

    Hopefully you've read the January 2020 Watchtower Study Article 5. 

    The scripture below is from another source but is the same scripture..

    Zechariah 8:23 New International Version (NIV)

    23 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”

    Now I think that scripture shows clearly that the True Anointed have a job to do NOW here on this Earth. Not to 'rule' it over everyone else, BUT to give proper spiritual direction. 

    Arauna your GB are not giving proper spiritual direction, and your GB are not the complete JEW.

    The very sad thing is that in the Study article 5 of that W/t, in paragraph 15 your GB, GO BEYOND THE THINGS WRITTEN. The GB give no proof whatsoever, from scripture, that they are the F&DS.   

    I'm going to start a new topic on this now :- 


  4. I think in twelve months time this virus will just be another part of history. 

    Why are some of you people still looking for a sign ? Like a member of your GB smiled and said 

    It's gonna get worse ! 

    When a person gets older they expect to be in lesser heath and ability. so it is with this old system of things, as it gets older it will get worse. It is run by the devil and he knows his time is short, so we must expect him to make things worse.

    BUT, that does not mean that Armageddon is 'so close' now. In fact isn't it a bit selfish to want it now ? 

    Shouldn't you be wanting thousands more people serving Yahweh before the 'end comes' ? 

    Some of you seem like those on the Titanic, you are 'in the lifeboat' so it's time to push off. 

    Maybe after this virus is gone, things may move forward spiritually, so don't be in too much hurry for Armageddon. 

  5. I have said before that unfortunately @Arauna  writes from her emotions, and I find her attack on @Witness to be very sexist.

    I know not whether @Witness is of the anointed but i can see by her writings that she is concerned for the spiritual health of all people. 

    I seem to notice that it is the JWs that do the insulting here. An example is the way @TrueTomHarley insults me. 

    But it was me that was given a warning by @Anna .   Can we please try to be nice to one another.

    Even if we do feel that some are enemies, Jesus said to Love your enemies. 

  6. Quote @Anna  "The "Jew" are all the anointed (spiritual Israel). The FDS are just a few of the anointed to give food at the proper time. Don't mix the two up"

    The truth is NO ONE know who the F&DS are.  You are only relating what you are told by the GB through the W/t.

    But one main point is, that scripture says that, the earthly class want to follow or 'go with' the JEW, the Anointed. It does not say 'go with' the 8 men of the GB of CCJW. 

    Next point.

    Quote "Peter was talking about the last days of what was going on at the time (destruction of Jerusalem was close),"

    I tend to agree with you on this but, was that a smaller fulfilment of the prophesy concerning the 'last days'.

    There seems to be an understanding that many scriptures had a smaller fulfilment and will have a bigger fulfilment. Only the Apostle John's writings were written after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C. E. So all other last day prophesies could have two fulfilments. 

    2 Timothy Chapter 3 for instance, talks about the 'last days'. But that was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. So Paul's letter could be referring to the last days before the destruction of Jerusalem. But it is generally accepted to mean the 'last days' NOW. 

    So 'what was spoken of though the prophet Joel' 

     17  ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams,l 18  and even on my male slaves and on my female slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    Could have a bigger fulfilment in THESE last days.

    And if so, who are those people mentioned in it ?  

    In that scripture God is promising to POUR OUT SOME OF HIS SPIRIT  but the GB admit to not having that spirit. Read that scripture again and see the promises in it that come from GOD.

    It mentions male and female being inspired by GOD'S holy spirit. IN the Last Days. 


  7. I've just been reading the January 2020 Study Watchtower. (Hard copy mag', not online) In particular Study No 5.

    Now my previous comment I wrote 3 hours ago on another topic, before I'd even seen this Study article. And what is this Study article about ?

    It's about the Anointed and WE WILL GO WITH YOU PEOPLE. 

    The 10 men and the Jew. It shows that the 'Jew' are the anointed and the ten men are people that want to serve God properly, with an earthly hope..

    However in para' 2 it says 'However they do not view the anointed as their leaders, realising that Jesus fills the role of Leader'   Keep that in mind.

    In para 7, we find this hint once again basically telling Anointed ones not to meet together  and not to have Bible discussions together. Saying the congregation would not be united if anointed ones 'did those things'.  It also makes a very harsh statement, that the anointed 'would be working against the holy spirit' if they were to do those things. 

