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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in The CCJW is not the only non-trinitarian religion and not the only religion that believes in the coming Judgement.   
    “There are those pesky people again coming up the drive trying to teach us the Bible!
    I sure wish those  Oneness Pentecostals and the  La Luz del Mundo and the Iglesia ni Cristo  and the Christadelphians  and the Christian Scientists, and the Dawn Bible Students, and the Living Church of God, and the Assemblies of Yahweh, And the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, And the Members Church of God International, and the Unitarian Christians, and the Unitarian Universalist Christians, and the The Way International, and the The Church of God International, and the United Church of God. would give it a rest!”
  2. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    How naïve you are. What prohibits a person who has consensual encounters to say they were raped? … after the fact.  
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I understand what you are saying but I was mainly referring to character and personality traits rather than the environment someone grows up in, although that does have a certain role in shaping people. My point was that humans are humans wherever they are, their intrinsic qualities are basically the same, so with that in mind, Jehovah would surely give everyone a chance equally to get to know him regardless of upbringing or culture. We know Jehovah is impartial. But the problem is, it is logistically impossible to reach the billions of people in India especially those whose living conditions prevent them from having access to the internet. Recently, we heard how the brothers and sisters in Africa had trouble accessing our programs because of the lack of internet and how this was solved using local TV stations, which is also automatically resulting in a witness. Perhaps something like that would be possible in India? In any case, I am not worried, and like you, I leave it in Jehovah's hands because he is a righteous judge and he will not destroy anyone unjustly. I just brought it up because many don't think of areas outside of what they already know. I just wanted to bring attention to it 😁.
  4. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Anna in The Purpose of This JW Forum   
    I think this Forum and others are used by GB helpers as a measuring stick, to find out people's attitudes towards the GB and it's teachings. I think it is used in 'research' to see how much the GB think they can get away with and how obvious their wrong teachings are. Any sensible business looks for feedback good or bad. And the CCJW is just another business at the moment. They make money from 'real estate' and push that money offshore to hide it. They can research forums and find out how much people 'of the world' know about their wrongdoings. Simples. 
  5. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Was Satan the Devil already Released from the Abyss?   
    They were NOT in the abyss - they were in TARTARUS my dear!  AND I DO NOT MEAN THE TARTARUS FROM GREEK LEGEND. YOU are the false teacher!  You do not know the basics that most JWs are taught in the first year of study.  I have known this from my first year of study. 
    That is why you do not believe that Jesus put his soul in death! - READ Isaiah 53.  this is the dreaded scripture which Jews avoid because it is a prophecy about Jehovah putting the soul of Jesus in death.  He did not just die a 'physical' death as you indicate above.  You do not even understand the ransom.  You are not fit to teach a beginner JW - they will know more than you..... And you were angry with the GB because they would not allow you to teach in the congregations!!   I should hope not!
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Was Satan the Devil already Released from the Abyss?   
    I'm just borrowing your quote, not necessarily directing my comment to you.
    In this video ,”Gog of Magog” is mentioned as coming against JWs or “God’s people” during Armageddon, since apparently by that time, no other religion will be in existence.  So, JWs are basically surrounded by "Gog of Magog".  It then mentions, the thousand-year reign of Christ begins. 
    Geoffrey Jackson states, “that destruction of the wicked will usher in the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ. After the final test at the end of the thousand years, what will be the situation…?”
    He doesn’t say how that final test will come about.  It must be a surprise for JWs to find out…in time!
    But really, how could he dare mention it, when God’s Word says,
    “Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. 9 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”  Rev 20:7-10 
    Hmmm.  Maybe the GB really believe that the "thousand years" has ended, and Satan has been let loose out of the abyss to deceive God's saints. 
    “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand."  Matt 24:23,24
    I can't link the video successfully, but it can be found under "Programs and Events", the Annual Meeting for 2018, where Geoffrey Jackson gives his part.  
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    Playing games?  It does not hide the hate-OCD.
  8. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in The King of the North Must Stay on Script—it Will Look Awfully Silly if He is Bolivia   
    That May 2020 Watchtower really simplified how we can look at the Daniel prophesy of the kings of the north and south. I appreciate it for that reason.
    I think it can be likened to the ingredients of a sandwich disappearing. When that happens, what’s the point of keeping track of the two slices of bread that enclose it? Such is the case when the weeds swallow up the wheat and the Master says ‘Don’t worry about it—we’ll sort it out at the harvest.’ (Matthew 13:24-30) If the covenant people disappear, why concern oneself about who is the king of the north and south? They vanish, too. This way, you don’t have to trace some tortuous lineage through the centuries that you can get your head around after a fashion, but the moment you turn away it disappears, like your grasp of relativity. 
