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Patiently waiting for Truth

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    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    @Anna  Quote "they will just obey regardless. That's a bit scary." 
    I think you have got it in one.   That is the stupid sheepness of many JW sheep. 
    They are blinkered. They do not look outside the box. 
    But i will admit that for many years of my life I was one of them. 
    Moses could easily be seen to have God's guidance. The GB cannot be seen to have God's guidance simply because they do not have God's guidance.  
    Moses was chosen by God. The GB were not chosen by God. By their works you will know them.
    How can any JW sheep condemn a Catholic for believing in the Trinity. it is what they are taught from birth. A JW that just follows blindly is as bad as a Catholic that just follows blindly. They both have their faith in Men. 
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Shiwiii in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Great words spoken here on this topic. Thank you Witness.
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    Quote @Arauna But as you know those who call on his name will be saved.... or have you forgotten those scriptures... there are several of them.
    Unfortunately your GB / Org seems to have a different opinion. The GB / Org seem to be saying that 'those that are Baptised JWs are the ones to be saved.  So which is it ? 
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Shiwiii in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Arauna misses the point deliberately here. 
    IF the Organisation had been run properly then God's Holy Spirit would have been with it constantly. And God through Christ, would have kept it clean.  They would have guided the True Anointed with Holy Spirit, to keep the Org' spiritually strong and going in the right direction. 
  5. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Shiwiii in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    I do feel pity for @Arauna as she is so blinded by her love of the GB and the Org. 
    Quote Arauna, " All aspects of this subject has been covered before in many pages and still you guys keep opening it up again and again (OCD-like) as if this is all you think about." 
    BUT Arauna, that is what this topic is about, and it is about new information concerning the victims of CSA. Yes it is an ongoing situation whether in Australia, UK, America or elsewhere. It will continue to be an ongoing topic. It is not OCD as you pretend, but new information being added and then discussed and related to old information.
    Then every JW should have been allowed to tell the Police and Superior Authorities from the very beginning. There should not have been any secrecy, and JWs should never have been told to leave it with the Elders. JWs should have had the FREEDOM to chose who they told without the fear of being disfelowshipped. To change the rules now is shutting the stable door after the horse has gone missing. To little toooo late. 
    Quote Arauna, "Yes, there are a lot of flaws.. but then..... so did Israel have flaws back in their day - and Jehovah still used them for his purpose."
    You have a love to misuse examples. The Israelites were born into that nation. They did not chose to be Israelites. JWs CHOSE to be JWs. Therefor their heart condition should be toward doing GOOD in order to serve GOD properly. The situation EARTHWIDE with Child Sexual Abuse in the CCJW proves that many JWs deliberately turn their back on God. Hundreds of Elders would have had first hand information regarding CSA, and they kept it hidden. Some of those Elders would have been and possibly still are Paedophiles. And you think God will use them ? 
    @Space Merchant goes on about helping to save children from child sexual abuse. The JW organisation should announce to a congregation when there is a Paedophile in that congregation. The Elders should say the name of the paedophile so that everyone knows it. The paedophile should be reported to the Police or Superior Authorities, not kept hidden in the congregation. THAT would help keep children safe.  The silly idea that Elders will know when a person is repentant is stupid. And some Elders are even given their position in the congregation back. 
    And as I'm shunned by every JW in my area, how am I supposed to tell them what i know ? I have spoken to those that contact me by phone or email, but they do not believe me, and they should not be contacting me (according to man made rules) so they will not pass on the information I give them. These ones are not local but very doubtful they will use the info' i give them. 
    SM calls me a bystander, Quite funny as that is a JW expression. Any JW that does not go out preaching is called a JW Bystander here in England.  And it seems that SM expects me to go out and talk to complete strangers, even children, about CSA and Paedophiles. Um, i think I would get arrested or at least accused of something nasty. This is England and people are more unsociable or reserved, so you do not just go up and speak to young children that do not know you. 
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Covid 19 is an interesting phenomenon. Even more interesting is how science and authorities reacted at the start of the pandemic, and how they are doing it today or how they will do it tomorrow. The instructions are similar but still different in scope and application from country to country.
    I am not sure in what way GB gives instructions regarding Covid, because all sources about Covid comes from science, medical experts and secular authorities. GB "instructions" are based on secular sources NOT on guidance from HS. How Covid 19 worldwide instructions can be interpreted within, in conection with the two religious doctrines uttered by GB.

