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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in I Almost Wish That There Was More Public Kickback From WT Regarding CSA Charges   
    Oh dear @TrueTomHarley I quote  " Countless persons are arrested with regard to child sexual abuse. Their religious affiliation or lack of is never reported. 
    But then I quote " Unlike virtually anywhere else, where the leaders of an organization are themselves the abusers.." 
    Um, Catholic church comes to mind Tom. But Tom you said  "Their religious affiliation or lack of is never reported." .... So if their 'religious affiliation' is never reported, then how come the Catholic church was being reported on long before the JW Org ?  
    Quote : The current “gold standard” of child sexual abuse to “go beyond the law” will inevitably cause you problems with those who, not surprisingly, expect you to abide by law.
    Which law Tom, God's or man's ?  Those people that love God and Christ would expect the GB and it's Org to obey God as ruler rather than men.  Whose 'law' and 'rules' and 'principles' do you live by Tom ? God's or man's ? 
    Quote  " Therefore efforts to prevent it ought to be given at least as much creedence "
    TOM, wake up. It hasn't been efforts to prevent it. It has been efforts to hide it. Elders have been allowed to remain in their positions even though it was known that they had been and still were sexually abusing children. 
    Tom you are back to your old trick, but it does not work. There is NO POINT AT ALL comparing the GB and it's rotten Org to the world which belongs to the Devil. You should compare them to God's standards required for His people.  
    Quote: .Tragically, it happens, and when it does Jehovah's Witnesses follow the law. 
    Which law Tom, God's or man's ? And which law should they be following ?
  2. Thanks
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "Barking dogs" and JW's preaching service about The End   
    And when the GB bark, all JWs jump. And every bark is a false alarm or a lie. 
    Maybe the GB has as much intelligence as the dog. Certainly the GB has as much spiritual guidance as a dog. 
    But hey, if the GB want to compare themselves with dogs, maybe they are waking up a bit. 
    Um, an organisation, JW Org, run by dogs 
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from boyle in Pennsylvania Opens Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Into Jehovah’s Witnesses; JW Survey Editor Subpoenaed   
    Thank you @Witness  That was a lot of reading but well worth it. 
    I'm sorry if I seem insulting toward Americans but there was such a big difference between calmly reading all that, or, listening to voices on video. Unfortunately the people  on video look as if they are cheering a ball game not reporting on something serious. 
    But keep it up Witness, the more information available the better. Thank you again.
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Yes, this verses are somehow in opposition to Peter's words about, obey god more than men. But you made good choose to show César Chávez how GB brake this Jesus' commands. Giving information to secular authorities they ask for, about CSA inside JWorg is not something that would make god to look bad or dishonor His Name, but and only make WT Society, JWorg  and GB leaders to look as any other human organization. That is something what make them scary.
    Because it would bring shame to Them not to Him !!
    I guess how God can handle The Truth, all sort of Truths. But human can't !! The Truth, in cases like this when it have role of revealing bad things, has only one outcome - to destroy self made image. Until you don't get to that point, people will continue with same manner (bad manner) of behavior.
    Well, Revealing The Truth is braking point, to take the blame and make change for better .....or to stay living in denying mode (fantasy world) continue with cognitive dissonance and choose "explanations" that will support The Lie.  
  5. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in I Almost Wish That There Was More Public Kickback From WT Regarding CSA Charges   
    If there has been kickback on manipulation and ‘control’ charges, and if there has been kickback on ‘flip-flopping’ charges, then I would like to see kickback on charges that Witnesses ‘cover up’ child sexual abuse. A good place to start is by pointing out that leaving reporting up to the involved parties is not the same as ‘covering up.’
    Instead, the Witness organization states that it “abhors child sexual abuse,” which, in combination with its reluctance to go there otherwise, is spun by determined enemies as though they love the stuff. Not all will do what reporter Elizabeth Chuck did and attribute it to a “penchant for privacy.”
    Why do they not respond in more detail? It may be that the sheer wickedness of the charge takes their breath away and makes them look like deer caught in the headlights. Yes, they know well the verse, “every sort of wicked thing will be lyingly said about you” but this—this is the wickedest thing of all! And the proactive arrangement started with such good intentions. Not so many years ago the notion of a religion “policing its own” was lauded as the ultimate in practicing what one preached. 