    When the covenant people reappear during the harvest—well, we know that they are to be between a rock and a hard place. So look for a rock and a hard place. What could be easier than that? When the harvest season arrives, what two parties during the World Wars hate each other’s guts, and also give the covenant people grief for the same reason, that of neutrality? Easy. This new streamlined method works to everyone’s advantage except for Queen Zenobia (my favorite Bible character, second only to Obi Wan Kenobia), and I have completed my mourning for her.
    The second of the study articles made it very clear: “For a government to fill the role of the king of the north or the king of the south, it must do three things: (1) interact directly with God’s people, (2) show by its actions that it is an enemy of Jehovah and his people, and (3) compete with the rival king.”
    I noted Trump’s campaign words in Dear Mr. Putin - Jehovah’s Witnesses Write Russia, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?” and how, were that to happen, it would take the prophesy off-script—the two are notsupposed to get along. Almost immediately outside forces in the form of the media intervened to ensure that the two kings will not get along—they are to stay on script. Almost from the instant he said it, a Russian collusion narrative emerged to ensure the two kings would remain at loggerheads.
    In the course of two weeks, the verses of Daniel 11:25-45 were considered at the meeting. A crash course for anyone not in the know: It is king-of-the-north Germany that opposes the king of the south during both world wars and opposes the covenant people, treating them harshly. With the Allied victory ending WWII, the Soviet Union and later Russia takes over the role of the northern king—pushing & shoving the king of the south and also treating the covenant people harshly, lately to be seen in the banning of their organization and publications, confiscation of their property, and arrests leading to the imprisonment of many. 
    A nice touch, I thought, was the “little help” rendered at 11:34. Might this be prophetic of the lull in opposition to kingdom preaching from the fall of the Soviet Union to renewed all-out attack on Jehovah’s people in 2017? During this lull, it was not even clear just who the king of the north was. (Davey-the-kid, always quick with a joke, told me it was Bolivia) Jehovah’s Witnesses were the last of all faiths to be legally recognized in 1991 (fall of the Soviet Union) and the first of all faiths (and so far, only) to suffer ban in 2017.
    It occurs to me that if the king of the north started being nice to our people he would louse up stipulation 2 of the prophesy, that he must “show by its actions that it is an enemy of Jehovah and his people.” Why doesn’t he do that? There is no better way to discredit Jehovah’s Witnesses than to spectacularly mess up their take on a prophesy. Then we would have to revert back to Davey-the-kid, say it is Bolivia, and look ridiculous. 
    Well, maybe will happen that way. But it doesn’t seem likely. If Trump couldn’t derail the prophesy, Putin can’t either. It is probably one of those situations of nations being drawn as with hooks in their jaws. They are too determined in a course of their own seeming choice to do any differently. 
    From paragraph 13 and 14 of the second week’s study: 
    “A prophecy recorded by Ezekiel gives some insight into what may happen during the last days of the king of the north and the king of the south....it appears that we can expect the following developments....That symbolic hailstorm may takethe form... It could be that this message provokes Gog of Magog into attacking God’s people with the intention of wiping them off the earth.” [italics mine]
    Joe at the Kingdom Hall, who can always be depended upon for perceptive comments, chimed in about the “wiggle words” that I’ve italicized—it may....it could be...it appears that. Hardly dogmatic, is it? Sure to be missed by Tom Pearlsandswine, that brother who is known for putting the dog into dogmatic! But the words simply indicate that, while we know the final destination, we do not know the precise route to be taken, and the foregoing only indicates the best educated guess at present. 
    Of course, “educated” in this context means educated in the Bible study of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Despite my “crash course” a few paragraph above, I’ve made no effort to thoroughly explain anything—only the barest outline is offered. It is a little bit like how I have lately been reading Thirty Years that Shook Physics, a 1966 book by George Gamow that stood on my Dad’s bookshelf for 50 years and that I rescued from the estate sale. The preface speaks of “Dr. Gamow’s artistic gift as well as his ability to expand science in the layman’s language.” But as I peruse page after page stuffed with arcane mathematical formulas, I say, “I think they are overestimating his ‘gift.’” It’s not nothing. I’d sooner have him around than Wolfgang Pauli. But he is not exactly Mr. Rogers, and neither have I tried to be with the details of the north and south king.
