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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Generosity?  True generosity would have been the opening of WT's money bags and allowing the congregation to help JWs as they see fit. Instead, they applied to be distributors of food provided for free, by the government.  Don't you see?  It wasn't generosity, but the organization's greedy act of protecting their OWN material interests.   (Matt 19:21; 2 Cor 9:9)
    Food banks are all over the U.S., Tom.   They are nothing new and reach out to thousands on a regular basis, not just during a pandemic.  
    Is Jesus nuts?  I have been watching "The Chosen".  They are dramas taking place in Jesus' day.  As 4Jah2me had pointed out, they are not accurate as far as scripture goes, but they have a message.  Here is one for you.  LISTEN to what Jesus tells the woman at the well.  If you put your faith in "organization", in a "mountain", and not in the Spirit of God, you show you have little faith.  Zech 4:6,7
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    TTH rabbits on worse that a squawking parrot. The Org does this the Org does that. Give it a rest Tom. 
    Here in the UK we have 'Food Banks' making up food parcels and distributing to households. There is even a teacher that makes up 'school meal' parcels and delivers them to pupils homes. None of those people are JWs. 
    There are probably millions of 'humanists' earthwide and here in UK  https://humanism.org.uk/
  3. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    TTH rabbits on worse that a squawking parrot. The Org does this the Org does that. Give it a rest Tom. 
    Here in the UK we have 'Food Banks' making up food parcels and distributing to households. There is even a teacher that makes up 'school meal' parcels and delivers them to pupils homes. None of those people are JWs. 
    There are probably millions of 'humanists' earthwide and here in UK  https://humanism.org.uk/
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    No sooner had I posted this:
    than Witness posted this:
    It is a very helpful link explaining the program.
    Now, Witness never ever posts things just to be helpful. In every case, she posts to denigrate her rivals the GB and to assure all that she can do things better. So why does she post this helpful link here?
    Everyone knows her m.o. She is in a panic that God’s organization might get credit for this generosity and she wants to make sure that they don’t. She wants to make clear that this is a GOVERNMENT program, NOT a JehovahsWitness program, and that people SHOULD NOT credit her rivals with generosity. 
    Chill, you old battle axe, don’t worry about it. I plainly said that it was a USDA program for which I was grateful. USDA is government. Relax. I wasn’t giving your rivals the credit. I even said it represented a “Go to Donald” and I lament that JTR was no longer around, for I suspected that might get him going. The only credit I gave to the elders was for distributing the items.
    But does this prompt distribution not show the value of organization, organization that she says ‘Who needs it?’ Why does the USDA do it this way—distribute to non-profits? Because they have a ton of aid to distribute and if they do it all at government facilities the lines will be two miles long. They also face the challenge of letting potential recipients know. So they distribute to non-profits, taking advantage of the communication and distribution channels that they know will exist there.
    Will everyone agree here that NOBODY will do this more effectively than Jehovah’s Witnesses? There may be some to do it AS effectively, but nobody will beat them at it. Organizations where all members are known and readily found and where there exist messengers to deliver foodstuffs to each and every one of them cannot be an everyday thing.
    My wife and I received a package Saturday around 2PM, after hearing reports of such a program that morning. I can well imagine that there were churches whose members learned of it Sunday morning at services, assuming that they happened to be there, and if they weren’t—too bad. It is not my aim to put them down—frankly I think we do far too much of putting church people down—It is only to point out that the attention of the JW organization to each member is not replicated everywhere. Even where the will exists, the means may not—you have to have volunteers to quickly distribute. There will be some outfits, I have no doubt, that are attentive to those in need and will connect promptly to bring aid. But it will not be universal, and in some cases It will break down completely since it was never built up.
    It’s produce. It can’t sit around for days. It has to be handed out to each individual promptly. Members of the Witness community are broken down into service meeting groups, each under the oversight of one or more shepherds, who will know of any among them who is especially needy, and can therefore be prioritized. Apparently, there was plenty for all this time, but that may not always be so, and the elders will know how to best apportion. They are prepared to organize internal relief as was done in the 2nd chapter of Acts—coordinate members sharing with members—so that nobody is overlooked. In this case, the aid came from outside—a provision of Caesar (probably not replicated in too many countries)—and all there was to do was to distribute it promptly. I am very grateful to the government that is attentive to physical needs. Nonetheless, much of it would fall flat without proper expedition.
    And Witness says ‘Who needs organization?’ Is she nuts? This is why you need it. This is where, not only it is needed, but you draw yourself as close to it as possible so there will be no question that you are a part of it. You become one of the embers that knows enough to pull toward the main fire so as to remain embers. You don’t pull away from the fire so that, in time, nobody, including yourself, really knows it you are an ember or not.