    It wouldn’t be hard to do—to provide a brief defense of criticisms leveled at them. It might start with points such as:
    “Covering up” is not the same as leaving it to the digression of ones affected to report. There wouldn’t be anything to be accused of covering up had not the Witness organization practiced what almost nobody else did—policing its own. Countless persons are arrested with regard to child sexual abuse. Their religious affiliation or lack of is never reported. The reason that it is so with Witnesses is that they tried to do something about it among their own. Unlike virtually anywhere else, where the leaders of an organization are themselves the abusers, the leaders of the Witness community are accused of botching the handling of instances—bad, perhaps—history will judge—but nowhere near as bad as being the ones who commit it. That’s a few for starters. More could be added, such as
    The current “gold standard” of child sexual abuse to “go beyond the law” will inevitably cause you problems with those who, not surprisingly, expect you to abide by law. Child sexual abuse would appear to be the primary gross planetary product—30 years into all-out war against CSA and barely a dent has been made. Therefore efforts to prevent it ought to be given at least as much creedence as efforts to secure the barn door after the cows have fled. Nobody, but nobody, has done what the Witness organization has done, gathering every member in the world to consider detailed scenarios in which child sexual abuse might occur so that parents, obviously the first line of defense, can be vigilant. This was done as part of the program of the 2017 Regional conventions.  The reason that the greater world will never make inroads with regard to child sexual abuse it that it feeds with one hand what it is trying to punish with another. The TicTok app taking young people by storm has been described as a pedophile’s dream come true. Though it is parallel and thus not exactly the same thing, the 2020 NFL halftime show demonstrates that objectifying woman is the force that makes the world go round—the MeToo movement is doomed from the start.  The matter of CSA does not go away. It is not being solved. Rather, each month brings some new revelation of how the very elements of this world keep it firmly entrenched as a societal ill. It’s intricate involvement with the Child Protective Service agencies recently was reviewed in a story I must have missed. “We have set up a system to sex traffic American children” said Newsweek in January 2018:
    And the latest scandal—pediatricians! “Sheds light on a problem that could rival priest scandals,” states an article extrapolating from a notorious case just how many there might be. And to think I got into a squabble with that nasty O’Mally, determined to put down the Caleb and Sophia video “Protect Your Children,” while she heralded one that specifically said that it was okay for a doctor to touch you in private areas. “Ask the young women of the U.S. Gymnastics Olympic team which video they think would have offered them more protection,” I told her.
    Just a few basic tenets of defense for those who would like to have some response to when workmates, schoolmates, or neighbors hit them over the head with what they just saw on TV. It doesn’t cover every tiny thing—just the general outline. The nature of critics everywhere is that they would like their complaints on center stage, to the exclusion of whatever else used to be there. Maybe its not a good idea to indulge them so. Maybe it’s enough to correct matters that need it, such as making it crystal clear to members that there is no reproach in reporting child sexual abuse to police, since the abuser has already brought about the reproach. Maybe it is enough to focus on creating an atmosphere where CSA is less likely to happen. 
    Maybe. But sometimes you do wish there was more (or any) of a public response.
    I did like the WT attorney’s words at the reversal of the Montana verdict. “There are no winners in a case involving child abuse. ‘No child should ever be subjected to such a debased crime....Tragically, it happens, and when it does Jehovah's Witnesses follow the law. This is what the Montana Supreme Court has established.”
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in I Almost Wish That There Was More Public Kickback From WT Regarding CSA Charges   
    You are right in conclusion how "involved parties" are those who may decide.
    WT elders, when came to position to hear about something  comes to be also "involved parties" because they have information. Even more, they alone examining such information and classified them into "truth" or "lies". Well, if this serious men, elders, have such crucial knowledge about crime act, what making them to be without responsibility toward - truth, justice, involved parties and victim first?
    Do we have to mention advice's made by many of this same elders, not to go to "worldly courts" because of god's name and organization honor?
    Perhaps "public" is all those people who don't know nothing or not know enough about CSA and Court cases in JWorg? Then will have at least two class: 1) JW people Public and 2) Worldly people Public. Which of this two groups will be more devastated after WT "kickback"? Or will these WT kickback be presented in two envelops, one for worldly public and one for JW public?
  7. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Pennsylvania Opens Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Into Jehovah’s Witnesses; JW Survey Editor Subpoenaed   
    I hope every JW here reads this article.  Please!
    Pennsylvania Opens Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Into Jehovah’s Witnesses; JW Survey Editor Subpoenaed
    In 1884, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was incorporated in the Court of Common Pleas in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The movement of Charles Taze Russell became an established religious business, a tax-exempt corporation that would go on to control the lives of more than 8 million devoted followers,
    One hundred years later and four hours southeast of Allegheny, I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in a tiled, heated baptismal pool in Crownsville Maryland. I was 16.
    Thirty-five years after that, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania served me with a subpoena to testify in a Grand Jury investigation into alleged criminal activity by the very same religious organization to which I devoted the formative and working years of my life. Let me explain why this happened.
    I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, the only child of devoted Jehovah’s Witness parents who had embraced the religion following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the escalation of the Vietnam war. Jehovah’s Witnesses pounded the pavements of Baltimore, preaching the imminence of Armageddon.
