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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    Well dear Tom, people do get deleted from here and that's for sure. And the reasons seem as false as the reasons JW Elders use when they want to get rid of someone from a congregation. Hence some on here think that this site is run by JW Elders. The site has all the traits of it.  
    I don't despair, I keep thinking of Colossians 3 v 13. Although it's meant for the anointed it's still a good thought. 
    The thing is there should be no need to delete anyone because you JWs have your 'Private room' to hide in, so this could easily be a 'playground' for us 'others'. 
  2. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    There is no scriptural backing for those links. It is all guesswork, and very old guesswork too. 
    Your leaders once again pretending that they know 'things'. 
    BUT remember Acts 2, the outpouring of Holy Spirit.
    At that time devout Jews from every nation under heaven were staying in Jerusalem.e 6  So when this sound occurred, a crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7  Indeed, they were utterly amazed and said: “See here, all these who are speaking are Gal·i·leʹans,f are they not? 8  How is it, then, that each one of us is hearing his own native language? 9  Parʹthi·ans, Medes,g and Eʹlam·ites,h the inhabitants of Mes·o·po·taʹmi·a, Ju·deʹa and Cap·pa·doʹci·a, Ponʹtus and the province of Asia,i 10  Phrygʹi·a and Pam·phylʹi·a, Egypt and the regions of Libʹy·a near Cy·reʹne, sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,j 11  Creʹtans, and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our languages about the magnificent things of God.” 
    Everyone there understood in their own language, but it wasn't one language. 
    The earthly class will not be 'pure' until after their final testing, so why would they be given a pure language whist not being pure / righteous ?
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    @Emma Rose When I started studying with JWs, way on back in the 1960's, they said God's name was YHWH.
    Then they said it translated into Jehovah. Um, YHWH = Yahweh or at best Yehowah. 
    As has been discussed many times on here the letter J did not exist.  If you and others are prepared to just believe all you are told by your GB through the Watchtower magazine, that is your choice. 
    Have the GB changed God's name to JHVH and if so when ? 
    None of us 'earthly folk'  know the truth because we are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. And the GB have admitted to not being inspired too. 
    Whilst I can fell your sincerity coming through, and that is not sarcasm, I do not pretend to know truth from lies, about God's true name.  I now only use the words 'Heavenly Father' or 'Almighty God'  in my prayers. 
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    BUT it didn't use the word Jehovah did it ?  Moses never actually said or wrote the word Jehovah did he ?
    I would think in honesty that no one really knows the true translation and just maybe we are not supposed to know
    The word 'Jehovah' is ONLY an English translation of YHWH.
    And I for one don't even know why YHWH was changed to JHVH 
    What i do find interesting is when Jesus was teaching the disciples / Apostles how to pray, Jesus said this :
    Like 11 v 2. So he said to them: “Whenever you pray, say: ‘Father, let your name be sanctified.a Let your Kingdom come.
    Matthew 6 v 9 “You must pray, then, this way:i“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your namej be sanctified.
    Jesus did not use a personal name for God here, he only used a title / description, and Jesus was talking to those who are of the Anointed. 
    Now tell me, who was the first person to actually use this name 'Jehovah', and were they ofthe Anointed. Were they inspired of God's Holy Spirit, and how do you know that ? 
    For instance is this true ? 
    16th century
    The Hebrew vowel points of Adonai were added to the Tetragrammaton by the Masoretes, and the resulting form was transliterated around the 12th century as Yehowah. The derived forms Iehouah and Jehovah first appeared in the 16th century.
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    My elderly/aging mother lives with me for her safety, and she is a JW. Saturday we got a knock on the door, when I opened it up a truck was pulling away, I recognized the 2 men inside, they were jw's. Inside the box was a gallon of milk, 10lb bag of potatoes, a bag of some seriously ill looking cooked chicken, 3 tubs of sour cream, a 1lb stick of mozzarella cheese, a box of butter and a letter stating the food was from a food program from president trump. Mom kept wondering why we got this box, I mentioned to her I had heard something about the program here. She called one of long time elder friends and he told her that had no program like that so he didn't know. Knowing how all congregations are different in their internal politics, but I wonder if the elders here didn't want people to know they were getting supplemental food from the Government and they were working with the government.
    Since we are not hurting for food, we gave most of it to a young family across the street who has fallen on hard times due to covid.
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Emma Rose in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    Genesis 2:4 This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time they were created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.
    The first instance of Jehovah's name.
