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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    @Patiently waiting for Truth You are in an ongoing debate - your response should be in the other thread, not here. Respect the rules of the debate - thank you.
    Also @Srecko Sostar called you John, and you show no reaction to being called John, Butler, or JB, and you talk about him a lot and have the same mannerism.
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    @Patiently waiting for Truth You are in a DEBATE, Butler.
    I told you if you make an accusation against a community I am part of, it would come to this, therefore challenge accepted the second you utter a 3rd Truther accusation.
    @TrueTomHarley @Witness @Srecko Sostar @Puddlez @Kick_Faceinator @JW Insider @Equivocation and everyone else did not make the such an accusation - ever, in your case, 3 times in succession you made concerning the community.
    You have to start with the first segment, hence a debate. You can't put all segments into one for in a debate, segments and or subject matter is of strict focus -  again, you sought out the debate, so now you have to play by the rules of said debate because the spotlight is on both of us. In a debate, facts must be stated, not personal opinions alone. Facts in this activity are anything learned from research by means of article sources and or video, etc. In a segment focused debate, there is no outside help, in this regard, everyone is a spectator for the debate is between you and I.
    The first segment is the following
    Since I asked the question first, as seen here
    Out of respect in the realm of debate, you can follow the below.

    That being said - Respect the Rules of the Debate. For this is a classic because this forum was originally Controversial Posts.
    As stated, anything pretraining to Jehovah's Witnesses can't help you here, this is Segment focused debate, so anything pertaining to the Bible or about Truthers and the word Truth can only be focused on.
    Since the first question in segment I was presented to you, put forth your information.
  3. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    @Srecko Sostar You yourself called out Jehovah's Witnesses for Bible errors several times (The notable one was regards to Judges of Israel), you brought forth again of JW errors in regards to the notation of Basic Knowledge, in this case, their Bible - New World Translation (NWT), I didn't ask you for that other stuff, for we are focused on errors.
    Also I am aware that they crafted the NWT, who is not aware? Also I didn't ask you for what JWs are doing now, but if you want to go there - Then in your eyes the JWs are wrong for proclaiming such Bible errors, right? Should the people know? That is for you to speak of in regards to this matter.
    Also thank you for confirming who @Patiently waiting for Truth is, for in the past, he made claims he was not John Butler, in fact, even spoke of himself in 3rd person. It didn't take Batman level of Detective work to recognize the textual and speech patterns of Butler, so the fact I refer to him as JB, early on, with his denial and later shows no reaction to it further, practically unmasked him, and this, unmasked him even more.
    So I will quote you again:

    If that is what you think, them not being true witnesses, then there should be no issue calling them out for removal of verses or partial changes of verses. @Patiently waiting for Truth brought up an example of what I had addressed to you, but has not shown evidence as to why they made the change, something of which the NWT has often been criticized by certain scholars.
    Please address the following that is being asked of you - again, I do not need to do another Glasgow with your comments about errors and translation
    To make it easy for you we can start with John 7:53-8:11 and Acts 7:59-60, something of which Jehovah's Witnesses were called out for concerning their Bible, the NWT.
    Again, you and the sources of JWfacts claim that they are in error in regards to Translations. The images were provided by Mr. Cedars, an Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, whom you follow.
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    Actually it was I that took up the challenge because you made a point of saying that I should start a new topic. 
    Well I started a new topic ! 
    BUT once again you miss the whole point of it. It's not that you are 'blind' to what i write. But I can read in your words that you deliberately twist things. 
    This is not only with me. You do it to @Witness and you do it to @Srecko Sostar .  
    Now my point about people giving themselves or their Organistion a 'title' relating to the word Truth. 
    Anyone can use that word Truth. Tom Harley calls himself @TrueTomHarley  You call your self a Truther
    The JWs say they are in the 'truth'. 
    The word TRUTH therefore loses it's meaning, ( especially concerning the Watchtower / JW Org.
    I have no interest in what you Truthers say or do, as to me it is just part of the 'world'.  
    And I am also not interested in digging into politics, one side or the other. I'm not interested in calling people 'Left' or ' Right' as that is getting involved with the world. 
    And I repeat, the word TRUTH has lost it's original meaning, because to many People or Orgs misuse it. 
    Maybe that is part of the Devil's plan. Words get diluted, they lose their original meaning, that can mean if we are not careful, when we read scripture we might lose the true sense of it. 
