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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    I suppose how private activity of giving gifts is "normal", with or without signature.
    GB members representing Private Company, an Organization with millions of members. But most of all they said how they representing and mediating between JHVH, Jesus and JW members.  In this aspect, all their activity is not just "normal activity", because they working on behalf of WTJWorg, and all their decisions and behavior, private and public, have to be looked through another glasses. 
  2. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    What they are ACTUALLY saying is EXACTLY this:
    ".... The men taking the lead among us have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us."
    I guess that is why we were once taught that men having sex with men, or animals does not dissolve a marriage, and we are taught TODAY ... today,  that two Bethelites sitting naked in chairs, watching each other masturbate IS NOT pornea.
    ".... The men taking the lead among us have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us."
    The question that needs to be asked is this ....  how can people be dumber than rocks?
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Newspapers commonly advertise the JW Sunday meeting times and address in the church notice section. I have even seen the name of the talk to be given, on a particular Sunday.  The newspaper could only have gotten this information from the elders of the local kh.  When traveling through small towns many times I’ve seen the Jehovah’s Witnesses kingdom hall listed on a sign post, along with all other religions of the town.
    Are JWs really “no part of the world” of religions?  Or, are those who have left the organization, no longer part of that  particular world? John 17:15,16  Jesus separated himself from the corruption of the religious system of his own people.  Is there corruption in the religious system of the WT?  What JW, in all honesty, could say no?
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Can anyone exercise their conscience without the ability to think independently?  
    "But a spirit of independent thinking does not prevail in God’s organization, and we have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us."  W 89 9/15/pp 20-25
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Increasingly he says nasty and largely irrelevant things just for the sake of saying nasty and irrelevant things. 
    He may go the way of Matthew 4 5784, who eventually dropped all pretense of being here to help, earned a rebuke or two, and left of his own volition, a New Year’s resolution—though he is back now sparingly, and may even have turned over a new leaf in some regards. 
  6. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    The shoe is on the other foot - if you would only admit it. I know who took yours because the OCD is a good indication. 
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    I have given bibles to people with a nice bible verse and my name...... so they can remember who gave it to them and the occasion.
    It seems that any normal activity which normal people do, is singled out by you to become a kind of "evil" deed.  I call you out for your accusing tone..... and for constantly appointing yourself as judge. It seems you have never made a mistake in your life and afterward thought- I should not have done that.
    A friend gave me my bible because I left behind some books in USA.  You say it is somehow wrong of her to have put her name and date in it? 
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Bethel is sort of building and not place where faith lives. Behtel workers who answer as you had said, have more correct faith than some GB members who before many years (decades) put their signatures on Bibles as gift to some public officials. This "custom" is "normal" for those who are "part of the world", what ever that have or should mean in this or any other context. :))

    Perhaps TTH not expecting from me to read his entire column :))) 
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Their consciences were stolen because they had to obey the Leaders of the Org due to misuse of the Superior Authorities scripture. This has been admitted by many JWs, even on here. 
    And if you could just be honest for once, you would admit it is true. 
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Shiwiii in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    It is funny that JWs say that the CCJW in no part of the world. BUT, then when CSA is mentioned JWs say, yes but it's everywhere in the world.   
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    It is funny that JWs say that the CCJW in no part of the world. BUT, then when CSA is mentioned JWs say, yes but it's everywhere in the world.   
  12. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    It is funny that JWs say that the CCJW in no part of the world. BUT, then when CSA is mentioned JWs say, yes but it's everywhere in the world.   
  13. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    It concerns me NOT AT ALL to be slighted by people that I care absolutely nothing about ... or even the ones I do care deeply about,
    You care so deeply, as evidenced by your Epistle  .... YOU make the phone call
    Or ... as an alternative ... you could continue to be slighted, indignant, and ignorant.
  14. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Bad argument!   Their consciences are refined so they can love their enemies and not take political sides!  So they can cross all political and racial barriers! 
  15. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Good that they do not recognise us!  The image of the beast will go for all other religions - to remove them - and forget about us.  Then at last they will come for us when we deliver a special message..... just before Armageddon!  This will be their undoing..... to therafter attack JWs.
  16. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    I don’t know where the strike throughs came from. It wasn’t me, unless it was by accident. A software glitch? Dunno. But there weren’t supposed to be any. 
