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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    They missed that.  I noticed it in all your complaints against the GB.
  2. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Evacuated in Jehovah's Witnesses with covid-19 - announcement at Bethel   
  3. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos   
    I would be stunned if the WTB&TS, et al, was successful in their lawsuits, as in the United States the concept of "whistleblowers" is held in very high regard, and the "Fair Use Doctrine" of U.S. copyright law is interpreted very liberally.
    There is a lot to be said and considered on this matter, and an excellent source is WIKIPEDIA.
    .... want to be smarter and well informed on this specific issue?
    Read THIS:
    I personally think we should be proud of every thing we say and do, and not object if someone else shouts it from the housetops.
    If we SHOULD be ashamed of anything we have published, and the "Pillowgate" videos immediately come to mind, it is ONLY by public disclosure that whatever it is, that it will ever change.
    Sometime  around the 1960's, at Assemblies, we used to have a Public Relations Department set up, but they changed the name to News Service, because PR was asking for something, and NS was giving away something for free.
    Their lawsuit will generate more publicity by a factor of at least X 100, than ever existed before ... and when all is said and done, and if the WTB&TS wins the lawsuits ( improbable at best ..) it will NOT stop Brothers from leaking these videos to others, or them publishing them, actually IN the public interest, to anybody who has a computer and a piece of free software, such as "Freemake Video Downloader:.
    That genie left the bottle a long time ago.
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Shiwiii in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks   
    why? I thought they wanted their preaching spread. 
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "MONTANA SEES FLURRY OF CHILD SEX ABUSE LAWSUITS"   
    Montana sees flurry of child sex abuse lawsuits as deadline approaches
    The one-year window Montana lawmakers opened to give child sex abuse survivors a chance to bring old claims is closing soon, and a flurry of lawsuits is hitting the courts.
    Adults who were abused as children have until May 6 to bring claims otherwise barred by the statute of limitations. The Montana Legislature created the window in 2019, prompted by news of a lawsuit against James “Doc” Jensen, a Miles City high school athletic trainer who abused dozens of boys while working with the district between the 1970s and 1990s. 
    After May 6, various restrictions are reinstated on which claims can be brought. Factors include age of the victim, and whether the abuser is still alive. 
    On Friday, two sisters sued in U.S. District Court in Billings, accusing the Jehovah’s Witness Church of failing to act after Bruce Mapley Sr. and Gunner Haines admitted to sexually abusing them in the 1970s. Mapley and Haines confessed to Martin Svensen, senior elder of the Hardin congregation, who investigated the allegations, “and was himself engaged in serious sexual abuse of children,” according to attorneys with the Missoula law firm Meyer, Shaffer & Stepans.
    The church temporarily relieved the men of their duties but reinstated them within a year, attorneys say. And while church elders told the congregation that the men had committed a wrongdoing, they gave no more information, the attorneys say, and the abuse continued.
    On Wednesday, three men filed individual lawsuits in state court in Great Falls, echoing a flurry of other plaintiffs around the country who say the Boy Scouts of America turned a blind eye when troop leaders abused them. Assistant Scoutmaster John McBride in Libby, Camp Director Gary Greff at the Grizzly Base Camp and K-M Scout Ranch, and leader Roger Maddox, of Great Falls are all named.
    One of those plaintiffs, 57-year-old Chris Ford, said the ability to make a claim now will help him heal. He didn’t talk about it for decades, after telling his parents when it happened.
    Ford hopes the lawsuit leads to more information about the scope of the cover-up.
    “I want to know just how prolific the abuse was,” Ford said. “You know, I just thought mine was an isolated case, and come to find out there are hundreds of thousands of potential victims.”
    Mike Pfau, a Seattle attorney representing Ford, told The Washington Post in February that there were likely tens of thousands of potential victims across the country.
    Also on Wednesday, Freedom Church Assembly of God was accused in a lawsuit filed in state court in Billings of allowing former pastor David Harvey to groom a 15-year-old in his church office, setting the stage for later sexual assaults that took place at Harvey’s home, according to the lawsuit.