    However in para' 8 it tells us about the bible, saying ".but it does not tell us that we can make any human our leader" Remember this too. 

    Para' 10 says " we will never follow others, even those who are anointed or well known or those that have served Jehovah for a long time.  Remember all this.

    Because you should also remember that the GB have said "Jehovah and Jesus trust us (GB) so you should trust us" 

    Para' 12 once again uses the idea of some of the 'anointed' being mentally ill, 

    BUT para 15 is the big one. Quote " Not all who have the hope of living in heaven are part of 'the faithful and discreet slave'  

    It uses the excuse that 'Just as in the first century, Jehovah and Jesus today are using a few brothers to feed, or teach, many. Only a few anointed Christians in the first century were used to write the Christian Greek Scriptures ". 

    What it completely fails to mention is that there were relatively few anointed disciples in the position of being with Christ at the time and therefore having the knowledge to write those things.

    It also fails to note that Paul was more of an 'outsider', not one of the twelve, but Paul was used to write the letters to the congregations. 

    Para 15 goes on to say that " Today only a few anointed Christians have the responsibility to give God's people 'food at the proper time' ".

    That paragraph 15 is so tiny and slyly slipped in there. It's right at the end of the article deliberately to play on the minds of congregants. It has no scriptural backing at all. 

    So the Study article starts off by saying exactly as I have said about the 10 men clinging to the robe of a Jew. It recognises the JEW as being the Anointed.

    It recognises the earthly class as Saying "We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people"

    BUT then it ends the article by saying that only those 8 men are the F&DS. 

    Hypocrisy of the highest order. No scripture in the whole Bible says those 8 men are the F&DS. And no scripture says who the F&DS are. The Governing Body of CCJW have given themselves that title and are still pushing this full tilt on the congregation. 

    The scripture in Acts 2, from verse 14 where Peter implies that they are living in the last days, states that, from v 17,

    ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams,l 18  and even on my male slaves and on my female slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    This scripture mentions women as well as men prophesying. It mentions young and old seeing visions and dreaming dreams. BUT it doesn't mention just 8 men that 'study together' (which they don't want other anointed doing)  being the only ones to prophesy. 

    I am grateful to the provider of the magazines i have. It's nice to be able to read it in print. 


  8. But then PEOPLE that think the true Anointed should be totally ignored, and that people should follow a Governing Body of MEN who pretend to be a 'faithful and discreet slave', but at the same time are ruling over others by man made rules, well it shows who THEY serve doesn't it.

    I don't think a true Anointed remnant would want to 'rule' whilst in human form, BUT, they may want to offer guidance. A think a true Anointed would see themselves as a servant of God not as a GOVERNING BODY. 

    CSB    Zechariah 8 v 23 

    The Lord of Armies says this: “In those days, ten men from nations of every language will grab the robe of a Jewish man tightly, urging: Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”
    23  “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe* of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you,k for we have heard that God is with you people.”
    King James Bible  Act 2 v 17 
    And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
    NWT Act 2 v 18. 
    18  and even on my male slaves and on my female slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
    So where do these scriptures in Acts fit in with your GB ?  Your 8 men that lord it over the congregation. 
    In v 14, it says Peter stood up and spoke to them, the people. And it seems that Peter related what was happening to them actually being in 'the last days'.   So was that indeed the beginning of the 'last days' ?
    Now if so then it mentions twice about females prophesying, firstly 'and your sons and daughters will prophesy' and secondly, 'and on my female slaves ... and they will prophesy'.
    So where are these other men and where are these females that are to prophesy ? If it is only your 8 men of the GB that you rely on ? 
    Note also that God promises to POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT OF THOSE ONES. BUT your GB admit to NOT being inspired on God's Holy spirit. 
    I've started a new topic after just reading the January 2020 Study 5 which is rather interesting.  WATCHTOWER JANUARY 2020 STUDY 5 
  9. 12 hours ago, Kosonen said:

    Ok, you say that. Did you notice in the Insight article the statement?:

    Does not a such statement portray God to be primarily concerned about him self? 

    We should be able to imitate God, if the above statement was true, we could also be primarily concerned about our selves. That would make us selfish.

    You see the authors of the Insight article have misunderstood the scriptures. And they draw false conclusions. The Bible does nowhere directly say what they say. Instead Jesus and the apostles tried hard to convince us people about God's surpassing love for humanity. 