    That is acknowledged, too. Searching, one may find some things. But in the tree of faiths that includes most everyone, at least in the alternative or other category, Witnesses are not to be found.
    As you stated to Srecko, I’m not upset about it, and Bethel may even be happy about it. As usual, 4Jah is all wet. These others he mentioned can and are maneuvered into other forms of violence, even if nationalism has become passé for some of them. And without a unity founded on love, it takes nothing for the national king to convince them that the villains are to be found in the domain of the other king. It takes nothing to stir up people today.
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Not completely ignored, though:
    Here's a link to about 20 of their articles from the last 3 years (about JWs):
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Why you are upset? WTJWorg preaching that you are not part of this world. If you are not par of it, why would you be part of these list? :))
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from b4ucuhear in 'I FEEL FREE' Cancer survivor Ashya King’s mum splits from Jehovah’s Witness husband who thinks coronavirus is ‘plague sent from God’   
    Yes I read two different reports on this and she sounds a bit crazy. Either that or her husband is crazy. 
    She seems to say that the CCJW are pretending that this Covid-19 is the beginning of Armageddon. 
    I'm wondering if her husband is using the virus as an excuse to have more control over her and the children. Although I have read other reports about JWs using the virus as 'talking point', suggesting it is Armageddon related.
    This lady however says she is going to sue the CCJW for all the money they have put in as contributions. 
    I do think it is possible that a few JWs are misusing the virus to spread fear, and a member of the GB wasn't too wise with his words concerning the virus, but overall I don't think the CCJW / W/t are using this virus as an Armageddon scare mongering thing.
    We all know that world conditions are getting worse and it is what we expect. And we all know that each day brings us closer to God's Judgement time. We cannot expect things to get nicer. But it has to be a love for God that draws a person to HIM, not a fear of death.  
  20. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    Quote @TrueTomHarley " but they will not perform civilian work that is clearly designed to support war efforts."
    This choice was taken from JWs in WW2 because the Leaders of the JWs took away people's conscience by misusing the Romans  scripture regarding Superior Authorities. 
    Many of the younger generation now, who have no religion, will not go to war. Punks, a subculture, are anti-war. Hippies were also anti-war. It is not just a JW thing. 
    Quote "Nobody is known for taking the ‘good news of the Kingdom’ to each and every person like Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially before ‘the end will come.’ "
    Perhaps also, nobody is known for telling as many lies about how to serve God,and the 'Good News'.
    Perhaps the JWs are best known for false predictions of Armageddon. Or maybe CSA.
    JWs can be known for scaremongering, but In those cases i think it is just that some JWs are a bit too keen to get a message across. Some even use this Covid-19 virus as an excuse.  
  21. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Overlooked by the Religion News Service—How Can That Be?   
    I visited religionnews.com and found that my religion does not exist. Jehovah's Witnesses are nowhere listed in their tree of faiths. Everyone else is. Jehovah's Witnesses are not. Can it be? RNS "strive to inform, illuminate and inspire public discourse on matters relating to belief and convictions," says their About page. So where are Jehovah's Witnesses?Few religions have been in the news as much as they, especially with their recent ban in Russia. Is Religion News Service a Russian site? No. Is it their aim to suck up to the Russians? I don't think so. So where are the Witnesses?
    The reason that there is not a Jeopardy clue: "They visit door to door to speak about the Bible" is that the answer is too obvious and would stump no one. In some ways Witnesses are plainly the foremost of religions. "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14), for example. Nobody is known for taking the "good news of the Kingdom' to each and every person like Jehovah's Witnesses, especially before "the end will come.' Here is a cartoon of how JWs found Osama Bin Laden:
    Or what about the verse, "beating their swords into plowshares.' (Isaiah 2:4) It is an inspirational slogan for all. The ones who actually DO it are Jehovah's Witnesses. They may be the only ones to completely do it, in that, not only will they not participate in wars, but they will not perform civilian work that is clearly designed to support war efforts. 
    Yet, look through the comprehensive list at the bottom of the religionnews.com website"”they do not appear.
