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Patiently waiting for Truth

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    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    I think it resonates through the whole JW Organisation too.  Even JWs on here seem to have no faith in God's Holy Spirit and it's capabilities.  I suppose that is why the GB / Org win over so many people by materialism.  JWs seem to need men, books, magazines and buildings to look up to.  No faith needed there.  But that makes it so easy for the GB to push their own agenda forward. It is such a shame as the Org could serve God if it had the right leadership, the True Anointed remnant. 
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    I think it resonates through the whole JW Organisation too.  Even JWs on here seem to have no faith in God's Holy Spirit and it's capabilities.  I suppose that is why the GB / Org win over so many people by materialism.  JWs seem to need men, books, magazines and buildings to look up to.  No faith needed there.  But that makes it so easy for the GB to push their own agenda forward. It is such a shame as the Org could serve God if it had the right leadership, the True Anointed remnant. 
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    And Jesus Christ's teachings,  prove it. 
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    According to their understanding, they are "guided by spirit". In their understanding about this wording, that means; reading Bible, prayers to God for understanding and working according to Bible aka working to own understanding of Bible (according to WTJWorg theology).
    Obviously, as you accented, this what they are doing is not enough. Because they denied possibility that God can and would "inspired" people today, they put themselves in position to deny holy spirit, to stop HS, to insult God and the HS. To not believe in HS and his/her power and will to help people today as it was in the past. 
    By openly renouncing the possibility of being inspired by HS (Since the Governing Body is neither inspired ... - WT February 2017), they have no faith in HS and thus HS has no possibility of acting in such an Organization and on such people.
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    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    Oh, the dichotomy of it all.  Satan promised,  "The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.”  Luke 4:5-7
    Jesus:  “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  John 15:7
    "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."  John 14:12-14
    Has the GB asked for understanding from Jesus Christ?  Hmmm.   And would Jesus give them this understanding if they have already received authority, splendor and the “kingdoms” (“Gentile” and “Israel”) of the world of JWs?
    Clearly, they have succeeded in procuring prominence and riches, and an easy life that doesn’t require personal persecution as Jesus suffered. (Luke 9:23)  Instead of ‘denying themselves’, they have exalted their own names – names that demand obedience with consequences, if it isn’t returned. Like you said, this is the opposite from what Jesus had taught his disciples. 
    And, they have failed in providing lasting “fruit” from the vine of Christ.  So, what spirit is inspiring them. 
    “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”  John 15:4
    Well, they are bearing fruit. But Jesus doesn’t mean just any fruit/teachings.  The fruit must be “good”, full of Holy Spirit, which is truth.  (1 John 4:6) To produce this fruit the GB must be inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Matt 7:18-20
    “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” 
    There’s our answer.  Jesus did not choose the GB to be his “faithful and discreet slave” of Matt 24:45, since they have not produced fruit that remains – fruit that contains the living water of Christ…living, never expiring.  (John 7:38) He hasn’t given this lasting truth to them. The evidence is in their continual search for “new light” – scapegoats for errors in teachings, for the bad fruit they have produced. These men have made a pact to receive authority, power and wealth in this life; which for them, is much more satisfying, than the truth from Jesus Christ. There is only one spirit in opposition to Christ, that would indulge men with unlimited earthly desires. 
    “We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.  And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
    The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.”   1 Cor 2:12-14
  6. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    But, as much as we talk on here and else where, nothing much seems to be happening.
    Will it be a cleansing of the Watchtower / JW Org, or will it be the formation of a new 'organisation', before Judgement time ?   
    I use the term 'organisation' in the losest way, but there needs to be a 'coming together' of the True Anointed remnant. That coming together need not be in a physical way though.  Earthwide communication is now so easy that people do not need to gather in person. Besides which, God could communicate through Christ directly if He so wishes... But when and how ?  Are the True Anointed waiting for a 'signal' from God through Christ ?  If indeed there are thousands of True Anointed still living, then they would be a 'great army' of servants of God and Christ.  With the guidance and power of Holy Spirit, nothing could stop them completing any task that is asked of them. 