    As to what the final fulfillment will be, and what route it will take, 1 Peter 1:12 says: “Into these very things, angels are desiring to peer.” Are you going to tell them to straighten up and get back to work? No. You won’t stop them. But I like the current sense of couching things that only appear likely in wiggle words. It is a little like how we don’t do anti-types anymore, unless such anti-type is clearly spelled out in the Bible—Jesus’ identification with the Passover lamb, for example. It is enough to say, “this reminds me of that.” What! Is someone going to come along later and say it doesn’t?
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in USCIRF Exposes European “Experts” Who Support CCP Campaigns Against “Cults”   
    Well, they are coming and violently arresting JWs in the middle of the night with terrorist squads as if witnesses are terrorists..... throwing the elderly on the ground as if the are dangerous people. They know we carry no guns and refuse their military training.  it is pure theatre so the neighbors can really get the idea that these people have weapons and secretly plotting against the government or  something.
    The New world bible translation has been banned as dangerous material. 
    In China too - the only bible allowed is the state translation where all scriptures have been removed that they do not like. Conscientious objectors (we know who they are ) - their body parts are used in the thousands of transplants they do per year.
    It is easy to deny this...… this proves the bias.  Yes others are persecuted too but not in such as violent way..... but this will also ensue when ALL religion will be removed...… soon on the UN agenda. 
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in When i strongly criticize WTJWorg + GB + Helpers, why is this same to you as criticizing God?   
    Like most Judas-imitators you have a severe virus of hate- OCD and are so arrogant that you think all JWs worship people and cannot think for themselves. You cannot think for yourself that God may have a world-wide organization on earth.  Please tell me where there is another world-wide organization that teaches people about Jehovah.   If you cannot answer this question - do not bother to answer me.
  11. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in The Watchtower is definitely run by Men, and certainly NOT guided by God's Holy Spirit.   
    I bet you would say the same of Jona who ran away from God and later wrote an inspired book called Jona, Aaron who made a calf, Moses who hit the stone instead of speaking to it and wrote Genesis, exodus etc.,   David who murdered and committed adultery and later wrote many of the Psalms... I can go on.  The GB live dedicated lives and their mistakes are ones that any human could make…… but your self-righteousness made you a self-appointed judge of them and in effect an opposer of Jehovah...…all your comments are only negative.  OCD-negative.  You cannot give them credit of anything they have done well...….. like managing a world-wide preaching commission. 
  12. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in The Purpose of This JW Forum   
    But it allows people like you to keep changing their names so I suppose you enjoy it  
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in The Purpose of This JW Forum   
    I think this Forum and others are used by GB helpers as a measuring stick, to find out people's attitudes towards the GB and it's teachings. I think it is used in 'research' to see how much the GB think they can get away with and how obvious their wrong teachings are. Any sensible business looks for feedback good or bad. And the CCJW is just another business at the moment. They make money from 'real estate' and push that money offshore to hide it. They can research forums and find out how much people 'of the world' know about their wrongdoings. Simples. 
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in A cave in a remote part of Mexico was visited by humans around 30,000 years ago – 15,000 years earlier than people were previously thought to have reached the Americas.   
    This is quite interesting. I'm glad you brought it up as I need outside reminders these days, and no longer try to keep up with articles in National Geographic and Nature, etc. Unless prompted.
    I am concerned that the Mexican cave archaeologists have so little to go on. The supposed limestone tools were made from limestone that is already just outside the cave entrance. And much of the evidence is literally, "flaky." Just flakes of limestone that were chipped off larger stones. I assume they are holding back some of the best evidence, because the only picture in the article of the supposed tool evidence is this:

    The article shows that there is doubt, too. For example:
    . . . Oregon State archaeologist . . . points out that cave environments also create plenty of naturally fractured stones that can be misinterpreted as artifacts. . . . He’s also troubled by the lack of other signs of human occupation in the cave deposits, such as hearths and animal bones bearing cut marks.
    “You can have a big list of all the things you might expect to see in a site, and [the Chiquihuite researchers] don't have anything except for some broken rock,” Davis says. “And if you take the rocks away, there’s really nothing.” While he calls the research “intriguing,” he’s reserving judgment.
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    Perhaps yes, perhaps no. It seems how you and elders have suspicion that she was sincere. 
    Maybe elders would be do better to ask police about it before making decision that she is "harlot" or "adulteress".