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Emma Rose in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    Genesis 4:1  Now Adam had sexual relations with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant.  When she gave birth to Cain, she said: “I have produced a male child with the help of Jehovah."
    Eve knew Jehovah's name.
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Love thy neighbour: Jehovah's Witnesses in court fight over fig trees   
    It often happens that plants, larger or smaller, are planted too close to the border. Many people who plant plants while they are still young do not leave enough room to grow. After a few years the plant spreads in its natural growth and becomes a maintenance problem. Ignorance of how big the plant will be when it reaches its full size contributes to the problem for both parties. There are also those who plant trees along the border and do not really care about the consequences of such planting. There are also wild trees that are left to grow.
    Trees and plants are a very valuable thing, but they must be controlled in urban areas, especially between two neighbors.
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    Sorry, I was just clearing my throat. No. I’m not the owner. It’s sort of an inside joke.
    Some of the more paranoid participants here (have you noticed not everyone plays with a full deck?) began asserting that I was the owner (along with JWI) and that from time to time I would delete persons. 
    It did no good to deny it. They would just insist upon it all the more. So I reversed course and took ownership instead.
    @adminowns the site. Several years ago @The Librarian(that old hen), who had been running a separate JW site, combined forces with him. Just digital, you understand, they may not even know each other. As far as i know, Admin is not a JW and the Librarian is. I think the latter will not disagree if I say that his philosophy, akin to that of the Washington Post, is that: ‘theocracy dies in darkness.’  Hence, the variety of characters here, some the type of people that AM3 was referring to.
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Emma Rose in Thought for the day- walking in the name of Jehovah   
    It is, and has a greater depth of meaning.
    amen and amen 😉
  11. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Alleged Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victims say they are being ignored   
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to sign up to the national redress scheme, opting instead to handle historic sex abuse claims in-house – but alleged victims say they are still being ignored by the church.
    Although the deadline for institutions to sign up has been extended until December, the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the only national organisation to declare they will not be joining.
    Ms Kaput says she has not received a response from the church.
    “We spent all this money on the royal commission, it took such a long time, we got the results, now there’s nothing,” she said.
    Where is the Love, the Mercy, the Christian conscience ? The CCJW and it's GB don't have any.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Same subject, different report.
    National Redress Scheme: Scott Morrison names and shames groups refusing to sign up
    The Prime Minister has revealed the government is finalising sanctions it will slap on groups “blatantly” refusing to sign up to a national scheme.
    Four institutions including the Jehovah’s Witnesses could be stripped of their charitable status after failing to sign up to the National Redress Scheme.
    Scott Morrison on Thursday revealed the government was finalising sanctions it will slap on the organisations.
    The Prime Minister named and shamed the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kenja Communication, Lakes Entrance Pony Club and Fairbridge Restored Limited for “blatantly” refusing to join the scheme.
    And this is ONLY Australia.  The GB and their helpers have a lot to answer for.  But don't tell Emma Rose, she doesn't believe any of it actually happened. 
  12. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Did Jehovah or Satan the Devil design the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?   
    If the virus is from Satan, does that mean he's Chinese?
  13. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Alleged Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victims say they are being ignored   
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to sign up to the national redress scheme, opting instead to handle historic sex abuse claims in-house – but alleged victims say they are still being ignored by the church.
    Although the deadline for institutions to sign up has been extended until December, the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the only national organisation to declare they will not be joining.
    Ms Kaput says she has not received a response from the church.
    “We spent all this money on the royal commission, it took such a long time, we got the results, now there’s nothing,” she said.
    Where is the Love, the Mercy, the Christian conscience ? The CCJW and it's GB don't have any.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Same subject, different report.
    National Redress Scheme: Scott Morrison names and shames groups refusing to sign up
    The Prime Minister has revealed the government is finalising sanctions it will slap on groups “blatantly” refusing to sign up to a national scheme.
    Four institutions including the Jehovah’s Witnesses could be stripped of their charitable status after failing to sign up to the National Redress Scheme.
    Scott Morrison on Thursday revealed the government was finalising sanctions it will slap on the organisations.
    The Prime Minister named and shamed the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kenja Communication, Lakes Entrance Pony Club and Fairbridge Restored Limited for “blatantly” refusing to join the scheme.
    And this is ONLY Australia.  The GB and their helpers have a lot to answer for.  But don't tell Emma Rose, she doesn't believe any of it actually happened. 
  14. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah or Satan the Devil design the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?   
    I suppose one has to ask, was it made deliberately or did it happen accidently ? 
