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Patiently waiting for Truth

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    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Conscience individual and collective   
    To defend @4Jah2me's statement about True Anointed ones, I personally don’t believe every man on the GB are genuinely anointed.
    Why don’t you spend some time, if you haven’t already, and listen to Stephen Lett’s wisdom on his video about anointing.  He has no clue what an anointing is. And I believe there are a few more on that body just like him
    But, after listening to his speech of lies, you might (or might not) want to read this comment from a genuine anointed one:
    Wow, the very first two things he says in the first sentence, are false. No scripture says that you must be water baptized by men, before God can anoint you with his spirit. In fact, Acts10 reads; "44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. 45 And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. 46 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered, 47 “Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to stay a few days." Gentiles were anointed, previous to their water baptism.
     Secondly... Lett states that one must establish oneself as having a faithful course in the eyes of men, previous to their anointing by God. I assume that this "faithful course" is defined by the organization and includes their own standards of behavior (meeting attendance, service hours, proper dress, etc.). Again the scriptures disprove this fallacy. Did Paul establish himself as an exemplary Christian (according to the "watchtower's" criteria), while he traveled from town to town, hunting down and trying to eradicate the sect? Yet while in that spiritual state of mind, Jesus Christ himself chose Paul... not only to be among the 144K, but to be an apostle. Lett's assertions do two things... *insult the power of God to read a heart, and *bestows authority on the organization to interject their own standards into something that is none of their business. They don't get to tell God who He can adopt, and when. Outrageous arrogance!
     There is also no scriptural indication, that the "heavenly calling" is exclusively heavenly, as Lett asserts. For goodness sake... Rev.21:3-4 tells us plainly, that New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven. It states that God's dwelling [his temple made up of the anointed (1Pet.2:5; 1Cor.3:16)] is WITH MANKIND. How can you be an heir of the earth (Gal.3:29; Gen.28:4,13-14), but not be allowed to set foot on it? Lett is locked in a dark closet indeed.
    Wow, next, he twists the meaning of 1John2:20. The interlinear Greek makes plain, that in context with verses21 and 27, ...the "knowledge" is a growth in divine truths... Not an awareness that one is anointed. This guy can't open his mouth, without fulfilling Rev.13:11! Wasn't there recently a video about how shameful and taboo it is to inquire about the anointing experience? These guys need to make up their minds.
    Great... now I hear him ripping off from things I have written. What's wrong? Are your lamps going out and you need to borrow some oil? So I get Df'd for speaking the truth, but they can take what I got thrown out for, and use it in their talk? Another 12 minutes of video to go. I can't stomach much more. I now have strong personal doubt that Stephen Lett is a genuine anointed.
    He makes no mention of the experience of being anointed. While mentioning how powerful God's spirit witness is, he doesn't even touch upon that experience... which he certainly would if he really received it.
    The priests and kings in Israel, when anointed, were certainly aware of the event. They could feel the oil being poured upon them. It wasn't something that occurred because they had already been water baptized, or because they were regular in service. The Bible makes clear what the heart feels during an anointing by God's holy spirit... something obviously foreign to Stephen Lett. 
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    It will show through when I begin offering True Anointed sweatshirts on my website.
    It is a phrase completely of your own devising. Even your fellow yo-yos have not used it. The more you repeat it, with your expectations of how it comes along just in the nick of time to save the day, the more ridiculous it sounds. 
    Don’t get me going on this. Already I can picture a fellow lounging on the beach, relaxing, enjoying himself through and through, not doing a thing, with the logo: “Chill, man, I’m waiting for the True Anointed.”
    I have never heard anyone use the expression but you.
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Conscience individual and collective   
    We can and should discover the truth about ourselves all our lives. And it is a process that exists, no matter how much we participate in it or not. The more we participate in it, through various small and big events, the different truths become recognizable. These truths to a greater or lesser extent, sometimes imperceptibly and sometimes drastically, correct or redirect our life path and choices.