      The boy’s mother reported the abuse to senior pastor Sam Benson, but the church did not follow up with any reports to law enforcement, child protection workers or other authorities, according to attorneys John Heenan and Joe Cook. 
    Heenan, who also represented plaintiffs in the Jensen case, said he hopes anyone still considering bringing a lawsuit under the one-year window does, "so they can protect their rights." They have one week. 
    The legislation to open the one-year window on old claims passed unanimously.
  6. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks   
    Jehovah’s Witnesses Sue FaithLeaks Owners Over Convention Videos
    An entity owned by the Jehovah’s Witnesses sued the owners of the religious whistleblower site FaithLeaks on Thursday for allegedly infringing copyrights by posting the group’s materials publicly on the internet.
    The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania says the Truth & Transparency Foundation illegally reproduced 74 of its in-house videos on the FaithLeaks site.
  7. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Aircrafts waiting for us all to flee to the wilderness   
    This is fabulous humour for a warm dry sunny English Sunday morning. 
    Is everyone grabbing there GO bag and running for the plane ?  
    I hope everyone of you is staying as safe as you can and I hope you and your family are keeping healthy and well. 
    I do feel (totally off topic) that people always expect 'other people' to have the answer to any problem. People in every country are expecting their governments, scientists, chemists, doctors et al to have the 'cure' and the answer to solve this Virus. People never expect there to be NO answer. 
    How will people react to Armageddon, when they will have no answer. 
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    I was thinking the same thing.  
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Hmm, that’s not how I remember the reason for my disfellowshipping at all.  But, since you obviously don’t believe me, I can pm the names of the 4 elders who sat in on my judicial hearing (over the phone). 
    I rejected an earthly organization as belonging to God.
    I supported the anointed priesthood/Body of Christ, with Jesus as my Master, and not a “wicked slave”.
    I exposed the organization’s falsehoods and hypocrisy.
    After all of that, the hair trigger with these men seemed to be my rejection of 1914. 
    Nothing was said about an abnormal, voracious lust for power.  In fact, they promised to welcome me back if I changed my mind on the matters above.  If I was thirsting for authority and power to “teach”, I doubt that offer would have been on the table. 
    Let me know if you would like those names.  
  10. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    What drowned it out in the first century? In no time at all, the magnificent core truths were gone, thoroughly mixed in with philosophies of the day. To the extent the apostles and loyal ones tried to hold it back, no doubt reading false positives sometimes and overreacting, you would have been railing against them, too.
    The trick is not to sanitize the present. It is to desanitize the past.
    We’re not all that far apart, you blustering old pork chop.
    There is something to this. I am struck by the fact that those who leave and thereafter show their faces on the internet as ‘apostates’ have almost always forgotten all about the ‘core magnificent’ truths that they once cherished. The sighing and groaning that impelled them into the truth has been replaced by bitching and complaining that drove them out. They appear to have no problem replacing the satisfying explanation of why God permits suffering with ‘Stuff happens.’ Appreciation for the core and magnificent truths—gone, replaced by self-absorption into their own woes.
    To that extent—although you bitch and complain more than any dozen of them put together, you have NOT forsaken the core magnificent truths and thus stay in the only place that holds them up high, even if they are not immune to the pig-headedness and pettiness of human nature. To that extent you deserve credit, though you carry on as disrespectfully as you do.
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    You know, I can get my head around this. I really can.
    I’ll still refer to you from time to time as ‘the brother with the rotten attitude’ because who knows how many brothers you have stumbled in carrying on as you do. But I sort of understand where you are coming from as you have not made clear before—or if so, I did not pick up on it. 
    What you say is like when someone dear to me told off some elders and I told Mack that I didn’t really approve of him telling off the elders, but..... “I understand,” Mack saved me the hassle of finishing the sentence.
    The ministry is a treasure, but it is treasure in earthen vessels—us—with all the wacky foibles that humans are capable of. I once observed about beards: ‘Hippies and beatniks died out ages ago, it’s not in the Bible and to the extent it is, it is reverse. We are an organization of principles, not rules, and yet no rule is more strongly enforced than the no-beard rule. I’m glad that sucker has finally been put to bed, but it still tosses and turns in its sleep. 
