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Patiently waiting for Truth

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    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Slow down please. EVERY Commission can be biased. Even JW elders Judicial Committee (Commission). They are all only human, as people would say (justifies) when something goes wrong.  :))
    Who should be put to death by whom in ARC ???? 
    Read again verse 16. This "two or more" who should be "taken along" are not witnesses of wrongdoing but witnesses of (victim) who going to his/her bro/sis for conversation about alleged sin he/she made to her/him. Again, they are witnesses of "second approach" because "first approach" failed. JW elders, and you, have error interpretations and application.
    What if accused is "younger man" ??? Or individual (male, female, child) without "title"???
    This is super. Jesus said; "In your own Law ..." Very specific choice of words - YOUR OWN. He didn't say My Father Law, or My Teaching, but YOUR OWN LAW.  Jesus beat them with their own weapons aka Their Own Law. Nothing about what you want to sell us here.
    Stick to Context Brother Cesar! :)))  
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    It was written that way, but it sure wasn't pronounced like that. It was pronounced in ancient Hebrew with pertinent syllables. We speak English. Each language pronounces names differently. Jehovah understands all languages of the world, including his name in that language. 
    But we've gone through all of this before....
    So my observation seems correct
  3. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Balking at the term "mentally diseased"   
    I think it should be embraced by those who are honest about themselves in relation to Jehovah and his son Jesus. What we want is a pattern of treatment for our own peculiar manifestation of symptoms, realizing that not everyone manifests the disease in the same manner.
    Those who balk at the term or fail to recognize a continual need for repeat treatments and external analysis of one's progress relative to the disease by others who likewise are keeping an eye on themselves for fear they too may be tempted are not what I'd call useful companions.
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    A while ago I watched an interview that was made in the 80's with an ex-elder in Ireland who became dissatisfied with the way the organization was running things. He succeeded in getting a large following. This period of time was even mentioned in one of the yearbooks that talked about Ireland. Anyway, most of the interview was about his gripes with this and that, the usual, but what struck me was that at the end of the interview he was encouraging others who had doubts: not to worry about trying to do things God's way, because God doesn't mind if we get things wrong, and if we happen to feel closer to Jesus, and start praying to him, and worshipping him, then God will be ok with that too.
    (Paraphrased, and I have mentioned this on the forum before)
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    The Jewish astrophysicist I studied with would often make profound statements. He said "X, to the extent something or someone is evil, to that extent they are predictable and this for the rejection of free will."
    I see a bot-like response pattern to opposers, one with which they are unaware of (the physical man vs the spiritual man "who indeed examines all things"). I argue (if I do at all) that three syllables were likely in the divine name (by comparison to similar names) and that it is perfectly correct to use "Jehovah". If we can't use "Jehovah" then we can't use any of these other Hebrew scripture names. We do and opposers do, so we see the motives. They don't want you to use God's name. They rationalize their reasons, but underlying this is that they have become subject to the air that is operating in the sons of disobedience.
  6. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    You are calling God AL these days?
    It’s called translation. You know (well—YOU probably don’t, but everyone else does) that John becomes Johann in some languages, Ivan in others, and is modified in many countries.. You would get up on your high horse over that and prefer to be called ‘Mighty4Jah?’
    It is true, however, that when people began truncating TrueTom to TTH, in time a group of morons arose to claim that no one really could know if it was TrueTom or not.
    It only became worse after it was discovered  I had released some notes without signature. Lawyers came along and said ‘since he didn’t put his name everywhere, we’ll assume it is not anywhere.
  7. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    It's good counsel about sexism. And I recall being impressed that she explained that her "Thinking" moniker was not to be taken as a reference to any pride in thinking ability or habits, but merely as a reference to what should be a necessity for all of us. My sexism wasn't in regard to misunderstanding the moniker as any kind of bluster but the fact that I had never noticed any real gender hints after years of participation. I just had a feeling that if she was a sister she would say so on  a forum like this, perhaps even inadvertently. And of course, I don't read everyone's every word, so I figured I might have even missed a gender reveal.
    Now that you mention private conversations, of course, I have a different impression. I now have the impression that she intended not to reveal this fact to everyone, and I can figure many reasons a sister (or any female) might not wish to let people know on such a forum as this.
    The actual thought of Thinking being female came across to me as a choice recently when she said this:
    First of all, that kind of a statement stands up to self-righteous brothers (even potentially on this forum) in a way that no one would attempt unless they were either a frustrated elder, brutally honest, or a sister who was aware of problems, and brutally honest. Any brother who had knowledge of multiple cases of victims mentioned in the ARC would have been either an elder himself, or a sister who had known or spoken with multiple victims. Sisters are the most common victims and are much more likely to speak voluntarily with other sisters than with brothers. I thought of it as a possibility but somehow still preferred to think "he" was a brutally honest elder, who had perhaps known one of the cases, and had perhaps been driven to a site like this based on the experience.
    This reminds me that I meant to ask @Thinking about one of the ARC cases, as I had come to believe that this victim was never telling the truth, or was projecting the abuse claims onto the wrong perpetrator. Something is off about one of the cases that got a lot of attention in the ARC.
