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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Colossians 3 v 13 Christ or God ?   
    In this Greek interlinear, we find it to read -
    cristos christos G5547 n_ Nom Sg m ANOINTED Christ
    And also here:  https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/col/3/1/t_conc_1110013
    In this interlinear, it reads as:
    2962 [e]
    In the many translations I looked at, I never once saw “God” inserted, let alone “Jehovah”.  Always it either Christ or Lord.  It makes you wonder why the WT takes such liberties.  They could have easily left it as “Lord”.  But, Satan's vendetta in the last days is against Christ and the anointed in Christ. (Gen 3:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 12:17; Rev 13:1,7)   I am not surprised of any efforts, subtle or otherwise, that are made to remove evidence of the glory and power of Christ. 
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    @Anna I think enough facts have been proven Earthwide against the GB and the CCJW / Watchtower. 
    The Two Witness Rule was used as an excuse not to believe Children when they reported CSA to parents and / or Elders. 
    I haven't judged JTR and I won't, but everyone has to keep an open mind about everyone else. There are no 'really nice guys or gals'. We are all sinners. Hence I trust no one. The scripture is "Continue putting up with one another.. "  but it doesn't say trust. 
    Quote Anna (regarding the Two Witness Rule ) "Not just CSA, but any accusation, to do with anything." 
    As I understand it, Brothers and Sisters that have spent the night in the same building together have been accused of sexual misconduct BUT without any witnesses.. I'm sure there was a topic on that. 
    All off topic and i hope JTR gets judged fairly and honestly. 
  3. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    I don't think you understood my comment. In context I said that usually it's one person's word against anothers, because rarely are there any witnesses, the point was: so who do you believe? Lack of witnesses creates a dilemma and fear of accusing someone wrongly. It's like if someone came forward and told the elders that 6 years ago you touched them inappropriately. There is no proof whether your denial is true, or whether their acusation is false.
    The two witness rule is as good as "innocent until proved guilty". It is an aid to establishing guilt beyond all reasonable doubt.
    Of course as has been mentioned many times, the two witness rule plays no role in whether someone goes to the authoroties or not. It is only for the congregation and for the handling of the sin aspect of the crime, not the crime itself.
    Not just CSA, but any accusation, to do with anything.
    I brought out the point that as per this example we have with JTR, (whom we "know") we can perhaps understand a little how difficult it is to condemn people we know. It's easy to "righteously judge" a situation we only know of from our computer screens or the news etc. 
    Which brings me to John Buttler who seemed to do just that. And the lesson is as mentioned above ☝️ Don't judge if you don't know the facts.
  4. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Ann O'Maly in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Tom's right. He has been arrested, charged, and released on bail pending trial.
    The nature of his felony charges is to do with child pornography.
    I've been chatting with someone who knew him and his family personally. I'm not going to discuss details but I will say that, based on what this person claims s/he witnessed, JTR exhibited certain 'red flag' behaviors.
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    I haven’t tried to rank them. If I did, I don’t think you would be in first place.
    I do take it seriously. I just dial it back a notch or two.
    If it is any consolation, I dial JWI’s stuff 2 notches or 3. You don’t think I buy all his stuff, do you? It is but food for thought—sort of like that verse that says you think you know it all after hearing the first witness, and then the other fellow comes along. I don’t know why he goes on and on the way he does—to me, all one need do is see how governments are treating our brothers and extrapolate from there—still, this site is a lab for me. I think it is a lab for you. I think it is a lab for him. As Voltaire said, the most sure way to be dull is to reveal everything—I don’t have to know where everyone is coming from.
    I am on a Voltaire kick now. My Great Courses regimen has gone from Bart E to Henry VIII, and now it is on Voltaire. I listen to the CDs while walking the dog, who doesn’t listen himself, and they permit me to be a seed-picker, like they said of Paul at Acts 17:18, who picks up a seed here and poops it out there. I give the appearance of being smart, having something to say on everything, yet if one pressed you or JWI on China, both of you could expand indefinitely. If one presses me, a seed-picker, I change the subject to Gilligan’s Island. Seed-pickers frequently operate on the very edge of their knowledge, but nobody knows that but they. All that is lacking—as I note from watching Zoom commentators on TV—and which I will soon remedy—is to truck in a ton of books from the Goodwill, and make a podcast in which I can barely be seen for their sheer number. “Whoa! Look at all those books!” people will say, “he must be smart!” Mission accomplished. 