    Surely the WT organization's false belief about the importance of God's sanctification at any cost has contributed to their policy to keep sins commited by and within the organization confidencial. 

    While in the Bible sins of God's appointed kings and his people were not held in secret. We can read about them still today in the Bible.


    How many scriptures would you like :-

    Ezekiel 36:23    Ezekiel 38:16   Ezekiel 28:25    Ezekiel 39:7   1 Kings 5:5  Isaiah 48:9

    Ezekiel 38:23   Isaiah 43:7   Numbers 3:13     Ezekiel 39:27       Ezekiel 20:41

    God / Yahweh has sanctified HIS own name many times and will continue to do so. 

    Your idea that humans can do the same for themselves is just twisting the situation for your own use. YHWH is Almighty God and therefore is entitled to sanctify HIMSELF above every thing and every one. 

    You do seem to place more importance on humans than is necessary. Now that is a fault of the CCJW. 

    Don't you ever wonder what plans God has for when this little hiccup is over. Do you think this Earth and humans are the only things that Almighty God has in mind ?  Really ?  

    God has to be sure that all spirit persons in the heavens are true to HIM and love HIM. 

    God almost completely wiped out the human race once (The Flood) and God is going to almost wipe out the human race again (Armageddon). Almighty God is far superior to everyone and everything. Understand it and live with it.  Unfortunately the GB and the CCJW  will not be humble enough to live with it, that is why they are failing and will continue to do so. 

    As for your excuse as to why the GB wants the sins of the CCJW hidden, you are wrong. 

    The reason the GB want their sins hidden is as I've said above. The GB and the CCJW are not humble enough to show respect to Almighty God through Jesus Christ. The GB and others with power in those Orgs (CCJW / Watchtower Soc ) are trying to keep their own power, they do not 'bend their knee' to God or Christ. 

    I think you need a bigger and deeper perspective of all things. 

    For instance, I often think on this :-  Was the angel (that became the devil ) actually put in charge of the Earth ? 

    If so, then did God and His Son have further plans for another planet ? Have those plans been put on hold for this short time, for it is only a short time in God's eyes. You see, I try to think more from a spiritual viewpoint.  This Earth and us humans are just small fry. Important to a small degree, but not the most important. 

    The important thing was for God to clear all blame from HIMSELF. He is still in the process of doing that. We are fortunate to be able to be part of it, but we are not  the most important part. 

  10. I thought the Insight book description was very good and proper.  It puts humans in their proper place. Whom ever wrote that did well I think, and i think God would be pleased with the way it was written.

    The praise and authority and respect was given fully to God, although I'm not sure the name of God is correct.

    I did note that higher up on the page it says, that Hebrew scholars are more inclined to the name Yahweh, which i agree with. 

    However the Model Prayer says 'Let you name be sanctified'  It does not say 'Sanctify your own name'. 

    As God's 'name' is already holy in heaven, then it seems more to be asking that humans can do their part in making God's name holy here on earth. 



  11. Quote @Kosonen "But I have recently realized one particular doctrine in the Watchtower literature making it difficult. It is the doctrine of how important the sanctification of Jehovah God is for God himself."

    However what i don't see here IS, any example from any Watchtower magazine. 

    Surely you should furnish proof positive by giving the details of the Watchtower mags' these things are written in ? 

    If what you are saying IS true, then it would look as if the GB are heading in the way John Butler said they would be heading. @TrueTomHarley says 'No on can d/fed the GB'.  A bit naive in my opinion.  If God finds the GB turning their backs on HIM even more than they have already, then i think God will act in some way to put matters straight.

    As for the letter even getting read in a serious manner, I doubt that very much.

    Which Bethel / HQ are you sending this to ?

    BUT, God is not acting just for humans to benefit is HE ?  The challenge did not start with humans did it ? 

    The challenge started in heaven, by an angel. Then many more angels took the side of the main rebellious angel. So the main reason God is taking this forward is not for the benefit of humans.  The main reason is for God to prove HE has the right to be in complete charge of all things. 

    I hope you do not think that humans are the most important thing. We are not superior to heavenly beings. 

    Therefore God needs to satisfy the 'minds and hearts' of all those heavenly beings once and for all time, so that rebellion will not start again. 