    You put great importance on YHVH illuminating “personal truths” and "collective truths". ”You say; YHVH defines truth. It is possible so. But how did He define truth when he did not give Adam and Eve      “knowledge to discern good from evil”? Can the truth be defined without knowledge?
    But let's leave the situation in Eden in the past, because since leaving Eden people have legally acquired ability to recognize good and evil, and in that knowledge they should continue to gain experience and knowledge at the same time.
    Later some written instructions on what is good and what is not good came in. But some things remained unsaid and left to man to judge and choose. Also, some things in the past were regulated by prohibition, and even unregulated, so without prohibition. Today they got a new and different “illumination.” By that, and the truth from the past, it got a new face. To the least, the former truth is not the truth of today’s man, whether it is JW or non-JW.
    Perhaps Polygamy? Slavery? Well, there are some past individual and collective truths about that, right?
    These things are not called "the truth" today. Maybe, they are called as just written past/history ?
    Has it always been the best? Incorrect statement. There were few true representatives even in the Bible, let alone outside the Bible.
  4. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Conscience individual and collective   
    I did no such thing. I teased him about a simple anachronism, because he mentioned a phrase like "C.O.s and D.O.s."
    Arauna chides me all the time for giving examples that go all the way back to the days of Russell, Rutherford, Franz and Knorr. But D.O.s are still fresh in our memory. Many of the talks I recall best were given by D.O.s.
  5. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Conscience individual and collective   
    If i was a member of any club then found out it was immoral and wicked, then i would resign. It not only makes a statement of objecting to the immorality and wickedness, but it makes a complete break from that club / organisation. I accept that the Watchtower and JW organisations (plural) have given themselves fale authority, much like a dictatorship. 
    I prayed to God through Christ before resigning, so my conscience was clear on the matter. 
    I was able to tell a few brothers why i was leaving before it was announced from the platform. 
    I was able to make a complete break, without pretending to just being 'inactive'.  
    I had enough faith in God and Christ to be able to 'loose' the 120 'brothers/sisters' in the congregation without getting upset about it. 
    And now, anyone i tell about the immorality and wickedness of the Watchtower / JW orgs, will know that i am not hypocritcal because i left as soon as I had proved to myself the seriouslness of the situation. 
    And yes i have made statements online about the things I have learnt through doing my own research and through this forum. 
    Of course JWs do not like my faith in God and Christ. JWs do not like my onging confidence in being able to 'survive' without the Org. JWs do not like that I continue to make known the sins of the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Orgs. 
    And JWs do not like that i know the difference between serving God, and, serving Men.  And I will contiue to serve God. 
  6. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Conscience individual and collective   
    If i was a member of any club then found out it was immoral and wicked, then i would resign. It not only makes a statement of objecting to the immorality and wickedness, but it makes a complete break from that club / organisation. I accept that the Watchtower and JW organisations (plural) have given themselves fale authority, much like a dictatorship. 
    I prayed to God through Christ before resigning, so my conscience was clear on the matter. 
    I was able to tell a few brothers why i was leaving before it was announced from the platform. 
    I was able to make a complete break, without pretending to just being 'inactive'.  
    I had enough faith in God and Christ to be able to 'loose' the 120 'brothers/sisters' in the congregation without getting upset about it. 
    And now, anyone i tell about the immorality and wickedness of the Watchtower / JW orgs, will know that i am not hypocritcal because i left as soon as I had proved to myself the seriouslness of the situation. 
    And yes i have made statements online about the things I have learnt through doing my own research and through this forum. 
    Of course JWs do not like my faith in God and Christ. JWs do not like my onging confidence in being able to 'survive' without the Org. JWs do not like that I continue to make known the sins of the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Orgs. 
    And JWs do not like that i know the difference between serving God, and, serving Men.  And I will contiue to serve God. 
  7. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    James Thomas Rook Jr. was a member of this forum.  He was possibly a JW but has some 'individual' ideas and a loss of self control. I did not know him well enough to state ay thing else. 
