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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Some people can't do the math.   
    Ok .. let's do some math.
    To have a valid premise, you will need to look up the actual sizes of things yourself.
    1.) Write down the size of a Covid 19 Virus (diameter) _______________________ ,
    2.) Write down the pore size of a N95 mask. ( much smaller than what we typically wear ) _____________.
    3.) Divide #2, by #1 _______________.
    I think, if you visualize this, you will see that it's about as effective as trying to keep flies out of your yard ,,,,,, with a chain link fence.
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Day is upon us...   
    This is so funny Rambo.. Losing KHs   They have just built Warwick and now they are going to build Ramapo. So they obviously don't think Armageddon is very close. 
    Worship with spirit and truth ???  You are having a laugh. The GB only worship themselves and their multi-organisations which have $$$$ and real estate.. It's all for show. 
    Rambo you write so well and sound so serious, but you tell lies just like your Leaders. 
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in WATCHTOWER, 1991 - "HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT RELIGION"   
    What this means is that God and Christ are not 'owned' by the Watchtower / CCJW. 
    Unfortunately the Org teaches that if a person leaves the Org then that person has left God and Christ.
    I was making the TRUE point that God and Christ are not part of the Watchtower / CCJW.  God and Christ are far superior to a man made Organisation. 
    @Witness has her own viewpoint and i have my own viewpoint. We may have the same view on a few matters, but that is purely coincidental. I do not spend my time agreeing with her. 
    I have on many occasions said this " Either the JW Org will be cleansed, or another Organisation will be built up"
    But please remember that i have to be careful what i can say here, due to the reason John Butler was d/fed from this forum.  I will just say that I do not believe the GB are of the True Anointed and i expect the True Anointed to leads God's willing servants.  We've had this discussion about the word 'perfect' many times before. The scripture at Matthew 5 v 48
    You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    It is the True Anointed that must be 'perfect' by God's standards, through Christ, so as to lead God's servants.  Zechariah 8 v 23 
    “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.”’”
    That JEW is the True Anointed, and they will lead God's willing servants. 
    This is true in the case of CSA. I believe that the Australian Royal Commision first looked at CSA regarding the Catholic Church, but if had to include other religions so as not to seem 'prejudiced'. Hence the JW Org / W/t was examined too. and the current IICSA investigation is of many religions, including the JW Org / W/t.  So we see the JW Org is not recognisable above the other religions. 
    Now I do not know if this pure Organisation will be a restored / cleansed JW Org (maybe with a change of name), or if it will be a 'New Organisation', but if it is the JW Org restored, it would need time to gain the confidence of true Christians. The True Anointed would have to prove that they are worthy of being 'followed' as per the JEW scripture. The Watchtower magazine would have to be completely revised or removed. All the books would need replacing, or maybe no books at all, as in truth all that is needed is God's word.   But all of this will come about by God's Holy Spirit.  
    After all, in the 'last days', all religion will be banned it seems. So no books, no magazines, no KH, no assemblies, maybe all meeting in 'underground' places at different times each week. And, this is where it would be good to have the True Anointed Servants, in many different countries. Each country is different in many different ways. And at the time of the end, each country may be dealing with things differently. However, Holy Spirit can so very easily be directed to True Anointed ones in each country.  ALL things are possible with Almighty God, through Jesus Christ. 
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    The only ones that can 'sin against the Holy Spirit' are the True Anointed ones. Because they are the only ones anointed with such Holy Spirit.  
    As I am not anointed I am also not able to sin against the Holy Spirit. 
    If you really understood scripture you would know it is for the True Anointed ones, not for us earthly ' little dogs' 
    Matthew 15 v 27
    Berean Literal Bible
    And she said, "Yes Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs falling from their masters' table."
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    Wow Admin, will i win a prize for having the most topics on the forum 
  6. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    @César Chávez Show me where I'm advocating my own online community. or where I'm advocating anyone else's online community.  Come on give me a link then where " I " am doing those things. 
    It's bad enough that your GB are doing those things ( distortion, exaggeration, and lies.) , I'm certainly not going to follow them into that pit. 
  7. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    @TrueTomHarley You must watch a lot of television or films or something as you seem to reference so many things I've never heard of. Both you and Arauna make references to things that have no meaning to me. (Perhaps I lead a sheltered life). 