  7. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    But, as much as we talk on here and else where, nothing much seems to be happening.
    Will it be a cleansing of the Watchtower / JW Org, or will it be the formation of a new 'organisation', before Judgement time ?   
    I use the term 'organisation' in the losest way, but there needs to be a 'coming together' of the True Anointed remnant. That coming together need not be in a physical way though.  Earthwide communication is now so easy that people do not need to gather in person. Besides which, God could communicate through Christ directly if He so wishes... But when and how ?  Are the True Anointed waiting for a 'signal' from God through Christ ?  If indeed there are thousands of True Anointed still living, then they would be a 'great army' of servants of God and Christ.  With the guidance and power of Holy Spirit, nothing could stop them completing any task that is asked of them. 
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    The subject regarding FDS is, have to be, the question of the quality of the characteristics of the individual and the fidelity of the individual to the teachings of Jesus and his instructions. Therefore, I am of the opinion that the "Governing Body" sees itself wrongly and puts itself in the position of Administrative Manager who Governs over people and does so internationally over/above every and each congregation and individual in that congregation.
    A man's inclination (in this case a bad inclination) is to rule or govern over others, and to determine for them what and how they should believe and act.
    Sharing, giving food by meals does not involve determining how that food should be “digested” by someone. GB brings to the table the food that is not "healthy correct". But they order everyone at the table to eat it because it is the best food in the world. If someone refuses to eat, then they try to convince him that he is wrong, that he is disobedient, that he does not understand enough, that he has no faith, or that he is an apostate who opposes Jesus.
    Did Jesus place them over people, the household? No, because it is the opposite of what Jesus taught: So Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. But it shall not be this way among you .... - Mat 20, Mark 10
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in THE GOVERNING BODY'S ASSUMPTIONS   
    They state they were appointed as the “faithful and discreet slave”.
    A question frequently asked, since they are not inspired, how did they receive this message from God, to know they should appoint themselves in this position?  Use some logical reasoning; they compare themselves to not only the apostles but even Moses – all inspired men, prophets and teachers chosen personally by God and Jesus Christ.  It takes total arrogance to make the assumption that God chose them to lead 8 million people, without inspiration from the Holy Spirit.  It takes total blindness for these people to believe that He has!  (Exod 3:10-12; John 15:16; Acts 9:15) (Mark 4:12; 1 Cor 2:14)
    Since they are not inspired, they lean on their “Helpers” to share the workload of putting food on the spiritual table. (Ezek 44:6-9)  Are the Helpers inspired?  Someone has to be, in order to live up to their proclamation that God directs the organization. 
    What about the anointed ones in the congregations? (Male or female – God is not partial, Gal 3:28; Rom 2:29)  Could they have some “inspiration” to share?  Do they know truth?  (1 John 2:27)
    If they did act on the spirit given them through an anointing, what happens if their heart tells them that the GB are wrong in their teachings? (2 Cor 1:21,22) What happens if they choose to speak up, to defend truth?  To defend Jesus Christ as their Head? (Eph 4:25; 1 Tim 2:5-7)  They are ignored, silenced, and very possibly, disfellowshipped. (Ray Franz, as an example – one of probably thousands over the last century)  (John 16:2; Rev 13:15)  There is a huge army in place to take care of these matters - men, not appointed by God although JWs in general believe that once again, God even directs their appointment. (Dan 7:25; 8:24; Rev 9:4;13:7)  Can’t you see? The appointments by men are preferred over the authentic anointed appointments by God.
