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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    You are really a control freak. They bought it for one purpose and years later sold it because it was no longer needed. You ascribe motives to them which you cannot prove.  You expect them to really sit on it when they can sell it?   Even if they sold it at a profit - they can build umpteen kingdom halls in africa for the money they got. That is called wise and discreet - not greediness or avarice.
    When you feel like hammering something - everything looks like a nail.
  2. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Arauna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    @TrueTomHarley proves his lack of love and respect for God and Christ by each and every comment he makes. Tom you are so well trained / brainwashed by the GB and it's Org. 
    Quote Mr Harley " It so happens that the “thing of the world” under discussion is the building that they meet in "
    BUT IT WASN'T. It was a wreck that needed millions spent on it, and should have been pulled down. 
    It is only the worship of such buildings that make people waste time and money on them. So because your GB & Co worshipped that building, hundreds of naive congregants worked hard on it to restore it, for no pay. But when your GB sell it, who gets the money ? None of those congregants will get a dime.  
    Were those congregants told it would bring praise to God ? Could those congregants not see that it was just a showy display of GB / JW Org wealth through donations.  It does not bring praise to God by any sincere worshipper of God. It is just a showy building. It was originally built as a showy building by people 'of the world'. The building has not changed.  It is just real estate for the GB to play with and make money from. 
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Arauna in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    You sound like a total control freak..... since when did Jesus say one cannot sell a place for whatever reason. The only thing one burns and do not give away or sell is an object for idolatry or spiritism..... such as spiritistic books or something that will be venerated.
  4. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    But in 1983, the neglected theater was purchased for $1.8 million by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society from Delaware Corporation...........In 1988, the theater, which is on the NJ Registry of Historic Places, underwent an initial renovation phase, but the latest, completed in a nine-month period from 2012-2013, has restored even more value and splendor to the space.....“We are largely self-financed,” said Robert Warren, media consultant for the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, noting that the project was funded by individual donations from Witnesses across the world. “Whoever wants to build a tower must first count the cost,” he cited biblically, attributing the successful funding to strategic planning. “Rather than start and escalate, we evaluate first.”.....Over two thousand Witness volunteers from across the United States worked together on the large scale project, with work completed through volunteers only with the exception of contractors for only high-risk safety needs.......“We know it is a privilege and we consider it an honor to be here,” Simonsson added.....“We automatically assign a sacredness to the building because of our worship,” said Warren, of Witness Assembly Halls. “Having this space adds to the grandeur of why we are here.”.....
    1,8 mill $ for buying. Perhaps value of volunteer working hours and materials is also enormous.  Any suggestion?
  5. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    How many times as a JW have you read this scripture below?  When does its meaning truly sink in?  When we leave the Watchtower behind, and our eyes finally perceive Watchtower's earthly lusts.  
     "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."  1 John 2:15-17
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    I believe how secular system for imprisonment of wrongdoers, and trial process working very similar. Court if found guilty take in consideration many details, also is wrongdoer repentant or not, but in many cases separates wrongdoers from society by putting them to jail or a prison. With limited visits of course - but no shunning policy :))) It seems how they were "inspired" by Bible when made such program.  
  7. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    You’re just upset because you practice “Buy high, sell low” and they don’t.
    There was a certain amount of protest from the malcontents of the time about building ornate palaces. The brothers weren’t having any of it. They weren’t building anything, they pointed out—they were restoring what was already there. In so doing, they brought an architectural jewel brought to life and received considerable praise from the local community. It had fallen into neglect and disrepair. A few more years and the wrecking ball would have claimed it. 
    ‘Don’t witness to any visitors,’ the tour guides were told. ‘Let the building be the witness.’ They acquired a fine meeting place for a song and a bit of elbow grease. The brothers were happy. The community was happy. Everyone was happy except you and Witness.
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    A time of rebellion indeed and it's easy to see that the GB are rebelling against God and Christ. 
    Idolatry in the extreme. The GB worship money, power and position, and even buildings. 
    One building the GB and others at the top of the JW Org worship is this one.
    Scroll down on that link and see the idol worship and money wasted. 
