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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    I keep seeing "Witness" pop up in your recent posts.  You missed me, didn't you!  Either that, or I am still an irritating burr in your saddle.  
  2. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Well one of the things the GB through their 'management' told 'you' as a congregant, was to not report Child Sexual Abuse to the police or outside authorities. 
    And another thing it told congregation elders was not to name paedophiles in the congregations and not to tell the whole congregation that there was a paedophile amongst them. 
    And you agree with that in principle ?  Doesn't that makes you part of the problem ?
    I think to use that scripture as a generalisation is not so good.  
  3. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    I see, Space Merchant,  that you feel very strongly about that ....
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    It has been my observation that WE ALL have OCD, about things that we feel strongly about ...
    It's similar to the old joke,
    QUESTION:  "What is a cult?"
    ANSWER:  "It's the church down the street from YOUR church."
  5. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    The irony of it all is I care about factual information. Apparently, knowing a lot of information, a person who is weak in a discussion would make this claim. The thing about 4Jah2me and others like this person is the little someone knows the better it is for them to get their point across, but the more someone knows, it results in sheer tomfoolery to what is fact and true. I don't care what is history is with JWs, however, misinformation comes a long way to trick people, hence, something will always need to be said.
  6. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    You've done it before, so it is no surprise you have done it again, the first time you made an accusation, granted you did not mention me, hence I only found out when you stated "The Merchant". You also took said accusation and made it as a truth and I challenged you to prove said accusation and you vanished.
    So speak your peace because the source I am using says otherwise, and I purposely left some things out just to convey them from your response.
    I am not superior, but if you want to alluded to your past assumption, I invite you to try. I care about facts and the only thing that irks me more is conveying information in a way to spin the narrative. The last time you attempted this, it backfired, likewise with Mr.C.
    You only say this now granted of what has been presented, hence the interaction prior.
    But you have adhered to a collective in the past, even though so and so have been wrong or misused information. On the other side of the spectrum, when another person says something that is right, you deem it as something wrong, as is with said collective without coming to an understanding as to what was said, what is the conclusion and so forth.
    Yes, this is indeed true, even in Bible times this was the case, especially in regard to Apostle Paul, of whom even some Christians seem to have a strong hatred for. A body within any entity will formulate some information in order to maintain some balance. In regards to Christianity, such leaders do so by means application of Bible principles. I'll give you an example, people living together prior to marriage. Clearly, granted we get an example from the Bible, Christians can make the application of how this can be a potential danger, especially when it is known that the flesh is weak and imperfect, coupled with how the world views sex. Because of that, in order to prevent anything bad from happening, a body of Christian bodies and or heads discuss these things, and come to a conclusion on prevention, in doing so, the chosen ruling is then presented to the other body, Church Congregants in form of a sermon and or message, even by means of alternatives regarding newcomers.
    That said, they're not yes men, they are not "yes men".
    These are both separate political entities, hence, has no correlation of what is presented. Those opposition parties are not too far from the left and the right, as is with the Republican and Democratic parties in the US, and or the oppositions in various countries, and clearly they are not a united source in decision making, hence, opposition.
    Although you are not into politics, granted, I am sure all of us here are neutral, it would be wise to know the basics.
    That being said, voting is a far different story in regard to the focus.
    They are merely religious heads/leaders, as is the case with all faiths. in Christianity, some ruling is based on Bible Principles, as is how things are within the vicinity of individuals and or groups, and how are things ran in said lands.
    You do realize how some ruling are made, correct? There is no debate, but there is discussion, as is the case, with ALL faiths. In these discussions, regarding on the situation, some ruling by means of the area, and or Bible Principles are addressed and how it can be put into effect. Some discussions cannot be removed, which is correct, however, things can be tweaked and or added, especially when there is some sort of change, for instance, the Coronavirus, clearly in this regard, there were things being talked about, which later on, is presented to congregants and or the public, and such discussions is to enable how the people can protect themselves and their families under this pandemic. Clearly such people did not just see COVID-19 and through ideas on the wall and hope it sticks, they discussion first. I purposely left out another bit of my quotation just to throw that on to you.