  5. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    @Alzasior Lutor C'est bien, mais en ce qui concerne Mr. Butler ici, je lui ai dit que s'il faisait une accusation concernant la communauté que je joue un rôle en aidant, cela entraînerait un débat entre lui et moi, et il l'a fait ici.
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    [Segment I] If you are going to make a reference to me, at least explain to everyone in the class what a Truther is. You will not have a good time using the google searches either because prior to various events in the last 10+ years and the formation groups, the legitimate actions of such persons has been changed, as is with added slander and accusations, many edits, which came to light briefly because of January 6th to the general public.
    For I told you, if you are going to make an accusation like that again, you will be debated on it, and you did so in a way that prevents you from seeking aid be it from a JW or an ExJW because they are unaware of the community in question. Now here we are. Granted to go for one, you go for all of them in this regard - and to that I accept the challenge, although didn't doubt you would actually take up the warning.
    You can start with [Segment I]
    The other stuff can be dealt with afterwards. And of course in a debate, no outside help from others on the forum. You'll be speaking as if you are in public discourse, so there is no need to induced anything of your former faith or mention since we will keep it Bible and Fact base only, excluding what a Truther is for that is in regards to a community.
    That being said, 
    As follows:
    Segment I - What is a Truther Segment II - What is Truth concerning Scripture Segment III  -  What is the Full Context of Matthew 9:9-13 concerning Matthew in this gospel.
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Alzasior Lutor in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Patiently waiting for Truth
    1 Corrinthiens 6:
    9Or don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,  10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God.  11Such were some of you, but you were washed. But you were sanctified. But you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God —————- We want help everything one. As you , we would help them if they needed help in an emergency.    Everything one is free to  ear or not.   

    My sister is one of them. She know what is think of God. Now she have a very great hate again me. 
    ———- I'm not going to kill myself because of his feelings.
    Now I'm not close to my sister. I still care about life.
    I have my life and she has hers. If she wants words of comfort, she goes to her girlfriends.
    "I have come to call sinners" .... We preach the good news of the kingdom to all, without exception, without discrimination. However, we do not approve of their conduct to make friends with them. They have their own lives just as we do. 
    I will not invite myself to my neighbor's house who is a homosexual or a killer, to murder him. He is free to choose as I am free to choose .... 
    I love my neighbor by teaching him about the mind of God. 
    Jesus, in seeking to help sinners, did not associate with them to practice their sins, but to heal them. 
    "I want mercy and not sacrifice".
    We show mercy to everyone by bringing them a spiritual balm. It is our sacrifice of praise that we give to God. 
    If the person wants to commit suicide because of me, because of my feelings of hatred towards homosexuality, I will go to that person to encourage them to live for the joy of God. Yes, there are some who change their behavior.

  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Do you want to be extremely uncompromising (utterly unyielding) in claiming that JWs do not make a single mistake in their beliefs and the way they practice their religion (including JW people who created NWT) ??
    If you start with such a perspective then it is superfluous for John and I to answer such and other similar questions.
    The fact is, which does not require it to be explained and proven, that JWs are not on the streets with their magazine trolleys and that they cannot be seen going from house to house. This kind of “sacred service”, for them, was proof that they were “true witnesses” for God. It was an indicator and example, in the eyes of JW, for other religious members of how to preach and how individual faith in God is proven and demonstrated. If JWs preach over the phone, the Internet, writing letters, or the like, that is not something that would be the original way of preaching after the example of the First Church. This is what JW's himself (they) claims, that going from house to house and looking people in the face is the best way because Jesus and the apostles practiced and established it as an example to follow.
    From everything we know (see) is going on, we don't need to start again (which started on the first page) with a discussion, because the current practice of JW members, on preaching, ends / concludes your question.
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Srecko that made me laugh, because it is so true. A perfect answer, well done  
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    A man calls himself a TRUTHER. 
    Another man calls himself TRUE 
    And an Organisation says they have the TRUTH.
    But Jesus says (recorded at Matthew 9 :13.
    Berean Study Bible
    But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
    God's word is TRUTH, that is real truth.  The Pharisees had the Hebrew scriptures, so it could be said that the Pharisees 'had truth'.
    So why did Jesus condemn the Pharisees ? Because the Pharisees were hypocrites. They knew those scriptures well, but used it to be dictators of the people. 
    Hence the scripture above. Almighty God and Jesus desires mercy not sacrifice. That scripture proves it. 