    Watchtower vice-president and oracle Frederick W. Franz famously came to Baltimore in 1966, delivering multiple conventions speeches, including the epic book-release of Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God. This 400+ page publication unveiled a shocking timetable of world events, including the revelation that 1975 would mark the most significant modern date in history.
    From that moment forward, everything changed. Urgency over the date 1975 drove Witnesses into a subtle frenzy, with Organization overseers using these new revelations as spiritual cattle prods, driving many to sell their homes and preach the news of the end of the world.
    When I was 8 years old, 1975 came and went, but new predictions emerged, and the old ones were revised. As a child, I could not accept that I was being lied to, so I trusted Jehovah’s Witnesses and their appointed elders.
    Among the most trusted elders was a man named Charles Brineshults. Charlie, as he was known, was a long-time appointed elder, a widower, and held the distinction of being one of the elite few remaining “anointed” Jehovah’s Witnesses on Earth. He was also a serial pedophile, but I didn’t know that.
    Charles “Charlie” Brineshults Even as a child my instincts told me something was not right. Brineshults shuffled from family to family, latching on to the generosity of anyone who would take him in. Of course, the homes he selected and the families he embraced all had children. Vulnerable children.
    It was not until about 10 years ago during a group vacation that a close friend and longstanding elder heard the name Brineshults in conversation, and he piped in “Oh yeah, he diddled kids, you didn’t know?”

    “What?” I exclaimed as I shot a piercing gaze across the South Carolina beach resort, expecting to hear this was some kind of joke. But it wasn’t. As it turns out, it was an open secret among dozens of families and nearly all of the elders in the congregation circuits I grew up in.
    I was horrified. At that moment I could instantly recall sitting in the rear of a Kingdom Hall after a meeting, watching Charlie approach me with my father nearby. “Mark is so polite when he answers the phone, I am very impressed He speaks to clearly and with such maturity.”
    I was barely 10 years old. Like so many others, I was unaware I was being groomed, and were it not for the screen of my extra-protective mother, I would most certainly have been one of his many victims.
    And then there was Ongsingco.
    Louis Ongsingco was a charismatic Watchtower-appointed pioneer minister and self-declared pied piper of the local Jehovah’s Witness children. He was engaging, well-traveled, and he liked girls. Young girls.
    Louis Ongsingco Louis was a jet-setting flight attendant who frequently returned from Paris or London with expensive chocolates and other gifts for the kids he liked the most. He was also a massage therapist.
    He had a smooth-talking way of conversing with teen girls, advancing his hands further and further from their shoulders to their backs, then finally blurring the lines between friendly conduct and full-on sexual assault. I saw this myself.
    I was barely a teenager when I approached local elder Robert “Bob” Manke about Ongsingco’s behavior with girls. Where else would I go? My parents couldn’t control Louis, and I didn’t know that this was a matter for the police. How could I? So I trusted that Manke and the other elders would handle the situation.
    They didn’t. Instead, they told Ongsingco that I had outed him, which led to severe chastisement from Louis himself. It was frightening. Meanwhile, Louis kept up his behavior, and decades passed. After leaving the Witness religion in 2013, I wanted to see what happened to this man.
    After a brief investigation, I discovered that Louis Ongsingco went on to sexually assault multiple women, both Jehovah’s Witnesses, and non-Witnesses. By 2001 at least seven different women filed two lawsuits against Ongsingco.
    These lawsuits are independent of additional allegations against Ongsingco, including those of two women who claim that Ongsingco placed his hands down the front of their shirts when they were teenagers.
    One of those women came forward to the Atlantic in 2019 and was interviewed by journalist Doug Quenqua, who investigated Jehovah’s Witnesses in his article The Secret Database of Child abuse.
    The Atlantic Article
    In 2018 I was introduced to journalist Douglas Quenqua, a respected writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, CNBC, Buzzfeed, and other periodicals. Doug had learned that I had received hundreds of pages of child abuse case documents from several Jehovah’s Witness congregations, and he wanted to learn more.
    Over the course of 2018, we spent a number of days discussing these documents, and why Jehovah’s Witnesses had not reported these cases to the police. The incidents were horrifying, and worse yet, they revealed that most of the perpetrators were still at large, and were in contact with children.
    On March 22nd, 2019, the Atlantic released Doug’s article. 24 Hours later, two elders rang our doorbell before 10 AM. We did not answer. When we checked our security camera later, it was apparent who these men were. They were church elders from the Perry Hall Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Maryland.
    One of the two elders is the father of a woman who was sexually assaulted by not one, but two Jehovah’s Witness men. The men were Brineshults and Ongsingco.