    The term, “faithful and discreet slave”, is used by them to describe the group's body of religious leaders in its role professing teachings. The term also refers to “faithful and wise servant”, by others, individualized and or by other groups, even by modern day Bible Students, as for Unitarian denominations, we use the other rendering. Now a faithful servant, they profess said teachings of pertaining to articles of faith. This term heavily correlated with the interpretation this Parable – “The Faithful Servant” found in the following verses (Matthew 24:45–47, Mark 13:34-37 and Luke 12:35-48) and it is said the fulfilled began on Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2). This role, for pretty much most Christian groups, especially if organized, act as the example found in said Parable, as a faithful servant (or slave), when it comes to arriving at decisions on regarding teachings and or other things, this information, once finalized, is presented. Again, I bring up Apostle Paul regarding Dietary Laws and Circumcision.
    The faithful and wise servant is in connection with a small and or little flock of servants who are faithfully carrying out vows within the body of Christ, moreover, the whole body individually and or collectively, giving the food (Spiritual Food/Milk of which the Bible speaks heavily about) by a due season to the household of faith, which are the believers, Christians, who are given said food. A faithful servant, when it comes to teachings, application and discussions being made, under both God and Christ, are deemed responsible whereas the master of these slaves is the Christ, Jesus, hence The Parable. Despite all this, regardless of faith, no man is inspired, well, you have some Trinitarian scholars and Christians out there who claimed this, i.e. stating they can speak to the dead or see them, or entered briefly some form of afterlife (which all connects to Spiritism and not Christianity).
    As I had told both Srecko and Witness (who I see here once again), who they themselves claimed that these religious leaders claimed to be “inspired”, as is, on Witness’ part, even ignored a snippet from what she had posted to state said truth, they were in the wrong, granted no claim of being inspired, the irony was I believe that part was purposely cut out, on her part. This is but one of said claims, even outside of anything pertaining to JWs, some claims were based on either the sheer misguidance and or feelings vs. Scripture based mentality, more so, even some chosen ones, refuted them. To add on to that, there was another, who claimed this, but it was more on a Trinitarian vs. Non-Trinitarian turf, something I am heavily in. All this, was before your time, and I can freely quote said discussion here if need be.
    Actually, granted we are all sinners, and are imperfect, any man, woman, or child is capable of sinning, as is with repentance, hence, prisoners, some of I, a few others, young and old, partook in writing to, who they themselves wish to seek God. Now, in regard to Excommunication, even they can succumb to such, should they commit a sin. When it comes to religious leaders, even those of whom are a body, they rarely commit to grave sin, so in this sense, even with them, they can sin and be excommunicated from their religious community. Another notion of which you presented, "They cannot be Disfellowshipped by other JWs" how are you so sure when Excommunication in regards to sin can easily be applied should any of them commit grave sin? So far, I haven't seen anything from them, nor, others. I recall Srecko posted something a while back, claiming it to be a truth, but after some research was done, it was not merely just a lie, but someone out there throwing conspiracy.
    Clearly you are not getting what I am conveying, which is evident. But the boat of your exegesis without conclusion will not sail as far.
    I study Christology, so I already know what Jehovah's Witnesses are about, as is with what they derive from. I am not referring to the Bible Student Movement or the Great Awakenings.
    If you disagree, point out what you disagree with, just stating this only shows you really have nothing to say. You said the same thing in another discussion I am having with someone regarding Titus 2:13.
    The Parable, in this sense, is correct and the actions of the slave in said parable on conjunction with the master, The Christ. Even today, everyone is able to recognize that.
    As for the topic at hand, any group, entity, and or institution, is capable of taking such an action if it violates what they have. More so, even an individual as that right to take such an action, if it is something that does not sit well with them.
    Now ANYONE is capable of going about this sort of action, so I suggest you read the 2 examples below carefully:
    https://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap5.html https://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/copyright-infringement I also advise learning about copyright and all things pertaining to it:
    You may not even know your own UK political system, but you should be able to know the rights of your people, if I know this, it is surprising that you do not know this, granted, by mere assumption of our last interaction, you are the older one. In addition to that, there are those in the UK whom I know, some even more up there when it comes to Bible reading and history, will tell you the same thing.
    That being said, a collective who makes decisions for the betterment of something or someone, even a group vs. a collective that consist of yes men and women are VASTLY different.
    EDIT: Alas, the individual who barks cannot bite - as expected.
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    He tries to come across as a reasonable person.... which you definitely are not.
