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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body again telling Jehovah what they want Him to do.   
    So called "despicable apostates" only "reproach" WTJWorg GB corporation for their manipulative using of Bible and God for own interests. 
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to The Librarian in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Is there any proof or source to this "plea bargain" anywhere? 
  3. Haha
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Queen Esther in A Town in Austria with a Funny Name   
    ITS  REALLY  TRUE... otherwise I would  have asked today my Brother friend  in  Austria !
    Fucking, Austria.... For the Austrian village formerly called "Fucking", see Fugging.
    A weird German  word for a town in  Austria...
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    @César Chávez Every comment you give shows more and more your lack of confidence.  You lack confidence in your GB, your CCJW Org and yourself.  You prove your lack of confidence by continuing to try to insult me and by the way you jump from one subject to another, then another. 
    You last comment was about JTR and Alan Smith, now you are burbling about 'gay union' and war.   None of which relates to this topic at all.  But i will relate to one of your previous comments, a scripture.  From Matthew 7 
    3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
    Now that scripture can easily relate to your GB and the other leaders/helpers in the CCJW / Watchtower. 
    Your Leaders show up the faults in other religions, but hide the faults in their own Organisation.  It's fact, live with it or leave the Org. 
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    @César Chávez  you are burbling.  You ramble on about my words being empty, and then you start going on about JTR and Allen smith, and 'proper authorities being informed'. Everything you say there is totally off topic and does not relate to anything we have spoken about. 
    Yes if it has been proven, then JTR messed up his own life, and must pay the price both legally and spiritually. 
    As for Allen Smith he was before my time on here and I know nothing about him. 
    I agree that God through Christ will judge us all. I'm not expecting to be in the 'New World'.
    However Romans 9 v 14, 15 & 16 tells us, 
    14  What are we to say, then? Is there injustice with God? Certainly not! 15  For he says to Moses: “I will show mercy to whomever I will show mercy, and I will show compassion to whomever I will show compassion.” 16  So, then, it depends, not on a person’s desire or on his effort, but on God, who has mercy. 
    So no matter what we think of each other, it is Almighty God through Jesus Christ that judges us as individuals when judgement day arrives. 
    But for now, each of us has to judge the GB and the CCJW Organisation for ourselves. You judge them to be good. I judge them to be bad. We have to judge them to be able to make a decision about what we should do in our own lives.  You have judged them to be serving God properly therefore you follow them. I have judged them to be turning their back on God and Christ and therefore I have left them.  
    However you have judged me "as a prosecutor of Gods people and his faithful servants, regardless if you accept it or not." And you tell me "You are only condemning yourself!!" 
    So, you make judgement of me. That is of course your choice. But you are judging me by the standards of the GB and the CCJW. You are not judging me by God's written word. No where in God's word does in mention the GB or the CCJW as being God's people. Please remember the scriptures say, 'by their works you will know them'. And I have judged the GB and the CCJW Org' by Bible principles and by Jesus' words.  
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    These words by @César Chávez 
    By your misinterpretation and nonsense, Of course. Now show me a religious group that "hasn't" fallen in Satan's world? Show me a list of "all" the government institutions that are perfect. 
    So, is Ce'sar judging the CCJW by worldly standards. Is he say the CCJW is better than all the rest?
    DID GOD judge the Nation Of Israel by the condition of the rest of the world ? NO. 
    GOD judged the Nation Of Israel by HIS OWN standards. And so it shall be. GOD through Christ will judge the GB and the CCJW by GOD'S STANDARDS not by the fallen standards of the rest of the world. 
  8. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Remember when Jesus was asked a question about His authority, Jesus answered with another question. 
    Well then, can you provide a quote where I have said, that the Leaders of the CCJW said the world is going to be destroyed in 1975. 
    But there seems to be lots of proof available that the Leaders of that organisation made false predictions in 1941 and in the 1960's. When that organisation said in the 60's that it would be fulfilled 'within a FEW YEARS' of the time those magazines were written.  Tell me, from your viewpoint, how many is a FEW ?  Surely less than 10.
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah hates turkey   
    On topic. I have honestly known JW's that will not have a proper cooked dinned on Christmas day, as it looks like a Christmas dinner.
    'For fear of stumbling others'.  They just have a salad or soup or some other small meal. 
    I remember when working with some brothers years ago (they were builders) and i took a box of mince pies for lunch. Not one of those brothers would eat a mince pie  It was soooooooooo funny.
    When i think of what wicked things go on in the JW org, and then some JW's worry about christmas day dinner and mince pies. Where is the common sense ?  Where is the sense of balance ? 
  10. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Redress groups risk losing charity status (update)   
    Quote @Space Merchant This isn't anything new..
