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Patiently waiting for Truth

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  1. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    I don't need to prove your insinuation. However, go back to 2017.
    You want to tell visitors here you're a lone wolf even though you follow a fake anointed Pearl Doxsey"? Clearly, more lies coming from one that professes to be Christian. 
    The Watchtower bylaws are reflective of its constitution, the Bible. Therefore, you have a problem with what was started by one man, then later commissioned to many men.
    Do you ever get tired of copy/paste from Pearl's meaningless website? However, 1-3 sure looks like "bylaws" to me. Care to change your position, before I outright call you a liar again?
  2. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Prove to me that I actually said that.
    I’m not part of an institution, an earthly organization, or a corporation.  You are too use to the ways of the Watchtower.  I follow the scriptures, not “bylaws” created by men. 
    A once JW, I don’t know who, wrote this years ago about your institution and its policies:
    The Watchtower Society is clearly an organizational IDOL. Anyone who has been a JW for even a short length of time should have no problem discerning this as we are continually commanded to:
    1. Reject ALL information pertaining to the bible and its interpretation if it does not come from the "spirit-anointed organization" exclusively
    2. Reject ALL persons that do not fully agree with and adhere to all the "spirit-anointed organization's" doctrines, policies and procedures.
    3. Reject/dismiss ALL our inner doubts/concerns and even our God-given conscience when these bring into question any of the teachings of the "spirit-anointed organization".
    Further, just as in the case of King Nebuchadnezzar and the three Hebrews, bowing down to this imposing, shiny image-- the "spirit-anointed organization"--is required by all who do not wish to be thrown into the Governing Body's fiery furnace by their attendants --the elders and others in the congregation! Those that refuse to bow down to, or worship (i.e., loyally obey) this image/idol/god are either marked, shunned or disfellowshipped and also told that they are rejecting Jah; spearing His slave; mentally diseased; awaiting death at Armageddon, etc. (I was marked and shunned [an old WT teaching that's still practiced by some] though never disfellowshipped.)
    Any who may be shaking their heads in disbelief can prove this to themselves by simply commenting at their meeting that the "faithful and discreet slave" as mentioned in Matthew and Luke has not been appointed by Jesus yet (this is an accurate statement scripturally [Luke 12:39-46], but not organizationally). It may take more than one attempt before the elders and others decide to act, but they will without fail nonetheless. (Try it –I dare you! Lol)

    Anyone with even a negligible amount of bible knowledge should be able to see that these man-made commandments and policies in themselves directly violate Jah's command to "have no other gods/images against my face...nor be induced to serve them" (Exodus 20:3-5). Contrary to the frequent admonition by the Gov. Body to resist "independent thinking", God's word also tells us to use the thinking ability He gave us to distinguish false prophets from true (Matthew 7:15; 24:23-25; 1 John 4:1) by appraising or scrutinizing them and their teachings (1 Corinthians 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 3:4); to not put our trust in earthling man (Psalm 146:3,4); and to obey Him (Jah) as ruler rather than men in ALL things and at ALL times, regardless of how insignificant it may seem (Acts 5:29; Luke 16:10). Most JW's can recite many of these verses in their sleep; yet they unwittingly disobey them by blindly and hypocritically clinging to the unscriptural teachings of their own religious leaders (the men of the Governing Body)while at the same time zealously exhorting others to do just the opposite (Romans 2:21-24; 12:9; Matt 15:8). This interesting dichotomy is clearly due to highly-effective cognitive programming by the GB, not God's word which tells us that Jah is NOT partial (Acts 10:34a).

    I will never forget one particular meeting where a well-respected elder of many years made the comment to all in the congregation that "whatever comes out of the mouth of the Governing Body should be considered as coming out of the mouth of Jehovah." That in a nut-shell truly sums it up, leaving no doubt as to the real identity of the so-called "spirit-anointed organization". These men are not inspired by God and even admit to this yet put themselves on equal footing with Him (2 Thessalonians 2:4), even going so far as to enforce exclusive devotion to their so called “spirit-anointed organization”.

