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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    What I have done is reported your words. I added nothing. I took away nothing. They confirm just what Holly Folk said. 
    There is no concern here whatsoever for children. Otherwise you would be interested in it outside the JWs (because that’s where almost all of it is). The reason you care only obout CSA within JWs is that they claim to be the only true religion.
    Quite clearly, it is religious hate that motivates you, and you are using child abuse victims, victimizing them all over again, to pursue that hate.
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    In all probability, the reporter saw a Watchtower in the trash, and that was enough for them to be “devout Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
    Within the last few weeks, 4Jah (who for some inane reason, has changed his name—perhaps because “jah” now offends him) has posted a lawyer’s trolling for clients as though it was cutting edge reporting. And Witness heralded some rumor about Watchtower and the ARC and almost immediately had to take it back as it proved false.
    No one has time to unravel them all, but this will prove to be something similar. Or it may be just as you said, an end case of dementia or a mate who could no longer see the other suffer. As to somehow it becoming the fault of elders, we routinely hear of atrocities committed today and it turns out that the persons had been reported previously to police. But they receive so many of these reports, from so many persons, that they can’t possibly keep up, and such reports fall through the cracks. There is at most a quick visit by a social worker to pronounce counsel was given & all is now okay, and then a mass shoot-em-up occurs. 
    Charles Manson’s greatest contribution to society—some would say his only contribution, was to say: “It used to be that being crazy meant something. Nowadays, everyone is crazy.”
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I visited an old age home as a reporter many years ago in Africa.  The Afrikaner whites are an extremely religious people.
    They showed me a sweet looking elderly couple in their 80s.  The old lady became hyperactive due to 'adrenal issues' and was on the go (hyperactive) in excess.  The old man was a very relaxed quiet type of guy.... not easily roused.
    Once day a nurse came into the room and the old man was strangling the old lady.  They had to put them in separate rooms from then on and watch them. 
    Yes, living confined with dementia or other health issues can bring out the worst in anyone / or in each other. The JW elder may not have taken the old man seriously enough to report him to a psychiatrist or to the police.  What else could he do? Remove the old man from his own home? 
    These are issues which are hard to deal with in the elderly..... and not all end up in real murder.....The man is still head of his own household and it is a tragedy the situation was out of control.  Some old people also get a controlling streak which aggravates with age.  Having served god for many years I will leave it in the hands of Jehovah to judge the situation. Maybe the old man could not watch her suffering any longer ?  His frustration with her was too much? 
    I do not have a 'blanket' respect  for all judges after seeing the level of lawless judgments in USA, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ. It is like the period before the Israelites were exiled from Jerusalem....  Judges were more corrupt than the people to  benefit themselves.  I see a similar pattern today.  So do not take this judge's censure too seriously. There are good judges and useless ones.  This one just wanted to get back at JWs.  He is not a thoughtful person.
  4. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    I’m sure its because JWs are high profile, and appear very meek and clean cut.  Catholics and Baptists blend in with all people.  A person can be a Catholic and still be accepted as a gambler, a bar hopper, a smoker.  Anything out of the understood ordinary for a JW, especially something like this murder, is brought to the attention of the community.
    I’m also sure most people in the world don’t realize that the leaders of the organization’s mantra is making sure that only the outside of the cup is clean.  (Luke 11:39)
  5. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Everyone knows that Baptists and Catholics have an extremely "flexible" religion as to badness .... what with all the in which witch burnings, inquisitions and what-not .... and that the JWs give lip service to being above all of that.
    When dog bites man ... it's not big news.
    When man bites dog .... it is !
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to dinamarie in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    If the man was a Baptist or Catholic and told a member of his congregation that he was going to do that would the headline mention their religion 
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    But I will agree that instead of the REAL James Bond, Sean Connery .... watching Roger Moore as James Bond certainly rots the mind.
  8. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    You know ... if watching James Bond flix are immoral. perhaps reading about a man would slaughter people all day long, in hand-to hand combat, year after year, in great quantities, then cut off the ends of their penises, and present them to his wife in a big box, is equally something that reading about is immoral. A man also guilty of premeditated 1st degree murder, and adultery.