    “Be sure to tune in to the WomanfromtheHills broadcast at 2 PM on Facebook for a discussion which will be the same as last week’s discussion—how my rivals are doing it all wrong and I can do better. Oh—and are you physically hungry? I think there is a government center somewhere in your area where they are handing out food. Get in queue. The line is only two hours in the sun. It may be that you will get some produce before it wilts and you can still be back in time to hear my address on how the Great Eight are good for nothing.”
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    @4Jah2me Really..... Surely this is not the best you can do for I nearly mistook it as a joke, also this is the same thing John Butler pulled a while back, same with Screko, and somewhat of a worthy Christian history challenger - COS (who in turn set the wheels of debate and was the start of everything), So to you, 4Jah2me, close but no cigar. But the attempt..... Was quite elementary.
    As with the very first statement ever made as I told Butler, I am a Biblical Unitarian, which is both fact and true, however, as pointed out, not ALL Unitarians are the same, for example, the notion of pre-existence and no belief in pre-existence  concerning Jesus (I suggest you check your link to that website, for you have a nasty habit of not looking at your sources clearly) and a list of other things such as textual criticism, excommunication, homosexuality, etc, more so, others, even the universal ones think otherwise. Reasons why I have mentioned that there are various forms of Unitarians, as pointed out in my first debate with Cos on this form regarding the history of the church and church fathers.
    Moreover, as I also mentioned to Butler, I have an issue with INTERFAITH, even pointed out that some Unitarians are part of it, as for me, I am no part of Kairos, nor am I a part of the EII.
    But I invite you, if you type in "interfaith" in the search, you will find most items pertaining to me:

    Now, this below
    And what are you trying to prove with this point? I do invite you to try however.
    Moreover, the other bit is a bit odd. Which is contradicting because from my history here, I take issue with misconceptions and other things, I do not try to promote unity of all faiths despite their is some common ground concerning God and or the Christ. There are
    Let this sink in, one of my remarks about interfaith among a dozen:
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    It is interesting that some biblical passages are so “soft” that they can be shaped and reshaped so successfully. The existence of a large number of Christian interpretations and ideologies / religions proves this. 
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Ann O'Maly in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Some of his comments and analyses of scripture echo what 'apostates' have banged on about for decades. I'm particularly thinking of his conclusion here:
    "The “faithful and discreet slave” refers to any Christian who is
    faithful and on the watch when Jesus comes as the judge in the
    great tribulation. It does not refer to a class that gives spiritual
    food during Christ’s presence." - p. 72.
    Yes, and don't know.
  8. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Usually you have to read a book before you comment on what it proves
  9. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    This is not a promising sign. How does he know they refuse to do it? 
    I wrote to them once, too, about my work—which does not by any stretch of the imagination take shots at them. I’ve not heard back. That doesn’t mean they ‘refuse.’ The verb reeks too much of adversarial intent.
    Perhaps at this very moment, the Bethel brothers have dropped all other considerations to write me a nice little letter.
    Shultz and de Vienne submitted their work to Bethel. They write that it was received ‘without comment.’ That is not the same as ‘refuse’ and they only speculated as to why their book met with silence.
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Naive, in sense: if he expecting, waiting for positive answer. 
    In matter about his conscience, that is good biblical way how to deal with bro/sis.   
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Ann O'Maly in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    @Srecko Sostar Naive? Possibly. I assume that his thinking is, if the GB rejects his approach, then at least he's abided by the direction in God's word and can take the moral/scriptural high ground, he has a clear conscience before God, etc. 
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    It is sincerely naive approach. GB elders allow this sort of "communication" only at rank and file level for minor problems among congregants. But, even there, on this low ground field where ordinary members living, almost no one of JW's really understand how Mat 18 have to work when they are faced with internal problems. One reason for that is in elders who also not using Mat 18 with more understanding.
    First obstacle is in gradation of "sins" as: "minor and gross". :))
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I would like to. Had I contact information, I would. It is even possible I did communicate with him once through some sort of channel, but I forget. 
    I am curious as to how things will be worded. Is it a ‘call to arms’ which is how the Reddit people will certain see it? Or is it more a personal ‘wish list’? Is it a call to ‘abandon ship’? It doesn’t appear to be, especially since there is no other ship to take its place and even an imperfect ship beats treading water. 
    He is a scholar. Is he a scholar AND a doer, or has he just become a scholar? That will surely have a bearing. The physical ministry grounds a person—leave it at your own spiritual peril.