    1 4Jah2me reacted to this
    I see these OCD reactions all the time from you and view them as a medal......  I even started to react this way as well and realized that mental derangement can be contagious in some ways. ..... LOL    
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dooyaateehda Ajigaleidii in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    @Space Merchant  I am not frightened to mention you by name, why should I be ?
    It was more the use of sarcasm not to mention your name, and look it got a reaction .
    I tend to disagree with most things you say, but I laugh too, because you try so hard to come across as someone who is superior. 
    I know for myself that i am an individual. It matter not to me if you and others feel the need to add me to some 'make believe' 'collective'. 
    I did quite like this bit though :-
    A more in-depth definition is: A governing body is a group of people that has the authority to exercise governance over an organization or political entity. The most formal is a government, a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions in a given geopolitical system (such as a state) by establishing laws.
    Now here in the UK the ruling Government has an opposition party. I know very little about politics but I do know there are two 'houses', the House of Lords and the House of Commons. So there is debate and questioning.  Also the people of the UK can vote for a different government every 5 years. And, parliament can be dissolved in some cases.  
    However the Governing Body of CCJW  rules over millions of people without debate and questioning. Those 8 men that has the authority to exercise governance, and are a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions,  cannot be removed, according to some JWs on this forum. 
    They have given themselves the title 'Faithful and Discreet Slave', and they cannot be disfellowshipped by other JWs.  
    But you seem to think that is ok, however you do not want to become a JW .
    I totally disagree with most of what you say SM, but. Have a good day. 
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "Barking dogs" and JW's preaching service about The End   
    Stephen Lett:
    “Let’s discuss how the faithful and discreet slave has worked tirelessly to keep on the watch and really try to help us do the same. Let’s just talk about some of this documented evidence that this is certainly the case. Now it’s true the faithful slave at times have had wrong expectations THROUGHOUT THE DECADES.
    But then again we talked about earlier that was true of the apostles. In Acts chapter 1:8, “Lord are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time”?
    “See, that was the wrong expectation, wasn’t it.”
    There is no comparison of the apostles’ question to Jesus and how WT leaders have taught their followers.  The apostles were not preaching various dates throughout the decades; but as students under their Head Master, they listened, learned and were obedient to his direction. Lett is using deceit to smooth over decades of false prophesy.  He purposefully left out the next verse.
     He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.”
     Clear "documented evidence" shows pervasive lack of obedience to Christ's words, practiced throughout the lineage of WT's leaders.  
  10. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Aleksandr Ivshin   
    What? None of them making tents? :)))
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Watchtower 1952 Nov 15 p.703 -  "Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God's law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation, and this despite the fact that the law of the land in which we live requires us under some natural obligation to live with and have dealings with such apostates under the same roof. Satan's influence through the disfellowshiped member of the family will be to cause the other member or members of the family who are in the truth to join the disfellowshiped member in his course or in his position toward God's organization. To do this would be disastrous, and so the faithful family member must recognize and conform to the disfellowship order. How would or could this be done while living under the same roof or in personal, physical contact daily with the disfellowshiped? In this way: By refusing to have religious relationship with the disfellowshiped." 
    Dear Anna,
    Is the above teaching, "new light", or "new" darkness?   I hope you have thoroughly read it.   It is a total, severe turnaround in beliefs concerning disfellowshipping/excommunication, that shows a significant, serious, sign of mental imbalance by WT’s leaders' which occurred within five brief years after the article below was published.  This obvious imbalance affects every JW over the years down to today in only negative ways.   Yet, with one swipe of the tongue any other anointed one, is easily condemned as being "mentally ill". 
    Once, as a harrowed mother of three small boys, I wore two different shoes to the meeting.  I can just imagine the rumors that flew about my own "imbalance".  In those days, no one was aware of my anointing, but if they had been, it is very possible that many of my actions would have been interpreted as signs of mental illness. All, because I was striving to be a model wife of an elder, keeping three rambunctious children in line as expected of me by the organization.   The organization itself, can be the catalyst that drives a member to suffer from mental illness.   Its leaders are responsible for fomenting the idea that anointed are most likely mentally ill. 

  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    WT publications explained something about similar on "anointed". While they are on earth and imperfect as any other human, they would be able to understand, from heaven, same sort of people they used to be in the past. :))
    Malenfant sort and model of argumentation was for one purpose only,  to show how exclusively GB is "appointed for sure" and have something to say. Contrary, every other appointed JW member have to be in question and under suspicion about his "call".
