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Patiently waiting for Truth

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    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah Is Directing His Organization ??????????????   
    1. And you need to keep building your confidence that Jehovah is using his organization today.
    2 Today, Jehovah directs his organization in a way that reflects his personality, purpose, and standards. Let us consider three of Jehovah’s attributes that are reflected in his organization. 
    7. As far back as July 1881, this magazine could say: “We were not called, nor anointed to receive honor and amass wealth but to spend and be spent, and to preach the good news.
    Something went wrong there then. The Watchtower has amassed wealth and real estate. 
    11 In the first century. The governing body in Jerusalem worked unitedly to maintain order and peace among God’s people. (Acts 2:42) For example, when the issue of circumcision came to a head about 49 C.E., the governing body, under  the direction of holy spirit, considered the matter.
    There was NO governing body in the 1st century.  And the circumcision account seems to be the only account the GB can find to talk about. The Apostle Paul was no part of the Twelve in Jerusalem, and it was Paul that wrote under inspiration of Holy Spirit, to all the Congregations. It would seem that Paul had as much authority as the Twelve. 
    15 By means of “the faithful and discreet slave,” 
    Here we see this lie again. The Bible, God's word, does not give any mention as to who the F&DS is, but the GB exalt themselves to that position. 
    17 Soon, the only organization left on earth will be the one led by God’s spirit. So zealously work with Jehovah’s organization. 
    Then as Satan’s world comes to its end, you will not be fearful. Instead, you will confidently stand among those who are loyally serving with Jehovah’s organization.
    This whole article promotes the GB and the Organisation. It does not give any direction to serve God through JESUS CHRIST. 
    The only time Jesus is mentioned is in connection with the disciples. 
    How do you serve Almighty God ? 
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    @Shirley Lowery  I'm sorry to read your words of worship toward your GB.  It really is so sad that you think your GB are directed by God's Holy Spirit, because they even admit that they are not....  As you say, in the eyes of JW's I am an apostate. But the disciples were also apostates, apostate to the Jewish religion or way of life. Remember that they stopped offering animal sacrifices and were accused of many things by the Pharisees.   So, my being apostate to the JW religion does not stop me serving God through Christ. 
    There is so much GB worshipping on this forum it is sickening.  Give praise only to Almighty God through Jesus Christ. 
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    I think this proves how much you worship your Governing Body.  
    You have proof ?  No...... But by their works you will know them.  And their works show that they have exalted themselves as mentioned in Luke  14 v 11
    For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
    From 1927 until 2012, this faithful and discreet slave was interpreted as all anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses. (see Jehovah’s Witnesses – Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, p.626).
    Since July 15 2013, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been told – and now believe – that the “Faithful & Discreet slave” is their governing body only. Confirmation of this fact is found in  The Watchtower July 15 2013 page 21, paragraph 10:
    And your Governing Body has told all the Anointed Ones NOT to meet together, and your GB have threatened the Anointed ones that if they DO meet together they will be 'working against the Holy spirit'.
    Your Governing Body are NOT  referred to in the Bible, as The Faithful and Discreet Slave! 
    In fact no one in the bible is referred to regarding the F&DS. It is a Question asked in the bible.   Matthew  24 v 45
     “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
    However  your GB chooses to misuse this scripture to pretend it is them, BUT, they deliberately deny verses 48 & 49 of the same chapter which does refer to them. 
     “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’b 49  and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 
    The Watchtower Society and JW Organisation Leaders have never looked to God or Christ for guidance. If they had done so they would never have made false predictions about Armageddon.  They continue to do so even to this day.  They tell people that we are living in the final part of the final day, when the scriptures tell us that no one will know the day or the hour.  
    I strongly suggest you stop worshipping the GB and start serving God through Christ
  4. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    @Shirley Lowery  you are confusing Almighty God, with 8 men running a group of Organisations. 
    I am not one of JWs, but i was one for long enough to know the lies and deceit and false predictions of your Leaders, from the 1960's onward. And I know enough about the Child Sexual Abuse / Pedophilia in the Watchtower / JW org / CCJW Earthwide, to know that God and Christ do not favour your organisations. 
    You might take note that my questioning was not toward Almighty God. If you had bothered to read my original comment properly you would find that i have great faith in God through Christ. I was questioning those 8 men that control you. 
    I think you need to do some research about your GB, they have in fact admitted that they are not inspired of God's Holy spirit. They admit that they get things wrong. 