    Let me tell you why God has nothing to do with appointing elders. When my husband was approached to be an elder, the body wrote the Society of their consideration; but also to let them know he wore a beard for medical reasons. (These men were desperate for help) The letter they received back said it was up to the body of elders to appoint him, and to be aware of possible consequences for their choice.  There was no Holy Spirit involved, no prayer uttered; only the opinion of men from the top, down to the congregation level just like it happens in any other organization.  Up to that point I had believed that the GB actually prayed over each elder appointment, and received the answer from God. In fact, an elder told me this.  Don’t be fooled, JWs.  God would not choose men to serve Him, when His priests were anointed specifically to fill the role as shepherds. (Mal 2:7; John 21:17; Matt 28:16-20; John 15:8; 1 Pet 2:5,9; Rom 12:1; Gal 6:9)  
     “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, a curse be on him!  As we have said before, I now say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, a curse be on him!”  Gal 1:8,9
    If the GB was directed by Christ’s Holy Spirit, the Spirit would aid in leading the anointed members together, to teach truth.  Jesus performed miracles while on the earth, couldn’t he do the same from heaven?  The GB cannot claim to be a “faithful slave” of Christ, yet also reject their own brotherhood.  (1 Cor 12; 1 John 3:10-12; Matt 24:48-51)
    “Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.”  Rom 12:16
    “God resists the proud,
    But gives grace to the humble.”
    6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” 1 Pet 5b,6
     Or, are some of these men total imposters in more ways than one.  If anointed, they have become “Israel’s” harlots by transgressing their covenant of life in Christ. (Rev 17:1-6)  Yet, perhaps some are total “Gentile” imposters, never to have been anointed to begin with – never appointed as a priest of God. (1 Pet 2:5,9)
    And no -  if they reject their anointed brotherhood, refusing to acknowledge each member as necessary; refusing to acknowledge that this anointed body when working together would soar in speaking God’s truths, they are no longer under the covenant of life.  They have disconnected from the Head and become the “head” of the body they have chosen, the “Gentile” elders.  (Rev 11:1,2)
    “ Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.”  Col 2:16-19
    Wake up, JWs.   These men have shoved the anointed in Christ, into a back corner. (Isa 51:23)  Selfish power, not love, is their driving force in this organization.  Power over you, and especially over “Israel”. (Ezek 21:21,22,24,25) Deceit, not truth, is the driving spirit behind this organization and its leadership. (Matt 24:24) It is established on the ground, and in the realm where politics, riches, power and authority has become the bedrock of the GB’s “inspiration”. What spiritual entity offers these things? (Luke 4:5-7; Rev 9:1; 13:11) What spiritual entity would just as soon destroy Christ, and those part of his Body? (Rev 12:3,4,7) Can’t you see that this signifies a spiritual war based on deceit? (Eph 6:12;Rev 13:5-7; 16:13-16)  The holy priesthood has been absorbed into a nation and has lost its identity.  It appears that they would rather remain captive to falsehoods, than to open the door for Christ. ( Matt 25:6;Rev 3:18-20) Oh, how I wish all of you would leave darkness behind; and simply, turn to the light and truth of Jesus Christ.  (John 14:6)
    The opposition that I usually receive to comments such as this, is in defense of the GB and the organization; whereas the Temple priesthood means little to nothing. (1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) There is no defense given for Jesus Christ. (Dan 8:25) What sort of heavy spiritual blindness are JWs under that would cause them to exalt a man-made corporation, over a heavenly Temple/House built by God? (Rev 13:1,2,4; 16:13-16) The pride that JWs carry in their heart, in believing that doctrine of men and proven falsehoods can be called truth…believing that God has blessed their efforts through manpower (no inspiration by God remember? Zech 4:6)...while His house/dwelling/Temple of “living stones” lies in ruins, will ultimately bring them to their knees.  (Ezek 21:6,7; Luke 19:41-44; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 18:4-8)
    You reside in the “home” of the man of lawlessness – the disgusting thing that “sits” in the Temple of God and “tramples”/rules over the anointed priesthood. How I wish you could perceive this danger.  (Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4)
    “But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. 3 But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. 5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Cor 4:2-6
    Christ's Return - When?