    Unfortunately those words TRUTH or TRUE are now thrown about so much they have lost their real meaning. And if a Person or an Organsaition needs to use it as a title then what does it show ?  
    Well here on this forum it seems to show that such people could easily be the type very similar to the Pharisees. Sticking to the Law, but avoiding the Mercy.  
    Of course no true Christian would condone immorality. No true Christian would take part in immorality either. But, no true Christian would lack that Mercy that Jesus instructed either. 
  11. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in TRUTH TRUTHER TRUE. THE WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING IN OVER USE.   
    A man calls himself a TRUTHER. 
    Another man calls himself TRUE 
    And an Organisation says they have the TRUTH.
    But Jesus says (recorded at Matthew 9 :13.
    Berean Study Bible
    But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
    God's word is TRUTH, that is real truth.  The Pharisees had the Hebrew scriptures, so it could be said that the Pharisees 'had truth'.
    So why did Jesus condemn the Pharisees ? Because the Pharisees were hypocrites. They knew those scriptures well, but used it to be dictators of the people. 
    Hence the scripture above. Almighty God and Jesus desires mercy not sacrifice. That scripture proves it. 
    Unfortunately those words TRUTH or TRUE are now thrown about so much they have lost their real meaning. And if a Person or an Organsaition needs to use it as a title then what does it show ?  
    Well here on this forum it seems to show that such people could easily be the type very similar to the Pharisees. Sticking to the Law, but avoiding the Mercy.  
    Of course no true Christian would condone immorality. No true Christian would take part in immorality either. But, no true Christian would lack that Mercy that Jesus instructed either. 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Srecko that made me laugh, because it is so true. A perfect answer, well done  
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    You are closer to their thinking than I am. I can only quote their allegations that could give a possible answer to your question. But since you read their publications yourself, I am convinced that you can guess what the explanation for your objection to their translation of the Bible might be. That in the sense, “we are not inspired", "we are not perfect", "we thought", "Jesus thought" and the like.
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Butler, I am well aware and versed of Textual Analytics. Again, you only brushed the surface. and the question was directed to Srecko, and for a reason - not you. One of the reasons I said you are free to create a topic for that verse. What attitude am I displaying here? The fact that history and Bible Hermeneutics exposes you for having Gnosiophobia/Sophophobia?
    That being said, I do have love, being Bible strict does not mean the person lacks love, let alone them being involved with helping missing persons and teaching. I have enough love to avoid misinformation, that of which I abide by.  The fact I do not support the conduct of - same sex marriage, does not mean I lack love. But you have the free will to content to immoral conduct in this regard, which contradicts you even uttering Romans 12:9. Not to mention you evidently ate what Leftism has not reading anything in full.
    If I lacked love you'd prove it, but like I addressed before, you could not.
    Facts, no, I attest and proclaim history be it Christianity as a whole or the Bible, and the history around to as why it is as such now. I am familiar with history in all respects to various things, even that of the UK, as is with what the MSM is not telling people and or lying in the face of the general public. Reasons for this is because unknown to you, for what I know and the people I have met, they are aware of history being erased and or re written in some respects, even ore damaging for this has poured into the higher education system. This is why in regards to The Trinity and Interfaith, misinformation, falsehood and conspiracy is problematic, and these things I hate. Reasons why when it even comes to misconceptions of faiths, be it JW, Unitarianism, Islam, etc. I point out truth and facts, reasons being because misinformation is often spread among them. Even for Trinitarians, I know my enemy well enough to not fall victim to misconceptions concerning them either. Case and point.
    Babylon has swept away the unsuspected, and perhaps it may do the same for you too if not careful.
    I will leave it at that. If you want to speak of such claims, make a thread; granted you haven't thus far and shy away from your other on speaks volume.
    Also it's Storm Trooper not Storm Trouper.
  15. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    This still isn't an explanation, and again, the question was for @Srecko Sostar. There is a reason as to why the response was made. You, only scratched the surface, just barely.
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    My questions concerning spoken errors was for @Srecko Sostar, not to you. You are free to make a topic about this verse, if you want a shot at debating that. The subject matter, to him, well to you now, is The Jehovah's Witnesses NWT Bible claims/errors. Granted it stems from the claim of a Restorationist group aligned with Prosperity Preachers, so the 2 questions addressed is for a reason concerning basic knowledge between the two.
    That being said, explanation in this regard; the latter can cast the first stone due to his comment.