  8. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    Xero is in the private club ? Wow. And JWI has proven that Xero is not a present Elder. And Xero's comments are far from Christian. Yep, you guys have an intruder. 
  9. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    JWs do not fret about these things as much as you may think. You are not the center of their universe.
    If you want to leave a place of Bible education and religious unity for a place where any huckster might say anything, there is only so long your fellow congregation members will cry about it. They do not remember you as the One Who Flew Over the Cookoo’s nest. 
    After all, it was not me who asked you about pedophilia/vs homosexuality in the scriptures, was it? Any JW could have put their finger on that information quickly. They would not be bamboozled by what bamboozled your son—gay “Christian” revisionists attempting to redefine scripture to back up their lifestyle. 
    Does it bother you that you have put yourself in a place where scriptural answers are so intertwined with garbage that for all practical purposes they cannot be found? It doesn’t seem to. You kick the can down the road with expectations that the True Anointed will explain it all. That being the case, I don’t know why you ever expound upon anything. Just wait for the True Anointed to tell you what’s what.
    “Then the Master said to the third slave, “and what have you been doing?” and the third slave replied, “Nothing! I was waiting for the True Anointed! What took you so long to send him?”
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    You may be aware of the postmodernist who doesn't believe in a singular truth "out there" to be discovered. These believe that there are personal and private truths which remain forever unverifiable save for the individual perceptions of the ones who possess the same.
    This is an anti-western perspective and also an unbiblical perspective.
    Truth, like the quality of goodness inhere fully in and are defined by and perceived by and illuminated by Jehovah as he is the source.
    We can approach our truth only with help from Jehovah.
    So this perception we have of right and wrong properly exercised is illuminated and informed by an external source, namely the scriptures. There are adiaphoric cases where things are neither here, nor there and there appears to be no moral component to a given decision within the choices being made by an individual either because these are not clearly identified in scripture or because the principles are such that any choice made is ambiguous as to whether the choice is leading one towards or away from the requirements for salvation.
    In all this, we are not necessarily listening to humans when we adhere to the business of "being submissive" to those taking the lead, however I will assent to the idea that one must acknowledge that such "lead" is actually being taken. Certainly individuals in positions of authority may "take the lead" and this in an incorrect (from a scriptural viewpoint and this not in simply adiaphoric matters) matter, so one would rightfully question whether to follow such "lead" or not. Certainly if it was unscriptural, you'd have the obligation to point this out no matter the position in the congregation.
    But in all this the scriptures are the tethers for a proper conscience. Not humans. So when one is being obedient to those taking the lead and you can see that there might be ten different ways in which that lead might have been taken from a scriptural perspective and you feel that the one chosen by those taking the lead isn't the most optimal, if you happen to be proximate to the one taking the lead you might quietly draw attention to the superior (like Aquila and Priscilla did for Apollos Acts 18:26) and he may or may not listen, but if this "lead" taken isn't unscriptural, you'd have an obligation to support the direction taken.
    So...a "collective conscience" is more descriptive than prescriptive. The prescriptive direction comes from scripture primarily and this is what informs the individual conscience as to private vs public matters and when personal preference needs to give way to organizational directions.
    There is necessarily an element of homogenization and less-than-optimal (from various personal viewpoints) decisions which might be made. (Can we not see this if we place ourselves in situ in the scriptures as we read of these events? How many times would the direction have appeared to be less than optimal from those there at that time? Yet, those who did their best to go with Jehovah's representatives fared best overall)
    Deferring to people of informed judgment seems to be key for educating conscience. Educating conscience, therefore, is a communal affair, not merely the outcome of an isolated faculty of the mind. And in saying it is a communal affair this is w/regard to the discussions surrounding scripture which have led those taking the lead to determine that one course of action is better than another.