    ... and of course, I am taking about King David
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Is it possible for you not to notice that you exactly validate what she says?
    It is just as she says. If you actually cared about children, you would be interested in CSA outside the “W/t, CCJW, JW Org, and their other orgs / titles,” because that’s where almost all of it is. Carrying on as though children mattered to you—it is all a ruse! 
    And why do you care only of this tiny subset of CSA cases?
    Translation: Witnesses say they are the one true religion.
    It has nothing to do with children! It has everything to do with your own bigoted vendetta, exactly as Holly Folk said. 
  10. Sad
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Pudgy in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Would I even want to do that ? NO.  But if it pleases your mind to see such rubbish so be it. 
    you Americans are strange folks  
  11. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Now this is strange one. Who really is to blame here ? What could the Elders have done ?   
    Coroner blasts Jehovah's Witnesses for failing to stop 82-year-old man killing his wife, 80, after he told church elder that he was planning to stab her to death
    Ronald Mowbray, 82, from Warwickshire, stabbed his wife 49 times last February Pensioner had previously told a church elder that he planned to knife Ann, 80 An official investigation into the devout religious couple was launched last year Warwickshire County Coroner slammed lack of action from Jehovah's Witnesses A coroner has slammed the lack of action from Jehovah's Witnesses who did not stop a devout follower's frenzied attack on his wife. 
    Ronald Mowbray, 82, from Studley, Warwickshire, stabbed his wife Ann a total of 49 times as she slept in bed.
    A devout Jehovah's Witness, Mowbray was arrested at the couple's village home following the attack last February. 
    Very sad and strange story. 
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from FatGrotesqueJT in Conscience individual and collective   
    Yes you win on that one. I needed a name in a hurry and that old brainwashing just took over. I should change it really. 
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    This is why you don’t know anything about anything.
    You read only what feeds into what you already think.
    The point is, she doesn’t know a single person (zilch, zero, nada, as JTR would have put it)) that has not been abused as a child. 
    And she is not so ridiculous as you—she does not drink the Kool-Aid as do you—to think that it is on account of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    With every person she knows abused as a chid, this tells us nothing of Jehovah’s Witnesses. What it tells us is about the basic building blocks of contemporary society. Does it not trace back to the so-called Ancient Greek foundation of Western civilization—the ancient Greeks who were the original pedophiles? (You will not know of this because you don’t know anything, but you can ask JWI, he can confirm it for you, and then you can tell him he is wrong about it.)
    No wonder child activists are pulling their hair out, but I think they will never root out the problem because it is a building block of this world. I like that Billie Eilish just puts it out there plainly, without spin. She does not deceitfully try to work the facts so as to take out her enemy. (if she has one)
    It is just as Holly Folk says. There are poeple who feign interest in victims of child abuse in pursuit of what, for them, is a much greater goal.
    Billie, btw, is a phenomenal talent. She does the cover for the latest James Bond movie, No Time to Die.
    No wonder reformers are pulling their hair out. The issue has nothing to do with Jehovah Witnesses, other than Witnesses put significant energy into educating to prevent it.
  14. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Conscience individual and collective   
    Ye Ho Wa    YHWH. Um, but is it just the words of men or are they inspired of God's Holy Spirit ? 
    Whichever, it is not Jehovah is it ?  No J, no V.   Yehowa, maybe  
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    @WyattEarp aka Billy the Kid etc etc etc... so funny. 
    @TrueTomHarley still comparing the W/t / CCJW / JW Org to the rest of the world, instead of comparing them to GOD'S STANDARDS. 
    Yes of course we know how bad Satan's wicked world is. We've answered all this argument before. BUT what you people are proving is, that all the JW Orgs (plural) are part of that same wicked world, because they are no better. 
    As for Billy the Kid bringing up the history of the W/t, yes we know the Leaders of the Orgs kept records. Australian records going back 50 years it seems, but um, American records only going back 25 years ??? A hidden database....  BUT those leaders didn't remove the Pedophiles and didn't stop the child abuse. THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN IN COURT ROOMS AROUND THE EARTH.
