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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Each legal entity creates a different, various type of documentation during the business. Often times a legal body needs to adopt its own Regulations that regulate certain activities within the institution. Regulations must be harmonized with the laws on Archives. Such laws on archives are enacted by the state and its public bodies.
    So, the people who run WTJWorg should know how to destroy the documentation that is scheduled for destruction after certain retention periods have passed. But there is documentation that must not be destroyed, but must exist permanently, as long as there is a legal entity. After the legal entity ceases to exist, there are rules that say that certain documentation must be submitted to a state archive for storage and safekeeping. Or the documentation is handed over to a new legal successor.
    The doctrines and teachings and traditions that are part of WTJWorg publications are likely to be among the documents that have no lasting value before legislation. Therefore, the publisher can independently decide to destroy everything that should no longer have any (spiritual, theological, moral, religious, doctrinal ... etc) significance for the average (or all) members of the organization.
    Certainly, that such kind of decision by WTJWorg, to destroy “spiritual food” that has “ceased to be true,” is dubious for a simple reason. For, then, every JW can rightly ask Pilate's question, "What is The Truth?" .."Why should I believe in a New Truth?" .... etc.
    Also, should any JW be required to separate (for destruction) from its private library any such publication, which no longer meets the WTJWorg criteria on the reliability of what is written and proclaimed to be “True”?
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Kick_Faceinator in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Discarding books/data shouldn’t even be a topic of discussion for anyone teaching who is connected to Jesus Christ. You shouldn’t have to throw any teachings away if the branch teaching them was connected to the vine of Jesus Christ (John 15:5), they should have lasted forever as Jesus says those that teach who are in connection with him will have teachings that will last and never need to be changed/thrown away (John 15:16). The problem isn’t discarding the data, it’s way bigger in that, this proves the watchtower leadership hasn’t been connected to Jesus Christ in the first place. Their teachings are going rotten within a matter of a couple years and proves their publications are nothing more than farce.
    “Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’” - Matthew 15:9
  3. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Judge and executioner.  You obviously do very little bible reading.
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Victim of Tewkesbury child abuser Eunice Spry to tell his story on TV   
    A victim of Tewkesbury child abuser Eunice Spry is to tell his story on national TV.
    He was taken away from his parents, who could not look after him at the age of three. He was placed in the care of Eunice Spry, a pillar of the Jehovah's Witness community, at her Gloucestershire home.
    Life was idyllic at first, with Spry playing the ‘strict but loving’ parent. But a few months later, the abuse began. For more than 13 years Spry systematically tortured Christopher and some of her other foster children.
    Cheltenham-born Christopher Spry is to appear in the Survivors series, presented by former Coronation Street actress Denise Welch, on the Crime + Investigation channel.
    It explores what it means to live with the trauma of enduring and surviving horrific crimes and the incredible effort and courage required to rebuild a life in the aftermath.
    Christopher’s story will be told in the last of the series’ six episodes, at 9pm on May 24.
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There will be 'persecution' of the GB, the Watchtower, the CCJW and JW Org, but it will not be because they serve God properly. And they have destroyed the evidence of witnesses of CSA, evidence given to Elders behind closed doors. THAT is what would give the GB et al away. 
    But can you not understand one reason for the 'turn against Christianity' (and all other religions), when ALL so called religions are trying to hide pedophiles in their organisations and all religions are telling lies. 
  6. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There will be 'persecution' of the GB, the Watchtower, the CCJW and JW Org, but it will not be because they serve God properly. And they have destroyed the evidence of witnesses of CSA, evidence given to Elders behind closed doors. THAT is what would give the GB et al away. 
    But can you not understand one reason for the 'turn against Christianity' (and all other religions), when ALL so called religions are trying to hide pedophiles in their organisations and all religions are telling lies. 
  7. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There will be 'persecution' of the GB, the Watchtower, the CCJW and JW Org, but it will not be because they serve God properly. And they have destroyed the evidence of witnesses of CSA, evidence given to Elders behind closed doors. THAT is what would give the GB et al away. 
    But can you not understand one reason for the 'turn against Christianity' (and all other religions), when ALL so called religions are trying to hide pedophiles in their organisations and all religions are telling lies. 
  8. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There will be 'persecution' of the GB, the Watchtower, the CCJW and JW Org, but it will not be because they serve God properly. And they have destroyed the evidence of witnesses of CSA, evidence given to Elders behind closed doors. THAT is what would give the GB et al away. 
    But can you not understand one reason for the 'turn against Christianity' (and all other religions), when ALL so called religions are trying to hide pedophiles in their organisations and all religions are telling lies. 
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Gotta burn the evidence of what was truth is now a lie.
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    You know, that MIGHT work!
    .... I mean, every bone I have tossed YOU, Cesar, you have grabbed and chewed on ad absurdum !
    .... sometimes I am embarrassed at how easy it is to rattle your chain with normal conversation, but then I realize .... you are doing it to yourself !
    ..... it's like watching a train wreck ... I just can't not see it.
    Essentially ... Free Entertainment !
  11. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I can see why any dog not actively restrained would want to bite you. 
  12. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Since the entire conversation, including mine, (but not yours CC) is about pronunciation of generally arcane words, I wonder how a TREE would pronounce "bark"?
    ..... probably too occupied considering square roots.
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I am confused.
    PWfT says:
    How will you know?
    Will they have an endorsement on their Driver's Licenses?
    Will they have a star on the end of a stick they can wave around, and with a "Bippity Bobbety Boo!" make some sort of magic happen?
    Will they be driven around in a limousine, with bodyguards in dark sunglasses?
    Try to visualize BEING a Thermos bottle, that can keep things hot .... or keep things cold.
    How do you know?
    PWfT .... for your convenience I have made a list of TEN things that will identify a TA.
    .... all you have to do is fill in the blanks.
    1.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    2.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    3.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    4.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    5.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    6.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    7.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    8.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    9.) ______________________________________________________________________________
    10.) _____________________________________________________________________________
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Therefore you pray in this way:
    “Our Father who is in heaven,
    may your name be treated as holy."  Matt 6:9  (LEB)
    If it means showing humility before the Father, I'll gladly eat the nits. 🙂 
  15. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Why do I have the irresistible urge to start a new account?
    ”Patiently sitting on my hands until God gets himself in gear and sends the true anointed.”
  16. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    The words of JESUS recorded at Matthew 5:48, and Jesus did his Father's will, so this is God's instruction. 
    New Living Translation
    But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.