    Now as for your words of wisdom, "Why don’t you divert a little more energy towards the goal of being in that New World, you yo-yo?"  This is sensible......... But then your words "Perhaps then your credentials for condemning everything under the sun will improve.", are too general. You know that I don't condemn 'everything'.  Paul's words, as I mentioned "Hate what is evil", prove the point. 
    It is because I hate what is evil, that i cannot be part of the CCJW right now.... I am not saying that 'everything' about the Org is evil, but that certain things are.... And @JW Insider certainly seems to find 'discrepancies' in the 'teachings' of the Org. 1914 seems to be suspect for instance. So it's not only what you and others call my 'favorite subject' that holds me back, but also some of the teachings and 'rules'.  I admit to being at a complete loss right now. You laugh at my idea of a True Anointed but it's the only way forward as far as I can see. You also laugh at my idea of a much bigger 'Body of servants' taking the lead in the Org, but my point has been proven that so much can now be done via internet that a much bigger 'GB' type of leadership is easily possible with Anointed leaders from all around the Earth. 
    But i will come back to the Org's teaching of "Only baptised JWs will be saved", and I'm not liable to be a JW for many years if things continue as they are in the Org. So, I will take the risk of doing what i think is right and stay away from the CCJW, and I will face the consequences. If i die for doing wrong then i can say i did wrong for the right reasons  
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    @César Chávez My morals are not perfect, but then, I'm not trying to run an organisation and I'm not trying to mislead millions of people either. I also don't expect to be in that New World.  I am a hater in one way though. As the Apostle Paul said at Romans 12 v 9 "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good".  So my hate is directed by scripture which is inspired of God's holy spirit. 
  9. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    @César Chávez Allen I am not your mate and you do write rubbish. 
    And it is you that are part of an immoral Organisation.
    For my part I do my best to warn people, especially families with young children, to keep away from the CCJW and it's immorality and child abuse. I also warn people about it's false teachings too. 
    I wonder which God and Christ prefer, someone that warns others to help other stay safe, or, people in an immoral organisation that encourage others into an unsafe immoral place.
    I might not be preaching the 'good news' but neither am I supporting Paedophiles in an immoral Org. 
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    What is your first language ? Probably not English unless you were drunk when you wrote the above. None of it makes any sense.
    A. I don't have 20 years of any letters. B. I am not keeping a fornicator in the Org. 
    C. This FORUM is about Jehovah's Witnesses, Hence I speak about THEM. Why would i want to talk about the Catholic Church, or any other, on a JW forum ? 
    D. Everyone lives in the world, and you could therefore say that everyone lives in a 'paedophile world' as it is part of the world we all live in. 
    Jesus said  (recorded at John 17 v 15 )  ( New American Standard Bible ) 
    "I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.
    So you see, we are all in this world. But your GB are still withholding evidence about Paedophiles in the CCJW. So, your GB are guilty of great sins against God, Christ and humans. 
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in 4Jah2me <> Cesar Chavez   
    @César Chávez Well the GB and their Lawyers are keeping the paedophiles inside the CCJW / Watchtower by hiding that 20 + year database, so they are not cleaning the Org at all. How you can spout about What is the point of keeping Christian ethics, when the CCJW Org is so immoral i do not know. 
    Wake up CC. Your Org is being part of this world right now. Your CCJW Org is better known for Child Sexual Abuse Earthwide than for anything else. Earthwide Child Sexual Abuse CC, just remember that when you spout about Christian ethics.  
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Jehovah's Day is upon us...   
    This is so funny Rambo.. Losing KHs   They have just built Warwick and now they are going to build Ramapo. So they obviously don't think Armageddon is very close. 
    Worship with spirit and truth ???  You are having a laugh. The GB only worship themselves and their multi-organisations which have $$$$ and real estate.. It's all for show. 
    Rambo you write so well and sound so serious, but you tell lies just like your Leaders. 
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Jehovah's Day is upon us...   
    This is so funny Rambo.. Losing KHs   They have just built Warwick and now they are going to build Ramapo. So they obviously don't think Armageddon is very close. 
    Worship with spirit and truth ???  You are having a laugh. The GB only worship themselves and their multi-organisations which have $$$$ and real estate.. It's all for show. 
    Rambo you write so well and sound so serious, but you tell lies just like your Leaders. 
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Jehovah's Day is upon us...   
    20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”
    21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.
    This organization is already guilty of being false prophets, dude, your continuing the tradition of prophecying.