    And it seems quite funny, no sad actually, that you are putting your trust in such material things as buildings, Warwick and Ramapo. JWs seem to need material things and men to put their trust in.  And also strange that the GB say that 'we are in the last part of the final day of the end of this system' BUT you are looking forward to Ramapo being completed in 2026.
    @TrueTomHarley What do you think Tom ?  Is there another 6 years to go ? Or are we in the final part of the final day of this old system of things ?  If the GB are spending your money on building another 'tower to the heavens' then they must think this old system is going to last for a long time yet. 
    Sorry Shirley but I think you should do your own research into your GB and into it's organisations and real estate offices.  
    I love God through Christ, not through your GB. 
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in How to Conduct a Bible Study That Leads to Baptism   
    Additionally, the baptizing agent must be a dedicated servant of Jehovah, even as was John. In these days of the established heavenly kingdom, who else is publishing the good news of God’s kingdom? Upon whom is Jehovah’s name, and into whose hands have his Kingdom interests been placed? Jehovah’s witnesses are the only ones, and hence it would only be proper that the baptizer be one of Jehovah’s dedicated male representatives of the New World society.—Isa. 43:10; Matt. 24:14, 45-47. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1963402
    From this is evident how candidate, who study Bible aka some WTJWorg publication, is preparing for entering into membership of WTJWorg and not necessary to become baptized disciples of Jesus Christ. 
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to John Houston in Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on February 16.   
    Thanks, Thinking for your response, but you misunderstood what I said I think. I am not being disfellowshipped. But one ever is , is done under those circumstances. And they will not be sought out by power-Hungary elder wielding it for the sake of removing people for the sake of their own pleasure. Can it happen, yes; but does it happen , no. That would mean the entire elder body is corrupt. Including the ministerial servants.
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to John Houston in Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on February 16.   
    You do know this reasoning is whack. I am being disfellowshipped, because I have sinned and do not want to repent or it shames Jehovah's name. The congregation does not need to know what I did, but that I have been disciplined and they should take the appropriate action toward me. Not treat me as usual but as one who has defamed Jehovah not the organization. It's his name and reputation my actions have stained. So this removal action from the congregation has to be done. No elder can bring action to just remove me just because he dislikes me, he himself would have to lie and bring falsehoods to arrange the meetings if I have not done anything. So again your premise is faulty. You don't like the whole arrangement of The JW, so all is flawed. But it isn't. Many want it to fail, but have nothing to replace it. A void is not a place to go after being with family. One headed by the Almighty and his Son. The men are imperfect, the GB, are imperfect, but they are the ones at the wheel of this bus, so as long as it is going down the path of everlasting life and Jehovah has not changed the drivers, no man can. No matter the fuss we can put up can change what Jehovah is using. It is never human uprising that brings about change in Jehovah's arrangement, it is him alone, at his set appointed time. Man can't rush him. Nor see from his perspective, but we should. So things are fine, could be better, but not what persons want, it is what we need NOW! THe world will use what they see to attack, those who hurt from what happened to them while here, will join them also, Satan will use these moments, and media will fan to,fire things along. But we will just stay where we are, watching the world end. Enduring to the end as best we can, preaching to,the end. And as Jehovah said he would do himself, make his name known among the nations, that he is Jehovah! And to do that, no wicked will live, no governments will survive. Only the righteous, meek ones who are covered by Jehovah's mercy in that day survive! And they are not all JW's. But their heart is disposed to Jehovah, for Jehovah to save them in that hour. He did that! Who ever is left standing should be blessed. 
  8. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in How to Conduct a Bible Study That Leads to Baptism   
    About patient. GB gave instructions in previous periods of their history how to conduct Bible Study with interested person. They limited BS for 6 months. If person not make progress to be baptized in such time period, JW needed to think about whether he should continue BS at all.
    This is very important what you have said. Excellent!
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    Exactly same as with word trinity.
    Because trinity as word not exists in Bible, logic tell us that trinity is not Bible Teaching.
    Because words governing body not exists in Bible text, logic tell us that this is not Bible Teaching.
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    I know that you are sure how i already know this :)) and i am sure how you saw that i try to show better perspective on matter to your sister Shirley in polite way.
    Perhaps your way of understanding on, how Shirley have personal experience with few GB members and how such contact with them caused/brought special feelings for few of GB members and in the end for all 8, is fine. 
    I don't know did you noticed how publications using word "slave" only in FDS/GB context, and word  "servants" about all other JW members. Perhaps GB have to apply Bible terminology if they want be closer to original text and spirit of words. "FDS" would be better name for image/outside look of 8 men.