  17. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    As pointed out, it is not of my saying, it is the history itself, you are just as much of a Restorationist, as is, the majority of Anti-Trinitarians out there, be it a group or not, mainly in this modern age. What Subordinationism Christianity has birthed, Restorationism, has not changed. There is a deviation of Restorationism, should those accept the creeds instead of speaking out against it.
    You're confusing beings with roots. There is a reason why I mentioned roots, as is what it means, something that is an origin or source (as of a condition or quality).
    You're deviating from your lie now. Again, you were adamant about those speaking a lie, but to lie about a legitimate rival to Anti-Trinitarian, Jw or not, was willful on your part. I do hope you realize people can see that, especially a multitude of Anti-Trinitarians, for, to this day still battles with those in the prosperity camp, especially in regards to what they did some years ago that resulted in the interfaith nonsense.
    Witness, it is slander to call Anti-Trinitarians prosperity preachers, you should have stuck with your false prophet notation instead of equating anything with Anti-Trinitarianism with a slanderous rival of which they dealt with for many, many years. The irony in this you speak of Babylon the Great alone, not realizing a potential threat. Therefore, Kosenen was right about you.
    Learn the difference between the two.
    You say this every time you evade addressing questions. But if we are to take it there, somehow a former JW adhere to a bit of New Ageism, and deconstruction of God's Order. Or cannot hold their own without the slight mention of a former faith.
    So, as to my question, address it - If they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity? 
    You are a former JW, are you not? the answer should not be this difficult.
    That being said, I find it quite ironic that for your 20 years, yet you proclaimed adhere to a guy, even defended without fact, who said your former faith hid literal poison in the basement of the churches, or perhaps believed in an untruth believing it to be truth, thus professing it yourself. The Biblical Facts thread comes to mind.
    You referred to JWs as prosperity preachers, let alone Anti-Trinitarianism. That in of itself is slander.
    GB you can speak of, I care not, but it is the obvious accusation of New Thought theology, which in of itself, does not make any sense.
    This ahs noting to do with the question addressed to you. The prosperity theology or it's root, New Thought, has nothing truthful about it, which is evident from their inception and what transpired, and their role in Babylon.
    What does this have to do with the question addressed to you concerning the commission and the Trinity?
    Everyone who came out of the Great Commission, be it they hold on to their Restorationist roots or not, adheres to it. The Commission itself is rooted in Matthew 28:16-20 and to the gospel being taught to the Nations, hence Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:13. The Commission is the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world, and as we see in Scripture, it was later entrusted to the church to continue this command. In regards to majority of Anti-Trinitarians, even that of the JWs, to them, although the general public agree/disagree with some of their notations, they recognize them for adhering to the Great Commission, such, even pointed out by the non-religious.
    Going back to the first century, the Commission was held strongly, since Pentecost 33AD and onward, even in the face of Bishops. Restorationists, those that maintain said roots, do not have their own Commission. In fact, the Great Commission sits on the basis of Matthew 24:14 alone; even then, Restorationist of the 19th century didn't know everything, but they sought to learn despite their counterparts moving into the direction of Creeds.
    That being said,  the Commission was addressed many times and what it signifies, even to you, at one point you even ignorantly brushed it off as a Unification Church.
    Not really. Majority of threads speaks of JWs alone, rarely is there any topic of "core teachings" on the forums concerning who God is, and or of Scripture. The only one ever brought forth, you turned it into a JW thread when the focus should've been Scripture and what is conveyed.
    Plus, history is rarely spoken of in terms of Christology alone.
    This has nothing to do with the question addressed to you concerning their roots vs. the claim.
    The question remains below:
    If they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity? 
  18. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    I think Homos should have the exact same civil rights under the law as everybody else does, but no more, and ignore them if they do not try to advocate their lifestyle to me. If they do, I start talking about HIV, and what Rock Hudson looked like before he died.
    Talking to them about God is a complete waste of time.
    If I had a Homo relative, I would have “normal” discussions if they initiated it, but not discuss anything of a Theocratic nature.
    I have a natural advantage, as I snarl, easily. 
  19. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    I answered you above, and I'm sorry I do not know how to speak or write in French.
    You indeed seem to think and write like a Pharisee.  My answer above does not deflect the question, BUT I can tell that your real reason for asking is not because you want a true answer.  You attitude is that of a Pharisee. You want to live by the LAW not by God's love through Jesus Christ.  