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    I have empathy / sympathy for those who were sexually abused as children, and for those still being abused.. And I believe it hasn't stopped happening in the JW Org. In my opinion the GB and their lawyers are just being more sly in how they handle it.  It seems too that Elders are still using the Clergy Penitent Privilege to hide Pedophiles in the congregations. Perhaps many of those pedophiles are actually Elders themselves.  So much has become known now that it is clear to see how immoral and dishonest the GB and their organisations are. 
    Will it be a time of cleansing ? Or, will it be a time of destruction ?  Who knows ?  One thing is for sure, the  W/t & JW Org is not being run by True Anointed ones right now.
  16. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    I have empathy / sympathy for those who were sexually abused as children, and for those still being abused.. And I believe it hasn't stopped happening in the JW Org. In my opinion the GB and their lawyers are just being more sly in how they handle it.  It seems too that Elders are still using the Clergy Penitent Privilege to hide Pedophiles in the congregations. Perhaps many of those pedophiles are actually Elders themselves.  So much has become known now that it is clear to see how immoral and dishonest the GB and their organisations are. 
    Will it be a time of cleansing ? Or, will it be a time of destruction ?  Who knows ?  One thing is for sure, the  W/t & JW Org is not being run by True Anointed ones right now.
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    I have empathy / sympathy for those who were sexually abused as children, and for those still being abused.. And I believe it hasn't stopped happening in the JW Org. In my opinion the GB and their lawyers are just being more sly in how they handle it.  It seems too that Elders are still using the Clergy Penitent Privilege to hide Pedophiles in the congregations. Perhaps many of those pedophiles are actually Elders themselves.  So much has become known now that it is clear to see how immoral and dishonest the GB and their organisations are. 
    Will it be a time of cleansing ? Or, will it be a time of destruction ?  Who knows ?  One thing is for sure, the  W/t & JW Org is not being run by True Anointed ones right now.
  18. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Trial scheduled for Jehovah's Witnesses elders accused of failing to report sexual abuse   
    Two Jehovah's Witnesses elders accused of failing to notify police that a congregant was sexually abusing a child are scheduled for a joint trial in July.
    Jehovah's Witnesses elder Michael Penkava, 72, of Crystal Lake, and Colin Scott, 87, of Cary, were charged in November with violating reporting provisions. Both men are accused of failing to notify police about a church member who later was convicted of sexually abusing a child.
    The abuse continued for more than a decade after the church elders became aware of the accusations, prosecutors have said.
    A judge on Wednesday denied a request to exclude testimony regarding potentially "confidential" meetings between church leaders and the now-convicted man.
    The charges against Scott and Penkava are rooted in another man's sexual assault conviction. Accusations against that man, 43-year-old church member Arturo Hernandez-Pedraza, surfaced during a confessional or spiritual guidance setting, according to Prossnitz and attorney Terry Ekl, who represents Scott.
    In 2019, a jury convicted Hernandez-Pedraza of all counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, predatory criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, sexual relations within families and domestic battery charges filed against him.
    He is serving a 45-year prison sentence at Pontiac Correctional Center.
    Penkava invoked his right as a religious leader to not testify at Hernandez-Pedraza's trial, but he still was required to answer questions about actions the congregation took after learning of the sexual abuse more than 10 years before it was reported.
    Because the accusations surfaced during a confessional, Penkava and Scott's attorneys now argue the disclosure should be considered privileged communication between faith leaders and congregants.
    Assistant McHenry County State's Attorney Ashur Youash, however, said that privilege doesn't extend to situations involving abused or neglected children and isn't grounds for failure to report.
    They are still hiding behind the clergy privilege thing, so no lessons have been learnt. The GB and others in control, and the Elders are still more interested in the 'face of the Org' and in saving money, than they are in the congregation. 
    Does God and Jesus really approve of this ? No of course not.
  19. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Trial scheduled for Jehovah's Witnesses elders accused of failing to report sexual abuse   
    Two Jehovah's Witnesses elders accused of failing to notify police that a congregant was sexually abusing a child are scheduled for a joint trial in July.
    Jehovah's Witnesses elder Michael Penkava, 72, of Crystal Lake, and Colin Scott, 87, of Cary, were charged in November with violating reporting provisions. Both men are accused of failing to notify police about a church member who later was convicted of sexually abusing a child.
    The abuse continued for more than a decade after the church elders became aware of the accusations, prosecutors have said.
    A judge on Wednesday denied a request to exclude testimony regarding potentially "confidential" meetings between church leaders and the now-convicted man.