    I wonder how much of congregants donations were wasted on the restoration of this monstrosity.

    But they won't give money willingly to Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, that were abused in JW Org. Much of the abuse was carried out by Elders. And the GB continue to keep the secret data base of over 20 years, whilst wasting money on the worship of buildings. 
    Please show me how this is serving God properly ?  
  10. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    This is such a successful, and pervasive lie.  If there was a leadership that needed attention other than those who’s words are in the Bible, you would think books would have been added concerning their “leadership” and “organization”, as a solid template for your own leadership.  WT has taken one account and blown it out of proportion…to suit their earthly, insatiable desires.
    You may want to see the conversation Arauna and I had on the subject:  https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/forums/topic/84867-c-t-russell-was-labeled-as-an-apostate-by-the-adventists-in-1877/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-134575
    "Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead)"  Gal 1:1
    "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
    10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.  Gal 1:6-10
    The Way then and now, is NOT by means of an earthly organization. 
    This is the Way to life:
    "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
    “A highway will be there, a road, and it will be called “The Holy Way”. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it will be for those who walk in the Way. Wicked fools shall not go there.”  Isa 35:8
    You are turning your head away from WT’s obvious sins, which is so foolish.  Where do we find the source of WT’s sins?  It is with your leaders who are not appointed by God.  If they are uninspired, they assume a role of “faithful and discreet”.  
    “Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you. Whoever does what God approves of, has God’s approval as Christ has God’s approval. 8 The person who lives a sinful life belongs to the devil, because the devil has been committing sin since the beginning. The reason that the Son of God appeared was to destroy what the devil does. 9 Those who have been born from God don’t live sinful lives. What God has said lives in them, and they can’t live sinful lives. They have been born from God. 
    10 This is the way God’s children are distinguished from the devil’s children. Everyone who doesn’t do what is right or love other believers, isn’t God’s child. 1 John 3:7-10 
    Bloodshed happens every day in your organization. The innocent are “condemned” for rejecting this lying organization.   If one finds “the Way” in Christ, your leaders “kill” them.  John 16:2; Rev 13:15 
    11 The message that you have heard from the beginning is to love each other. 12 Don’t be like Cain. He was a child of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did Cain murder his brother? Because the things Cain did were evil and the things his brother did had God’s approval. 13 Brothers and sisters, don’t be surprised if the world hates you.
    The world that hates those who find the right Way, is your world.  Sir, you are on a path designed by “wicked fools” to lead you away from truth in Christ.
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    @the Sower of Seed  " They have God's view of war, of murder, of abortion, of headship, of voting, of trusting in men, of the use of blood, of immorality,etc.... "
    The GB have no idea. 
    1. The GB say that God and Christ trust them, so then the GB tell people to trust them.  Trusting the GB is 'trusting in men', when the bible says 'Put not your trust in earthling man'
    2. How many more of you JWs will pretend that the GB and its Org have God's view of immorality ?
    Look around this Earth. See the hurt and pain the JW Org has caused people through Child Sexual Abuse. Then look at all the court cases where your GB are using dishonest lawyers to tell lies in courts, just to save your GB money. JW Org has big businesses in the world earning millions of pounds / $, but they do not want  to pay compensation to Victims of CSA. The GB have even made rules of shunning to deliberately push people away from their families and friends. The misuse of scripture is horrid. 
    The only 'seed' you are sowing is one of lies.  
    I'll repeat this scripture :- Matthew 5 
    38 “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’a 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.b 40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment;c 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you."
    Direct instruction from Jesus to the Anointed. To give and not hold back.  Why are your GB doing exactly  the opposite to the instructions of Jesus Christ ? 
  12. Sad
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    A time of rebellion indeed and it's easy to see that the GB are rebelling against God and Christ. 
    Idolatry in the extreme. The GB worship money, power and position, and even buildings. 
    One building the GB and others at the top of the JW Org worship is this one.
    Scroll down on that link and see the idol worship and money wasted. 
    I wonder how much of congregants donations were wasted on the restoration of this monstrosity.