    English Standard Version
    You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    Berean Study Bible
    Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    Berean Literal Bible
    You shall be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.

    King James Bible
    Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

    New King James Version
    Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

    New American Standard Bible
    Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    OK, can you read that ok ?  It is scripture you know. Do you understand scripture ? 
  17. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Yes the GB do keep spouting that God and Christ trust them and the GB et al do keep spouting that JWs have the only true religion 
    But neither of their spoutings are true, and the CSA in those orgs is part of the proof of it. So why should I pretend otherwise ? 
    It seems as if @xero has found proof that even the name used for the Org isn't true either. 
    You are so wrong about me Tom. In truth what i want is the complete destruction of ALL false Religions. I want all the lies about Almighty God and Jesus Christ to stop. I want all the guesswork about 'the time of the end' to stop too. I want men to stop pretending that they know truth, when in fact they don't. 
    I want an Earthwide group of honest people serving God through Christ, led by the True Anointed ones that are prophesied about in God's word (the JEW),  that will admit when they do not have all the answers, and will wait on God through Christ for Holy Spirit to direct them. 
    So, explain to me your meaning of this word obtuse. Yes of course I know what it really means, (from the Latin word obtusus )  but I want to know what YOU mean by it ??? It's like I've said before Americans have a weird way with words and thinking. It just brings us back to 'The Emperor's New Clothes', people not believing your every word Tom. 
  18. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    You are well trained by your GB. They would be proud of using you the way they do. How does it feel to be used by men ? Men that have turned their backs on God and Christ. Men that guess at dates and times. Men that 'tread on' the True Anointed ones. And you swallow their every word and worship those men. 
    What exactly do you think a 'soul' is ? The soul is the actual person, the human being, not a seperate item. 
    I don't think Almighty God was thinking about the life expectancy of 'The Word' when God created ' The Word'.  When 'The Word' = Christ was working alongside his Father it was a long way before the creation of Adam, so I wouldn't think God was 'working on' the immortality of Christ. There would have been no need for it. Death wasn't even happening until life was created here on Earth. 
    Once again I say, some people do try their best to complicate matters, and to try to stumble others, don't you ? 
    It would look like you are the troll here trying to cause complications. 
  19. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    So are you trying to pretend that only JWs understand the ransom ?  If the first man Adam was created and 'came to be a living soul' or living 'being', then it follows that Jesus also 'came to be a living soul' or 'living being'.  But you metion 'the soul of Jesus' as if it was a seperate thing. 
    I understand that each human must have a 'life source' and that the 'life source' would return to God when the human dies, but that is not a 'soul'. It is not a seperate living spirit that lives on. 
    However, in my opinion, people that consider themselves very 'intelligent' or ' more intelligent than others ', tend to over complicate matters.  Jesus was human and the main difference was that he was the perfect human. He died as a human and was resurrected as a spirit. He appeared in 'human form' after his resurrection, to prove to people that he had been resurrected, and probably so as not to frighten them. 
    If Jesus didn't die completely then the ransom would not have been paid. It was only with his death as the perfect human that he paid the perfect price. But it does not take being a JW to know that. I knew that at twelve years old, long before I knew anything about JWs. 
    As for your last sentence, perhaps you should rethink it. You sound as if you are commiting a lot of people to death. 
  20. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    The questionnaire above is in line with the teaching that the soul of Jesus was not immortal before his death - so he really died completely.  He did not exist for 3 days.  please confirm which other Christian religions believe this? According to you it must be a looooong list. If you do not understand the ransom - then you are not saved - period.
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I've given the answer a hundred times already. Do not compare the JW religion with the 'world'. Compare the JW religion with God's words in the Bible, and compare it with the instruction from Jesus Christ and the Apostles who WERE inspired by God's Holy Spirit... 
    It is sooooooooooo cowardly to compare the W/t, CCJW, JW Org, with something you already know is wicked. 
    And what you and others don't like is, that i admit that i do not know it all. Hence my new AKA. 
    As for your questionaire, no thanks. I don't need to prove to others that I have a strong faith in God through Christ based on accurate knowledge. God allows me to understand enough from His word to give me faith in Him, but I don't expect to have the full knowledge that is for the True Anointed ones. 
  22. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    The words of JESUS recorded at Matthew 5:48, and Jesus did his Father's will, so this is God's instruction. 
    New Living Translation
    But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.