    Was it made as a weapon ? Was it made to reduce earth's population ?  Man made, then it was from the Devil indirectly.
    Was it animal disease ?  And then why are there animal diseases ?  
    E. R. goes on about "It is a sign of the last days". Sorry Emma that is a different topic. But please remember the scripture that says 'but the end is not yet'
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Banned Religious Groups’ Members ‘Transformed’ in Xinjiang Camps   
    Don't forget the biggest example....if you leave the governing body, you are leaving Jehovah.
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Jack Ryan in Did Jehovah or Satan the Devil design the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?   
    @Melinda Mills
    How can you say that Jehovah didn't send the Four Horsemen when Jesus Christ himself is on the white horse?
    Is he not by very definition 'sent by God' himself?
    What about the "inspired word of God?" .... is it somehow flawed?

  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Emma Rose in Did Jehovah or Satan the Devil design the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?   
    James 1:13 "When under trial, let no one say: "I am being tried by God."  For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone."
    It is a 'sign' of the last days.
  18. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise   
    I would be inclined to agree with Thinking..
    Br. Jackson was in a rather precarious position. He had to be very careful and diplomatic in order not to make us appear presumptuous and haughty. As a result, there has been some confusion on the part of some Witnesses wondering what he meant, because they had always been led to believe that the GB is the only chanel God is using.
    So what did Br. Jackson mean?
    (that is a rhetorical question, as it's off topic here)
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Thinking in Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise   
    More like playing the politician...
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise   
    Emma, this article does not really address the issue I raised. This is more for people who know what they are supposed to do, but are looking for loopholes to God's arrangement for salvation. This is not the issue here.
    The article states that: "We are aware that many hypothetical or “What if . . .” cases can be raised, cases that seem to involve extenuating circumstances. What point, though, is there in speculating on these? Jesus’ illustration of the “sheep” and “goats” makes it plain that a time will come when the division between the “sheep” and the “goats” will be clear and final".
    But that's not the issue here either. We are not asking about Jesus judging who is a sheep and who is a goat, but whether the criterion for being one or the other is baptism (washing their robes in the blood of the lamb). In other words, we know that not everyone who is baptised will be judged as a sheep, so is it possible that someone, or should I say millions, might be judged as sheep despite not being baptised and not knowing Jesus, for the simple reason because they never got the chance?
    It's not even a case of speculating about many hypothetical "what ifs", or extenuating circumstances, but it is literally a case of billions simply not getting the opportunity.
    If we are going to be realistic, then we know that there are going to be billions of people who won't get a choice before Armageddon comes.
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise   
    That is true of course. But it begs the question, will absolutely everyone on earth at the time of the great tribulation be at exactly the same stage in their life, all having been given the chance to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb? Think of the billions, (not millions), of people in places like India and China. Think of the slums of India for example. Not only are those people steeped in false religion, worshipping thousands of different gods, but most of them don't know what a Bible is, and maybe have not even heard of Jesus. They have no internet, no running water, and hardly any education. In order to reach those people with the good news, for them to be able to actually make that decision to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb, you can imagine is a near impossible task, and one that would require years and years. It took us over a 100 years to get to where we are now.
    Then there are those whose intellectual capacity prevents them from being able to chose to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb.
    Then there are those who are in the process of deciding to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb, but haven't reached that point in their Bible study to be able to make a dedication.
    There will always be people at different stages in life, through no fault of their own, who were not able to wash their robes in time for the great tribulation. We always say, if Armageddon would have come (insert years) ago, we may not have been in the truth yet. But that will always be the case, logically, not everyone will be in the same state simultaneously.
  22. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Emma Rose in Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise   
    Indicating humility.
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan. 2 jw's walk by someone in need expecting the government or other religious to be the good Samaritan.
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Every interpretation may go in two directions. :)) We saw that already in WTJWorg. My interpretations or understanding are not obligated to accept and not obligated to obey. You are free to "question" me and my thoughts. :)) ..... because you are "created in the image of God". 
    The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God - 1 Cor 2
    Asking questions, with or without faith, doubts, caution, or to provoke it is not something unknown to God or to human. Why you see problem in that?
    The problem is not in the question but in the answer.
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    @Lifeswaterfree, I like your avatar, if that is the proper terminology.  
    He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. As usual, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read. 17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written:
    18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to preach good news to the poor.