    In the end it is scripture to which one is adhering to. In some cases, simply obeying is sufficient. If we do not fully understand the reasons, we can ask and we can meditate on the reasons involved. To be sure, there may be cases (as there always have been) when one asks "Why, if you had to change a different doctrine or belief did you not do it in a different manner?" we can speculate and take two different ways of approaching the change a) We can take a negative approach and imagine all manner of self-serving and cowardly reasons for doing so and b) We can take a positive approach and give the benefit of the doubt, recognizing that there are those who would parse words to convict and destroy and perhaps these are the reasons for such sometimes delicate wordings w/regard to changes
    *Or we can flip/flop trying on one view and another view in turn.
    In the end, though the scriptures ever and always support the idea that organization is used. Having said so we know that God can use an organization w/individuals who may be losing favor w/Jehovah for personal or secret sins of the heart. Consider Judas. Consider Saul. Consider the high priest who prophesied that "you do not reason it is for your benefit" in the case of Jesus and his trumped up trial.
    Still we must necessarily identify and stick w/the organization Jehovah is using.
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Conscience individual and collective   
    When washing dishes, your 3rd plate falls to the floor and breaks. So you managed to wash the dishes until that one fell out of your hand. The question remains, why did it fall out of hand.
    We have all three models: he washed 2 plate, he didn’t wash all other plates, he tried. The attempt/try was partly successful and partly not. :))) 
  12. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    Viola! You have discovered my reason for being here! 
    Look before you came along, of course, I mean, you are not among them. Many aren’t.
    But many are.
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Conscience individual and collective   
    “Obey those who [a]rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. “Heb 13:17
    [a]rule – “lead”. 
    This scripture is a fallback for the organization to expect obedience to the GB and elders.  The apostles led the newly anointed ones especially, in truth.  The point of this leading was to direct them to Jesus Christ.  This, is how they were making disciples for Jesus and the Father.  It had nothing to do with earthly organizational arrangements, and leading people to the organization.  Jesus knew the last remnant of anointed would face such a delusion. He stated to these disciples who were desiring to be greater than another:
    “The kings of nations have power over their people, and those in authority call themselves friends of the people. 26 But you’re not going to be that way! Rather, the greatest among you must be like the youngest, and your leader must be like a servant. 27 Who’s the greatest, the person who sits at the table or the servant? Isn’t it really the person who sits at the table? But I’m among you as a servant.”  Luke 22:25-27
    Elders, are the “kings” of the nations, as they “represent the royal priesthood of "kings"”, which in reality means they have usurped the dignity of this priesthood. (2 Thess 2:3,4) “Those in authority” over these “kings”, is the GB – “friends of the people”/”benefactors” - who volunteer their time for the 'greater good'.  This is organizational arrangement, but Jesus condemns it.
    How powerful, how much impact do Jesus’ words have, against those of men who “rule” and wield discipline under such an arrangement?  Jesus’ words have no impact.  JWs see the elders, the GB, their great accomplishments, and it is to them that obedience and praise is given. 
    Anthony Morris: 
    “When that direction comes out to Branch committee members, or when it comes out to the congregations; IF you want Jehovah’s blessing on you as an individual or family, certainly as an elder or congregation, it’d be best to ask Jehovah to help you understand it, but obey the decision.”
    He continues, “This is a theocracy ruled by God, not a collection of man-made decisions. This is governed from heaven.”
    There is no way that God would sanction such actions of men who fabricate their own “theocracy”,  and who admit they are not inspired and never have been. We don’t obey decision that have nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Are the Branch Committee Members inspired where these decrees originate?  Morris was putting his fist down to preserve his dominance over everyone, totally contrary to what Jesus expects of those whom HE sends.  Morris was enforcing “man-made” organizational protocol, with the threat that God will not bless a JW if these various organizational decisions are not followed. 
     Jesus’ teachings, and the teachings of the apostles, - the foundation of the spiritual Temple -  reflected Truth, not prominence of men, and certainly not obedience to a shifting doctrine newly formed, and then overhauled, as if such shifting of false truth is ever received from the Father and Jesus Christ.  James 1:17
     This foundation of Truth that we already have in God’s word, is our touchstone.  If what men say contradicts that touchstone, we are to walk away from them.  Doing this, displays our obedience to Jesus Christ.  