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    Of course. You commendably refrain from ad hominem attacks, but I don’t. He is such a do-do. In any group of several million people, you will find many examples of anything. One must run the comparative numbers before reaching any verdict. You don’t reach your verdict first then ask around to assemble buttressing facts.
    There is probably something unsavoringly sexist about this remark. Having said that, I thought the same. If sexist, it is not necessarily in an unflattering way, as in supposing women don’t think. With me, and probably with you, it was in a complimentary way, as in men are so likely to bluster on about their overpowering thinking ability, but women, though they will think every bit as much, seldom make such a display about it. 
    She has favored me with a direct message or two. She has a background and brings much to the table. She says she personally knows Witness and gives me insight on that one.
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    Me too! And I've noticed that the majority of those who leave, stop using it. To me that says a lot.
  10. Haha
  11. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    Yes. Of course. He will be merging “Almighty God” with Jesus Chrst presently, if he hasn’t already, and it may not be long after that he sends “Almighty God” to the ash heap entirely to worship Jesus.
    There is a scholar somewhere—I wish I could put my finger on it—who says that the very reason LORD began to be preferred over the name was that it facilitates a merging of the two.
    Call us old-fashioned, Xero, but we belong to the club that thinks if you put your name 7000 times in your book, it means you want it there, and may not be too thrilled with those who obscure it or even take it out.
    By forsaking the Name, is he not distancing himself already from that One, even as he presents himself as holiness on steroids? Is he going down the path of what he does to you, calling you ex-elder, or what CC does to JWI, calling him ex-bethelite? It is an unmistakable sign of dislike and desired distance, and that is why they do it. In discarding the name for the title, is not 4jah all but calling God “ex-confidant?” If he drops the “4Jah” for “4God” we will know for sure.
    As to CC, as you know, I go back and forth with him. At the moment, (and I really hope I do not drag him in here with rebukes to all) I am inclined to think he probably is a JW, but exceedingly unbalanced, hung up on one point to the near-exclusion of others. Is there precedent? I wonder. When Phineas pierced the two love-birds through their you-know-whats, and then led the charge to slay a ton of others, did someone at some point have to lay a hand on him and say, “Not them, Phineas! They’re okay. Granted, they are a little squirrelly, but we can put up with them. They have some good in them.” We may just have to put up with him, as we acknowledge that here and there he comes up with powerful points, and he certainly tolerates no rivalry before Jehovah. Who knows what inner turmoil people have gone through? Unless I cannot resist, I not going to squabble with him, even if he takes shots at me.
    I dreamt up a fictional character and sometimes when a humanist ex-JW acts up I assign his words to Vic Vomodog, a former compatriot for whom against all reason and counsel, I still retain a soft spot, however so faint. Long ago, we used to pull shoulder to shoulder in the work. But Vic is unrelentingly atheist. He will not do for ex-JWs who still retain a recognition of God. How to solve that problem?
    Meet Bob Sowmire, who will serve as the anti-type of 4jah. For some reason Vic and Bob are close—you would think they wouldn’t be able to stand each other, for they have nothing in common and have gone in mutually antagonistic ways. But like 4Jah chumming with Alan, with Srecko, with O’Malighan, with Matthew 4-5784, (you may not have had the honor with the latter two) people who in all other respects he would not be able to tolerate, but the mutual distaste of Jehovah’s people and now his Name unites them, so Vic Vomodog and Bob Sowmire are thick as thieves. 
  12. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    God indeed had YHWH put into HIS word. But HE did not have the name Jehovah put anywhere. 
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    I'm always suspicious when people avoid using "Jehovah". The argument about not knowing the exact pronunciation would then apply to Jehoshaphat, Jehoram or pretty much any name in the Hebrew scriptures, but for some reason the punctiliousness is applied only to "Jehovah".
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Jehovah's Witnesses to join redress scheme   
    WHAT COMPLET HYPOCRISY. This truly shows the GB / Watchtower / JW Org for what they really are. 
    It's all about the money, money, money.  They do not care about people. 
    BUT they didn't 'believe that' earlier, when money wasn't involved.  
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Arauna in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    It is not a grey area at all. The ministry is part of the JW 'church activity'. This is easily proven by what is happening right now. Letter writing instead of door to door work. This is instruction by your Leaders as is all ministry. NO grey area at all.
    Now, what you say about children being the responsibility of the parents. This is where I say that ALL Pedophiles in ALL congregations should be made known to Everyone in the Congregation,(and outside really). Any proven act of abuse reported to Elders should be made known, naming the abuser but not naming the child. But it has been proven that Pedophiles have been hidden in congregations Earthwide, especially Elder pedophiles. So the congregation parents are not to blame for that. Remember that the KH is 'advertised' / spoken of, as being a safe place for families. JWs constantly invite 'new studies' to the KH, telling them what a wonderful and friendly place the KH is. From there JWs invite people into their own homes and on to ministry. It's a 'snowball' effect. More activities, more mixing with others. Therefore everyone should have ALL needed information about dangerous congregants including Elders.