    Why JW’s even possess bibles is beyond me; they are of no real use to them anymore than they are to the Mormons. As one individual stated recently, JW’s should change their official name to “Watchtowerites” as this would accurately describe who they really worship/serve.
  3. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Why would anyone want to meet with apostates to discuss your false doctrine, much less the bylaws of that institution? Who are you people to DEMAND an audience?
    How many companies have you heard of that allow their ex-employees in their boardroom to discuss anything about that company?
    This observation truly shows where your group is in reality. I suggest you tell that group of fake anointed to take a hike! From me, and stop pestering the Watchtower with your nonsense.
    And if I would hold you to the same standard of how you view the Watchtower articles about being suggestive and implying, Then YES! You have insinuated you are anointed.
    They also know about all the apostates that have written books with their false narratives. What's your point?
    You have just "condemned" yourself as an outright liar for telling people here for years about there is no need to gather. Oneness.
    I personally didn't need you to acknowledge something I knew all along, but to you see you finally admit it is something else.
    You mention the 8, who are the 8? If you are referring to the GB, do you honestly believe Jesus would have allowed himself to be tempted by Satan?
    Personally, as a Christian, I don't need to know where apostates gather, that is the most "obtuse" thought that would be in anyone's mind.
  4. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Then tell your “anointed” to take their lamp-oil business elsewhere and watch the “economy” of the “Great Eight” collapse like Putin’s Russia. Sheesh! This is so stupid it’s hard to see how anyone could take it seriously! There’s only eight of them! And if you think they are all fraudsters just cut them out from your glorious company and do your magnificent deeds without them! See if you can make them cry over that. 
  5. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Anna in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Please do tell us where and when so that we may check it out. Thanks
  6. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Witness in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Do you think they have not received letters from many anointed, including those whom I associate with?  Most definitely. 
    Have they received an invitation to meet?  Yes
    Did these anointed receive a response?  No.
    Do you believe that GB would even allow them into their secure compound to talk with them in person?  No.
    They know who we are and they know what is written about them.  
    Have you read the parable of the wise and foolish virgins? Matt 25 The foolish virgins "buy" their oil for their lamps from  those who sell it.  The wise virgins join Christ.  Who "sells" regulated spiritual food in exchange for devotion to them, and to their organization?  Rev 13:11,12,15-17
    Rev 18:4-8 
    I do meet with anointed ones and those not anointed.   The eight have their ways that you could not imagine, of attempting to stop whatever is written about them.  
  7. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to TrueTomHarley in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Well, why doesn’t Witness and the other aggrieved anointed, assuming they exist, meet in defiance and tell the eight GB members at Bethel to take a hike? It is because they don’t exist. The anointed in Jehovah’s organization have no problem complying with current understanding. Only those “anointed” outside Jehovah’s organization have a problem with it. Witness claims to be one of them. So why doesn’t she meet with her fellow off-brand “anointed” to her heart’s content? How are the eight in Bethel going to stop her? Why would they even want to?
    You dodo
    The CSA charges have been dealt with many times, and you just repackage them and run them through again. It is rare for elders and ministerial servants to be perpetrators (whereas it is the pattern in certain churches). Holly Folk, an abuse victim, a non-Witness, and a scholar puts the hysteria in perspective:
    Even allowing for dodoness there is no way you cannot know this, yet you continue to make the same incendiary charges. This makes you not only a dodo but also a liar.
  8. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    This depends on how you view the word community. You might want to consider the latter on the definition you posted as evidence.
    People don't need to be clustered together to be part of a community. You, ExJWs, have something in common here. By definition, you're part of a community.
    "the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common."
  9. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    The same as it doesn't bother you a bit about all the CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE done by Elders, MS and others in the JW Org. 
    And it doesn't bother you a bit to deliver LIES to people in the form of w/t magazines and tracts. 
    And it doesn't bother you a bit that your GB tells the Anointed NOT TO MEET TOGETHER, AS IT WOULD BE WORKING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT. 
    You hypocrite 
  10. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes that was 'stolen' from someone else. Printed in  KM and people still deny it    
    Dream on JWs including JW supporter SM. 
  11. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   

    Doesn't this prove the point ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  
  12. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    There is no EXJW community. There ARE EX JWs.   
    community a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. "Montreal's Italian community" . the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common. "the sense of community that organized religion can provide"   The only thing EX JWs have in common is that they are Ex JWS.  BUT Ex JWs ARE Ex JWs for many different reason and therefore have different attitudes, feelings, thoughts and deeds.  I TELL YOU THE TRUTH I AM NOT PART OF ANY COMMUNITY EVEN THOUGH YOU JWs WANT TO PRETEND I AM.    SM seems to need to place me in some fake 'group' now and he says he's a Truther. Nothing truthful about lumping a person into a fake group.
  13. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes that was 'stolen' from someone else. Printed in  KM and people still deny it    
    Dream on JWs including JW supporter SM. 
  14. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   