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    Even prophecies that were already fulfilled reflect principles that concern our time. Those principles are about Jehovah's ability to protect and save his people. They are about trust in Jehovah, and trust in his ultimate power over his enemies, over other governments, and his trust in Christ Jesus to accomplish his purpose through the Kingdom. The time elements were concerned with the original prophecy, but still provide lessons for our time. They show that Jehovah has a timetable, and that no matter how impatient we humans become, we can trust that time and history are still in Jehovah's jurisdiction, not our own.
    So it's not that I am "scared to be wrong" but scared to call Jesus a liar. Jesus said the times and seasons were none of our business. He said that the end would come as a surprise this time, even if in times past Jehovah had declared his doings in advance to his servants the prophets. But even with this idea that Jehovah will always declare his purposes in advance, he did not promise to give the time element.
    Also, even if some time elements were used in Revelation that SEEM to refer to a future time period prior to the END, this doesn't mean that Jesus was wrong. They could have been used as time elements referring to things that already happened in the past, even in the first century. And they also could be symbols that pointed the reader back to the original scriptural context, just like mentioning a past Bible character like Moses or Elijah. The 1,260 days in Revelation 12 might be an excellent example of this:
    In Revelation 12, for example, I think it can refer (initially) to the fact that Christ's Kingdom came out of Israel. Israel had been protected up to this point to produce the promised seed. Israel had been pictured as God's woman several times, and had even been pictured as the sun, moon and 12 stars (Genesis 37:9), alluding to a part of the Bible that introduces how Jehovah kept Israel protected even when in Egypt without a land of its own. Israel is and was protected from God's enemies for the purpose of looking forward to the birth of this Kingdom. So the reference to 1,260 is a reference to Jehovah's ability to provide and protect this Kingdom through the ages, just as he protected it from attack by Satan when Jesus was born, when Jewish enemies of Jesus wanted to get rid of him, when Roman authorities killed him, when both parties continued to try to silence the apostles. And Jesus even gave instructions that would save the citizens of that Kingdom from the most significant tribulation that had ever come upon the Jewish religion in 70 C.E.
    So why the reference to the 1,260 days? I think it should have reminded Christians of another period of 1,260 days where a woman was protected through Jehovah's provisions. James spoke of it in his letter (as does Luke 4:25):
    (James 5:17, NLT) Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!
    (Luke 4:25) “Certainly there were many needy widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the heavens were closed for three and a half years, and a severe famine devastated the land.
    I suspect that the original Jewish-Christians were much more familiar with the "OT" than most of us are today with even the "NT." So some of these symbols in Revelation produce a kind of mental index to the "OT" where they were already acquainted with the lessons. Readers and hearers of Revelation would know that the original spoke of a woman who was fed for 1,260 days in the midst of this famine. And they would also remember how Jehovah's prophets were also cared for during the famine.
    The "lesson" of the 1,260 is already there as a reference to the original context. I'm not sure that it is all that important that Jesus ministry could have also been about 1,260 days. Or that from the time the Jewish-Christians should have left Jerusalem to the time Jerusalem was destroyed was also a period of about 1,260 days. The real lesson was the protection that the "New Israel" or "New Jerusalem" would expect in spite of the fear of extinction by persecution, for example. And this lesson had already been proven in the resurrection of Jesus in spite of Satan's attack. Or the survival of Jesus in spite of Herod's (Satan-inspired) attack. Or the survival of the Jewish-Christian congregation in spite of the Roman attack on Jerusalem.
  14. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to b4ucuhear in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    Frankly, this is a rationale and line of thinking I would expect Satan the Devil to accuse God of. There can be no question that Jehovah is a loving God who is interested in the welfare of his creation. After all, look what he has done and provided for us - including his own son. He didn't owe us anything. As sinners, all of us were already under the sentence of death. It was an underserved kindness and gracious gift from God that any of us could have a salvation we could never merit/achieve on our own. They idea of Jehovah's name being sanctified and made holy has much broader implications than your assertion of "egotism" suggests. An illustration: Let's say, you have all your money - the money you hope to retire on as well as the inheritance for your children tied up in a bank. Like many people you may want to invest that money with a financial advisor. You hear the guy is the best guy to invest with, but also hear some disturbing accusations: that he is a liar; that he has stolen the life savings of others and is even a money-launderer for the mob and has to go to court to face those accusations. Would you hand him all your money? Not unless you had an intimate knowledge of the man and knew all the facts. But most people would have questions and likely not put their trust in that advisor until the court action was settled. Until the verdict was established for all to see as to whether the charges are true or not. Whether his reputation can stand scrutiny. Once it is established that all the accusations are slanderous lies, you would feel comfortable investing then and only then, wouldn't you? 