    You can complain about such foibles of organization to God. The trouble is, God will say, “Well, you are no great shakes yourself. You’ll all just have to work it out.” It’s a shame you’re not better at doing that, instead giving every appearance that you will be nursing a dozen grudges to your grave. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. All of us do. That’s life. It happens everywhere. 
    Ah, well. We all have our hang ups. Even me.
    I was walking my pet pig the other day and a man approached to say, “Hey, where did you find the pig?” Before I could open my mouth, the pig said. “I found him online, frequenting the WorldNewsMedia forum. We hit it off and have chummed together ever since.” I don’t get no respect either.
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Thanks, but your post contained a lot more heavy lifting than I could offer. I hope your own experience is taken to heart by those who see things only in very stark 'black and white' terms. I hope that @4Jah2me reads it with an open mind and sees answers to his own questions and issues.
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    I am always happy when JWI does the heavy lifting for me ... as a Barbarian the only thing I have going for me is single minded focus, which can be good ... or bad.
    From my many comments here one might very reasonably think I  am on a quest to destroy the Governing Body, and that they are my sworn enemy, but that would be a stretch of enormous proportions, basically because that is not the case at all.
    I would like to see MANY reforms, so that others are not chased away from the TRUTH, as I could have been, through no want of considerable effort by clueless Elders, and that others do not have to experience the persecution and discouragement I have faced, because of choosing a life of pursuing the things that interested me, about which Jehovah God has not expressed any opinion on whatsoever, in any way, shape or form, but which offends the sensibilities of those not so inclined. ( Classic example: skydiving, having a beard, and imitating at least two of the Apostles, being armed at all times).
    Jehovah did not appoint the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' day, neither did he appoint the Governing Body.
    BOTH took it upon themselves to "seat themselves in the seat of Moses", a job that I appreciate, and I appreciate that for the most part, their motives and motivation are as pure as the wind driven snow .... sometimes not ...but willy-nilly, the largest problem is the talent pool available.
    The GB is recruited from humans ... big ugly nasty, frail, error prone, illogical, greedy and seriously flawed bags of water, sloshing around usually doing the best they can, each with individual "thorns in their side", that stab them and throw them off balance.
    I understand this, and I understand that currently there is NO WAY TO GET AROUND IT.
    So, without any duplicity, or being two faced, I agree with the principle for the Governing Body the same as what Jesus said for the scribes and Pharisees, of his day..
    (Matthew 23:2, 3) . . .“The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, . .
    After three years and about six months of being disfellowshipped, about five years ago, I could not compromise about the issue about which I was disfellowshipped, and say "I was sorry", and had three separate reinstatement hearings, the last of which I only promised never to do what got me disfellowshipped again.
    By this time, the Elders had gotten to know me better.
    They also began to understand the issue better.
    At the first hearing, they may have been afraid I might shoot them.(?)
    The last hearing only lasted about 4 minutes, less than ten minutes ... and they only asked me three questions.
    1.) QUESTION: "What do you think of the Governing Body?"
        ANSWER: " I think I will have to agree with their self assessment in the February 2017 Watchtower, where they stated that they were neither inspired of God, or infallible."
    2.) QUESTION: 'What do you not like about "The Truth?""
    ANSWER: "Well, I could certainly do without Caleb and Sophia"
    3.) QUESTION: "Will you support Jehovah and his Organization?"
    ANSWER::" I always have. " ( correctly implying that I always will.)
    This was on a Saturday.
    They announced my reinstatement the following Tuesday, at a Circuit Overseer's visit.
    So, if you who have left "The Truth" are encouraged by my resistance to stupidity, illogic, and injustices found among Jehovah's people, by my "bad example", and my rants and rails against what I have in the past referred to is "the clown car"., you are making the same mistake the Elders made.