    Title GB gave idea only about GOVERNING, what is in fact real function of GB in WTJWorg Administration. When you use Faithful and Discrete Slave, that sound softly, tender and cause more sympathy in the listener. Slave!  Do you hear that word? Man feels sorry for the one who is a slave.
    If JW members want to apply Mat 24 on GB,  than you also need to accept fact how illustration in Matthew speaking about slave's responsibility or to be in charge only for one function: to to give, to share food that is already ready and prepared. Jesus is Bread and Water, Jesus is Food. His Teachings and Role Model are that Food. Well, job for "slave" is only to share what Jesus thought people, in words and in deeds. Nothing about governing over "servants". Jesus is King and Governor. 
    Of course, GB members have good life, and are not slaves at all. They are not slaves in any aspect of the meaning of that word. They are not slaves even in the context of Matthew 24.
    I am sure you already know what i think of this issue  
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Shirley Lowery in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    In answer to me worshipping The Governing Body, is not true! I dedicated my life to serve Jehovah, I belong to Jehovah, I live for Jehovah, and I will die for Jehovah! I deeply respect our 8 Governing Body members! They have the authority from Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Congregation, and his heavenly Father, Jehovah, has given him the authority to rule in heaven! They direct the Governing Body, through Jehovah's holy spirit, over Jehovah's Worlwide Organization as a Body!  I just don't understand why 4Jah2Me is even allowed to be on this website, he plainly stated he is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses!  To me, he's an apostate trying to confuse us, true Jehovah's Witnesses on here! I joined this website, because as one of the true over 8 million and growing Jehovah's Witnesses,  I believe in Jehovah, and have my own personal relationship with him, now for 48 years, and I will never question, or doubt anything about Jehovah, or his appointed  anointed ones, by his holy spirit, the 8 Imperfect men, who have Jehovah's approval, and backing 100%. 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    This is an open club, there are some ex-witnesses on here. If you want to join a JW only club then I suggest:
    You will like it 🙂
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    I must admit I have not heard anyone express themselves about the collective brothers on the GB as if they were one person.. Usually the brothers will say: "the brothers at HQ", or "the brothers who are taking the lead", when referring to the GB. I am sure Shirley meant each individual, as she later qualified her statement by saying she met some of the members individually.
    The GB view themselves individually as the "domestics" just like all brothers and sisters are the "domestics" when it comes to spiritual nourishment. Collectively though, they do apply to themselves the term the slave or GB. None one of them can act independently, but only as a body. There has to be majority vote for any any organizational or doctrinal  decission to pass. But I am sure you already know this
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    I respect your choice of words and feelings. 
    What is little quirky is that individual (you in this example) using their Title, Function and Position they as individuals have in Company aka WTJWorg. I would understand and accept that you consider them as nice or dear or loving. Because your inner person have such feelings and perception. 
    What make visible difference is way and purpose when you address them in, i would say informal context, on Forum like this. I think that would be impossible (for now) to hear GB members how start their public talk or Letter with: "Our beloved Members". :)) It is more "natural" to say Our beloved Brothers....in mutual communication.   
    To speak of them as "Our beloved Governing Body" is a clear acceptance of stratification and classification, to those who are clergy and to those who are layman.