    In a similar way, there are many beautiful blessings Jehovah has in store for all creation in harmony with his purpose for them. But Satan has raised some troubling accusations. That God is a liar who can't be trusted. That he withholds good things from his children and later, that humans don't need him and would do better on their own, that he is a cruel God that tortures people forever in hellfire... Added to the facts is that some of those closest to him have also turned against him including perfect men and angels. So who would want to serve a sovereign with those accusations in place, even if the promises for the future were wonderful? Promises wouldn't be so wonderful if he couldn't carry them out or he was a liar as charged. These issues have universal and everlasting implications. So it shouldn't be so hard to accept that the sanctification of Jehovah's name is necessary for everything else to take place. All good things we can benefit from, hinge on our love and trust in him. That we recognize that he knows what is best for us and has the right to decide, on a universal level, for all eternity, to make those decisions. Not only because he is the creator. Not only because he has shown his love for us at great cost to himself. But also because of who he is as a person. Those types of issues simply don't go away and can't be solved only by man's salvation. Spirit creatures are involved too. His reputation is intrinsically linked to his will and good purposes in behalf of mankind and yes, all living creatures - even those dead in the ground. Selfishly thinking that we are most important is the way a baby thinks, not a mature spiritual man. However, trusting that Jehovah as a loving father will do anything and become anything that is necessary to rescue his children from certain death is tied up with who we believe he is - his reputation. Hence, the sanctification of his name is of such importance as Jesus himself showed in his model prayer. It's not a question of "either-or." One is directly related to the other.
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    Not exactly different in the way you imply. Although you are definitely right that the meaning is different. Paul quoted from the LXX translation, which may or may not be more accurate than more modern Hebrew manuscripts of Exodus. The NLT (New Living Translation) has a footnote that explains it. It's really just the difference in saying I will show my power "to you" or show my power "in you." The difference can be made by changing only one letter in Hebrew.
    (Exodus 9:16, NLT) But I have spared you for a purpose—to show you my power[fn] and to spread my fame throughout the earth.
    The footnote says the following:
    9:16 Greek version reads to display my power in you; compare Rom 9:17.
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Aleksandr Ivshin   
    If it is advice to be as Paul, ....than why all this people in WT branches living on other people money donations?!
    Don't you think how your response on this ex pioneer letter is inappropriate. GB members, and Lett specifically, publicly asking for more donation, money. Why he and other in his team not get secular jobs and give money from own salaries?? That would be better way to show "trust" in JHVH. And not just better way, but according to "inspired" Paul Letters. Mr Lett TV preaching (call for money) is not "inspired", according to WT publications.
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Kosonen in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    No, that is not the question. Jesus loved his Father and wishes that we love Jehovah God and that we wish that his Father would be sanctified. We should absolutely be very interested about that. That should be our primary consern if we love God before everything else.
    But the question is how conserned is Jehovah God himself about that? 
    A perfect relation between to parts, would it not be that both are primarly interested of the other part?
    I mean that Jehovah is ready to do what ever is needed for our salvaton and we do what ever is needed from our part to accomplish God's wonderful purposes.
    There is a simple principle that it is not good to seek one's own glory. 
    That naturally has to be how God sees himself too. 
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Kosonen in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    Or what about in a culture were that does not matter?
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    The 2015 version of the "Flock" book reads, "Bible truth AS taught by Jehovah's Witnesses", which gives flexibility to "truth" at any given time, according to GB's present doctrine.  Perhaps the reason for dropping "as", could be that it was a point of valid argument, held by potential "apostates".
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    I don't think the average JW practices this at all.  It is too easy to accept every morsel of spiritual food from the GB as truth.  
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    @Space Merchant  I am not frightened to mention you by name, why should I be ?
    It was more the use of sarcasm not to mention your name, and look it got a reaction .
    I tend to disagree with most things you say, but I laugh too, because you try so hard to come across as someone who is superior. 