    Australia, America, Canada, UK, Netherlands, all have proof of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE within the JW community including abuse committed by Elders and Ministerial Servants. Many of those pedophiles were allowed to stay in the congregations, OR, were quickly reinstated to the same congregation or deliberately moved to a different congregation where their CSA wasn't know about. 
    You JWs being in denial and deliberately blinding yourselves, does no good to anyone. And, by saying the 'rest of the world' is worse, does not make the W/t, CCJW, JW Orgs and GB, better in God's eyes. We all know that God and Christ hate hypocrisy and lies, and coverups. 
    The problem will remain until every JW admits that it was horrendous that CSA was so deeply hidden by the Leaders of the W/t JW Orgs, and so deeply hidden by all the Elders responsible for caring for the congregations. 
    Because whilst there is still this denial by JWs then there is still the hardness of your hearts too. 
    But Luke 8 v 17 says it all really 
    17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Conscience individual and collective   
    Ye Ho Wa    YHWH. Um, but is it just the words of men or are they inspired of God's Holy Spirit ? 
    Whichever, it is not Jehovah is it ?  No J, no V.   Yehowa, maybe  
  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Here’s the latest from Billie Eilish, the newest singing sensation, who until recently dressed like a sack of potatoes and wore her hair green:
    She says she doesn’t know a single peer who hasn’t experienced some sort of underage abuse. “It’s everywhere.”
    This is the world human rulership has delivered to us. Notice how she breaks ranks with 4Jah and Witness and doesn’t blame it on Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    To explain the phenomenon of “persecution,” what is a prerequisite? What do some individuals or groups of people do or do not do, that another group would consider them "enemies" and begin to “persecute” them in some of the many possible forms of persecution?
    To what extent are JWs willing to accept the desire of others to “live differently” from JWs? At what point will someone’s desire for a “lifestyle difference” that is different from JW’s, upset some JW so that in a spiritual sense he reaches for intellectual and emotional reasons that will trigger “hatred” in him and give him an excuse to “persecute” another individual ?
    Are JWs capable of “persecuting” those who are different from them? 
  19. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Not exactly. They are obedient when it does not conflict with God's 'rules'. But many governments give orders that people must join the military for a few years, and JWs disobey (rightly of course) and get put in prison for it.
    Unfortunately the GB and it's Org have earnt the title of being 'secretive'. And we know why of course. 
    Once again, unfortunately, the GB and it's Org are also hated for doing 'bad', and we know why.
    Again, unfortunately, the GB and their lawyers don't endure it, they cry out that it is all lies. 
    BUT, the GB and it's Org are not honest and in some cases not law-abiding. Certainly not living by God's true standards. 
    This is where it becomes unfortunate. The Leaders of the many W/t, CCJW, JW Org, etc companies, have been shown to be dishonest. The CSA problems, and the handling of such, earth wide in those orgs, have given it all a bad reputation. The orgs plural now look dirty. Add to this that the Leaders (those 8 men) have gone beyond the things written, raising themselves up above every other person here on this earth, including the (true) Anointed ones. 
    Maybe what you see as persecution is actually God through Christ, withholding Holy Spirit, from those orgs, plural. We know that God punished the Nation of Israel for wrong doing. Maybe if those orgs, including the GB, were to repent of their sins, and to turn around and serve God properly, through Christ, then maybe the Holy Spirit would guide them and protect them.  
    What happened in Russia reminds me of what happened to Jerusalem, and we know why Jerusalem was destroyed. 
    God, through Christ, will be served properly before that great Judgement Day arrives. 
  20. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Oh dear Tom, do you really think people will fall for this ?  You deliberately put it in the Open Club. 
    In your eyes only. Because God is allowing your eyes to be blinded.
    No Tom, it is actually written quite calmly and sensibly. 
    Wrong again. I mentioned a few points. One being that the GB dominate the true Anointed.  And the point about military service was because you said that JW always obeyed the laws of the lands. 