    He has sent meto heal the broken-hearted
    to proclaim release to the captives
    and recovery of sight to the blind,
    to set free the oppressed,
    19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
    “These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”  Matt 10:5-8
    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  Gal 5:1
    Just this morning I was thinking how Satan could devise a spiritual “yoke of slavery” that appears not as captivity, but as one of freedom, to worship as a person chooses. (Ezek 13:10; 1 Thess 5:3; 2 Pet 2:17-19) The two words, captivity and freedom contradict each other; but, Satan uses both when they serve to advance his own "kingdom interests".  (Luke 4:5-7; Dan 9;26,27;Dan 11:32; Matt 24:24; Rev 12:15; 13:5,11,12)  He would use his resources at hand – putting his “head” ministers at the helm to fight for this apparent right, via the world’s court systems. (2 Cor 11:13,-15; Rev 13:1,11;17:7,9)
    Yet, when we look at the example of Jesus, this course of action in no way is in imitation of his path, or that of his followers. (John 18:36)  But, Satan’s ministers have been successful in seducing the anointed with the unsuspecting bait of lies.  (Amos 3:4,5; Mark 13:22; Rev 2:20-23)  We all know this takes money, that those within his trap, would provide.  The organization would need more individuals to come on board, supporting the “fight” to keep up the appearance of spiritual freedom.  So, a preaching work was developed, with tantalizing offers of truth. This would be spearheaded by a succession of leadership; who progressively pollute the pure waters of Christ’s truth, until barely a morsel of pure truth is left. (Ezek 34:17-19; Rev 8:10-11; 16:13-16)  These poisoned waters would no longer be “free” to receive, or pure as holding the promise of eternal life; but would come with requirements formulated by the doctrine of men. (Jer 2:13; John 4:10; 1 John 3:3; Rev 22:1)  These are debased rules of an organization that even many of their “neighbors” would not practice. (Ezek 22:4,5,23-29) Yet, this religion can brag triumphantly of its wicked accomplishments - causing spiritual bloodshed through disfellowshipping, hiding child abuse, dividing families, and trampling the “saints” with blasphemy. (Mar 13:5-8,14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3)
    “How you hate honest judges!
        How you despise people who tell the truth!
    11 You trample the poor,
        stealing their grain through taxes and unfair rent.
    Therefore, though you build beautiful stone houses,
        you will never live in them.
    Though you plant lush vineyards,
        you will never drink wine from them.
    12 For I know the vast number of your sins
        and the depth of your rebellions.
    You oppress good people by taking bribes
        and deprive the poor of justice in the courts.”  Amos 5:10-12
    The message that the kingdom of God has come near, is again being pronounced to the lost sheep of  “Israel” today, God’s people under covenant.  (Jer 51:6; Matt 10:23; Rev 18:4-8)  They have accepted the yoke of slavery through dedication to an organization; but this time, joining them are “Gentiles” who also carry that yoke, the “dedication” to an earthly entity – bearing the dedication mark of an idol. (Rev 13:2,8,16-18) 
    I am amazed at the efficiency of Satan’s diabolical trap, to woo God’s people with the promised “freedom” of truth, while at the same time, able to slide a yoke of blindness upon their shoulders that they didn’t “see” coming.  I am astounded that a JW can believe he or she lives the “best life ever”, while rejecting the only source of freedom we have, which is in Jesus Christ.  (Matt 11:28; John 10:4,5,9,10)
    You and I both know that receiving life’s water free, as your avatar states, is not possible in the organization. Only those of us who have rejected the yoke of slavery devised by the wicked intentions of Satan, understand what taking in Christ’s living water freely, truly means.  Just the thought that voluntary donations are needed to support “Jehovah’s (already rich) organization”, should be a warning flag easy to see.  But, to those who are enamored by what the riches of this world can accomplish in religion, they cannot perceive the truth behind Jesus’ teaching -  that one cannot serve both God and money.  (Mat 6:24)  They don’t hear the trumpet call to leave Wt. sins behind. (Amos 3:6,9,10)  They will continue to serve the needs of men, while the “banner” of truth raised by God, will draw the righteous hearted, of whom many are already “leaving” the apostate city.  (Ps 60:4; Isa 11:10-12;  Joel 3:18-21; Matt 22:8-10; Rev 18:4-8)
    “Do what is good and run from evil
        so that you may live!
    Then the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies will be your helper,
        just as you have claimed.
    15 Hate evil and love what is good;
        turn your courts into true halls of justice.
    Perhaps even yet the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies
        will have mercy on the remnant of his people.”  Amos 5:14,15
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