    Why is it not good that you express yourself like that? But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. - Mat 23
  15. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Shirley Lowery in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    In reply to my statement, our beloved  Governing Body, I can say this from my personal meeting of some of our Governing Body Members!  These are most friendly, kind, and caring men I've ever met!  In 2006,  I met Br. Samuel F. Herd, at one of my Circuit Assemblies!  In 2010, I met Br. David Splane at my "REMAIN CLOSE TO  JEHOVAH"  District Convention, and I've met Br. Stephen Lett, twice. The first time I met him was in 2012, at our "SAFEGUARD  YOUR HEART" District Convention, and in 2015, at our "IMITATE JESUS" District Convention. Another has changed since then, now it's not called "District" it's been renamed "Regional". I have the original photos taken with them too!  These imperfect men were appointed to our Governing Body, that Jehovah entrusted though his holy spirit to take care of his Worldwide Organization. Now, there is so much for these appointed members to take care of, now they have appointed helpers to different committees. In 2020, this was the first time ever, The Governing Body, through Jehovah's holy spirit guiding them, had to make several major decisions. First, was the decision about The Memorial, since it couldn't be held at our Kingdomhalls, it was announced  in a letter from The Governing Body, that  we had to have it on Zoom!  So, we had to have the Memorial Celebration in our own private homes, on that most sacred night, and some had  prepared  the  unleavened bread, and had a glass of wine next to it, and displayed their beautiful table settings with their precious emblems!  The next major decision that had to be made was what to decide about having our "ALWAYS REJOICE" Regional Convention. We couldn't hold it in other countries, like they used to have years ago, because of the Pandemic, so another letter from The Governing Body, said, we were going to have all 3 days on JW Stream, but it was by invitation only, and it was sent to all our emails! We happily viewed it different days and  enjoyed all 3 days of our most needed Spiritual Food. Yes, I personally feel that  these appointed imperfect men,, is our beloved  Governing Body, also referred to in the Bible, as The Faithful and Discreet Slave! These 8 appointed imperfect men: Stephen Lett, David Splane, Gerrit Losch, Geoffrey Jackson, Samuel F. Herd, Mark Sanderson, Anthony Morris 111, and newly appointed Kenneth Cook Jr. are a small group of mature Christians who provide direction for Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. Their work is twofold: They oversee the preparation of Bible- based  instruction through the publications, meetings, and school's of  Jehovah's Witnesses! They look to the Universal Sovereign, Jehovah, and to the Head of the congregation, Jesus, for guidance. You can find all this information in my reply on J.W. Org!
  16. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Why are you so concerned about JTR @César Chávez ?   Doesn't the scripture tell us all to deal with the rafter in our own eye before looking for straws in other people's eyes.  I would think that JTR was just and ordinary 'boots on the ground' JW, not a Leader of people. 
    GB are a totally different thing because they call themselves God's spokesman.  The GB calls themselves and allow themselves to be called the Faithful and Discreet Slave. And the GB tell the True Anointed not to gather together. The GB tell the True Anointed that they would be working against God's Holy Spirit if they did gather together. 
    Hence the GB deserve to be judged by anyone that is wanting to serve God properly.  Get things into perspective. James sinned and committed crime, he will pay for both. The GB have sinned and continue sinning and will be judged by God through Christ. But meanwhile, true servants of God need to distance themselves from the GB, unless they want to be judged along with the GB... 
  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    This is unique expression i never heard before. I heard very rare, perhaps twice, that JW member calls organization Mother Organization.
    Very strange.
    In Korea they would say, "our beloved Leader"  :)) 
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    Example of Circular Reasoning. 
    Gerrit Losch: But Jehovah and Jesus trust the imperfect slave (GB)... Shouldn't we than trust the imperfect slave as well?
    - https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/StudioTalks/pub-jwb_201803_2_VIDEO
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4)  - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/pl/r1/lp-e?q=w13 11%2F15 20
    You must obey the law, because it’s illegal to break the law. - John Doe
    Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Rom 13
    “We must obey God rather than men. - Act 5
    Please tell me, which of this claims are Circular Reasoning?
    1) GB teach Russian JW that they must obey secular authorities.
    2) After that they said to them that they must obey God rather than men.
    3) And, on top of that, they tell them that they have to be ready to obey the (special) instructions that will come from GB.
    What Russian JW's doing to obey secular governments laws? What they are doing that causes their arresting and in imprisonment? They are in very original situation, because all assemblies are outside the law. Well, is it individual conscience and understanding allowed how to harmonize two sort of obedience? And the third sort - obedient to GB, which is in fact under "men", human factor? 
    If JW's decide to be disobedient to Rom 13 rule, than have to be prepared on consequences. Same is with Act 5.
    But when JW's choose to obey GB instructions, question arise: Whom they (JW) respect and obey?  
    It would not surprise me to hear how GB gave instruction to Russian elders and JW's, to have secret meetings, to have forbidden literature and so on. To be in prison not looks very "practical and sound". But it seems how GB giving exactly such directives to them. (there is a possibility that some JWs have resented other people, privately or because of preaching zealousness, so they are now denouncing them)
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    To make little digress. "Wait on JHVH" is the best advice given in publication. But this recommendation is functional only for "final thing", for example Armageddon. 
    In all other "earthly" issues we have permission to act as we think is the best. That would include to react in a second, or next day. That would mean to make plan/plans for shorter or longer period in future, and we can consider such patient attitude as sort of "wait on".
    Your brothers in Russia, let’s take that example, are also waiting. On what and on whom?
    JW's sent millions of letters, and millions of prayers. WTJWorg lawyers sued Russian government. Russia did not respond on your letters and JHVH did not respond on your prayers. World Courts in EU or worldwide done what they are done.