    But they won't give money willingly to Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, that were abused in JW Org. Much of the abuse was carried out by Elders. And the GB continue to keep the secret data base of over 20 years, whilst wasting money on the worship of buildings. 
    Please show me how this is serving God properly ?  
  13. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    @the Sower of Seed  " They have God's view of war, of murder, of abortion, of headship, of voting, of trusting in men, of the use of blood, of immorality,etc.... "
    The GB have no idea. 
    1. The GB say that God and Christ trust them, so then the GB tell people to trust them.  Trusting the GB is 'trusting in men', when the bible says 'Put not your trust in earthling man'
    2. How many more of you JWs will pretend that the GB and its Org have God's view of immorality ?
    Look around this Earth. See the hurt and pain the JW Org has caused people through Child Sexual Abuse. Then look at all the court cases where your GB are using dishonest lawyers to tell lies in courts, just to save your GB money. JW Org has big businesses in the world earning millions of pounds / $, but they do not want  to pay compensation to Victims of CSA. The GB have even made rules of shunning to deliberately push people away from their families and friends. The misuse of scripture is horrid. 
    The only 'seed' you are sowing is one of lies.  
    I'll repeat this scripture :- Matthew 5 
    38 “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’a 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.b 40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment;c 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you."
    Direct instruction from Jesus to the Anointed. To give and not hold back.  Why are your GB doing exactly  the opposite to the instructions of Jesus Christ ? 
  14. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    Today's "apostles" were not trained by Jesus. Not in literal way and not in some other way. JW leaders claiming how they not receiving "inspirational training" from Jesus. Reading Bible and thinking/mediate about text and prayers are only "training" they have. Imagine this: If real apostles in 1st century failed in many things after/despite training by Jesus, how much more errors can be expected from people who today claiming how they are (only) "guided by holy spirit"? 
    Saul of Tarsus was highly educated person. Today GB tells (teach) JW members how God and Jesus not need "higher education". Can we assume how Saul was well trained and excellent because of THIS background? And how Jesus had easier task to learned him and not need 3,5 years, because he got more effective mind as highly educated person? Do you suggest how 11 apostles had less desire to serve and learn?
    It is worrying to hear. In fact, enormously worrying!
  15. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to the Sower of Seed in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    The 12 Apostles were trained by Jesus and spent time in the door to door ministry.It's not so much the training as it is the vetting, Judas lasted 3-1/2 years. The GB members may have individually spent 40,50,60 years in full time volunteer service while studying the Bible and supporting materials. 
    Saul of Tarsus was well trained and excelled because he had a desire to serve and learn. As an example to every person outside of the Way, the Apostle Paul was shown he needed to subject himself to this Way. He needed to humble himself to the leadership of the Way then. Imagine that, the man that wrote 13 books of the Bible needed to humble himself to the older men of Jerusalem. Today there is not another organization on Earth closer to that Way than Jehovah's Witnesses.They are seen as the people who have preached the Good News of God's Kingdom in all the inhabited Earth and continue to let the world know a prophet is in their midst.Their Name Glorifies the Only True God Jehovah. See Exodus 3:15
    They have God's view of war, of murder, of abortion, of headship, of voting, of trusting in men, of the use of blood, of immorality,etc......................................................
    Jehovah has blessed them and continues to support and lead them through Christ's direction.
    Anyone who has faith in an Almighty God, who inspired the compilation of 66 books and foretold 100's of future events that we recognize all came true. He explains why we are here, why conditions are as they are and what we have to look forward to, to hope in. If we trust Him with our lives and of those we lost in death, we surely must trust He can lead men who know Him, pray to Him, individually and in groups,men who have forsaken this world and it's desires.
    They must have faith He can make the changes HE desires. It really doesn't matter how the 1st GB members were appointed. I have faith that they were vetted over decades.Jehovah's Witnesses are excelling where others are failing, the GB are doing a fine job before Jehovah, Christ and the congregations. No one else are their peers.
    Everyone Trusting in Jehovah, does Just That! 
  16. Upvote
    Good! more light....new light, old light,  ANY light needs to be shone on this behavior and bring it out into the open. The practice of hiding abusers is wrong, and if any group thinks that they will not answer to God for it, good luck. People need to be informed about organizations that do this.