    "The man of sin will come with the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous and wonderful signs. But they will be lies. 10 He will use everything that God disapproves of to deceive those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them. 11 That’s why God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie. 12 Then everyone who did not believe the truth, but was delighted with what God disapproves of, will be condemned."  2 Thess 2:9-12
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    @PudgyHe also came across as damaged, but never hateful. He didn’t forgive, but at the same time he lauded almost brothers as upright and honorable. In the end, I think he came to forgive even those ones he thought were not—individually, if not collectively, and maybe even collectively..
    He is an example of Proverbs 19:3 - It is the foolishness of an earthling man that distorts his way, and so his heart becomes enraged against Jehovah himself.
    And yet, not entirely, because he felt it was the organization that had run him over roughshod, not Jehovah. It calls to mind a statement of the Memorial speaker, a circuit overseer, in the talk I linked to above and will so again because it fits. (Oh, wait—I didn’t put it in the post, but he did say it)—he said it later, in the ‘men—what should we do?’ concluding section...wait, I’ll insert it): “If you’ve been hurt, and you know that you shouldn’t have been, but deep down inside you know it wasn’t Jehovah...”
    People get hurt. It is what happens in any large assembly of people. Most humans handle matters in the Abraham/Lot manner: “you go this way and I’ll go that way.” JWs continue to bond together as a family, however I note that two separate circuit overseers have recently used such expressions as: “one large, happy, united, somewhat dysfunctional, family.” Nobody in the faith for any amount of time would ever say that we are not. But the entire human family is dysfunctional, and the Witness organization strives to address it, overcome it, and has succeeded to a far greater degree than most.
  15. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    Cesar Chavez is apparently as good a comedian as Lewis Black, whose comedy is partially based on him being angry at everything, all the time, and being seconds away from a detonation stroke.
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Pudgy in Conscience individual and collective   
    Matthew 5:22 "....... But I say to you, whoever shall say, ' You fool,' shall be subject to the fire of Gehenna."
  17. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Conscience individual and collective   
    "Open Club"........."Closed Club" ........"Open Conscience"........"Closed Conscience".........etc.
    Is it possible just to speak frankly .... what we think about this and that?
  18. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    I rather like this goal.
    I like this one, too. Sometimes the malcontents send me a light-years long diatribe. Do they expect me to reply to every sentence? Do they imagine I have nothing whatsoever to do with my time? It’s amazing how full of themselves people can be. 
    I pick out one point and respond to it, assuming I respond to anything at all.
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Conscience individual and collective   
    That there should be no literal central place:
    1) whence it is dictated how God should be worshiped
    2) where "the truth is produced"
    3) where to go on pilgrimage
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Conscience individual and collective   
    What is meant by Jesus’ words in John 4:21-24?
    What mountain will rise and draw people to it, in the last days?  Isa 2:2,3
    What “mountain” is destroyed in Zech 4:7-14, when the last “living stone” of the Temple/mountain of God is in place? 
    What “mountain” is destroyed in Rev 8:8? It is an established earthly “mountain-like” organization.  I can only think of one organization that calls itself the “mountain-like” “spirit-directed” organization – the one you expect people to submit to.
    As far as “cyanide” affecting a tiny group of people, this warning was given to God’s saints:
    "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping."  2 Pet 2:1-3
    How is this accomplished?  How can truth, the living waters of Jesus Christ, be brought into disrepute?  (John 7:38)
    ”See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.  Heb 12:15
    Wouldn’t you know... wormwood is a bitter root; and knowing that “stars” are represented by anointed ones, (Gen 26:4; Dan 12:3; Luke 11:33; 2 Pet 1:19; Rev 1:20)…
    ...who is Wormwood in Rev 8:10,11?  Interestingly, this account of a fallen star being called “Wormwood” is noted in the same chapter as the “mountain” being destroyed.