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    ... it is only an interpretation of Genesis 2:5 and an assumption.
  11. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    I noticed you missed out the first bit. To call it a House of God and to do guided tours, is a form of worship.
    The GB expect JWs and possibly others to marval at it. That 'wonderful' construction.  
    It really is making it into an idol..   They are really just buildings, built to do a job, but the GB are making them into someting like a temple. Like i have said, Bethel, House of God.  
  12. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    @TrueTomHarley  I honestly cannot make any sense from your sarcastic comment so I will try to break it down to reason on it.
    online hate campaign    Romans 12 :9  "Love must be sincere. Detest what is evil; cling to what is good." 
    I hate what should be hated.   But i close no doors.  My wife knows that i have a love for God and Christ. She also knows the truth about the Watchtower Soc  / GB / JW Org.  
    Tom this honestly makes no sense to me.  When I was a JW my behaviour was polite and loving to all in the congregation, except the Elders.  I treated the Elders with caution but not rudeness.  Then i did three months research, and through prayer and personal Bible study, I came to my own conclution as to what i must do.  Knowing that the Elders would disapprove of my action and would announce by their 'normal method', I privately told a few brothers individually, of my plan to leave the Org, and gave them my reasons.  I then emailed my resignation to as many elders as possible giving them my reasons for leaving.  
    Your comment seems to be mixing up my time in the congregation, with my time on here.  There is no connection between the two.  Of course people presume that i was disfellowshipped, that is the whole idea, from your GB, to announce it from the platform as the Elders do.  And this Elder that phoned my wife made it very clear that it is for that purpose.  Because the Elders, taking instruction from the GB, through the ranks, are told to make it look so.  
    is to accuse.  I think what I've done in many instances, is to state facts.  And in many cases I've used scripture from God's word to prove things.  
    Jehovah’s organization. That is a matter of oppinion.  The Nation of Israel was God's chosen nation, BUT we all know that said nation did not serve God properly. To the extent that they murdered Jesus Christ, and God had that Nation destroyed physically and spiritually.  So just because an organisation gives itself a name that represents God, it does not mean that said organistion is serving God properly, or that said organisation has the approval of God or Christ. 
    You mock my idea of a True Anointed, but you know that I am not anointed, nor do I pretend to be.  So, i am not pushing myself forward, i am not saying I am special. Unlike the GB who DO push themselves forward by stating that only they are the F&DS, and only they are God's spokesperson on Earth, and only they should be believed, WHILST they are  treading down all of their Fellow Slaves, as mentioned in scripture. 
    Coffee time.  Have a good day Tom.   Christian love to all. 
  13. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    If you say this about me, then you also say this about my wife, because the main reason of this topic is to prove how this Elder treated my wife.  It was Me that first answered the phone, but He asked to speak to my wife. If his interest was for me then he could have spoken to me directly.  But he was a coward.  
    However none of it makes me mad. I said it is of concern to me.  It does however give me more grounds to distrust him and other Elders. 
  14. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    I am not scoffing, but when an organisation cries wolf many times and there is no wolf, then trust runs out.
    I know it's coming, but it's coming  'as a thief in the night'  and we do not know 'the day or the hour'.  So i don't think an Elder should say it is months not years. As i said we will continue to disagree. 
    WW1 happened because of the invention of machines, vehicles, aeroplanes, bombs, machine guns, all improved weapons of war, so it made war easier and more able to cover larger areas. 
    Lockdown is due to a virus, either man made or accidental. But lockdown is because of the knoledge of how the virus spreads and therefore trying to stop it.  
    I will not read into things to try to pretend they represent phrophecy ........... 
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    That is so funny  .   Then it seems you believe he has the authority to condemn me. 
    Why would i need to 'have a change of heart' about the sins commited by the GB and all those supporting the GB ? 
    Arauna, I love God and Christ, but i do not need to be judged by Elders of the Watchtower / JW org. 