    Two Church Elders at my door, seeking to disfellowship I remember thinking how pathetic it was to be chased down by the very men who have been covering up child abuse for years, and whose children were among the victims.
    On April 14th, 2019, Watchtower representative and local church elder Joel Raniolo mailed two certified letters to my home, demanding that we attend a judicial hearing at the Perry Hall church. When reached, Raniolo refused to divulge why he had sent the letters, and how he had obtained our personal information.
    On May 14th, 2019, another Church elder announced to the Perry Hall congregation that Mark and Kimberly O’Donnell are no longer Jehovah’s Witnesses. It had been 35 years since my indoctrination and baptism back in February 1984.
    The Pennsylvania Grand Jury
    In the weeks following the release of the Atlantic article, national and global attention became focused on the Jehovah’s Witness religion. In particular, the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General took notice of the allegations of corruption within the Witness Organization.
    The State of Pennsylvania is no stranger to the cover-up of abuse within religious organizations. In 2018, the Attorney General’s office released the results of a two-year investigation into the Catholic church, following multiple substantiated reports of child sexual abuse and corresponding cover-ups.
    On July 2nd, 2019 I was interviewed in my home by the Deputy Assistant Attorney General of Pennsylvania, along with a Special Investigator for the State. For more than three hours I provided documentation and details concerning the policies and practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially in connection with child abuse.
    On July 29th a Special Investigator arrived at my Baltimore home and served a subpoena for me to appear before the 45th Investigative Grand Jury of the State of Pennsylvania.
    Finally, on August 22nd, 2019, I arrived at the State Capitol before 7.30 AM and was sworn in by Judge J. Wesley Oler in his chambers. Moments later I entered the large Grand Jury room, where 23 grand jurors and approximately 12-15 alternates were stationed at their desks, positioned to take notes and record their questions on paper.
    A Grand Jury is a special tool used by state and federal governments to investigate criminal allegations against persons or institutions. The powers of grand juries are wide-ranging and potent. They include the ability to subpoena and compel witnesses to testify, and those witnesses are encouraged to speak freely and without fear of reprisal.
    Any form of retaliation is taken seriously by the office of the Attorney General and the presiding judge. Of course, Jehovah’s Witnesses had already executed retaliation on my wife and me in response to our efforts to shed light on the epidemic child abuse problem within the religion.
    My testimony lasted more than two straight hours as I sat facing the Grand Jury and the Deputy Attorney General, together with several State Attorneys and Special Investigators.

    Grand Juries can be cathartic experiences for cooperative witnesses who testify on the side of civil justice. That was my experience.
    For the first half of my initial testimony, I recounted my personal history within the Jehovah’s Witness religion, beginning with my religiously isolated childhood. It was an opportunity to share my experiences with a large group of citizens who will ultimately make important decisions when they vote on the choices presented to them.
    There were moments of levity amidst the proceedings, including a curious exchange in which I discussed the history of the Witnesses’ custom Bible, the New World Translation. I explained how the translation was largely the brainchild of Frederick W. Franz, whose linguistic education was limited to a maximum of two years study of Greek, and no training in Hebrew.
    The irony of this information was not lost upon the investigating members of the Grand Jury.
    The Grand Jury and the JW Organization
    As the morning progressed, my testimony turned North to the driving force behind the reason these people were assembled in this room- to comprehend whether the religious hierarchy which drives this religion is responsible for the failure to report the crime of child abuse.
    A large whiteboard was placed to my left, facing the grand jurors. At the very top, the letters “GB” were written in large letters, then circled. It was clear that the Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania understood that the decisions and power of this religion lay at the top of a complicated network of corporations, congregations, Circuit Overseers, and churchgoers.
    I spent some time attempting to explain the spider web of mechanisms used by Jehovah’s Witnesses, describing the difference between their view of the spiritual and the legal.
    Branch Committees, Corporations, Circuit Overseers, Congregations, Elders, Ministerial Servants, Pioneers, Publishers- all of these found their way to the diagram of the Witness organization. Lines were drawn connecting all of the organizational machinery which comprises the Jehovah’s Witness religion. In the end, all roads terminated at the Governing Body.
    After testifying for more than two hours, I was excused and held in a waiting area while the Grand Jurors scribbled their questions on paper and handed them to the Deputy Assistant Attorney General, after which I was brought back into the room, and given the opportunity to respond to the questions.
    The process was dignified, thorough, but clearly an incremental process. Four months later, I found myself escorted once again into the halls of Pennsylvania justice, this time in a brand new government complex even more secure than the prior Strawberry Square location.
    Grand juries are most often 18 months in length, with citizen jurors obliged to comply with the civic duty once per month for several days at a stretch. In some cases, grand juries are extended another 6 months. So it was no surprise that I returned 4 months after my initial testimony, this time to discuss documents.
