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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Nathaniel Compton in Celebrated Watchtower Scholar, Rolf Furuli, Disfellowshipped   
    Thank you for this information. If it is true then it does indeed prove his point.
    Of course the blind JWs will defend their god the GB. It is who they worship and they just cannot see beyond that. 
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Ann O'Maly in Celebrated Watchtower Scholar, Rolf Furuli, Disfellowshipped   
    Reports on the internet grapevine say that his disfellowshipping was announced at his congregation's midweek Zoom meeting last week.
    It was inevitable, and he knew it would end like this which, to his mind I guess, proves his point about the GB being autocratic, dictatorial, and 'disfellowshipping on the basis of human commandments' (p. 326-7).
    I wonder what he'll do now. Write more controversial books? Fizzle out?
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from derek1956 in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    Well if she is an EX-JW and is speaking from her personal experiences, then she once wasn't of 'mainstream Christianity'.
    Everyone on this Earth will have critics, so why should she be any different. As for the hype about insight, even the CCJW / JW Org  pretended to have insight. (one example : the last part of the last day 'prophecy' in 1967 Watchtower). 
    ( I cannot understand how anyone can ignore these false prophecies. People just don't seem to see that they were given as prophecy at the time they were spoken or written. ) 
    Hence I've mentioned balance.  
    She seems concerned with the CSA within the CCJW and any JW that is not concerned about it needs to rethink their heart condition. (It's no good comparing it to the outside world of which you are no part of. You need to compare it to God's righteous standards). 
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    There are two facts for sure. The CCJW don't want to apologise for Child Sexual Abuse, and, the CCJW don't want to pay compensation. 
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Granted, it is out of place, but I think what pushed this button was your comment on another topic, regarding someone as part of “mainstream Christianity”. Your view on what is “truth” and who is practicing it, is foreign to what the WT believes.  You tend to rally forth for a religion that does not share your dissection of Trinitarians vs Nontrinitarians,  and lumping the WT in with “restorationists” – “The Great Christian Awakening”. 
    Since the first century, there have always been “awake” believers in Christ.  It doesn’t take a visible, organized religious “movement” in the form of “organization” and according to men’s plan, to reveal truth.  Zech 4:6
    You have an earthly view of religion and how to practice it, and that is your choice.   Personally, I feel it contradicts worshiping “in spirit and truth”.   John 4:21-24 
    My focus remains on the Watchtower and "Israel" inside.  (Matt 10:23; Rev 11:1-3)  This corrupt organization which holds the minds of people captive, fulfills Revelation's  prophesy.  (Luke 21:24; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10)
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    She is of mainstream Christianity now, judging of what can be found in regards to her. When someone adheres to MSC, it can become a problem, even for former JWs who became part of it, as events throughout the US and UK have shown.
    Because there are some of mainstream Christianity who often add things that muddles what is true and what is not true.
    I would not say pretend, granted, since the early church it was stated that The End Times and Tribulations will evidently lead up to God's Day. Therefore, we are in the final days of the End Times, The Bible not only tells you this, as is with the Christ himself, and those after him, it also tells us, as Christians to be vigilant and always being well aware and awake concerning these things, i.e. the movements of those who have progressively been going on their conquest for peace and security, the whole 2016 situation, etc.
    Prophecy is what we see in Scripture, as is, what is to come. Granted they read this and did their study and research, I would not say given, but they came to an understanding of things. Like I said before, Jehovah's Witnesses, into Bible Students, into Restorationism, they are not prophets inspired, but are spirit led, granted if they truly seek the spirit, pray for it, etc. However, this author deems being inspired, which is a big red flag, for anyone who is well aware of the death of the last Apostle.
    Well if you have both Jehovah's Witnesses and former Jehovah's Witnesses having concerns, even being skeptical about this author to the point that they see something, which are known as questionable, I would not say balanced. However, to the faith's variation of apostates, it does not matter for them because they would use this information, even questionable items, for it has not stopped them in the past.
    Concerned, yes, but to over exaggerate things, even a strongly concerning issue, such as suicide, is indeed an issue, issues of which people are aware of, even the faith in question. This is coming from someone who has dealt with those who are suicidal and as well as commit suicide. Something of this matter should not be exaggerated, granted in her case, she deems it very high whereas in reality, this instance alone, is very low.
    She is free to speak her peace her, but to withhold and to shift, mainly pressing issues, does not sit well with anyone.
    She is of mainstream Christianity though, an Evangelist, whose ideology who sits well with those who are of the opposite Christology, not to mention the claims of being, not just Chosen, but also, inspired like that of Apostle John.
    Therefore, it can be problematic, especially during a time like this.