    Sanctification is a strange word. We as humans trying to serve God, want to try to clear God of blame. We want to show other people that God does not do harm in this 'world', nor does HE do good in a general way. Basically we need to show people that God is not involved in daily life, but has a plan of action which HE will bring into play when HE is ready to do so. 

    However God has to show all those heavenly / spirit beings that HE has the right to rule. And that HE is just, loving, kind and merciful, and that HE has the power to carry through HIS plans. So if that is what the GB means then it is right. But if the GB are suggesting God is selfish, wow, they are then heading for big trouble. 

  12. I don't think there is a problem with not being equal.

    If I ever get to know who the true remnant of the Anointed are, I will accept them as being above me. 

    I certainly would not think that I am equal to the Apostles. I don't actually want to be equal to everyone else. In my opinion being humble means thinking of myself as a lesser one. 

    As for Kos' idea of one body, I think that only refers to the Anointed ones. 

    The Anointed are the one body of Christ, with Christ as the head. 

    Jesus said "I have other sheep that are not of this fold". He of course meant the earthly class. So in my opinion they cannot be of the same 'body'.  Would seem strange to me to have part of the body in heaven and part of the body here on earth. 

    So I do not consider myself equal to the Heavenly class. God has made personal contact with them, and He has not and will not with me :).. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Arauna said:

    The bible says we must lift up our heads in joy when we see these signs of which one is pestilence.  We are not happy when people die but happy that our deliverance is getting closer...

    Matthew 24 v 4 through 8.

     In answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you,e  for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.f  You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet.g “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,h and there will be food shortagesi and earthquakes in one place after another.j  All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.

    Luke 21 v 9 through 11.

     Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances,* do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.”j10  Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation,k and kingdom against kingdom.l 11  There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences;m and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.

    I think @JW Insider  said that the so called signs were actually just the opposite. They are things not to get excited about, because it gives false hope. 

    And as I've said before Jesus warned against those looking for 'signs'. Looking for physical signs is showing a physical viewpoint not a spiritual viewpoint. 

    Surely there are many things to happen between now and the Judgement. 


  14. @Arauna  Unfortunately you write emotionally not spiritually, so it is difficult to have a conversation with you.

    Proof of this is such things as :-

    Quote "maybe you are the only person God can use heh?  It seems you think this way...

    How can I answer such things ? If you have read many things that i have written you would know differently.

    Quote " Pride is a blinding sin.  When one judges for God that the spiritual Israelites  he is using are not good enough for you."

    Firstly, it does not seem as if GOD is using anyone right now.  Anthony Morris' comment concerning the Virus is not exactly loving is it ? The Virus is not from God, so why would that GB member be so happy about it ?

    And the CSA issue is of course not so important right now, but it is still there, and still to be answered for.

    And the misuse of scripture, overlapping generations etc...  

    I only judge the GB and the CCJW for my own purpose, so that i can tell if it is the right way to try to serve God. In my eyes it is not the right way to serve God, because it can easily be seen as unclean and sometimes dishonest.  And not least that the GB admit to not having God's guidance. 

    It is no different to you or anyone judging the Catholic Church or any other religion as to if that religion is serving God properly. And lets be honest the CCJW has constantly judged other religions and condemned them. 

    Arauna, you still seem to be putting your faith in those 8 men. So be it, if it suits your needs. But don't be so angry with others that are looking to God through Christ for a true answer. 



  15. Yes the resurrected will get their judgement at the end of the 1,000 years, the same as anyone else. 

    And Jesus was talking about those of the heavenly class, but you don't have to believe it if it doesn't fit with your comfort zone. 

    And misusing scripture just shows that you are one of the CCJW. That's all. If i say more I will be accused of wrongful action, so I'll stop here. 


  16. 1 minute ago, Arauna said:

    That is your opinion. You are telling God that you feel there is no organization clean enough....  

    Do you not remember the scripture where David said that if jehovah only looked at our faults then no-one will be able to stand before him.... 

    Israel was very imperfect but jehovah stuck with his purpose for them. 

    Point 1. God does not need telling HE already knows. My prayers to God ask HIM to bring forth a clean people for HIM to use. 

    God used the Nation of Israel for a couple of reasons. The main reason was to being forth Jesus Christ. 