    The first is: Watchtower 13 11/15 p. 20 par. 17 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today ***
    At that time, the direction that you receive from Jehovah’s organization may seem strange or unusual. But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not.
    The second is: Watchtower 2009 Feb 15 p.27 "Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?" 
    I don't know exactly what instructions JW's received and receive today about Covid, but how is possible to connect this pandemic episode (not first not last in history) with "spiritual food" and "life saving instructions" from GB when, normally, all about Christian life or JW life is about to stay faithful to JHVH and Jesus in "universal issue". 
    To stay health despite pandemic or to be ill because of pandemic, is not "universal issue".  And by that, "obedience" (or disobedience) to GB instructions about Covid can't be part of this "universal issue" as was explained in many WT publications.  
    THE universal sovereignty of the Creator of heaven and earth is the foremost issue before men and angels. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1990488
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    No. That would actually be cynical. I was only saying that the idea I mentioned would sound cynical. Instead, I was proposing that someone wrote the original with no intent of implying anything ominous or "cult-ish." The GB would have checked it and it would have sounded perfectly innocuous, because they were also on the same innocent "wavelength" as the original writer.
    Then as some others read it "in print" months later, they might have noticed the negative connotation and pointed it out. So the GB had a choice to clarify, or even admit it implied an unintended overstatement. As it was in a November 15th issue, it would be studied in the following year, and would have already made the bound volume by then, so that it was too late to edit it out. Later, in the February 2017 Watchtower, perhaps they thought that the statement was mitigated by admitting there that the GB is neither inspired nor infallible, and saying that may make mistakes not only in doctrine but in directions given.
    But someone might have pointed out that this could sound even worse, admitting that we must be ready to obey fallible, mistaken direction.
    So, since they probably originally intended things that would be understood better at the time when such issues came up, then the matter would best be cleared up when that type of issue might soon come up. I thought that the type of direction might come up with some of the brothers suffering persecution in Russia. As a made up example, perhaps some Russian brothers might be asked to stay and keep a low profile, while others might be asked take flight to Finland and Norway. "Why go there, so far away, when it's easier for us to just move to Crimea?" some Witnesses might ask. But the direction given might have been based on data that the central HQ of the WTS receives from many sources, perhaps even secret sources, not just the local information that Russian brothers might have had before some of their communications with WTS HQ broke down.
    Anyway, the Covid19 case helped show that the original statement could easily refer to important, but potentially mundane directions, and didn't have anything to do with ominous or scary blind obedience. It was still a "weak" example as Anna pointed out, too. But it does help to defuse the overreach, so the GB were happy to use it.
  8. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    Oh dear Arauna. If it was only JWs that were being persecuted earth wide then you would have a point, but lots of religions are being persecuted earth wide. I used to look around at the last congregation I was in, and think to myself, would they last out, would they stay faithful if persecution came. Many of them used the congregation as a social club, it was such an easy lifestyle here in England. None of them conscious of CSA problems, so none of them worrying about abuse on the doors. But I think you are looking forward to persecution the way you write it.  
  9. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    It turns out that there may be no more place to hide even if you flee.  Soon the world authorities want to tag all of us electronically... and you will not be able to hide. Prison may be a place where we will be together - like Rahab and her family were together when the walls fell around them at Jericho.  Witnesses looked after each other in Nazi camps before …. so we can help and strengthen one another together.  Will you be one of those who help to put us in prison and feel vindicated when we are put in prison?
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    You must have missed this:
    Thanks to the organization and the GB, your understanding of "leadership" is skewed.  Just because I speak with scripture, does this mean I desire to replace the GB?  The thought alone is revolting.   ANY anointed one who speaks scriptural truth - the teachings of Christ (not their own teachings and doctrine) LEADS people to Christ - NOT TO THEMSELVES! 
    Think about it, 1914,1925,1932,1975 (which are just a spattering of WT's false predictions)  -  are teachings of men speaking for themselves, and not for Jesus Christ.  The doctrine of a faithful anointed priest, would be in harmony with Christ's doctrine...
    Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me.   John 7:16
    "Therefore by their fruits you will know them."  Matt 7:15-20
  11. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I want to relate something here which my wife and I found interesting. I have just been sat at our kitchen table with my wife and our son. My son went out yesterday and met up with a friend and they were talking about families and household situations. Who is speaking to whom and who isn't etc. My son happened to mention that I am an ex JW and therefore many people will not talk to me. He didn't mention anything else. His friend then mentioned this BOOK and mentioned the ARC and CSA. His friend knew all the abreviations and what they meant. Now I found that interesting because my son is not really interested in it, only in as much as it involves our close family.  But his friend watches videos and reads news articles all about the situation and knew a lot about it. His friend is not a JW and not an ex JW, he just has an interest in things going on in the world. Now Arauna does this as do many JWs. They keep on the watch. And this young man seems to be doing likewise.  BUT, if a JW should knock at his door, i do wonder what his reaction will be. It brought out to me, that people 'in the world' are aware of the 'problems' in the CCJW, and those 'problems' will of course cause a stumbling block to many. Yes JWs may go from door to door preaching, but do those same JWs realise how much information the public already has. A, it will cause people not to listen to the 'message' and B, it could cause abuse towards the JWs knocking on doors. 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Arauna misses the point deliberately here. 
    IF the Organisation had been run properly then God's Holy Spirit would have been with it constantly. And God through Christ, would have kept it clean.  They would have guided the True Anointed with Holy Spirit, to keep the Org' spiritually strong and going in the right direction. 
  13. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    I don't see much love for those that JWs consider their 'enemies' on here  
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    If you were there it would never have happened, I am sure you have all the answers.  I am sure if you were in control and your advice were followed everything would have been absolutely 100 percent ok without any problems...…. you would have implemented all the right solutions to every problem since you have all the Spirit...….. if you were teaching and leading as you wanted to - everything would have been hunky-dory.
  15. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    In light of such atrocities, it gives them the right to question an organization that says it belongs to the Almighty God.  
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    To begin with, under the headship of Jesus Christ, there would never be an organization visibly built in the world where Satan wields his authority. (1 John 5:19)  I do not plan to be part of such a counterfeit scheme ever again.  Jesus made it clear that worshiping God is not through any material source, any “mountainlike organization”, but in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23,24)  Those two words describe the Temple of “living stones” – a temple of truth, led by the Spirit of God.   It is not a requirement to join the WT to worship God. (1 Pet 2:4-6; Eph 2:20-22; John 13:20)
    Here’s an ironic quote made by your own “beloved organization”, that tells the truth at times, yet practices the lie. (Matt 23:3)
    "As Christians, we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization."   WT 1990/11/1 p. 26
    There you go.  Satan has briefly revealed that the organization is an idol, but will your eyes see this? (Eph 4:17-19)
    Therefore, as long as the WT exists, it will never be superior in any way, to any other earthly organization in the world.  Attaching God to an idol, as the WT calls "organization", is blasphemy.  By implying that God leads an organization where the flock are led astray with false teachings, and victims of abuse and misjudgment are rampant, is pure madness and will lead to its downfall.  (Deut 28:15,28,29; Zech 4:7; Rev 8:8)
    “Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. 5 Do not bow in worship to them, and do not serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the fathers' iniquity, to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me”  Exod 20:4,5
    “For though they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became worthless, and their senseless hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools…They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served what has been created instead of the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen.”  Rom 1:21,22,25
    In God’s Kingdom, it will be the symbolic “144,000” under Christ, who will teach and judge God’s children, as has been God’s plan all along. (1 Pet 2:5,9; Mal 2:7) Before that time, it is Satan’s plan to crush and trample down this holy arrangement in Christ, using man’s creation that you are taking part in.  (Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; Rev 13:1,7; 20:7-9)  The elders’ lack of Holy Spirit and failures to judge righteously, is evident in the travesties the organization has devised.   Jesus did not “send” men not anointed to be shepherds and judges; he sends those anointed by God as branches of the vine – the vine being Jesus Christ.  (John 15:5; 1 Cor 6:2)  Without Holy Spirit from Christ, without recognizing only Jesus as their head, even they can do nothing.  Thus, the organization, which requires obedience to men (GB/elders), who have replaced Jesus as the Head of the vine…of the anointed Body…has become a deadly trap for everyone involved. (2 Thess 2:9-12)
    God has only one Temple of “living stones” (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16) as His dwelling.  The “man of lawlessness”/elder body “sits” in, rules over, that Temple.  (2 Thess 2:3,4)  And as a result, these living stones look to an idol as salvation along with the rest of the wayward sheep. The elder body acts as God’s representatives, as fake priests, yet they represent and give sole dedication, and veneration, to an idol.  (Rev 13:4)  Do you really believe God does not see that His anointed have left Christ to follow and grovel before men?
    Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For youare the temple of the living God. As God has said:
    “I will dwell in them
    And walk among them.
    I will be their God,
    And they shall be My people.”