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW forum   
    Purpose of this Forum is unknown to me. Owners knows real meaning and reasons for existing.
    But I am glad to be user and participant in various topics, and can say, "Thanks" for this Forum. 
    Of course that you are right when said how this Forum can "vanish into the abyss I don’t think they would miss it." if you ask WTJWorg. In fact they would be very happy to see this happen. Because our conversation challenging WT doctrines and revealing how this religion often manipulate with people's emotions and minds. And how they are ready to deceive and to change rhetoric  when it is need. 
    For example, Geoffrey Jackson, GB member aka Top Manager of Society, publicly claimed before ARC how they, GB, are not the only spokesperson for God on Earth. On other hand they teaching members how they have to obey  GB in all instructions and follow the leadership of GB, because that is only way to survive Armageddon. 
    I am almost surprised that you Tom gave such bad review about this Forum and tell others that they waste their time here on this Forum.  Perhaps JWorg have some better "Forum"? I hope you would take participation there, in the same manner you doing here. :))
  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Arauna in It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience.   
    I'll repeat what i wrote earlier for the sake of @Arauna 
    It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience. The two completely contradict one another.  
    And who will dare answer my questions about, Does God read hearts of everyone or just JWs ? 
    Will God condemn everyone that is not a JW at Armageddon ? 
    Quote @Arauna while the condition of the heart is important - this is the criteria: New American Standard Bible
    "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'
    In this case many JWs will be 'departing' probably including the GB of the CCJW and many 'helpers'.
    But I have said many times that I know I will not live through Armageddon so I'm not one of the 'self righteous that Arauna is so OCD about. But I will die in the knowledge that i have warned others of the wickedness of the GB and in the CCJW. 
  18. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Are some folks suggesting that God, through Christ, will only look at hearts of JWs?   
    while the condition of the heart is important - this is the criteria: New American Standard Bible
    "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'
    One cannot fool Jehovah. Interestingly this translation uses the words "practice " of lawlessness.   Judas was a practicer of lawlessness.  When he dipped his fingers into the money the first time, he could have confessed to Jesus and received forgiveness but he hardened his heart and kept on with his practice of stealing.  It gave Satan an opportunity to enter his heart an defy Jesus and go ahead with being complicit in his death by assisting the authorities to recognize him.
    Are there any here who will assist the authorities to put Jesus' true followers in jail?
  19. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in The Purpose of This JW Forum   
    Be kind to each other...…. … do you not 'see' the subversive attitudes here, apart from the openly hate-OCD crowd?
    I ignored Srecko's earlier reference to know if we believe we are anointed...…to be the bride in heaven. It is none of his business....   He can look at our love for Jehovah and our understanding of scripture .....just as the people in Jesus' day had Jesus' words to go by to believe if he was the son of god. …. but he is also sporadically imitating the hate-gang.  I doubt any of them here are searching for real understanding of any issues relating to the bible.  They are here to sow doubt, hate, and unbalance the weak.... and pick arguments with us to keep us from doing the more important stuff.... and get us to snap at each other.
    I come here when I have excess time... and it does help me to keep sharp.... to personally think things through..... although there is no other benefit to me personally - arguing with spiritual renegades and self-righteous, clueless Pharisees that do not know much of the bible but constantly break others down to help further the goals of their father - John 8:44. 
    I still like writing …. even though I just write like I speak here.... so that is why I meander back here.
    My loyalty to Jehovah and his word is genuine...… that is why I can see through the fakes here that constantly tell me I serve the GB and neglect Jehovah. …..  I can see their self-righteous attitudes and get the feeling of what Jesus went through went he constantly had to face enemies trying to discredit him in public.   In the end Satan won.... and the betrayal came from Judas - the inner circle
    JWs do the preaching and warning job Jehovah gave them to do.....(they have the slave Matt 24:45) but they are not perfect (unlike Jesus) and make many mistakes just like Jonah and many of the other people used by Jehovah. The fundamental teachings of JWs are spot-on... so why would I move to any other place that does not teach the truth about Jehovah's name, the true condition of death etc. 
    These guys are here to discredit the GB - and they used to be part of the JW before.   The old deceiving patterns and warnings Jehovah gave us is at work here....coming from the renegade inner circle..... and I am constantly aware of this.
    Similar to the time of Jesus, the hate-OCD people will eventually win (as the Pharisees did) and they will sit and enjoy it with glee....until Jehovah himself steps in.... 
  20. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience.   