    The smoking gun of certain crimes lies in the creation of a paper trail of evidence that substantiates repetitive negligent or criminal behavior. If there’s one thing the Jehovah’s Witnesses are not lacking, it’s documents.
    From the inception of Watch Tower Pennsylvania in 1884, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been in the document business. As the religion branched from printing Bibles and books to buying and selling real estate, the global corporations expanded, and so did the need to maintain centralized control over a growing member base.
    By the 1970s, the Witnesses had tightened controls over congregation elders, formed Governing Body Committees, and published letters to all Elders on various corporation letterheads. They even began publishing a secret elder’s manual with strict instructions that it be concealed from anyone not an elder.
    The expansion of congregation elder bodies meant that members trusted local elders to handle certain matters which would otherwise be best handled by law enforcement. Elder bodies became the police department for Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    As the organization became further centralized, policy letters became the norm. While many documents dealt with routine activities for the church, other letters started to emerge which seemed to border on matters best left for law enforcement.
    On July 1st, 1989, Watchtower New York issued a now-famous six-page letter to all congregation elders, labeled “confidential.” This letter warned elders not to divulge confidential information to “unauthorized” persons, including the police.
    It was clear that the rising number of child abuse cases in the Organization needed to be addressed, but Watchtower insisted that their New York Legal department act as first point of contact for any elders who learn of abuse.
    This letter served as the opening salvo in a policy of obstruction of justice for victims of child abuse and the law enforcement agents who could have helped them.
    On December 18th, 2019, I sat before the Pennsylvania Grand Jury, listening to the reading of the entire six-page letter from 1989.
    It began to hit me how serious these letters were, and how vital they are to the investigation into Jehovah’s Witnesses. Every line, every paragraph was dissected and scrutinized. And then more letters were introduced.
    On March 14, 1997, Watchtower released yet another directive to elders, and this time they asked for documentation of known child abusers serving in any congregation. It was, in effect, an official announcement of a secret database of child abusers.
    On Page two, the letter stated:
    This single sentence has formed the basis for a series of civil lawsuits in California in which attorney Irwin Zalkin and his team have worked many years to expose, knowing that Watchtower is harboring the names of thousands of child abusers in its database. Many of the abusers are still at large and serving in positions of authority among Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    These were just a few of the many letters I reviewed and certified as authentic for the Pennsylvania Grand Jury.
    What Effect Will the Grand Jury Have?
    I cannot speculate on the full nature of this investigation, as these proceedings are sealed off from the public and the press. The Office of the Attorney General cannot confirm or deny that there is an investigation. They cannot confirm or deny that they will seek to investigate and subpoena specific individuals, such as victims, attorneys, experts, active elders, or members of the organization who serve at the highest level.
    Subpoena for the 45th Investigative Grand Jury Only those who testify, and who have not been placed under a gag order from the presiding judge may discuss their testimony, if they choose to do so. Otherwise, until their investigation is complete, they will not comment.
    There are a number of possible consequences of this Grand Jury investigation, and it may take some time before we see the results. One outcome is a presentment- a recommendation that charges be filed against a person or organization. Another outcome is a formal report, like the Catholic Church report released in 2018.

    Whatever the case, the Office of the Attorney General has the power to issue search warrants and subpoenas, to compel testimony, and may even cross state lines to accomplish their work.
    After a lifetime in the Jehovah’s Witness organization, having seen the damaging effects of child abuse and the cover-up of these crimes, I am thankful that the Government of Pennsylvania has finally turned its attention to the organization which silenced the voices of survivors and those who champion their rights.
  8. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Isabella in Pennsylvania Opens Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Into Jehovah’s Witnesses; JW Survey Editor Subpoenaed   
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "'BREAKING NEWS' The Montana Case Has Been Re-filed!"   
    This is good news. But I'm not one for wishing for massive payouts. 
    I think it is clearly known by now that the GB and their Lawyers are dishonest, the Watchtower Soc and CCJW are run by those GB and lawyers, so are there by also dishonest. 
    And Jesus said at Matthew 5 v 40 - 42
    And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.
    So, some balance is needed. The GB and their lawyers are greedy dishonest people. The lawyers of the victims are greedy and may be dishonest people. BUT, the victims are in the middle of it all. 
    If the GB didn't use dishonest lawyers. If the GB served God and lived and acted and worked by Bible 'rules' and principles, as Jesus' words above, then this situation would not be here. 
    The GB are the ones that bring shame on the Watchtower Soc' and on JW Org. So, unfortunately the whole W/t and CCJW will suffer because of the sins / dishonesty of the GB.   
    Didn't the Nation of Israel suffer for the sins of King David ? 
    It is quite obvious that if there is a Paedophile in a congregation, the whole congregation should be told who it is and should be on special alert. 