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    There are two facts for sure. The CCJW don't want to apologise for Child Sexual Abuse, and, the CCJW don't want to pay compensation. 
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Article alone is of not such interest to me after insight in financial documents. Article giving idea about where and why money is going. Speculative idea or not, that is what we can accept or not.
    Official Financial report/document giving picture of massive money income in one Branch Office (Australia) and how almost same massive amount of money was used for  Donations and Overseas Aid.   
    WT Society speaking about transparency of own activity. It would be useful to know who received Donations and Overseas Aid. Some Third World JW entities? Perhaps. For building KH and other facilities for primary benefit of WT Legal Entities and for members to be gathered under "roof" for meetings .... but in same time to giving own donations as loan repayment for real estates that stay in WT property. 
    How is possible that  millions $ DEFICIT is result of Spirit Guided Organization and Spirit Guided Elders ? :)))
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JJJ-AUSTRALIA in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Unfortunately everything that doesnt support or help the WT is apostate or lies even if u show them proof.. thats what you have to deal with.
    I mean a deficit 1.5 mil after donating 26 mil to themselves how dodgy is that...
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
                                                          year 2019               year 2018 
    TOTAL INCOME:                         28,156,175   .........  27,205,582
    Expenses: Donations and Overseas Aid 21,138,521........ 20,853,359
    TOTAL EXPENSES:                    29,693,500   ......... 28,384,247 
    SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) :              (1,537,325)   ........ (1,178,665)
  11. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    As an update, there is more and more police standing down within the US. As of recent, The Far-Left, consisting of BLM, ANTIFA, etc. have toppled a statue of the 1st President of the United States, George Washington, which is now causing the Far-Right to react. 1619 was also written on the statue after prior to it's toppling. For the more the Far-Left do things, their opposition, The Far-Right are inching closer and closer, granted now, The Far-Right, some of their groups are primarily armed and ready for combat, when I say armed, I mean firearms and assault rifles armed. Civil Rights legislation has been revoked, I believe in California, this allows discrimination on race and background, even gender. We are also entering Soviet Union like territory, granted the actions of someone else, can indirectly effect you, i.e. get you fired, and or shame, etc.
    That being said, July 4th will be quite the day. Normally, as an onlooker, you already know how people celebrate this patriotic holiday. It will be vastly different with the tension that is constantly rising, and may come to the point whereas the Left and the Right, in present and online will be in heavy confrontation with each other. And as we know, the MSM continues the tomfoolery, nor do they condemn the actions of those they defend.
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from derek1956 in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    @Srecko Sostar  Great comment and your last sentence says a lot. JWs are on guard against the things outside, but are in more danger from those things inside.  
    One thing I do think is this. The CCJW has some 'basic truth' / 'basic doctrine' from scripture, but it is very misleading because it misuses scripture for its own advantage.
    So thinking along the same lines, ex-JWs books also have some basic truth but may also be misleading in someway.
    Its a question of balance. derek 1956 seems to only believe the CCJW. That's his option. I prefer to keep an open mind to all incoming thought and information. 
    But, remove the 'wolves' (and certain other people) then maybe God through Christ could use the CCJW. 
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from derek1956 in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    Former Jehovah’s Witness Seeks to Expose the False Teachings of the Watchtower Organization

    Author Refkije Royal offers prophetic words as well as research regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses in The Ravening Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: The Governing Body of the Watchtower Organization($13.49, paperback, 9781631291043; $6.99, e-book, 9781631291050).
    Royal speaks from personal experience when she informs readers about the difficulties faced by followers of the Watchtower Organization, also known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. She calls this a “man-made religion,” and a “cult,” and is concerned by the rate of suicide and child abuse within this group.
    “The purpose of this book is for Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses to find their way out of the Watchtower Organization,” said Royal.
    No i haven't read it, so I cannot comment on it. Just thought it might be of interest to some folks. 
  14. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    @Srecko Sostar  Great comment and your last sentence says a lot. JWs are on guard against the things outside, but are in more danger from those things inside.  
    One thing I do think is this. The CCJW has some 'basic truth' / 'basic doctrine' from scripture, but it is very misleading because it misuses scripture for its own advantage.
    So thinking along the same lines, ex-JWs books also have some basic truth but may also be misleading in someway.
    Its a question of balance. derek 1956 seems to only believe the CCJW. That's his option. I prefer to keep an open mind to all incoming thought and information. 
    But, remove the 'wolves' (and certain other people) then maybe God through Christ could use the CCJW. 
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    @derek1956 WT JWorg and JW members can be subjective and label others as apostates. But they cannot deny the accuracy and seriousness of the title of the book, because Jesus meant "wolves" in his flock and not in someone else’s flock. 