    @Srecko Sostart is unfortunate that, we humans, have lost our inner feelings for right and wrong, and that/how belonging to something (religion, politics, philosophy, etc.) becomes a method by which certain good values are achieved or which lead to the opposite side, to the side of evil.
    That is why I left the JW organisation, because I DO know right from wrong.    JWs hide in their Org and just see ex JWs and victims of CSA as collateral damage. 
    JWs become more like machines, having no real feelings, just obeying the GB through the Elders. They give up their consciences to be accepted in the 'club'. They stop looking for truth because they don't want to find it. They are happy in their 'social club' of 'friends' all serving their GB. 
    It is more likely the EX-JWs, that left of their own choice, that will have inner feelings for right and wrong   because they joined the JW org for the right reasons, then they also left the JW Org for the right reasons too. 
    It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience. The two completely contradict one another.  
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience.   
    @Srecko Sostart is unfortunate that, we humans, have lost our inner feelings for right and wrong, and that/how belonging to something (religion, politics, philosophy, etc.) becomes a method by which certain good values are achieved or which lead to the opposite side, to the side of evil.
    That is why I left the JW organisation, because I DO know right from wrong.    JWs hide in their Org and just see ex JWs and victims of CSA as collateral damage. 
    JWs become more like machines, having no real feelings, just obeying the GB through the Elders. They give up their consciences to be accepted in the 'club'. They stop looking for truth because they don't want to find it. They are happy in their 'social club' of 'friends' all serving their GB. 
    It is more likely the EX-JWs, that left of their own choice, that will have inner feelings for right and wrong   because they joined the JW org for the right reasons, then they also left the JW Org for the right reasons too. 
    It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience. The two completely contradict one another.  
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Isabella in MormonLeaks founders pay $15,000 to settle copyright suit with the Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    The Truth and Transparency Foundation — the nonprofit group behind the controversial MormonLeaks website — has settled a copyright infringement lawsuit with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The settlement comes after the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the publisher for the religious group, sued the nonprofit, alleging it violated copyright when it published Jehovah’s Witnesses’ educational videos on its FaithLeaks website.
    The lawsuit alleged that the Truth and Transparency Foundation, run by Ryan McKnight and Ethan Dodge, published 74 copyright videos on its website. A post detailing the leak described the videos as content shown exclusively during annual conventions. Those who attempted to distribute or upload the videos were met with threats of a lawsuit if they didn’t take the videos down, the post says, which has included the Truth and Transparency Foundation in the past.
    The nonprofit had said it intended to fight the lawsuit, asserting the release of the videos is covered under a constitutional right to free speech. But after fundraising efforts came up short, the group settled the lawsuit instead.
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    No Tom. I tried to show how our "courage" to do "right thing" depending and/or not depending on external and internal "threats". 
  24. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    You’ve got to be kidding me!
    If those who descended into barbarism had offered the choice: Death by being hacked to pieces with machete or suffer us “supporting wrong instructions regarding how to deal with cases of pedophilia,” you think they would have deliberated the choice?
    If those who slipped into barbarism had offered the choice: Death by being hacked to pieces with machete or suffer us no longer speaking to you, you think they would have deliberated the choice?
    There is such a thing as carrying a grudge to the point of ludicrousness.
  25. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    ... thanks for long post. Praiseworthy and worthy to imitate, try to follow an example, every example that respects and saves lives. 
    It is unfortunate that, we humans, have lost our inner feelings for right and wrong, and that/how belonging to something (religion, politics, philosophy, etc.) becomes a method by which certain good values are achieved or which lead to the opposite side, to the side of evil.
    Let us not forget that many who were willing to sacrifice themselves in this way for others, perhaps, in another circumstance, are willing to do something that nullifies their great sacrifice they have made. Imagine, I'm hiding a JW brother or a non-JW person from the massacre yesterday .... and today I completely ignore (shun) on the road someone who has stopped being a JW brother for some reason. Or even more frighteningly, consciously or unconsciously, JW’s brother supports wrong instructions regarding how to deal with cases of pedophilia. And how the victims of pedophilia “die” because no one has “hidden” them from the villains and from those who have allowed evil to continue to happen.
    So Tom, it should be said that JW’s have shown courage in Nazi Germany and Rwanda. But it should also be said that the JWs did not really express themselves in “peacetime” in “their own country, the homeland, which is called Spiritual Paradise” when victims of CSA call for help and only few try to help them .... and many others could not or would not hear their voice because of the great noise of those who shouted, "We are the best religion." 
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