    1 Timothy 5 v 20
    Reprove before all onlookers those who practice sin, as a warning to the rest.
    v 21 says " I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels to observe these instructions without any prejudice or partiality ".
    Do you read this. Without any prejudice or partiality.
    The GB and it's Elders use verse 19 as an excuse to disbelieve CSA accusations, but do not use verses 20 and 21. Hypocrites. 
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Quote @César Chávez " Does that mean, the government has FREE, reign in collecting information? NO! Many states are overstepping their authority to appease the masses, according to their own established laws. Those are the arguments being presented all around the world to the courts." 
    But just read Jesus' words that God's servants SHOULD LIVE BY.
    Matthew 5 v 38 through 42.
    “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’a 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.b 40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment;c 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.
    Do you see the huge difference in JWs attitude as different to Jesus' words ? 
    So why oh why JWs, do you pretend to live by Bible 'rules' and principles ? 
  11. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    And do you have proof of that Tom ?  i doubt it very much. 
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Um, I remember saying that this forum was full of elders.
    And now i also know why Mr Harley is so bitter toward the truth about JW Org. 
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    @Isabella Thank you for this information which has been discussed on this forum previously but it's nice to have a refresh. 
    There are many things that I don't quite understand about the GB / their lawyers and JW ORG. 
    (An interesting side note here is this :- Mr Tom Harley, the very sarcastic story teller, tells me that I know nothing. However I do wonder if his attitude was the same toward people when he was an Elder. )
    To continue :
    This American GB / JW Org Database was, so we believe, started in 1997. = 23 years ago.
    However the Australian Royal Commission, that found 1006 CSA accusations in JW Org Australia, went back 50 years. 
    Now JW Org is an American based religion. It started in the USA. So, if Australia Bethel has Paedophilia reports going back over 50 years. WHY does American Bethel only have a database going back just 23 years ?
    Next point : I do not have knowledge of how the ARC obtained the 50 plus years of information. Did the Aus Bethel offer the information or did the ARC demand the information ? Either way and even if, court proceeding occurred, the information was obtained by the ARC and was used to make a full investigation.
    Now here in the UK, I understand that when the Charity Commission asked for similar information from the UK Bethel, that the UK HQ refused to hand it over. I understand that a court case occurred and that the UK Bethel lost the case and had to hand over the information. That is how I understand it, and I've never dug deep into it. 
    But in both case, Australia and UK , the records of Child Sexual Abuse were handed over to those people in authority that were investigating the JW Org. 
    The scripture relating to being in submission to the Superior Authorities would fit well here.
    It should also be noted, or so my information has it, that the Charity Commission has not closed it's investigation but it is ongoing. Add to this that the IICSA investigation is also in progress here in the UK.
    So where does that leave the GB and it's Lawyers in America ?  
    We could ask many questions about God's role in all this, and the role of Christ Jesus. 
    In my opinion, God and Christ have washed their hands of it all. How can that which is Holy be involved with that which is not holy. We now know that the GB and their Lawyers are not inspired of God. We also know that the GB has given permission or instruction for the Elders to deliberately tell lies. They are calling it 'spiritual warfare'. Is that really God's viewpoint ? 
    It seems though that there is now a big divide in the different Bethels / JW HQs around the earth. Each country is no longer living 'as one organisation earthwide' all serving God. But each Bethel is 'doing it's own thing' when it come protecting itself against the courts and media coverage concerning Child Sexual Abuse within the CCJW. It seems as if the GB are losing control. 
    The news about the UK congregations money and their properties being taken over by an outside source seems to fit in well here.
  14. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Dear Elder @TrueTomHarley it appears that  @James Thomas Rook Jr.  has just proven YOU to be LIAR.
    So now YOU are showing YOURSELF to be the MORON. 
    This quaint idea of 'memory loss of convenience' for you, does not convince anyone that you speak truth. 
    What is obvious though Tom, is that my speaking truth upsets you greatly. The proof of that is your continuing insults of me. You call me a moron, you reply to Anna, that I know knowing at all. It is a continual bombardment of insults from you, an (ex) Elder. 
    I think it was James that said 'De nial isn't just a river in Egypt' How right he was. 
    Tom, you push this idea as a pretence, quote  " All as reported by those who would be happy if JWs were to vanish off the planet. " 
    You try to use this idea as a way to discredit people and reports, that tell the truth about the GB and the JW Org.  In fact Tom, some of those you try to discredit are your Brothers. 
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Quote @James Thomas Rook Jr. " I think your judgement is premature or possibly wrong for any number of legitimate reasons."
    Well then I think it matches his judgement of me  But I can also understand you defending a brother, even if he is wrong . And elders have been told they can tell lies as it's spiritual warfare
    Yes 3 smiley faces as I do think it's all so funny.  