    Here you pretend to not understand what @Witness has written. So you prove yourself a liar. 
    Then you move on to compare the GB / W/t / JW Orgs (plural) to the rest of the world. A bit like me comparing myself to a murderer or bank robber. Well I'm not as bad as they are . You are so childish in this respect, you actually expect people to fall for it.  
  21. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    It hard to know if tom has lost his common sense when he calls truth venom.
    I loathe them for disobeying Almighty God and Jesus Christ, and for misleading thousands of people. 
    What complete rubbish this is. Only mild when compared to the rest of the world. NOT mild when compared to God's standards. 
    What an over reaction tom. you do make yourself appear silly here. 
    Unnecessary accusation here.  Shows you being over emotional Tom. The Early Christians were not JWs Tom, those early Christians served God through Christ, not through any other organisation. 
    More unnecessary emotion. You should maybe be a politician. You seem to enjoy twisting the truth about everything. 
    Your GB have set themselves up as 'kings' above all other people on this earth.
    Your GB pretend that 'God and Christ trust them'.  Your GB give themselves the title of 'Faithful and discreet slave'.
    But you Tom, you continue to sere that GB blindly. 
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    In your first statement, you begin by boasting about the persecution to come upon JWs.
    And then, make excuses for the sins of the organization, that have come to light...about child abuse.  
    The other points I made, are not sins?  Should we compare righteousness of all religions and say, well the WT's righteousness is better than most?  Is that how God gauges righteousness where His people reside?  
    A mother sends her child to school and tells him if you eat a piece of birthday cake, you will disappoint "Jehovah".  What a guilt trip to put on a little child.   Yet, Wt. sends its well educated lawyers to court to win a child abuse case, and the leadership feels justified in doing so, because no matter what, they must protect their riches.  Do they feel that any of their actions disappoint God?  Never.  The burden of persecution  is always on the sheep, who are persecuted because they listen to men living a  well insulated life from the persecutions that their flock experiences.  
    If we are to suffer for Jesus Christ's sake, we suffer by exposing falsehoods of our own people. This is what John the Baptist did, Jesus Christ and his apostles.  We put our entire faith in only the Father and the Son and we ask for repentance in following false dogma and men who create it.    Persecution is nothing to boast about, Tom.  It is something to understand why it happens to God's people, who reside where the leadership's sins are just now coming to light.   Revelation 18:4-8 is speaking to "my people" - God's elect/saints; but all who are where the "man of lawlessness"/elder body has rulership over the Temple/"living stones" of God, are to leave the organization.  Otherwise, those sins that you say are milder than other religions/organizations, are what all JWs will be found sharing in.  
    Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    it’s hard to know whose venom is worse—that of 4Jah or Witness. Let us designate Witness for top ‘honors,’ though, because while 4Jah loathes the GB because he loathes them, Witness loathes them for that reason AND because they are her rivals—she being one of the “actual anointed” that they ‘forbid to speak with each other’—how they have authority over her, as she left the Witnesses aeons ago, I haven’t a clue. But if Witnesses didn’t listen to them, then maybe they would listen to her, and that appears to be what gets her going.
    The “sins” of the Christian organization, as seen in the brief above, are actually quite mild, less than society in general and less that of other religious communities. Yet she and 4Jah storm against them that their persecution is no more than what they deserve—it is merited retribution for their sins. 
    That being the case, it is hard to imagine either of the two not dismissing the religious persecution of any group as no more than what they deserve. Few themes are as constant in the Bible as how the people of God will be rewarded in this system of things with persecution. Few themes are as constant in the Bible as how “there is no man who does not sin,” even “many times.” Many NT verses tell of the flaws and mistakes among the early disciples. So who is she going to find that is more undeserving of persecution than JWs? Or will she deny the Lord himself, taking the side of Satan: “Be kind to yourself—you will not have this destiny [of persecution] at all?”
    There is not a bit of forgiveness in her toward her rivals. Is it not an inescapable conclusion that she would be cheering the persecution of Christians in Nero’s Rome? When they were thrown to the lions or hung as public lanterns, “God withdrew his spirit—they’re just being repaid for their sins,” the two of them would say.”