    But as I've said before, and of course I'm ignored for it, people were BORN INTO the Nation of Israel so they did NOT CHOSE to be Iraelites. Hence it was not voluntary.  Do you not understand that ?

    And therefore do you not understand the big difference ?  JW's volunteer TO BE JWs. It is a personal choice, a choice which Israelites did not have. 

    There is no comparison between the Nation of Israel  and the CCJW in that way. 

    But one thing, the Nation of Israel got punished for disobeying God. They got punished for offering their children in the fire. They got punished for worshipping false gods. 

    So if you really think the CCJW is God's chosen organisation, and if you really think it compares to the Nation of Israel, then I suggest to you that you get ready for the CCJW to be punished by God. 


  17. 13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    You failed the test I use.

    You have different criteria than I use.

    You are so funny James.  Your 'test' is not important to me. 

    If you are blind enough or lazy enough to remain with CCJW then why should i be concerned about your opinion ?  I gave you an option, which you obviously do not like. 

    Stay safe, America seems to be suffering badly. 

  18. @James Thomas Rook Jr. It is clear from the Bible that God works THROUGH the Congregations.

    But CCJW congregations are fed by the GB through the Watchtower, which has a history of lies and deceit and mistakes. It has been proven to deliberately misquote others such as scientists etc. It has promoted false hopes many times. It now seems to use all and any world event to promote the panic that 'the end is here' and with that it promotes the false idea that a person 'must be a baptised JW to be saved'. All this even when the GB admit to NOT being inspired by God. 

    Frying pan or fire James, but it doesn't have to be either. You don't have to be a JW or have to be in another religion. I am not in any religion, but I still pray to God through Christ. 

    What do you suggest is BETTER than what I have now?

    Answer : Do not be in any religion, pray to God yourself asking for direction through Christ,  and wait on God to show which group of people HE will use. 

    Imagine if millions of people did just that, then God would know how serious people were in looking for truth. 

    Instead, people including JWs, sit in their comfort zone, having their ears tickled. Surrounded by like people, they comfort each other with the lies from their leaders. Putting their trust in men. How easy that is, how lazy that is, how disrespectful to God and Christ that is. 

    And in places like Russia they die for their leaders and their 'religion', but not for God. They are just like soldiers dying for their country. Because they have put their faith in Men. 

    @JW Insider I accept the lead of good examples 

    Um, I'll try to stop laughing. Come on JWI, you have made clear that your GB are not a good example. I don't really want to harp back to CSA, withholding documents, lawyers telling lies in courts, et al, but that is just one example that your GB are NOT a good example to follow. 

    Exalting themselves above others by saying only those 8 Men are the F&DS, is another example of them NOT being a good example to follow.  

    But this is all just repeating what you already know. 

     Quote " Also, the level of morality that's promoted includes, "

    The immorality in the CCJW is mostly hidden unless you are one of them with a good eye and keen ear. Having been 'one of them' and having first hand knowledge of how bad things are in there, then i'm not misled by the 'cleaning of the outside of the dish'. Outsiders have no idea how bad the CCJW really is inside. And you, yourself have given us all more in depth info' about Bethal and such places. Homosexuality and wild parties if my memory serves me correctly. And also something about brothers being d/fed for having certain private Bible study groups ?  (I wish my memory was clearer).

    Quote " neutrality when it comes to participation in divisive politics "

    Maybe you need to talk to James on this one ? He seems to want details about voting or not.

    James, God 'worked' through the congregations. Worked - past tense. that was in the first century. 

    Just because CCJW is earthwide it means nothing, so is Islam and Catholicism.... 

  19. @JW Insider

    *** yb75 p. 146 Part 2—United States of America ***
    So, as Anna MacDonald recalls: “1925 was a sad year for many brothers. Some of them were stumbled; their hopes were dashed. They had hoped to see some of the ‘ancient worthies’ [men of old like Abraham] resurrected. Instead of its being considered a ‘probability,’ they read into it that it was a ‘certainty,’ and some prepared for their own loved ones with expectancy of their resurrection.

    This was probably the saddest and most embarrassing year in the history of the Watch Tower Society. Does this sound happy?

    Didn't a similar thing happen in the early 1970's ? Didn't brothers/sisters sell their homes, live in their garages,  give up full time jobs, get into debt ,all because the GB / CCJW said that Armageddon around 1975 ? Whether 1975 was actually put in writing is not important because we all know it was more than a 'suggested' date. 