    God allows this or has allowed Satan to deceive, when His people have sinned through idolatry and the acceptance of false teachings.  (Luke 22:39)
    “Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets:
    ‘Behold, I will feed them with wormwood,
    And make them drink the water of gall;
    For from the prophets of Jerusalem
    Profaneness has gone out into all the land.’ ”  Jer 23:15
    What is more important to you, knowing the truth from Jesus Christ, or accepting the discipline administered by men which an organization provides?
    Wormwood, False Prophets, Armageddon
  21. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Witness, no one in their right mind is going to get together with a handful of people online or in someone's garage and imagine that what they are doing there has anything to do with preaching the good news of God's Kingdom to the remotest part of the earth. That requires organization, a world wide organization.
    Hanging out w/a tiny group of people just feels creepy and weird. I'd imagine the next step in that group would be for the cyanide koolaide to come out at some point.
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Conscience individual and collective   
    Right.  In this corrupted world, God would choose elements based on the expertise of men, to shed "light" on the scriptures.  Men would organize themselves, choose who would be the leaders and those who must submit to their "expertise" and supposed knowledge of His Word.  
    This isn't the organization concept from God, it is submitting oneself to the "world".  Men will then say, 'our organization is the dwelling place of God'.  This is blasphemy.  
    Earthly organizations are created mountains.  They come with rules and regulations on how to worship God. These rules are at the whim of men.  If they they are not followed, this mountain can consume the "sheep".  
    Jesus referred to two mountains in John 4, where worship was established -  Jerusalem, and the Samaritan temple.  Those mountains were corrupted by corrupt leaders.  God removed His Spirit from Jerusalem when Jesus died. 
    There is only one organization that is acceptable to God, and it isn't fabricated by men.  You are misunderstanding the concept of church, congregation, and the Body of Christ.  While you reign over and discipline the anointed in the organization, you have failed to see that they are the dwelling of God - His Temple. (1 Cor 3:16,17)  Can you comprehend  that the Wt has consumed the sheep of Jesus Christ, through a man-made organization?  Rev 13:5-10
    You are expecting the members of Jesus' body to be submissive to a discipline created by men.  THEY, the anointed, are the "organization" outlined by God.  Within their heart are the "rules and regulations" that God put there. (Heb 8:10) Yet, men are superior with their book of "light" that always needs updating.   8 million JWs have no understanding of the true spiritual organization built on the anointed Body of Christ.  Who would blind them of this truth, Jesus or Satan?  (Col 2:8; Rev 12:1-4,7,13-15)
     “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.
    “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”  Acts 24,25,29-31
    "human design and skill", is how an earthly organization is is born.
    As I just asked a JW, once a ministerial servant ,who now realizes now that no earthly organization is the "way" to truth...
    "One has to ask, what is more important today, this spiritual Temple, or the organization?  Who is called on to teach the word of God, the anointed priesthood (Mal 2:7), or elders not part of God’s Temple, but are the backbone of an earthly organization?
    I'm sorry you are so blind.  
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Conscience individual and collective   
    Unfortunately, Cesar, this is the best thing you could say to spur sales of them. It is if you enthusiastically recommended them, that might give people pause for thought.
    You do not see yourself as anyone else here does. And if you carry on in your real life as you do here, that thought will be equally true in the greater world of humanity, be people in the faith or not.
    If you actually are in the faith, something that I doubt, then you are an unhappy, deeply troubled individual here indulging in a double-life. Were you well-adjusted, sound and joyful in the faith, then you would have no need of such a kick-ass outlet as coming here,, where you shed any semblance of Christianity, insulting one and all.
    It is almost like the double life kid who goes through all the motions in the truth, impresses everyone with his zeal and love, but by night flails away at super-violent video games.
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    Just pointing out your insubordination to theocratic order...
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Conscience individual and collective   
    I do wish that those people obsessed with AN ORGANISATION, would tell me, in chronological order, which Organisations Almighty God was using from the year 100 through to the year 1850. 
    All complete names of ALL the organisations, with dates from and to, please.  I look forward to your thorough reply, because you people seem to be so confident that you have these answers. 
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