    I know for myself that i am an individual. It matter not to me if you and others feel the need to add me to some 'make believe' 'collective'. 
    I did quite like this bit though :-
    A more in-depth definition is: A governing body is a group of people that has the authority to exercise governance over an organization or political entity. The most formal is a government, a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions in a given geopolitical system (such as a state) by establishing laws.
    Now here in the UK the ruling Government has an opposition party. I know very little about politics but I do know there are two 'houses', the House of Lords and the House of Commons. So there is debate and questioning.  Also the people of the UK can vote for a different government every 5 years. And, parliament can be dissolved in some cases.  
    However the Governing Body of CCJW  rules over millions of people without debate and questioning. Those 8 men that has the authority to exercise governance, and are a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions,  cannot be removed, according to some JWs on this forum. 
    They have given themselves the title 'Faithful and Discreet Slave', and they cannot be disfellowshipped by other JWs.  
    But you seem to think that is ok, however you do not want to become a JW .
    I totally disagree with most of what you say SM, but. Have a good day. 
  22. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    Exceptional mental effort is required to constantly re-examine one's own and others' opinions, ideas, beliefs, rules, doctrines. That is hard to achieve and I think we rarely succeed in that. And we need more time. That is why we have success only at periodic intervals. :))
    This is so true. In fact I do not examine myself so much now as i know I will only find excuses for my reasonings.. 
    The one thing I've come to know is that i do not know the 'truth' about anything. Everything is just opinions and even scripture can be interpreted in many different ways. This forum gives proof to that point. 
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    The time test is one way things are revealed. Inside years and decades when other following their conduct and imitate their decisions, many are affected with things that much later will be found as wrong.
    But that is the price we all pays no matter what it is about.
    Exceptional mental effort is required to constantly re-examine one's own and others' opinions, ideas, beliefs, rules, doctrines. That is hard to achieve and I think we rarely succeed in that. And we need more time. That is why we have success only at periodic intervals. :))
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    I know you’ve read the WT’s early teaching (1947) preaching against excommunication/disfellowshipping.
    “Are You Excommunicated?”
    Excerpt in regard to the Catholic Church and it practice of excommunication:
    “This means that you are looked upon with the blackest contempt by the Vatican, being cursed and damned with the Devil and his angels.”
    Watchtower today, who practice the same doctrine:
    "Like Satan, human apostates are unruly men who cook up wicked reasonings and season their brew with poisonous lies that deceive minds.”
    The mark of disfellowshipping is the same as excommunication.  It judges an individual as deserving (being “damned”) of death.  JWs believe there is no promise of life if one sides completely with Satan, which they feel apostates have done so.   And I guarantee you that some here believe I am one of those “human apostates” brewing up lies in Satan’s kitchen. They have personally judged me as undeserving of life.   Also, I can’t count how many times I have read of individuals disfellowshipped who feel they might as well be dead, because of the treatment given them from the organization. And if anyone has a son or daughter who has been disfellowshipped, they may grieve for the loss of their child, as if he or she has died.  This is the result of WT's strict teaching on how to treat disfellowshipped individuals.  It is a very grotesque practice, just as the early WT pointed out.  
    There is no possibility of eternal life without God.  Thus, your brochure bearing the title, “Return to Jehovah” signifies that those disfellowshipped, even shunned ones, are considered spiritually “dead”.  When the elders disfellowship an individual for whatever reason, they have marked them as undeserving of eternal life.  They have spiritually “killed” them by their judgment of disfellowshipping.  Rev 13:15
    I wonder how an organization can go from saying this about excommunication…
    “the weapon of excommunication became the instrument by which the clergy obtained a combination of ecclesiastical power and secular tyranny that finds no parallel in history”
    To this, about an identical practice enforced by a “clergy”/elder body/GB…
    mwb 19 March 9 - “How can it be said that disfellowshipping is a loving provision when it causes so much pain?”