    The people of higher education generally assume ‘takeover rights.’ Does he? It will make a difference. To my mind, Christianity emerged as a ‘working class’ religion, and it always remained so. You know the verses: ‘uneducated and ordinary’, ‘not many wise in a fleshly way, powerful, of noble birth’, ‘hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones’ so as to ‘reveal them to babes’. 
    If the tone of his book recognizes these verses, my guess is that he is fine. If the tone is, ‘Time to let the smart people take over’, there could be a problem. It is when the ‘smart people took over‘ in the first century that Christianity strayed so far from its roots as to be unrecognizable. Reddit, always eager for a blowup, will frame it as ‘Battle of the Titans’ with sure dire consequences to one or the other. That doesn’t mean that he does.
    Granted, as to higher education, the trouble with not having too much of it is that one finds it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, and is thus tempted to dismiss it all as chaff. But there is a difference between saying that this or that policy has a downside, which the present brothers will probably agree with, and saying that we ought to have someone’s head on a platter, which they will not. What side does he come down on?
  14. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Get him to send me a free copy. He can have a free one of two of my works, ‘Dear Mr. Putin - Jehovah’s Witnesses Write Russia’ and ‘TrueTom vs the Apostates’ on Smashwords. In fact, everyone can. I should have one of his. 
    Get on it, will you?
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Ann O'Maly in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    "There was no governing body in the first century CE. Therefore, the present Governing Body has no legacy and should be dissolved." - p. 135.   😲   I know what you're all thinking: 'This is fake news, a hoax. He'd never say that.' But the book is available from his own Awatu Publishers via email for $10 (see Reddit link below). It's was only released a little over a week ago and is a hefty 337 pages long. He relates his long history in the org., that his issues have been brewing over the last 15 years, and what he says gels with what I know from various other sources - some of which are off-grid. While Furuli still believes JWs are the true religion and many core doctrines are correct (including 607!), he blasts the current GB for losing their way, being power- and money-grabbing, amongst other complaints, and he scripturally dismantles the FDS doctrine. He thinks the organization should be restructured so that it is theocratic like in the good old post-1971 days (I'm paraphrasing) rather than hierarchical like the Catholic church (yes, he refers to the Menlo Park court case). He says he approached the GB in the spirit of Matt. 18, and added that,    "The Governing Body received the book, and the members were
    informed that if the basic problems discussed in the book could be
    settled inside the organization, the book would not be published.
    The GB has refused to communicate with me and therefore the
    book has been published." - p. 14.   He knows full well what will happen to him which, I guess, will prove his point about the GB being autocratic and beyond questioning or correction.    Did anyone expect this bombshell? I certainly didn't! 😆   Here's the link to the Reddit discussion:    
  16. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Space Merchant in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Quote @Space Merchant I haven't see anything from you concerning Biblical Unitarianism. If so, give some insight because I see nothing of the sort from you.
    What Do Biblical Unitarians Believe? https://www.biblicalunitarian.com/articles/what-do-biblical-unitarians-believe   
    Please check out our website TruthOrTradition.com, which covers a variety of biblical topics and has an expanded Statement of Beliefs.
    What is Our Relationship with The Body of Christ?
    The Body of Christ is our family. Christians of every denomination are our brothers and sisters. We were each adopted into this family when we accepted Christ as our Lord. In Galatians 6:10, Christians are instructed to be “especially good to the household of faith,” and to do things particularly for “one another”—like bear one another’s burdens, be subject to one another, be devoted to one another, speak truth to one another, and love one another. We are also tasked with maintaining the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. 
    Is this any good for a starter ? 
  17. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Quote @Space Merchant I haven't see anything from you concerning Biblical Unitarianism. If so, give some insight because I see nothing of the sort from you.
    What Do Biblical Unitarians Believe? https://www.biblicalunitarian.com/articles/what-do-biblical-unitarians-believe   
    Please check out our website TruthOrTradition.com, which covers a variety of biblical topics and has an expanded Statement of Beliefs.
    What is Our Relationship with The Body of Christ?
    The Body of Christ is our family. Christians of every denomination are our brothers and sisters. We were each adopted into this family when we accepted Christ as our Lord. In Galatians 6:10, Christians are instructed to be “especially good to the household of faith,” and to do things particularly for “one another”—like bear one another’s burdens, be subject to one another, be devoted to one another, speak truth to one another, and love one another. We are also tasked with maintaining the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. 
    Is this any good for a starter ? 
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Why do you think that i was "attack" your thought about:  Elders resist this because they are not trying to make their very own disciples. 
    I didn't. It is just fine if they have this positive attitude. Nevertheless, if they have to be role-models of faith, to be imitated from non-elders members, than it can be said how there is a "little danger" of following the men. Even in general positive matters.