  17. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    In individual perspective, this life we have, in this moment, is all we have. 
    In case of people who believe in continuation of life in the moment of death, prospect is also life but under several outcomes, that is: paradise, hell and purgatory.
    In case of people who believe in future resurrection, as in case of JW members, outcomes have also few variations: to survive, or, and, to be resurrected and if you be enough good to continue with life until you don't do something what deserve death punishment. Next is, not to be resurrected and in such case, this life today is definitely all you have.  
    Perhaps WT Lawyers forget about congregational rule or they never heard about it: "leave it to God" :)) 
  18. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    Valid points made on both counts.
    Sigh......Maybe they will someday turn over a new leaf and I will see on the webpage:
    ”Watchtower—home of the polite lawyers, the reasonable lawyers, the Christian lawyers.......anybody representing anything can roll them.”
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    This is a good attitude, and is probably expected for one who remains a Witness. But it's also very easy to start thinking that a person who asks for money damages is somehow tainted, or we think they must not believe that this system will be over in a few decades at most.
    But we must be ready to square this with the fact that the Watchtower has sued for money damages on a few occasions, and sometimes not just to the guilty parties, but a scattershot suit that becomes a fishing expedition among many different companies to try to put the true story together to see who is responsible. The following was the first of many reports that came up on a Google search of "Watchtower sues over Warwick site "
    Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick ...
    www.recordonline.com>article>NEWS   Dec 14, 2015 - A slew of companies sued by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society say they don’t bear responsibility for contaminating the Warwick site where the religious group is building its massive world headquarters, and will therefore not pay for it.Watchtower, better known as Jehovah’s ...
  20. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    It is entirely a matter of “Is this life all there is”
    If one thinks that it is—if one’s sole horizon in life is only for a few decades—the way one approaches many things will be completely different. 
    @Annamentioned one victim in the suit who wanted no part of it. He or she wanted to ‘get on with life’ & was content that the perpetrator was punished & and did not feel the desire to blame parties that he thought were not at fault.
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    @Anna  I was hoping the investigation was going to look at each 'religion' separately, but by my understanding it looks as if it is just a blanket / overview of all those 'religions' pushed in together. 
    It mentions having more than one person in the witness box at a time and looks like it will just gloss over things. 
    For instance it is about Jews, Islam / Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and many more....   How is it possible to mix all those people into one investigation ?  
    Some of those 'religions' mutilate (FGM) girls private parts, some marry off very young girls to very old men, but they say it IS part of their 'religion' or 'custom'.  They are not denying it. 
    Whereas, Jehovah's Witnesses say “Jehovah's Witnesses abhor child abuse in all its forms and do not shield wrongdoers from the ... "
    So here we see a totally opposite attitude. A denial rather than admittance........ It is known, whether you wish to believe it or not, that the JW Org hide paedophiles and have hidden CSA in it. (Otherwise there would not be court cases and investigations Earthwide ).  It is known that the JW HQ here in UK did not want to hand over information to the Charity Commission. So it seems to make it obvious that the JW Org does not want to cooperate with any investigation... (Hence their choice in whose statement they are using, see lower down)
    As I read it also, the investigation WILL NOT look at past 'happenings and actions'. They only want to know what is  happening now. So how will the investigation have any information on the procedures that have been used in the past ?  I think it is always good to have a bit of the history to examine whether an organisation / religion has a past record of 'doing things properly'. It might help to establish whether that org / religion can be relied upon to 'get it right' in the future. 
    Whose statement they are using. The CCJW (JW Org) are using a statement by Mr Paul Gillies who WAS (past tense) a member of the Britain Branch Committee. That man is now safely tucked away in American HQ it seems, as Director of Public Information at 'World HQ'. So, he will not be available for personal face to face questioning. How convenient.  We know that the GB have given permission to people in 'authority within the Org' (including Elders) to TELL LIES.  We know the GB call it Spiritual Warfare.  So, I am quite sure in my own mind that Mr Paul Gillies' statement could easily be full of lies and have GB approval. And as I say he cannot be cross examined / questioned. 