    The charges against Scott and Penkava are rooted in another man's sexual assault conviction. Accusations against that man, 43-year-old church member Arturo Hernandez-Pedraza, surfaced during a confessional or spiritual guidance setting, according to Prossnitz and attorney Terry Ekl, who represents Scott.
    In 2019, a jury convicted Hernandez-Pedraza of all counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, predatory criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, sexual relations within families and domestic battery charges filed against him.
    He is serving a 45-year prison sentence at Pontiac Correctional Center.
    Penkava invoked his right as a religious leader to not testify at Hernandez-Pedraza's trial, but he still was required to answer questions about actions the congregation took after learning of the sexual abuse more than 10 years before it was reported.
    Because the accusations surfaced during a confessional, Penkava and Scott's attorneys now argue the disclosure should be considered privileged communication between faith leaders and congregants.
    Assistant McHenry County State's Attorney Ashur Youash, however, said that privilege doesn't extend to situations involving abused or neglected children and isn't grounds for failure to report.
    They are still hiding behind the clergy privilege thing, so no lessons have been learnt. The GB and others in control, and the Elders are still more interested in the 'face of the Org' and in saving money, than they are in the congregation. 
    Does God and Jesus really approve of this ? No of course not.
  20. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Would falsely predicting Armageddon on many occasions just to frighten people into the Orgs, and would stating that a person MUST BE a baptised JW to be saved, count toward atrocities ? 
    Would deliberately misusing the Romans 13 scripture to give power and authority to the Leaders of the Orgs be classed as an atrocity ?
    And would the Leaders giving orders to Elders, and the Elders obeying such orders, to keep CSA and known pedophiles information secret inside the JW Org, qualify as atrocities ? 
    Well I think it would, especially to those people seriously affected by such actions. 
  21. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    You are correct. My mistake, although you only used that to sidetrack from my comment about atrocities. 
    And once again we have you, a pretend Christian, calling me names. 
    JWs would receive nothing by holy spirit, hence they use the Clergy Privilege excuse in court cases. 
    Then I fully hope that as many JWs, GB members et al, will be exposed as liars asap. Because that would be a true witness against false religious teachings and practices. 
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
  23. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Trial scheduled for Jehovah's Witnesses elders accused of failing to report sexual abuse   
    Two Jehovah's Witnesses elders accused of failing to notify police that a congregant was sexually abusing a child are scheduled for a joint trial in July.
    Jehovah's Witnesses elder Michael Penkava, 72, of Crystal Lake, and Colin Scott, 87, of Cary, were charged in November with violating reporting provisions. Both men are accused of failing to notify police about a church member who later was convicted of sexually abusing a child.
    The abuse continued for more than a decade after the church elders became aware of the accusations, prosecutors have said.
    A judge on Wednesday denied a request to exclude testimony regarding potentially "confidential" meetings between church leaders and the now-convicted man.
    The charges against Scott and Penkava are rooted in another man's sexual assault conviction. Accusations against that man, 43-year-old church member Arturo Hernandez-Pedraza, surfaced during a confessional or spiritual guidance setting, according to Prossnitz and attorney Terry Ekl, who represents Scott.
    In 2019, a jury convicted Hernandez-Pedraza of all counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, predatory criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, sexual relations within families and domestic battery charges filed against him.
    He is serving a 45-year prison sentence at Pontiac Correctional Center.
    Penkava invoked his right as a religious leader to not testify at Hernandez-Pedraza's trial, but he still was required to answer questions about actions the congregation took after learning of the sexual abuse more than 10 years before it was reported.
    Because the accusations surfaced during a confessional, Penkava and Scott's attorneys now argue the disclosure should be considered privileged communication between faith leaders and congregants.
    Assistant McHenry County State's Attorney Ashur Youash, however, said that privilege doesn't extend to situations involving abused or neglected children and isn't grounds for failure to report.
    They are still hiding behind the clergy privilege thing, so no lessons have been learnt. The GB and others in control, and the Elders are still more interested in the 'face of the Org' and in saving money, than they are in the congregation. 
    Does God and Jesus really approve of this ? No of course not.
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    You are correct. My mistake, although you only used that to sidetrack from my comment about atrocities. 
    And once again we have you, a pretend Christian, calling me names. 
    JWs would receive nothing by holy spirit, hence they use the Clergy Privilege excuse in court cases. 
    Then I fully hope that as many JWs, GB members et al, will be exposed as liars asap. Because that would be a true witness against false religious teachings and practices. 
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
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