    17 Therefore
    “Come out from among them
    And be separate, says the Lord.
    Do not touch what is unclean,
    And I will receive you.”
    18 “I will be a Father to you,
    And you shall be My sons and daughters,
    Says the Lord Almighty.”  2 Cor 14-18
  17. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Anna, you have brought out so many good thoughts.
    No, they don't believe that one's faith in God is fragile since they are well aware that people can leave the organization and maintain and develop further, their faith in God and Christ. They keep watchful track on the works of especially the anointed, who have left and continue in declaring their praise to God.   Realistically, they fear for the life of the organization that they live for, and it is the only reason for hiding its sins from the sheep. It must appear clean since it is "Jehovah's organization".   It is the only reason that they would feel moved to express that "Jehovah and Jesus trusts the slave", so also, should the sheep.  
  18. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I am sure the list of Pharisees was just as long...... and they all were highly respected by their generation. What does that prove? None of them use Jehovah's name.... so they can never be a witness of Jehovah.
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    It will be continually repeated again and again, until God works through Christ and the True Anointed to cleanse the CCJW. And until the GB are replaced by those True Anointed to serve God properly. All this will take place through God's Holy Spirit, NOT through ordinary men. 
    Do you people think that God stopped performing miracles forever ? Do you think Christ will not battle with the devil and demons that are at work in the CCJW. The other option is for a new way of serving God to appear by Holy Spirit. 
    As @Witness has said time and time again, the Temple is the living stones, the true Anointed, the Body of Christ. So how can the GB working through the Elders, tread them down as they do ? 
  20. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    How about this one: ‘Go my people into your interior rooms until the denunciation passes over’ being fulfilled right now?
    What with everyone partying hearty, waving the flag for Trump, or parading to scale back the police—wait to see how many drop of the pandemic before venturing forth? It may blow over in time, but you can easily get the sense that if may just escalate, ‘each one his hand at his brother’s throat’ for wearing or not wearing a mask, for wanting or not wanting to send the police packing, for the rich getting richer yet, and the poor falling off the table entirely—and pulling down the tablecloth as they go.
    And that one is mine: not the GB. And, no, I am not planning a book entitled, “Rolf with me is Okay: The GB has lost their Way. I know the scriptures better than They.“
    I get from you the sense that the GB sends up little trial balloons here and there to gauge the response. You think the line of ‘being obedient even if a given direction seems to make little sense from a human point of view’ one of them? I will concede that with some, it has become what for want of a better phrase I will take one from the skeptics: ‘a woo line.’
    Still, it might not be that way at all. The scriptures are full of such situations. One that immediately comes to mind is that of sending the singers out front of the army and telling them they need not be prepared to do anything but stand and watch. How much sense does that make? I think they must be dumbstruck at how far certain lines of theirs go, while others fall flat on their face immediately—like the aforementioned instructions on not saving seats, or even not venturing outside the recommended hotel list during conventions. I am told that some cities have had to be abandoned as venues when exceptions to that direction proved so numerous that hotels began to not cooperate with the rooming department.
    I think the GB just doesn’t want to find itself in the shoes of Lot—who’s sons-in-law thought he was joking. They want to do the biblically supported role of herding sheep. They don’t want to be overbearing, but at the same time they don’t want to be so loose and vague that they find themselves herding cats.
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    Funny, but in many countries WTJWorg made self suspension, decision to stop own meetings and preaching service. Is that also "devil attack"  with little help of Corona virus or perhaps "inside work" of "evil servant class"??
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    That is nice to hear if you are JW member. On other side, how resolute stand of WT Australasia to not join Redress, answer CSA problem of shame in your organization before the entire world?
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    It is not men who he is battling? His battle is against "secular authorities". That is clear. And if this "secular authorities" defending own sort of Christianity why that would be of surprised? WT and JW elders defend their sort of Christianity in congregation.
  24. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in The Devil and Dennis Christensen   
    Jesus said in Matthew 10:23: "When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another."
    WTJWorg say:" Go to prison."
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    No one can control crimes in a way not to happen. Criminals are always a step forward, ahead. What some of us saying here is how WTJWorg elders refused to give to police and courts things that they can handle much better than elders. Because elders are not equipped to deal this and WTJWorg is not equipped to train elders for such task. And God gave "secular authorities" in charge for this, not elders, because they have "sword" and are entitled to punishing crime. 
    WTJWorg and elders+members using "shun" for individuals as equivalent for "sword". 
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