    The main reason I am so crude, and blunt, and un-diplomatic is that people glaze over with soft words spoken in dulcet tones, and they enjoy being hypnotized.
    Also, I never have to remember what I have said .... or to who!!
    If you have abandoned "The Truth", you have only shot yourself in the foot, and it takes awhile to bleed out.
    Any involvement with any collection of people has the same foibles and weaknesses, and they are legion.
    Don't throw the baby out with the bath water ... but it's OK to recognize and rail against bathwater that needs to be thrown out.
    .... contrary to mainstream preferences.
    For blind pawns, Justice must be tempered with mercy, or real love ceases to exist. (John 9:41)
    .... and we are ALL, blind pawns, made from DNA.
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Surely you can see that it is a bogus claim, to reinstate someone “posthumously” as if the elder body has the authority and power to bestow eternal “life or death” on an individual.  Was God waiting for them to “fix” their error before all in the organization, as if it really matters once the person is dead?  As @Srecko Sostar alluded to, the elders had to fix the problem; which in my opinion, was an effort to save face and status as...“loving shepherds”?
    17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.  Eph 4:17,18
    Every disfellowshipping of anyone who cannot tolerate falsehoods or reject the organization, and base their belief system totally on God and Jesus Christ, have been lyingly framed.  They are then viewed as spiritually dead.  The elders assume such authority at the insistence of false prophets. (Rev 13:11,12) Look at the pain and suffering that results by both parties, on both sides of that decree; a decree not written in the Bible, but is exposed in Revelation to occur in the last days.    Rev 13:15; John 16:2; Rev 11:1-3,7
  15. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    You might have reason for argument, if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m not a JW who is part of a congregation. (Job 15:1-3)
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    81.13 Restoration Within Two Years. If within two years from the date of his suspension a brother tenders payment to the Secretary of the lodge which suspended him, the amount he owed at the time of his suspension plus restoration fee of five dollars, and the amount of the dues for the current year, or if the lodge by a majority vote of the members present remits the same or a part thereof and if such payment and/or remission shall make him clear on the books, he shall be automatically restored to membership as of the date of such payment or remission and due notice shall be taken thereof in the minutes of the lodge at the next stated communication.
    81.14 Restoration After Two Years. A suspended member who has remained suspended for a period of more than two years cannot be restored to membership automatically. Such a member shall be required to present a written request to the lodge setting forth his desire to be restored and shall tender therewith payment of all dues in arrears at the time of his suspension plus the amount of the dues for the current year and plus restoration fee of five dollars. The Master will appoint a committee for investigation and report. At a subsequent stated communication the lodge shall by secret ballot take action on the question of restoration. A three-fourths favorable ballot of the members present shall be necessary for restoration. If the member stands rejected the payment tendered with his request for restoration shall be returned to him, and he shall not apply again within six months from the date of rejection.
    81.16 When Restoration Not Permitted. If the address of a member suspended for the nonpayment of dues is unknown and he has never signified a desire to restore his membership or if he dies while suspended, a lodge cannot accept from any other person a payment of his dues and then restore him to membership. - http://members.wisc-freemasonry.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Wisconsin-Masonic-Code_2018_Revision.pdf
    In Google searching for  WTJWorg terminology - posthumous reinstatement - nothing was found. But i found Masons Constitution. But again, nothing about dead people :))). 
    .... hear and say ??? But nothing in print. Perhaps some memo (BOE letter) for elders eye only? :)))
    JW's said there is no life after death and how dead person payed for all their sins and waiting for resurrection.
    Also, God and Jesus will judge all people, including dead people. But you say how elders are in capacity to deal with dead JW members. :))) Or, particular elders just have to do cleaning job, because of living elders who made a mess.
  17. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Good decision. 
  18. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    Ask him if he realizes he is imperfect too.... and can bluff himself. 
  19. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to b4ucuhear in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    non sequitur
    It depends on whether the human decision was based on God's standards. Job, Jesus, Jeremiah...were all pariahs at one time, but not in Jehovah's eyes. Humans are limited, not miraculously inspired, imperfect, and can be easily fooled - especially when they want to be - when it is the path of least resistance. Other times there is simply little you have the authority to do anything about. But you know that already right?