    Voltaire is a name that I’ve long known of but relatively little about. Now I know a little more, and I find, so my surprise, that some of the things I do, he also did. My head, which was already dangerously large, as Cesar pointed out, 
    now gets so big as to take up all the space in the Librarian’s library.
    As to at least make a pretense of staying on topic, the daughter of one of my friends served as a missionary in China, along with her husband. Several years ago he told me that the Chinese secret police had infiltrated our congregations there in no time at all, but they also reported to their superiors that there was nothing to worry about, since our people had no interest whatsoever in changing politics. It is a story a little bit at odds with reports coming out of that land now. Maybe it was naïveté to begin with—some starry-eyed brother misreading reality—we do things like that. At any rate, based upon that input, I expressed similar naïveté in Tom Irregardless that I am almost embarrassed to own now. Still, no harm done, I think. It never hurts to give the other guy the benefit of the doubt, even if sometimes it is hurled back in your face.
    I fall in between you and JWI as regards looking at signs, probably a bit closer to your way. Angels are desiring to peer into these things. It is not for me to tell them to straighten up and get back to work. But the friends can get pretty worked up over things that may turn out here-today, gone-tomorrow. Someone was all excited the other day about Trump brokering a new deal in the mid-east. Does that herald the cry of peace and security? they wondered what I thought. I don’t get worked up over such things. The media has so firmly suppressed the story, for fear of making Trump look good, that few here know much about it, anyway. I try to seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, follow counsel I have found trustworthy, and figure that matters of timing will unfold as they will.
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Yeah, how blessed people must be with their leaders, capitalist or communist :))
    The Trump administration proposed rule changes that would allow shower heads to boost water pressure, after Trump repeatedly complained that bathroom fixtures do not work to his liking.
    The Department of Energy plan followed comments from Trump last month at a White House event on rolling back regulations. He said he believed water does not come out fast enough from fixtures.
    “So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair – I don’t know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect,” he said.
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Census   
    CC for sure made interesting points on subject. But, because many of you are part of JW congregation, you are under pressure. From one side WTJWorg doctrine is about how members have to be complete "neutral" toward "worldly things" and to not even express personal opinions about secular subjects. Because that is not of your "concern", that is what belong to "worldly people". JW members don't want to be involved, nor intellectually neither physically in matters of this world. 
    According to "official viewpoint" of WTJWorg, members are not allowed to participate in any "social improvement" or in any activity that is seen as "worldly activity" from perspective of JW doctrine and policy. On other side GB leadership  allowed participation of their own representatives in "worldly institution" aka OSCE and have some sort of political involvement and participation and contribution to this "old system of things" in "improving" political and civil freedoms. If we speaking about "human rights" or "civil rights" they are in fact "political rights", because secular governments create "politic /policy" which make it possible to have this and that "freedom" or "rights".
    If JW members found his free will to agree or disagree with some movement of "secular authorities" (as CC recommended) than they are also entitled to agree and disagree with GB politics too. Because this both "authorities", one is "secular" and other is "spiritual" are in subject to same "supreme authority" of god, according to Bible interpretations. By obeying god instead/over "GB" or "secular government" JW people with own "free judgement" would/will be in better position to prove "neutrality" in next/greater sense of the meaning of that word - to be "independent" from influence of other people.   
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Melinda Mills in Census   
    I agree with what is stated by Rozz above and will add some further research.
    Christians pay taxes for services rendered by governmental authorities.
    (Matthew 22:15-22) 15 Then the Pharisees went and conspired together in order to trap him in his speech. 16 So they sent their disciples to him, together with party followers of Herod, saying: “Teacher, we know you are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and you do not seek anyone’s favor, for you do not look at the outward appearance of people. 17 Tell us, then, what do you think? Is it lawful to pay head tax to Caesar or not?” 18 But Jesus, knowing their wickedness, said: “Why do you put me to the test, hypocrites? 19 Show me the tax coin.” They brought him a de·narʹi·us. 20 He said to them: “Whose image and inscription is this?” 21 They said: “Caesar’s.” Then he said to them: “Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.” 22 When they heard that, they were amazed, and they left him and went away.