    James, you seem to have shown proof by providing photos of the letter where it actually says it. Unless that letter is fake ? 
    But being as JWs can tell lies and seem to have a clear conscience about it, then there is no level playing field and no knowing truth from lies on here or anywhere else that JWs tend to comment. 
  16. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from César Chávez in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Quote @César Chávez " Does that mean, the government has FREE, reign in collecting information? NO! Many states are overstepping their authority to appease the masses, according to their own established laws. Those are the arguments being presented all around the world to the courts." 
    But just read Jesus' words that God's servants SHOULD LIVE BY.
    Matthew 5 v 38 through 42.
    “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’a 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.b 40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment;c 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.
    Do you see the huge difference in JWs attitude as different to Jesus' words ? 
    So why oh why JWs, do you pretend to live by Bible 'rules' and principles ? 
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Secular government is in position to give report to their citizens, about what they doing, who voted for this or that government. If people are not satisfied after get to know what politicians/leaders doing, many governments will be replaced with new "governing body", by voters.
    WT Society Leaders are not placed in their position by members, and members can't change policy and direction of Corporation. But even ordinary members today can be in position to collect information about organization he/she belong to. And because members can't change "governing body" rulers, by voting, he/she can vote for him/her self and leave organization because of many sorts of corruption inside WT Society.  
  18. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    In cases when CSA is in question, and we are here under this topic, clear mind and responsible people will cooperate with secular authorities in contributing to prevent, to stop or to punish this sort of crime. We are not  speaking about  normal "daily paper trail". It is about crime trail !! 
    Who is that "anyone"? Members are that "no one (nobody)". Their status not giving them any chance to see "daily paper trails" of WT. And in general JW people are not interested for that. Also, "normal daily business" is not something that people in general have to know about.
    They (members) are allowed to give (donate) money but are not entitled to know when and why and how much money is used to pay when WT lawyers fight against CSA victims ??!! Public interest for JW members would be to know this sort of "daily paper trails" about how WT operate in this issues. In this WT failed and they are hiding this as many other does. 
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    By what legal theory should I give you the keys to my house?
    You are always welcome to try and TAKE it from me ... THAT would be interesting!
    CC, you are the only person I have met (so to speak ...) that has a severe case of WDS AND TDS.
    The difference is that WDS is a sword that cuts BOTH ways, whether inside looking out ... or outside looking in, and people with fine motives on either side can become infected.
    TDS evolves from a deranged mind that where Narcissistic Personality Disorder has run amok.
  20. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in What Does A Secret Database Kept By Jehovah’s Witnesses Reveal About Potential Sexual Abusers?   
    Their state of "no interest" is fostered by the lack of integrity.  If the organization's leaders were to show integrity, they would feel obligated to inform their members.  Out of love for their neighbor, they would make it happen. Matt 22:39  Out of love for Christ's teachings, they would make it happen. John 14:15 Instead, they uphold their "unrighteous decrees".     Isa 10:1-4; Rom 2:5   
    If only JWs would not put up with unrighteousness.  
      "Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain
        is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked."  Prov 25:26     
  21. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Kosonen in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    We can learn something from what apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:15:
    "True, some are preaching the Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16  The latter are proclaiming the Christ out of love, for they know that I have been appointed to defend the good news; 17  but the former do it out of contentiousness, not with a pure motive, for they are intending to create trouble for me in my prison bonds. 18  With what result? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed, and I rejoice over this. In fact, I will also keep on rejoicing,"
    The Governing Body should not limit spiritual progress on earth. Jesus told that he gives talents to each of his slaves and sends them to increase his assets here on earth. So one slave should not put limits on other coslaves of their Master Jesus Christ. We are free to examine scriptures and believe them and preach about them. 
    Do not ordinary JWs agree that USA plays an important role in Bible prophecies?
    I should not compromise with what I believe is true. 
    Jesus said that we should not bother if we gain people's approval or not in a such case:
    John 5:44 "How can you believe, when you are accepting glory from one another and you are not seeking the glory that is from the only God?
    John 12:42 "All the same, many even of the rulers actually put faith in him, but they would not acknowledge him because of the Pharisees, so that they would not be expelled from the synagogue; 43  for they loved the glory of men even more than the glory of God."
    And Jesus' apostle Paul said a similar thing:
    Galatians 1:10 "Is it, in fact, men I am now trying to persuade or God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I would not be Christ’s slave."
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Kosonen in What Makes Jehovah's Witnesses Unique?   
    In fact many of you have admitted that JW Org is not unique, by saying that all religions have problems such as Child Sexual Abuse and immorality etc. So most of you admit that JW Org is just like all other religions. 