    I have no idea of what your are trying to say here. Sorry.
    Seriously? You know they are imperfect right? Like you, me and every other human in existence, they can make mistakes in thought, action and judgment. I'm pretty sure you already know and accept that, right?
    Well if you call hundreds of thousands of JW's all over the world plus what has been revealed on the internet "secret knowledge" be my guest. Although I would add that certain information is classed as confidential as is true in any organization - religious or otherwise. 
    You have it all backwards. Any appeal process is supposed to be exhausted before a final decision is made and later announced. (That assumes of course the men who are supposed to arrange the appeal don't have something to hide themselves. Then good luck getting an appeal - but that would be rare in my experience.)
    Out of your mind maybe. I've only heard of this happening once and I agree with having a man's reputation restored in behalf of his friends and family who knew him. I would want that for sure if it was me. Apparently you wouldn't - that's fine. 
    I can only speak definitively on things I have seen in person or from first-person accounts from people I know personally and trust as being the "real deal." I personally have been all over the world, but that still doesn't quality me to make a statement to the effect it was happening elsewhere to any large scale past where I am. While I have been to many places, I haven't been there in a capacity where I would be intimately acquainted with the judicial matters associated with each congregation, let alone which anointed Christians felt like they were being persecuted. Nor would I put much credence in internet stories that any anonymous person could invent. I don't even expect people to believe what I say. as scripturally I'm not providing the names of any witnesses to corroborate anything I have said here. That being the case, while I wouldn't categorically dismiss your assertion, neither would I categorically accept it as representing a world-wide scenario.                   I  I thank-you and appreciate your taking the time to explain your point of view and the sincerity you have of your convictions, but I can't say I buy it. I'm sure it sounds reasonable and logical to some/many people but your personal interpretation seems to go well beyond the scope of your reference in many respects. Too many for me to go into detail here. In fact, this is where I will choose to depart from this thread, as I feel I should take my own advice and not get enmeshed in pointless arguments with opposers who don't even agree amongst themselves. I respect all of your decisions to not want to be a JW. But that's not where I want to be. I like it here. I'm happy here. I'm fulfilled here. I have a rewarding, purposeful existence here with a bright outlook and good friends. I can't see me trolling internet websites in order push a negative and often hateful agenda. I have better things to do. So bye!
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from JW Insider in Kudo's to the jw organization.   
    This virus is a terrible thing for everyone and should not be used by any religion or any government as a 'tool' to bring fear or dishonour to anyone else. I have no idea if it is a tool of Satan to cause havoc and to turn people against God and against each other. Or is it just because the standards of people have dropped so low that they are careless regarding hygiene or was it misuse of animals ? It is certainly causing a rise in racism and distrust. 
    I wish you and your family well, and hope that your friends recover from this virus. Many many people earthwide that are not JWs, some even not religious, are caring for friends, relatives, and strangers, many doctors and nurses are daily risking their own lives. Many of those are 'without Law' but they continue to do the things 'of the Law'.
    Romans 2  from v 14.
     They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by* their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. 16  This will take place in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind,r according to the good news I declare.
    May you have peace. 
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Shiwiii in Jehovah's Witnesses with covid-19 - announcement at Bethel   
    Very sad news that anyone should get this horrible virus, and even worse that they should die from it.
    But there is the wonderful hope of the resurrection which will bring good health and much better living conditions.
    Stay safe as much as you can.  
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses with covid-19 - announcement at Bethel   
    I have not heard any reports of anyone actually at Bethel being infected. I am not saying it's not possible of course. In any case, Jehovah's main concern is the spiritual safety, not necessarily physical safety of his people. If someone dies, he will live again.
  23. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    A cry for more power from a woman who wants more say in the congregation.  I think in Revelation it warns about a Jezebel influence
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in DAVID SPLANE AND HIS CARING SHEPHERDS   
    I appreciate your candor. Similar accounts that you have described is happening to anointed throughout the world, not just in your neck of the woods.  Yes, there are "good" elders with integrity, who pay attention to their conscience and either step down or leave the organization.  