    Doesn't this prove the point ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  
  15. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    The same as it doesn't bother you a bit about all the CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE done by Elders, MS and others in the JW Org. 
    And it doesn't bother you a bit to deliver LIES to people in the form of w/t magazines and tracts. 
    And it doesn't bother you a bit that your GB tells the Anointed NOT TO MEET TOGETHER, AS IT WOULD BE WORKING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT. 
    You hypocrite 
  16. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   

    Doesn't this prove the point ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  
  17. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    The same as it doesn't bother you a bit about all the CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE done by Elders, MS and others in the JW Org. 
    And it doesn't bother you a bit to deliver LIES to people in the form of w/t magazines and tracts. 
    And it doesn't bother you a bit that your GB tells the Anointed NOT TO MEET TOGETHER, AS IT WOULD BE WORKING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT. 
    You hypocrite 
  18. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    And Butler himself. Seems more of a sarcastic remark, no different from your other mannerism even as your last 2 tenures, as did the one when Admin got invovled.
    1975 being the the start of God's Day was never promoted by them, therefore, the latter leaned on speculation.
    Here are your receipts. The majority knows the context of 1975, but as pointed out, you and the others attested otherwise. As seen below:
    There is more as your last tenure, 2Jah4me, as is John Butler.
    The truth of the matter is, nowhere did they state the day is of that year, it was more inline with what they stated regarding human history, those who speculative saw differently, hence the claim of which @Witness and @Srecko Sostar is pushing as a truth.
    This was because of a speculative narrative. It was already addressed that there were those who took context in what was said, and then there were those who assume otherwise, hence the action was taken. This was said several times in this thread.
    The God's Day notion also breaks even further due to people still preaching, for it contradicts Matthew 24 and 25 concerning the end of the gospel work.
    They never promoted 1975 was indeed the day, be it vocal or in whatever publication they had, your latter statement said otherwise when you attempt to show me an archived citation, which does not even suggest that.
    This is a matter of truth, the only Agenda is pushing a narrative based on speculation to profess it as a truth, which is a problem. Funny you use that term yet you fell for an Alt-Right and a Leftist article meant to draw emotion and speculation.
    The notion was leading more into the history of human existence, granted ALL Christians know the End is near concerning End Times, in this case, no one believed it to be 1975 expect those who speculate and spread information, thus reap the action, as to what was mentioned, even by you. Only to later be weaponized as a truth, when it is not.
    You are of the EXJW community, are you not? Some of the things cited by you, even in the past, shows that, i.e. showing a book often pushed by said community that has outlandish views of your former faith, so outlandish that it is deem highly questionable, although you did not read; pushed it without knowing what it entails, you sided with @Srecko Sostar briefly prior to me calling out what was in it. To make the matter even worse, the author being in connection with the Kairos Movement, of which is everyone, even everyone here, to you, to me, Srecko, JWI, Witness, Dmitar, etc.
    The community has a thing for pushing misinformation and half-truths, so much so even some among their own go against them. This is the same community that killed something in it's tracks which could benefit both JWs and EXJWs, related to what you are always talking about.
    Yet you lack discernment to know who is telling the truth here. Christians should display that, for someone who changed their name to patiently seeking truth, you are not applying here, thus clouded judgment. 
    That being said, learn to open your eyes next time around, and I say that politely, as I do with all misguided.
  19. Upvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I honestly don’t think he is…no witness would talk as he has and does but he does have a lot of info and good at chronology….I think he’s a plant to cause divisions ..and he’s very good at it,
  20. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    To the readers. What @Patiently waiting for Truth is selling to you here is fertilizer.
    An account of a real Jehovah's Witness experience.
    "I was baptized in 1966 so I was there in 1975 and it had absolutely no effect on me nor anyone in my very large family. The reason that it had no effect on 99.9% of Witnesses is because most were listening to what was really being said and not speculating. They were NOT saying that the end would come in 1975."
  21. Like
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Oh do be quiet SM. (That was being polite)  Show me exactly where I said the above about JWs. We all know it was promoted amongst JWs from the mid 1960's. Someone even showed a W/t magazine from around '67 which wrote about being in the 'last part of the last day', and then there was some mention of a JW Elder saying from the platform "Stay alive 'till 75".