    JW Org also DOES have a clergy class, the Elders. Those Elders run the meetings, give Public talks and do the Watchtower study. They are the leaders in Field Service. They also act as policemen in the congregations. They listen to the confessions of the congregants.
    Those Elders also claim Clergy Penitent Privilege. How could they do so if they were not clergy ?
    There are collection boxes at every Kingdom Hall and they do ask for donations at assemblies. 
    Not so united when it comes to CSA problems. Some countries hand over files, USA refuses to hand over files.
    There seems to be plenty of politics mentioned on here . 
    Fully integrated ?  Um, I suppose that means they will sit in the same KH or assembly together.
    I suppose the question should be
    What makes JWs think they are unique ?  
  23. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Please don’t look for end-time prophesies here, Kos. And please don’t present network TV as the channel of love. Please don’t tell us that love emanates from Harvard. Nor tell us that Congress starts each day with consideration of the daily text: “Can’t we all just get along?”  Just don’t—on any of those counts.
    Go back to your meetings, won’t you? Join your wife and kids. Tell the brothers that you’ll try to refrain from running ahead. Work on your people skills. You don’t have to parrot every little thing. It is enough not to grab the wheel.
    Why is everything so American with you? NYC is Babylon the Great? Trump is the Man of Lawlessness? How are those in India or Romania going to get their heads around that?
    If JTR got back in due to cherishing the core teachings, anybody can. Don’t present yourself as a true prophet arising in our midst and you’ll do fine. It’s okay to present yourself as a person having doubts about this, that, or the other thing. Congregation elders have mercy toward such ones. (Jude 22) But the mercy will wear thin if you present yourself as instructor to the worldwide organization.
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in "'BREAKING NEWS' The Montana Case Has Been Re-filed!"   
    The Montana case has been re-filed!
    As of February 6th, 2020, plaintiffs Nunez and McGowan have re-filed their claim in Sanders county, where the original trial was held. 
    I know I am going to get a lot of questions on this case so please be patient. 
    To give you the short explanation, this case is being filed on the basis of willful negligence on the part of Thompson Falls elders, Watch Tower Pennsylvania, and Watchtower of New York.
    The original trial was predicated upon the decision by Judge Manley that Watchtower had broken Montana's mandatory reporting law. While we believe this to be correct, the Supreme Court decided that Watchtower was entitled to the clergy-penitent loophole, indicating that they had no choice but to allow Jehovah's Witnesses to take advantage of this poorly-written law.
    Now that the Montana Supreme court has made this ruling, this case reverts back to some decisions which were rendered prior to the trial involving negligence. 
    The simple way to say this is that Lexi and Holly's attorneys were not given the opportunity to properly make their case for negligence because the judge had already assessed fault to Watchtower for failure to report. 
    Hence we are going back to the drawing board in making the assertion that despite Montana's laws, Watchtower and the elders will still willfully negligent in their practices.
    Another way to say this is that even when a person or organization is technically innocent of breaking a law, they can still be sued for negligence. 
    In the Montana case, the elders were absolutely negligent in failing to warn and protect Lexi and Holly after learning of the dangers of being cared for by a known child predator. 
    Additionally, there have been updates in Montana law following the 2018 trial where the Statues of Limitations for civil liability have been extended, and which allow Lexi to file her case once again without fear of the expiration of SOL.
    And finally, we have one more piece of news in this case: 
    Watch Tower of Pennsylvania has been added as a defendant in this case, despite the vocal protests of Watchtower attorneys from New York. There have been additional revelations and documents secured which contradict Watchtower's original claims that Watch Tower Pennsylvania is not involved in child abuse cases, and that they are only involved in copyright matters. 
    Documents obtained reveal that Watch Tower Pennsylvania has assets well exceeding one billion dollars, plus multiple offshore bank accounts and investments. 
    I want to thank everyone who has ever provided leaked information, documents, and details which provide proof that all of these Watchtower corporations are just alter egos for one another and for the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. 
    Enough is enough. It's time to pull back the veil of secrecy and hold this organization accountable for its destructive influence upon millions of followers, particularly the vulnerable children who have suffered for so long. 

  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Kosonen in What Makes Jehovah's Witnesses Unique?   
    WT organization has indeed what in practical terms is a clergy class. The Govering Body requires absolute submission to its beliefs, similar or even more strict than other clergies. And the WT organization has a very strict hierarcy to enforce Governing Body control including elders, circuit overseers, branch commitees etc. 
    If that is not a clergy, what is then a clergy?
    But the Bible says about the anointed: 
    "As you come to him [Jesus], a living stone rejected by men but chosen, precious to God,  you yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4,5).......9 But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies”of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10  For you were once not a people, but now you are God’s people once you had not been shown mercy, but now you have received mercy."
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