    The first place you check, of course, is Christianity. There you find four subdivisions: Catholics, Latter Day Saints, Orthodox, and Protestants. If they are in any of the four, it must be Protestants. There you find three subdivisions: Black Protestants, Evangelical, and Mainline. Well, they're not the first or the third. Since they preach the good news of the Kingdom, could they be the second? Nope. Scroll through the stories in that category. You won't find them.
    Okay, got it. They are not counted as Christian because RNS assumes that one must believe in the Trinity to be Christian"”many times we've run across this. It makes no sense, but there it is. Most verses used to advance the Trinity teaching are verses that, if they were seen in any other context, would be instantly dismissed as figure of speech. There is no verse that directly states the Trinity, and the one in the King James Version that does (1 John 5:7) has been recognized by all modern scholars as a spurious insertion and thus either removed or footnoted. One almost pictures a scribe reviewing scriptures, getting madder and madder that his favorite doctrine is no where to be found, and slipping it in when no one was looking. 
    Where else might Jehovah's Witnesses be if not in the Christian category? Well, maybe the Alternative Faiths category, or the Other Faiths category. Nope. Scroll through the stories on either category. They do not appear. 
    Is it an oversight? Is it a snub? Is it avoidance because any story about Jehovah's Witnesses will reliably attract swarms of their virulent "apostates' alarmed at any favorable mention and insistent upon maligning their former faith and so RNS just doesn't want to deal with it? (See TrueTom vs the Apostates) Dunno. But is certainly is strange. 
    Now, to be sure, if you enter Jehovah's Witnesses in the Search box, a few items appear"”not many, but a few. There is someone there at RNS that knows that if your textbook is the Bible, if you teach from it, if you have even invented an entirely new non-commercial distribution channel and translated it into overlooked languages of developing countries so that common persons there are not stuck with some 200-year old turkey of a translation that they can neither understand nor afford, you must be a religion. Still, Jehovah's Witnesses are not listed in the list that includes everyone else. 
    Do not think that the JW organization will be miffed at not being included in the list. They may even draw satisfaction from it. "Good. Here is a list of the religions "of the world' and we are not on it," they may say. If there is one verse they take seriously over there at JW HQ, it is John 17:16, where Jesus prays about his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world."
    For that reason I will not go the RNS site and holler, "Hey!"”what is it with you clowns?!" The site is an offspring of the Missouri School of Journalism. It speaks of the "academic experts' that monitor all. I don't want to tangle with experts. Maybe they will try to pull rank on that basis. Who knows? Maybe they are right. Maybe I am not part of a religion, even if I do speak of the Bible door to door and keep the peace.
  22. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    You have a habit of getting your attributions mixed up, and your analysis is too simplistic, as well as mixed up.
    Details are important.
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Thank you for quoting it - I struggle to copy the quotes because I have arthritic fingers and my iPad too sensitive.... but you would not know I am speaking to you if i did not try to quote you.
    Even if the quote was not perfect, the meaning was correct .....you always expose your lust for power. ...... they did not notice that...... I do. And your accusations and OCD is just as wicked as ever.
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Good comeback!, and funny, too!
    But cereally folks, I started studying the Truth in the 1960's,, and it was about the mid-60's that I noticed that a different culture was evolving.  Back then, if a JW family broke up, it was usually the husband left the wife for another woman, and the Society taught at that time that if a brother was a homosexual, or had sex with animals, it was NOT pornea, and she had no grounds for divorce. 
    I am sure this caused a LOT of misery and suffering.
    Today in the "pillowgate video" , the brother stated that if two Bethelites are sitting in facing chairs, naked, watching each other masturbate, that is also NOT pornea, because no one is touching another person.. I have posted that here, many times, so I will not do it again.
    It is seriously creepy. Even the specificity of that is seriously creepy. Makes me wonder who got caught that could not be disfellowshipped.
    The point of the above is that there are good reasons why I keep my own counsel on the matter of keeping and bearing arms, and being ready to defend the innocent at all times, and not pay too much attention to those in authority that have a long record of being seriously creepy ... and wrong.
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    The GB members are adept at partially quoting people and scripture. They know how to twist facts into convenient lies.   In fact, we know they have been dinged for giving a "false witness",  by twisting the words of a prominent individual in the scientific community.   I see you have followed in their footsteps.  
    Here is my accurate quote:
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