    Cooperating with authorities re the census
     *** it-2 pp. 766-767 Registration ***
    At the Time of Jesus’ Birth. Two registrations are mentioned in the Christian Greek Scriptures as taking place after Judea came under subjection to Rome. Such were not merely to ascertain population figures but, rather, were mainly for purposes of taxation and conscription of men for military service. Concerning the first of these we read: “Now in those days [c. 2 B.C.E.] a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered; (this first registration took place when Quirinius was governor of Syria;) and all people went traveling to be registered, each one to his own city.” (Lu 2:1-3) This edict of the emperor proved providential, for it compelled Joseph and Mary to journey from the city of Nazareth to Bethlehem in spite of the fact that Mary was then heavy with child; thus Jesus was born in the city of David in fulfillment of prophecy.—Lu 2:4-7; Mic 5:2.  End Quote
     In accordance with Proverbs 21:1 God can use kings or those in authority to carry out his will as we see in Micah 5:2.  It was foretold 500 years before the birth of Jesus that he would be born in Bethlehem, although Mary and Joseph were from Nazareth. That verse says: (Proverbs 21:1) “A king’s heart is like streams of water in Jehovah’s hand. He directs it wherever He pleases.” God can use rulers who don’t fear him to carry out his will wittingly or unwittingly. Note that Joseph and Mary obeyed and undertook to travel many miles even though she was heavy with child. This meant a trip that, on present roads, covers a distance of about 150 km (93 mi) through hilly country. 
    So we have two pre-Christian servants of God who saw the need to cooperate with the census. They had to travel, pay taxes and comply with the census.
    Now this is Paul speaking to Christians (including Jews and proselytes who had become such) who by that time were no longer under the Law of Moses (the Law having being fulfilled by Christ’s death).

    Romans 3: 24 So the Law became our guardian leading to Christ, so that we might be declared righteous through faith. 25 But now that the faith has arrived, we are no longer under a guardian. 26 You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ Jesus. 
     (Romans 13:1-14) “Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2 Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves. 3 For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good, and you will have praise from it; 4 for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing what is bad. 5 There is therefore compelling reason for you to be in subjection, not only on account of that wrath but also on account of your conscience. 6 That is why you are also paying taxes; for they are God’s public servants constantly serving this very purpose. 7 Render to all their dues: to the one who calls for the tax, the tax; to the one who calls for the tribute, the tribute; to the one who calls for fear, such fear; to the one who calls for honor, such honor.”
    Add to that the census which is of a similar nature to calling for the tax, calling for fear, or compliance, honour, etc.  We are in no position to look into their minds to see what they are using the taxes for or what they are going to achieve with the census.  It is their right to call for it if they wish.
     And that is all I am going to say about that.
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to derek1956 in The woman in the wilderness   
    You two are just the same you wouldn`t know the truth if you saw it in writing from Jesus or even his father Jehovah
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in The woman in the wilderness   
    I know that the organization teaches that Revelation’s “woman” is the “heavenly organization”, or the “wifelike organization”, even calling it the “wife of Jehovah” (w63 12/1 pp. 712-719)
    In another instance, your organizations says of the woman,
    She is a “bride” of many component parts, a composite “bride,” and so an organization following, imitating and doing the will of the prospective Bridegroom.  w81 5/1 pp. 22-27
    Which they mean by the “bridegroom”, Jesus Christ.
    Is this “woman”, the wife of God, or Jesus Christ?  Which WT teaching do you adhere to?  Which do you believe is “truth” about the woman?  You deserve, yes anyone is worthy, to know the truth. 
    Gal 4:22-26 tells us exactly what the “woman” represents.
    “For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. 23 His son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a divine promise.