    I hope you will look at the “broad application” of things, which my following post explains. This was a comment I made here a few years back, but I can’t seem to find a lot of my old posts, so I dug it up elsewhere.  I suppose there is a need to control and purge what I’m allowed to say here.  Or, maybe all experience the same for the sake of the forum’s operations. 
    Imagine a large room, where genuine anointed ones from the organization have gathered together. I say “genuine” because it is becoming a discreet trend for many to partake during the memorial, who are not anointed. In my mind, I see this as another attempt by Satan to seduce individuals into thinking that all are part of the anointed Body of Christ, under the New Covenant; and which is another step in concealing who the “holy ones” are.
    Imagine that these anointed ones in the room are robed in the holy garments that clearly identify them in like manner as the early holy priesthood, awaiting sanctification to serve in God’s Temple. (Exod 28:39-43; 39:22-31; 1 Cor 6:11; 2 Cor 7:1; Heb 8:5)

    From a door located on one side of this large room, another group arrives; men who are not wearing the holy priestly garb. They are not “circumcised” priests, but are “Gentiles” that have unofficially entered the courts of God’s Temple. Each man approaches and stands before an anointed priest, removes their holy garments, and dons the stolen robes, masking the true intentions of the heart. (Rom 2:28,29; 9:6; Heb 8:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Joel 2:1-2; Rev.9:3-10; Matt.24:21; Luke21:20,24; Rev.13:10,7) 
    They tell the anointed ones to exit by the other door; which they do, with no questions asked. The result obliterates any “daily sacrifice” that only the authentic priests are able, and are obligated, to perform. With the new fraudulent priesthood come new “sacrifices of praise” that support - not God - but an idol…an organization.   (1 Chron 23:30-32; 2 Chron 20:11,12; Ezek 8:6; 2 Cor 11:20; Matt 24:15; 1 Pet 2:5; Rom 12:1; Heb 13:15; Rev 2:20) 
    These “uncircumcised” “Gentiles” have been given free access by powerful, rebellious traitors against Christ, to enter God’s Temple…and defile it. No longer does God hear the praises from his holy ones, and no longer can His “living stones” be called, Holy. God’s genuine priesthood has been “defrocked” and a false priesthood now demands their obedience. (Ezek 5:11; 1 Cor 3:17; Luke 16:3; Ezek 44:6-8; Rev 13:11,12,15; Ps 79:1) 
    In reality, we do not see the anointed priesthood wearing holy garments. Within the Watchtower, we cannot distinguish how they are set apart for a special work under the New Covenant.( Mark 14:22-24) We may only notice them partaking of emblems at the memorial each year; but please, JWs, picture them as each one being part of God’s Temple as a “living”, Temple “stone”. (John 2:19-21;1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17) Should these stones be replaced with those ‘carved’ by men? (Deut 27:5-8; 1 Kings 6:7; Matt 16:18) 
    Because it takes spiritual discernment to see this, the Watchtower relies on their ability to cover over these spiritual insights of scripture; and by doing so, have successfully “defrocked” God’s priesthood, replacing them with “uncircumcised” “Gentiles” – the Body of Elders. (Ezek 44:23,24; Mal 2:7-9) The "sacrifices of praise" by this false priesthood do not ascend to God, since those have been abolished. They are praises supporting the Watchtower Idol - "Jehovah's organization". (Rev 13:4,7,8) 
    Watchtower 02/8/1 “REPRESENTING the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in positions of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah’s people around the earth. These men deserve our respect and wholehearted support, whether they are of the anointed or not.” “Rather than CHALLENGE their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders!”
    To enforce this blasphemous authorization of replacing God’s Temple priests, the article boldly states:
    “Jehovah’s spirit is upon them; they have his approval.”
    Is this true? God’s Word verifies that it has never been acceptable for his temple priesthood to be replaced.