    Well, with such sadistic undertones, the WT has outdone the Catholic Church. Disfellowshipping is indeed the instrument used to maintain "ecclesiastical" power over primarily, the anointed of God, and all.  Rev 13:7
    What is also very hypocritical is this:
    “Shepherd the Flock of God”, April, 2020
    Apostasy -
    Deliberately Spreading Teachings Contrary to Bible Truth: (2 John 7, 9, 10; lvs p. 245; it-1 pp. 126-127) Any with sincere doubts regarding the Bible truth taught by Jehovah’s Witnesses should be helped. Loving assistance should be provided. (2 Tim. 2:16-19, 23-26; Jude 22, 23) If one obstinately is speaking about or deliberately spreading false teachings, this may be or may lead to apostasy. If there is no response after a first and a second admonition, a judicial committee should be formed.—Titus 3:10, 11; w86 4/1 pp. 30-31
    “Spreading teachings contrary to Bible Truth”
    This is “truth” taught by Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Only a small percentage  of Watchtower’s “truth” is Bible Truth.  It is made up of “adjustments”, and “beliefs clarified”.  These are not Bible truths. 
    The obstinate one speaks against this “truth”.  Yet, this one, is “spreading false teachings”, which is equated to apostasy and cooking up lies in Satan’s kitchen.  The obstinate one brings WT’s false teachings and failed doctrine to the table, just as Jesus brought up the Pharisees lies.  Unless this questioning one stops questioning, and obeys the GB, he or she is disfellowshipped.
    Who really is…the apostate?
  25. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side   
    To the extent that they were not convinced in their own mind, then yes, they were potentially going against their own conscience.
    But in their Bible-based training, how many elders actually question the blood doctrine, for example, as if it is man-made? I think that almost all elders are convinced in their own mind that this comes directly from Jehovah because it's found in Acts 15 & 21. If someone were to tell an elder that organ transplants were no different than blood transfusions because you can never get rid of every bit of the whole blood in a muscle or organ then it would be just as easy to convince the elders on these grounds, too.
    But I agree that elders have acted on "knowledge" that seemed true at the time, but turned out to be "false knowledge." And there is too much reliance on the "probability" that heaven has already agreed with the GB about those things elders will judge. The idea that Jesus gave about things bound or loosed in heaven does seem to be an acceptance that the Christian congregation will need to make decisions requiring some to have authority over others. Like telling a person that he must make changes before he is welcome back in a congregation that meets in someone's home, or telling the same person that he can meet with Christians at the "synagogue" in town, but that others will be asked not to voluntarily interact with him until he makes those changes. This will require "authority" of some over others. And what if that authority must be exercised over a fellow elder?
    (1 Timothy 5:19-21) . . .Do not accept an accusation against an older man except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 20 Reprove before all onlookers those who practice sin, as a warning to the rest. 21 I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels to observe these instructions without any prejudice or partiality.
    Jesus is saying that some can be chosen to have such rights over others, which implies organizational authority. (Selecting elders, who act as "older men" acted in OT times, as judges.) But Jesus is also saying that his invisible presence with them will be available. This assumes a prayerful, humble attitude that treats the words of Jesus and the "mind of Christ" as if he were physically present.
    This will keep such judgements from becoming too arbitrary, or based on false knowledge that is only correct for a specific time frame and then becomes obsolete. Those particular "short-lived" ideas appear to have been started by individuals in the organization who were given their position due to charisma, bombastic personalities, or the appearance of great individual wisdom. No one would dare go against them. It was not a case of two or three gathered in Jesus' name, but a personality cult around a single person. Rutherford recognized the personality cult around Russell, but very few bothered to point out the personality cult around Rutherford and F.W.Franz. If these men had been humble enough to consult with others over their biggest decisions, there would have been fewer of these "frames" you mentioned. But this is the "bane" of every organization. Paul spoke of the same to the Corinthians, who wanted to follow their special superfine apostles. Men from James seemed to have been too willing to take the side of James on an important issue, so Paul spoke to the Galatians about how they were accepting improper authority from these so-called "pillars of Jerusalem" even though these pillars never imparted anything new to Paul himself.
    A well-balanced Governing Body of experienced older men can serve the congregations very well, and there SHOULD be a lot of trust in what they decide is important. When it comes to imitating their judgements, we should follow their lead depending on how well their conduct turns out. (Their "conduct" would include how their past judgments have turned out, including those temporary "frames.".) But there are limits, as you pointed out. We carry our own load, and stand on our own before the judgement seat of God. Elders have their own responsibility to pay attention to their teachings. They could harm the flock because the flock expects to be able to follow.
    (1 Timothy 4:15, 16) . . .. 16 Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.
    (Hebrews 13:17) . . .Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you.
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