    24 These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants.
    “Covenants” – a contract, compact, a testament
    …a “promise”:
    “ But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.  Now you, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise. Gal 4:26,28
    Can you see that the “woman” of Revelation is the New Covenant which is symbolized by “Sarah”, and includes those within it, which are the anointed as @4Jah2me pointed out?  (Gal 4:31)
    They are “New Jerusalem”, because…they are the Temple.
    1 Cor 3:16,17 – “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”
    They are “heavenly”, as a new creation – “born again” in the Spirit.  2 Cor 5:17
    The only “organization” that God recognizes is the Temple built on the chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ.  Eph 2:20-22
    God does not need a wife.  He didn’t need an “organization” to produce Jesus Christ, which is another lie of the WT.   
    To reason on this false doctrine.....
    It is asserted that by means of the "heavenly wife-like organization", Christ was brought forth. It is said that these angelic Sons of God somehow gave birth to Jesus Christ, as well as the group of 144,000.
    Please...according to reason and logic....
    Who created these angelic sons of God in heaven? Were they not created by means of the Firstborn...the Christ? (Col 1:15-18) Yet, he himself was NOT the WIFE of Jehovah. He was God's firstborn Son, and "master worker" (Prov 8:22,30). It was through HIM that the angels were created...not the other way around (Col 1:16). Once created, these angels are also referred to, as "sons"... (not as "wife") (Job 38:7).
     So, the last remnant under the “woman” covenant is the target of the dragon.  Rev 12:17,17  He uses deceit against them – LIES, which we know are Satan’s most effective war weapons.  Rev 13:7
    It looks like you, and all JWs have been lied to.
    To learn more about the truth of the “woman”:
  11. Downvote
  12. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in IICSA Inquiry - Child Protection in Religious Organisations and Settings 10 August 2020   
    Having been in contact with the IICSA they requested information about a situation that I made them aware of.  So I have forwarded the information with my contact details, which it seems they will forward to the Police. 
    @Anna had made a comment on another topic about what would we do if we knew the person or persons in question. Here is my answer. I did what should be done. Children need to be protected as much as we are able. Nobody should be hiding paedophiles and nobody should be walking away from their responsibility to report anything suspicious that could result in harm to a child or adult.  Here is the letter that I answered. (highlighting mine)
    Our reference: IICSA-xxxxxx 
    Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Thank you for contacting the Inquiry via email on 13 August 2020 and bringing to our attention your concerns about the abuse of a young child.  
    We would still strongly encourage you to contact your local police force directly, or the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 if you believe that there is an ongoing current risk to any child or vulnerable person www.nspcc.org.uk
    As you may be aware, the Inquiry has a legal duty to pass on any allegations of child abuse to Operation Hydrant, which is a national policing team set up to coordinate the police response to non-recent child sexual abuse. Because of our legal duty, we need to pass some of the information you provided to Operation Hydrant. 
    We can send information to Operation Hydrant anonymously, however, we would like to ask for your consent to pass your name and contact details to the police along with the allegations. This would allow the police to make contact with you if they deemed it necessary to gain further information about the allegations. 
    If you do consent to us including your name and contact details, please respond to this email by 21 August 2020 and advise what your preferred method of contact would be (e.g. phone, email etc). Please be aware that we cannot guarantee which police force (if any) will make contact with you or they will use your preferred contact method. 
    The attached leaflet “Passing Information To The Police” explains consent and how the police may use your information in more detail. 
    You mention in your email that you are looking for Jehovah's Witnesses UK Sexual Abuse Helpline, unfortunately we are not aware of any such helpline.
    Whilst there are no support organisations that are directly attached to the Inquiry, we are able to signpost people to trusted ones that provide specialist therapeutic support and information to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. While the Inquiry cannot endorse individual organisations, it recognises that those organisations are recognised for the services they offer. 
    If you feel that you might benefit from some support you may be interested in some organisations who provide specialist advice and therapeutic support specifically for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse at this link.  Although some of these organisations may currently be offering reduced services due to the COVID-19 crisis, the vast majority of them are still offering therapeutic support and advice. It may also be beneficial to talk to your GP so that they can signpost you to some appropriate local support. 
    Truth Project
    Please do remember that there is a part of the Inquiry which enables victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experiences with us - you can find more information at the Truth Project website. 