    It seems that 'time has been running out' since 1914 according to the Watchtower / JW Org. 
    Of course i believe in the coming Judgement / Armageddon, because that is from scripture, not from the GB  / Org. But it is not the Elder's place to pretend he knows when the End is coming.  My wife may be deeply worried now when she really has no need to worry.  My faith is in God through Christ, and that is how I will be judged. 
  16. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    This is of no concern to me BUT it did upset my wife. And when an Elder upsets my wife THAT IS of concern to me. 
    An Elder phoned today asking to speak to my wife. I called my wife to the phone then I left the room.  The phone conversation was quite long and during that conversation the Elder said to my wife that I am disfellowshipped. My wife replied that I wasn't disfellowshipped but that i had disassociated myself from the Organisation. The Elder replied "It all means the same to us". 
    Just think on that for a while. ...........  That Elder has basically condemned me to death....  Then at the end of the phone call he said he may phone me to try to talk me into going back.  Oh dear.  Does he really think he has any authority from God ? 
    But my point is, that this is PROOF positive of how Elders think and act.  This is not theory, it's FACT. Elders really believe they have some authority from God, to condemn to death or to reprieve. 
    We NEED God through Christ to provide a True Anointed remnant to guide an Organisation to serve God properly, before the Judgement arrives..  
    Update :  Having had further conversation with my wife about the phone call, she tells me that the Elder said (concerning Armageddon) "It's not years away, it's months away". ... So it seems this Elder  has special insight, he seems to know the 'day and the hour'  But no. In reality it's just another threat.  He was trying to frighten my wife. Such a cowardly thing to do. THIS IS HOW Elders work. 
  17. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in 2020 Watchtower Service Report, Memorial Partakers   
    And only 8 are allowed to be the GB / F&DS ?   
    @TrueTomHarley  wonders where we mght find the True Anointed Remnant, to help Christ lead those people here on earth to God.   Tom there seems to be 21,182 to choose from. Well less 8 of course. 
    Just imagine that only half of those are True Anointed. That is, only half would serve God properly in the Last Days. 
    That is still over 10,000 people around the Earth that God through Christ could use.  There's the answer Tom and others that mock me. 
    Thank you @Srecko Sostar  for this good information.  
  18. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in WHAT ARE PEOPLES EXPECTATIONS FOR 2021 AND WHAT PREPERATIONS ARE PEOPLE MAKING ?   
    I know that @Arauna and possibly others have some deep knowledge of 'things going on in the world'.  @Space Merchant is another that seems to have such knowledge.
    The UN, Agenda this and that ???  It all means nothing to me.  And I do not bother to dig, for I will not know truth from lies about such things. 
    The Virus, the Vaccine, the Lockdown..  Should God's servants accept the vaccine ?   If it becomes law, and God's word tells us to be obedient to the Superior Authorites, then who will accept the vaccine ?  Would not accepting it be disobeying God ?   The lockdown, once again being obediant to those who are, for this short while, allowed to have power over us. 
    The Judgement / Armageddon. Do people here expect it to happen very soon, or are there too many scriptures to be fulfilled first ?   What preperations are you making for these 'last days' if you think it is so ?  I think there is a scripture about money being worthless, so are you people reducing your material wealth and possesions ? 
    I am intending to reduce my material posssesions greatly this year. By doing so I was thinking to hold onto cash, but it may be that cash will be of no use. What then ? Stockpile food ? 
    Are any of you giving these things daily thought ?  You may reply that you rely on God, but does God actually want you to do nothing and to just rely on Him ?  Men are the head of their household. Parents have responsibility over their children.  Older children, even grown ups, have a responsibility to care for their older parents / relatives.  It can be a worry.
    My wife and i had a 'teabreak' at 4pm UK time. Just a cup of tea, a mince pie and a little chat. I was asking her for her thoughts on this coming year and if she has worriess. She keeps herself busy and doesn't show concern, but she said she is worried about the future and that's why she keeps busy, to take her mind off things. 