    What nasty pieces of work they are.
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    It may be that I should have posted this topic in an area closed off from enemies of the Witnesses. I thought about it, but in the end put it here to see what shots they would take, and from that, maybe tighten it up or rewrite portions. They’ve come up with very little. It is stated with such vitriol that it may seem more than it is, but there is nothing that hasn’t been dealt with innumerable times before. 
    4Jah raises just one topic. It is the one he always raises. It seems like more than it is because he restates it again and again, but it is just one topic. (He does briefly flirt with JWs not serving in the military, but in the end concludes that it is proper for them to do as they do.) 
    Witness corroborates the CSA allegations, then adds her additional normal fury that Christians should be organized so as to get things done, then adds her usual goobledigook incomprehensible to anyone but her, mostly having to do with how she, as a “actual anointed” (her only qualifications being that she claims the status) should be listened to, along with her co-actual-anointed. 
    Introvigne is one of a group of scholars—all of them professors of religion—who wrote a brief for a Dutch court. It is a very lengthy brief (though not by the standards of a legal brief) but it addresses all complaints raised above.
    Noting that CSA is the universal plague among humankind, it states:
    “We have no doubt that serious cases of sexual abuse have occurred among Jehovah’s Witnesses, and that some have not been properly reported to the civil authorities. Given the size of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the contrary would be surprising.”
    It then goes on to state that, by the Court’s own data, Witness compliance with reporting CSA to police is higher, not lower, than the general Dutch population who are not the subjects of investigation, and higher than a much larger American Catholic community. In short, the court zeroes in on Jehovah’s Witnesses based upon a highly suspect and largely unconfirmable recruitment survey, when their own data indicates others do far worse.
    As to the self-reported victims of CSA who are dissatisfied with how their cases were handled:
    Those of us who have studied sexual abuse know that “dissatisfaction with handling” is widespread, and also applies to how cases are handled by the police and secular courts. Sexual abuse is such a horribly traumatic experience that no “handling” is perceived by the victims as totally adequate. It is, again, unfair to single out Jehovah’s Witnesses as if the “dissatisfaction with handling” would concern only them, while it is a common phenomenon in cases of sexual abuse in general.
    The brief finds “problematic” that JWs are singled out, when their record is better than that of most. Also that upon publication of the court’s report: Many if not most will only read titles in the media, and will be easily persuaded that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are “bad” citizens, more prone than other Dutch to sexual abuse and the protection of the abusers, while in fact even the figures of the Report suggest that the opposite is the case. 
  25. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Not exactly. They are obedient when it does not conflict with God's 'rules'. But many governments give orders that people must join the military for a few years, and JWs disobey (rightly of course) and get put in prison for it.
    Unfortunately the GB and it's Org have earnt the title of being 'secretive'. And we know why of course. 
    Once again, unfortunately, the GB and it's Org are also hated for doing 'bad', and we know why.
    Again, unfortunately, the GB and their lawyers don't endure it, they cry out that it is all lies. 
    BUT, the GB and it's Org are not honest and in some cases not law-abiding. Certainly not living by God's true standards. 
    This is where it becomes unfortunate. The Leaders of the many W/t, CCJW, JW Org, etc companies, have been shown to be dishonest. The CSA problems, and the handling of such, earth wide in those orgs, have given it all a bad reputation. The orgs plural now look dirty. Add to this that the Leaders (those 8 men) have gone beyond the things written, raising themselves up above every other person here on this earth, including the (true) Anointed ones. 
    Maybe what you see as persecution is actually God through Christ, withholding Holy Spirit, from those orgs, plural. We know that God punished the Nation of Israel for wrong doing. Maybe if those orgs, including the GB, were to repent of their sins, and to turn around and serve God properly, through Christ, then maybe the Holy Spirit would guide them and protect them.  
    What happened in Russia reminds me of what happened to Jerusalem, and we know why Jerusalem was destroyed. 
    God, through Christ, will be served properly before that great Judgement Day arrives. 
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