    Finally we would like to make sure that you are aware of an investigation that the Inquiry is carrying out into current child protection policies, practices and procedures in religious institutions that have a significant presence in England and Wales.  This investigation includes the Jehovah’s Witnesses.  You can find out more about this investigation on our website and you can find details of the public hearings relating to this investigation here. 
    Thank you again for contacting us. If you have any questions regarding the work of the Truth Project, or the Inquiry in general, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Yours sincerely

    Jodie Yarborough
    Head of Correspondence & Engagement Team
    Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse 
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to John Houston in Census   
    Did not Joseph go,to,the city of his birth for a 'census at the time of Jesus' birth?
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Census   
    The census is something the government does every 10 years. Somewhat similar to what the Israelites did in the old testament.
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Arauna in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    @TrueTomHarley You are indeed a true GB serving JW. But so be it.  I asked politely and you've refused. It proved my point. 
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from JW Insider in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Sometimes I just do what is expected of me  
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Rozz in Census   
    Actually if the government wants us to take the count to figure information for the census,we comply. The  virus Is another situation if it’s a hidden agenda we have no control over that.  However we have choices whether to take the test, shot , we are very concerned about our health and well being.  Basically  we stand neutral. The government uses the currency to do illegal and legal things that’s not Christians concern. We look forward to Gods heavenly government in the very near future  that will serve righteous and justice for ppl that are rightly disposed. Until that time we remain obedient to the laws of the land as long as they don’t conflict with our God Jehovah
  18. Sad
  19. Sad
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    I appreciated that Arauna was "addressing" me obliquely rather than through direct accusations. This is good manners on a forum, because the person will "know" he or she is being addressed, and can consider the merit of the accusation, but not feel threatened or feel a need to take it personally. You yourself have also been thoughtful and diplomatic in counseling me without direct confrontation. Of course, I know for a fact that some people seem to get even more irritated and defensive from this oblique manner than if they were accused directly. I'll take it either way.
    And to your defense of me, thanks. That's my view. I've seen quite a bit of political "sign-watching" that ends up with the idea that, for example: "It kind of prepares us for what we can expect in future." (Not very oblique.) This is a valid opinion, but I notice the sheer magnitude of some of these expectations: like implementing a new world currency, or implementing and enforcing UN directives or "agenda" on a global scale which are slated for many years in the future. These types of things might very well happen, but thinking things like this must happen before the end can easily lull others into thinking that the real Global Government solution must be at least 5 to 10 years' off.
    I was the first to bother, but only flippantly, to see if I could safely predict the following outcome:

    Exactly!!! It was too easy. You probably don't even need names to know who was who.
  21. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The woman in the wilderness   
    @Srecko Sostar It would seem as if the true Anointed are not in a 'spiritual paradise' because they are under the control of the GB and even under the Elders. The true Anointed are told not to meet together for Bible study or prayer. They are also told it would be working against the Holy Spirit. So it would seem that they are in a desert, without the true 'water of life'.   John 4 v 13 & 14.
    In answer Jesus said to her: “Everyone drinking from this water will get thirsty again. 14  Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.”
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    If a person, who has studied and know the many doctrinal changes over the years, the failed predictions, the overlapping generations and legalistic nature of the watcher....all aka, incompetence, also reading that the watchtower is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the channel of communication between Jehovah and man, etc. That person may seem Jehovah is incompetent  because of the incompetency of the watchtower. 
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The woman in the wilderness   
    What if 42 different GB sets, series of members have to be changed while in spiritual deserts on way to promise land :))
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The woman in the wilderness   
    It is interesting. Well, IF WTJWorg consider themselves as "Israelite" on there way to Kingdom, it means how they are not in "spiritual paradise" today, but rather waking around in deserts of this world. :)) 
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Census   
    I have a question about the national census that's going on here in America. It's basically just counting the number of people in each state so the government will know how much funding each state will get based on the amount of people in that state. My jw mom said she isn't going to fill it out because jw's are no part of this nation.
    Is this just a extreme personal view of hers, or do all jw's think this way about this subject, so no jw will be allowed to fill out a census form?
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