    What instructions (that are not practical from human standpoint) GB gave and giving to Russian JW's? Do you know? If yes, inform us please.
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Consciousness of guilt is the inference that the defendant knows that he is guilty of a crime because he has taken one or more of the following actions after it. These actions include:
    1-Fleeing from the crime scene or jurisdiction,
    2-False alibies,
    3-Changing or altering personal appearance,
    4-Hiding or destroying evidence,
    5-Bribing a witness,
    6-Intimidating a witness or even killing a witness.
    1-GB flees the crime scene by announcing a “new light”. They have no problem with "jurisdiction", because GB is only one that is entitled to make decisions about everything.
    2-An alibi is that they invoke imperfection and that a mistake can happen to them. That the apostles also made mistakes.
    3-They present themselves as FDS anointed by Jesus and JHVH. Evil people outside spiritual paradise want to harm GB and organization so they produce lies and subverting false evidence. Ex-JW are wolves and GB+Helpers+Elders are humble Shepherds.
    4-Hiding and destroying evidence is done in such a way that members are given the idea that they must keep up with "God's chariot." That one should not look back. Real hiding and destroying evidence is done by WT lawyers under GB command.
    5-Witness bribery is done by telling them (members) that we all have to wait for YHVH to resolve irregularities in the organization.
    6-GB called their opponents as those who lie, reverse statements, twist statements and quotes, misrepresent facts, don't understand, not qualified to interpret Bible, are spiritually weak to accept changes. If this not work, GB "courses" them with dfd and shunning with heavy emotional and psychological blackmail, with condemnation how they are apostates and enemies of God. They gave them names such "despicable" and similar, who deserves to be destroyed, "near soon". 
    Please be free to add or change if needed :))
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    "What Type of Evidence Can Create A Consciousness of Guilt Argument?
    Consciousness of guilt is the inference that the defendant knows that he is guilty of a crime because he has taken one or more of the following actions after it. These actions include:
    Fleeing from the crime scene or jurisdiction,
    False alibies,
    Changing or altering personal appearance, (Matt 7:15; 24:24; Acts 20:29; 2 Cor 11:13-15; Rev 13:11)
    Hiding or destroying evidence,
    Bribing a witness,
    Intimidating a witness or even killing a witness."
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in THE GREEK SCRIPTURES ARE FOR THE TRUE ANOINTED ONES.   
    Perhaps, it is "another spirit" that they are perceiving as "holy".   (1Tim 4:10)  They are so blind.  
    It is true that the Greek scriptures are for the anointed to learn from; and for all of us who believe in the scriptures, they are also about the anointed. They describe how this new form of worship “in spirit and truth” will be manifested in the Kingdom to come.  (John 4:21-24; Rev 21:3,4,20-24; 22:1-3) (Matt 7:15-20)
    Jesus’ teachings were revolutionary to a basically stubborn people.  He invited all to believe in him. Whether we are called and found faithful to be part of the new “temple” arrangement, or “called” to receive the understanding of his teachings, and how the completed Temple will arise, Jesus promised that all obedient and faithful believers would receive eternal life. (Luke 11:28; John 8:31; 1 Thess 2:13; Acts 16:31)
     We see the transition that the apostles had to make from the law covenant, to its fulfillment in Christ’s coming.  Paul received visions of the Kingdom to come, and I have always wondered what all it was that he saw. (2 Cor 12:2-4) Also, I have wondered what “books” could be written containing Jesus’ acts while on the earth. (John 21:25)  There’s so much for us to find out in the Kingdom. 
    I never learned the full truth about the Body of Christ in the organization, or what Zech 4 meant when it says the “capstone” will complete God’s spiritual dwelling. (Rom 8:19-22; Zech 4:3-7,14; Rev 11:3,4; 7:13-15) There is little to nothing on the JW site about the capstone ("top stone") relating to the appearance of the “two witnesses” preaching in sackcloth. This is the hiding of truth.  The anointed in the last days, fall into deceptive captivity (Col 2:8; Rev 13:10) whereas those sealed ones previous to their appearance, never succumbed or were never held captive, to false worship.  They were not deceived by harlots, and remained spiritual “virgins”. (Rev 20:4; 14:4)   But as we see, the anointed remnant does fall victim to deception and lies, and leave off worshipping God with their who soul, heart and mind.(Rev 13:4,11,12; 17:1) Their allegiance is to a “Beast” that makes war with them and conquers them. (Rev 13: 7)  It blasphemes the “tabernacle” of God. (Rev 13:5,6)  The false prophet that directs it, authorizes this “different” beast to “kill”  those who reject its identity. (Dan 7:23; Rev 13:14,15)
     Anyone with open eyes would see that the organization blasphemes, or simply “insults” the anointed with its regulations against their joining together, and against acting as God’s priests, now. How is it, that the “priestly” GB are allowed to act as priests, while all other anointed cannot?  (1 Pet 2:5,9)  Their deceiving tale follows up with soothing lies about the anointed residing in spiritual security as long as they remain faithul to Jehovah('s organization). 