    BUT STILL many of you JWs insist that your CCJW is 'the best game in town'. 

    When I read what @Witness had written above (it's that one comment I'm referring to), it makes far more sense than many things in the Watchtower magazines.  

    My heart is always open to consider all things, but JW Insider regularly makes it clear that people should not trust those 'leaders' of the CCJW. 

    Conclusion, never trust the best game in town............... 


  20. Meanwhile here in the UK, Boris the PM has just announced a sort of 'lock down' on all of us.  As of tonight we are basically grounded. Not a strong enough 'lock down' in my opinion but then modern day UK PMs are never strong enough to get a job done. 

    Meanwhile I notice that TTH is more concerned about money than human sufferings. And as for the CCJW still pumping out their 'talks' etc, so what ?  Lies are lies and deceit is still deceit whether by word of mouth live, or by relayed internet or other tech'.  Makes no difference if you are all still singing to the same tune, if the song does not serve God. 

    @JW Insider I think you totally avoided what i said to waffle on about other things. Why even bother to quote me if you don't actually want to answer what i asked ? 

    You did make it quite clear though that the CCJW is built on a crumbling foundation. In fact the CCJW is built on a foundation of lies and deceit. For you to say it does not matter now, well that is your opinion of course.  It only does not matter to new members that never knew the previous lies and misused scriptures. 

    I'll repeat @Srecko Sostar 

    It can be so for new and coming generations of JW members ( younger in age and who are not so long time in organization). Older members try/tried to cope with issue and found few methods how to deal with wrong faith doctrine. 

    More serious "problem" not gone, and will stay "forever". To give and show trust in GB leaders, because Jesus also trust GB. :)) 

    Thank you Srecko, very true words. 

    @JW Insider  Your list of 4 points proves very clearly that your GB are not the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'. 

    You have proven by your own words how wicked they are. 

  21. @Kosonen  I disagree with you on many things, but it's your choice you have your own views. 

    Matthew 22:30  for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are as angels in heaven

    In my opinion,as I believe the Greek scriptures are about and for the Anointed, I feel this scripture you quote is referring to the Anointed / Heavenly class once they have been resurrected . It is not just about men and women not having sex, more importantly it is about them NOT HAVING REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AS THEY ARE NOT HUMAN. but they are as angels in heaven

    Also, I disagree with you on your explanation of this scripture. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.)"

    In my opinion the dead will be resurrected within the one thousand years, and they will be taught truth. Many of then would never have known about God or Christ.  The reason they will 'not come to life' is simple, it means they will not automatically be given everlasting life before the final testing. 

    And this statement from you ? " And evidently wicked people will not be resurrected to be taught righteousness. Instead they will just appear before God and get a judgement. " ??? You know this for sure do you ?

    I would agree that anyone judged wicked at Armageddon and put to death at that time, it would seem would not get a resurrection, but those that have previously died, even if they had spent their lives being wicked, would get a resurrection. But then who are we to judge who is wicked and who is not. Didn't Jesus say of the Jews "You ,even though you are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children" 

    Matthew 7 v 11.

    Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him!

    I think all those Jews and the Romans that killed Jesus will get a resurrection. Otherwise why did Jesus say "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". 

    Quote " Because people will during the 1000 years marry and get married and have children."

    Why do you think this way ?  When the Ark was on the water those inside did not have sexual intercourse did they ?

    Was it only afterwards that they began to have sexual relations to produce children? 

    So maybe the thousand year reign of Christ is like the time the Ark was afloat. Because it was not until the waters had gone and the Ark was on dry land that those inside were truly saved. So it will not be until the thousand years have finished and the final testing is gone that those humans here on Earth will be truly saved and have ever lasting life. 

    So it makes much more sense to start having children in the 'New world', in a perfect environment, like that God had created in the beginning. 

    But we each have our own thoughts and i wish you a good day. 



  22. Quote @JW Insider "No one should be able to say, oh look at this war, "See here!" it is the greatest war ever seen, or "Look at this great earthquake, or famine, or pestilence, "

    But isn't that what the GB and CCJW do ?   Don't they misuse the sufferings of others to hype up their own agenda ? 

    Didn't a GB member say he was not bothered by this virus and that  'we were expecting it to happen' as part of a sign of the end times ? 

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