    No that's why the topic is an UPDATE.  You seem very defensive of them thought not actually being one. 
    Quote "I recall claims the lot of you pointed out, which to this day is still unfounded, "
    Remind us then of these claims.  
    One thing that occurred to me as funny was your first sentence that reminded me of a scripture.  Quote SM.
    This isn't anything new... Since the whole Redress thing, JWs are still operating. 
    2 Peter 3 v4
    and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
    Just because YOU cannot see any changes, doesn't mean things continue as they were. 
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in ALL FOR THE NEED OF A LIBRARY CARD?   
    To whom they are grateful? To Guardian or to opposers? :))) 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in ALL FOR THE NEED OF A LIBRARY CARD?   
    The following quote bears repeating, posted two days ago, on another JW forum:
    Please see the study article, “Their Refuge–A Lie!” in the June 1, 1991 Watchtower, noting paragraphs 1, 10 and 11. Paragraph 1 calls Christendom “that apostate religious organization.” Why apostate? Paragraph 10 asserts that “she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations–this despite the Bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God.”   To support that assertion, paragraph 11 quotes an unnamed “recent book” which reports that “no fewer than 24 Catholic organizations are represented at the UN.” How were such organizations represented at the UN? The unnamed book quoted in paragraph 11 is New Genesis by Robert Muller. (See attachment #1.) The sentence immediately preceding the portion quoted by Watchtower states, “All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations.”   Why did Watchtower omit that significant statement? In the same year as that 1991 study article, the Watchtower Society also became accredited to the United Nations as a non-governmental organization, and served as publicity agents for the UN for the next 10 years–reapplying each consecutive year–until the alliance was exposed by the Guardian newspaper in October 2001, whereupon Watchtower withdrew its membership. (Watch Tower admits its affiliation to its Branch Committee in attachment #2.)   Notice that Watchtower’s letter refers to the Guardian article as “published allegations by opposers,” yet later states that “we are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.” No mention, however, is made of the June 1, 1991 study article.   According to a public statement issued the UN’s Department of Public Information (UN/DPI), registered NGO’s had to “share the ideals of the UN charter” and “have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences.” (See attachment #3.)   What is Watchtower policy regarding individual JWs who do what their organization did? “A person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as becoming part of an organization whose objective is contrary to the Bible, and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. So if one who is a Christian chose to join those who are disapproved of God, it would be fitting for the congregation to acknowledge by a brief announcement that he has disassociated himself and is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” (Sept. 15, 1981, Watchtower, p. 23, par. 15)   “In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. . .Hence for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to become a member of a so-called “Christian” association would amount to apostasy.” (Jan. 1, 1979, Watchtower p. 31)   According to the standard by which it judged Christendom to be apostate, and in light of Jesus’ words at Mathew 12:37 that “by your words you will be condemned,” should the Watchtower Society be viewed as an apostate religious organization?  
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Good day! What can you tell me regarding the 1975 prediction of Armageddon? I appreciate your response.. Thank you and God bless!   
    Little and few have negative meanings. We use them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’. - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/few
    At least some but indeterminately small in number - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/few
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    It can be, it can be. 
    When religious leaders teach in a manner of "clarifications", "new lights", "beliefs clarified" and similar things constantly + UN, OSCE, CSA and are involved in various Court cases and investigations.  When their "doctrinal pearls" with real estate manipulations comes to be visible for many people, ....yes it is useful to ask; "Are they qualified to lead people and represents King Jesus?" 
    Do they?
    For the sake of argument only: Is the instruction to destroy the incriminating documentation, on global scale in WTJWorg, an instruction that came from Jesus?
    :))) you are funny
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    "inflamed statements" by the WT.  And you provided the list, which we are to "understand" and accept that they had a valid role in Wt's teachings?  What?  Their only purpose today, is to reveal them for what they are - false teachings.   Yes, his comment is a meager attempt at damage control. 
    This reminds me of Jesus' warning in Matt 16:6,12
    “Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees...Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
    Luke 12:1 calls this "yeast"/teaching, hypocrisy.
    I was thinking about the contrast of the use of the word, "yeast" in both this scripture and in Matt 13:33
    "He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”
    Yeast transforms dough through living fermentation, creating heat.  When added to flour and water,  bread is produced.  The Pharisee's teachings infiltrated every fiber of " bread"/spiritual food they produced and taught the people.  God's word became corrupted.  Mark 7:6,7; 1 Cor 5:7
    "You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? 8 That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. 9 “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”  Gal 5:7
    All of those quotes you gave us, were persuasion tactics, found in unfit food/bread, already consumed. Do JWs realize that everyone in the organization, including their leaders, consumed "empty philosophy"?  Col 2:8  Which "spirit" was responsible for heating up those expressions - those hypocritical "teachings"/yeast?  Wicked men harbor a wicked spirit.  (1 Tim 4:1,2) 
    Who would be ignorant enough to treasure stale "bread"?  Why does the organization defend its larder of unfit stale, moldy, "bread", not even fit to feed the birds?  