    I have a close relative who is a JW Elder and he knows that JWs WERE selling their houses and leaving their jobs, to preach full time. Just because the Leaders didn't print it in the Watchtower does not mean that they were not promoting it in other ways. But you, like all others, only believe what you want to believe, because it fits your agenda. 
    And what 'community' exactly do you say I belong to ? 
    Dimmy has one thing right. There is NO spirituality here. 
  22. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Oh do be quiet SM. (That was being polite)  Show me exactly where I said the above about JWs. We all know it was promoted amongst JWs from the mid 1960's. Someone even showed a W/t magazine from around '67 which wrote about being in the 'last part of the last day', and then there was some mention of a JW Elder saying from the platform "Stay alive 'till 75".
    I have a close relative who is a JW Elder and he knows that JWs WERE selling their houses and leaving their jobs, to preach full time. Just because the Leaders didn't print it in the Watchtower does not mean that they were not promoting it in other ways. But you, like all others, only believe what you want to believe, because it fits your agenda. 
    And what 'community' exactly do you say I belong to ? 
    Dimmy has one thing right. There is NO spirituality here. 
  23. Downvote
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Your playing with words  to try to prove that our preaching  work has stopped…you NEED to beleive that to support your own arguments,,,time and time again you have had it explained to you that we still preach…by letters phone and Informally  and yes by the internet and zoom which is operated under careful directions so one’s like you do not enter certain meetings….
    as a people we use the internet a lot now…but face to face and flesh to flesh  is a a better way to do it…it’s like the skin on skin meaning…but we have had to learn to make the internet work for this…the time will come when all this will disappear…even internet…and we will as a people adapt to that as well..if it should happen.
    People are having bible studies and going on to be baptised…even in my own extended family…one’s who I never ever thought would…some of them have left the truth..didn’t cope with some things they thought were unfair or too wrong…but see the basics and the relationship to Jehovah is the most important thing…they are prepared to,put up with what they don’t agree with as they are usually not doctrinal concern..
    Gods people will always have errors and many of them very grave ones ….like King David who did an census…and tens and tens of thousands of his people died for that error so you will be able always to show our errors on written paper.
    To those who wonder about us…I hope you get to know a witness you click with and check things out now..all the best to those ones thinking on it…
  24. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No, since there are other avenues for preaching. Therefore, householders are NOT denied that spiritual work.
    Actually, the only one playing games is you by misrepresenting the facts. The facts are, the preaching work continues regardless how you want to manipulate the Watchtower literature. 
    The question a visitor should ask, can a manipulator of Watchtower literature and facts be trusted? That is a burden that should way heavily on former Jehovah's Witnesses. Finding different excuses to criticize the Watchtower. Remember, Just like Jesus didn't allow such criticism sway his conviction, neither does the Watchtower.
    JWs are not pushing away people from learning about God and Christ, former Jehovah's Witnesses are doing that. This is why I express it too, @Witness since she believes she still holds the foundation of Christianity within. She is wrong!
    A Christian with cracks on that foundation is no Christian.
    "1 Co 11:17-22
     For, adds he, there must be heresies also; not only quarrels, but factions, and perhaps such corrupt opinions as strike at the foundation of Christianity, and all sound religion. Note, No marvel there should be breaches of Christian love in the churches, when such offences will come as shall make shipwreck of faith and a good conscience."
    You only need to look deep into this website, with TWO forums in particular. JW closed forum, and JW open forum. They both defile the teachings of Christ. What good does it do to have your outer garments cleansed when your heart and mind are spoiled. It makes no sense to the readers, nor does it promote trust in God, when they themselves fail to do so.
    Here, Jehovah's Witnesses and former Jehovah’s Witnesses are equally guilty. In any case, former Jehovah's Witnesses plant themselves as "light" after darkness. You only need to see there is NO light resonating to know that the person is an apostate. People can tell by their manipulation and deception. Especially those that are so vested in disparaging their former institution. Even those that say they are active members resonate no substance equal to former members.
    So, apostates have a tail, and they cannot hide from God, just like Adam and Eve couldn't.
  25. Haha
    Patiently waiting for Truth reacted to Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    There are several local churches that go around placing flyers on doors or vehicles to encourage people to attend church. That has gone for decades in the USA. My local church did that for years until it closed its doors. But at some point, the lack of trust will become an issue with all Christian denominations. People won't know who is a real minister or a fake one. That has already begun with some unscrupulous people pretending to be JWs.
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