    It’s absolutely ludicrous, but it sells!  It is accepted that “Jehovah’s organization” knows what’s best for them. (Lam 4:18; Rev 9:3,4)  But, this is how they are trampled as prophesied; and as your comment reveals, it’s clearly happening in the organization.  They have been subdued by the “man of lawlessness” elder body standing/sitting/ruling over the Temple dwelling of God.  (Matt 24:15,16; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2)
    Yet now, I can almost envision the GB using the events in Russia and elsewhere, as fulfilled signs of the “man of lawlessness”/Beast (Rev 13:1) (“the coalition of nations”) trampling their temple – the idol called “Jehovah’s organization”.  Another possible distracting lie.
    In order to be found acceptable before God, the anointed must turn back to Jesus Christ, their Head. (Rev 2:4,5; 3:17-19) They must have their “robes washed in the blood of the Lamb”. (Rev 5:9,10; 22:14)  No one - not the GB, not the elder body -  has received authority from God to expect obedience to their direction, except His Son and the Head of the Body.  (Eph 1:22)  No JW should be kissing the feet of the organization’s leadership.  But they do, which is no different than Catholics fawning over the pope and his hierarchy. 
    Mr. Rouse, Legal Representative for the Watchtower:
     “I am general counsel for the National Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses out of Brooklyn, New York. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be here, but this is one of our 13,000 congregations in the United States. We are a hierarchal religion structured just like the Catholic Church. And when the order from the Pope comes down in the church defrocking a priest and kicking him out, he no longer has any say in any matter in the local parish priest — in the parish.”
     STRUCTURED ("designed, assembled, arranged") JUST LIKE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!  
    Does this mean that God borrowed Satan’s organizational skills to create His organization?  Or rather, did Satan borrow his tried and true idea from another religious deception to create a new one, his masterpiece of deceit, this time against the anointed? (Rev 12:4)
    The GB are the ‘greatest showmen on earth’.  (Matt 7:15; 2 Pet 2;1; 2 Cor 11:13-15) They and their predecessors have been involved in the most deceptive, demonic, theatrical, “showmanship” against God’s holy people…ever. (Rev 16:13-16; 20:7-10)  How else could they tell such whoppers and get away with it? (1 Tim 4:1)  And look at how many tickets they have been successful at selling.
     It is not for nothing that the “preaching work” all of these years, was spent “house to house”, finding and searching out the anointed to be tested and sifted by Satan. (Luke 22:31)  Jesus admonished HIS disciples, NOT to go “house to house”.  (Luke 10:7)  So, whose disciples do JWs belong to?  (Matt 2:7,8,13,14; Rev 17:6) 
     The Sign of the End
  24. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE GREEK SCRIPTURES ARE FOR THE TRUE ANOINTED ONES.   
    Now if you have been kind enough to read my main comment above, please consider this.
    From the GB as written in a Watchtower 
     Anointed Christians do not feel that they should spend time only with other anointed ones, as if they were members of an exclusive club. They do not search out other anointed ones, hoping to discuss their anointing with them or to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) The congregation would not be united if anointed ones did those things. They would be working against the holy spirit, which helps God’s people to have peace and unity.
    The GB say that the True Anointed would be 'working against the holy spirit,   What gives the GB the right to say such things ? 
    Jesus said to His disciples, who were of the anointed,  (recorded at Matthew 18 v 19 & 20 )
    Again I tell you truly, if two of you on earth agree concerning anything of importance that they should request, it will take place for them on account of my Father in heaven. 20  For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.”
    How can these ones of the anointed 'agree' on anything if they do not communicate with each other ?
    How can Jesus be in the midst of two or three of the anointed, if they do not gather together. 
    So tell me, who is working against the Holy spirit ? 
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in DO THE GB HAVE PLANS FOR THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION ?   
    Dear sister, I don't think anyone here was questioning Jehovah.
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