    Jesus is the "bread of life", formed from "living water" and "wheat".  (John 12:23-26) He is filled with the Spirit of truth.  (John 7:38; 14:6; Phil 1:19; Rom 8:8,9) His pure teachings transform, even inflames those who accept and teach them, as the teachings of salvation.  This is how the Kingdom of God will grow.   
    John 6:35-37 - Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 36 But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. 37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Are you promoting the premier brochure "What is God's Kingdom"?  Is this the good news that you are referring to?  Because again, it is promoting 1914 - the date tied to WT prophesy that you question as true.  
    "The sign that Jesus gave, along with Bible chronology, helps us understand that God set up his Kingdom in heaven in the year 1914. * At that time, he installed his Son, Jesus Christ, as King. (Psalm 2:2, 4, 6-9)
    They didn't use Psalm 110:1 as they commonly do.  Maybe because people are reading their Bible and continue to Psalm 110:2 (1 Cor 15:24-28)  Maybe the GB must hide the fact that Jesus began his reign while on the earth, since 1914 is a core teaching that can't be eliminated.  There could be a huge upheaval - an exodus as a result.  That would not be good news at all for your leadership. But die-hards will remain - those who trust their leaders as the origin of "new light".   The blame for belief in a falsehood/'error' will fall on those who left the organization, since it will be promoted that they are the ones who lost their "faith" in the spirit-directed organization; subsequently, even though they reject the lie, your organization will say they reject God.   
    Matt 21:5; John 1:49; 18:36,37; Luke 17:20,21; 11:20; Luke 22:69; Ps 110:1,2; 1 Cor 15:24,25; Dan 2:44
    We can't claim to be "for truth", and tolerate a lie, in order to preserve one's allegiance to an organization.  We can't say we are preaching "good news", when we know that the message contains lies.  
    As Elijah said,   “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word."   1 Kings 18:21
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Thanks! You understand perfectly what i wish to say. Because what Jesus said to his listeners at all was his expose about Jew's Teachers of the Law aka scribes, Pharisees and others, how bad and evil they are. Because after Jesus told people about "do what they tell you" he said so many criticism and judgments about that sort of "spiritual leaders", and in fact his wording - "do what they tell you" is sort of irony and sarcasm. In such way i will understand his words today. And perhaps, I hope, his listeners in the past felt same way.
  18. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    @César Chávez  is throwing his toys out of the pram again and having a sulk.
    Dear C. C. you obviously know nothing about your GB and the Organisation. 
    And, opinions of ex-witnesses and all people are of interest to normal people with balanced minds. It is only people such as yourself that have a closed mind and want to be blind to truth, that pretend ex-witnesses opinions do not matter. 
    A lady on here blocks comments from me and others. A very stupid thing to do as she will never know truth or know a different point of view. I prefer to listen to all viewpoints, even yours, as it widens my thinking and reasoning ability.  You do have some valid points sometimes as do most JWs. 
    As for the Watchtower 'caring about ex-witness' views, I think they do take note of a lot of it.  I actually think this forum is monitored by W/t helpers. Maybe JWI is one of them.  I think that is why John Butler was dis/fed from here. Maybe he got too close to the mark.... 
    Mentioning @JW Insider I think he gave some information about homosexuality within the GB or GB helpers, in Bethel, but of course you will not believe things that you dislike.  
    C.C. Please face reality. The investigations EARTHWIDE cannot all be wrong. Even if 50% are wrong that still leaves a lot of wickedness and sin inside the CCJW. Wickedness and sin that the GB are responsible for. 
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    The GB are the bad association.  The GB have made their own Bible interpretation too. 
    The GB have dishonest Lawyers to tell lies for them in courtrooms.  The sins of your GB are as high as a mountain.
    They twist truth, misuse scripture, hide Pedophiles in the CCJW org, tell lies, pretend to be the F&DS and misguide millions of congregants. 
    BUT as scripture tells us, 'The things done in darkness shall come out into the light' and this is now being seen Earthwide.
    Your GB don't have long left. Their reign of power is nearly over. Almighty God, through Christ, will remove your GB and replace them with True Anointed ones.  Then God's Kingdom interests will move forward. 