    ( Please note at this point : I am NOT a fan of Lloyd Evans, and I don't think he will be helpful to the investigation at all. )
    All in all it looks to me like a very weak pretence of 'investigating' Child Sexual Abuse.  It looks too frightened to 'ruffle feathers' in NON White / NON British religions such as Jews and Muslims. It is obvious that those Non White / Non British religions / organisations would scream racism or some such excuses, or use the idea of ' freedom of religion' to continue doing harm to children. 
    BUT Jehovah's Witnesses are, whether one likes it or not, basically a White Mans religion. ( We needn't go into the past about depicting Jesus as white etc, but point proven. )  By that I mean that JW Org, can't or won't scream racism as an excuse for anything.  I also doubt that here in the UK JWs would cry 'religious discrimination' either. And the way this investigation is being carried out they could not I suppose, because they are just being lumped in the pot with all the rest. 
    So what do we have ? We have JW Org lumped in with all the rest, which impairs an investigation into CSA in the JW Org itself. We have, not being able to discuss / show previous processes / procedures of particular cases from the past, which would have been good evidence of wrongful use of scripture and wrongful action by men. We have a statement from a man who no longer resides in the UK (and hasn't done for 18 months at least ) and cannot be cross examined on his statement. We have a GB that gives their permission to tell lies to protect JW Org. 
    So a 'false' investigation, a 'fake', a pretence. It will cost a fortune, it will probably upset many in 'those other' 'religions', it will not serve a good purpose to clean up the Org, it will not bring any justice to Victims of CSA, AND, most importantly, it will not bring any praise to Almighty God. 
    It would be wonderful if I am wrong and I'd be happy to admit it if I am. And if it could bring praise to God in any way, that would be the best ever result.  Have a good day. 
  22. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    It is possible to take this stand. But that has consequences too. Good? Or bad? If rain coming through roof of the house, will leaving thing to something or someone in the future bring to better or worst condition.
    God leave earthly things to be earthly human job. With good and bad outcomes. Bible said something like;    When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.
    This mantra,  platitudes - "live it to god", is not proper answer for many things we faced. For some things in life more time is needed, but not in a sense that JW people using this internal proverb with hope how something will be resolved without doing nothing or without interest and efforts for something. Victim need help in a way and quality and quantity that he/she as individual can manage and receive, in time and with time set by these specific individual.   
  23. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in Haiti Ten Years Later—Is Nothing Fixed?   
    I wouldn’t even consider it.  The organization and its leaders have a tainted reputation, that goes way back.  Follow it, and tell me if you cannot perceive its deception. It breaks each of God’s laws in Christ, but has an uncanny ability to hide this fact from those who are more loyal to the organization than they are to God and His decrees. 
    Ps 119:18-24 
    I defend God, Arauna.  I defend Christ.  I don’t defend an illusion. And neither should you.   Zech 10:2; Rev 18:4-8
  24. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    In Croatia, Bethel workers have also pension and health insurance benefits. Obviously also paid from contributions. 
  25. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to JW Insider in Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Lie to the Montana Court About Confidentiality?   
    Thanks. I deserved it. It's true that there is almost no comparison between elders and the payment factor with the clergy. I'm sure it's the main reason that this particular distinction is made so clearly in the article. We happen to have a "paid" elder in our own Kingdom Hall, but it's rare, and was supposed to be transitional, as this housing was designated for the circuit overseer who stays in a different hall.
    But I can't see any reason to argue such a distinction for the COs and many Bethelites and Governing Body members who definitely are paid with housing and meals, along with a small cash allowance for other services and needs. And these payments are produced out of the collections of money that HQ receives from our contributions. What would likely happen if everyone stopped contributing food, housing, cash, monetary estates, liquid assets? The CO's, Bethelites, and Governing Body would no longer have housing and food, and because they are no longer being paid this way, most would no longer be able to perform the duties they now perform.
    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this in the least. Paul was a full-time minister who said that the 'bull should not be muzzled when threshing out the grain.' He had a right to expect payment for his ministry if he wished, just as others were doing.
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