    Anna, just turn off the JW think for one moment, and look for truth about it all. Look into your heart not into the GB eyes. You know what has gone on in the JW Org. And there is no proof that it has stopped. Why ? Because the Elders still have control over the congregations. and we know what happens if people question the Elders, or if a person complains about being mistreated.  D/fed for causing a division in the congregation. Loss of all contact with everyone in the Org. 
  16. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    This is obviously untrue. JWs kick their children out if the children disobey the parents or  GB / JW org.  Those parents demand their children get baptised into the JW org, then when a child goes 'astray' that child is thrown out on the streets without anyone to turn to. Then you wonder why that child will turn to the 'world' to stay alive. 
  17. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    I wish I could copy and paste something i have on file. Something that @JW Insider uploaded a long time ago. About a young man at Bethel that got himself into a bit of trouble, was d/fed, and then JUMPED IN FROM OF A TRAIN. SUICIDE.  So it happens inside the Org and outside. I know of an Elder that commited suicide by running his car engine and inhaling the  exaust fumes whilst drinking alcohol. 
  18. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    Um let's see now.
    Um, me thinks Tom is the pot calling the kettle black. he also answers his own questions. 
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    It can be. From first sentence to the last. But, keeping in mind that these are JW members, then it stops being weird because the ideas came from someone within the System. It can only be strange that people on the outside don’t understand the JW System :)).
    As I said, it is good for members of society (of different ideologies) to connect, at least through children. Because an individual often needs the help of the wider community to be able to live. Sometimes the whole community finds itself in a situation of being affected by a natural disaster and if they do not act, how much so, mutually it will be harder for them to overcome the crisis. Physical or mental. So, it is not bad for children to be involved in humanitarian matters, but with measure and with what children are and should be ... The future of a better humanity. And not under the control of the System that makes them future adults who will blindly follow GB.
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to xero in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    The crusty old atheist reminds me of a long-standing call I had w/a chip engineer at intel. I suspect she was either high functioning autistic or aspergers, in any case on the first call I made a presentation and she was emotionally flat during the magazine presentation, so I stopped and asked her "Am I boring you? Would you prefer I stop?" and she said w/the same deadpan "No. Please continue, this is interesting." Then she set me a schedule to visit her. It was not surprisingly mathematical in precision. I was expected to be at her door at 10 AM every other Saturday (no excuses). We never got much past the magazines, as after a year she moved out of state, but it goes to show that you can't tell what's happening inside someone when the exterior is less than inviting.
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    Not to mentioned Sunday Ice Cream money (after KH meeting). It is good to learn children about charity and sharing with others. But, is it really proper to do that with Institutional Cartoons of Company who have real-estate riches, stocks, etc?
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    Why do you ask me a question and then answer it yourself? You are such a shrill bonehead.
    In fact, when we homeschooled our kids, we integrated them into the overall community, while still keeping our own standards. Both served as volunteers at the public library, for instance. My son joined the local lapidary club (stone carving), where the older ones made a great fuss over him. My daughter took part in a dance troupe that would give performances at local venues. It was a small African dance troupe, and sometimes my wife would say to people, can you spot which one is my daughter? (Everyone else was black, though there was also an Asian) I don’t say that Witnesses typically do this, but no one ever gave us any grief over it.
    I worked with both of them in the ministry. One quirky axample involved an old communist. I had found him while working alone, and he wasn’t very nice—“religion is the opium of the people,” and so forth. But I asked him a lot of questions and a conversation ensued. During that conversation I leaned he took pride in his collection of antiques.
    I stopped by a few weeks later with my daughter, then around 10. He was even nastier than before. “So what do you want?!” he barked. Just as sharp, I shot back, “I came to show my daughter your antiques!” Without a word, he opened the door, invited us in, showed us as a tour guide his Edison phonograph and a dozen other ancient items, and could not have been more pleasant.
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    And you don't think children should have fun and play games ?  You don't think children should be allowed to live a 'childhood' ?  Of course not, because your Leaders tell you that children must be kept away from the real world.  You don't want children to build up their own spiritual immune system....  
    You want children to be dictated to by parents, that are dictated to by Elders, that are dictated to by , , , the GB / Leaders of the W/t / JW Org.  
    You seem to want this idea that JW parents make their children sit down and copy, 50 copies of a dictated letter. Then those JW parents can happily fill in those lovely little 'ministry forms' for all their children, reporting all the hours their little ones have 'happily' spent doing the GB's will. And you call this serving God. 
    And that is all apart from the legality, even from the Org's viewpoint, of posting letters through people's doors, during a serious virus problem.  I do know for sure that the instructions from the Leaders of the Org, is NOT to put things through people's doors, but to post letters through the postal system.  I don't think the article makes it clear as to how the letters were received. 
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick   
    MR Russell, when he started the Watchtower, stated that THERE WAS NO NEED OF AN ORGANISATION. 
    It is he, just a man, that your Watchtower / JW Org use as a foundation. 
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