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Good day! What can you tell me regarding the 1975 prediction of Armageddon? I appreciate your response.. Thank you and God bless!   
    few   Within a few years at most 
    a small number of. "may I ask a few questions?"     used to emphasize how small a number is. "he had few friends"   pronoun  1. a small number of people or things.    2. used to emphasize how small a number of people or things is.   But they won't listen @Srecko Sostar because they serve and worship their GB.  
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Good day! What can you tell me regarding the 1975 prediction of Armageddon? I appreciate your response.. Thank you and God bless!   
    Never was there a more moving Sight in these "last days". Many, including strong men, wept at the demonstration. Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided Instrument for most effective work   in the remaining months before Armageddon. What a gift I and to so many! The manner of releasing the new book Children was an outnght surprise to all, but the almighty hand of the All-wise One, Jehovah, was in it, and the maneuver was most blessed indeed. Thereafter Children, the author's edition, was disposed of to adult conventioneers, on a contribution.   Watchtower 1941 September 15 Page 288
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------   “Does God’s rest day parallel the time man has been on earth since his creation? Apparently so. In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man’s existence and also the first 6,000 years of Gods rest day come to an end? The year 1975. It means that within a relatively few years we will witness the fulfillment of the remaining prophecies that have to do with the “time of the end”.”Awake! 1966 Oct 8 pp.19-20   “The immediate future is certain to be filled with climactic events, for this old system is nearing its complete end. Within a few years at most the final parts of Bible prophecy relative to these “last days” will undergo fulfillment.” Watchtower 1968 May 1 p.272   “The fact that fifty-four years of the period called the “last days” have already gone by is highly significant. It means that only a few years, at most, remain before the corrupt system of things dominating the earth is destroyed by God.” Awake! 1968 Oct 8 p.13   “If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the “last days” in 1914, Jesus foretold: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.”-Matt. 24:34. Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!” Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15  
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to ARchiv@L in Good day! What can you tell me regarding the 1975 prediction of Armageddon? I appreciate your response.. Thank you and God bless!   
    *** w00 4/15 p. 8 par. 1  ***
    Humans simply do not have the ability to predict accurately what will occur in the months or years to come.
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Sorry CC, some people, or specific people as GB or JW members could use this words from Bible as justification how religious leaders in WTJWorg (or anywhere else) are entitled by Jesus himself and have permission to teach, to make interpretations, to use instructions of all kind and burden people with self made doctrines that have to be obeyed. Nonsense! People, those who are not enchanted with WTJWorg and GB+Helpers would/will see the trap.
    It is interesting, in fact strange, (if this Bible verse is correct ?!), that Jesus would gave such instruction, because He knew very well what and how many lies and deceptions were used by the religious leaders of his time.!!  He knew that the "scribes and Pharisees" did not have the spirit of truth in them, so how is it possible to believe that what they say to the people would be good and true ??
    Jesus called them hypocrites and blind leaders. Verse 4 of same chapter say; "They tie heavy loads and put them on people's shoulders, ...." How they TIE heavy loads on them? BY WORDS!!!!! 
    Well, why we should listen to and obey THEIR WORDS??!! 
  24. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    Well one of the things Jesus did was to reveal the wickedness of the 'religious leaders' of his time, and I am doing the same in our time.  Another thing Jesus did was to show love and concern for people, which I also do. I take positive action in warning people of the dangers of false religion including the CCJW, and the dangers to Children in such false religion.  I also tell people that there will be a 'coming judgement' time and that each person will be judged as an individual. I tell people that God is setting up a Kingdom and that 'chosen ones' will rule with Christ. I tell people that 'this world' is ruled by the devil and therefore humans would never be able to put things right on their own.  You see, I do not have to be a JW to know the truth from God's Word. I do not need permission from your Org or it's Leaders to teach others truth. But what I DO NOT DO is to pretend to know the 'day or the hour' or the month or the year of the coming Judgement.  I do not make threats about having to be in one particular 'religion' to 'get saved'. I DO NOT go beyond scripture.
    So I follow  God and Christ more than your GB do. Your Leaders try to run ahead of God and Christ. Hence all their failed predictions. 
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in JUST HOW BIG OF A DEBACLE, WAS THE PROPHESY OF 1975?   
    These would be the only cases that correspond to the abuse cases of other groups—and they are a very tiny minority. If they were the rule, as is the case elsewhere, then yes—signing on to a redress plan might be appropriate.
    But they overall make up a very small number. The vast majority of cases comes from a quarter that is not even tracked anywhere else—individual incidents that have nothing to do with leadership. 
    It is why the ‘one size fits all’ model that fits most if not all other signees does not fit JW. 
    You think it is the elders’ place to forbid any child to leave its parents side, then.
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