    Since JW members are considered to be members of precisely that one flock of Jesus, it means that "wolves" are in the flock and not outside the flock. Those who left the community are not "wolves". "Wolves" are the ones who don’t want to get out of Congregation and have interest to maneuver moves of the flock. To do that, such individuals need to be in leadership position. To promote deceit and to have influence on doctrines. 
    The greatest danger comes from inside not outside.
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to derek1956 in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    Stop advertising apostate books and PRAISE JEHOVAH INSTEAD
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in WHAT DO WE NEED TO SERVE GOD PROPERLY ?   
    “Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”  Acts 11:10,11
    Everything anyone teaches us from the Bible, should be backed up by the word of God. That should be our mindset, don't you think?
    Timothy, are you defending a name given to a group of people, by a man?  Was Mr. Rutherford inspired when he announced that all members of a new organization were to be called “Jehovah’s Witnesses”?  Well no, the man who said that all the ancient patriarchs would be resurrected and live in a house in San Diego, was not inspired.  The man who said Armageddon would arrive in 1925, was speaking delusions of his own mind, wasn’t he.  (Lam 2:14; Jer 23:26) 
    He borrowed a scripture that applies to God’s chosen anointed priesthood:
    “You are my witnesses,” declares Yahweh,
        “and my servant whom I have chosen
    so that you may know and believe in me
        and understand that I am he.
    No god was formed before me,
        and none shall be after me.
    I myself am Yahweh,
        and there is no savior besides Me!
    12 I myself declared and saved,
        and I proclaimed. And there was no strange god among you.
    And you are my witnesses,” declares Yahweh,
        “and I am God.” Isa 43:10-12  Lexham Bible 
    “And you yourselves, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
    But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s possession, so that you may proclaim the virtues of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, 10 who once were not a people, but now are the people of God, the ones who were not shown mercy, but now are shown mercy”  1 Pet 2:5,9
    Between those verses, Jesus is spoken as the precious chief cornerstone of God’s Temple,  (John 2:19-22 ) The anointed priests are "living stones" of that temple.  JF Rutherford rejected God’s temple arrangement, by spearheading an earthly organization and calling everyone who became a member, God’s chosen witnesses.  Has the chief cornerstone become a stumbling block to your leaders, who praise an invented organization and suppress the “living stones” of God’s spiritual “organization”/Temple?  Have they changed the meaning of scripture?
    For it stands in scripture,
    “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a chosen and precious cornerstone,
    and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”
    7 Therefore the honor is for you who believe, but for those who refuse to believe,
    “The stone that the builders rejected,
    this one has become the cornerstone,”
    8 and
    “A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense,”
    who stumble because they disobey the word to which also they were consigned.”
    Consigned – appointed.  Each one of your anointed members is to teach you about this Temple, and about God and His Son.  They are not to proclaim the virtues of an earthly organization which has become a “strange god among you”, and that promises you and everyone who remains in it, salvation.  If these “living stones” are told to stay in the background, to be humble and submissive to 8 men and their own “priests” who now rule over them, what do you think God feels about the actions of His chosen witnesses?  (Mal 2:7; Dan 8:11;11:31; Mark 13:14)
    “For there is no good tree that produces bad fruit, nor on the other hand a bad tree that produces good fruit, 44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thorn plants, nor are grapes harvested from thorn bushes. 45 The good person out of the good treasury of his heart brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasury brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:43-45
    Your leaders continue to mislead you about who the “chosen” witnesses of God, really are.  Are they teaching you “good fruit”, or utilizing a lie gleaned from a deep seated, evil treasury they’ve stored up in their hearts?
    “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”  Matt 24:24
    elect – chosen
    Are you serving God properly if you ignore His temple arrangement, and who His true "witnesses" are...and instead, honor a "god of fortresses"?  Dan 11:38
  18. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE RAVENING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. NEW BOOK about JWs   
    Former Jehovah’s Witness Seeks to Expose the False Teachings of the Watchtower Organization

    Author Refkije Royal offers prophetic words as well as research regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses in The Ravening Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: The Governing Body of the Watchtower Organization($13.49, paperback, 9781631291043; $6.99, e-book, 9781631291050).
    Royal speaks from personal experience when she informs readers about the difficulties faced by followers of the Watchtower Organization, also known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. She calls this a “man-made religion,” and a “cult,” and is concerned by the rate of suicide and child abuse within this group.
    “The purpose of this book is for Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses to find their way out of the Watchtower Organization,” said Royal.
    No i haven't read it, so I cannot comment on it. Just thought it might be of interest to some folks. 