    2 Chron 23:6-  “No one is to enter the temple of the Lord except the priests and Levites on duty; they may enter because they are consecrated, but all the others are to observe the Lord’s command not to enter.”
    2 Chron 13:9 - "But didn’t you drive out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and make priests of your own as the peoples of other lands do? Whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams may become a priest of what are not gods."
    Matthew 24:15 – “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ (the “disgusting thing”) spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand)”
    How can we relate this scripture to the elder body having authority over the anointed priesthood in the organization? Rev 11:1,2, shows “Gentiles” overtaking the sanctuary/"holy place" of God, and robbing the anointed priesthood of their ‘holy garments’; thus desolating the sanctuary.
    Also, Daniel reveals the intentions of WT’s leaders to destroy God’s “sanctuary”:
    “He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. 12 Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered. “ Dan 8:11,12
    The last powerful and “unusual” force of Daniel’s image expresses two contrasting elements – one of clay and one of iron, found together. The entirety of this image describes powers that have affected God’s people during their individual historic reigns, but notice:
     “The feet of the image shows that the reign over the anointed in the time of the end, is dual.
    Not only is the metallic element still there (as it was in the previous powers- All "Gentiles"-not God's people) (Gentiles-Iron); for the first time, the statue contains "clay" of the earth..."the offspring of MANKIND". (Dan.2:41,42,43)
    This clay represents those who belong to the "Potter" (Isa.29:16; 45:9; Jer.18:6; Rom.9:21), and they SHOULD be molded by Him alone. But instead, they mold themselves to the Iron (Gentiles) by conforming themselves to the iron, allowing the iron to mold them, rather than God.
    Unknowingly, these "clay" actually conform to Satan's will, becoming a part of Satan's dominion over God's people (Rev.9:1; 17:12). In a short time, that clay hardens to this form (as baked clay), and is no longer useful to its original owner. It is now suited only for destruction as an extension of Satan's "body".
    This has come to pass, in that the anointed today are DOMINATED within the Organization, not only by spiritual "Gentiles" alone; but by their own brothers who have joined in with the Gentiles to dominate their brothers in Christ....the wicked steward with "confirmed drunkards" from outside the master's household (Matt.24:45,48,49,50,51).
    When Christ, through the final capstone, "smashes" the feet of the image of Daniel (Dan.2:34,45; Heb.11:10; Eze.3:8,9; Isa.50:7; 45:17; 49:8; 54:4; Micah.1:2); it is not smashing all of Satan's world, but only the Image Satan has used to dominate God's people, which is NOT Satan's entire world-wide dominion.
    It is well known that the Image of Daniel does not contain all the political identities which have ever existed in Satan's world; But only ones which have dominated God's chosen people.”
    From “Iron and Clay” – 4womaninthewilderness blogspot
    Please, JWs, educate yourselves of the vital importance of this priesthood dominated by the fourth Beast of Daniel’s visions. Dan 7:7 Not only are the anointed ones affected by such a crushing duel power, but also are all who reside in the organization. We are to FLEE AWAY from this abomination and come to the true Mountain that will destroy the last power to afflict God’s people. Matt 24:16
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Matthew9969 in Kudo's to the jw organization.   
    My mother who is up there in age...70's. Their congregation decided to stop meetings at the kingdom hall and forgo their assembly. The local congregation is taking steps to minimize socialization and are doing their meetings via zoom and facebook, etc.  I want to thank the brother of my mother for providing her with a brand new I-pad...wish I could afford one...but I helped her get jw.org in it and facebook and zoom to the best of my abilities. At her age she finds it extremely important to stay connected. t her jw family. I am glad the governing body decided to let individual congregations do their stuff on line. Haters and anti jw's would have people think the opposite. I am glad the jws' are being responsible. I do however wish to pray for a long time friend of our family, who are jw's and medical guardians for my mother, they themselves actually have family members who are tested positive and are on life support due to this virus.
    But what I don't want to see is an article in the watchtower that says they were the only ones doing this. Throwing all other religions under the bus, throwing us family members under the bus...then running over us over and over again.
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