    Tell me then, does God see a difference between Homosexuals and Homosexuality ? 
    I wish I was clever enough to find the reference where by @JW Insider suggested that at one time a member of the GB was 'probably' a homosexual. 
  20. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Oh ! you of little faith. What is your aim with this question ?  You speak like a Pharisee........... 
    I've already made it known in the topic above.  We know it's wrong because we believe God's word and God's word tells us homosexuality is wrong. 
    However the point of the topic was that different JWs handle the situation differently. 
    So tell me, when you do ministry do you refuse to teach homosexuals ?  Do you actually refuse to speak to homosexuals ? 
    Did Jesus refuse to speak or even eat meals with immoral people ? No.  Remember that those ones that Jesus spent time with were Israelites, who would have known the Law and known what God loves and what God hates. 
    You should read Luke 7, from verse 36. 
  21. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on how tolerance may hold together a family whose members have very different beliefs and values.
    Aug. 10, 2021 I am in a deeply committed, “finally found the one” relationship with another woman. But my oldest sister, close to everyone else in my family, has declined to meet her, and we have been estranged for the past two years because of it. I’ve been unwilling to have a relationship with my sister that does not include my partner. Although my family are Jehovah’s Witnesses, this sister is a particularly stringent one. I left the religion at the age of 18, having never been baptized. My parents play both sides by telling us that they love and accept my partner while also sympathizing with my sister’s disgust for same-sex relationships and her view that mine ought not to be welcomed into the family. A few months ago, I asked a sister whom I do have a relationship with to take my young son for two weeks at her home in the Midwest and requested that my other sister, because of our strained relationship and the pandemic, not be allowed to visit him. My estranged sister grew enraged and showed up anyway. She was allowed in, and no one ever apologized to me. I felt violated and betrayed.
    This is a long article but I'm sure you get the idea of it from this short bit.
    Of course we know that same sex relationships are wrong, but I know of people in such relationships, relatives in fact, and i know that I have never ignored those people and never 'shunned' them.  This article shows how different family members, all JWs, deal with it differently.  I hope all of you handle such situations in a loving way, though of course each persons conscience may differ. 
  22. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Wow. It seems that you think that God or Christ have given you authority to judge me.
    You and Space Merchant seem to be of the same personality. You both seem to enjoy twisting topics just to get attention for yourselves. You both seem to demand that I answer your questions. But you are both just like the Pharisees. Your questions are not genuine. Your questions are aimed at belittling people. 
    However my point still stands. How do you as individuals treat homosexuals ? 
    Also there seems to be the point that even though that daughter is an EX-JW her parents have not shunned her. 
    Whereas some on here seem to think they have the authority to condemn people to death. Running ahead of God and Christ. Which of you think you have the right to do this ? 
  23. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Well it seems the GB / Watchtower / JW Org are going to be going in for video broadcasting in a big way because that is what the building at Ramapo is all about. And in the assembly / convention talks they were giving instructions as to how donations should be made. I think @Srecko Sostar jokingly called in Video-vangalising or similar.  
    Of course the Covid virus has stopped many things so it's easy to understand that JWs stopped the door to door work. However time will tell if this door to door work restarts and if the Kingdom Halls get reopened. Right now the KH are closed here in UK... That's why I try to be balanced on some points, because there are some things that are obviously done for good reason. JWs here in UK have been sensible regarding the Covid virus.. 
    Concerning field ministry though, I tried to give warning to some JWs because I honestly thought that JWs would be in danger of physical harm due to the information concerning CSA which was and still is freely available to the public. I also wanted to make some other information known to my local congregation but, of course, they all stopped talking to me when i left, so it was impossible for me to show concern for them. I am still concerned about the elderly ones that have little knowledge about CSA or other problems in the JW Org. 
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Basic knowledge about WTJWorg tell me they are in error in things in which they teach and act erroneously. I am  with that cognition. If you and others think otherwise, it is yours and their right to dissent.
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    As GB Splane said, false teachers introduce ‘a few grains of truth mixed in with falsehoods, and inspired by the demons’. (1 Tim 4:1,2; Rev 16:13-16)  
    He knows what he's doing.  The only commission they are adhering to, is their own.  Many times the subject of "core teachings" has come here.  Yes, JWs hold onto a few grains of truth, and turn a deaf ear to all the lies.  (2 Cor 11:3,4,14,15)  Matt 24:24,25
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