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    I'd also like to add that the succession of these movements is crippling good police officers, granted, the movements are deeming all police as threats, good with the bad, therefore are all guilty.
    This opens doors for many, many problems, I believe code 12 [There is no one [available officer] to send to a call in] I think it was whereas police cannot even commit to an action. So any sort of crime, as in CSA is a high risk now should anyone of the household commits to it, grant.
    That is what happens when there is no order, and this defund the police narrative.
    @4Jah2me The question I proposed to you has an obvious answer. What protects the children is the parents/guardians who are morally upright. I bring this up because during this time, with the increased risk, that is where the protection comes from.
    That being said, we already have mischief makers and tomfoolery during the day whereas thieves, women raped in tents, CHOP Warlords who come out at night.
    The Left has caused this, while the right arm themselves.  Out of the years that both sides have caused some damage, mainly the Left, this time around the one branch of the Left, BLM, has cranked things up to 11 this time around. Civil War is a possibility too, as of recent, one of my co-workers whom I've trained dubs herself as "The Supermodel with Guns", for she has recently bought firearms to protect herself, as said before, since before COVID-19, more and more people buying guns, even the inexperienced. To her created, she use to hunt as a child.
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    There was a woman a while back I know who said if she lives through God's Day, and as years past from then, she wants to teach children about God, she even addressed if children within the new creation asks how life was like back then, she would explain to them, or have it written down.
    Mind you, this woman is disabled, and she really takes the promises of God's Kingdom quite seriously. She had a YouTube video a while back about it, but that will be tough to find, going back 2011-2012, but it was quite an interesting thought.
    That being said, that is like that of a historian, the position itself, mainly when it comes to teaching children and or those who lived before us, can you imagine explaining to Apostle Paul what an iPhone is, or what Air Jordan's were?
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    Yes the super rich think they know what is good for the world. They think their money qualifies them to decide the fate of ordinary men.  They are the ones who use their charity organizations to push agendas. Giving money to subversive organizations such as Antifa and he Muslim brotherhood front organizations in USA.  Muslim brotherhood is banned in Muslim countries but in USA they spread their propaganda and are protected.
    The propaganda leads to Armageddon.... Revelation 16:14 - 16
  22. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    Obviously, I meant historians in the new system, looking back on that wicked year of the old. They will be a hounded lot, because they will be trying to recall the things that God say will no longer come up for remembrance—a little like Nimrod’s boys building the tower so as to not be scattered the way God said they should.
  23. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    This post was an allusion to a quote TTH had heard or had seen about how future historians will be asked what part of 2020 they specialized in. It was in a non-JW topic. I moved it here, because it was a question about how TTH resolves this statement with the religious beliefs of JWs. JW discussions are better suited to the JW discussion clubs.
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    To find out more about the Scheme, go to www.nationalredress.gov.au or call 1800 737 377 from Australia or +61 3 6222 3455 from overseas.
    About this website
    This website contains material that is sometimes confronting and distressing. Sometimes words or images can cause sadness or distress, or trigger traumatic memories for people, particularly people who have experienced past abuse or childhood trauma.
    For some people, these responses can be overwhelming. If you need immediate help or counselling, 24/7 support is available. Redress Support Services are also available to provide advice or support before, during and after you apply for redress.
    This website tries to use inclusive, restorative and non-derogatory language. Many of the commonly used words and phrases have shortcomings and we hope that no one feels excluded, misrepresented or offended. Please tell us your feedback about the website and how to improve it.
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    If you trust that the WT intends to join in the redress scheme at the last minute (deadline June 30), you may be the one who is pretty naive.   
    "The Australian Government expects every institution in which the sexual abuse of children occurred to be accountable for that abuse and join the National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) and provide redress.
    The Australian Government and all state and territory governments have agreed that institutions named in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse report or named in an application received by the Scheme must provide a clear written statement setting out their intention to join the Scheme by no later than 30 June 2020. These institutions will be expected to join as soon as possible, but no later than 31 December 2020. This additional time reflects the maximum time needed to complete the on-boarding process and recognises the reduced capacity of many institutions due to the coronavirus pandemic.
    If by 30 June 2020 an institution has failed to signify its intention to join the Scheme, it will be immediately publicly identified by the Scheme in accordance with Scheme legislation and jurisdictions will consider other appropriate action. This may include financial sanctions applied by state, territory or Commonwealth governments, and changes to an organisation's charitable status. Naming institutions is necessary to ensure that people wanting to access the Scheme know the status of relevant institutions."  https://www.nationalredress.gov.au/institutions/institutions-have-not-yet-joined
    As of May 28th, the WT had no intention of joining in.
    It looks like the lost, abused sheep are just not that important to the organization.  Money takes priority.  
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