    This topic may seem to have little meaning, but it is about what we think and do on a daily basis. Bible study and prayer of course.  But what preperations we make for the immediate future whilst we wait on God, through Christ, to decide on the 'day and the hour'.  Are there physical things we can do to help us and others to survive the storm until we are judged ? 
  19. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Neighbours becoming enemies   
    @Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  
    The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 
    I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 
    My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Watchtowers BLASPHEMY and the idolatry of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    It's very true, but JWs deliberately blind themselves to it all.  Unfortunately JWs have made it their way of life to serve the GB through the Watchtower / JW Org / CCJW.  They even baptise their new recruits into the JW organisation.  Then the new ones are encouraged to cut off all ties with their outside friends. The GB demand complete dependability on them and the Org. They demand trust in 'men' not in God through Christ.  
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Neighbours becoming enemies   
    @Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  
    The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 
    I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 
    My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 
  22. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtowers BLASPHEMY and the idolatry of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    It's very true, but JWs deliberately blind themselves to it all.  Unfortunately JWs have made it their way of life to serve the GB through the Watchtower / JW Org / CCJW.  They even baptise their new recruits into the JW organisation.  Then the new ones are encouraged to cut off all ties with their outside friends. The GB demand complete dependability on them and the Org. They demand trust in 'men' not in God through Christ.  
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Neighbours becoming enemies   
    I would imagine every locale  is different.  Where I am, wearing the masks seem to be a minor hinderance to most; as if they are adapting to the restriction put on a normally outgoing and friendly people.    They are for the most part, still themselves, which is probably not the case everywhere. 
    Sometimes though, I feel the pandemic is all a demonic setup to magnify 2 Tim 3:1-5 as having its fulfillment in the world. But, further down in 2 Timothy it states,
    "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."  
    Does the GB know what being persecuted for following Jesus Christ is all about?  Nope, they are insulated by their own doctrine.  They are "lovers of themselves".  Imposters use deception to put on the air of "godliness".   2 Tim 3:1-5 describes the environment in the organization.
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    I'm asking you for a quote because in the past, you and someone else stated they admitted the world would be ending and or destroyed. Why is it now when it is being asked of you become, to quite you, "a parrot"?
    That being said, even an EXJW who risked his own channel, as with a couple of others, have more fitting evidence to the debunk the claim, therefore with this information, it is pure FACT.
    Only foolish people, ignorant people, idiots, the unwilling ignore facts.
    Proof you said? I did the research, to which was posted before, the facts hold more water, and it is absurd now we are going about this again.
  25. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Watchtowers BLASPHEMY and the idolatry of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    This is a very short 3 1/2 minute video.  No speech is given, just written reasoning using the organization's own quotes.  
    Besides what the video presents, please consider this:
    "And just as a child seeks his parents' protection when a storm rages, we seek protection in Jehovah's organization" (w11 4/15 pp. 3-5)
    "We should also cling tightly to ‘our rock,’ Jehovah, as well as to his organization."  (w06/2/1 pg. 32)
    "There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord,
    Nor are there any works like Yours."   Ps 86:8
    "There is no one holy like the Lord,
    Indeed, there is no one besides You,
    Nor is there any rock like our God. " 1 Sam 2:2
    “Remember the former things long past,
    For I am God, and there is no other;
    I am God, and there is no one like Me"  Isa 46:9
    Where in the Word of God, does it state that we are obligated to attach ourselves to an earthly mess of an organization?  Where does it state that God and the Wt. go hand in hand?  In the light of its sins of child abuse and trampling down of the anointed ones(2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2), look what your organization boasts:
    "For example, the Bible says of Jehovah: “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. 
    Because Jehovah’s servants follow divine, not human, standards, his organization is theocratic, clean, and wholesome."   (w 98/9/1 pg 13
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