    Because, i guess how every individual need to build own relation to god, and by that specific, individualized, original, unique way to god's hearth and friendship. I used word "friendship" purposely, because WT publication "pushing" this sort of relationship between members and god as something that have to be established. Of course, it is interesting to understand how god is in position to chose his friend, not we. Even in Abraham situation, he become His friend not because Abraham chose god, but opposite, god chose him. Also, between so many faithful people in the past, who loved god till death, only for one human is reported as been god's friend. (Do not confuse with idea: JHVH was Abraham's friend) ??!! Something to think about, isn't it? :)))  
    Well, if somebody have ambition to not "follow" other individuals and/or organization, and/or elders in that organization, he/she have to establish specific "relationship" or if you like "friendship" with ONLY one person, or at least two; Jesus and JHVH. Because Jesus is the name given to people to get close to JHVH. Here we see another WTJWorg omission. They speaking about "friendship"  with JHVH, but "forget" to put Jesus in the center of searching. Because Jesus is The Way to Father.
    You said well, elders are not worth to be followed, neither GB and WTJWorg. Because that is what is all about.  :))
  19. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    I wonder this:
    If all WT publications from past to the future is/are intellectual and material possession of The Company ... and each person who was, is and will be JW member need to have "Bible Study" BASED on WT publications, and to continue in this way ... WHO is owner of Member's  Faith and Beliefs .... BECAUSE he/she came to this Unique Faith and Beliefs ONLY because of studying and accepting Published Materials ??!! :))) 
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Quote "That being said, this just shows you assume things without knowing."
    @Space Merchant  I assumed that you are not a JW and that you have a close relationship with God through Christ. 
    I also assumed that TTH believes that a person can only serve God through the CCJW 
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    When using the actions of 'the world' to make excuses for the actions of one's own religion then In My Opinion (and I am allowed an opinion) it makes them part of the world. 
    To say that everyone else does this or that, is judging one's own standards by 'worldly standards', not by God's standards.. 
    For instance, saying that CSA is everywhere in 'the world', is not a good enough reason to accept it in one's own religion. And to say that everyone else misquotes scientists etc, is not a good reason to think that deliberately misquoting someone is good. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses think that their Organisation's standards are higher than the standards of 'the world'. This is being constantly disproved, not only by 'opposers' but by JWs themselves. Therefor the CCJW Organisation, like most other religions, is just part of the world. 
    The Spirit of this world includes, telling lies, being deceitful, hiding the truth, being dishonest, lacking love and mercy and mistreating others. Many Jehovah's Witnesses, from the top downwards, are guilty of these things. Hence i say that they are part of this world. 
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Quote @Space Merchant  "What some fail to see is that Jesus gave instruction on how the church is to function."
    In the 1st Century there was one Christian religion, as it should still be, but it isn't. 
    Now there are many different 'Christian' religions each with their own 'leaders'. 
    If I'm right in my thinking, your religion is more tolerant of others, but the CCJW is not. 
    You seem more tolerant of some other religions than JWs would be, because JWs are told there is only one way to serve God, and that is through the CCJW.  
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    Quote "That being said, this just shows you assume things without knowing."
    @Space Merchant  I assumed that you are not a JW and that you have a close relationship with God through Christ. 
    I also assumed that TTH believes that a person can only serve God through the CCJW 
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    People want so badly to be followers of men. “I don’t care what reasoning has been done or what counsel has been given. I want to know what you think.” 
    Elders resist this because they are not trying to make their very own disciples. 
    “For when one says, “I belong to Paul,” but another says, “I to A·polʹlos,” are you not acting like mere men? 5 What, then, is A·polʹlos? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom you became believers, just as the Lord granted each one.  6 I planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow,  7 so that neither is the one who plants anything nor is the one who waters, but God who makes it grow.”
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    It is possible to look on this and similar situations in WT history as in case below:
    Mi·caiʹah then said: “Therefore, hear the word of Jehovah: I saw Jehovah sitting on his thronep and all the army of the heavens standing by him, to his right and to his left.q 20  Jehovah then said, ‘Who will fool Aʹhab, so that he will go up and fall at Raʹmoth-gilʹe·ad?’ And one was saying one thing while another said something else. 21  Then a spirit*r came forward and stood before Jehovah and said, ‘I will fool him.’ Jehovah asked him, ‘How will you do it?’ 22  He replied, ‘I will go out and become a deceptive spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’s So he said, ‘You will fool him, and what is more, you will be successful. Go out and do that.’
    Even the most ignorant JW bible scholar could be able to understand this .... IF he apply it to themselves ---- JHVH already allowed deception on "chosen nation" before, why He could not do it again?
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