    English Standard Version
    You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    Berean Study Bible
    Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    Berean Literal Bible
    You shall be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.

    King James Bible
    Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

    New King James Version
    Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

    New American Standard Bible
    Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    OK, can you read that ok ?  It is scripture you know. Do you understand scripture ? 
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    "The following questions were prepared by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in reply to a request for debate from the Moody Bible Institute. The Society proposed that if they could satisfactorily give them Bible answers to these questions, then they would be willing to debate. An answer was never received.

    1. Was Eden on earth or in heaven?

    2. Was Adam created mortal or immortal?

    3. If Adam had not sinned, would he have died?

    4. On account of sin Adam died, so does that prove he was mortal?

    5. Is there a difference between eternal life and immortality?

    6. If Adam had lived forever, would you call that immortality?

    7. Can a person live eternally, and yet, not be immortal?

    8. If Adam could not go to heaven without dying, and could not die without sinning, does that not prove sin was a blessing to the human family?

    9. Did Adam lose an earthly or heavenly home?

    10 If Jesus came to restore what Adam lost (Luke 19:10), what will be restored?

    11. Was Adam a single individual, or two individuals in one?

    12. If composed of two parts, soul and body; which one was Adam?

    13. What was the responsible part that could think, feel, and act?

    14. Which part was it that sinned, soul or body?

    15. If it was the soul, then why does the body have to suffer?

    16. If it was the body, then why does the soul need to be saved?

    17. In Genesis 3:11 (“Who told thee thou wast naked?”), which part of Adam did God talk to, soul or body?

    18. What is the “thou” referred to in Genesis 3:17 (“Thou hast eaten”)?

    19. If you say it refers to the soul, then to what does the word “thou” refer to in Genesis 3:19, 20 (“Dust thou art, and to dust, thou shalt return.”)?

    20. How many different penalties were passed on Adam for sinning?

    21. Was one penalty pronounced against the soul, and a different one against the body?

    22. Then, explain Ezekiel 18:20 and Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10?

    23. Is the penalty mentioned at Genesis 2:17, different from Genesis 3:19?

    24. If there was only one penalty, what was it?

    25. Does the Bible say the penalty against Adam, was death, a returning to the dust?

    26. Or, an endless life of misery in a burning hell?

    27. Suppose that all that happened in Eden, no Savior had come; where would the human race spend eternity (righteous David, for example.)?

    28. Did Jesus really die when he was impaled at Golgotha?

    29. Or, was it only his body that died (implying that Jesus soul is immortal)?

    30. If Jesus had an immortal soul that did not die, and that immortal was Jesus himself; have we not been misinformed that Jesus died for sinners?

    31. Why not just say that the body Jesus lived in died for the body Adam lived in, and that the real Jesus did not die at all, and the real Adam (and the rest of humanity) simply was not (were not) saved?"
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I think the list of questions you are thinking of are in the JW Only "club." You can always copy them here, of course.
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Dear Arauna,
    Just think about this; would comparing the religion of JWs to other religions, give justification for the organization set itself above other religions? How so?   Shouldn’t the comparison be made instead, with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles – the foundation of Truth?  (Eph 2:20-22)  A person doesn't need to be an expert in the beliefs of other religions, they need to understand God's Word.  
    Through examination of beliefs, if your religion falls short of that foundation, then your religion and yours only, needs to be scrutinized. (Matt 7:15-29)  Gleaning the best from a pool of religions according to opinion and not according to scriptural fact, is not how we find eternal life. (John 11:25,26; John 17:1-3)
    To whom do we go to for eternal life? John 6:68  Not to an organization, that has so boldly twisted this scripture by removing the name of Jesus Christ in their literature concerning it, and inserting the words, “Jehovah’s organization”.  (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)   There is only one narrow straight path, clear of all forks in the road that temporarily appeared to be the way of truth…or as it is known, doctrine of “new light” presented by ministers of the angel of light.   (2 Cor 11:13-15)  
    God is not seeking people to enter into an organization that has snuffed out any truth to be found in the hearts of His anointed priesthood – the Body of Jesus Christ. (Matt 24:15,16; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:1-4; Rev 11:1-3; Rev 13:5-9; Rev 20:7-10; 12:15; Luke 17:20-30) (Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Eph 4:1-16; 2:20-22; 1 Cor 3:16,17)
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